Sambuca is a famous Italian liqueur. Culture of drinking sambuca: how to drink liquor correctly

Excellent taste, availability and spectacular presentation made sambuca a hit at youth parties. Now Italian anise liqueur can be found on the menu of all respected establishments. Gradually, the culture of its use migrated to our homes, firmly entrenched here. I will tell you how to drink sambuca different ways revealing all the facets of this amazing drink.

1. Italian way ("with flies"). Classic variant filing. "Flies" are called three coffee beans, which symbolize health, wealth and happiness. You will need: sambuca, two glasses, coffee beans, cocktail tubes, paper napkins and matches (lighter).

In the first of the glasses you need to throw three coffee beans and pour 50-70 ml of sambuca into it. Next, make a hole in the center of the paper napkin by inserting a cocktail tube into it with the short end, as shown in the figure. In order not to stain the table, I advise you to put this design on a small saucer.

Napkin with straw

Then the most interesting thing is setting fire to the sambuca with a match or a lighter. Due to its high strength, the liquor is highly flammable. Sambuca should burn with a blue flame for 5-10 seconds. Then you need to pour the flaming drink into the second glass, and first cover it on top. When the fire goes out, the first glass in which the vapors have gathered is very carefully transferred to a napkin.

First, drink sambuca from a glass in one gulp, holding the coffee beans in your mouth, then take a few deep breaths through the straw and chew the coffee. The procedure is repeated for the desired number of times.

2. Two glasses. The method is shown in the second video. It differs from the Italian counterpart only in the absence of coffee and in the fact that before lighting the sambuca, the glass is slightly heated with a lighter. Doing all this at home is not difficult.

3. In pure form. Sambuca is an excellent digestif - a dessert drink served at the end of a feast with sweet dishes, coffee and fruits. But before you drink sambuca in its pure form, you need to cool it well by putting the bottle in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

4. Burning stack. The favorite way of many Russians, as it requires a minimum of body movements and is somewhat reminiscent of the culture of drinking vodka. It is enough to pour sambuca into a pile, set it on fire and let it burn for 5-8 seconds. Next, extinguish the liquor with one strong exhalation and drink in one gulp while it is hot.

Sambuca burns beautifully!

5. Sambuca with mineral water. In the heat, you can drink sambuca, diluted with cold mineral water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (one part of liquor to two or three parts of mineral water).

Diluted sambuca has a slight anise flavor. Immediately after adding water, it becomes cloudy. This is normal and does not affect the taste. It's all about the high concentration of essential oils, poorly soluble in water.

6. Sambuca with milk. Some connoisseurs like to drink sambuca with fresh cold milk. I advise you to try.

General Tips:

  • before drinking sambuca, it is better to have a hearty meal;
  • for the first time it is very difficult to inhale vapors, but after several trainings it will become much easier;
  • in reasonable quantities, sambuca does not cause a hangover and fumes, the next day after drinking it, you can work or study normally.

There is not a single person who would not know what Sambuca is, only a few know how to drink this drink. The presentation of this alcohol is a whole art, which often attracts many spectators. There are many recipes and serving options, so you should learn such a beautiful technology and please your loved ones.


Sambuca liqueur is an anise-flavoured alcohol. It is a clear liquid, the strength level is from 38 to 42%. Ingredients: granulated sugar, anise, alcohol, elderberry, special herbs (kept secret). Traditionally, the drink is made in Italy, but the exact one is known only to the manufacturer.

Glass with burning sambuca

The method of obtaining liquor resembles the production technology of Absinthe. At the first stage, a special infusion is obtained, which is then amenable to distillation. Therefore, the drink is more like not a true liquor, but a tincture with bitterness.

The liquor is called so because of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), and this ingredient is added to the composition so that the anise flavor becomes more refined and tasty. Although this version is convincing, however, the largest company Molinari, engaged in the manufacture of Sambuca, refutes it. The name of the liquor is sometimes associated with the concept of "zammut", which means anise in Arabic.

There are many legends and mysteries around the creation of liquor. The Italians claim that once upon a time, one of the local peasants unintentionally combined an anise tincture with berries and elderberry flowers. He decided not to pour out the spoiled product and served it to the guests at his daughter's wedding, the same ones appreciated the wonderful taste.

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Sambuca, like any drink, has its own history. Anise tincture was made by the ancient Romans, they warmed their souls with it on holidays, cheered themselves up at feasts and used it as a medicine. Already known today, Sambuca was first made by Italians.

Alcohol under the usual name was born in 1851, which is due to Luigi Manza. Many years later, in 1945, Sambuca Extra was created by combining wine with a tincture of various herbs, and Angelo Molinari did it. It was Molinari who founded a small enterprise for the manufacture of the liquor in question.

Sambuca by Molinari

The Molinari company has been operating successfully and now accounts for over 70% of the sambuca produced around the world. And the sale of the drink brings her huge profits. Sambuca is also made by such well-known companies: Barbero, Luxardo, Pallini.

In order to draw the attention of the population to the drink at the very beginning, Angelo Molinari decided to serve it not in the usual way. 3 grains of coffee were immersed in a glass with sambuca, then the alcohol was set on fire. Through such a creative presentation, the liquor fell in love with the entire Italian elite of society.

For Italians, Sambuca is not only a national treasure, they treat the liquor in a special way. This is a cult drink. At the initial stage, Sambuca was produced only for consumption within the state, then the production volumes increased and they began to sell it abroad. Traditionally, the drink was consumed after meals in trattorias.


The taste of Sambuca appeals to both men and women. Today it is also in demand as absinthe and tequila.

And the level of its popularity has increased in connection with the formation of club culture. There are 3 types of Sambuca: white, black and red.

Burning sambuca

The most common is the traditional white Sambuca, which has a transparent color. It can be used in combination with various elite cheeses, meat and fish dishes. She harmonizes perfectly with fresh fruit, a variety of desserts and espresso.

Red sambuca has this color due to berry extracts, which give the drink an excellent fruit and berry aftertaste. The most refined taste, according to experienced tasters, has a black version of liquor. The drink has a pronounced blue tint created by ingredients such as licorice extract and special spices.

Liquor is not only very tasty, but also useful, for example, it is used to increase immunity, improve work digestive system. Benefits of the drink essential oils contained in the components of the product. The product has a beneficial effect on the human body in acute respiratory viral infections, helps to get rid of a strong cough.


Real Italians know how to drink sambuca. This method is called the "Fly Variant", which is the traditional method of serving. Flies - 3 coffee beans, representing happiness, health and prosperity. For the correct execution of all actions, it is necessary to prepare:

  • sambuca;
  • coffee beans;
  • 2 glasses;
  • cocktail tubes;
  • paper napkins;
  • a lighter or a box of matches.

In one of the glasses, put coffee beans on the bottom and fill it with Sambuca, the approximate amount of alcohol should be from 0.5 to 0.7 liters. Then, in the middle of the napkin, you need to make a hole of small diameter by passing a cocktail tube through it from the shorter side. Everything must be done carefully so as not to smear the surface of the table, so a saucer can be placed under the structure being created.

Rules for the use of sambuca

The next step is to light the Sambuca with a lighter. This is the most interesting moment. Since the alcohol level is high, the liquid ignites well. Liquor burns for 7 seconds with a bright blue flame. The burning liquid must be poured into the second vessel, and covered with the first.

After the flame goes out, the top glass, on the walls and inside of which steam has collected, is carefully transferred to a paper napkin. The process of drinking the drink itself consists of 2 stages. Initially, you need to drink the entire Sambuca from the glass, without swallowing, while holding the grains in the mouth. Then, through a cocktail tube, you should inhale deeply several times and chew the grains.

You can also drink liquor correctly using the two-glass method. It is easy to apply at home, having a fun party with friends. It is distinguished from the classic Italian version by the absence of coffee. The peculiarity lies in the slight heating of the glass before the process of igniting the liquor itself.


How to drink sambuca in an original way? Italians are very fond of Caffe Corretto. This drink in their country is very popular. In Italy, coffee is not just drunk, the locals revere its taste and aroma. To prepare this delicious drink Sambuca needs to be added to the cup natural coffee instead of granulated sugar. The most common combination is 4 parts espresso and part anise-based liqueur. However, you are allowed to experiment with the amount, for example, 0.15 liters of liquor and 0.3 liters of espresso are used to create a mixture.

Sambuca Caffe Corretto

Sambuca can also be served in a separate glass. It is correct to use it slowly, in small sips, drinking aromatic, freshly brewed and well-roasted coffee. Even when we drink a drink, sitting at home, we are sure to plunge into the real Italian flavor, imagining ourselves as a temperamental Italian.


Usually Sambuca is drunk in all elite nightclubs. A purely club option for drinking liquor is next way. In order to translate it into reality, you need an experienced bartender. First you need to pour a sufficient amount of Sambuca into your mouth, blot your lips well with a napkin so that they become completely dry. Next, you need to throw your head back, while your mouth should remain open.

Bartender sets fire to sambuca

The bartender sets fire to the liquid right in the visitor's mouth. If you feel the slightest heat, you should close your mouth and swallow alcohol. This version of the absorption of liquor looks very impressive and delights the public, and the degree of health hazard is negligible.

If you want something more stunning, the drink must first be warmed up in cognac, and then pour the burning liquid into the oral cavity. Trying to do this at home is prohibited, since dexterity is required, and a professional must act. When performing such tricks, it is important not to get scared (do not tighten your lips), but in order to be safe, the skin around the mouth is wetted with water.

Drink Sambuca different ways, in its pure form it is fed to dessert dishes. Its taste parameters allow you to create wonderful combinations with various chocolate sweets, fresh fruits and coffee products.

However, the drink must be prepared for consumption. To do this, it is subjected to cooling. A bottle of alcohol must be sent to the freezer, where it is better for her to stay for half an hour.


How to drink Sambuca to get new experiences? To do this, you can use a burning glass. This method is liked by many lovers of strong alcoholic beverages, as it is somewhat reminiscent of the consumption of vodka.

All operations are quite simple. A glass or a stack must be filled with Sambuca, after which the drink is set on fire. It needs to burn for 8 seconds. After that, the visitor bends down to the glass and exhales with all his strength on the burning drink so that it goes out. Then he drinks it in almost one gulp. However, you need to be extremely careful, as the liquid is hot.

White sambuca for cocktail

Sambuca is a drink usually served cold. Alcohol is especially popular in hot weather. Often they resort to an option that involves diluting the drink with chilled mineral water. However, the proportions must be correct. Usually this is either 1 part liquor and 2 parts water, but for less strong drink you can take 3 parts of mineral water.

The result is Sambuca, which contains light notes of anise in the aftertaste. Immediately after mineral water is added to alcohol, it becomes slightly cloudy. However, this is a completely normal phenomenon, which in no way affects the taste characteristics of the drink. This happens due to the fact that Sambuca contains a large number of essential oils, and they are not able to dissolve well in water.

Experimenters have another opportunity to try Sambuca in a rather interesting variation. As additional ingredient milk will come out to her. However, it must be fresh and chilled.

To enjoy Sambuca, you need to use the recommendations of experienced people. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat. Moreover, the food should be hearty so that the liquor is not taken on an empty stomach.

An inexperienced taster needs to prepare for the fact that alcohol vapors come from the drink, which are difficult to inhale out of habit. However, after some trial attempts, everything can be done correctly. It is necessary to use Sambuca within reasonable limits, so that after that you do not surprise everyone with an unpleasant fumes.

This is a very pleasant and strong alcoholic drink. You can drink it in different ways. However, the true taste does not change from the method of use, it can only be emphasized, made more enchanting.

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Sambuca is a drink originally from Italy, it is an anise-flavored liquor, its strength ranges from 38-42 degrees. By its consistency, it is a transparent sweet liquid, but there are other color varieties of it. With reasonable use, the next morning from sambuka there should be no headache and fumes.

Behind recent years sambuca has become very popular among young people. Thanks to his great taste and not in the usual way of serving, it can decorate any party. Today it is a fairly common drink, in addition to the menu of nightclubs and other similar establishments, sambuca can be found on the shelves of many supermarkets. But buying this drink is only half the battle, you also need to know how to drink sambuca correctly. Now we will consider the most common ways of serving and using it.

Italian classic way of serving sambuca with "flies"

This method of filing is very popular, for it we need:

  • Sambuca;
  • two glasses;
  • three coffee beans;
  • straw (tube for cocktails);
  • an ordinary napkin and a lighter or matches.

Our three coffee beans act as "flies", they symbolize wealth, health and happiness. It is better to take grains of low roasting, burned coffee will taste very bitter.

We take a paper napkin and make a hole in the very center, into which we insert the tube with the short end, for convenience it is better to place the whole thing on a saucer. Then pour a little sambuca into one of the glasses, about 50-70 ml. and set it on fire.

Beforehand, a glass with a drink can be slightly warmed up with an open fire of a lighter so that it does not burst from a sharp temperature drop. This is true if you use glasses with thin walls.

We let the sambuca burn a little, ten seconds will be enough, after which we pour it into another glass, and cover it with the first one on top to extinguish the flame. After that, the first one is carefully transferred to a pre-prepared napkin with a straw. We drink sambuca, hold the coffee beans in our mouth, and through the tube with a deep breath we inhale the vapors from the first glass. We chew coffee.

Unaccustomed to inhaling sambuca vapors can seem like a difficult task, but with just a little practice, everything will go like clockwork.

This way of drinking sambuca is considered classic, it is also called "Two glasses", but it can be simplified a bit and drunk without coffee beans. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural here, everything can be organized without problems and enjoy the taste of liquor to the full extent even at home.

  • Pour into a stack
  • Set on fire for 5-10 seconds.
  • Extinguish with a strong exhalation
  • And they drink in one gulp.

How to drink pure sambuca

Well, everything is simple here - pour and drink, the only thing to do is to cool the drink well, half an hour in the freezer will be enough, or it’s fashionable to just put a few pieces of ice in a glass. As a rule, it is served already at the end of the feast as a dessert drink, along with other sweets or fruits.

extreme sambuca

This method is for reference only, do not try it if you do not have the relevant experience.

Some establishments may offer an extreme way of drinking sambuca, the essence of which is that the drink is set on fire in your mouth or filled with burning. In this case, there is a danger of getting burned, so if you don’t have an experienced bartender among your friends, then it’s better not to risk it yourself.

Other Ways to Drink Sambuca

Can be drunk diluted a small amount cold mineral water, about 1 to 2 or 3. Sambuca may become a little cloudy, do not be alarmed, this is quite normal, the taste and aroma will not be affected. This way of drinking perfectly removes thirst.

You can also use cold milk instead of water, but it’s better not to mix, but just drink it with milk.

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Sambuca, which came to us from Italy, is an anise liqueur, to which spices, elderberry extracts and aromatic herbs are added. She is 35-42% of the fortress. Depending on the components included in it, it can have a transparent, brown or red color, and even black. At the same time, black sambuca has a rich dark color due to the addition of licorice and licorice extract, and its taste is somewhat different.

There are many ways, let's look at some of them.

1. Con mosca (traditional italian way). The drink is consumed in its pure form as an aperitif. At the same time, three are added to it, symbolizing wealth, health and happiness, which are gnawed after the drink is drunk. It is worth remembering that the drink is quite strong.

2. Sambuca with champagne (1:3). Burnt sambuca is added to warmed champagne. A person inhales and drinks it with the resulting mixture.

3. How to drink sambuca "Extreme". Liquor is taken into the mouth, but not swallowed, while the lips are wiped dry. The head must be thrown back, open the mouth and bring a lit match to it. When heat is felt, the mouth is closed and the drink is swallowed.

4. Cocktail "Fiery". Several alcoholic beverages are poured into the glass in order of increasing strength: liqueur, then champagne, then sambuca, vodka and absinthe. Everything is set on fire and consumed through a straw. Before you drink sambuca, you need to stock up on lemon juice.

5. Sambuca with a strong effect. It takes two glasses to prepare. Thirty grams of sambuca is poured into one of them, set on fire and rotated along the axis so that the glass does not burst. Then the drink is poured into another glass, and the first one is turned over and placed on a napkin, through which a tube is inserted. They drink sambuca and inhale its vapors through a straw from the second glass.

6. How to drink sambuca at home. A small one is heated with boiling water and fifty grams of sambuca is immediately poured in. Shake, pour into a glass and drink. In this case, it is necessary to exhale the air and inhale through the spout of the kettle where the drink was.

7. Cocktail "Hiroshima". To prepare it, you need to take twenty grams of sambuca, baileys, absinthe and five grams of grenadine and carefully pour layers into a glass. Then the top layer is set on fire, heated for half a minute and drunk with a straw, starting from the bottom layer.

8. How to drink frozen sambuca. Freeze a bottle with a drink until ice forms and serve with orange or lemon slices.

In addition to the above ways of using this liqueur, there are some more. For example, sambuca can be drunk by diluting ice water. In this case, it will become cloudy, as it contains insoluble essential oils, or with milk (drinking, not mixing).

Sambuca can also be set on fire in a glass, put out after a while and immediately drunk before it cools down, or you can add it instead of sugar to coffee. Interestingly, sambuca goes well with coffee. The latter sets off and softens its taste and aroma. Therefore, on the shelves of stores you can find liquor infused with coffee beans. At home, you can instead coffee beans use which is poured into a glass before the set fire to sambuca is poured.

Thus, now you have learned how to drink sambuca correctly and with what. It is only necessary to follow a few recommendations. For example, you can not drink liquor on an empty stomach, because it is quite strong. Do not drink burning sambuca and carefully inhale its vapors so as not to get burned. And the most important thing is to know the measure, because only then you can enjoy this magnificent drink with a sweet taste, which has a delicate and light aroma, reminiscent of lemon.

Any of our people who consume traditional alcoholic beverages on the go will give out many ways to drink "little white", beer, or both together. But if you ask what sambuca is and how to use it, it is unlikely that many people will be found who will answer these questions with confidence.

Recently, this Italian drink has become more and more famous among connoisseurs. elite alcohol. There are transparent, dark, and even red varieties of sambuca. The taste of anise and sweetness are also his hallmarks. The foremother of this liquor was a medicine in the form of a tincture based on star anise.

How to drink sambuca?

There are several ways, some of which involve burning this alcohol. Therefore, drinking a drink can be turned into an interesting ceremony that will also entertain you.

1 way - Sambuca con mosca.

It can be found under several names - "Italian", "under the fly", "two glasses".

To use sambuca in this way, you will need two glasses, cocktail tubes, a napkin, three coffee beans (like "flies", the name associated with them came from them), matches, a saucer. Usually this method is used in bars, but it is not so difficult to do everything at home. So, fifty grams of sambuca are poured into one glass, coffee beans are thrown there, which, as it were, personify health, prosperity and happiness, a napkin with a tube passed through it is placed next to it on a saucer. Preparation completed.

After that, the liquor is set on fire, it is necessary to let it burn for about half a minute so that the liquid warms up. Then the drink is quickly poured into the second glass, and the first is tipped onto a napkin with a tube. Heated aromatic vapors inhaled through a tube, alcohol is drunk in one gulp. For a "snack" - three grains of coffee, which must be chewed. They will further emphasize the taste of the drink. This is the most popular way among young people who like to spend time in clubs.

There is a simpler option "under the fly." It is necessary to light the liquor, after 30 seconds blow it out and drink in one gulp.

  • Glasses should have thick walls so that they do not burst from the heat.
  • It is better not to drink burning liquor, otherwise there is a risk of being left without hair, eyebrows and burning the mucous membrane. There are, of course, experts in the burning drink, but it is hardly worth repeating.

2 way - "in its pure form."

More in line with our attitude towards alcohol. Sambuca is served in its pure form as a dessert or after dinner. There is only one condition - the drink must be well chilled. Keep the bottle in the freezer for at least half an hour. It is recommended to have a snack with a lemon or an orange slice. Do not forget that liquor is sweet, and if this can spoil the impression of everything previously eaten, it is better not to use this method. A way for a big fan, after all, a serious strength of the drink in combination with anise and aromas is not to everyone's taste in its pure form.

3 way - "fire glass".

Reminds me of a simple "under the fly" option. 50 grams of sambuca is poured into a thick-walled glass, set on fire for 5 seconds, extinguished and drunk. A very good way to treat cold symptoms, while you should not have a snack. Again, you should beware of drinking a burning liquid.

4 way - "with ice".

Italians love to drink sambuca with ice. Sambuca is poured into a glass full of chopped ice, and the drink is sipped through a straw all evening. Instead of ice, you can use any mineral water, and there are no wishes for the number of ingredients. Naturally. That the more mineral water, the weaker drink and the taste is not so pronounced. At the same time, you should not worry that the transparent sambuca has become cloudy. So it should be, it is the esters contained in the liquor that do not dissolve in water.

5 way - "with coffee".

A very simple recipe, for this it is enough to pour a couple of teaspoons of liquor into a cup of coffee instead of sugar. Espresso is considered the most suitable for such a recipe, it is with it that sambuca is best combined to taste.

6 way - "with milk".

cocktail in this case does not mix. Just cold liquor is washed down with no less cold milk, which should also be fresh.

7 way - extreme.

Lips are wiped dry, the bartender sets fire to the drink right in the mouth. Feeling warm, close your mouth and swallow the drink. The danger, though not high, but still exists. Is it worth it to drink sambuca, everyone will decide for himself.

What else to drink sambuca with?

This liqueur is perfect for making various cocktails. It is combined with sweets, especially chocolate, with cakes that contain different kinds nuts. You can drink liquor with snacks in the form of salty cheeses and similar snacks, which well emphasize the sweetness and spice of the drink.

There are also several variations on these methods, how to drink sambuca. For example, some lovers drink sambuca with strong tea instead of coffee, or first warm up a glass with a lighter, and only then set fire to the drink. By the way, they burn with a bright blue flame fusel oils, which are in large quantities in the drink.