Calorie content and nutritional value of peaches, norms for fruit consumption when losing weight.

Peaches appear on the shelves of markets and supermarkets in mid-summer. These are juicy and sweet fruits that we all love. They are very filling, and thanks to their sweetness they can replace our usual desserts, especially if we are on a diet, because The calorie content of peaches is not high at all, but they bring enormous benefits to both the body and figure.

More than 85% of the volume of peaches is water - this is why these fruits are so juicy, and this is why peaches contain so few calories, because water contains no calories. Also, peaches contain a certain amount (about 1%) of plant proteins, a small amount of fatty acids, but the main share of nutrients and calorie content of peaches comes from carbohydrates - they make up a little less than 10% of the volume of these fruits. Moreover, along with fast carbohydrates, which tone up and add strength immediately after they enter the body, peaches also contain slow carbohydrates (starch, pectin), which are not broken down immediately, but gradually, releasing their calories also gradually, thanks to which peaches saturate quickly and for a long time. and provide energy for a long time.

The average calorie content of peaches is about 45 kcal per 100 g. The average fruit weighs about 85 g, so the calorie content of a peach is only 39-40 kcal. With two fruits you will satisfy your hunger for a long time, while consuming less than 100 kcal. These fruits are great for low calorie snacks and desserts.

How many calories are in peaches depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit and its variety. Ripe fruits contain a lot of simple carbohydrates - fructose, glucose, sucrose, therefore the calories in ripe peaches are higher than in unripe ones, which have few carbohydrates and a lot of fruit acids and fiber.

The calorie content of sweet peaches is higher than that of unsweetened ones: for example, the calorie content of nectarine peaches is about 49 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of fig peaches is already as much as 60 kcal per 100 g. But these fruits are still less caloric than cookies and sweets , confectionery etc., so you don’t have to worry about your figure when you feast on them.

Benefits of peaches

Like most fruits, peaches are very rich in vitamins, mineral compounds and organic acids. They contain tartaric, malic, formic and other acids, as well as essential oils and pectin substances, which improve digestion and promote the breakdown of fatty tissue. Peaches also contain fiber, which cleanses the body of waste and toxins and removes excess sugar and cholesterol from the blood. This, along with the low calorie content of peaches, helps these fruits fight extra pounds.

Peaches are rich in micro- and macroelements: they contain calcium, selenium, iron, potassium, iodine, manganese, fluorine, aluminum, chromium, lithium, magnesium, silicon, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, nickel, sulfur and copper. Thanks to this, peaches improve blood composition, strengthen blood vessels, normalize the water-salt balance in the body and remove excess salt from body tissues, strengthen the heart, improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, strengthen bones and tooth enamel, slow down the aging of the body and block the formation of cancer cells , normalize metabolic processes, stimulate brain activity.

Peaches are rich in vitamins. They contain vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, vitamin H, which makes our hair beautiful and thick, and our nails strong and healthy, vitamins K and PP, which strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels, vitamin A, which improves vision, and also B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic and pantothenic acids), which normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve mood, increase performance and help fight stress and withstand emotional or mental overload.

Peaches are easily digestible by the body and quench hunger and thirst well. They help relieve heartburn or cope with constipation, help digest fatty foods, normalize the secretory function of the stomach, strengthen the heart and other muscles, and cleanse the body. It is useful to eat them for gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, bile ducts or kidneys, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as stress and great nervous stress. Peaches are useful for anemia, they have a mild diuretic and laxative effect, they are also useful for diseases respiratory tract. Regular use Eating peaches for several weeks significantly improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and also normalizes digestion, improves performance and reduces fatigue. Freshly squeezed peach juice, if drunk half an hour before meals, will facilitate the digestion of food, especially fats, and will not allow the latter to be deposited in fatty tissue.

Who should not eat peaches?

These fruits, despite all their usefulness, are not recommended for everyone.

Although peaches are low in calories, they contain many simple carbohydrates, including sucrose., therefore, they should be used by people who are sick diabetes mellitus or obese, not recommended. Also, peaches should not be consumed if you are allergic to them, as well as for people with an easily excitable psyche, prone to rapid mental reactions - this is due to the ability of peaches to stimulate the activity of the nervous system.

Calorie content of peaches and weight loss

As mentioned above, peaches are beneficial for weight loss for a number of reasons. Firstly, this is the low calorie content of peaches, which allows you to reduce the total calorie content when consuming them. daily ration. Secondly, peaches contain substances that have fat-burning properties, accelerate metabolism and break down fats. Thirdly, they contain fiber, which improves digestion and removes toxins and waste from the body.

In addition, weight loss is also positively influenced by the satiety of peaches and their rich nutritional composition– they fill you up well, you can snack on them during the day or replace dinner, they contain a lot of vitamins and mineral compounds, they improve your mood and tone you up, which helps you avoid the weakness and apathy typical of a diet.

To lose 2-3 kg in a month, simply replace second breakfast and afternoon snack with 1-2 peaches or 1 peach and a glass of low-fat kefir, yogurt or yogurt. The calorie content of such a snack will not exceed 100 kcal, but it will give you strength and satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours.

To lose 5-6 kg in a month, replace dinner with these fruits. With peaches being low in calories, you will eat no more than 180 kcal at dinner., if your menu consists of 3 peaches and a cup of kefir or yogurt.

If you need to quickly cleanse your body, use a mono-diet on peaches: for 3 days, eat only peaches, eating at least 1.5 kg of these fruits and drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In 3 days you can lose up to 5 kg by cleansing the body, removing toxins, salts and excess fluid, as well as by activating metabolic processes and breaking down fats.

However, remember that the peach diet can only be followed by people with healthy digestive organs.

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Summer is a time of fruit abundance. Peaches, popularly nicknamed “the food of the gods,” can rightfully be considered among the sweetest, most aromatic and juicy drupes. In my family, everyone loves peaches, from a two-year-old to a long-living great-grandmother. Despite the sweetness of the pulp due to the presence of sucrose and fructose, this fruit is actively used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition, as it has medicinal properties and low energy value. But first things first.

The peach tree is cultivated in warm climates, in the southern zone of Eurasia. Fruit different varieties plants may differ in taste and smell (rich peach and fig), color and texture of the pulp (white, red, orange, yellow, fibrous, elastic, gristly), shape and size (round, flattened, elliptical), skin (velvety , smooth). Peaches include nectarine (smooth fruit), fig peach (disc-shaped peach), and ordinary peach, familiar to us from childhood.

The wrinkled-grooved seeds can be separated from the pulp with ease, or they can be difficult to remove. Inside the seeds there is a seed rich in lipids and fatty acids. It is this that is the raw material for obtaining by cold pressing, which has found application in aromatherapy, medicine, professional and home cosmetology.

In orchards, fruits on trees fully ripen from July to September. Ripe peaches are eaten as fresh, and in processed form. There are table and canning varieties intended for various culinary purposes. All kinds of preparations and seaming for the winter are made from them, ranging from exotic jam and jam, and ending with compotes and liqueurs, as well as dried and dried.

All types of peaches contain biologically active compounds that are beneficial for human body. Therefore, nutritionists advise including fresh fruits into the diet as a tasty dessert during the season (June-September), and during the rest of the year consume canned peaches, for example, in own juice, or in the form of dried fruits.

Biochemical composition of pulp and calorie content of peach

Peaches are almost 90% water. The amount of proteins and fats is minimal, 0.9 and 0.3 g, respectively. The pulp contains up to 19 g of carbohydrates, natural sugars, lactose, alimentary fiber, ash substances, pectin compounds, phytoncides and essential oil.

Vitamins in peach are represented by beta-carotene, retinol, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and group B substances (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 AND B12). The fruits also contain vitamin K, which affects blood clotting.

Fruits are rich in organic acids (tartaric, quinic, citric and malic), mineral salts of iron, potassium, copper, selenium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements. Oil, polyunsaturated fatty acid and amygdalin.

For purely practical reasons, many women are concerned with the questions of how much a peach weighs and how many calories does it contain? Energy value fruit is 39 kcal for every 100 g of pulp. Whole fruits differ in size, so their weight varies from 70 to 200 g, that is, on average about 140 g. The weight of the stone is approximately 26% of the total volume. Therefore, a large pitted peach can weigh 120-135 g on average.

By feasting on one juicy fresh fruit, you will provide your body with only 50-60 kcal, so it makes sense to eat peaches as healthy snacks or instead of a traditional high-calorie dessert. Thanks to its delicate pulp, natural sugars and fiber, fruits perfectly satisfy hunger and increase energy potential, while saturating every cell of the body with vitamins and mineral salts and supplying the brain with “working fuel” - glucose.

The soft and nutritious pulp is quickly digested, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. Peach is good for those suffering from constipation, flatulence, heartburn and poor appetite. Nutritionists advise including drupes in the diet of patients after severe illnesses associated with decreased immunity.

Peaches benefit people with chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular, nervous and excretory systems. Due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in the pulp, the fruits are indispensable in the diet of those who suffer from tissue swelling of various origins, hypertension, arrhythmia and nervous disorders.

Pectin compounds and dietary fiber in drupes help to activate intestinal motility and remove metabolites, toxins, carcinogens and toxic substances with feces, and organic acids trigger fat burning processes, which makes the fruit useful for those who are watching their weight.

The beneficial properties of peach include:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • sedative;
  • fat burning;
  • cleansing;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • antioxidant;
  • antimicrobial.

Studies show that the benefits of canned peaches are much lower than fresh ones. When seaming and processing fruits under the influence of high temperatures, vitamins are partially destroyed. In addition, the addition of refined sugar to the syrup, related to fast carbohydrates, increases the calorie content of peaches and makes them unsuitable for weight loss.

However, even after processing, the product retains pectins and fiber, macro- and microelements, and some organic and amino acids. The most valuable types of preparations are considered to be fruits canned in their own juice. In any case, 2-3 drupes from a jar instead traditional dessert(cakes, sweets, a piece of cake, cookies, etc.) will bring much more benefits to the body.

Used for youthful and beautiful skin and hair

Fresh peach pulp and juice are actively used in home cosmetology. Masks with fruit help improve the quality of care for both young and aged skin. They are useful for owners of all skin types, as they saturate the dermis with nutritional compounds, soften, smooth out wrinkles and have powerful hydrating (moisturizing) properties.

Peach goes perfectly with milk and dairy products, and oatmeal, clay powder or starch are used as a binder for masks. For dry epidermis, cosmetologists advise adding peaches to home remedies. vegetable oils, for example, from peach, almond, grape and apricot seeds.

The fruits are also irreplaceable for hair health. Using a mask made from the pulp of 2 juicy fruits, 30 ml whole milk and 5 drops of oregano essential oil can quickly restore the elasticity of colored, permanently or split hair. The composition is applied before each shampoo for half an hour under cellophane, and washed off with your favorite organic shampoo.

Contraindications for use

The fruit is not included in the menu for people with allergies to peaches and pollen. High glycemic index(due to the presence of sugars) makes the product undesirable in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes.

The fruits are not suitable for mono-diets and fasting days, since they are not able to fully provide the body with all the necessary nutritional compounds, but they can be combined with kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, vegetables, fresh herbs and other dietary products.

As you can see, the harm and benefits of peach are entirely based on biochemical composition fruit. At the same time, there are so few contraindications to consuming the summer fruit that it is recommended to include it in the diet of almost all family members from a very young age (from 1 year). I wish you good health and active longevity!

When a person is trying to lose weight, ordinary sweets are prohibited. But what should people do who cannot live without sweets? There is an exit! Peach is a very sweet and juicy fruit that can replace the usual desserts during a diet, but won’t this harm your figure? To answer this question, you need to know the calorie content of a peach.

How many calories are in a peach?

The calorie content of this fruit depends, first of all, on its variety and degree of ripeness. A ripe fruit has more calories than an unripe one. The most caloric ones are “fig” peaches; they contain 60 kcal per 100 grams.

If you imagine for a moment that the calorie content of one piece of cake is approximately 300–320 kcal and compare it with the calorie content of a peach, the result will be very impressive. The average calorie content of a fresh peach is 45–46 kcal. They are low-calorie product, the benefits of which are enormous for the body.

Composition of peach

The composition of peaches is 85% water, about 1% vegetable protein and a negligible amount of fat. But there are enough carbohydrates in it - 10% of the total volume. Moreover, it contains both fast and slow carbohydrates. Fast ones help to quickly saturate the body, and slow ones provide the body with energy for a long time.

These fruits also contain a lot useful substances:

  • Vitamins: C (strengthens the immune system), A (improves vision and skin condition), group B (participate in metabolic processes, strengthen nervous system), K and PP (strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood).
  • Micro- and macroelements: zinc, iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, calcium. Thanks to this set, peaches help strengthen bones and teeth, remove excess salt and toxins from the body, improving water-salt metabolism and blood composition.
  • Glucose and fructose provide the body with energy and vigor.
  • Fiber, which helps improve intestinal function and cleanse it.

Peaches are useful for people with anemia, liver and kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, as well as for general strengthening of the body.

They should not be consumed by people with obesity and diabetes, as they contain simple carbohydrates, which are contraindicated for them if they have problems with the stomach and intestines (diarrhea).

Peaches for weight loss

There are peach fasting days and mono-diets. Fasting days are a gentler way to get rid of all the unnecessary things that have accumulated in the body. They should be carried out no more than once a week.

Mono-diet in in this case quite tough, nutritionists recommend doing it no longer than 2-3 days and no more than once every 2-3 months. Only people with good health and no stomach problems can adhere to such a diet. This diet will help get rid of excess water, salt and toxins, the loss of body weight will be about 2-3 kilograms.

Eating peaches during a diet is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Low calorie content is one of its main qualities in this case. Moreover, satiety with peaches is quite high and long-lasting due to simple carbohydrates.
  • Fat burning properties. This effect is achieved due to the presence of pectin and acceleration of metabolism.
  • Availability of fiber. It accelerates the elimination of harmful compounds and toxins that form in the body of a losing weight person. If these substances remain in the body, the person’s general condition and well-being will deteriorate.
  • Its rich composition will help provide the body with everything it needs during a diet.

Diets that include peaches in the diet are quite varied, but what they have in common is that they help you lose weight healthily and tastefully.

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One of the sunniest fruits, the peach usually pleases us with its vitamins in the summer. Its juicy pulp is refreshing on hot days, and it goes well with ice cream and cream.

Useful properties of peach

Peach contains great amount fruit acids: tartaric, malic and citric. It also boasts the presence of mineral salts: magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Like other fruits, peach is a storehouse of almost all vitamins existing in nature. It contains ascorbic acid, vitamins B, K, E and PP. A bright orange color indicates the presence of carotene.

  • Peaches improve appetite therefore they are very useful in the very young and old ages.
  • These bright fruits will help you for digestive problems: gastrointestinal diseases and heartburn.
  • They improve the digestion of fatty foods, therefore, it is recommended to place them on festive table, which is usually followed by people overeating.
  • Peaches are recommended for those who suffer from gout and rheumatism.
  • Their use is mandatory if available diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Peach juice is recommended to drink for cardiovascular diseases, stomach ailments, low acidity or constipation. In these cases, it should be consumed 20 minutes before meals.


  • allergy,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity.

Calorie content of peach

The energy value of this fruit is low - only 45 kcal. One large peach weighs about 200 grams, which is 90 kcal. However, despite the low calorie content, it contains a large number of Sahara. Therefore, the fruit is not recommended for diabetics and those who suffer from obesity.

Peaches in the winter season

Unfortunately, peaches are a seasonal fruit. They appear on store shelves along with the hot rays of the sun. If you want to enjoy the peach taste, then pay attention on dried or dried peach.

Of course, it, like other dried fruits, has a very high calorie content. About 290 kcal. However, eating 30 g of treats per day is quite acceptable. This is a little less than 100 kcal. Just like in fresh fruit. Just be careful when purchasing dried peaches. Try to choose those that have been drying in the sun without powdered sugar. Otherwise, the calorie content of the dessert can soar to 400 kcal per 100 g.

Another winter delicacy is canned peaches. These include fruits in syrup and peach compote. Unfortunately, most often these fruits no longer contain practically any benefits. They have undergone long-term heat treatment, and a considerable amount of sugar is added to the syrup and compote. Of course, sometimes you can allow yourself such a dessert, since in any case it is healthier than cookies and sweets, and will not cause such harm to your figure.


Do you think the calorie content of peach is high? What is the nutritional value of this small, velvety and so sweet fruit that so many of us love? But peaches are sometimes included in various diets. What is it, what are the benefits of peach?

Peach, or rather the peach tree, is a plant belonging to the Rosaceae family, to its subgenus Almond. The peach tree is quite close to the almond tree, they differ only in their fruits. Today, through human labor, a huge number of decorative varieties of peaches have been created with a wide variety of flower colors designed to please the eye - white, pink, red, sometimes even two colors.

As you know, peaches are one of the oldest plants that humans began to cultivate. It is not known exactly where to look for the ancestral home of peaches, but, according to many researchers, this tree comes from China, indirect confirmation of which is the presence of a wild form of peach in the north of China (near the capital).

Today, peaches are an essential part of the agriculture of warm climate countries. They are cultivated in Europe, America, and Asia. Peaches are widely grown in the south of Ukraine and on the Crimean Peninsula.

Dietary properties of peach:

Peach has a very useful composition. It contains organic acids, such as malic, citric, tartaric; chemical elements - potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium. Among the beneficial components of these fruits, vitamins should be noted: C, vitamins B, E, K, PP, provitamin A (carotene). In addition, they contain pectins and essential oils. Peach seeds can be of great benefit, since they contain bitter almond oil and vitamin B17 (aka laetral).

It cannot be said that it is very valuable. food product for a person. The pulp of these fruits is very juicy and nutritious, with a pleasant aroma, and is also easily digestible. Peach is considered a gourmet product. It is recommended for use by children, as well as people recovering from illness, to improve appetite. Peaches should definitely be included in the diet for constipation and heartburn. Peaches promote the secretion of gastric juice and help digest fatty foods. They will be useful for such ailments as gout, rheumatism, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, liver and gall bladder diseases.

With all the features that the peach has, the calorie content of the fruit is very low. Therefore, peaches are a wonderful part of any diet. Nutritionists say that it will be enough to eat a few (3 - 4 pieces) peaches a day, and your body weight will begin to decrease. At the same time, the body will receive various beneficial substances and vitamins.

How many calories are in a peach?

So what is the calorie content of a peach?

The calorie content of a fresh peach is:

46 kcal per 100 grams of product

Which is very little for fruit.

Protein, fat and carbohydrates (BJU) of peach in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.9

Fats – 0.1

carbohydrates – 11.3

What is the calorie content of a cooked peach? different ways? And here it is:

Peach calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

A the nutritional value peach prepared in different ways, like this:

Table of nutritional value of peach, per 100 grams of product:

Product Squirrels, gr. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr.
dried peach 3,0 0,4 57,7
peach compote 0,5 0,0 19,9
peach nectar 0,2 0,0 9,0
peach juice 0,2 0,0 9,0
fig peach 1,0 0,0 16,0
canned peach 0,45 0,0 14,5

Recipe? Recipe!

Do you want simple recipe peach salad? Here he is:

What you need for the salad:

  • 800 grams of melon
  • 400 grams of peaches
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice

We cut the melon, separate the peel from the pulp, cut the pulp into small pieces. Each peach must be cut into two equal parts and the pits removed. Mix honey and Orange juice. Pieces of melon and halves of peaches should be placed in a salad bowl and poured with a mixture of orange juice and honey. Mix the fruits and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Salad ready!

He's such a peach! And although the small calorie content of peach is very important for women trying to maintain slim figure, we all love it simply for its excellent taste and aroma.

Are peaches good for weight loss?

It is not for nothing that nutritionists consider the peach an ideal product for weight loss, because in addition to the fact that the fruit is low-calorie, it also has a number of useful properties. Peach contains many minerals, vitamins and organic acids valuable for humans.

Peach diet for two to three days:

Breakfast. Three tablespoons of a dry mixture of flakes (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, barley, millet) diluted with 150 ml of kefir or natural yogurt. Finish the pulp of one peach fruit. Do not add any sugar or honey.

Lunch. Two peaches, 1 tablespoon of bran and a glass of water - 85 Kcal.

Dinner. 150 g of dietary cheese (2-4% fat), soften, mix with kefir or yogurt (100 grams), cut into pieces one peach, one apple, one kiwi and one tangerine. Stir and consume without honey or sugar.

Afternoon snack. Two peaches (80 Kcal), a glass of kefir (200 ml) with ¼ teaspoon of ginger and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon.

Dinner. Diet cottage cheese (1.5-2%) – 100 grams, mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bran and chopped peach (1 pc.)

The calorie content of such fasting days will not exceed 1100-1200 Kcal per day. However, it is still recommended to exercise whenever possible, take an additional complex of vitamins and minerals, and do not forget to adhere to the drinking ration norm - 1.5 liters per day.

There is also a general peach diet, the meaning of which is to replace a standard dinner with several peaches and follow proper nutrition. These fruits have very low calorie content, about 40 Kcal, a lot of vitamins and nutrients, including fiber. When applying this diet, you need to give up sweets and fried foods, reduce the amount of salt to one pinch per day. There is no point in talking about mayonnaise and all kinds of ketchups - it’s taboo. You can drink water in pure form, tea, compote, freshly squeezed juice. Forget about sweet soda and alcohol, not only is it harmful, it is also very high in calories.