The best diet for losing weight by 20 kg.

You can lose weight by 20 kg with the help of low-calorie oh diet and diet for drying the body. data result diet is long lasting. But, the result can be achieved only with strict adherence to the rules of the diet.

Let's tell you first about the first - its duration is one month.

Diet rules:

Get ready to diet - a week before the start of the diet, start cleansing the intestines with enema or mild laxative;

Do not change the sequence of days of the diet, the composition of the diet;

Drink more to avoid constipation and to speed up the process of losing weight;

During the period of compliance do not diet sweets, alcoholic drinks.

Buy groceries for the week right away to follow the diet, prepare containers for lunch at work.

Then, you should print out the diet ration and hang it on the refrigerator.

During the first three days of following the diet, you may experience: weakness, deterioration of health, headache.

If there are such phenomena as: bad bad breath, tongue lining, rash repeat bowel cleansing with enemas.

How to lose 20 kg in a month

The diet for three weeks is the same:

Day 1: between breakfast and dinner we drink a liter of milk in small portions, and for dinner - we drink a glass tomato juice and eat one hundred grams of black bread;

Day 2 (protein):

Breakfast aem: one hundred grams of black bread + twenty grams butter, one teaspoon of honey yes, a glass of unsweetened tea with the addition of milk;

Dinner aem: one hundred grams of ham (or boiled chicken, or low-fat boiled meat) + a portion of broth, one hundred grams Dutch cheese+ one hundred grams of black bread;

Dinner aem : two boiled chicken eggs.

Day 3 (vegetable):

Breakfast aem: 2 apples or 2 oranges or 2 peaches

Dinner aem : Vegetable soup(boiled grated or chopped vegetables) with 1 tsp. vegetable oil

Dinner aem : Salad of 3 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers (no oil), 1 cup tea with 1 spoon of honey

Day 4 :

Breakfast aem : drink a glass of unsweetened coffee with milk, eat one hundred grams Dutch cheese;

Dinner aem : eat one hundred grams ham (or boiled chicken, or fish, or meat) + one hundred grams of black bread, two boiled chicken eggs;

Dinner aem : drink a glass of tenderness fresh kefir.

Day 5 - repeat the diet of day 2;

Day 6 - repeat the diet of day 3;

Day 7 - repeat the diet of the day 4.

Diet for the fourth week:

Day 1: eat one and a half kilograms apples

Day 2: eat one and a half kilograms of boiled Chicken;

Day 3: eat one and a half kilograms of salad (cucumbers and tomatoes);

Day 4: Eat a pound of lean fat boiled meat;

Day 5: eat 500 grams dutch cheese, drink a bottle mineral water without gas;

Day 6: Drink a liter of low fat kefir, eat two boiled chicken eggs, piece of boiled fish;

Day 7: drink a bottle red wine and eat a kilo of gollans hellish cheese.

This diet is not difficult. endure. But, repeating the diet is possible only after three month.

How to lose weight by 20 kg - reviews

Oksana: I want to tell you how I lost 20 kg. Maybe this is wrong, but I only ate for 3 months sandwiches per day (to a piece of black bread + a chicken egg + a spoonful of sour cream (but without salt). Saw savory green tea . In between drink between meals ryazhenka and only then I drank tea.

Alyona : I lost weight like this - I put food in a mug (volume 200 - 250 grams) and eat it teaspoon. Five times a day. In this way, you can reduce the volume of the stomach, so as not to live for the sake of food. Also, I did not eat after six in the evening. Saw only unsweetened drinks, low-fat kefir in half with mineral water, clean water. Also, I love cycling. swim, still, I love winter views sports - skating, skiing, and just walking. I will tell you one of my tricks - to lose weight one hundred grams a day it is necessary that the body lacks approximately 900 kcal daily. That is, the brain can be deceived - when you want to eat - eat a carrot, or an apple, or Green pepper- and it will be a meal! But low calorie! The brain will think that you ate, because the volume of the stomach is full.

Elena: And I believe that there are no diets that will instantly save you from 20 kg. Even for a month. I don't believe it!

There is either successful genetics, or work on yourself - proper nutrition and sports.

I advise you the following: do not starve, because for weight loss you need a good metabolism, and after starvation he "freezes". Instead, don't eat. sweet, floury, fatty, eat less fruits. Eat Five Times in a day. Last time three hours before bedtime. Also, should be monitored for alori products and drink plenty of water.

Also, remember that proper weight loss can be fast. Weight can come off slowly but thanks to sports you will lose weight and see results immediately. I lost 20 kg in 4 months. This keeps my skin from sagging.

Before I lose weight passed the analysis for hormones, the nutritionist made me the right diet, and the coach - training program, and I successfully lost 20 kg and easily maintain given result. But I did not have such side effects as weakness, feeling of hunger, feeling worse!

Lisa: I needed after graduation breastfeeding lose weight by 20 kg. I have tried various diets! I lost weight by five to eight kilograms, but the weight returned. I'll tell you how I ended up losing weight:

After waking up (before breakfast) I drank a glass of warm water.

My breakfast: in a cup with a volume of two hundred grams, I brewed cereal (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal). And then, she could eat whatever she wanted (until 14.00) - even sweet, even flour.

I dined after 14.00 - something boiled or stewed ( braised cabbage, boiled potatoes, boiled chicken egg, boiled fish or boiled chicken).

In the evening I ate only vegetables. (carrot+ White cabbage+ beets) and fruits (mainly apples, because there was little money). Drank kefir, milk, green tea, clean water (up to three liters in a day).

Ekaterina: I am not a supporter fast weight loss, it’s enough for me that in two months I lost fifteen kilograms! How did I do it? was engaged sports three times a week + in the evening I ran + ate little sweets (maximum a couple sweets per day) + I drink unsweetened weak tea + daily fruits and vegetables no limit + ate little fatty, fried, etc.

BUT lina: I lose five kilograms a week when I stop eating sweet, starchy foods. Also, I do not eat after six in the evening, I only drink green tea.

Alice: my friend was able to lose weight 20 kg in 4 months just by counting calories.

Tanya: I think The secret to healthy weight is a balanced diet. That is , you need to calculate how much you need fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Therefore, each of your meals will have to have a certain calorie content. You need to eat often - at least six times a day. So you won't feel hungry and lose weight those. Personally, I lost weight - twenty-one kilograms but four months.

Rimma: scientists have proven eat small portions, but often - up to six times per day, because the more often you eat, the better your metabolism will be.

You will get the effect of losing weight in proportion to the efforts expended, i.e. use every opportunity to reach result - ride a bike, go for a walk forest or park, play with the baby, take a brisk walk.

Also, I would like to say that catching you can’t eat a lot of boiled chicken eggs - a maximum of two a week, otherwise it will increase blood cholesterol.

Also, in order to lose weight, you need to get enough sleep - it is important to go to bed early (find information about this on the Internet), because in a dream there is a release a special hormone responsible for proper appetite! So - get it right daily routine, go to bed on time, get up early, then your metabolism will return to normal and problems will disappear with health!

You can lose weight by 20 kg by drying body.

What is with the ear of the body? This is a special set of actions that can significantly reduce the number of fat cells in the body and improve muscle relief.

In order to remove subcutaneous fat, you need to spend more energy than you get from food, or eat less than the body needs.

Fat begins to be broken down when the body is low on energy.

That is, you need to monitor the calorie content ( energy value) food.

The energy value nutrients next: about one gram of fat 9 kcal, one gram of protein 4 kcal, one gram of carbohydrates 4 kcal.

Now, you can use the calculator to calculate the amount of energy you consume.

You can buy small electronic scales for weighing products, and weighing them, you can calculate their calorie content.

But I'll tell you right now - Every person there are individual peculiarities - faster or slower metabolism, best or worst usv product labeling, i.e. drying the body people happen differently.

For proper weight loss, you need to know your daily energy requirement at rest. To calculate it, you need to know that at rest The body expends 1 kcal per 1 kg of weight in 1 hour ( we consider the daily need for energy at rest - your weight (kg) x 1 kcal x 24 hours).

Remember: every action you take will increase the energy costs of the body, e.g. lifting stairs, swimming pool access, gym access a (“weight” of these loads in kilocalories can be found on the Internet).

For women, the daily caloric value should be reduced by 10%.

For proper weight loss it is important to eat timidly, in small portions, but often - up to ten times a day.

Fractional nutrition improves the functioning of the body, speeds up metabolism that during drying is wonderful.

For weight loss you need to reduce to the amount of incoming energy by about 500 kcal. For energy consumption to exceed l the amount of energy that enters the body with food. Then the organism will find an alternative source of energy to nourish cells and will break down fat cells. It will happen through 21 days from the start of drying.

How to properly spend energy - with the help of cardio loads ( running, riding cycling, exercise exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical simulator) - at the same time, the boundaries of the pulse should be 140-160 beats per minute,

We conclude that in order to lose weight, you need to eat less, than you need to go to the gym, add cardio.

Diet for drying the body

Diet rules:

    During the drying period need to consume two grams every day protein per kilogram of body weight.

    You need to remove from the diet: fatty, sweet.

    Drink up to three liters of water daily.

    For carbohydrates, try to eat in the 1st half of the day (up to 80% for carbohydrates that you wanted to eat in a day).

    The diet should include foods that contain fiber.

    The diet should include foods low in glycemic index:

    Greens - parsley, basil - 5,

    Spices - vanillin, cinnamon, oregano - 5,

    Avocado - 10,

    Nuts - a rachis, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, Walnut, m indal - 15,

    Vegetables - pickled and pickled cucumbers, onions, parsley, fresh cucumber, White cabbage, cauliflower, b russel cabbage, broccoli - 15,

    Mushrooms - 15,

    Berries - for strawberries, strawberries, raspberries - 25,

    low fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese 30,

    Pear, grapefruit - 30,

    Tomato - 30,

    M orkovka, with vekla - 30,

    Tomato juice - 35,

    Beans - 35,

    I blocko - 35,

    Dried fruits - to the hurricane, prunes - 40,

    Buckwheat - 40,

    Grapes - 45,

    Canned green peas - 45.

Using this knowledge, you can make the correct diet.

Athletes make up their diet like this: tomato juice, chicken eggs, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, boiled rice. And they eat only this.

How can you diversify such a meager diet?

Sometimes, you can cook: boiled beef in tenderloin (254 kcal per 100 grams, of which fat - 16.8 grams, proteins - 25.8 grams), stewed salmon fillet (153 kcal per 100 grams, of which fat - 8.1 grams, proteins - 20 gr umm), avocado salad (with tomatoes and boiled beans) - 97 kcal per 100 grams, of which fat - 2.1 grams, proteins - 19.2 grams amma, boiled chicken proteins (caloric content of a chicken egg - 157 kcal per 100 grams, of which fat - 11.5 grams, proteins - 12.7 grams amma, carbohydrates - 0.7 gr amma), because in chicken egg five grams fat, which not to be used dry.

During drying in the diet limited amount of vitamins coming with food, therefore - use vitamin complexes, for example, "MultiMax", "AlfaVit" for athletes.

Drying exercises

Cardio exercises such as running.

Also, your coach will select you exercises for drying the body, make a program in according to your physical fitness.

As soon as you lose weight - calculate the daily calorie content again!

Let's summarize:

To lose weight by 20 kg by drying the body, you need:

    Strict control and discipline - strictly follow all the rules and prohibitions of the diet.

    Reducing the number of calories consumed.

    Remove to the maximum fats from the diet (only linseed oil is allowed).

    Eat fewer carbohydrates.

    It is forbidden to eat sweets.

    Add to diet fiber.

    Keep counting calorie foods.

    You can't lose weight with exercise alone. in the gym, it only spends 300-500 kcal, so have to diet.

    Need to eat d robno - five - seven times a day.

    By evening, carbohydrate intake Should be minimal, in the evening and at bedtime can only eat protein.

    present in carbohydrates in the diet should have a low glycemic index.

    Take daily to cardio before breakfast running for forty minutes.

    We train in the gym to strengthen muscles.

    Drink plenty of water (up to three liters a day).

    Every day we use less than two grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

    When calculating the calorie content of foods, we use home scales (we weigh foods in dry form).

    We take in vitamins.

Excess weight is not only a factor that spoils our beauty, provokes the occurrence of serious diseases, but also delivers a lot of psychological discomfort. Any woman strives, if not to allow the addition of extra pounds, then at least as soon as possible to get rid of unnecessary ballast.

Rapid weight loss has many supporters and opponents. But when it comes to a practically guaranteed way to lose weight by 20 kg per month, even ardent opponents subside.


Fast diets simply provide maximum weight loss when followed. This is their main difference from express diets, which are limited in time and cannot last more than 7 days.

Properly selected fast diet allows you to increase the tone of the whole body, improve the functioning of internal organs.

Such a diet becomes the basis for the development of proper eating habits.

Often, fast diets include mono-diets or their cycle (a meal plan consisting of several mono-diets). It is difficult to say how correct this is, but there is no doubt that large plumb lines can be obtained from their output.

The main benefits of this diet are:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • it can be built depending on taste preferences;
  • the menu usually includes products available to everyone;
  • fairly cheap power supply scheme;
  • helps to reduce the volume of the stomach.

A balanced fast diet has significantly more benefits than a mono diet. Her diet is reduced, but quite varied. And, therefore, a person will not have an acute desire to eat something forbidden.

A balanced fast diet depresses the psychological state of a person less and allows you to do without breakdowns (if you show a little willpower).

Dangers and cons

No matter how positive and effective the diet is, it has its drawbacks. Emergency weight loss must be approved by a doctor. Your chronic diseases may worsen if you follow a fast diet to lose weight by 20 kg.

The main dangers of a fast diet can be considered:

  • a greater likelihood of returning excess weight;
  • fast diets are bad for metabolism;
  • emergency weight loss is always stressful for the body, which can manifest itself as hair loss, skin and teeth problems.

It should be noted that the dangers of a fast diet have not been proven. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and general health. The fast diet has many disadvantages.

They are the following:

  • most, if such a diet is followed, will feel hungry;
  • the diet is not poor, but it cannot be called completely balanced;
  • despite the simplicity, it requires compliance with the diet and the preparation of certain dishes;
  • weight loss is not due to adipose tissue, but due to the removal of fluid and loss of muscle mass.

From the point of view of cosmetology, fast diets are harmful. The skin does not have time to recover and sags. There are rashes, stretch marks and other cosmetic defects.

That is why, adhering to such a diet, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. It helps to remove toxins, decay products and prevents the development of dryness of our upper integuments.

Some may call the main disadvantage of such a diet, the fact that there is no guarantee for everyone in the final loss of 20 kg per month. The result is not guaranteed with other diets. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Video: how to lose 20 kg after childbirth

Fast diet menu for weight loss by 20 kg

The menu for losing weight by 20 kg for all three weeks will be the same. It is important to keep order and not change daily rations places.

1st day 0.5 l milk0.5 l milk1 glass of tomato juice, 100 g black bread
2nd day 2 boiled eggs
3rd day
4th day A glass of low-fat kefir
5th day 100 g black bread, 20 g butter, 1 tsp. honey, coffee with milk without sugar100 g ham (meat) with broth, 100 g hard cheese, 100 g black bread2 boiled eggs
6th day 2 apples (orange or peach)Vegetable soup with 1 tsp. vegetable oilSalad of 3 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes without oil, a glass of tea with 1 tsp. honey
7th day Coffee with milk without sugar, 100g Dutch cheese100 g ham (meat, fish), 100 g black bread, 2 boiled eggsA glass of low-fat kefir

It is very important to go through three preparatory days before starting the diet, eating light, dietary foods.

It is not bad to make an enema with a decoction of herbs: in this way it will be easier to tolerate the first period of the diet. It is characterized by headaches and depressed mood, and all because in the first three days accumulated toxins will come out.

The most important thing is to hold out for this time, and then the body will get used to it, rebuild itself and start the “weight loss” mode.

First week

In the first week, you will have to endure the feeling of hunger and drowsiness. The body will get used to the new diet. The diet consists of a series of mono-diets that alternate every other day. So if you set yourself up for a result of 20 kg, you need to follow the diet of every day and not change the order.

The first day must be hungry.

Instead of breakfast and lunch, a liter of milk is drunk in small cups.

For dinner, you can drink some tomato juice and eat 100 g of bread. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, sweet juices, sugar-containing products, bakery products. Cheese is allowed to eat only Dutch. cottage cheese and processed cheese excluded from the diet. It is advisable to buy fitness cheese with a low percentage of fat content.

Vegetable soup must be prepared from grated tomatoes, bell pepper and bow. In its composition and consistency, it should resemble Bonn soup.

Second week

The second week will be more pleasant in terms of sensations. The first crisis period is over. But the regime and products cannot be changed. Most active weight loss and the breakdown of fats begins precisely from the 2nd week. An acute feeling of hunger will occur less and less often, saturation will begin to come even after a glass of ordinary water.

The menu for the second week of the diet is similar to the first.

The week should start with a fast day. Some nutritionists believe that with such a diet, for greater effectiveness of the diet, you can skip certain meals. For example, on Monday - refuse breakfast, and on Tuesday - from lunch.

Video: How to lose weight by 20 kg

This method is effective, as there will be a gradual decrease in the amount of calories consumed, and a change in the time of nutrient intake will help to accelerate the metabolism.

Third week

The third week can upset plumb lines. But do not forget about the “plateau” effect and that it is normal for the human body to stop emergency weight loss at certain points.

The menu this week is similar to the first two. The third week can also be characterized by emergency weight loss, if at first the indicators were insignificant.

It will also be necessary to properly exit the diet. Fast 20 day diet provides 1 week to consolidate the results. Throughout it, you can expand the existing menu every day by adding prohibited foods.

Another and less correct way out is to replace diet menu regular, but with limited portions.


A fast diet for quick weight loss of 20 kg has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart, kidneys and excretory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • anemia, exhaustion;
  • metabolic disorders, endocrinological diseases;
  • obesity.

Contraindications in this diet is a very controversial thing. Fast diets are used even by doctors in preparation for surgery and in general. medicinal purposes. But with obesity of the 3rd and 4th degree, endocrinologists usually do not prescribe them. The question of the admissibility of the diet should be decided by a personal doctor. Contraindications also depend on chronic diseases person.

If a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, esophagitis or gastritis, such a diet is categorically unacceptable. Nursing mothers should also choose a more sparing diet.

Cosmetologists consider the majority fast diets harmful and destroying the beauty of the skin and hair. In their opinion, such diets are always big restrictions that can provoke metabolic disorders. They are the most common cause of hair loss, hair breakage, dullness, and skin imperfections.

It is quite possible to lose 20 kg in one month, although it will not be easy.

Is it realistic to do it?

Or maybe 3 or 4 months?

According to the reviews of those who have tried it, the biggest difficulty lies in self-organization, since most diets are based on a drastic change in diet and approach to food. For some patients, these life changes are psychologically painful.

How to correctly calculate the body norm?

Before going to lose weight by 20 kg, you need to make sure that they are really present in the body.

Weigh yourself and calculate your normal weight using the formula: height - 110. We get optimal amount kilograms, but if it goes beyond 4-5 kg, do not despair.

But the mark of more than 20 already sounds threatening and requires the use of emergency measures.

Which include:

  • diet,
  • physical exercise,
  • autotraining.

Effective Ways

There are many diet options that offer to lose 20 kg in a month. Let's consider some of them.

Balanced diet

The most optimal diet is to establish a balanced diet. To do this, it is proposed to follow some rules.

  • Remove sugar, sweets, flour, bananas, ice cream, potatoes from the diet.

These carbohydrate foods are very easily absorbed by the body. If you constantly sit in one place at your desk, then it is guaranteed that carbohydrates processed into fats will be deposited. Use these products for a small amount only possible with regular exercise.

  • As much as possible it is necessary to exclude: meat and milk of high fat content.

Such products have a negative effect on the liver, contributing to the deposition of fat in it.

  • Stop drinking alcohol and energy drinks.

This is a huge source of calories that need to be spent somewhere. That is why after drinking alcohol you want to do remarkable things - this is what unspent calories make you feel about yourself.

  • Avoid salt intake as much as possible.

It regulates water metabolism in the body. Due to the high presence of salt excess weight will be due to excess water that can be removed.

  • Do not eat spices and spices.

They promote appetite and stoke hunger, after which you can quietly eat large portions.

Mono diet

Thanks to this diet, you can not only lose 20 kg in one month, but also safely exit one of the selected diets.

Olga Kartunkova, emaciated by 49 kg, shocked the audience: “I burned all the fat with the usual ...

Many people who, due to certain circumstances, have to get rid of a considerable amount of excess weight, are thinking about how to lose 20 kg in a month. In how to lose weight by 20 kg, it is important to follow a number of rules.

At times in the life of a particular individual, there may be a need for urgent significant weight loss. Such things are easier given to men, due to the increased rate of their metabolism. For them, 10-15 kg in the red for a month is not a problem at all.

The fair sex with such things is worse. Too abrupt disposal of a certain number of kilograms sometimes threatens them with all sorts of endocrine disorders and other similar troubles. In addition, the body often “does not appreciate” such efforts, and in response to them, on the contrary, it suddenly begins to rapidly increase fat reserves.

Therefore, even before making such a decision, how to lose 20 kg in a month, you should seek advice not from "omniscient" friends and relatives, but go straight to the doctor. After the examination, a qualified physician will help solve the problem of determining the right weight loss program based on the health status of a particular individual.

You should also think a thousand times before deciding on drastic measures regarding your own weight. It is especially tough to “filter” such information, which promises supposedly the opportunity to lose 20 kg in a week. Diet or "miracle pill" - in this case It doesn't really matter what exactly is on offer. The main thing is that such experiments certainly will not do without damage to the body. Any qualified physician and nutritionist will tell you this.

When, nevertheless, such measures have no alternative - for example, if weight loss is supposed to be achieved in the name of medical purposes, for the sake of healing from some kind of ailment - you should choose exactly the method in which the diet will be as balanced as possible for the main groups of nutrients and as much as possible diversified in terms of product range.

For example, such a low-calorie diet, designed for a month. Its creators warn that it can only be used by those whose body weight has really deviated from the norm upwards. Thin people, who are striving to "thin" even more, should not mess with its observance.

Regarding it, there are several general recommendations that are important to follow. So, just before the start of the diet (by the way, it is better to start it from Monday), it is proposed to perform cleansing intestinal procedures. In this regard, two options are possible - a saline laxative or an ordinary enema.

The schedule proposed in this weight loss program should be strictly adhered to, and at the slightest "misfire" again return to the beginning. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of the hated excess kilograms, the opposite situation may happen - their set.

In how to lose weight by 20 kg per month, the optimal drinking regimen will help. The amount of water has not been established, but it is assumed that the person will drink "more".

The first day of this diet, as practice has shown, is the worst tolerated, since it can rightfully be called “hungry”. During it, until the evening, you will have to “stretch” only a liter of milk, and a “feast” is not expected for dinner - only no more than a hundred grams rye bread and 200-250 milliliters of tomato juice.

The second and fifth days become "protein". For breakfast, a piece of bread is provided here, similar to what is eaten on a “hungry” day (by the way, wherever it is mentioned, it will be offered in this quantity), but already with 20 grams of butter, as well as unsweetened coffee seasoned milk (however, a small spoonful of honey is also acceptable). For lunch, you will be able to "feast" with a hundred-gram piece of ham, boiled chicken or meat - and with broth - with the same amount of Dutch cheese and bread. Dinner will only have two eggs.

The third and sixth days are “vegetable-fruit”. At the first meal, you will have to be content with a couple of apples, peaches or oranges, at the second - vegetable soup with a spoonful of vegetable oil, and in the last - a glass of tea with a spoonful of honey and an unseasoned salad of two cucumbers and three tomatoes.

The fourth and seventh days are called "special". Here, breakfast is identical to that provided for the "protein" menu - but without butter and honey. The lunch on a set of products becomes a kind of compilation of a similar meal plus dinner on a "protein" day. The final meal this time will be marked only by drinking a glass of kefir.

These are the first to third weeks of following such a diet. The fourth is different. The first, second and third days are marked as the time of eating one and a half kilograms of apples / boiled chicken / cucumbers and tomatoes, respectively. On the fourth, you will have to stretch a kilogram of meat, on the fifth - a pound of Dutch cheese with a bottle of mineral water, on the sixth - a liter of kefir, two boiled eggs and also cooked fish, and on the final day - a kilogram of cheese with a bottle of red wine.

The conditions offered in it are quite strict. However, the creators of this diet almost swear that it is quite easy to get rid of a couple of tens of kilograms with it.