What is Becherovka liqueur. Becherovka - Czech herbal tincture

Becherovka liqueur is considered the hallmark of the Czech Republic and the country's most famous alcoholic drink. Every tourist considers it his duty to bring home a few bottles as a souvenir. It's time to figure out how you can drink Becherovka with different methods in order to understand the fullness of the unique taste.

Becherovka(Becherovka "emphasis on the first syllable") is a Czech herbal liqueur with a strength of 38%, produced in the Karlovy Vary region. Initially conceived as a remedy for the treatment of gastric disorders, but over time, the tincture moved into the class of alcoholic beverages. The recipe was invented by Josef Becher in 1807. industrial production began in 1841.

It is known that Becherovka contains 20 herbs, 4 of which grow in Karlovy Vary, the remaining 16 are imported from other countries and continents. The list of ingredients is kept in the strictest confidence, only 2 people in the world (the director and technologist of the plant) know the exact recipe for the drink. Some experts suggest that Becherovka contains wormwood, chamomile, cloves, coriander, lemon and honey.

Sometimes Becherovka is compared with German, but this is fundamentally wrong, since drinks differ not only in ingredients, but also in taste.

Views of Becherovka

The manufacturer was not limited to only one option, there are the following types of liquor:

  • Original (38%) - the recipe has not changed since 1807, it is considered a classic Becherovka;
  • Cordial (35%) - added separately to traditional liquor Linden blossom and white wine;
  • Lemond (20%) - citrus flavored liqueur, distinguishing feature- low fortress;
  • KV 14 (39%) - red tincture;
  • KV 15 (40%) - this variety has been discontinued.

Appearance bottles

Only two types of Becherovka are exported: Original and Lemond, the other three can be purchased directly in the Czech Republic, and only at the factory itself.

The culture of drinking Becherovka

Becherovka can be eaten with a slice of orange sprinkled with cinnamon. Other meals are not included.

Immediately after a sip, a sweetish taste with bitter notes of herbs is felt and a long aftertaste remains. If you try Becherovka at room temperature, a fragrant herbal aroma appears, but the drink becomes sharp and not so pleasant.

2. Becherovka with beer. A glass of well-chilled liquor is drunk in one gulp, immediately washed down with light beer. This method is popular in Slovakia. It turns out the original taste is not like anything else. True, the combination of strong alcohol with beer leads to rapid intoxication.

3. In medicinal purposes. Add 1-2 tablespoons of Becherovka Original to a cup of coffee or tea. This combination improves digestion, raises the tone and stimulates the immune system. No one in the Czech Republic doubts the benefits of Becherovka, since the liquor was originally created as a medicine. The main thing here is not to overdo it, drinking no more than one cup a day.

4. With other drinks. If, due to the high strength, you do not like to drink Becherovka in pure form, then you can lower the degree with juices. Cherry, apple and currant juices are especially good in this regard. Any dilution ratio.

Cocktails are also prepared on the basis of Becherovka. The most popular is "Concrete" - mixing Becherovka and tonic. Cooking features are shown in the video.

Second popular cocktail with Becherovka is called "Red Moon". It is enough to fill the glass with ice cubes, add 40 ml of Becherovka, 10 ml of currant juice and sparkling water (around the edge), then decorate with an orange slice.

Becherovka is a popular liquor born from a medicinal tincture. This fact left an imprint on the ways of drinking the drink. Let's figure out how and with what they drink Becherovka.

In the article:

How to drink Becherovka

A culture of consumption has developed over a two-hundred-year history. Initially, the drink was made for medicinal purposes, and it was taken in small doses strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Over time, the tincture has become widely known throughout the world and still enjoys continued popularity. In the bar of every self-respecting sommelier there is always a branded bottle of this wonderful liqueur.

Becherovka is a rather unusual liquor, it is not sweet and thick drink, as usual representatives of this class, for example, or .

Becherovka is a digestif, so it is customary to serve it after eating. This is done to speed up the learning process. useful substances organism. Actually, the tincture recipe itself was developed as a drug for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The only exception is the Becherovka KV-14 liqueur, as it is an aperitif and is served before meals.

Liquor, as an independent drink, is consumed chilled from small piles, which are cooled in the refrigerator to a temperature of 5-7 ° C.

A chilled drink loses its aroma, but reveals a range of taste sensations. In a warm state, the tincture is not so pleasant in taste and resembles medicinal product. The warm liquor is more fragrant, but it is in the chilled form that all the true potential of Becherovka is hidden. Even the smallest sip will allow you to enjoy the bittersweet taste with an admixture of herbal notes. Within a few minutes, the tastes alternately shift each other, leaving a long aftertaste. It is this feature that has made Becherovka so popular.

There is an opinion that this drink relieves fatigue, toning up the body and strengthening the immune system, which makes Becherovka an almost harmless energy drink.

What to eat Becherovka

Classical Becherovka is not accepted to eat, but as an exception, you can treat yourself to an orange slice. Some people prefer to sprinkle cinnamon on the orange. This enhances the taste of the drink, including its medicinal properties.

Most true fans of Becherovka prefer not to have a snack after drinking the tincture, considering it a full-fledged digestif and a drink that should perform its direct function of enhancing the digestive tract.

Aesthetes tend to believe that extra impurities and snacks spoil amazing taste Becherovka, preventing you from enjoying each of its many components.

However, the exception is certain varieties of tincture. For example, Cardinal and Lemond are used as a dessert, and it is advisable to eat them with chocolate or other confectionery(cakes, cream cakes, sweets, soft cookies). Also, these subspecies of tincture are ideally combined with fruits like lemon, orange, grapes, lime and apple.

What do they drink Becherovka with?

The most common option is Becherovka with beer

The Czechs' closest neighbors, the Slovaks, have invented their own method of drinking Becherovka. According to their recipe, a glass of chilled liquor should be quickly drunk and washed down with beer (preferably light). Of the minuses, one can name a quick intoxication after combining a strong liquor with beer. However, this combination of hops, malt and herbs will certainly give you an incomparable original taste. According to the comic opinion of the Slovaks, Becherovka was created specifically to drink it with beer. Many tasters noted that the combination of the two components really enhanced the effect of drinking liquor in many ways.

For amplification medicinal properties drink, it is customary to add it to a cup of tea or coffee. One tablespoon should be poured into a slightly cooled hot drink. The liqueur will add additional flavor and a little bitterness, as well as give a charge of vivacity and strength.

If you add a drop of tincture to morning tea or coffee in the cold season, this will help to avoid colds and provide good health and excellent digestion. Some innovators prefer to add more than one scoop to a hot drink. Experimentation is possible, but you must consider that the tincture itself is a complex of herbs that, in in large numbers can provide harmful effect on the gastric mucosa in combination with coffee or tea.

Liquor goes well with other drinks, in particular - with natural juices. Cherry, apple, grape, currant, pomegranate, cranberry and orange juice. Notes of berries and fruits help to relax, and the contained vitamins enhance the healing effect of the use of tincture. Correct Proportion will achieve an exceptional taste, but there are no exact proportions, so dilute the liquor with juice to your liking.

The collection of herbs that make up the tincture promote the secretion of gastric juice, reduce spasms in the gallbladder and help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. 20 milliliters of the drink, taken after a meal, has a healing effect on the body. Snacking liquor is not accepted, since Becherovka is an excellent preventive drug.

If you do not like the bitter taste of liquor, you can eat it green apple or any other sour fruit. Some prefer to use Becherovka with tonic, but this is more a matter of taste. Enough to take:

  • your favorite tonic drink;
  • add it to the sprinkled in tumbler ice cubes;
  • squeeze half the juice of a lemon and pour in 20-30 grams of liquor.

The taste is similar to one of the subspecies of Lemond tincture, it is easy to drink. The bitter taste is almost non-existent.

Becherovka is essentially medicinal tincture. The only thing she can't cure is alcoholism. Therefore, you need to observe the measure, it is absolutely impossible to mix liquor with other strong alcoholic drinks.

The Czech Republic is a country of unsolved mysteries and mysteries, and this is a proven fact! Since the entire organization of national production is under the sign of secrecy. Surprisingly, such a “closedness” of the Czech Republic does not frighten, but, on the contrary, attracts more and more every year.

Perhaps it is the atmosphere of secrecy that has made Czech foods and drinks so popular, or is it all about them? original preparation?! We encourage you to look into this carefully!

Consider, for example, the famous traditional Czech alcoholic drink - Becherovka.

The name of the drink is associated with the name of its creator, Karlovy Vary pharmacist Josef Becher. In 1807, he discovered a unique formulation of an agent that affects the digestive process. Since the drug was based on the strongest concentration of herbal extracts, the recommended dose for use was 20 ml during meals.

At that time, Josef Becher's pharmacy was the only place where you could taste such an invigorating drink as Becherovka.

Today Becherovka is the pride of the Czech Republic! Delicate approach to collecting more than twenty medicinal herbs in combination with sophisticated technology production made this drink famous all over the world. But none of the world's producers have yet been able to duplicate the recipe! This is because the government of the Czech Republic keeps the written version of the Becherovka recipe in the strictest confidence, or rather, it is in the safe of a Swiss bank. And only two people, the heirs of Josef Becher, know him by heart!

For two centuries now, the place of preparation of Becherovka has turned from a small pharmacy into a large industrial enterprise. The production volumes of the drink grew in sharp jumps, which indicates the success of this company. Currently, the popularity of Becherovka is represented by a turnover of 6 million liters per year in more than 33 countries of the world, and this is not the limit!

Thanks to its memorable aroma and "burning" taste, Becherovka has become the "best friend" of bartenders. Now, you have the opportunity to try this strong liquor in various versions: “in its pure form”, longdrink, shortdrink, etc. Naturally, the most interesting options Becherovka filing you will find in cozy restaurants Czech Republic.

The Czech producers themselves advise: first, cool the liquor to 5-7 degrees, and then pour it into small glasses, and enjoy it after a meal, as a digestif.

And a small slice of orange sprinkled with cinnamon will let you forget about the strength (38%) of the drink!

Also, for evening conversations in a pleasant company, a fragrant cup of coffee or tea, complemented by a small spoonful of Becherovka, is suitable.

Becherovka - medicine or just alcohol?

The recommended “miniature” dose of drinking alcohol, even if it is a medicinal drink, suggests the thought: Does everyone follow the proportions ?! Yes, and the successful marketing results of the producers of Becherovka cast doubt on the culture of drinking the national Czech drink. Or, over the years, Becherovka has lost its medicinal properties, and now it is no different from an ordinary strong alcoholic drink?!

Luckily, these are just rumors! However, Becherovka is not omnipotent remedy; does not save from alcoholism! Therefore, observe the measure of consumption, and then a few drops of a strong drink will have a beneficial effect on your body.

Curiously, this positive healing effect of Becherovka was still noticed in those days not only by Josef Becher, but also by the Englishman Dr. Frobrig.

Herr Frobrig was the personal physician of Count Plettenberg Metingen. Therefore, in 1805, on another journey from England to Karlovy Vary, Dr. Frobrig accompanied a representative of the fashionable elite. An accidental stop of travelers in the house of Josef Becher on Market Street provoked the creation of a duet of two creative people. Frobrig and Becher quickly hit it off. The desire to “create, improve” they had one for two!

They had at their disposal best pharmacy in the city where Frobrig and Becher experimented, predominantly mixing herbs, aromatic oils, and alcohol. Sleepless nights and numerous ingredients made it possible to experiment without respite. This rhythm of work has paid off!

For a short stay in the Bohemian resort town, Frobrig became friends with Becher. And at the time of leaving Karlovy Vary, the Englishman, as a token of gratitude, presented Becher with unique records of their joint experiences. But what impressed Becher most of all was Frobrig's parting words: "It really interested me."

The pharmacist spent two more years searching for perfect combination herbs and alcohol according to Frobrig's notes. And already in 1807, Josef Becher skillfully sold the medicine "Karlsbad English Bitter" (German name "Original Karlsbader Becher Bitter").

Until now, scientists and doctors are exploring the drink for the presence of medicinal properties. The final opinion on the medical value of Becherovka was expressed by Dr. William Rzepki. He confirmed that Becherovka was created primarily as a dietary medicine that affects the problems digestive system. The herbal mixture of the drink has a strong influence on the acceleration of metabolism, as well as on the protective reaction of the body against infections.

A small glass of Becherovka (20 ml) with meals will help you avoid diseases of the stomach and gallbladder. A small amount of alcohol in such an amount of drink will expand the blood vessels, thereby speeding up the process of blood circulation.

A sip of strong liquor will relieve a tense stressful state and cheer you up a little!

Where to buy in Prague and how much does it cost?

Do not miss your chance to get real pleasure from the historical and healing drink! Arriving in Prague, do not forget to buy Becherovka home or as a gift! And ... it's best to buy Becherovka at the TESCO supermarket (26 Narodni street, Narodni trida metro station) or Duty Free. You can also buy a railway ticket for and for the bus. If necessary (for example, to organize a shopping tour), we buy package tours for.

Becherovka is a unique Czech herbal liqueur with a high strength. For more than 200 years, this drink has not lost its position and continues to be one of the most popular herbal liqueurs around the planet.

Initially, the drink was positioned as a stimulant for the stomach, but later all connoisseurs of fine drinks appreciated its tart herbal aroma and taste.

History of Czech liqueur

The beginning of the history of this wonderful drink lies in the distant 1805. Then his old friend Frobrig, who was also engaged in pharmaceuticals, arrived at the house of the Karlovy Vary pharmacist and pharmacy owner Josef Becher. Friends, due to their hobbies, began to experiment with mixing different herbs and oils with alcohol.

They spent a lot of time creating various tinctures and extracts. As a result, when Frobrig left, he left some recommendations to Becher, who promised to realize their common undertakings and ideas.

The recommendations left and the already existing database of tinctures were the ideal ground for creating something new and unusual. And so it happened. In 1807, Josef Becher managed to create an unusual drink that was positioned as a stimulant for digestion.

And a few months later, Becher organized the sale of this medicine - Carlsbad English Bitter, which was later changed to Becherovka.

With a unique prescription formula, the business rapidly gained momentum. Becher passed the recipe on to his son Johann only in 1841. Johann was distinguished by intelligence, quick wit and the ability to keep secrets.

In addition, he successfully ran a business: he updated the equipment at the enterprise, changed the packaging of liquor. And in the same year, the production of Becherovka reached a new level.

In 1890, Johann handed over the business to his son Gustav Becher, who likewise made a significant contribution to the development of the company: he completed the construction of additional buildings at the production site and registered TM Becherovka.

Gustav devoted a lot of time to the family business: he was engaged in deliveries, sales and marketing programs.

Thus, the recipe was passed down from generation to generation. In 1901, the management of the company passed into the hands of his brother Gustav, who contributed to an increase in sales up to 53,000 liters per year. In addition, Becherovka began to actively promote outside the Czech Republic, for example, Spain, France, Italy, etc. In some countries, branches were opened that deal with direct deliveries of this liquor.

Throughout its existence, this liqueur has been repeatedly awarded various medals at international exhibitions. It is believed that even the Austrian emperor liked this herbal liquor and the entire royal court consumed it.

Also built is the Jan Becher Museum dedicated to the most famous Czech herbal liqueur. It is located in the center of Karlovy Vary. During museum tours, you can get acquainted with the production, some subtleties and warehousing, as well as taste some drinks.

It's all about the secret formula

The exact recipe for the real Becherovka is a closely guarded secret and is only passed down through the male line of the Becher family. That is why this liqueur is considered unique and inimitable. Many craftsmen who understand alcohol have tried to recreate something similar.

It can be noted that, although with varying success, it was not possible to create a completely identical taste. An approximate production principle is as follows: mix different types herbs (both local and imported), as a rule, more than 20 species are used.

Herbs are used according to exact, verified proportions, without departing from original recipe. The composition of Becherovka definitely includes: anise, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, allspice, orange peel. The finished herbal mixture is poured into bags made of natural canvas.

Ready bags are lowered into containers with alcohol and left for a certain amount of time (about a week). The resulting extract is mixed with oak barrels with water and sugar and leave to infuse for 2-3 months. The tincture process is under constant control, which guarantees the preservation of excellent taste and aroma, as well as the high quality of the drink.

Becherovka is produced only on Karlovy Vary water. It is believed that one of the most important components of the unique taste of Becherovka is Karlovy Vary water, which miraculously affects the drink. Rumor has it that someone, trying to recreate an exact copy of the liquor, conducted a series of experiments.

During one of them, herbal extracts produced at the Karlovy Vary factory were transported to another area and a drink was produced with exact proportion. But the taste and smell of the produced liquor was fundamentally different from the real Becherovka. Therefore, no one knows what influences the true taste of liquor so much.

Healing properties of Becherovka

Since this drink was originally created as a medicine, I would like to note it medicinal quality. Becherovka is an aperitif tincture (a means to increase appetite), this liqueur was created for this very purpose.

Because of high content herbs Becherovka promotes the release of gastric juice, antispasmodic substances and bile, relaxation of tense muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. After 20 ml of liquor, food is absorbed better and faster, and irritation of the rectum is also eliminated.

Views of Becherovka

How to drink Becherovka

During the long existence of this alcoholic drink, several ways of drinking it have appeared.

  • In its purest form

    This method of consumption is recommended by the manufacturer as the most acceptable for this alcoholic beverage. Becherovka is served on the table in small glasses, the temperature should be within 5 - 7 degrees. The drink should be taken after a meal or in the late evening. You can eat Becherovka with a piece of orange, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon, other snack options are not considered.

    The taste of the drink will be sweetish with bitter hints of herbs, leaving a long-lasting aftertaste. If Becherovka is served warmer, the aroma will be much brighter, but at the same time, the taste will become sharper and change its pleasant notes to coarser ones.

    Only in this way you can feel all the splendor of taste and unforgettable herbal aroma of liquor.

  • Becherovka with beer

    A glass of chilled drink is drunk in one gulp, then the liquor is washed down with light beer. This variant of use has taken root well in Slovakia. Becherovka herbs in combination with hops and malt give a unique taste and a pleasant aftertaste.

    Important! The combination of beer and Becherovka can lead to faster intoxication due to the strength drop.

  • For medicinal purposes

    Becherovka, thanks to its useful properties, can be an excellent preventive medicine. To prepare medicinal Becherovka, take 2 tablespoons of liquor and mix it with tea or coffee. This combination will increase the functioning of the immune system, stimulate digestion and tone the body. At the same time, the taste is rather weak, but you will still feel a pleasant herbal aftertaste.

  • With other drinks

    Since the strength of Becherovka Original is quite high and noticeable, the liquor can be consumed with other drinks, such as juice. The ideal option to dilute the liqueur, apple, cherry and currant juice. Proportions are calculated based on personal preference.

Top 10 Becherovka Cocktails

There are many cocktails containing Becherovka in their composition. Here are the most popular:

  1. B-Ocean

    150 ml grape juice, 40 ml of Becherovka mix in a blender with liquor Blue Curacao(20 ml), add a few ice cubes and pour into a glass. Garnish with a mint leaf or orange slice.

  2. Bejito

    To 150 ml of blackcurrant juice add 50 ml of soda / tonic and 40 ml of Becherovka. Mix in a blender, add ice and pour into a glass. Garnish with mint or orange.

  3. Tears Raquel

    The first layer - Becherovka 50 ml, the second layer - 50 ml of Triple Sec liqueur, without interfering. Before serving, set fire to the top layer.

  4. Becherovka with cherry

    In a shaker, mix 40 ml of Becherovka and 40 ml of grapefruit juice. Shake before pouring into a cocktail glass and garnish with a cocktail cherry.

  5. 200 years of Becherovka (B-Celebration)

    In a glass filled with ice, pour 30 ml of Becherovka and 100 ml of apple liqueur and add a couple of drops of ginger ale. Garnish with lime slice and mint.

  6. Magic Sunset. In a glass with ice, add 40 ml of Becherovka and 15 ml of orange juice, then 10 ml of grenadine, do not mix. Garnish with a strawberry or orange before serving.
  7. Oasis

    Cut the lime into slices and put it in a glass, sprinkled with sugar. Press down on the lime to release the juice. Fill a glass with 9. ice and add 50 ml of Becherovka. Stir the cocktail.

  8. B-Cola

    The recipe is as simple as possible. To 40 ml of Becherovka add 150 ml of cola. Garnish with lemon before serving.

  9. Bianca
    Pour 30 ml of Becherovka and 30 ml of white dessert vermouth into a glass. Stir and strain into a glass with ice. Add 30 ml of champagne to the resulting mixture and garnish with a raspberry and a slice of lime.
  10. Becherovka punch

    45 ml of Becherovka mixed with 10 ml of lemon juice, 90 ml of filtered water, 10 ml of orange juice and 20 ml sugar syrup. Mix everything thoroughly and heat up. Then pour into a glass for hot drinks. Garnish with a skewer with orange, lemon and lime.

The price of Becherovka in the Czech Republic and Russia

The price of tincture in the Czech Republic depends on where to buy it. From personal experience: the cheapest option was in the duty free of the Prague airport, about 140 crowns (~ 250 rubles) for 0.5 liters of Becherovka. In the supermarkets of Karlovy Vary, the price is approximately 170-180 kroons. There are promotions when a drink costs 130 crowns, but I didn’t come across such.

The price of tincture in Russia: on 0.5 l - about 750 rubles, for 1 liter - about 1000 rubles.

How professionals prepare cocktails with Becherovka:

So, Becherovka is a tincture that combines the magnificent aroma of a mixture of different herbs, and excellent taste, and a long-lasting aftertaste. A truly legendary Czech drink.

Remember that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to your health!

The "field" of the famous Czech herbal liquor - Becherovka - Karlovy Vary. How they drink Becherovka in the homeland of this drink, what they eat, what they mix with. Below you will find TOP tips on how to properly use herbal tincture.

Light golden liqueur with a pleasant aftertaste

Becherovka is a herbal tincture with a strength of 38%. As a raw material for this drink, infusions and extracts of more than twenty plants are used:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • hop cones;
  • mustard seeds;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • blueberry fruits;
  • nettle leaves;
  • rose essential oil;
  • wormwood grass;
  • dandelion root;
  • melissa leaves;
  • rosehip root;
  • leaves peppermint and other components.

History of herbal liqueur

This alcoholic drink has existed for more than two centuries, but it appeared on the free market not so long ago. Liquor was originally invented as a remedy for gastrointestinal disorders and ailments. The "author" of Becherovka was the Czech pharmacist Josef Becher. In 1807, he invented a tincture that would relieve his patients of gastrointestinal diseases. The drink had an interesting, rich and original taste, so it quickly became popular even in perfectly healthy patients. To this day, the Becherovka recipe remains unchanged. True, this tincture is no longer found on the shelves of pharmacies - more and more often it is found in grocery store windows, in departments with alcoholic beverages.

And although Becherovka is no longer perceived as a medicine, few people know how to drink Becherovka, with what snacks to use it.

Secrets of drinking herbal liquor

If we examine the history herbal drink, it becomes clear why it is recommended to use it after meals. , infused with alcohol, were designed to improve digestive processes. Most often, Becherovka was bought by wealthy aristocrats. They used the drink after lush and long feasts with an abundance of fatty and heavy meals for the stomach. At that time, Becherovka relieved heaviness in the stomach, indigestion and other intestinal ailments.

Despite the fact that the fortress near Becherovka is rather big - 38%, the drink is great for both women and men. In the original, it is better to use herbal tincture chilled. Optimum temperature+5+7 degrees Celsius. To cool the liquor to this temperature, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for 50-60 minutes. In its pure form, the original Becherovka is served without the addition of any components.

How to drink Becherovka? Small glasses are used to serve the drink. Herbal liquor is drunk in one gulp, in small doses. This allows you to enjoy the tincture, discover all the shades of herbs and appreciate the taste of the liquor.

Becherovka mixing rules

Interestingly, in different countries drink Becherovka in their own way. So, in Slovakia, a liquor infused with herbs is mixed exclusively with beer - light and fresh. According to local residents, it is this drink that allows Becherovka to fully open up, making its taste exceptional and recognizable.

But if you think that in Slovakia they mix Becherovka with light fresh beer in one glass, then you are deeply mistaken. Herbal tincture is served separately in a small glass, not more than fifty milliliters in volume. The drink is drunk in one gulp, after which you can proceed to the use of light beer, poured into a tall glass. However, many people doubt such a recipe for using Becherovka. The method described above is not for everyone, because if you abuse the drink, a pronounced hangover syndrome is found in the morning.

Today Becherovka is a component of various cocktails. It goes well with most non-alcoholic drinks - for example, with tonic, orange, cherry, apple juice.

To prepare a delicious, refreshing cocktail based on Becherovka, you need to know some rules.

  1. The proportions of the components are selected individually, but the proportion of alcohol should not exceed 25%.
  2. Becherovka harmonizes perfectly even with simple soft drinks like tea or coffee.
  3. Becherovka is delicious as an ice cream syrup.
  4. Becherovka does not mix with others strong alcohol- vodka, cognac, tequila, rum. Czech spirits also do not mix with wine.

Varieties and varieties of Becherovka

The original Czech herbal elixir is sold in green glass bottles. There are also several types of this alcoholic drink on sale. They were designed specifically for making cocktails.

  • Becherovka Lemond. In other words, this is a lemon Becherovka. It has a strength of 20% and is in great demand among young people. This variety was developed by the eminent British designer Martin Blunt. This spirit is sold in the same bottles as the original. Only the labels differ. They are made by spraying and seem to have an ice texture.
  • Becherovka Cordial. This is a classic elixir infused with herbs, mixed with linden flowers and white wine. The drink is unusual and very tasty, especially if served with ice. By the way, Becherovka, diluted with white wine, goes well with tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
  • Becherovka KV 14 and 15 are herbal liqueur versions that are diluted with red wine and are great as an aperitif.

What to eat Becherovka

In fact, the classic Becherovka does not require an appetizer. This is one of the few alcohol-containing products that are usually served empty - even a slice of lemon or orange is superfluous here. The tradition of drinking Czech herbal liquor in this way goes back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the tincture was used as a medicinal, healing agent. Naturally, pharmacists prescribed tincture without a snack, because it could create an additional load on the stomach.

However, today the elixir is not used as a medicine. In addition, it has a high strength, so drinking it without a snack is very problematic. If you find it hard to resist the temptation to intercept something for a snack, know that herbal tincture can be combined with:

  • meat and fish snacks;
  • citrus fruits and fruits - apples, strawberries, cherries;
  • sweets, such as peanuts chocolate icing or with dark chocolate;
  • with dried fruits - prunes, dates, dried bananas, dried apricots.

Becherovka as a medicine

Czech alcohol can also be used for its intended purpose - as medicinal product. If you have problems with digestion, drink fifty milliliters of liquor immediately after meals. In twenty to thirty minutes, the heaviness and pain in the stomach will disappear.

Becherovka can also be used for medicinal purposes to relieve symptoms of a cold and speed up recovery.

There are several rules for this use of liquor:

  • Herbal tincture is slightly warmed up. Better in a water bath.
  • With a runny nose, sore throat, perspiration, coughing, you need to drink at least 50 milliliters in one gulp.
  • After taking it, it is better to immediately go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. A few hours of healthy and restful sleep combined with herbal plant extracts will get you back on your feet.
  • This method of relieving the symptoms of a cold is not used in the treatment of children.

How they drink Becherovka in the Czech Republic

In the homeland of liquor, in Karlovy Vary, alcohol is consumed in its pure form, not only chilled, but also warmed up. To do this, the herbal tincture is heated to +18 +20 degrees and drunk slowly, savoring every sip.

But most often it is the main component of low-alcohol cocktails. Soft, delicate, enveloping taste of the drink goes well with pomegranate juice and tonic. No exact recipes making such cocktails - you can independently adjust the strength and change the proportions. Liquor is often mixed with champagne, and is also added when preparing mulled wines.

Elixir is often drunk with beer in the Czech Republic. The true way of preparing the drink is as follows: a very chilled or even frozen liquor is poured into a small glass, and light filtered beer is added on top. Such a drink is drunk slowly - in three or four sips.

Despite the fact that Becherovka does not combine with strong alcoholic drinks, the Czechs are convinced that young cognac or whiskey does not spoil the taste of herbal liquor. The main condition is to use only two components and serve cocktails in small piles so that you can drink alcohol in one gulp in one gulp.

Becherovka in the Czech Republic is drunk by analogy with the Riga Balsam.

A few tablespoons of the drink is added to coffee. Cream and sugar can be added to taste. Other interesting combination- Becherovka with strong and sweet tea in a ratio of one to one. However, it is better to use honey instead of sugar. This infusion improves digestion.

Knowing the rules for mixing Czech liquor with other drinks, you can easily choose the option that turns out to be the most delicious for you. In conclusion, I would like to say that this elixir is not at all suitable for friendly parties and noisy feasts. It is best to use cocktails based on herbal infusion in a calm, intimate atmosphere. Ideal for romantic dates or family get-togethers.

Becherovka is not against experiments. However, remember: the liquor is very strong, so you need to know when to use it.