How to drink absinthe 55 degrees. Absinthe: how many degrees of alcohol

Absinthe is considered the strongest alcoholic drink (excluding pure alcohol), how many degrees it contains depends on the type. As a rule, the figure varies from 55º to 86º. Many myths, amazing stories are associated with this drink. It can be said that absinthe has a rich past. And it all started in antiquity.


The Egyptians considered absinthe an excellent medicine, the Greeks treated them with rheumatism, jaundice and anemia. But the Swiss doctor Pierre Ordiner decided to really study the effect of the drink on the body in the 18th century.

Absinthe with a piece of sugar

By that time, absinthe could be purchased in pharmacies as a cure for spasms and viral diseases. The doctor tried to create a panacea based on it, and eventually invented a recipe for a alcoholic drink that later became very popular.

Many famous personalities of the late 19th century - artists, poets, musicians - were admirers of absinthe. It was called the drink of Bohemia. Most likely, such popularity is explained by the special sensations after its use. After all, absinthe is the same tincture of wormwood and other herbs in alcohol. It is wormwood that contains in its composition a special substance thujone - the most dangerous poison and hallucinogen. Under his influence, creative people painted pictures, created talented works. But there is a version that it was after a glass of absinthe that Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear.

This may be a common legend, but the "green witch" (one of the many names for absinthe) is by no means harmless. In a number of countries, this drink is prohibited for consumption without additional purification.

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The traditional color of absinthe is green. But there is also red, yellow, black, brown, white. Aged absinthe is yellow. Adding color can also "age" the drink. The red hue is achieved by adding the same dye or pomegranate extract. Black and brown absinthe is infused with roots, not wormwood leaves. There is another option - an infusion of acacia is added to the drink. White absinthe is diluted with water and mixed with sugar.

Green absinthe in a glass

  • high strength (from 70 to 85º);
  • low strength (from 55 to 65º).

The first is traditionally produced in Switzerland, the second is typical for France, it contains practically no thujone or it is contained in small doses.


To fully enjoy this drink, it is not enough to pour it into a glass and just drink it. It is possible, of course, and so, but for true connoisseurs, the use of absinthe is a special ritual. Do you want to join? Then, first, get a special vessel and a spoon (Fig. 1). A glass with a wide neck, tapering downwards, and a special bottom, a bit reminiscent of an onion. Its capacity is 30 ml. The spoon is wide and flat, often with intricately carved holes. You will also need clean water and refined sugar.

Now decide how you will drink: in French, in Czech or in Russian. Did you choose the first option? By the way, it is considered traditional. Then pour the absinthe into a glass, put a spoon on it, a piece of sugar on the spoon. Now slowly pour cold water over it until the refined sugar melts and the syrup flows down. The drink will become cloudy white with a slight greenish tint. You can drink!

Absinthe with sugar

The Czech way is more difficult. It involves the use of open fire. On an empty glass you need to put a special spoon with a piece of sugar. Then slowly pour the absinthe through the refined sugar. And then you need to set fire to the sugar and wait for the caramel to drain into the vessel. Add water to the resulting mixture.

Those who are afraid of open fire can do it easier. Put the refined sugar on a heated spoon and slowly pour the absinthe through the sugar. You can not add water, you get a very peculiar spicy taste.

Perhaps the most unusual way is absinthe in Russian. You will need 2 glasses. In the first pour a drink and set it on fire. Let it burn a little, then cover it with another glass. It is necessary to pour the drink into it when the fire goes out, and cover the empty vessel with a napkin and put it upside down on the table. Now take a sip from the first glass and then inhale through the cocktail straw from the second. It turns out a sort of absinthe with steam. But keep in mind that for such an extreme method you need good health.

There is another Russian way, less extreme. Just mix sugar syrup with absinthe or add orange or pineapple juice to the drink.

All these recipes are only for a pure high-grade drink. They are needed to lower the concentration of alcohol, so absinthe is diluted with water. The 55-degree liquid can be drunk by pouring directly from the bottle. Absinthe is always drunk slowly, in small sips.


As an experiment, you can try to make absinthe at home. Of course, it will be different from what you buy in stores. But you will be sure of the quality.

Let's start with a simple recipe. Its base is ordinary vodka. For cooking we need:

  • 1 bottle of vodka;
  • 2 dec. l. wormwood;
  • 2 dec. l. angelica root;
  • 2 dec. l. anise seeds;
  • 1 dec. l. marjoram;
  • 0.5 dec. l. fennel seeds;
  • 0.5 dec. l. ground coriander;
  • 4 pods of cardamom;
  • 2/3 cup (200 g) sugar syrup

Take a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, pour wormwood into it and fill everything with vodka. Leave the tincture at room temperature for 2 days. Then filter it.

Absinthe made at home

Put the remaining ingredients in a bowl, grind and add to the semi-finished product. We leave for a week. After the specified period, filter the mixture, dilute with sugar syrup.

Another recipe with vodka. This absinthe is more aromatic. Would need:

  • 1 glass (200 g) vodka;
  • 1 dec. l. wormwood;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mint (leaves);
  • 0.5 cup (200 g) sugar syrup;
  • lemon peel.

Pour the crushed wormwood into a container and pour vodka. Keep a well-closed jar for 2 days.

Filter the tincture, then add mint and lemon zest to it. Keep for another 8 days, filter again. Add sugar syrup.

Another way involves distillation. But it is this kind of absinthe that will be closest to the present. Take:

  • 1 liter of pure alcohol;
  • 100 g of wormwood;
  • 50 g of anise and fennel;
  • 10 angelica and cumin;
  • 15 g of a mixture of "Provencal herbs" and lemon balm;
  • 3 g chamomile;
  • 5 g hyssop (optional)

Mix the herbs and pour them with alcohol. Place the container in a dark place and incubate for 1-2 weeks at room temperature.

Then dilute the resulting mixture to 55º and, together with the grass, pour into the distillation apparatus. Discard the first 50 ml of the resulting liquid. When about 5% of the tincture remains to overtake, stop the process.

The next step is coloring. In order for absinthe to acquire an emerald color, you will need a mixture of herbs:

  • 15 g "Provencal herbs";
  • 10 g of licorice;
  • 8 g of lemon balm;
  • 2 g of angelica and chamomile.

Pour the mixture with a small amount of distilled drink (the dosage of herbs is calculated for 1 liter of liquid), insist in a dark place for several days, strain and add to the main part. The resulting absinthe is left in a dark place to mature for 2 weeks.

5 Everything should be in moderation

Pure absinthe is a rather bitter drink, so it is rarely consumed in this form. And if you really have to, then it should be well chilled and a single dose - 30 ml (the capacity of a classic absinthe glass). No more than 3 such glasses are recommended per evening.

A relatively high strength of absinthe plus special properties is a reason not to use it often enough.

This mysterious drink requires a careful attitude to itself, so that pleasure does not turn into harm.

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Even those who have never drunk absinthe have heard of it. The fame of the hallucinogen followed the alcoholic drink, and the hype around this high-grade alcohol at different points in time grew more than around wine and champagne. Let's figure out what it is - absinthe, what are the harms and benefits of the drink, how many degrees are in absinthe, etc.

History of wormwood vodka Absent

The history of this wormwood drink began at the end of the 18th century, when two Swiss healers produced it on their own moonshine still. The doctor Ordiner took up the distribution of an unusual substance, with whom the fame of the composition as a medicine is connected: he promoted the alcoholic drink absinthe as a means of treating almost all existing diseases.

Thanks to the doctor, green alcohol absinthe under the sign of medicine became so popular in the high society of Europe and among the common people that it was “treated” by it, rightly or wrongly, both old and young.

It was given to the troops for the prevention of whooping cough, dysentery and malaria, they disinfected their water, and young French women drank it undiluted: so they continued to fit into their corsets (and earned themselves cirrhosis of the liver, which then became popular).

In which countries is absinthe banned now? None, but its distribution and production are closely monitored. It is not forbidden to drink it.

This absinthe drink really had medicinal properties. But with what have we come to today? Let's look at what absinthe is in the modern world.

What is absinthe made of and how

Despite the fact that the recipe of two hundred years ago was quite accurate, now there is no single composition of this drink. Only two components remain unchanged in absinthe:

  • the substance thujone, which distinguishes absinthe from other types of alcohol and gives it a hallucinogenic effect. It was for him that the drink was nicknamed the "green fairy";
  • collections of various herbs.

Types of absinthe are more different in composition than similar in it:

  • absinthe strength in degrees varies from 54 to 86;
  • the color depends on the herbs that make up the drink and can be green, yellow, blue, black, red, brown, etc.;
  • the composition of absinthe herbs differs from manufacturer to manufacturer and may include anise, calamus, fennel, mint; licorice, lemon balm, angelica, white ash, coriander, chamomile, veronica, parsley and other plants;
  • the content of thujone can be high, low and without it at all (thujone is found in bitter wormwood). The method of preparing thujone is also different: in different varieties of absinthe, leaves, stem, seeds, and roots of wormwood are used.

Absinthe production

Now bitter absinthe is produced in different countries. Manufacturers include Xenta, Jacques Senaux, Teichenne, King of Spirits, Red Absinth.

The recipe for the tincture of the aforementioned Ordiner is considered a classic. A composition of a dozen herbs is soaked in alcohol for several weeks, after which the alcohol is filtered and distilled. This recipe calls for fresh herbs with essential oils.

In modern recipes of large manufacturers, dry herbs are most often used, and in home-made herbs, they are crushed and infused separately.

Variants are different in quality, aroma, color, delicacy of taste and health hazards.

Types of absinthe

The main classification of absinthe is as follows:

  • green, which is why he is called the "Green Fairy". The color varies from rich emerald green to light green. The dye here is natural - it is chlorophyll contained in the leaves of almost all plants. Because of this, the color of this absinthe can change over time to yellow in the most natural way. Because of this, manufacturers can tint the drink with artificial green dye. This, by the way, also applies to all other types of this alcohol: the artificial coloring of absinthe in different colors is a widespread method;
  • black or brownish. The natural color of the drink is given by the black acacia Katechu, which adds berry notes and sweetness to the taste. Also, wormwood root is added to the composition of black absinthe, and not just inflorescences and leaves. Usually the black variety is the strongest;
  • yellow absinthe is made yellow with the help of food coloring or by natural aging of chlorophyll in it. An example of the latter is the Czech "King of Spirits", produced according to an old recipe by hand. This species has high and low thujone variants;
  • red absinthe has an original aftertaste, which is achieved with pomegranate extract. The strength of this drink is about 70 degrees;
  • Blue absinthe is no different in composition from green, it is simply tinted. Used to make cocktails;
  • transparent. In this embodiment, all suspensions and leaves are removed from absinthe.

There is another classification of absinthe: it is divided into strong (55-65 degrees) and extremely strong (70-85 degrees) types. The former contain little or no thujone, the latter are original drinks from old recipes and consist of purely natural ingredients.

Useful properties of the drink

Despite the fact that the drink was advertised as a medicine, its effectiveness is unstable and doubtful. It has long been used for disease prevention and disinfection, but now such use has been discontinued. This, perhaps, is all that can be said about the benefits of absinthe.

Harm of absinthe

This description will be more extensive:

  • absinthe is alcohol, and strong. Therefore, we can safely include in the description of the harm from absinthe all the harm of drinking alcohol: cirrhosis of the liver, immune suppression, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, family breakdown, decreased intelligence and activity, as well as all the other hundreds of side effects of alcoholism;
  • under the influence of absinthe, a person's propensity to commit crimes increases sharply. In countries where it was allowed, mortality increased sharply. France can serve as an example. Therefore, in Europe it was banned several times, after which it was revived elsewhere in a new form;
  • absinthe is a drug disguised as alcohol. Thujone gives it a hallucinogenic effect. Like any drug, absinthe is addictive and disrupts the central nervous system. The effect of thujone on the body is unpredictable.

No healing power, real or invented, will outweigh the harm that this drink can bring to the human body and psyche.

How to get rid of cravings for absinthe

Narcological clinics offer getting rid of addiction to any alcohol, including absinthe. Treatment is reduced to the introduction into the body of depressants that turn off a person, and drugs that bring the body out of post-binge drinking and relieve stress. The condition is also that the person has already left the binge.

The body is really cleansed of absinthe, but a person does not lose his tendency to binge drinking even in the case of filing. In addition, trying to remove the toxic substances of absinthe by administering no less toxic depressants does nothing to cleanse the body of the poison.

However, there is a way out. At our Narconon Standard Rehab Center, only non-drug treatments and treatments are used to help a person completely get rid of absinthe cravings and predispositions to binge drinking. The phone number of the center is at the top of the page.

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Absinthe is a strong alcoholic drink made from the extract of bitter wormwood. It was known in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, where it was used as a cure for all diseases. And the modern history of emerald tincture began in 1792, when Dr. Pierre Ordiner wrote down his recipe in order to create a miracle cure for all diseases. Gradually, this drink moved to bars, finding its fans there. And in 1797, the production of this alcoholic drink under the brand name "Green Fairy" was already established.

Despite its truly "lethal" fortress, absinthe enjoyed increased popularity among the female population. Experts said that such love was caused by a specific taste of the drink, similar to menthol cigarettes. But the sad statistics of that time said that in France in the 19th century the number of girls and women aged 18-20 with cirrhosis of the liver increased dramatically. All of them were lovers of the "green fairy".

The history of absinthe use is shrouded in gloomy and mysterious incidents. For example, in the United States, a man shot his entire family under the influence of this alcoholic drink. This, unfortunately, is not the only crime that has been committed after drinking absinthe. For this reason, it is banned in some countries of the world. Previously, emerald tincture was considered a drink for creative bohemia. It was used by many famous artists, poets, writers, and other creative people who were looking for their inspiration. This is Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh and other celebrities. They created numerous works on the topic of absinthe use. Therefore, this drink even began to be called the "third eye of the poet."

It was believed that this emerald tincture had a magical power that could destroy or renew the past, even predict the future. Ladies adored her for her taste. And the men for the fact that the drink could kindle love ardor, perfectly refresh on a hot day. The drink quickly became popular, as its effect is different from wine intoxication due to thujone, a strong poison and hallucinogen. Each person reacts differently to absinthe. Some laugh, others feel incredibly relaxed, others become aggressive.

What is absinthe?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that absinthe is a bitter green tincture of wormwood or just wormwood vodka. However, it is not. In addition to wormwood, the composition also includes chamomile, lemon balm, fennel, anise, and a number of other herbs. This alcoholic drink also differs in color. Classical absinthe has a beautiful emerald color. But red absinthe is also produced with the addition of pomegranate extract. Black or brown is made from wormwood roots. There are blue, yellow and transparent specimens.

The name "absinthe" itself, according to one version, comes from the French word for wormwood, and according to another version, from the ancient Greek "apsinthion", which means "undrinkable", since the drink has a bitter taste.

There are several varieties of this tincture of different colors, the strength of which varies from 55 to 85 degrees.

  • Classic variant. Has a strength of 70-85%, produced in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, rarely - in France. It is this category that includes all classic absinthes made using traditional technology.
  • The most common. The most common absinthe is a beautiful emerald color with a strength of 70 degrees.
  • With reduced alcohol content. These are most often French, some Czech, Spanish specimens with a minimum content of thujone, a strength of 55-65%.

Absinthe is considered the strongest alcoholic beverage in the world, except for pure alcohol. Its narcotic effect is well known. Wormwood essential oil contains a special substance called monoterpine (thujone), which causes hallucinations in large doses.

Rules for the use of absinthe of various strengths

Depending on the strength, there are some differences in the culture of drinking this drink. The method of use is chosen to achieve two goals: to remove excessive bitterness and to lower the fortress.

There are several specific rules for use:

  1. Observe measure. The strength of wormwood tincture is very high, so even a small amount of it can cause severe intoxication. It should be used carefully, no more than 30 grams at a time and no more than a couple of shots per evening.
  2. Drink from the right glassware. Special utensils are needed: a glass and a holed spoon. They usually come with a drink. The glass is quite peculiar, with a bottom that looks like an onion and a neck that widens upwards. It is designed for 30 ml of drink. Spoon need a special, flat, perforated at the edges.
  3. Dilute. To dilute the drink or not depends on how many degrees in absinthe. The classic wormwood tincture is consumed by diluting with three parts of water. Sometimes it is mixed with citrus fruit juice to kill bitterness. Absinthe at 55 degrees can not be diluted, not used for cooking sugar. At its core, it is already a ready-to-use mixture. There is one but. Connoisseurs argue that it is impossible to achieve the effect that the real Green Fairy gives from such a parody.

We drink like in the Czech Republic

They put a holey spoon on an empty glass, put a piece of sugar and pour absinthe. Then the sugar is set on fire, and the resulting caramel is poured into a glass. Or they heat a spoon, put a piece of sugar and slowly pour absinthe.

Extravagant Russian way

In the Russian version, sugar syrup is prepared, as for jam, and mixed with absinthe. It is impossible to drink an emerald drink with anything. Otherwise, its aftertaste is lost, all the originality of the drink disappears, its mysticism and magic are dispelled.

The traditional way

Absinthe is poured into a glass, a spoon with a piece of sugar is placed on top and water is poured over it. When water is poured over sugar, the tincture becomes cloudy and white with a yellowish-green tint. Drink it slowly, in small sips.


It should be noted that the mystical green fairy, who, according to the stories of the French, was sitting in absinthe and depriving her of reason, does not forgive an irresponsible attitude towards herself. Using absinthe, you can cause hallucinations, and you can get poisoned. After all, if you drink a lot of such a strong drink, then intoxication of the body will quickly come and the heart may not be able to withstand it. That is why the legendary drink with a mystical history and emerald color is drunk slowly, no more than 100 grams for the whole day.

Wormwood drink is popular in almost every country. For its manufacture, many herbs are taken. It is not for nothing that the tincture has become widespread, because it has a healing effect. Naturally, absinthe is alcohol, and therefore, exceeding the dose is fraught with various complications. In other words, if you use the tincture wisely, then the result will be positive.

How did absinthe come about?

This alcoholic drink has an interesting history of origin.

Tinctures, in which wormwood was present, were used in ancient times by the Egyptians and Greeks. Alcohol served as a remedy for jaundice, rheumatism and anemia.

But such a drink was different from the modern version of alcohol, which everyone has heard of.

Some sources speak of the Enrio sisters, who in the 18th century came up with a green tincture that helps the sick to heal. According to another version, the Frenchman Pierre Ordiner, who was a doctor, is considered the inventor. He also used alcohol quite successfully in his practice. Thanks to him, people liked the strong drink so much that it began to be mass-produced.

After the recipe was bought, Henri Dubier and his friend Henri-Louis Pernot began to produce green alcohol. Their business began to develop well. Therefore, after a short period of time, successful entrepreneurs opened another plant. The trademark under which alcohol is produced is called "Perno".

Even the war in North Africa was not complete without green tincture. Absinthe helped French soldiers drive away ailments, because there were plenty of them on the hot continent. Strong alcohol served as a protection against various intestinal disorders, since the water was dirty and there were a lot of harmful microbes in it. Upon returning home, the soldiers continued to consume truly miraculous alcohol.

In the 19th century in France, it was considered normal to drink an alcoholic drink of such an unusual color. Even wine was not as sought after as he was. True, even then they began to speak ill of alcohol, since those who used it behaved rather inadequately. Schizophrenia was often diagnosed. Although any will lead to negative consequences if its dose is excessive.

How should you drink absinthe?

The strength of alcohol is quite strong. The average alcohol content is 70%.

It is made from:

  • wormwood;
  • calamus;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • angelica;
  • licorice;
  • parsley;
  • coriander;
  • chamomile;
  • veronica;
  • white ash.

Bitter wormwood is the main ingredient.

The unusual effect of alcohol is due to the presence in wormwood of a substance such as thujone.

If an alcoholic drink enters the body in too much quantity, then the substance becomes poisonous.

Absinthe is produced in four types - classic green, yellow, red and black. But the color of the drink does not affect the strength. A high concentration of alcohol is needed in order to retain essential oils. If the strength of alcohol is below 55%, then this alcohol cannot be called real absinthe.

It is worth knowing that this alcoholic drink can be drunk in different ways. Because of its bitter taste, ways have been devised that allow the tincture to be sweetened. There are three such ways - French, Czech and Russian. To use the tincture, you will need a glass and a special absinthe spoon with holes.

The first option is the following:

  1. Pour alcohol into a glass.
  2. Put an absinthe spoon on the edges of the dishes, and a piece of sugar on top.
  3. Water should be slowly poured over sugar until it dissolves and mixes with absinthe.

The ideal proportion of tincture and water is 1:5. When the syrup gets into the alcohol, the essential oils are released. As a result, the drink becomes white, while its hue will be greenish-yellow.

In the French way, you can drink classic tinctures with 65-80% alcohol. If this indicator is much less, then not so much water will be needed, in extreme cases, it can generally not be used.

The Czech way is also no less interesting. Rather, there are two options. One of them is characterized by burning sugar. Consider the steps step by step.

  1. First, a spoon is installed.
  2. Then sugar is added.
  3. Then you should slowly pour absinthe on him until he is all in a glass.
  4. The sugar is on fire.
  5. You need to wait for the resulting caramel to glass into alcohol.
  6. Three parts of water are poured and mixed, after which alcohol can be consumed.
  1. Sugar is placed on a heated absinthe spoon.
  2. Alcohol is poured slowly.
  3. The drink is diluted with a small amount of water.

However, if desired, water can be omitted.

Russian is considered the most unusual option. And it is suitable for those who love thrills. The main thing is to act in order.

  1. You will need two glasses.
  2. The first should contain a tincture that is set on fire. There will be no problems with this, since alcohol is quite strong. You need to set it on fire in order to allow the composition to burn out slightly.
  3. Dishes with a drink are covered with another glass.
  4. After the fire goes out, the liquid is poured into the second glass, and the one in which it was covered with a napkin and turned over.
  5. The process of drinking the drink itself is unusual. A sip of alcohol is taken, and then, with the help of a cocktail tube, the aroma is inhaled from the glass that was covered with a napkin.

It should be said that the effect will be, in the truest sense of the word, amazing. But not everyone can do what is required.

Many will certainly be interested in the question of what exactly absinthe is drunk with. First of all, ordinary cold water is used. But juices from apples, cherries or oranges will work too. Anise pairs well with orange. Apples and cherries are suitable for softening bitterness. In addition, a rather light and pleasant fruity aroma appears from them.

It is undesirable to drink alcohol, otherwise the aftertaste will disappear. The same applies to snacks. They should be abandoned. The drink is made to be enjoyed. Of course, everything is in moderation.

If you wish, you can do the independent production of alcohol instead of buying it. There is nothing complicated in the process itself. The main thing is to stock up on the main components - a distiller, alcohol and fresh wormwood. The recipe is also easy to find.

The negative effect of alcohol

The drink became popular for a reason. Its effect was truly powerful. And it's not just about the positive effects on the body. If the dose is excessively increased, then the sensations of the drinker will be completely different.

If we compare absinthe and ordinary alcohol intoxication, then there are indeed differences. In the first case, there is a slightly blurry, fuzzy vision. The drunk begins to perceive colors differently.

It is very difficult to distinguish between small objects. And if you look at larger objects, they turn out to be blurry.

The person often feels alert. Or he is in a pleasant and calm relaxed state. He can laugh for no reason or become aggressive for no reason.

One of the effects is the almost complete absence of pain. Because of alcohol, a person does things that are considered stupid and incomprehensible. Moreover, such actions can offend others.

Some people have vivid memories of drunkenness. But others may suffer from terrible hallucinations and severe pain.

In principle, the effect of alcohol is explained by the individuality of each person, his mood, upbringing and the circumstances in which absinthe is drunk. Of course, the dose is also important. Measure is always welcome. From the abuse of tincture, a hangover will be sure. And if someone says otherwise, then he is mistaken.

The appearance of the so-called state of altered reality is provoked by thujone contained in wormwood. In large quantities, it will be a strong drug and poison.

Because of thujone, a person suffers from hallucinations and convulsions. The nervous system is seriously affected.

If you drink alcohol for a long time and a lot, an addiction appears, which has the name “absinthism syndrome”.

This condition is characterized by:

  • depression;
  • problems with coordination of movement;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • epileptic seizures.

However, it cannot be argued that such changes in the body are caused by thujone. These are the symptoms of alcoholism in general. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that the syndrome arises from the abuse of quantity.

That is, ignoring the amount drunk is likely to lead to serious side effects.

The state will be followed by:

  • nightmares;
  • sleep problems;
  • chills;
  • depression
  • numbness;
  • psychosis;
  • convulsive manifestations;
  • nausea.

But still, the drink was invented in order to help people heal from serious illnesses. If it is used correctly, then the body will become really healthier.

Thanks to alcohol, relaxation occurs, fever is eliminated and inflammation disappears, blood vessels expand, appetite improves.

Such a tool has useful properties:

  • disinfectant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant.

If you want to taste the taste of real absinthe, then you should first study the information about how it should be. The lower the strength of the alcohol, the more likely it is to contain dyes. But the most important thing is that it should never be overlooked, no matter how good alcohol is, its amount should not adversely affect health. Otherwise, the use turns into sabotage.

It is called the "Green Fairy" for the characteristic color obtained from the herbs included in the composition. Wormwood, on which he insists, is credited with hallucinogenic properties, which has not been definitely proven by science.

The combination of strength with such an effect forces it to be taken with great care, preferring moderate doses. Not everyone knows exactly how much alcohol it contains in absinthe. Although many myths and legends are told about him, connected with his supposedly mystical effect on people.

Absinthe has interesting properties. The green fairy, who lives in the drink, according to legend, could take away the mind of a person who uses it. We list some of its characteristics:

  1. First, it is a color obtained from the extract of wormwood and other herbs.
  2. The strength of absinthe is from 50 to 85 degrees. Popular types contain 70% alcohol. This is the strongest drink of all available in the world, second only to alcohol. Translated from Greek, the name means "unfit for drinking." It reflects a combination of strength and bitter taste.
  3. The color can be not only green, but also have various shades of it. There are yellow, red and brown varieties. In the first case, the drink is prepared with an aging or aging step. Chlorophyll at the same time loses its color, turning yellow. The drink turns red due to the addition - pomegranate juice, and brown due to black acacia. It may also be transparent depending on the manufacturer. That is, it does not include the stage of tinting with herbal infusions.
  4. In addition to the question of how many degrees absinthe contains, there is a problem about its narcotic properties, which are compared with the effect of marijuana. Wormwood contains the substance thujone, which is considered a toxin that causes hallucinations at significant doses. Such a specific effect is added to this strong alcohol.

Interesting! Absinthe can be prepared at home with the help of. The number of degrees depends on the technology with which it is produced.

A bit of history

It is believed that absinthe appeared at the end of the 18th century in Switzerland as a medicine. It was used for diseases and spasms. Over time, a strong drink began to be sold not only in pharmacies, but also in bars. Currently, the laws of many countries prohibit this drink or require additional purification.

In America, it is purified from thujone during production. After that, there are no narcotic properties in it. But duty free shops are not subject to such laws, so you can buy the unrefined version there.

In ancient times, absinthe was prepared by soaking wormwood in alcohol, as a result of which the fortress reached 90%. Now this figure depends on the brand and manufacturer. The minimum value is about 50%.

Since ancient times, the drink has been appreciated by those who want to get drunk quickly. Moreover, among his admirers there were more women than men. Representatives of all ages often missed a glass of strong absinthe. After all, they wore corsets that did not allow overloading digestion in large volumes.

About the effective composition of absinthe

The main difference between absinthe and other alcoholic beverages is the presence of thujone. According to its content, alcohol is classified as follows:

  1. High, 25 to 100 mg/litre. They are distinguished by Swiss (Swiss La Bleue), Czech (King of Spirits) varieties.
  2. Low percentage, up to 10 mg/litre. An example is European species.
  3. Thujone is missing from some Swiss and French brands.

The classification is also accepted according to the degree of fortress:

  1. Small, up to 65 degrees.
  2. High, up to 85 degrees.

Technology of making absinthe distillation of herbal tincture in alcohol, obtaining a distillate. After that, an alcohol extract of herbs is additionally added to it, giving aroma and color. The recipe includes:

  • bitter wormwood;
  • anise seeds;
  • mint and lemon balm;
  • spices: cardamom, nutmeg;
  • water;
  • alcohol.

Fortress and its aftermath

Absinthe has an effect on the body, directly dependent on how many degrees in it. This is a strong enough drink to cause severe intoxication even in small quantities. If you add a hallucinogenic effect, you can assume the effect of addiction. Consequences - addiction to alcohol.

The recommended dose should not exceed 30 ml at a time. During the evening, you should not drink more than 2 shots. Using absinthe with benefit, one should not treat it irresponsibly. Moderation, on the other hand, can turn an alcoholic drink into a medicine, as it was considered in antiquity.

Now a popular method of drinking absinthe is to add it to cocktails. It is also customary to dilute it with syrups.

Good to know! A good addition would be ice and a lemon slice.