What to cook with rice besides pilaf. Boiled rice as a side dish

Before you learn how to cook rice, you need to understand what dish you need it for. Rice for rice porridge Cooking is simple, rice for pilaf or rice for a side dish is more difficult to prepare. Cooks are often interested in how to cook rice as a side dish. We'll tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. First, you need to rinse the rice well; recipes contain a recommendation to rinse the rice in cold water times seven. Secondly, you need to choose the right variety rice, from different varieties prepare different dishes from rice. Recipes for risotto, paella, and pilaf usually contain information about which rice is best to cook them from. Steamed rice is easier and faster to cook, and most importantly, such rice turns out more crumbly. Thirdly, a recipe for cooking rice may contain advice to pre-fry the rice a little so that it does not stick together later. Finally, one more important note on the question of how to cook rice correctly: pour 1 glass of rice with 1.5 glasses of water and cook over low heat. When the water has completely evaporated and the rice is ready, you can start preparing the rice dish. You can cook rice with stew, rice with gravy, rice with minced meat, rice with champignons or other mushrooms. There are many options for what you can cook with rice. Rice- this is a filler, a base. Rice dishes can be meat, fish, vegetarian, or sweet. Side dishes, sweet dishes, and casseroles are prepared from rice. Rice can be made into a delicious side dish by combining it with other grains. These are, for example, rice with corn, rice with beans, rice with peas and corn. Rice goes well with fish and seafood, so rice dishes with seafood are often prepared, such as rice with squid, rice with mussels, boiled rice with shrimp.

Is there some more important nuance to the question of how to cook rice deliciously: you need to know what to season it with and what spices to use. Whether you cook rice in the oven for a side dish, or rice in pots, add a little grated ginger to it, it will give the rice an interesting flavor and spiciness. Rice You can cook without spices, but there are rice dishes and recipes where spices play a key role. They especially love spices in Indian cuisine; they prepare rice with saffron and rice with curry. Vegetarian rice dishes are often prepared with various dried fruits: rice with prunes, rice with raisins, rice with dried apricots. Besides this, and meat dishes with rice often contain dried fruits, which are added to rice dishes for a special flavor. For the same purpose, rice with fruits is prepared, for example, rice with apples, rice with quince. It is customary to season rice butter, cream. Rice with soy sauce traditional for Asian countries.

We hope now you know what to cook with rice. If you are interested in some rice dishes that you have not prepared before, choose the rice dishes with photos.

Rice is one of the staple foods, any weekly menu must contain rice dishes. A good practical housewife should not only be able to cook rice deliciously, but also know many rice recipes, then she will be able to easily diversify her daily menu, and, what is equally important, eat right. I bring to your attention my favorite dishes with rice.

Very simple and quick recipe, in this case, the rice turns out to be separate grains, but the kutya itself is juicy, aromatic and very tasty. The set of ingredients can be changed...

Tired of rice porridge? Do you want something new, but not too expensive? Then try Italian risotto - a very tender and extremely tasty rice dish...

If you take rice, sausages and some vegetables, you can prepare an amazing dish. Moreover, the food turns out very tasty and aromatic. And if we add to this the ease of preparation and practicality of the dish...

Very simple, practical and affordable recipe from chicken and rice. This time I took a mixture of different varieties of rice. It turned out tasty, unusual and very healthy. Try it, really good recipe...

What's good about this recipe is that, unlike the real thing. Uzbek pilaf it contains very little fat. You can prepare a delicious and healthy lunch without risking your waistline...

When you see this beauty for the first time, it seems that preparing pella is incredibly difficult, but this is not so. Cooking paella is easy and enjoyable, the main thing is to follow simple rules...

The Spaniards love paella primarily for its practicality. It can be prepared from any seafood. According to this, it is extremely simple recipe you will learn how to cook paella for every day. Simple, fast and tasty...

Although the tradition of making sushi goes back centuries, the modern version of the Japanese snack was born quite recently and has gained worldwide recognition due to its practicality and originality. Making sushi from rice...

Sushi is quite an expensive pleasure, but if you learn how to cook sushi at home, then you and your friends can always enjoy this tasty and healthy dish of rice and fish...

The simplest and perhaps most delicious pumpkin dish is pumpkin porridge. It’s quick and easy to prepare, but it’s incredibly delicious. And if you also add raisins and a little cinnamon...

Do you know how to cook rice? Even the most ordinary rice can become a real delicacy if prepared correctly. Learning how to cook rice is not difficult at all, you just need to know a couple of simple rules...

Boiled rice with vegetables it is low-calorie and at the same time nutritious dish, even meat is unnecessary for it. The main feature of this dish is, of course, vegetable stew...

Prepare this incredibly simple and original dish. You will be pleasantly surprised by it exquisite taste, because it combines rice, chicken, fried apples, raisins and nuts...

You can serve these peppers with sour cream, mayonnaise, or with sauce. But to stuffed pepper it turned out really juicy and tasty, we follow simple and clear rules...

Another simple one original recipe with rice. This nutritious salad with tuna, rice and olives can be served as a first course, or as a regular salad...

To try something new and tasty, you don’t have to go to a restaurant. At home you can make this amazing salad with rice, nuts and pieces of exotic fruit...

At first glance, this is an unusual combination of fish, rice and broccoli, but this is only at first glance. Try this delicious dietary dish and you will be convinced of the harmony of taste...

Classic recipe when the stuffing for cabbage rolls is prepared from rice and minced meat. The cabbage rolls themselves are stewed in tomato sauce. It turns out very tasty and hearty dish, cabbage rolls are juicy and tender...

When you want cabbage rolls, but don’t have the time or desire to mess with cabbage (boil, separate leaves, etc.), this recipe is perfect lazy cabbage rolls. Ingredients: minced meat, rice, onion, carrots, cabbage...

Stuffed cabbage rolls can not only be boiled or stewed in tomato or sour cream sauce, cabbage rolls baked in the oven are no less tasty. Set of ingredients: cabbage, minced meat, rice...

Prepare this delicious chicken soup with rice. A tasty, nutritious and dietary dish. By the way, beautiful and clear soup This is a delight not only for the stomach, but also for the eyes...

Rice pudding is not only tasty, but also healthy, which is why it is often prepared for children. There is little sugar in it, no oil at all, so this dish is an excellent choice for those who are watching their weight...

  • Round rice is ordinary white rice; it is used to prepare pilaf, paella, and all kinds of cereals. This rice absorbs water twice its own volume, so the water-rice ratio is 2:1
  • Chinese long rice- rice has a long grain, it usually takes a lot more water, up to three volumes. Water-rice ratio 3:1
  • Whole rice ( brown rice) - the grain is not peeled, so it takes much longer to cook and absorbs more than two volumes of water. This rice is the healthiest.
  • Steamed rice - during the steaming process, the vitamins contained in the rice shell penetrate deep into the grain, thereby increasing nutritional value rice, which sharply reduces the ability of rice to absorb fats during cooking. Typically, steamed rice does not become overcooked; the grain retains its shape better, so this rice is easier to cook.
  • When preparing rice dishes, measure the rice based on the number of servings. Typically, one person uses from 50 to 80 grams of rice, depending on the specific recipe.
  • For salads, cook rice in plenty of salted water, then drain in a colander and rinse.
  • For porridges, we take water and rice in strict proportions, most often 2:1, and cook over low heat until cooked.
  • For paella, first fry the rice together with seafood, then add boiling water or broth in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Rice contains a large amount complex carbohydrates, which provide our body with energy. The value of rice also lies in the fact that it does not contain the vegetable protein gluten, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. For such people, rice dishes are the main food, since bread, pasta, spaghetti, etc. are prohibited for them.


What can be cooked from rice: popular and popular recipes delicious dishes from site site

Rice is a versatile grain. Among its undeniable advantages are a huge variety, multifaceted beneficial features and a wonderful taste loved by many. Traditional dishes rice is found in many cuisines of the world: in Spanish - paella, in Italian - risotto, in English - pudding, in Chinese - rice cakes, in Japanese - sushi, in Central Asian - various pilafs.

The range of dishes that can be prepared from rice is huge. crumbly bits, aromatic porridge, tender pudding, crispy casserole, juicy cabbage rolls... Kulebyaki and pies are stuffed with rice, vegetables are stuffed (peppers, zucchini, tomatoes), it is served as a side dish, cooked as a main dish, and added to salads, appetizers and soups. Rice is good with any sauce: salty, sweet, sour, hot, spicy.

Made from rice delicious desserts– sweet pilafs, risotto, puddings, casseroles, soufflés. In desserts, rice goes well with a variety of fruits, sweet sauces, fresh and dried berries, dried fruits, honey, nuts, in salads, soups and main courses - it harmonizes wonderfully with herbs, herbs, fresh and stewed vegetables.

Rice can create a harmonious union with almost any spice. Barberry, fennel, turmeric, saffron, Bay leaf, curry, garlic, pepper will be appropriate in salty rice dishes. And cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla will “sound” great in puddings and sweet pilafs.

What to cook with rice: recipes

Recipe 1.

You will need: 2 sweet peppers, a handful of seedless raisins, 1 onion, half an eggplant, 300 g long grain rice, 3 tomatoes, 50 ml olive oil, half a glass of green beans, 0.5 teaspoon salt, 700 ml hot water or broth.

Rinse and dry the vegetables. Pour boiling water over raisins. Preheat the oven to 220°. Rinse the rice. Cut the pepper into strips, tomatoes into cubes, onion and eggplant into half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan over low heat and, stirring continuously, brown the onions and raisins (no more than 2 minutes until the raisins swell), add beans, peppers and eggplants. Simmer for 3 minutes, then put the tomatoes in the pan, mix everything and remove from the stove. Place the drained vegetables on a baking sheet, level them, place rice on top, pour in hot broth and add salt. Bake the rice with vegetables on the middle level of the oven for about a quarter of an hour, then stir and cook for the same amount, that is, a total of half an hour. Serve immediately.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 1.5 cups of basmati rice, 2 cloves of garlic, a piece of fresh ginger root the size Walnut, 4 tablespoons sesame oil, a pinch of crushed cardamom seeds, 1 small hot red pepper, 3-4 green onions, 2 teaspoons sesame seeds, 2 cups water, a pinch ground cinnamon, salt to taste.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, place in a sieve and shake well several times, and then fry until brown, stirring constantly, in sesame oil in a frying pan. Sprinkle the cereal with cardamom and cinnamon and cook for another half a minute. Then pour in half a glass of water, stir, and when it is absorbed, pour in another portion of water and continue pouring in all 2 glasses as the liquid is absorbed. Peel and chop the ginger and garlic. Green onions And hot peppers rinse and cut into thin rings. Add all the spices (pepper, garlic, ginger and onion) to the rice, add salt and cook for another 5 minutes. Serve the spicy rice sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 1 kg of homemade minced meat, 1 young cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 150 g of boiled round rice, 1 onion, 2 bay leaves, 4-5 sprigs of dill and parsley, vegetable oil, 5 black peppercorns, 1 egg, salt and black ground pepper taste.

Finely chop the greens and onion. For the filling, mix boiled rice in a deep saucer, homemade minced meat, greens, egg and half a chopped onion. Season with salt, pepper, and other seasonings if desired. Mix everything well. Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves, cut off the top of the stalk, and cut around it with a knife to make it easier to separate the leaves from the cabbage later. Place the cabbage in a large saucepan with water, cook for 15 minutes, remove, cool slightly, and then separate the leaves from the head. Now you can form the cabbage rolls. Take cabbage leaf, put a little minced meat on it, first make one twist, then fold the side edges and wrap the cabbage roll again, until the very end. To fill, finely chop the tomato, the remaining half of the onion, and coarsely grate the carrots. Place the chopped vegetables in a frying pan with heated oil. Season with salt, add bay leaf, ground pepper and peppercorns. Simmer for 10 minutes with the lid closed over low heat, stirring occasionally. Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan, spread the stewed vegetables on top, add water and cook over low heat, covered, for about 45 minutes. Serve cabbage rolls with finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

Recipe 4.

You will need: 750 ml chicken broth, 150 ml cream, 400 g arborio rice, 400 g chicken fillet, 1 onion, 50 g Parmesan cheese, 120 g cheddar cheese, 40 ml olive oil, 1 bell pepper, 200 g grated carrots, 100 g green peas (you can also use a mixture of frozen mixed vegetables).

Grate Parmesan cheese on a fine grater, cheddar on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion. Boil the chicken, cut into pieces. Rinse the rice thoroughly. Fry the onion until golden brown in a pan with heated oil, then add the rice and mix well so that each grain is coated with oil. Add salt, season with spices, pour in the broth in which the chicken was cooked, add green peas, peppers, carrots, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour, stirring every 5 minutes. Add cheese and chicken to the vegetables, and then remove the saucepan from the heat, cover with a lid and let the risotto stand for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 1 large green apple, 40 g mascarpone cheese, 1.4 l vegetable broth, 350 g risotto rice, 1 medium onion, 180 g cold smoked salmon, 120 ml dry white wine, 5 sprigs of parsley, freshly ground black pepper, a handful of arugula, 1 teaspoon lemon zest, olive oil cold pressed.

Finely chop the onion and parsley. Rinse the rice well. Peel the apple and cut into small cubes. Cut 1/3 of the salmon into thin slices, and the remaining piece into cubes, like apples. Place the broth on the stove, and when it boils, reduce the heat to low. Fry the onion in oil until golden brown, add the apple pieces and fry for another 1 minute. Next, add the rice, fry for another 1 minute, add the wine and cook until it evaporates. After this, reduce the heat, add a ladle of broth to the saucepan and stir until it is absorbed. Next, pour in another portion of the broth. Cook the rice for 15 minutes, stirring constantly and gradually adding vegetable broth(you may need a little less or a little less, depending on the rice grain). Try the rice: if it is hard inside, pour in another ladle of broth, add pepper, salt and remove the saucepan from the heat. Top the rice with salmon cubes, mascarpone cheese, parsley and lemon zest. Add other spices as desired and leave covered for another 5 minutes. Place the finished risotto on plates. Serve with a light drizzle lemon juice and garnish with remaining salmon slices and arugula.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 1 liter of milk, grated zest of 1 lemon, 250 g of arborio rice, 1 tablespoon of butter, half a glass of candied fruits, 1 tablespoon of dry bread crumbs, 4 eggs, half a glass of chopped almonds, powdered sugar for sprinkling, a pinch of salt, 100 g sugar, springform baking dish.

Boil milk with sugar and half the lemon zest, add a pinch of salt, add rice and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes. After this, stir the rice occasionally until it cools down. Cut the candied fruits into small pieces. Separate the whites and yolks. Add the yolks, candied fruits, remaining zest, almonds to the boiled and cooled rice and mix everything. Combine the whipped whites into a strong foam with the rice mixture. Split form oil, sprinkle with bread crumbs, add rice and bake in the oven at 180° for 35 minutes. Before serving, decorate the pie with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 100 g of arborio rice, 0.5 l of milk, 50 g of sugar (brown is fine) and butter, 500 ml of cream with 35% fat, a pinch of nutmeg. For apples: a quarter cup of sugar, 4 apples, 50 g of butter.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the rice, stir well and simmer for 1 minute. Combine the cream with milk, pour the milk-cream mixture into a saucepan with rice, add sugar and cook, stirring continuously, until it melts completely. After this, pour the milk mass into a baking dish, season nutmeg and place in an oven preheated to 140° for 2.5 hours. Stir the pudding lightly every half hour, and in the last 15 minutes increase the temperature to 160°. Thinly slice the apples, peeled and cored, simmer in butter for 3-4 minutes, add sugar and cook for another 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2 tablespoons apple caramel add to pudding and stir well. To serve, top the pudding with the caramelized fruit and drizzle with the remaining caramel.

Recipe 8.

You will need: half a glass of arborio rice, half a glass of dry cherries, 1.2 liters of milk, a pinch vanilla sugar, 120 ml cream 35% fat, 2 tablespoons dark rum, 1 cup sugar.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and heat over medium heat. Add the rice, when the milk boils, bring to a boil again, reduce the heat and cook covered for 75 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the saucepan from the stove and transfer boiled rice into a large bowl. Add rum, vanilla sugar, salt and washed cherries to it. Mix everything thoroughly, cool, cover the dish and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Whip the cream until thick foam. Remove the rice pudding from the refrigerator, add the cream, stir gently and let stand in the cold for another 2 hours.

Recipe 9.

You will need: 400 g of arborio rice, 4 sprigs of mint, 200 g of strawberries, half a glass of dry white wine, 1 green apple, half a bar of chocolate, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of pistachios, 50 g of butter.

Rinse the rice well. Remove the skin and seeds from the apple, cut the pulp into slices, place in a saucepan, add 300 ml of water, add sugar, let it boil and immediately remove the saucepan from the stove, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Wash and dry the strawberries and mint. Finely chop the mint, cut the strawberries into pieces. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the mint, simmer for 2 minutes, then add the rice, stir, pour in the wine and cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add 100 ml of apple broth to the rice. Cook again until completely evaporated and repeat the same thing (add broth in small portions) until the rice is cooked. Add strawberries to the finished rice (set aside 1/3 of the berries), mix everything and immediately remove from heat. Cover the saucepan with a lid and set aside. Meanwhile, chop the pistachios with a knife and grate the chocolate. Serve risotto garnished with strawberries, pistachios and chocolate. Instead of arborio rice, you can use other starchy varieties such as vialone, carnaroli and nano to make this dessert.

Recipe 10. Sweet pilaf with pumpkin, spices and dried fruits

You will need: 200 g of long grain rice, 70 g of prunes, 50 g of raisins and dried apricots, 200 g of pumpkin pulp, 40 brown sugar, 3 tablespoons of liquid honey, 350 ml of hot water, 1 tablespoon of butter, a pinch of cardamom, saffron and ground cinnamon.

Soak the rice for 1 hour in cold water. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and mix with granulated sugar. Soak the raisins and dried apricots for 10 minutes in warm water. Drain the liquid, place the dried fruits on a paper towel, let them dry, cut the dried apricots into thin strips. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add the pumpkin and steam over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then place dried fruits and spices in a pan with pumpkin, spread rice on top, carefully level, pour hot water and bring to a boil over high heat. After this, cook the rice, covered, over medium heat for 15 minutes, reduce the heat slightly again and let simmer for another 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a towel, let the pilaf “rest” for 15-20 minutes, and then turn it over onto a beautiful plate, pour over the honey and... enjoy. Bon appetit!

Rice is simply a wonderful cereal, one of the most beloved and desired on our tables. At proper preparation he doesn't get bored. We hope that the rice recipes described in this article, as well as our tips on how to properly cook this cereal, coupled with your experience and imagination, will help you delight your family and friends with aromatic, appetizing and delicious rice dishes. Bon appetit!

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Rice dishes

Rice and beans is a dish that can be prepared in minutes. In addition, it is nourishing and tasty. Great for weekday dinners. You can cook it with “yesterday’s” rice.

Rice with fried shrimp Chinese - a very easy-to-prepare dish that is often served in Chinese restaurants. It cooks quickly, so it's good for quick lunch or dinner.

Craving some shrimp? Looking for a new one interesting recipe? Want to try a slow cooker? In any case, don't pass by! A clear recipe cooking rice with shrimp in a slow cooker with step-by-step photos.

Do you love rolls so much that you are ready to eat them around the clock? Then you will either have to live in a sushi bar, or learn how to make rolls yourself. Let's start with rice. A multicooker will make the process easy.

The popularity of sushi in our country is gaining momentum. And now many people have started making sushi themselves. One of the main components is rice. How to cook it correctly in a slow cooker is in this recipe.

Recipe lean rice. Any beginner in cooking can prepare such a dish, but at the same time it turns out to be very original and tasty.

Japanese rice is made with egg and vegetables. You can also add meat or tofu, to taste. Japanese rice can be a good tasty side dish or a light main dish. Give it a try.

Rice as a side dish is known to everyone. But in the spring you really want something bright and rich in vitamins. Try cooking rice with vegetables in a slow cooker. An old dish with a new spring twist!

Cooking rice with seafood in a slow cooker is much easier than in a saucepan, and frozen seafood itself (you can’t get fresh) cooked in a slow cooker turns out more delicious.

Rice with corn in a slow cooker will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, or even a separate dish on your everyday table. With a multicooker it’s easy to cook, and it’s a pleasure to eat!;)

If you have some minced meat in the freezer, I will tell you what to cook for dinner. A simple recipe for cooking rice with minced meat in a slow cooker - the whole family will love the dish!

Brown rice- one of the most balanced products. It lowers cholesterol levels and at the same time supplies the body with energy. Has a pleasant nutty aroma. How to cook it? Read on.

Puffy rice and fragrant mushrooms - incredible delicious combination. Learn how to cook rice with mushrooms in a slow cooker, and you will have one more simple but tasty dish in your culinary arsenal!

Delicious recipe rice with seafood. The Japanese consider rice to be a sacred food. The attitude towards this product is also special. A lot of dishes are prepared with rice, dishes with sea cocktail are especially popular.

What should the dish be like? family dinner? Easy to prepare, healthy, tasty, satisfying. All this is about my recipe - rice with liver in a slow cooker. Shall we try?

Rice with pineapple is a traditional side dish in many exotic and oriental cuisines, however, not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. Well, let’s patch up the holes in knowledge - I’ll tell you how to cook rice with pineapple.

Plain boring rice can be turned into a wonderful dish by adding a few ingredients. Rice with spinach and herbs cooks quickly, looks great, and tastes just to lick your fingers!

Cooking rice in the microwave is very easy - easier and faster than in the usual way. I especially recommend this recipe to novice cooks whose rice constantly burns or turns into porridge.

I am sure that this hearty and tasty dish will appeal not only to vegetarians. A simple recipe for rice with mushrooms in pots is suitable for both everyday and festive table any family!

It's easy to prepare amazing fluffy rice in a slow cooker! But there are always a couple of secrets that can add zest to this simple dish. About the little cooking secrets in this recipe.

Very delicious vegetarian dish- black rice with tofu and tomatoes. It is important to prepare a dish with black rice - it is much tastier than with ordinary white rice, and also much healthier.

Rice is great option a light side dish, healthy and tasty if prepared correctly. I’ll tell you how to cook rice for a side dish correctly so that it turns out perfect and doesn’t stick together.

Saffron rice is one of the delicious side dishes that I have ever cooked. And what an aroma it has... It goes great with both fish and meat. Try it - you won't regret it.

Rice with broccoli is, as they say, from the “recipe box” for those who are watching their figure, but at the same time do not have the opportunity to cook for themselves separately from their family.

Rice with bell pepper- an excellent side dish or a complete meal for those who do not eat meat. The dish prepares very quickly. Most often I cook it from yesterday's rice. You need bell peppers and imagination!

Delicious and filling rice with tuna is an excellent solution for a weekday lunch. Rice with tuna is prepared quickly, within half an hour. Just cook the rice in advance. Lots of spices and seasonings, Indian dish. Go for it.

Black rice with shrimp is not only original and very tasty, but also incredible healthy dish, because black rice is food for real heroes and beauties. Fast, simple, tasty and healthy!

Shanghai rice can be wonderful hearty lunch. Rice is prepared with sausages, green peas and other vegetables. Try it, you will love Shanghainese rice from the first spoon.

Garlic rice - excellent dish to your table! Garlic will add a special aroma and everyone will certainly require more. It can be served not only as a regular side dish, but also at the holiday table.

To prepare fried rice with vegetables, it is better to use brown rice, but if you don’t have it, regular rice will do. The recipe is extremely simple, and the end result is a complete vegetable hot dish.

I learned the recipe for Spanish rice in Spain itself. Very tasty and tender rice for breakfast. Will make your children happy best porridge that they have ever eaten. With condensed milk and cinnamon. Shall we cook?

An excellent side dish that goes with almost anything - meat, fish, poultry. Fresh rice recipe green peas will be useful to every cook.

Rice with honey mushrooms is a very unusual combination at first glance, but if you have fresh honey mushrooms, be sure to try it, you won’t be disappointed. I’m telling you how to cook rice with honey mushrooms!

Take care of your health and proper nutrition? Then look here! The recipe for cooking brown rice in a slow cooker is for your attention. Brown rice is healthy, nutritious, and delicious!

You browse the site looking for the perfect side dish? Come here, don't pass by! Rice with champignons will be an excellent addition to any poultry or meat dish, and it can also be served as a separate dish.

Fluffy rice with gravy - simple, everyday and everything familiar dish, cooking which is delicious is a real science. I'm sharing some of my main secrets.

Asian rice recipe with coconut milk, coconut oil and maple syrup.

An original and easy-to-prepare dish that will be a wonderful decoration for your holiday table.

Italian dish, which can be served both as a side dish and as a main dish light dish. Anchovy lovers will definitely love this anchovy rice recipe.

Rice with corn is an interesting side dish, filling and tasty. Rice with corn is usually eaten well by children and can also be prepared as a main course. Rice with corn is the basis of many salads.

Brown rice with vegetables is an incredibly healthy and nutritious meal that doesn't contain meat. In addition, it is also tasty and easy to prepare. In a word - a fairy tale, not a dish! :)

You can make sushi at home, but you need to know some secrets. I observed this art at a sushi making master class. I'm telling you how to make sushi rice!

Rice with peas and corn is an excellent and colorful side dish. It can be done either with fresh vegetables, as well as frozen and canned (this applies to corn). The dish is prepared quickly and easily.

Rice with oyster mushrooms - wonderful dish, which can be prepared without much effort and large financial costs. In addition, it is extremely tasty and satisfying. I recommend you try it!

If you love rice and don’t know how to diversify its preparation, then I suggest you great option- rice with garlic. This dish can even be prepared from yesterday's rice left over from dinner.

Delicious and tender rice with Chinese egg is prepared quickly and easily. Serves as an excellent side dish. And for those who just want a light dinner, it will be great a complete meal. Go for it.

The recipe for “Mexican Rice” is very simple, the side dish is unique and tasty. If you thought it was something spicy, don't be alarmed! Yes, it is far from bland, but not spicy either.

A good housewife knows the value of rice in her daily diet and knows how to cook it deliciously. It is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. Experience shows that boiled rice is often left over after preparing your favorite dishes. Recipes that will take very little time to prepare will come to your aid.

Simple recipes

There are times when leftover boiled rice takes up space in the refrigerator, but no one wants to eat it. It’s worse when the rice turns out to be overcooked and sticky. Then you can no longer serve it as a side dish, and you need to urgently solve the problem. There are many recipes for casseroles, pancakes or even lazy cabbage rolls that can be made using this product. For the latter, just add minced meat, rice, carrots, onions and cabbage to the porridge, mix everything and fry.


Leftover rice can be turned into meatballs. The dish is quick to prepare and turns out very tasty.

  • minced meat – 500 gr;
  • boiled rice – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

It only takes 30 minutes to prepare. Proceed like this:

  • mix all the ingredients of the dish in a bowl and mix thoroughly;
  • With wet hands, form balls of the same size;
  • place all the meatballs in a baking dish;
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C, cook for about 20 minutes until golden brown.


This recipe can be prepared for breakfast or for lunch. If you use yesterday's rice, the whole process will take no more than 20 minutes. You will need these ingredients:

  • boiled rice – 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

You can add meat, ham and herbs to the recipe. Cooking method:

  • beat eggs with flour;
  • add ready-made porridge, stir;
  • grate the cheese, combine with the rest of the ingredients;
  • heat the oil, spoon the pancakes into the pan;
  • fry on both sides until nice golden brown.

Porridge with bell pepper

So bright and aromatic dish It cooks very quickly and is a lot of fun. The dish is hearty and can easily be the main dish, or it can be served as a side dish for fish or meat. Ingredients:

  • rice – 1 glass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The dish is quite low in calories, so it will not harm your figure. Can be served as a main course for dinner. Cooking method:

  • wash and peel the vegetables;
  • grate the carrots, and cut the onions and peppers into cubes;
  • heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onions and carrots, fry over low heat for about 5 minutes;
  • add pepper to the vegetables and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, add pepper and salt;
  • rinse the cereal several times, add it to the pan;
  • fill all the ingredients with hot water and add more salt;
  • wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cover with a lid, continue cooking for 15–20 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated and the rice has softened;
  • Remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes, add finely chopped herbs.


This dessert made from boiled rice will come to the rescue when you need to get rid of leftover porridge or feed your children unloved cereals. A big advantage for housewives is that leftover boiled rice is suitable for the recipe. You will need these ingredients:

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • rice – 230 gr;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins – 50 gr;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 10 gr.

You will need only 1.5 hours of time to prepare healthy and unusual dessert. This amount of food is enough for 6 servings, you can reduce it if necessary. The pudding is prepared like this:

  • rinse the cereal, place it in a cauldron for cooking, and fill it with water;
  • bring to a boil, simmer over moderate heat for 10 minutes, then drain;
  • boil the milk and add rice and salt to it;
  • cook for about 30 minutes, stir constantly, then wait until it cools completely;
  • preheat the oven to 180°C;
  • wash the raisins, mix with porridge, eggs, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar, mix the mass thoroughly;
  • grease a baking pan with butter and powder breadcrumbs, add pudding mixture, level;
  • place the dish in the oven and bake for 30–40 minutes until golden brown.

Rice cutlets

If you have boiled rice left, quickly prepare cutlets from it. You will spend only 15 minutes on this. You will need these ingredients:

  • cooked rice – 1 cup;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Cutlets can be made when you have cooked too much porridge. Serve with sour cream or other sauce. The dish is quite filling and suitable for a snack. Cooking method:

  • mix eggs, porridge and flour, add chopped herbs, salt, spices, mix thoroughly;
  • Form cutlets with hands moistened with water;
  • fry in oil over low heat until a crust forms.

Shelf life

You can find out how to store dry rice on the manufacturer's packaging. As a rule, dry cereal in its original packaging retains its properties for at least 10 months. If you bought rice by weight, then stick to simple recommendations culinary specialists.

  • Make sure that the cereal is completely dry, otherwise mold will soon begin to develop.
  • Store rice in airtight containers in a dark, dry place.
  • You should not store cereals in the same bag in which it was purchased: there may be various insects or their larvae there. Therefore, after purchasing, rinse the rice and transfer it to another package.
  • Use containers with airtight lids.
  • Place rice separately from foods with a strong aroma: the product tends to absorb all odors.
  • Make sure there is no dampness in the refrigerator. It is the influence of moisture that leads to the formation of yellow fungus.

If you cooked rice porridge with milk, then eat it in the first 24 hours; later you can only throw it away. Rice cooked in water can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Finished product you can even freeze it. In this case, the porridge is stored for about 30 days, does not lose its properties, but becomes a little drier. Let's look at the features of freezing boiled rice.

  • The storage container must be hermetically sealed.
  • During the first day, remove the container every 2-3 hours and knead or stir the rice. As a result, it will be crumbly and will not stick together.
  • You can defrost the porridge in microwave oven or in a frying pan. In the latter case, add a little water to prevent the rice from burning.

Cooking rice may vary depending on the type of rice. Experienced housewives share the secrets of preparing delicious cereal dishes.

  1. To prepare regular round rice, calculate 1 cup of cereal to 2 cups of water.
  2. Chinese rice has an oblong shape and absorbs more liquid during cooking, so cook at the rate of 1 cup of grain to 3 cups of water.
  3. Whole coated brown rice takes much longer to cook than other types. Calculate 1 cup of cereal per 2 cups of liquid. Please note that this is exactly rice cereal considered the most beneficial for the body.
  4. It is better to steam brown rice than to cook it the usual way. The finished product seems slightly undercooked, but overall very tasty. This cooking method allows you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals contained in the grains. Steaming porridge is much easier and faster than boiling.
  5. Calculating the amount of rice in a dish is quite simple. One serving contains about 50–80 grams of cereal, depending on the recipe.
  6. If you are preparing cereal for salad, use a large amount of water with added salt. After boiling, drain the porridge in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  7. To prepare rice porridge, you should strictly observe the proportions of water and cereal. Otherwise, you will end up with either an overcooked or undercooked dish.
  8. When preparing paella, you should first fry the seafood and cereal, and then add boiling water or hot broth to the pan.