How to clean alcohol from fusel oils. Without extreme and hangover

At distilleries, fusel oils and ketones were chemically destroyed. The amount of impurities was determined and purification was carried out quite simply. Almost all ketones (acetones) in alcohol are oxidized by the action of potassium permanganate (common potassium permanganate), and the remaining fusel oils are easily saponified with caustic soda and ammonia.
As it was done in industry: the laboratory selected 10 test tubes with the raw alcohol under study and added a little potassium permanganate solution to each.

Applied only 10% water solution potassium permanganate, the so-called "Chameleon", because if potassium permanganate is introduced in the form of crystals, then alcohol is oxidized to form acetaldehyde. At the same time, alcohol acquires a sour taste and it can be purified from acetaldehyde only by distillation.

One drop was added to the first tube, two to the second, three to the third, and so on. All this was shaken up and defended. Let us assume that in the first tubes the alcohol was transparent, in the fifth - pinkish, and then the color of each tube intensified. This indicated that four drops of "chameleon" were enough to purify alcohol in one test tube. An extra "chameleon" only oxidizes alcohol, turning it into acetaldehyde!

Similarly, by sampling, the amount of caustic soda or ammonia needed for saponification was determined. fusel oils(alkali).

The right amount"chameleons" and alkali to clean the entire batch of alcohol was already easy to calculate. The procedure for purifying alcohol was as follows: first, half the norm of "chameleon" was poured in and the alcohol was mixed, after half an hour the estimated amount of alkali and after an hour the rest of the amount of "chameleon".

After a 2-hour settling, the pre-purified alcohol must be distilled once more through a distillation column. Device and principle of operation distillation column exactly the same as the distillation, which means that the alcohol is again distilled at least 25 times.

When using some types of raw materials, only after rectified alcohol has passed through a filter column filled with activated carbon. It is made of stainless steel, the diameter is 0.6 m, and the height is about five meters. The entire internal space is filled with activated carbon of the MBA-4 brand (finely porous, birch, activated, fraction size 4 mm).

Two or four filtering columns are installed, depending on the quality of alcohol you need to get.

The next alcohol purification operation (which was always carried out before) is reforming (thermal shock).

Rectified alcohol was kept in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature of 70°C for a day. As a result of this procedure, artificial aging of alcohol occurred, and as a result, a decrease in the amount of toxic substances and an improvement in taste. During reforming, some substances precipitate, some evaporate, and the remaining fusel oils float, forming a film on the alcohol surface that is easy to remove.

And only after such repeated cleaning is already the purest 96 ° ethanol mixed with water in a special container. If you take a closer look at the label, you will see that the vodka is 40%, and the wine is -16°. Both of them indicate the alcohol content, but vodka contains 40 volume percent of rectified alcohol with a strength of 96 °. That is, the actual strength of vodka is 38.4 ° - if it is measured with an accurate alcoholometer, and the strength of wine is really 16 °.

Until the 20th century, distilleries produced vodka ( bread wine) whence the name "distilleries". But later, with an increase in the quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages, an increase in the technical level of production, they switched to the production of wheat alcohol, and vodka was obtained by dissolving ethyl alcohol with water. The main reason for using this particular technology was to improve the quality and purity of vodka. Because it is much easier to dilute strong alcohol with good water than to clean the smelly water found in moonshine.
The quality of water used to dilute wheat alcohol is of great importance. It is water that determines the taste of finished vodka, because it contains 60% water, and only 40% alcohol.

In some countries (Poland, USA), alcohol in the preparation of vodkas is diluted only with distilled water. It is chemically pure water, but deaerated (dissolved air removed) and tasteless. Such water is actually dead - it is impossible to get drunk (aquarium fish instantly die in it).

In Russia and Ukraine - ethyl alcohol is traditionally diluted and diluted only with raw water; and the best for this purpose - spring. Naturally, it should be clean, transparent, tasty and high in salt. It is the small amount of salt that determines the taste of water. Hardness salts in drinking water are always present and should be present when diluting alcohol, but within acceptable limits!

With excessive rigidity, a ring forms on the neck of the bottle, a precipitate falls out and the taste of vodka deteriorates. Products lose their presentation and are sent for processing.

If the water is too hard, then it is cleaned and softened in multi-stage filters. In succession, water passes through quartz sand, sulfo coal (this is coal treated with sulfuric acid) and a cation exchange filter filled with granules of ion-exchange resins. (In exactly the same way, preparation is carried out in boiler rooms feed water for steam boilers). Only such purified and softened water is suitable for dilution of alcohol in the preparation of vodka.

And the final procedure before bottling vodka is the addition of dissolved refined sugar. IN small quantities sugar is not noticeable, but it softens the taste, as if lubricating the throat. " Vodka goes like clockwork».

Any alcoholic drink with added sugar is tastier and, using liquor of the same strength with vodka, you can get drunk much faster.

That's why so many different recipes strong cocktails. And any ordinary domestic beer, if sweetened, will not yield to imported beer in taste. Try it!

Sugar is added in accordance with the recipe: for "Vodka" and "Extra" - 0.5%, and for various "special" up to 2%. (For a liter of vodka 5-20 grams of sugar).

Alcohol Purification

It is no secret that low-quality alcohol causes many diseases and even death of people. But alcohol is often used in medicinal purposes, including recommended and ingestion in the form of pepper and various tinctures. In addition, alcohol is used for external use (disinfection of wounds, cauterization, etc.), so harmful substances contained in low-quality alcohol can enter the human body through the skin. Therefore, it is very important that the alcohol used be purified from toxic substances and harmful impurities.

However, despite all the measures taken to purify alcohol during manufacture (during the preparation of mash, during fermentation and during distillation), it is still impossible to obtain pure product. This also applies to wine.

To purify alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to use filters containing Activated carbon. It not only cleans the drink, but also eliminates unpleasant odors, improves taste. In addition, the wine is clarified, getting rid of color absorbed from the outside.

In Russian distillation, coal for filtration has been used for a long time. In 1785, the St. Petersburg pharmacist T. E. Lovits, who later became an academician, was the first to discover the purifying ability of coal during the distillation of alcohol. In his experiments, Lovitz distilled alcohol over coal powder and at the same time obtained a product that was purer than with ordinary distillation. The same scientist discovered that simply shaking the wine without heating and distillation improves the taste and color of the drink and eliminates unpleasant odors.

In addition, the following discovery was made: it is effective to carry out filtration through coal by first diluting the alcohol with cold boiled water up to 40% or after the first distillation, when the proportion of alcohol contained does not exceed 45%. Good results are justified by the fact that the greater the concentration of alcohol, the stronger it retains impurities and, accordingly, the more difficult it is to clean. In this process, it is important to maintain as much as possible low temperature alcohol. Soon this discovery began to be applied in wineries. As a result, the quality of the wines has improved significantly.

An activated carbon filter, as mentioned above, is within our power to make ourselves. In this case, you can use both activated charcoal, bought directly at the pharmacy, and home-made, made from wood.

In the latter case, when selecting certain tree species, it is possible to obtain alcohol with different taste qualities that no other manufacturer has.

To make a filter at home, you need to take a pan of a suitable size with a hole made in the bottom. A thin layer of cotton wool and a piece of gauze are laid out at the bottom of the pan. Activated carbon is poured on top of the gauze at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of alcohol intended for filtration. Coal is covered with gauze edges so that it does not float to the surface. After that, you can pour alcohol into the prepared container.

It should be remembered that different varieties woods have unequal adsorbing properties, that is, the composition of the substances absorbed by them differs to some extent. This is the reason for the taste and quality differences of wines purified by different filters.

In order for the alcohol to be purified as best as possible, it is recommended to pass it through a similar filter 2-3 times. The finer the powder, the denser the filter will be, and the filtration process itself will be slower, but the alcohol passed through the filter will be better cleaned.

Another way to purify alcohol is to pour activated carbon into a container with alcohol at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter and shake the mixture well. Such shaking is recommended to be done several times during the day. After that, the alcohol, together with activated charcoal, is infused for about a week, after which it is filtered through gauze or filter paper.

Cleaning alcohol at home gives very good results.

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Many people prefer to drink alcoholic beverages home cooking, as store products do not always meet our requirements. Therefore, the issue of purification of alcohol in the matter of winemaking is so relevant. Today we will look at several time-tested and accessible to everyone ways to achieve the perfect result, and answer the question of how to clean alcohol at home?

Cleaning alcohol at home - process features

Of course, the most radical way is redistillation. However, there are other ways to purify alcohol at home. Let's consider them in more detail.

The quality of purification depends on the degree of the drink - the lower the degree, the higher the quality of the purification of the drink. Until the 20th century, distilleries produced vodka, the so-called “bread wine”. But with the growth in the quantity and quality of products of alcoholic beverages, they switched to the production of wheat alcohol, and vodka was obtained by dissolving ethyl alcohol with water.

Important! In some countries, such as Poland, the USA, alcohol is diluted only with distilled water - chemically pure, but without dissolved air and tasteless. This is, in fact, dead water, it is impossible to get drunk on it, and aquarium fish in such water instantly die.

The main reason for using this technology is to improve the quality and purity of vodka. It is much easier to dilute strong alcohol with high-quality good water than to clean the smelly water found in moonshine.

Important! The quality of water for diluting wheat alcohol is of great importance, since it is water that determines the taste. finished products, in which 60% water and 40% alcohol.

In the CIS countries, ethyl alcohol is diluted only with raw water. Spring water is traditionally considered the best for this purpose. Of course, ideally, it should be clean, transparent and high in salt, but within acceptable limits. With excessive hardness of water, a ring forms on the neck of the bottle and sediment falls, and therefore the taste of the drink deteriorates. Too hard water must be cleaned and softened by means of multi-stage filters.

Living water - we clean alcohol

To clean alcohol from bad smell and harmful impurities using this technology on your own, you will need:

  • Hydrometer (a special device that shows the amount of alcohol in a drink).
  • Soft spring water.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Take a hydrometer and insert it into a container of alcohol.
  2. Add water to the container until the hydrometer reads 45 degrees.

Cleaning alcohol with soda

Soda is the most affordable and familiar tool that is present in any kitchen. The method is based on the chemical reaction of acetic acid contained in alcohol and sodium bicarbonate (soda). Due to the interaction of the components, acetic acid is neutralized, and accordingly - you manage to purify alcohol somewhat at home.

For cleaning you will need:

Use components like this:

  1. Dilute baking soda with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a container with alcohol.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, stir again.
  5. Put the jar overnight - choose a dark place.
  6. In the morning, drain the drink, additionally filtering it through a layer of cotton wool and charcoal.

Potassium permanganate cleaning

With the help of potassium permanganate, moonshine can be successfully cleaned. This method is known even to those who have never been involved in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages.

To carry out the cleaning procedure, you will need:

  • Potassium permanganate at the rate of 2 g per 1 liter of drink.
  • Glass containers or any transparent container.
  • Funnel.
  • Cotton wool.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Add potassium permanganate to a container with an alcohol-containing drink.
  2. Stir the hot drink well.
  3. Leave to settle for 10-20 hours.
  4. After a certain time, you will see a precipitate at the bottom of the jar. These are harmful impurities.
  5. Filter the drink through a layer of cotton. Put the cotton wool at the bottom of the funnel and drain the liquid into a clean vessel.

Important! To make the cleaning process more efficient, close the jar of alcohol-containing liquid with a lid and hold in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The water temperature should be no higher than 60 degrees (do not put in boiling water). This method will help you get rid of the haze of moonshine.

We use black bread

Fusel oils are perfectly absorbed by brown bread. Alcohol is not only purified with this method, but also acquires a pleasant aroma of bread. Our ancestors also used this method. However, it is better to use it as a “final chord” in order to purify alcohol at home with the highest quality, after the previously listed methods.

Use Rye bread for the cleanup method is very simple:

  1. Dip a piece of bread into a jar of alcohol.
  2. After a few hours, when the impurities are absorbed, take out the pastries.
  3. Strain the drink through a filter to remove bread crumbs.

How to clean moonshine with egg white?

Many experts advise to clean the product only with egg white. This method is based on the property of protein to fold under the influence of alcohol. In addition, the protein perfectly absorbs various impurities. It is in this way that meat broth is clarified in cooking.

Important! Milk can be used instead of egg white, as it also curdles under the influence of alcohol. For 1 liter of moonshine, 200 ml of milk is needed. Pour the milk into the alcohol-containing liquid, and after curdling dairy product, filter the strong drink.

Proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Take fresh a raw egg(for 3 liter jar- 1 egg).
  2. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  3. Slightly dilute the protein with water and beat.
  4. Pour the mixture into an alcoholic drink.
  5. Leave the container with liquid for 1-2 days in a dark place.
  6. Carefully drain the product so that the sediment remains in the jar.
  7. Filter the drink thoroughly.

Important! Use this method in the case when the strength of the drink is not lower than 50 degrees, since at lower strengths the protein will not coagulate well. Use this way after all distillations, so that the final product does not have the smell of a boiled egg.


An effective method of cleansing alcoholic beverages is freezing. This method will rid the moonshine of cloudy sediment and make it stronger. When freezing, fusel oils are attached to the walls of the container, and only pure alcohol will remain in the vessel. To purify alcohol at home, the temperature must be very low:

  • freeze vodka at -29 degrees Celsius;
  • wine at -5 degrees C.

Put the drink bottle in freezer. After freezing, drain the clean drink into another container, all harmful impurities will turn into ice.

Important! The bottle for the freezing method must be strong enough so that it does not burst from the liquid that has expanded from frost.

Classic charcoal cleaning

Activated charcoal is an excellent absorbent. It absorbs unpleasant odors and absorbs harmful substances. Therefore, this method is one of the best if you want to safely and with minimal effort clear alcohol at home, and time does not matter much to you.

Use activated charcoal as follows:

  1. Grind the product into powder.
  2. For cleaning, take 1 tablespoon of coal per 1 liter of product.
  3. Add crushed coal to a strong drink.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Let stand for a few days (15-20).
  6. Shake the drink twice a day so that the entire product participates in the reaction.
  7. At the end of the period, filter the drink through a clean cloth or cotton filter.
  8. Repeat the process several times, replacing the old coal with a new one.

Important! Activated charcoal can also be used to make a simple charcoal filter:

  • Place a small layer of cotton wool in the funnel, gauze on top, and then crushed coal.
  • Cover the charcoal with cheesecloth to keep it from floating up while filtering.
  • Pass the alcohol-containing drink through a funnel with a filter.

As a result, you will get a clean product, as the coal will absorb all the harmful substances.

How to evaluate the result?

The purity of alcohol can be checked at home. For this:

  1. Take a glass or mirror and wash it thoroughly with cleaners without additives.
  2. Do not wipe the glass, let it dry on its own, then there will be no streaks. Put a few drops of alcohol-containing drink on the cleaned glass. If there are no traces left on the glass, then there are no fusel oils and impurities in the alcohol.

Important! For another check, pour distilled water over the glass. With high-quality cleaning, water will not roll off, as on greasy surfaces.

We hope that thanks to our information, you will find for yourself an affordable and inexpensive way to cleanse alcohol at home. And let the decoration holiday table will be the best and purified drinks of our own production.

It has long been proven that quality alcoholic drink home cooking depends on its strength. More precisely, the lower the degree, the cleaner it is, therefore, in order to purify alcohol from bad smell, harmful impurities, it is diluted with soft, and if possible, with spring water up to 45 degrees using a hydrometer.

  • take soda at the rate of 10 g per liter of moonshine;
  • dilute sodium bicarbonate in the same amount of pure water;
  • soda solution is poured into moonshine;
  • close the container with a drink with a lid and shake;
  • insist moonshine for about 30-40 minutes;
  • shake the drink again and put it in a dark place for the night;
  • drain the moonshine so that the sediment remains in the bowl;
  • filter the drink through a cotton wool or layer charcoal.

How to clean alcohol at home with soda?

Actually, you need to clean any strong alcohol produced at home or industrially: raw alcohol, vodka, moonshine. In distilleries and distilleries, purification is carried out with the help of huge coal columns, in which multi-stage cleaning is carried out, eliminating fusel oils. At home, it's a little different.

What exactly is vodka? It is a food group alcohol diluted with water. Alcohol can be of the highest grade (the dirtiest food, despite the name), and Alpha, in which there is such a minuscule amount of fusel oils, which is not even worth talking about.

So what you can do at home to keep vodka clean and soft:

  1. Raw alcohol is produced by distillation at home, which must first be purified, then diluted and distilled again with separation into fractions. Then - clean again and only after that dilute with water to the desired strength and use or do some other manipulations: soften, flavor, insist on various components or in oak barrel. And only after that, serve a completely different drink to the table.
  2. With the help of a distillation column, you can also produce good quality rectified alcohol, which is not inferior to the highest grade in the industrial classification. But he also needs to be brought to the correct organoleptic conditions.
  3. You bought alcohol to make homemade vodka (today you can do it through online stores), but you doubt the quality. To prevent future poisoning finished product, subject it to special processing.
  4. And finally - about the finished vodka from the store. You bought one bottle or bought a box for a family celebration and are not satisfied with its taste, doubt the quality - this can be fixed. Of course, in the event that the alcohol is not completely “scorched”, made from methyl (technical, wood) alcohol. And - from ethyl but, perhaps, not too high quality.

To the treasury of knowledge

How to check the origin of alcohol? Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine by sight and even by taste what kind of alcohol is in front of you. But still there are indirect indicators:

  1. In order to prevent mass poisoning of the population, even during production, industrial alcohol is added colorants which cannot be removed from it. Therefore, first of all, colored alcohol (blue-violet) should alert. Sometimes they try to disguise it with the addition of other dyes, marking bottles for various 40-degree tinctures.
  1. If you have normal vodka (alcohol) without additives, conduct a comparative test. Drop a tested product on the back of one palm, and dubious alcohol or vodka on the other. Rub it on your skin and compare the scents. If it's methyl, you'll smell a strong bad odor.
  2. The flame color of ethylene and methylene is different. food product burns with a blue flame, wood - green.
  3. Take a piece of copper wire, heat it up and drop it sharply into the alcohol to be tested. Ethyl practically does not react to such a trick, technical one gives out a sickening smell.
  4. Dip a piece of potato in liquid and leave for a couple of hours. If the color remains the same - everything is fine, turned pink - you are dealing with methyl alcohol.

In order to qualitatively purify vodka, people have come up with many ways, about which we will try to give as much information as possible.

Firstly, fusel oils and other harmful impurities are better adsorbed this way, since than stronger alcohol, the stronger the bonds between the components at the molecular level. Secondly, during cleaning, a decrease in strength by a couple of degrees is possible.

Application of coal

Need charcoal, stone is not applicable for our purpose. It happens:

  • Berezov. For the purposes of the distiller, the best is BAU-A, that is, birch activated carbon.
  • Kokosov (KAU-A). Today, this type is most in demand in the vodka industry. Its feature is the presence of pores of various diameters, as a result of which more alcohol impurities are retained.
  • Homemade or for barbecue. When buying the latter, make sure that it does not contain substances for ignition, otherwise you risk spoiling the alcohol.
  • Activated from the pharmacy(pills). The option is risky, because due to additives to tablets (talc, starch, etc.), a bitter aftertaste sometimes appears in purified vodka.
  • Household coal water filter.

The charcoal is crushed before use. The usual way: Beat a bag of coal with a hammer, and then sift through a fine sieve. Do not use dust large pieces(Then grind them further), And add a small fraction to vodka for cleaning.

Proportions for 0.5 liters of alcohol:

  • When using crushed coals - 25 g or 1 tablespoon (about as much is placed in it) per 0.5 liter of raw alcohol or vodka with a strength of 42-45 °.
  • 1 crushed pharmaceutical activated charcoal tablet.

After preparing the coal, technologies should be followed that differ depending on the chosen cleaning agent. Pharmaceutical tablets are placed between two layers of cotton wool, this filter is placed in a watering can and alcohol is passed through it.

Even easier - skip the vodka through carbon filter into a jug.

Note. Have a separate alcohol filter, store it in the refrigerator. Through the new filter, as required by the instructions, pass the water three times, otherwise it can take up to 50% of the strength of the alcohol base passed through it. A trained one takes no more than 2 °.

Charcoal (coconut) charcoal does not require filtration, but infusion:

  1. Pour the prepared coal into a bowl with vodka and close the lid.
  2. Shake the dishes and leave for 3 hours, 3 days or 3 weeks.

Such different recommendations are dictated, apparently, by their own experience. And in the case of a three-hour infusion - the theory that coal absorbs harmful impurities during such a time, and when the pores become clogged, it begins to return them back to the drink. Whether this is so, we do not undertake to judge, but if you decide to apply this method, you should filter and refill vodka with coal 3-4 times.

  1. During a long infusion (except for the last day), the dishes must be shaken.
  2. A layer of sediment forms in the jar (bottle), from which it is better to remove the liquid to facilitate filtration with a tube.
  3. Prepare a watering can filter. To do this, cut the bottom plastic bottle with a long neck. The cork can be thrown away or holes can be made in it. Insert cotton pads twisted into a tube into the neck with a slight tightness.
  4. Put your watering can in a jar and pour the vodka removed from the sediment.
  5. The liquid will flow through the discs in a thin stream, coming out perfectly clean.
  6. When everything leaks, you can pour in the sediment with the remaining vodka. Cover with a cut bottom to prevent the alcohol from evaporating, as the leak will turn into dripping, and then may stop altogether. In this case, drain the fluid and replace the discs.

The first method - with the subsequent filtration of ready-to-drink alcohol, the second - with repeated distillation:

  1. Milk must be taken with low fat content, pasteurized. From fatty homemade, the drink may become cloudy (it becomes whitish, as in films about moonshiners:
  • for 10 liters of vodka, take 100-150 ml of pasteurized milk 1-1.5% fat. Can also be separated fresh homemade milk(back);
  • Pour in the milk and watch the flakes form and fall out. It is they who select fusel oils and other impurities from vodka;
  • leave the closed container to settle for a week, shaking daily;
  • strain through several layers of gauze, then pass through a cotton filter several more times.
  1. If you are planning a second distillation, you can take milk of any fat content. Its quantity is much larger than in the first case - 1 liter per 10 liters of raw alcohol.

After a week of infusion and shaking, remove from the sediment, strain, dilute in half with water and distill a second time, taking the heads and tails into a separate bowl.

We will not argue whether such a method is harmful or useful, it exists to this day, so we will talk about it.

For every liter of vodka, you need to take 1 g of potassium permanganate. This amount is like on the tip of a knife. Manganese is sometimes recommended to be first diluted with water, and only then mixed with vodka. But, since this will slightly reduce the degree, and we are already dealing with a 40-degree product, you can pour the powder directly into the container with vodka.

Then mix well (the substance dissolves in alcohol as well) and leave to settle for a week. During this time, the natural transparent color will return to the vodka, and flakes will settle at the bottom. Drain and filter.

The method is based on protein binding of impurities and their sedimentation to the bottom. It is better to take vodka (alcohol) with a strength of 45 °, since liquid is also added, which can slightly reduce the strength.

For 1 liter of alcohol you need 2 raw proteins. Beat them with a whisk, adding water (up to 1 cup, or less) until smooth. Lush foam we do not need. Add to vodka, stand, sometimes shaking, for a week. Filter.

rye bread

Take freshly baked rye bread in the amount of 100 g per 1 liter of vodka. Crumble it into a container with alcohol and leave to infuse for 5-7 days. Filter. This method gives the drink a bready aroma, eliminates unpleasant odors and turbidity.

Oil painting

Unrefined sunflower, and even better - corn oil odorless has the ability to mix with fusel oils (these are also oily substances) and keep them in the total mass of the oil. Add 100 ml of oil per liter of alcohol. Cover with lid and shake well.

After a day, when a film of oil floats on top, lower the tube down and drain all the vodka without affecting the oil. You can filter further.

Purification of moonshine with milk and egg white

Among the methods for removing harmful impurities from alcohol, there are quite unusual ones. For example, sometimes protein is used for these purposes. chicken egg or fresh milk. To purify alcohol at home, they act in the same way as when clarification meat broth. To do this, for 1 liter of moonshine take 2 well-whipped egg whites and pour into a jar of drink, constantly stirring it.

Then the mixture is allowed to settle, the liquid is carefully drained, trying to keep the precipitate in the jar, and filtered. In the same way, moonshine can be cleaned with milk, which, like chicken protein, coagulates from contact with alcohol-containing mixtures and, coagulating, carries particles of harmful substances with it into the sediment.

Purification of alcohol with black bread

This is one of the most ancient ways get rid of fusel oils present in moonshine. However, before cleaning alcohol at home with black bread, you will first need to resort to some other method. For example, you can use the previous method with protein. Then you need to take a piece of black bread, put it in a jar of moonshine, wait a few hours and, when the harmful impurities are absorbed, remove it. By the way, after such a procedure, alcohol is not only well cleaned, but also acquires a piquant aroma.

coal cleaning

Today there is a huge variety of absorbent substances. In particular, activated carbon is widely used in various fields, which can also be used to remove harmful oils from moonshine. Before you purify alcohol at home, you should purchase tablets of this substance at a pharmacy (Enterosgel can be used for the same purposes).

Coal is poured into dishes, turned into powder and poured homemade vodka at the rate of 50 g per liter. Then, stirring occasionally, the mixture is infused for a week, and after this period it is filtered. For best results, it is recommended to repeat this process 2-3 times, replacing used coal with fresh.

Checking the "purity" of alcohol

It is believed that alcohol with a strength of 100 degrees does not need to be purified. However, it is not always possible to be sure of its “purity”. To check whether there are really no impurities in the drink, you can take a mirror or glass, rinse it thoroughly hot water and let dry naturally. Then a few drops of alcohol are applied to it and they wait until the liquid evaporates. If after that no traces remain on the glass, then this means that there are no fusel oils and other impurities in the alcohol.

Improving the taste and smell of homemade vodka

Vodka is a mixture of alcohol and water. Without softening, it leaves the mouth feeling dry. Softeners are often used in distilleries to make the product more pleasant to drink. In addition, additives neutralize the specific alcohol smell.

But even at home, this is easy to do by adding special components to the product.

It is important to adhere to reasonable proportions, since an overabundance of ingredients will spoil the product. The main substances used to soften vodka industrial production- sugar, glucose, glycerol and fructose. It is they who can be seen more often than others on the label. Sometimes they just write - taste stabilizers.

Consider what can be added to vodka at home to soften:

  1. Burnt sugar. It is better if it is refined sugar - it is better refined than ordinary sugar. Lightly moisten the refined sugar with water and melt in a dry frying pan without oil. Do not overburn, otherwise it will be felt in alcohol. A teaspoon of the resulting caramel is enough for a liter of alcohol.
  2. Glucose in the form of a solution or powder from a pharmacy is an excellent component for correcting a strong homemade alcohol. For 1 liter of vodka, take 20 ml of the finished solution or 3 g of powder.
  3. Fructose. Sweeter than sugar, so half a teaspoon per liter is sufficient. Dissolves in alcohol.
  4. Glycerin. Only food is needed, no more than 5 ml per liter.
  5. Ascorbic acid(usual vitamin C) - up to 5 g per liter. You can use your favorite ascorbic tablets with glucose from childhood. 1 tablet is enough.
  6. Lemon acid- 2-5 g per liter of alcohol, does a good job of softening.

For improvement palatability and the smell of vodka, aromatization is used, for which a variety of berries, fruits, herbs and spices are added to it. In addition, in Rus', hops were traditionally used for these purposes, which almost completely destroys the fusel taste and smell, and natural Bee Honey. To flavor vodka, you can use insisting on medicinal herbs which also gives it medicinal properties.

If you want to surprise guests and urgently need to flavor vodka, you can put wooden or metal bars covered with cloth in a pot of water, place bottles on them and boil for an hour. However, such vodka can only be served after cooling. A flavoring agent (herbs, fruits, lemon or orange peels, etc.) is also added to the starter, but in this case, the taste and smell are barely noticeable.

Now you know the most effective ways to clean vodka at home, so you can prepare a drink that will decorate your holiday table.