The history of the creation of Coca-Cola. The Coca-Cola Company: about the creation and development of the history of the legendary drink

Perhaps now you cannot find a person who has not tried this legendary drink at least once. Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable and expensive brands in the world. It surpasses Microsoft, Google and Nokia. Its assets total about $100 billion. The drink is actively consumed in more than 200 countries. The Coca-Cola Company has changed the outlook of people around the world, imposed its instillations and ideas on people all over the planet. But it was not always so. The world learned about it only in 1889. Although, the history of the Coca-Cola brand began on May 8, 1886. Pharmacist J. Pemberton demonstrates to investors the medicine he has created and receives the necessary investments. This investment helps an unknown entrepreneur to start a small production of an antidepressant, which is also excellent for combating fatigue, and it cost only 5 cents. And this miraculous drug was called none other than Coca-Cola.

The history of the creation of Coca-Cola

Yes, yes, for the first time, Coca-Cola appeared on the shelves of pharmacies, not stores. Yes, and the name of the drug was more than justified, because the main active ingredients in the drink were coca leaves (the very thing from which cocaine is made) and cola tree nuts (they contain large amounts of caffeine and theobromine). So, the taste of that first Cola was significantly different from the one we know now. But, whatever it was, Coca-Cola began to be sold in pharmacies, and absolutely not in demand among the population. Nobody wanted to buy it. It seemed that the collapse of the still unborn brand was inevitable. But, here, one of the sellers decides to experiment, and adds soda water (soda) to the drink. And it is in this embodiment that the product begins to enjoy wild popularity among buyers.

In 1889, a resourceful, determined and unknown Irish immigrant named Asa Griggs Candler decides to take a chance and buys the rights to produce Coca-Cola from Pemberton for $2,300. And from that moment on, the Coca-Cola brand begins to turn into a transatlantic giant, which will soon conquer the whole world.

The first thing Candler does is register the Coca-Cola trademark and form The Coca-Cola Company. In fact, it lays the foundation for the strategy for the future development of the brand, namely, the emphasis on advertising. The grandiose success of the brand is due only to competent and unprecedented advertising. Coca-Cola could not and cannot compete in the market neither in quality nor in taste. Everything that Coca-Cola has now, it has only thanks to advertising.

The history of the development of Coca-Cola

But, nevertheless, we will return to the distant XIX century. Three years have passed since Candler acquired the rights to produce Coca-Cola, and the brand is already becoming the most famous drink in the United States. And after another 7 years, a small production, bought for $ 2,300, Candler sells to a group of investors for $ 25 million!

In this regard, it is very interesting to consider what steps Candler used in the development of Coca-Cola, how in a few years he was able to achieve such success.

History of the Coca-Cola logo

First, he used a sustainable brand in the form of a logo, which, by the way, has never changed since its inception. The history of the Coca-Cola logo began in the days of Pemberton, it was then that Frank Robinson, Pemberton's accountant, drew white calligraphic letters on a red background, and the very name Coca-Cola was also invented by Robinson.

Under the leadership of Candler, the logo was promoted as and wherever they could: placed on souvenirs, printed on flyers. As a result, the logo has firmly entered the minds of the townsfolk. It got to the point that the logo began to be copied by other, lesser-known brands of soda. In 1916 alone, the Coca-Cola Company launched over 150 lawsuits against plagiarism of its logo.

Coca-Cola slogans

Another of Candler's innovations was playing on American sentiment. Kadler used short and concise slogans such as "The Nation's Great Soft Drink". It must be remembered that in those days the dry law was introduced, so this slogan shot in the mass as well as possible.

Subsequently, the company repeatedly resorted to slogans that embody the mood of the time and play on the feelings of people - "America's favorite moment", "Red, white and you", "Thirst knows no season."

Creative approach

Coca Cola in original bottles (before that, it could only be bought on tap). In 1915, designer Earl Dean developed a unique bottle that could be distinguished by touch and recognized even when broken.

Free Cola. Kadler came up with an original trick - he sent several free lots of his product to distribution points. In exchange, he received the data of regular customers and sent them coupons for the purchase of a drink, and also for free. People came to pharmacies (then Coke, as you remember, was sold there), drank a free glass and bought Coke already with them. Today, this technique is called a "gift certificate".

Coca-Cola invented Santa. Surprisingly, yes, in 1931, Haddon Sundblom drew this painfully familiar Santa, and gave him a bottle of Coca-Cola in his hands. It cannot be said that Santa Claus did not exist before, just that no one knew what he looked like, and therefore they portrayed him as they like best. And the red color of the good-natured old man's coat was needed only in order to better emphasize the color of the brand.

Sponsorship. Another unique approach can be considered the idea of ​​Coca-Cola to act as sponsors and raise not only the authority of their brand, but also receive huge free advertising.

So, Coca-Cola is the oldest sponsor of the Olympic Games. She has supported these competitions since 1928.

In addition, the Company supports the World Cup and is an official partner of FIFA. He also supports many humanitarian and social programs.

Learning to drink Cola from childhood. The Coca-Cola Company has opened the Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, and admission for children is absolutely free. In such a simple way, a company from childhood wins the loyalty of its future customer.

It was these steps in the history of the development of Coca-Cola that made it the most popular and recognizable brand among carbonated drinks. And even despite the fact that the company itself produces many other world brands of soft drinks, such as Fanta, Sprite, Nestea, Schweppes, Pulpy, BonAqua and many others, it is the Coca-Cola brand that brings it the main income and fame.

The Coca-Cola Company - The "name" of our today's hero is known to everyone.

The stories of successful organizations are very similar to the biographies of great people. The largest companies were also once “born” - founded, they also had “dad and mother” - founders and investors, they were also given a name at birth, and their life was filled with both ups and downs.

The Coca-Cola brand is the most popular on the planet, with 6.5 billion people familiar with it, which is equal to 94% of the world's population. Thanks to the world's largest distribution system, the legendary soda is consumed in more than 200 countries.

More than 146,000 employees work for the company worldwide. Now Coca-Cola is #1 supplier drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, juices, nectars, and ready-to-drink teas and coffees.

In addition to being widely recognized, the Coca-Cola brand also leads in terms of financial performance. The company's net profit is calculated in billion dollars.

Coca-Cola shares are a tidbit, with major investment funds such as Berkshire Hathaway having a stake in the venture. In the rankings of the most valuable brands over the past decade, Coca-Cola has firmly occupied the 1st place, edging out corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Google and Nokia.

The Coca-Cola Company has achieved such success thanks to the drink of the same name, which is its most famous product.

Do not rush to run away from monitors if you drink exclusively natural juices and look disapprovingly towards the "sweet water". As folk wisdom says, "there are no comrades for the taste and color." To be honest, I don't drink Coca-Cola myself. Not only does it not quench your thirst, because it is sweet and you want to drink from it even more, it is also harmful.

That's what I admire the most! How did you manage to create such a successful business that helped make the Coca-Cola brand the most recognizable. I also want to say that I even managed to work all day in this company. This is not a typo, I worked all day at this company, but I will talk about this next time ...

The world empire for the production of soda was organized not even in the past, but in the century before last - in 1892 in Atlanta.

The company, which started out selling a dozen bottles a day, now sells more than 1.5 billion drinks a day. If we divide all the produced Coca-Cola among the population of the Earth, then each of us will have 767 bottles!

So how did Coca-Cola achieve such impressive results?

The success of an enterprise depends on two main components - on the product being produced and its advertising. Let's take a closer look at these important components.

"Birthday" drink Coca-Cola celebrates May 8, 1886 when an American, the owner of a small pharmaceutical company, invented his recipe.

He did not limit the circle of consumers of the drink to his relatives, but went straight to the largest pharmacy in Atlanta, where he offered to sell his invention at 5 cents per serving.

Pemberton was convinced of the healing properties of cola, which helped to cope with nervous breakdowns, fatigue and stress. The “medicinal” means of “cola” were quite understandable, because the composition of the syrup included an extract of coca leaves, i.e. cocaine, the harm of which was proven only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Pemberton's entrepreneurial spirit was the beginning of the Coke's long journey. The drink was named after Pemberton's accountant.

He combined the names of the main ingredients of the drink, which, in addition to coca leaves, included the nuts of the kola tree. Mastering calligraphy Robinson also donated his logo to the drink.- beautiful curly letters on a red background.

One of the cola salesmen, Mr. Venable, once diluted Pemberton's syrup not with plain water, but with soda. The populace, saturated with carbonic acid, was very fond of the population.

Unfortunately, the creator of "cola" died 2 years after its invention, and did not have time to take advantage of the fruits of his success.

The recipe for Pemberton's syrup is bought by an aspiring entrepreneur (Asa Griggs Candler, born 1851-1929), an immigrant from Ireland, and thus the business is in very good hands. Mr. Candler was the model of an enterprising and energetic business man. In 1893, he registered the trademark "Coca-Cola" and founded the eponymous company "The Coca-Cola Company".

Under Candler's leadership, both the product and the way it was promoted were innovated. The businessman took up the improvement of the drink recipe to improve the taste and increase its shelf life.

By replacing fresh coca leaves with “squeezed” ones, cocaine is removed from the soda, the dangers of which have been discussed in scientific circles. In the press, cola was even called the cause of the aggressive behavior of African Americans from poor neighborhoods. A devastating article appeared in the then popular New York Tribune, which said that “Negroes” who had drunk Coca-Cola became insane and attacked “whites”.

Now caffeine is used as a stimulant, and the detailed recipe for modern cola is no longer a big secret. True, some of the ingredients are impressive - the amount of sugar per glass of drink is 9 tablespoons!

Candler was one of the first entrepreneurs to understand the benefits of " trademark". To create a popular and easily recognizable product, the businessman used non-standard solutions.

Now they are the ABC of marketing, but then they belonged to the class of innovations.

For example, Candler supplied pharmacies with a batch of free "Cola" in exchange for the addresses of visitors to the establishment, to whom he sent free coupons for the purchase of a drink by mail. People were happy to "pass a glass" for nothing and buy the supplement themselves.

I want to note that Coca-Cola owes much of its success to Prohibition, which was introduced in Atlanta in 1886. People then switched from alcohol to sweet soda. That is, if you intend to create a successful business, then you should take this aspect into service.

The product must be in demand. Coca-cola has become a good alternative to alcohol. By the way, look at the advertisements above, did you notice what the bet was made on?

In fact, at that time, Coca-cola was promoted not only as medicine, but also as an energy drink, which are so popular now. Coca-Cola refreshed, invigorated - that's what the advertising slogans of those years said.

The release of various souvenirs with the Cola emblem also increased the spread of the brand. In 1902, with a turnover of $120,000, Coca-Cola became the most famous drink in the USA.

The resourceful Irishman also organized the first-ever advertising campaign for cola. Her first motto was: “Drink Coca-Cola. Delicious and refreshing." Since those distant times, Coca-Cola has changed dozens of slogans, among which there are not only calls to quench your thirst (1922: “Thirst knows no season”, 1929: “Respite that refreshes”), but also patriotic (1906: “Great non-alcoholic drink of the nation", 1937: "America's Favorite Moment", 1943: "Universal symbol of the American way of life") and even romantic ones (1932: "Light of the sun with the coolness of ice", 1949: "COCA" ... on the road that leads anywhere " , 1986: "Red, White and You").

The slogans of "cola" played on the innermost strings of the soul of Americans, touching on a sense of pride in their nation.

Coca-Cola was advertised by the most famous and handsome actors, the most beloved and popular athletes. Now the Coca-Cola brand is so successful that it no longer needs celebrity advertising, whose fame is already much less than the fame of the brand itself. This reminds me of an anecdote:

“A representative of the Coca-Cola company is calling President Putin:

- Do you want to change the flag of Russia to red and white for 10 billion dollars, to match the color of Coca-Cola?

- It is difficult to answer right away, you have to think. He calls Medvedev back: - Dima, when does our contract with Aquafresh end? »

In 1989, Coca-Cola became the first foreign company to place its advertisement in Moscow on Pushkin Square.

It's no secret that a product that is in high demand falls victim to fakes. To combat the falsification of the drink, the company even involved the famous Pinkerton detective agency.

In addition to obvious fraud, the corporate identity of Coke was subjected to “harassment” - competitors borrowed its name, color, logo font. Such attempts to bask in the rays of someone else's glory were quickly and categorically suppressed - the court recognized the exclusive right of the company to the patented Coca-Cola brand.

In 1916 alone, a over 150 lawsuits against imitation brands, such as Fig Cola, Candy Cola, Cold Cola, etc. Relations with the main competitor Pepsi were not easy either. The battle of the “count” has known both litigation and peace agreements, some marketing moves in this “cold war” of sodas generally deserve a separate article.

A big role in the success of the company was played by the general availability of the drink, when it began to be produced in glass bottles. Before 1894 "Cola" was sold on tap, and Joseph Biedenharn, a businessman from Mississippi, became the first person to packed cola in glass containers.

He sent 12 bottles personally to Mr. Candler, but he took the innovation without enthusiasm. With a brilliant entrepreneurial streak, he somehow failed to see the big future of cola packaging. In 1899, two lawyers, Benjamin Thomas and Joseph Whitehead, bought the exclusive rights to bottle Coca-Cola from Candler for a nominal fee of $1.

In 1915, Benjamin Thomas turned to designer Earl Dean to came up with an original shape for a cola bottle. With the task set - to make glass containers recognizable "to the touch, in the dark and even in a broken form" - the creative did it "excellently".

The shape of the bottle with a low waist, reminiscent of a cocoa fruit, was introduced to the public in 1916 and brought another twist to the cola image. distinguishing feature. At an auction in California, a bottle of Dean, which is the prototype of the following models, was sold for $ 240,000!

1919 - new owner of Coca-cola

In 1919 The Coca-Cola Company changes its owner. This was preceded by the appointment in 1916 of Asa Candler to the post of mayor of Atlanta. With the transition to a new position, Candler had to step down as the chief executive officer of The Coca-Cola Company.

At that time, he was already a very rich man, and all this thanks to the timely investment in cola. By the way, did you know that Asa Candler bought the patent for Coca-Cola from Pemberton's widow for only $2,300(!). This subsequently brought him hundreds of millions of dollars.

Thanks to the sweet fizz, Candler subsequently established the Central Bank and the Trust Company, became the owner of a large number real estate, was a well-known philanthropist who donated millions of dollars to the Methodist Church and bought and donated a large piece of land for the relocation of Emory University from Oxford to Atlanta.

Subsequently, he showed his brilliant entrepreneurial talent as mayor of Atlanta. He passed on most of The Coca-Cola Company to his children, who subsequently sold them. for 25 million dollars a group of bankers led by Ernest Woodruff who handed over the reins of the company four years later to his 33-year-old son Robert.

With the advent of Woodruff at the head of the company is associated exit Coca-Cola to foreign markets. So there are factories for the production of cola in France, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam

Soda has firmly entered the life of Americans and has become "her boyfriend" at the celebration of various events, while playing sports, and even on the battlefield.

During World War II, the company's president since 1923, set a goal for employees that "everyone in uniform could buy 5 cent bottle of cola wherever he is, and no matter what it will cost us.”

By the way, before the start of World War II, Coca-Cola was sold in 44 countries around the world. It is Woodruff for 60 years of his reign rendered greatest influence on the development of the company and, in particular, on the expansion of the drink around the world.

Could Robert Woodruff then have imagined that in the 21st century the company's products would be produced in more than 200 countries of the world?!

Under the leadership of this marketing genius, the first cola vending machines were launched, a standard six-bottle package was developed, the assortment was replenished with Sprite and Diet Coke, and plastic bottles of Coca-Cola appeared.

With Woodruff, Coca-Cola began its partnership with the Olympic movement, in 1928 sponsoring the IX Olympic Games in Amsterdam. Since then, Coca-Cola has been going hand in hand and even running with sports - since 1992, the company has been among the organizers and sponsors of the Olympic torch relay.

Now Coca-Cola Company cooperates with more than 190 national Olympic committees and acts as an official partner of FIFA, NBA and sponsor of the World Cup.

In 1931 another turning point in the history of the company took place. Santa Claus is painted by artist Haddon Sundblom for a Coca-Cola ad campaign.

The image of a good-natured old man dressed in a red-and-white suit he invented was so successful that now the residents of the United States imagine Santa in this way.

But before Sundblom, the main character of the American New Year holidays was portrayed as you like, even as an elf, and dressed in costumes of various colors.

Now Santa Claus is “one color in winter and summer”, and his bright “Coca-Cola” coloring in itself serves as a good advertisement for the drink.

But the history of Coca-Cola does not resemble a Christmas fairy tale in everything. The Internet is full of "horror stories" that describe alternative methods of using the drink - removing rust, cleaning car windows, etc.

The height of the mistreatment of soda is the claim that American cops use it to wash away blood at crime scenes. Is this really how the representatives of the law understand the advertising slogan of 1993 “ always Coca Cola»?)

In program releases "Mythbusters" on the Discovery Channel many of these legends have been tried and dispelled. The effectiveness of cleaning with a drink is higher than cleaning with ordinary water, but significantly lower than that of special products.

No specific negative effect of cola on the human body has been officially established. So “to drink or not to drink” is a personal matter for every adult. I emphasize, an adult, because. children themselves cannot refuse the temptation, therefore the duty of parents is to monitor their health.

The marketing management of the company says that its strategy does not focus on the children's audience. That's how it is, but in the world's only Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, admission for schoolchildren is free and they are brought on excursions by whole buses. So the next lovers of sweet soda are growing up.

The continuity of generations is obvious - just think about it, Coca-Cola, which has already managed to fly into space and win the love of the NEXT generation, was still drunk by the great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers of our contemporaries.

Coca-Cola is tough!

In 1955, Coca-Cola tries to dress in new clothes for himself. The drink began to be poured into aluminum cans, which were originally invented during the war for the convenience of soldiers.

The late 50s and early 60s are characterized by the expansion of The Coca-Cola Company's product range. In 1958 Fanta appears, and in 1961 Sprite.

Currently, the world empire produces more than 200 types of drinks, of which Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite owns 80% of total sales. By the way, this fact once again confirms the effectiveness of the Parreto principle, according to which 20% of the products presented on the shelves make 80% of the turnover in retail outlets.

Or in another way they say that 80% of all goods are needed only in order for the main 20% to sell well.

In the 70-80s of the last century, the company continued to increase its presence in the world. New factories were built, new quality standards were introduced, distribution channels were improved, new advertising and marketing "chips" were developed, which immediately reflected on the company's performance.

So, in 1988, according to a survey conducted by various independent agencies, Coca-Cola became the most famous and preferred brand in the whole world. By the way, the company firmly held this title from 2000 to 2012.

Rapid growth in the 90s…

The nineties of the XX century were very successful for the company. So, by 1997, the company's sales had increased so much that the volume of sales of drinks for the twelve months of the ninety-seventh year was commensurate with the sales of all the company's drinks over the past 75 years (!). Just think about these crazy numbers!

Innovative 2000s…

The 2000s are characterized as innovative for the company. Coca-cola introduces new production standards. So, for example, the legendary curly bottle of cola is changing. No, it has not changed visually, production technologies have changed, thanks to which it was possible to increase the strength of the bottle by 40%, and reduce the weight by 20%.

The company also begins the fight against waste recycling and improving the environmental situation in the world. In 2007, the company introduces production equipment with which used PET bottles can be used to create new packaging.

And in 2009, The Coca-Cola Company receives a special award for the invention of a new packaging that is 100% recyclable and also consists of a third of herbal ingredients.

From 2008 to the present, the company is headed by Mukhtar Kent. This Turkish-American started his career at Coca-Cola from the bottom. He has worked for companies all over the world.

So in 1985 he headed the Coca-cola branch in Turkey and Central Asia. Later he was appointed vice president of Coca-Cola International, which is responsible for 23 countries around the world. In 1995, Mukhtar Kent headed Coca-Cola Europe. where he managed to increase the turnover by 50%.

What makes The Coca-Cola Company so successful?

According to the company itself, they use the world's largest beverage distribution system. Throw in billions in advertising budgets and smart marketing, and you have a recipe for success.

Year after year, grain by grain, the company was engaged in building competent sales. I am somewhat familiar with how Coca-Cola works. I was able to study her sales system from the inside. True, it was a very short moment, which I will talk about in one of the following issues, but it was enough for me to appreciate the genius of the “salesmen” of this company.

  • Firstly, the company has built factories for the production of its drinks in all major countries and cities.
  • Secondly, has well-defined logistics, which allows delivering its products daily to all outlets where the company's drinks are sold.
  • Thirdly, the company has entangled with its sales representatives all cities and regions not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Thanks to this, the company's refrigerators are not only in large shopping centers and megamarkets, but also in yard shops and stalls. What do these refrigerators cost in the most advantageous places, which most attract the attention of buyers and, accordingly, make the greatest sales.
  • Fourth, aggressive advertising that affects our consciousness from all possible media around the clock!

The mission of the company in the 3rd millennium is not only to refresh the world, body, mind and spirit, but also to bring meaning to everything it does.

The Coca-Cola Company is improving water use, replacing refrigeration equipment with environmentally friendly ones, and investing millions of dollars to build plastic bottle recycling plants.

The company is focused on development, and this mission is shared by the many thousands of staff of its like-minded people. It's the individuals who are driven and talented that make history, and the Coca-Cola Company is fortunate to fall into the hands of those individuals who have made it so successful.

Raising the topic of the most common drinks today, one should recall the history of the appearance of Coca-Cola. Today, many interesting facts are known regarding this drink consumed by many.

  • The history of Coca-Cola Russian market begins with an advertisement placed by the company on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. It was the first foreign advertising campaign among Russian residents, held in 1989.
  • Coca-Cola is an excellent rust remover. This happens due to high content in a drink of phosphoric acid. Removes "Coca-Cola" also plaque in the sink, bathtub and toilet, scale in the kettle. It also wash off blood stains, so the police in America always have several gallons of Coca-Cola on hand to use them during an accident - to wash the asphalt.
  • Coca-Cola was produced so much that if this volume is bottled and distributed at a time, then every inhabitant of the earth will receive 767 bottles! And the pool filled with the total amount of Coca-Cola produced will be 33 km X 15 km in size, provided that the depth of the reservoir reaches 180 centimeters! At the same time, 512 million people could swim in such a virtual pool.
  • For the first time in 1904, the company released a Coca-Cola billboard, hanging it in Cartsville, Georgia. It hangs to this day in the same place.
  • Experts believe that the value of the brand "Coca-Cola" - one of the most successful in the world - today is equal to Coca-Cola seventy billion dollars.

If you look at the very beginning of the history of the emergence of the Coca-Cola company, you can be amazed at the following fact: in the first year of the appearance of a carbonated drink, now known to almost everyone, its release was unprofitable for its producers and creators. The revenue for the entire first year was about 50 dollars, and after all, 70 were invested!

The birth of syrup - the progenitor of the drink "Coca-Cola"

The very birth of Coca-Cola, its history. The recipe for this drink was compiled in 1886 by amateur chemist John Stith Pemberton, who owned a pharmaceutical company. One day, John made syrup and treated it to his friend, accountant Frank Robinson. No one then could have thought that this everyday episode would serve as the beginning of the creation of the most advanced Coca-Cola company.

Having written down the recipe for the syrup on Frank's advice, John took it to the largest pharmacy, Jacobs' Pharmacy. The first servings of syrup were sold at a price of 5 cents per 200 grams. It consisted of 3 parts of coca leaves and one part of tropical kola nuts. The patent for this invention claimed that it was "a cure for any disorder nervous system". John Stith himself claimed that the syrup helps to wean oneself from addiction to morphine and can heal impotence.

The emergence of a famous brand

An interesting name, consisting of the names of the ingredients of the syrup, written with a hyphen, came up with the same accountant Frank Robinson, who was the first taster of the "medicine for nerves." He also wrote the words "Coca-Cola" in his own calligraphic handwriting - this is how the history of the famous Coca-Cola brand, which is still the logo of the drink, began.

Later, the logo of the now well-known brand was patented by the US Bureau. Bright red curly letters on a white background were the main details of the brand. Later, the logo was modified: a huge red-brown drop appeared behind white letters.

But the employees of the Coca-Cola company strictly followed and are now making sure that no one from the outside "encroached" even on the elements of the brand's corporate identity. Lawsuits arose over the most seemingly insignificant trifles: the use of a similar font, the use of red for a different logo, the color of the drink, the smell.

Needless to say, the Coca-Cola Company had no losses? Competitors were destroyed by it easily and with pleasure, the prestige of the Coca-Cola brand was steadily increasing.

The appearance of a carbonated drink from the syrup "from the nerves"

But the current glory appeared in Coca-Cola much later. And at the very beginning, in 1886, the syrup was modestly sold in pharmacies, without much success. And who would have thought that the history of the creation of the current carbonated drink will begin with light hand pharmacy pharmacist Willie Venable, who was too lazy to go for tap water. Instead of plain water a lazy salesman suggested that a hungover customer add soda to the syrup. The resulting "pop" led the man to complete delight!

Since then, Coca-Cola has been sold only in combination with soda. However, it was impossible to call this enterprise profitable at that time: in a year, the sale of Coca-Cola brought businessmen a loss of $ 20,000 ...

The creator of the drink surrenders the rights to it

In the same 1886, a dry law is introduced in Atlanta, which is an undoubted positive moment for Coca-Cola. However, Pemberton's health was deteriorating by that time, and his financial situation was greatly shaken. And he decides to sell the treasured recipe and equipment. Moreover, the same lazy salesman who made the discovery of a “pop” based on Coca-Cola syrup receives two-thirds of the beverage company.

For his invention, Pemberton received only 2 thousand dollars and died a beggar in 1888 in mid-August. His grave is in the cemetery for the poor. And only in 1958, a stone tombstone appeared on the grave of the founder of the Coca-Cola company.

First steps to success

The history of the development of the Coca-Cola company begins its chronicle with the appearance in Atlanta of the poorest Irish immigrant Az Kender. Having managed to turn his dollar in a compartment with 75 cents into a small capital in a short time, he buys the recipe for “coca-cola” from the widow of John Steet for 2.3 thousand dollars.

The story goes on to say that in 1893 it was Asa Candler who registered The Coca-Cola Company in Georgia. The initial authorized capital of the company was one hundred thousand dollars. He also registered the trademark "Coca-Cola", which has been used since 1886. In the same 1893, the shareholders of The Coca-Cola Company received their first, albeit small, dividends.

First steps in advertising

With the advent of a new director, the history of the development of the company for the production and sale of Coca-Cola begins its new round of ascent. Together with Frank Robinson, Asa Kendler is developing a new drink recipe that mercilessly removes cocaine from the ingredients, but improves the taste and extends the shelf life. Moreover, the invigorating effect on the body of the drink is preserved, which is a huge plus for Coca-Cola.

Asa Kendler proves to be an excellent marketer. He calculates his advertising moves surprisingly accurately:

  • free distribution of "Coca-Cola" in pharmacies in exchange for the addresses and names of regular customers;
  • mailing to the received addresses of coupons for the free purchase of one glass of drink;
  • sale of calendars, watches and souvenirs with the Coca-Cola logo.

Today, all these tricks are known to every advertising agency. But in those years for "coca-cola" it was a turning point in the history of the company's production and sale of non-alcoholic invigorating drink.

Everything is important in business, even the shape of the drink container

1916 in the history of the development of the Coca-Cola company, another important event took place - the appearance of a unique bottle "with a waist". Now the brand has become recognizable not only thanks to the original logo, but also due to its creative capacity. After all, the shape of the bottle was so reminiscent of a women's year-round skirt, super fashionable at that time, with a narrow waist and a smoothly expanding bottom.

The image of the Coca-Cola company is growing even higher after such a publicity stunt, when the bottle is "handed over" to everyone's favorite Santa Claus. The history of the development of the Coca-Cola company is enriched with another interesting fact and takes a step up the ladder of the ranking of sales of consumer products.

A Brief History of Coca-Cola in Dates

1931 - Santa Claus, commissioned by the Coca-Cola company, receives his current appearance, which was “given to him” by the American artist Haddon Sundblom: the face of the artist himself and a red robe with a white trim.

1939 - the beginning of the cold war with PepsiCo in connection with the use of the latter in its name the word "cola", which "Coca-Cola" considered part of its trademark. Despite the peace agreement, the companies continue the quiet but relentless battle for supremacy.

1958 - the debut of "Fanta", which is the brainchild of the Coca-Cola company.

1961 - the birth of another drink, known today to everyone under the name "Sprite".

1960 - the appearance of drinks from the Coca-Cola company in cans.

1977 - the appearance of drinks in plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 liters.

Today, everyone knows about this company, as well as its competitor -. Its logo has long been recognizable, and the famous drink has become legendary. The history of the development of the company, which is already more than a hundred years old, does not cease to be discussed by businessmen and marketers.

The very first composition of Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist in Atlanta. In 1886, when in America they tried zealously to fight drunkenness, it got to the point that pharmacists were forced to replace alcohol in tinctures with other components.

Atlanta pharmacist John Stith Pemberton made the so-called French wine coca. It was positioned as the perfect drink that stimulates the brain. Instead of alcohol, Pemberton used the no less tonic kola nut. Then it was brought to America by African slaves. Nuts were real energy drinks. They stimulated the work of not only the cardiac, but also the muscular system. A kind of energy drink became one of the ingredients of the then wine coca. Slaves used to say that the kola nut was great for curing hangovers. This was indeed the case. Pemberton mixed kola nut extract with a cocaine-based drink. The two strongest stimulants became the main ingredients of the resulting potion.

But his taste was not the best. Pemberton experimented a lot, mixing and adding herbal extracts, but his coca was more perceived as a medicine.

The wine mixture was a disgusting drug that was sweet and thick syrup.

Everything changed the case and hearing.

Brief history of development

John Stith Pemberton began supplying his miracle drink to pharmacies. It was sold in bottles, which were more like containers for medicine, or bottling. It was impossible to drink a thick drink, so it was diluted with ordinary running water. The resulting potion was really invigorating. It was called lemonade, and those who found a way to get drunk - a wonderful hangover drink.

It’s a paradox, but it was the story of a man who had not yet succumbed to the hysteria of sobriety that was then raging, changed the taste of the drink forever and made it even more popular. The buyer of one of the pharmacies asked a friend to dilute Coca-Cola syrup for him. Tom was too lazy to go to the faucet, and he added soda to the drink. Effervescent "Coca-Cola" made a splash. The rumor that it turns out much tastier this way spread throughout Atlanta with incredible speed.

And after prohibition came into force, sales of Coca-Cola skyrocketed.
Pemberton was assisted by entrepreneur and businessman Frank Robinson. He came up with the first logo for, which is still used today. Robinson has devoted his entire life to building the brand.

But back to 1887. It seemed that things began to improve, and the business of Robinson and Pemberton is booming. But the health of the pharmacist was deteriorating. He deservedly sold his share of the business to the very same Willis Venable, who came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbreeding the soda drink. Pemberton felt that he did not have long and hurried to hand over the recipe for the drink, which was kept secret.

1887 Coca-Cola contained: caffeine, lemon oil, lime oil and nutmeg, vanillin, coca leaves, orange elixir, citrus acid, orange blossom oil.

The second father of Coca-Cola was Aza Candler. A poor immigrant came to America in search of a happy life and faith in his talent as an entrepreneur. He bought a secret set of Coca-Cola ingredients from Pemberton's then-widowed wife and, together with partners, founded The Coca-Cola Company in Georgia. On January 31, 1893, Candler registered the Coca-Cola trademark.

I had to be patient before the drink began to bring at least some profit. It happened that no more than nine people bought Coke per day, and during the first 12 months, the revenue was no more than $ 50.

Over time, the situation has improved. 1902 was a turning point in the history of the development of the legendary brand, and Coca-Cola turned out to be the most popular drink in the United States. The new recipe used coca leaves - the ones from which cocaine was extracted. They are still supplied to the production of the drink by the only legal factory processing medical cocaine in the United States.

In 1915, Coca-Cola got a new container - 6.5 oz bottle. In 1919, the company was headed by a new owner, Ernest Woodruff. He was later replaced by his son Robert, who devoted the next 60 years of his life to the development of the company.

"Coca-Cola" is more than the name of an invigorating and tonic drink. In 1933, the company began installing vending machines that made it easy to buy a bottle of Cola. Then packages for six bottles appeared in stores, and eventually portable refrigerators.

Since 1931, American children have been offered a new and soon-to-be-loved image of Santa Claus in red and white. Drawn by artist Haddon Sundblom. Prior to this, Santa could be dressed in different colors. The artist had to break his head to depict a portrait of Santa. There are several versions about this. According to one of them, Sundblom painted himself, and according to another, his friend Lou Pentise. A real good-natured man with wrinkles around his eyes immediately fell in love with the kids. He became the personification of the good Santa, whom everyone is waiting for at Christmas and new year holidays.

Company today

Today, more than one billion bottles of Coca-Cola are sold annually. Products are presented in two hundred countries of the world. More than 150 thousand employees work at the enterprises of the company. The Coca-Cola Company is one of the world's largest manufacturers and distributors of syrups, concentrates and soft drinks.

Manufactured products

In Russia, in addition to the popular Coca-Cola, well-known products are also:

  • Soft drinks: Coca-Cola Zero, Fanta, Sprite.
  • fruit juices and puree: Rich Fruit Mix, Dobry, Rich.
  • Carbonated drinks: Pinocchio, Cream Soda, Lemonade, Duchess.
  • A series of carbonated drinks Schweppes.
  • Water: Bon Aqua Viva, Bon Aqua.
  • Sports isotonic drink: Powerade.
  • Cold tea: Nestea.
  • Energetics: Burn, Gladiator.

List of CEOs

Today, the CEO of The Coca-Cola Company is a businessman with American and Turkish roots, Mukhtar Kent. He was appointed to this post in 2008. Prior to that, the company was run by:

    I have my own cafe in the university building, and every day I am surprised at how much students drink soda. Lines line up at every break to buy a bottle. Naturally, the main profit comes from the sale of soda, which we buy in boxes. And I, in fact, feel so sorry for them, it’s necessary to ruin your stomach at such an early age (((

The history of the development and creation of the world famous Coca-Cola brand is very entertaining and interesting: great amount facts, interesting events and facts, ups and downs - that's what we'll talk about today.

Successful brands have their own biography: once they were born, they have their founders (parents) and investors, they were also given their name at birth, their history is full of ups and downs, as well as interesting facts. As a rule, success depends on two main factors - this is high-quality advertising and the product itself.

The history of the origin of the Coca-Cola company started back in 1886 on May 8, a little-known owner of a small pharmacological company at that time invented the recipe for Coca-Cola. John Stith Pemberton was convinced medicinal properties of his invention, and anticipating a big profit, he went to the largest drugstore chain in Atlanta, where he offered to sell Coca-Cola for $ 0.05 per serving. His drink helped patients with stress, fatigue, and nervous disorders. The healing properties of the drink were quite understandable, because the composition of this product included coca extract (i.e. cocaine leaves, a potent drug), and only at the beginning of the 20th century were proven harmful properties cocaine.

The second person who immortalized his name with Coca-Cola was Frank Mason Robinson, it was he who came up with the name for this drink. He worked for John Stith, was his accountant. By combining the name of the two main ingredients that were part of the medicinal product (coca leaves and kola tree nuts), he received a worldwide famous name brand - Coca-Cola.

Robertson also had a perfect command of calligraphy, and presented not only the name, but also the company's logo - beautiful curly white letters on a bright red background. From that moment on, a thorny and difficult path to success began. The first investment in advertising and production of the drink did not pay off at first, but there are many sharp turns in the history of the life of this company. One of them is the sudden death of its creator, 2 years after the creation of Coca-Cola. John Stith Pemberton never had time to enjoy the success of his offspring.

The history of the creation of the most popular drink Coca Cola

An ordinary Coca-Cola seller, experimenting, diluted Pemberton's syrup not with ordinary water, but with soda. This is an innovation saturated with carbon dioxide. Effervescent Coca Cola was to the taste of the local population, which was used by a novice entrepreneur. As an immigrant from Ireland, Asa Candler buys a syrup recipe and trademarks a new soda. And already in 1893, the history of Coca-Cola takes on a modern look. In the same year, Asa Candler opens The Coca-Cola Company.

It was he who brought a brilliant idea to life, registered, legally issued, invested money and set up the production and marketing of the Coca-Cola drink, he is rightfully considered the father of the company. Already under the clear leadership of Az Candler, modernization and innovations were carried out in the production of Coca-Cola, the main innovative solution was the removal of cocaine from the composition of soda (by replacing fresh coca leaves with squeezed coca leaves).

Just in time, at that time, discussions began in scientific circles about the dangers of cocaine for human body. A world-famous newspaper published a critical article in which many examples were given of African Americans who, having drunk Coca-Cola, in a state of passion, attacked civilians. Today, coca leaves are no longer used, ordinary caffeine acts as a stimulant. The recipe for Coca-Cola is not a secret, but its ingredients are shocking, for example, 9 tablespoons of sugar are needed for 1 glass of Coca-Cola.

The secret behind Coca Cola's historic success

The Coca-Cola Company has achieved worldwide recognition thanks to innovations in advertising and marketing. To create a popular and recognizable brand product, I had to resort to non-standard solutions. One of Landler's first ingenious advertising moves was the supply of completely free Coca-Cola to pharmacy customers. In exchange for his product, the businessman only asked for the mailing addresses of customers who had tried (and liked) the free drink at the pharmacy. After that, the owner of the company sent coupons for free Coca-Cola by mail, people willingly came with coupons and bought more (but for money). Thus, giving a couple of bottles of the drink for free, the brand quickly gained a customer base.

I would like to note that soda got its colossal success during the dry law, which was introduced in 1886 in Atlanta. Any product produced had to be in demand, people gladly switched from alcohol to fizzy soda. Advertising slogans of those years said: Coca-Cola refreshes, invigorates and heals. It was promoted not only as a pharmaceutical drug, but also as an energy drink, which are so popular in our time.

Marketers resorted to innovative solutions:

We set up the production of souvenirs and toys for children, on which the emblem and slogans of the company were applied. Some were distributed free of charge, others were given as a gift when buying a large amount of a drink, but the main thing is that people took advertising to their homes.
The first advertising company in the history of the company was organized under the slogan “Drink Coca-Cola. Delicious and refreshing." After its successful completion, the slogans changed from patriotic to romantic, the main thing is that this gave its result.
Coca-Cola was actively advertised by famous athletes, actors and public figures. Today, a successful brand does not need the services of these people.
Expanding the boundaries, already in 1902, the Coca-Cola company became the most famous brand of sparkling water in the United States with an annual turnover of 120 thousand US dollars. And in 1989, already an international company, placed its advertisement in Moscow, a huge billboard on Pushkin Square.
The fight against fraudsters was carried out very actively, so only in 1916 there were more than 150 lawsuits against companies that tried to imitate the famous Coca-Cola brand. It is not strange that goods that are in great demand are always trying to fake or look like them in order to snatch their piece of the delicious pie.

Coca-Cola gained immense popularity after 1894, as it became more affordable. The fact is that until this turning point it was sold only for bottling. Joseph Biedenharn was the first person to package Coke in glass container, having made the already favorite drink of many, more accessible to everyone.

Why is Coca-Cola such a successful company?

The history of the Coca Cola Company is a prime example of measured strategy and marketing. The Coca-Cola company has long overtaken world leaders such as IBM, Google, Amazon and others.

According to the company, over the years they have created the largest structure for the distribution of beverages in the world, built factories on all continents, and consume the company's product in more than 200 countries around the world. To all this, add a multi-billion dollar advertising budget - that's the key to success. And yet, why the Coca-Cola Company is so successful:

1. Well-organized logistics that allows daily delivery of products to all retail outlets in the world.
2. The correct location of commercial refrigerators, a colossal number of sales agents, a verified place on the shelf that most of all attracts the attention of the buyer.
3. Aggressive round-the-clock advertising, every day a huge number of people and their subconscious are affected by advertising.