Low-alcohol drinks with their own hands. No harmful additives, no hangover: recipes for alcoholic beverages at home

How often, admiring some eminent strong alcoholic drink, we forget that it is always based on. Be it , or something else.

All this, in fact, is national moonshine, differing only in the raw materials for mash, based on local conditions. IN America- endless fields of corn, which was used not only for animal feed, but also for bourbon. Mexico- entirely in cacti, which the locals have learned to turn into tequila. Grown in Scotland and Ireland cereals became the basis for whiskey.

This list could go on and on and proves that there are many different ingredients for homemade liquor: fruits, berries, cereals, even bread, milk etc.

natural composition

And we come to a natural conclusion: if they do it in other countries, then we can do it just as well. The main thing is raw materials and clear recipes. Learn more about how to do it at home at no extra cost cook delicious homemade alcohol, you can from the proposed articles.

The benefits of homemade alcohol are obvious! You know exactly what it is made of, because the raw materials choose yourself.

Desiring to prepare slightly unusual for our taste, but excellent drinks, desired herbs you collect and dry by yourself, cook strong moonshine double distillation, add all the ingredients, following the recipe, infuse for the right time.

Believe me, not a single alcohol from the supermarket shelves was even close! The creation of spirits almost identical to the originals from distant lands is an extremely captivating and creative.

New Recipes

Be sure to try your hand, offer family, friends, colleagues new tastes. Using the proposed and proven recipes, you will create for men and connoisseurs strong drinks real absinthe, rum, or.

It's time to master the ability to create according to the classic recipe and develop your own imagination, offering new combinations of ingredients and nuances of taste.

Click on an article that interests you, study recipes, share your own experiences and impressions in the comments!

Let's make the culture of drinking homemade alcohol better together!

Here we have collected for you interesting recipes alcoholic and without alcoholic beverages that you can cook at home. Treat your guests and yourself.

Four simple prescription making cognac from alcohol or vodka: traditional, fragrant, coffee and even ginger.

Four more recipes for making a wonderful drink, but already based on: traditional, on oak bark, on oak chips and also the hot way.

Perhaps the most popular liqueur comes from the south of Italy. A simple recipe with only four ingredients: alcohol, water, sugar and lemons.

A couple of recipes for a great liqueur based on Irish whiskey. This is not only the favorite liqueur of many women, but also an important component of a large number of different cocktails.

A classic recipe for a strong alcoholic drink with the aroma of wormwood and anise. And also ways correct use Absinthe. Attention: distillation is required!

Tequila - strong alcohol This drink is made in Mexico from the juice of the Blue Agave plant. Can you make real tequila at home?

To make an Advocate-type egg liqueur at home, you need a little time and available ingredients. There are 2 recipes for you today.

Two great recipes for homemade chocolate liqueur, one using chocolate, the other using cocoa for a hint of chocolate. All ingredients are available even in times of crisis!

For you, a recipe for a banana liqueur, such as Creme de Banane Morello (Creme de Banane - thick, white liquors, 17-25 degrees strong). If it's cheap banana season - treat yourself and your loved ones!

To enjoy a delicious milk liqueur, it is not necessary to run to the store. Three great recipes for you! Available ingredients and fast preparation.

Sparkling drink (champagne) can really be prepared at home! This does not require rare ingredients and high costs.

The secrets of mead and three great recipes are already waiting for you! It's classic, fortified and special recipes mead.

Almost every country has a traditional folk drink. In Russia, this is sbiten. For you, alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions of sbitnya recipes.

Authentic Calvados is produced only in France, but we can prepare apple brandy, very close in taste to the legendary drink.

Now, few people know what a polugar is, although back in the 19th century this word was on everyone's lips. So called wine from bread, which our ancestors made from wheat, rye or barley.

Georgia patented chacha as its brand in 2011. For you - the history and recipe for making real Georgian chacha.

The process of making moonshine normal conditions not complicated at all, and the ingredients are in any home.

Today for you history and recipe homemade bourbon- an American drink, which is essentially moonshine made from corn).

Amaretto is a dessert liqueur invented by Italians from the province of Saronno. Having tried it once, you will forever become a fan of the unusual bitter-almond taste of this drink.

General rules for making mulled wine and 5 great recipes mulled wine for you!

Warming mulled wine with the aroma of spices and spices is the perfect companion for a long winter evening in a pleasant company, especially if a snowstorm is raging outside the window.

If you have old candied honey left, make honey moonshine. Moonshine from honey is soft, delicate in taste with a subtle honey aroma. Such moonshine is fundamentally different from mead.

For lovers of high-quality high-grade drinks, there are many recipes for making moonshine from juice. They are distinguished by a mild taste, strength and are made from any, even fermented juice.

If a person wants to treat himself to an interesting and tasty alcoholic drink, it is not at all necessary to go to a store or restaurant and spend a lot of money on it. You can effortlessly prepare your favorite drink at home. It may seem to some people that the taste will not be the same, but it is not. If everything is done correctly according to the recipes, then the result will definitely please.

Alcohol prepared at home

Before using the products, you should carefully consider them, it is best not to use spoiled and stale products. The choice of water also requires special attention, since this is the basis of any alcoholic drink, and without it, it is unlikely that anything will work out. The taste and quality of the drink will primarily depend on water. Therefore, you must always adhere to the recipe, strictly follow the proportions, otherwise there is a risk that the work has been done in vain.

It should be noted that the flavorings that people often add to drinks are antioxidants. Even cooking utensils must be carefully selected. It should be intended only for drinks and nothing more. If a person is familiar with all the intricacies of cooking, then we can say with confidence that the result will be good.

How to prepare alcoholic drinks at home?

Making homemade alcohol is serious business. Before you start cooking, it is better to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rules, and only then proceed directly to cooking. It is also necessary to be patient, wait for the end of fermentation and only then take a sample. These rules are needed in order not to make a mistake and not spoil the drink.

Alcoholic drinks prepared at home: recipes

Many people cannot afford to buy exotic and delicious alcoholic drinks. But why not make apple cider or mojito at home? Therefore, we want to introduce you to homemade recipes for alcoholic beverages. Rum will decorate any table, and even better if it is prepared at home, with your own hands. To make rum, we need ingredients such as:

  • a liter of good vodka;
  • essences of pineapple, vanilla and rum;
  • granulated sugar;
  • pure water.

When all the ingredients are collected, we proceed directly to cooking:

  1. Mix essences with vodka.
  2. We take a spoonful of sugar and drown it.
  3. Pour soda into the container, add the rest of the sugar, bring to a boil, and then cool, mix with vodka and essence.
  4. We take a pre-prepared bottle, and pour all the liquid into it.
  5. Close tightly and put in a dark place for four weeks.

How to make punch at home

Impossible to imagine festive table without punch. It is unique and very interesting alcoholic cocktail, it contains fruits and fruit juices. Punch is most often consumed hot, but sometimes it can be cooled if desired. Alcoholic drinks are taken as the basis, it can be cognac, rum, bourbon or other alcohol. Even though punch is an alcoholic drink, it also has useful properties. Punch has a warming effect, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Preparing such a drink at home is not difficult.

In order to make punch, you need to make tea. To do this, take two tablespoons of tea leaves, first rinse the tea leaves well, pour them hot water, wait a couple of minutes, and add more liquid to make a liter of tea leaves. Next, you need to add five tablespoons of honey or sugar to the tea leaves, and bring to a boil, mixing thoroughly. Spices will not become superfluous, you can add whatever your heart desires: cinnamon, vanilla sugar or cloves, but it is better not to buy them ground. You can also add lemon juice or apples to give the drink a fruity touch.

When all the ingredients have already been added, you need to pour in the alcohol little by little and bring to a boil, stirring well. When the punch is still hot, freshly squeezed citrus juices and pieces of fresh, ripe fruit are added to it.

Another a good option it's pineapple punch. For cooking, you need half a pineapple peeled, cut it into small cubes and beat it in a blender with dry white wine, then filter it, put the resulting liquid in the refrigerator, and wait until it thickens. After two hours, we take out our blank and fill it with chilled champagne. Our delicious punch is ready.

Mojito with alcohol at home

To make mojito at home, you don’t have to be a bartender, you just need to choose the right ingredients and know the recipe. If you want to make a traditional mojito, then you will need:

  • fresh mint;
  • white rum;
  • sparkling water;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lime.

First of all, to prepare a mojito, you need to wash lime and cut it in half, squeeze the juice from one half into a glass, and cut the other half into several slices. We take mint and separate the leaves, laying them on the bottom of the glass, add a few slices of lime to them and crush it, then pour rum, sugar syrup into the glass and pour ice. Gently mix the contents of the glass and add sparkling water, which will give the mojito freshness. Our mojito is ready to eat, as you can see, cooking does not take much time, and the recipe is quite simple. This drink perfectly refreshes and tones.

Homemade alcoholic drinks from apples

Apple is very useful and delicious fruit. Jam is made from it, pies are baked, compotes are cooked. But that's not all, very often alcoholic drinks are made from apples. The most common drinks are apple cider and apple wine.

Apple cider is usually made in the summer and rolled up for the winter. This classic drink which is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to take eight kilograms small apples cut into small pieces and peel them from the core. Then we take two kilograms of sugar and ten liters clean, boiled water and pour apples to diversify the taste a little, you can add lemon zest.

To complete the preparation, put the container with apple cider in a warm place for a week, it is important to remember that the warmer the room, the faster the fermentation process will end. After the time has passed ready drink strain, if necessary, several times until the cider is clear.

Unlike apple cider, apple wine is much more difficult to prepare, it is a very painstaking work that takes a lot of time and effort. For the preparation of wine are selected the most ripe apples, and you will also need granulated sugar, plasticine and vessels for wine. The first thing to do is to peel the apples from the core, if this is not done, the wine may turn out to be bitter. Then, using a juicer, we extract juice from apples, pour it into a container without closing it. For several days, you need to mix the juice often, adding sugar. The amount of sugar is determined by the volume of juice: four kilograms of sugar are needed for two liters.

As a result of such actions, we will get a dry, grape wine but the cooking doesn't end there. In order for the wine to ferment, the vessel must be tightly closed, making a small hole in the lid so that during fermentation the gases come out through it. The lid must be tightly glued to the container; for this, plasticine can be used. After that, we move the container with wine to a dark place and leave it for four weeks. During this time, it is not recommended to open the wine. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain.

Homemade alcoholic drinks: alcohol recipes

Alcoholic drinks can be prepared even with alcohol. Most often it is cognac, mojito, liqueurs, liqueurs, wine, tinctures. There are many recipes for making these drinks.

Recipe 1

To prepare cognac, you need to take three liters of diluted ethyl alcohol, cloves, processed sugar, nutmeg, vanillin and a little oak bark. We take glass jar with alcohol, pour melted sugar so that the cognac turns brown, then add the bark, walnut, vanilla sugar and cloves. We mix all the ingredients, tightly close the container and set to infuse for four weeks. After the time has passed, we filter the cognac into bottles.

Recipe 2

To make grapefruit liqueur we need:

  • alcohol;
  • grapefruit;
  • sugar.

We remove the peel from the grapefruit and fill it with alcohol, then squeeze the juice from the peeled fruit and mix it with sugar, bring to a boil, then cool. Pour the skin with alcohol into the consistency and mix. We put in a dark place and after two weeks the drink is ready.

Recipe 3

Preparing pineapple liqueur. We take pineapple, alcohol and sugar. Cut the pineapple into cubes and grind through a meat grinder. Add vodka and insist for two weeks, then filter, add sugar, leave for a few more days. Pour into bottles and close well.

How to quickly prepare homemade alcohol?

If you want to make an alcoholic drink very quickly, all the ingredients must be prepared in advance. Then mix them and pour vodka or alcohol, insist in a warm and dark place, strain. Such work will not take much time, and the drink will turn out no worse than the original.

Express recipe for making beer at home

Some alcoholic drinks take a long time to prepare. But for those who do not want to wait long, there are interesting express recipes. We will now meet one of them. As you know, beer is enough complex drink in cooking. Our recipe will help you enjoy your favorite beer in just five days. In order to make an express beer, we need malt, hops, honey, and water. Then we take three glasses of hops, one hundred grams of malt and put it in a small bag, for this it is best to use a linen bag. We carefully rub the mixture with our hands and put it under the tap of the samovar, and put the decoction under the bag, after adding honey.

We pour water into the samovar, we must remember that it must constantly boil. When enough liquid is collected in the container, you need to add shiver. The beer should ferment until the yeast settles. Only then should the beer be bottled and refrigerated. After five days, the beer is completely ready for drinking.

Despite the fact that homemade alcohol recipes appeared a very long time ago, they do not lose popularity even now. Today, alcohol is one of the most sought-after drinks. Each person has his own unique recipe alcoholic beverages, they are different in strength and composition: wine, punch, mojito, liquor, cider and many others interesting drinks. Despite such an abundance, it is not necessary to abuse alcohol, because the habit of drinking alcohol often simply becomes an addiction and destroys a person.

Becoming a homemade alcohol guru is a lot easier than you think. To do this, it is not necessary to be born in a family of winemakers. If you learn how to properly handle alcohol, you can create drinks of any strength and taste. with my own hands. Today we will learn how to fill a bar with alcohol that is not inferior to elite brands. Need only good recipe, the desire to save money and a little adventurism.

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of quality alcohol will surely say that good drink can only be born in the province of Cognac or in biodynamic vineyards, at worst. Most likely, they have never tried to do something like this in their kitchen. Or maybe in vain. At home, a whole space for imagination and creativity opens up. The main thing is to approach the matter with all responsibility.

The stumbling block of home "masters" is the sequence of mixing. Some pour water into alcohol, others alcohol into water. It is worth noting that the latter taught chemistry better, which says: pour the dissolved element into the solvent, not vice versa! Our solvent is water. So, in a container with prepared water, pour a dissolved element (alcohol) in a thin stream.

Alcohol is a strong oxidizing agent, if you pour water into a container with it, it decomposes into ions. These ions, under the influence of a solvent, form peroxide, volatile poisons, acetic and carbonic acid. Simply put, such a solution is dangerous to health, moreover, it will taste appropriate.

After proper mixing, the solution must be infused in a cool place. The alcohol and water components will take time to interact. It takes at least a week to complete this reaction, during which time unnecessary gases will leave the composition, and the components will combine and “calm down”.

When preparing vodka from alcohol, many people stop at a simple combination of two ingredients; such a product also has a right to exist. But we are not only interested easy way make alcohol from alcohol, we need quality drink. And here we will go the proven way - we use the feedback of those who have already done such an experiment.

So for homemade vodka from alcohol we need:

  • fructose - 2 tbsp. l;
  • distilled water - 1480 ml;
  • table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • food alcohol - 1 liter.
  1. In a container, preferably glass, pour the cleaned cold water. Here we introduce alcohol in a thin stream and stir the resulting composition. It is advisable to choose such a container so that the solution fills it completely. If a lot of air remains in the container, the alcohol oxidizes and can spoil the aftertaste of the prepared vodka. That is, for this recipe, you can mix the ingredients in 3 liter jar and then pour everything into small bottles.
  2. After mixing, the solution should warm up a little, the color may become a little cloudy, but this will pass quickly. Now pour fructose into the container and citric acid. These components soften the taste of the drink and act as acidity regulators. We mix everything. Instead of fructose, it is “not a sin” to use regular sugar, but it can change the color of vodka, making it yellowish.
  3. This is enough for pure vodka. If you want something special, you can add orange zest or almonds for flavor.
  4. Cover the mixture tightly nylon cover and put it in a cool dark place. The necessary reaction will take place here and after a week the product can be used.

This is one of the most simple options making vodka at home. Also, user reviews recommend coaling it. To do this, before settling and adding fructose, you need to pass the mixture through a household water filter. Pour into the filter container Activated carbon, pass the mixture first through a filter with coal, then through a clean one. So the taste of the product is indistinguishable from store analogues, but cheaper and definitely of high quality.

Based on the resulting drink, you can prepare homemade tinctures, liqueurs,. And if there is alcohol left, you can experiment further.

DIY Limoncello

Famous Italian liqueur at home it turns out no less tasty than that of Sicilian producers, the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe. Such a drink will be not only tasty, but also healthy. During the period of insistence on lemon peel the drink is filled with vitamins, especially vitamin C. In the heat, limoncello is well refreshing, and in winter time It also serves as a preventive measure against the common cold.

To prepare one liter of drink you will need:

  • 250 ml alcohol (95%);
  • 3 lemons;
  • 750 ml of purified water;
  • 250 g sugar or fructose.

Let's start with lemons. The peel should be dense, soft fruits are not entirely suitable, as their skin can give off bitterness. Before use, citrus fruits should be washed and dried well. For liquor, only the yellow part of the peel is required, for this it is better to remove it with a special knife, although the usual one will also work if everything is done carefully. Remove the skin from all three lemons.

Pour alcohol into a glass container, put the skin in it and close everything tightly with a lid. The mixture needs to be infused for 3-5 days, the longer it stays, the richer the aroma will be. But you should not keep citrus in alcohol for too long, as this will lead to the same bitterness. The place for infusion should be cool and dark.

After that, we take out the alcohol infusion and proceed to the final mixing. In a separate container, combine sugar and clean cool water, stir until completely dissolved. Pour alcohol into the resulting syrup through gauze: the mixture will immediately acquire a milky yellow hue, such as that of original drink. homemade liqueur ready. It is better to drink it with ice or in cocktails.

"Cognac" on alcohol

Regarding this drink, connoisseurs and gourmets could argue with home-made preparations. Real according to all the rules, indeed, only masters from the French province of Cognac (Cognac) can cook. The place of production, the recipe and the name itself are strictly regulated and controlled by law. In our country, under this name, most often any alcoholic drink with a light brown tint, very lucky if it's just brandy.

In 1900, at the World Exhibition, drinks from Nikolai Shustov's factories in Odessa and Yerevan received the right to be called "cognac". Neither before nor after this privilege was awarded to any foreign manufacturer. Although, consumer reviews today could argue with modern quality once legendary drink.

For the production of real (!) Cognac, you need white grapes, preferably trebbiano. From it fermented without the participation of sugar and crushing the bones. Then the wine is distilled on a patented cube in two stages. It turns out cognac spirit, but to become cognac, he still needs to brew in an oak barrel for at least 24 months. Even the age of the oak from which the barrel is made must be at least 80 years old.

So, what we learned: everything that is cognac in the store is not really cognac. Bottles with this name can be called, in best case, brandy. Modern manufacturers they simply use a popular name in order to optimize sales. The basis for such drinks is often any colored alcohol (and no trebbiano in an old barrel). So why not try making it yourself?

We will call it "cognac" only conditionally. The product will turn out natural, fragrant and cheaper than store counterparts. For him you will need:

  • diluted alcohol - 2 l (45-480);
  • coriander peas - 4-5 pcs;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • oak bark - 15-20 g;
  • cloves - 2 stars.

How to dilute alcohol, we have already learned in the recipe for homemade vodka. To get cognac 400, the base should be about 480 strong, it is desirable to use already settled alcohol. Pour all spices and sugar into a container with alcohol, coriander must first be kneaded. To get a caramel flavor, you can separately heat a tablespoon of sugar and dilute it in an alcohol mixture. A coffee flavor will turn out if you add one tablespoon of ground or two to 2 liters of base. tablespoon natural coffee.

So, everything is mixed, now you need to wash the oak bark (you can buy it at the pharmacy). Soak the bark in a colander and squeeze out the water. Pour the finished oak chips to the rest of the ingredients and mix everything well. Cover the container with the future cognac tightly with a lid and leave for two weeks. It is advisable to shake the contents every day.

After 14 days of infusion, the mixture must be filtered. To do this, you need a watering can, a clean empty container and cotton pads. From cotton pads we form a swab for the neck of the watering can, it will filter the drink. Slowly pour cognac from one container to another through the filter. That's it, the cognac is ready, even though it is not cognac.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Homemade Absinthe - Advanced Course

For those who do not have enough ordinary liquor or vodka, you can cook at home the famous herbal tincture. Absinthe due to its classic shade was called " Green fairy". In its history, this drink has experienced periods of massive bans and legalizations. In the twentieth century, absinthe received the status of a narcotic drug and was banned for production and sale for almost a century. In 2004, the Swiss government legalized alcohol, after which a new round in its history began.

Today, absinthe is prepared according to different recipes, mandatory ingredients are alcohol and wormwood. A set of herbs is added to them, which improve the taste and aromatic qualities of the product. To cook at home, you will need a distillation apparatus and the ability to use it; without distillation, the drink will not work.

First you need to prepare the base, for it you will need:

  • 25 g of wormwood;
  • 50 g fennel seeds;
  • 50 g anise seeds;
  • 950 ml alcohol (950).

All ingredients must be mixed in a glass container, hermetically sealed and let it brew for 2 weeks at room temperature. The resulting mixture is diluted with 450 ml of pure water (remember - alcohol in water). Now the solution with herbs must be distilled according to the instructions for the moonshine still. When distilling, be sure to get rid of the "heads" and "tails".

From the resulting “body” of absinthe, we pour about 400 ml, we will paint them in bright green color. To do this, pour a pinch of wormwood and a large pinch of lemon balm into the selected part of the tincture, mix, close and let stand for a day. In the allotted time, the infusion for coloring will acquire a dark green hue. Pour the resulting mixture through several layers of gauze into the rest of the absinthe, mix. You can taste.


As we have seen, it is not difficult to prepare alcoholic drinks at home. In conclusion, it is worth noting that in such experiments it is very important to observe safety precautions. This is especially true for those who work with moonshine, you should not neglect the instructions and fire safety measures. Attempts to save money or create your own “masterpiece” can turn out to be deplorable if you do not follow basic recommendations.

Any work with alcohol should take place in places remote from open fire and power supply. Homemade alcohol should also be insisted away from heat sources. It is better to keep your "culinary achievements" away from children. In addition to safety, it is equally important to observe a sense of proportion, especially for strong alcoholic beverages. no one has ever been happy, especially alcohol addiction.

00:36 - Recommend delicious alcohol?
I am a big beer lover. For some time I drank about 3 liters a day :) I'm not an alcoholic - I drank about a bottle of beer per hour :) And there is no dependence - as soon as I felt that it was enough - I didn’t take it in my mouth for several months without problems. So I'm what it is. My animal woke up (his mother, an ulcer) and you can’t drink beer. I don't drink it. Has long been.

And I cured this matter very simply - I began to drink 50 grams a day of Becherovka. Excellent, delicious thing and, as it turned out, also useful. 50 grams a day and the pain went away. Not an ounce of beer. UPD: Don't do it yourself! Not every ulcer is treated with alcohol! More often than not, this will backfire!

"... A mixture of more than twenty herbs is poured into natural canvas bags, which are immersed in containers filled with alcohol and left there for about a week. Then the extract is poured into oak barrels and mixed with water and sugar. Then the product is infused in oak barrels special oval shape for two to three months. This drink is made only on Karlovy Vary water ... "
And I became, because I decided not to drink beer yet, to try strong alcohol. In the same amount - a maximum of 50-100 per day. Hennesy VS was awarded at work. Expensive and tasteless junk.

On occasion, I suddenly got a Courvoisier VSOP - a delicious thing. Delicious but expensive to buy...

"...According to legend, Napoleon I later took with him a few barrels of cognac to St. Helena as a treat for the English officers on the ship, who appreciated the cognac, giving it the name "Napoleon's Cognac""..."

And yet, since I can’t afford to buy Courvoisier on a regular basis yet, I’m looking in the direction of good whiskey. I like the taste even more than most brandies and cognacs. (True, Courvoisier is tastier, of course, but also the price ...)

From the tested, the top one at the moment is Jack Daniel's old No. 7. Nice Tullamore Dew. Delicious Jim Beam bourbon ... Ballantine's - tasteless ...

From cognacs in the first place (so far) Courvoisier, from whiskey Jack Daniels ...

In general, I like whiskey oddly enough. I can't stand vodka at all. I can not. I'm sick of the smell, the taste, the aftertaste. I can drink 100 grams of good vodka with pleasure, but only in nature, but with a good barbecue ...

No, when I was communism, I tried expensive cognacs and wines. Deigned to get drunk Otard XO, centennial wines, etc. It was just unconscious, and I didn’t like it :) I love beer :)

And now I'm asking what you can advise tasty and without abnormal show-offs. The budget for this business is middle class. 150-year-old whiskey or 100-year-old cognac is delicious, but unrealistic. I don't like wine. I can't drink beer - so advise good whiskey and delicious cognac brandy. (With cries of "this is harmful", please do not disturb - I am an adult boy, I know the measure, there is no addiction - I have few addictions in general - this is how I work. Those who know how much I love beer do not believe that I do not drink it for months at all without problems)

Please advise delicious, strong alcohol that you personally like.