How to cook pollock deliciously in the oven or in a pan. Pollack recipes with video and photos

Whenever we get tired of our daily food, we think about something new to invent. Fish dishes should be present in our diet no less than meat dishes, because they are rich in valuable nutrients for the body - amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. If you or your loved ones cannot eat fried fish, then you definitely need to know how to bake it in the oven. Pollock is good because, at a relatively low price, it has excellent taste. With the help of an oven and skillful hands, this simple fish becomes a chic snack.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking pollock fish in the oven with a photo

Baked fish dishes with fresh fragrant vegetables will bring not only pleasure to gourmets, but also undoubted benefits to the body. Pollock is a low-fat white fish, it can be eaten by everyone, even those who follow a certain diet. In addition to whole carcasses, cut fish fillets are sold in stores, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the cooking process. If you want to treat your loved ones to a delicious dinner without spending a lot of time on it, feel free to choose pollock in the oven. Here are some of these recipes for you.

Pollock baked with carrots and onions in foil

The preparation of this dish involves the selection of easily accessible, inexpensive vegetables, because pollock is ideally combined with them. If the fish is pre-soaked in mayonnaise, it will not be too dry. And so that the pieces do not fall apart during baking, roll them in flour, then fry a little in sunflower oil. The set of products for the dish is minimal:

  • 0.5 kg of peeled pollock, or fillet;
  • 0.3 kg of peeled onions;
  • 0.3 kg of sweet carrots;
  • 50 g sunflower oil;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • green parsley;
  • black pepper, salt, spices

While the family froze, anticipating an insanely delicious dinner, let's start a simple cooking process:

  1. Cut the fillet into small portions.
  2. Grate pollock with pepper, spices, salt, moisten with lemon juice, leave in the marinade for an hour.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings, coarsely grate the carrots. All fry in sunflower oil.
  4. A piece of foil should be folded twice, put pollock, stewed vegetables on top, pour sour cream, sprinkle with parsley.
  5. Wrap the foil in an envelope.
  6. Do the same process with the rest of the fish pieces. Place everything in the oven for 30 minutes.

How to cook fillet under a fur coat of vegetables

This dish is prepared by different chefs using a different set of vegetables. In most cases, these are carrots, onions, potatoes. Many people cook a dish with zucchini, tomato, eggplant, sweet pepper. But the principle of cooking pollock under a fur coat is the same. The recipe we offer is simple, budget and fast. Required set of products:

  • Pollock - 1 large fish or several small ones;
  • Carrots - 0.7 kg;
  • Onion - 0.5 kg;
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • Pepper, salt to taste.

We select suitable dishes for baking pollock under a fur coat in the oven. It should be heat-resistant, not very deep, wide, have a lid. Let's start cooking:

  1. Pollock clean, cut into pieces, wash.
  2. Salt the resulting portions, pepper to your liking, fry until lightly browned.
  3. Grated carrots and chopped onion half-rings lightly fry until half cooked, mix well.
  4. We spread pieces of pollock on the bottom of the dishes, on top - half of the vegetables, smear with mayonnaise.
  5. Then again a layer of vegetables and a layer of mayonnaise.
  6. Cover the dish with a lid, bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  7. The dish is served both hot and chilled.

How delicious to cook with potatoes and sour cream

A dish made according to this recipe deserves to take pride of place at a festive family dinner. Pollack baked with potatoes and sour cream has an aesthetic appearance and a mild, pleasant taste. For cooking, you need a deep baking sheet, sometimes a pan without a handle is used. Required Ingredients:

  • 0.6 kg pollock;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Preparing the dish is easy:

  1. Rinse pollock well under running water, cut into portions. If there is a black film inside, it should be removed.
  2. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a grater. Simmer everything together in a pan.
  3. Put the fish in a bowl, salt, pepper, grease with mayonnaise, sour cream. Add onions and carrots, mix, leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices.
  5. In a baking dish greased with vegetable oil, spread the potatoes in a thin layer. On it - pollock in sauce.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the fish for 40 minutes.
  7. Put the finished dish on a beautiful plate, serve.

Pollack fish cakes fried in the oven

Diversify your menu with a new interesting dish. Make sure that not only meat, but also fish is suitable for delicious cutlets. Experienced chefs manage to make such juicy and lush meatballs out of it that you will lick your fingers! With a minimum number of calories, getting the maximum taste is a miracle. No wonder fish cakes are very popular among those who want to lose weight. Prepare the necessary products:

  • 0.8 kg of pollock;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 150 g flour;
  • a small bun;
  • salt, pepper, spices

Consider step by step the cooking method:

  1. Rinse thawed pollock thoroughly, remove bones and fins. Lightly beat off the resulting fillet, cut into small pieces, squeeze out the liquid.
  2. Coarsely chop the onion.
  3. Remove the crust from the bun, pour milk over the pulp. Squeeze out excess liquid after a few minutes.
  4. Pass pollock, bun and onion through a meat grinder.
  5. Add eggs, spices for fish, salt to taste.
  6. Grease a baking dish with sunflower oil. Form and put cutlets in it.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes in a hot oven at 200 degrees.
  8. Grate hard cheese.
  9. Remove the cutlets from the oven, smear with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  10. Bake for 10 more minutes.
  11. Sprinkle ready cutlets with herbs.

Casserole with rice and onions with mayonnaise

Not everyone knows about the existence of this original fish dish. You have a chance to be one of the best housewives, surprising people with an extraordinary snack. Pollock with rice, and even baked in the sleeve, will cause sincere delight of the guests. Here, fish and a side dish are combined in one dish. With such a culinary masterpiece, a hearty, delicious dinner, and with it a wonderful mood for family and friends, is provided. To prepare the casserole you will need:

  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 4 pieces of pollock;
  • 50 g of tomato paste;
  • 1 tomato;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Sleeve for baking.

In order to get a delicious casserole, chefs recommend consistently performing the following steps:

  1. We cut pollock into portioned pieces. Slightly salted, fry in sunflower oil.
  2. Rice must be boiled.
  3. The onion is cut into half rings.
  4. Carrots should be chopped on a coarse grater.
  5. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  6. Put everything in a frying pan, add tomato paste, stew well.
  7. When vegetables are almost ready, add rice.
  8. Mix everything well, put in a sleeve for baking. Put pollock pieces on top, grease with mayonnaise.
  9. Roasting lasts approximately 30 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 degrees.

How and how much to cook fish under the marinade

Marinated pollock is a favorite dish of many gourmets. There is nothing complicated in cooking. The whole process will take a maximum of half an hour. The main thing is to do everything with love, and then the frozen fish will acquire an inimitable taste. So, prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • Pollock steaks - 400 g;
  • Onions - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 150 g;
  • Vinegar 9% - 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Tomato paste - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt, spices.

After defrosting, pollock should be washed well under running water, divided into small pieces about 4 cm thick. Then follow these steps:

  1. Salt the fish pieces, let it brew for 5 minutes.
  2. Roll them in flour, fry on both sides, bring to readiness over low heat.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings.
  4. Grind carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Simmer onions and carrots in a pan under a closed lid for about 7 minutes.
  6. Add tomato paste, half a glass of water, mix well and boil for another 5 minutes.
  7. Add vinegar, sugar, salt, seasonings to taste. Simmer for about 10 more minutes.
  8. Put the fried pollock in a baking dish, pour the resulting marinade on top. We send it to the oven. How long to bake the dish, you determine by the aroma. It takes no more than 10 minutes.
  9. To acquire the true taste of the dish, you need to stand in the cold for at least 3 hours.

Pollock in an omelette cooked in the oven

The proposed recipe will appeal to lovers of fish and eggs. In the oven, pollock becomes soft, tender, airy. And the omelet enveloping it literally melts in your mouth. This dish does not require a large number of ingredients and is quite affordable for a family with an average income. We will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g of pollock ice cream;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • 50 g sunflower oil;
  • Salt.

Eggs for omelets should be beaten very well, so it is recommended to use a mixer for this purpose. Pollock pre-cut into pieces, remove the bones, and then proceed to cooking.

  1. We chop the onion in half rings, chop the carrots on a grater. All together fry in sunflower oil.
  2. Lay pollock slices on top of the vegetables. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 1 minute.
  3. We will bake the dish in the same pan. Fill the fish with beaten eggs with milk, pour the mass with grated cheese.
  4. Preheat the oven, put our dish for 20 minutes.
  5. After removing pollock in batter from the oven, cut into portions and garnish with herbs.

Approximate calorie content of the finished dish

Pollock snacks in the oven are dietary, because their main ingredients are fish and vegetables. In 100 g of the product, there are only 83.1 kcal, that is, the calorie content of the dish is about 4%. The main part of the nutrients is protein (94.5%), only 5.5% fat and no carbohydrates at all. Nutritionists consider pollock dishes to be the best for those who want to become slimmer, and the most effective weapon in the fight against obesity.

Video recipes: pollock dishes in the oven

There are a lot of recipes for snacks with this fish, all of them deserve attention. It is very rich in substances vital for the human body - proteins and fatty acids. In skillful hands, pollock turns into an incomparable dish that adorns any table. No wonder they cook fish in fried, boiled and baked form. Cooks never cease to amaze with a variety of daily and holiday recipes. If your family prefers fish, the offered pollock dishes will certainly become traditional.

The recipes below are intended for people who are sparing their health, avoiding fried, salted and smoked fish dishes. Oven-cooked pollock completely retains its taste. It does not contain harmful substances that occur in products during frying or smoking. These dishes are prepared quickly, simply, and are the best suited for housewives who do not have a lot of free time. The main condition is the presence of an electric or gas oven. But if they don't, it doesn't matter. For these purposes, a multicooker or microwave oven is suitable.

With mushrooms and cheese

The cheesy-mushroom taste of fish is just what you need to truly enjoy your meal. Pollock prepared according to this recipe will amaze you with its softness, exquisite taste, and piquancy of seasonings. Dressed in a crispy cheese crust, the appetizer attracts attention and stimulates appetite. And the unforgettable smell of a dish just taken out of the oven will make you forget about everything else. Cook pollock with mushrooms and cheese, pamper your loved ones!

diet recipe

Fish with vegetables is the best food for people on a particular diet. A juicy and tasty dish that does not contain any harmful additives, cooked on your own in the oven, is a real find. With a minimum of money and time costs, getting a wonderful breakfast or dinner cannot but rejoice. Learn how to cook dietary pollock with vegetables and cheese, and this dish will surely enter your diet.

Fish slices baked in the oven with a cheese crust will impress your loved ones, and they will order this amazing dish for you more than once. You will spend a maximum of 30 minutes to make it. Sour cream sauce will add juiciness to the appetizer, and grated cheese will preserve the taste of fish and vegetables during heat treatment. The masterpiece obtained as a result of baking will pleasantly surprise you and your guests.

From pollock and vegetables, you can quickly cook a very tasty hearty dish. It also turns out to be budgetary, since the fish used always has a low cost. Pollock stewed with carrots and onions, the recipe of which is published below, is an ideal option for a family dinner. It turns out not only appetizing, but also useful.

It is important to remember that pollock meat itself has a neutral, not too expressive taste. Therefore, in the process of its preparation, it is worthwhile to safely use a variety of spices. For example, any peppers, nutmeg, cloves, rosemary go well with pollock. And you can make your task much easier and buy ready-made mixtures of seasonings designed specifically for fish.

In addition, pollock is a rather dry product. Therefore, stewing it with vegetables is a great way to make the dish more tender and soft.

Pollock stewed with onions and carrots - a classic recipe

According to the classic recipe, it is especially easy to prepare the dish under discussion. It does not require the use of any rare expensive products. Only the simplest ingredients that every housewife always has on hand: a couple of medium fish carcasses, a white onion, 2-3 carrots, salt, any selected spices.

  1. The first step is to defrost pollock naturally, without using hot water and a microwave. Then the fish is freed from the fins, washed thoroughly and cut into pieces. They should not be too thin.
  2. Pollock slices on both sides are lightly fried in a pan with heated olive oil. After a couple of minutes, grated carrots and chopped onions go to the fish. It is best to cut it into half rings.
  3. Fish with vegetables are poured with water so that the liquid covers all the ingredients. It remains to salt them and add your favorite seasonings.
  4. The dish should be simmered for no longer than 15 minutes. If desired, you can carefully turn the fish pieces over in the process. Then they will turn out even more juicy and tender. The main thing is that the fish does not fall apart in the process and does not turn into porridge.

As a side dish, crumbly white or brown rice, as well as everyone's favorite mashed potatoes, are perfect for the resulting dish. Before serving, pollock stewed with vegetables can be sprinkled with plenty of chopped herbs.

Stewed pollock in tomato with onions and carrots

If the classic recipe seemed too simple to the cook, then you can slightly diversify it. For example, adding tomato juice. In this case, the dish will turn out with a delicious vegetable gravy. In addition to 1 kg. pollock ice cream, you will also need to use the following products: 2 pcs. carrots and onions, a couple of garlic cloves or a granular product, 0.5 l. natural tomato juice, 1 tsp Sahara.

  1. First, the thawed fish is carefully cut. Fins are cut off pollock, scales and tails are removed. Some of its parts can be left and later used when cooking fish soup.
  2. The abdomen of the carcasses is cut and the black film is carefully removed from it. After washing, the fish is cut into pieces, salted and set aside.
  3. Chopped in any convenient way, onions, garlic and carrots are fried in oil until soft. Half of the vegetables are set aside, and the rest of them are leveled with a spatula in a pan.
  4. In a separate bowl, slices of fish fillet are fried on both sides in well-heated oil until golden brown.
  5. Pollock is laid out on the bottom layer of vegetables and covered with the remaining mixture on top.
  6. It remains to pour the ingredients with salted tomato juice, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for at least 45 minutes.

The most delicate gravy perfectly complements buckwheat or pasta.

Recipe for cooking in sour cream

If you want to make fish with vegetables even more satisfying, then you should cook them in sour cream sauce. Such a dish can be safely served even at the festive table as the main hot dish. It will require the following products: 3 large fish, 7 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 200 g of fat sour cream, 50 g of butter, 320 ml. milk, nutmeg and other spices to taste.

  1. To make it easier for yourself and do without cutting fish, you can immediately purchase pollock fillets. Regardless of which product is chosen, its pieces will need to be salted, grated on all sides with spices (except nutmeg).
  2. Onions and carrots are chopped in any preferred way, and then boiled over and left in water for a couple of minutes to make the vegetables soft.
  3. To prepare sour cream sauce 2 tbsp. l. flour is fried with butter in saucepans or other convenient utensils.
  4. When the flour warms up well, but has not yet had time to change color, you need to start gradually pouring milk into it. It is very important to stir the future sauce constantly so that unappetizing lumps do not form in it.
  5. When the components begin to thicken, nutmeg and sour cream can be sent to them. If necessary, add salt to the future sauce.
  6. As soon as the mass boils, it's time to put fish pieces and vegetables into it.
  7. It remains to stew the fillet with all the other ingredients for 15-20 minutes.

Pollock stewed in sour cream can be served alone or with a side dish. In the second case, you need to take care of fresh or pickled vegetables, which will perfectly complement the dish prepared in this way.

With marinated vegetables

This recipe will please even the most picky gourmets. One of its components will be red table wine (50 ml.). But alcohol will not be felt at all in the finished dish. It will only add spice and originality to it. In addition to wine and fish (700-800), you must also take the following products: 2 pcs. carrots and onions, 50 g of tomato paste, garlic and other aromatic additives to taste.

  1. Chopped vegetables are first fried over medium heat, then tomato paste is sent to them, and all the ingredients are stewed together for about 5-7 minutes. After that, wine, salt, garlic (can be granulated) and selected spices are added to the roast.
  2. Small thin pieces of pollock fillet are carefully lowered into the vegetable mass, and it is sent to stew on a slow fire. If desired, you can pre-fry the fish until crispy. True, in this case, the dish will turn out to be more high-calorie.

To make the finished fish with vegetables more fragrant and spicy, sprinkle it with chopped herbs before serving. You can complement the resulting dish with any hot sauces.

With carrots and onions in a slow cooker

The recipe for pollock stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker is a real find for every housewife. It will allow you to quickly make a delicious hearty lunch, while without much effort. A woman does not even have to constantly monitor the preparation of the dish, she will be able to calmly do other important things. For such a treat you will need: 2-3 fish carcasses, 2 pcs. onions and carrots, 220 g of fat sour cream, seasonings, salt.

  1. The bowl of the multicooker is lubricated with oil, after which for 10 minutes in the “Baking” mode, chopped carrots and onions are prepared in it in any convenient way. It is important not to forget to stir these ingredients periodically. To add a delicate creamy note to the dish, it is best to fry vegetables not in vegetable oil, but in butter.
  2. Fish carcasses are carefully butchered and washed with cold water, and then not small pieces are cut. Each slice needs to be salted and greased with any selected spices or aromatic herbs.
  3. Pollock is laid out on top of the vegetables in the bowl of the device and poured with a mixture of water and sour cream (liquid will need about 150 ml).
  4. It remains to select the "Extinguishing" program and forget about the fish being prepared for 40 minutes.

Instead of sour cream with water in this recipe, it is also important to use heavy cream. Especially if they are homemade. Top fish can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese. This will make the dish even more satisfying.

Recipe for stewed pollock without the use of oil

Pollock stewed with vegetables may well turn out to be a dietary low-calorie dish.

This option of treat is safely allowed to be eaten even on a strict diet. Of course, then all the ingredients will be fried without oil. To prepare this dish, you need to take: 500 g pollock fillet, 1 sh. carrots, onions and red bell peppers, salt, various seasonings, water.

  1. First of all, fish fillet pieces are salted, peppered, smeared with any spices and fried on both sides in a dry frying pan.
  2. Vegetables can be added to the pollock raw or pre-soften them with boiling water.
  3. Chopped onions, carrots and sweet peppers are laid out in a bowl with fish, poured with a small amount of warm water and stewed for 25 minutes under a closed lid.

The finished dish can be served with a sauce of low-fat sour cream or plain unsweetened yogurt mixed with garlic.

To prepare stewed pollock with vegetables according to any of the selected recipes, it is allowed to use any convenient frying pan, as well as a cauldron, a cast-iron pot, or even a glass form that is designed for the oven. If the latter option is chosen, then the temperature for stewing fish in the oven should not exceed 150-160 degrees.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 30 minutes

We present to your attention a recipe by which you can quickly prepare an inexpensive and tasty dish: pollock baked in the oven with carrots, onions and mayonnaise. If you add a tablespoon of wine vinegar and tomato puree to the fried vegetables, and then cool the finished dish and let it brew in the refrigerator for several hours, you will get marinated fish. If you do not have pollock, but there is other fish available, then cook this dish with it. For example, it turns out very tasty made in this way.
It will take 30 minutes to prepare, 4 servings will be obtained from the indicated ingredients.


- pollock (carcass without a head) - 700 g;
- carrots - 200 g;
- onion - 150 g;
- vegetable oil - 15 ml;
- mayonnaise - 100 g;
- wheat flour - 35 g;
- curry for fish - 6 g;
- ground paprika, bay leaf, black pepper, salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Onion cut into thin half rings, put in a pan, fry in refined vegetable oil until translucent.

We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, sauté in the same pan as the onion. When the carrot becomes soft, mix it with fried onions, salt everything together to taste.

Wash the pollock carcass without a head, clean off the scales, remove the insides, cut off the tail and fins. We cut into portioned pieces, 3-4 centimeters thick. You can first remove the backbone and cut the fillet into portions, but pollock has few bones, so this is not necessary.

Mix wheat flour with curry powder in a bowl, add a teaspoon of fine table salt, a pinch of red paprika. We bread the fish in this mixture, fry in vegetable oil on both sides, put it in a baking dish, greased with oil.

We put a layer of carrots and onions on the fish, distribute evenly, sprinkle with ground paprika, add bay leaves.

From above we make a mesh of mayonnaise. You don’t need to add a lot of mayonnaise, since pollock and vegetables were previously fried in oil, so a large amount of mayonnaise will make the dish very fatty.

We put in an oven heated to 190 degrees Celsius. Bake for 12-15 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes in a warm oven. Before serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs, pepper with freshly ground black pepper.

Enjoy your meal!
Try also a very interesting recipe -

Sea fish is not only tasty in any form, but also very healthy. Of the most popular and affordable species, pollock, hake, and herring are in the greatest demand.

It turns out very tasty pollock in the oven with carrots, onions and mayonnaise. You can see the simplicity of its preparation by reading the recipe with step-by-step photos.

To make the dish juicy and appetizing, you should choose high-quality fish. It is better to refuse frozen, dried, unpleasantly smelling specimens.

Defrost the carcass in the refrigerator - gradually, but not completely. Still hard fish are easier to clean and remove fins. Be sure to clean and rinse the insides, remove the black films. To improve the taste, you can take your favorite spices, dried herbs and spices.


  • 400 grams of pollock,
  • coarse salt,
  • 100 grams 67% mayonnaise,
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tablespoon deodorized vegetable oil for fish and extra for sautéing vegetables
  • 1 head of onion,

How to cook pollock with carrots and onions

Cut the prepared thawed pollock into medium-sized pieces, they will quickly bake and will not dry out.

Transfer the prepared fish to a bowl, add salt and mix thoroughly.

Add mayonnaise and mix fish preparations again. Optionally, add allspice. Soak the fish in the marinade for a quarter of an hour - this time is enough for the pieces to soak.

Peel and chop the carrots with a medium or large grater. Peel the onion and chop finely.

Fry the vegetables in oil until soft in a preheated pan. After 10 minutes, when the onion slices become transparent and the carrot slices change color, complete the heat treatment.

Grease the form with oil and lay out half the vegetable mass. Place the fish pieces on top along with the marinade.

Distribute the rest of the vegetable mass on them and pour in a little water so that the fish does not turn out dry.

Place the mold in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes, maintaining the temperature no higher than 180 degrees. A side dish of potatoes, rice, pasta is a great addition to a fragrant fish dish.

22.08.2017, 22:13

Pollock in the oven - 7 recipes for how to cook pollock in the oven

Posted on August 22, 2017

In continuation of the fish theme, today we will prepare such a dish as pollock in the oven. The fish is quite tasty, healthy, easy to prepare, has no small bones. You can talk about the pros for a very long time, but you can cook very quickly.

Pollock is a commercial fish and is therefore available almost all year round. Prices do not bite and almost any family can afford to buy pollock once or twice a month.

We take the carcass, prepare it, salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices. Put in the oven for 30-40 minutes depending on the recipe. While the fish is cooking prepare the side dish.

If you want to reduce the cooking time to the maximum, then it is better to take pollock fillets. It is enough to defrost the fillet and rinse it under running water and it is ready for baking.

You will have to tinker with a pollock carcass a little longer, but carcasses are also different. There are also not many fuss already gutted with them. And if you take a whole frozen pollock, then you will have to defrost and gut yourself. But there are pluses when cutting a whole, the remains of the bones can be put on a delicious ear.

Mostly such fish is cooked in foil in order to preserve as much useful substances as possible and the fish does not turn out dry. Thawed pieces are wrapped in foil along with vegetables. Also, natural flavor enhancers are added to vegetables, such as sour cream, mayonnaise, cream, cheese, eggs, and vegetables. In principle, such fish can simply be rolled out in flour with salt and pepper, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven. Even so, it will turn out tasty and satisfying, since pollock is a very tasty and healthy fish.

Pollock in the oven cooking recipe

Let's start with the simplest recipe for cooking pollock in the oven.


  • Pollock 1 kg. (carcasses)
  • Hard cheese 50-70 grams.
  • Homemade sour cream 3-4 tablespoons.
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • 2-3 tomatoes.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

1. If you bought frozen pollock, then the carcass must be properly thawed before cooking. Put it in the top section of the refrigerator for 5-6 hours beforehand. This is the correct way to defrost fish.

2. Before cutting pollock, inspect it from the inside for entrails. If there are small residues, get rid of them with a knife and rinse the carcass well.

4. Put the pieces of salt and pepper in a bowl and mix gently. Leave the fish for a few minutes, let it salt a little.

5. While the fish is salting, prepare the rest of the ingredients, cut the tomatoes into circles.

6. Pass the garlic through a press or cut it into thin slices.

7. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.Peel the onion and cut into large rings.

Now all the ingredients are ready, you can lay them on a mold smeared with vegetable oil or a baking sheet.

8. And so the first layer will be from onion rings.

9. Place fish pieces on the second layer on the onion.

10. Spread the garlic on top of the fish, then the tomatoes.

11. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the tomatoes and add a little fragrant black pepper on top of the cheese.

12. Now it remains to bake the fish in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. Cooking time from 30 to 40 minutes.

We take out the fish, carefully transfer it to a beautiful dish, decorate with chopped herbs and can be served on the table. Now you have the easiest recipe for pollock in the oven. Enjoy your meal.

Pollock in the oven with vegetables under sour cream Bechamel sauce

Be prepared for the fact that after you treat your guests to this pollock, you will immediately begin to ask for the recipe. Because the fish turns out so tasty and juicy that sometimes many do not believe that they ate pollock.


  • Pollock 1.5 kg.
  • 1-2 carrots.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • 5 tablespoons of flour.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • 7 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • 200 milk.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

1. The recipe uses a pollock carcass, but if there is a fillet, then you can cook it from the fillet.

2. Inspect the carcass and clean if necessary. I especially ask you to pay attention to the abdomen. It sometimes leaves a black film that gives bitterness. So if it is, then it is better to get rid of it.

3. We also get rid of scales and unnecessary fins. Rinse well again and dry with paper towels.

4. Cut pollock into pieces.

5. Prepare a mixture of salt, pepper and spices. Grate the fish pieces with the mixture and leave for 15-20 minutes. During this time, salt and spices will penetrate into the very middle of the fish.

Of the spices, basil, thyme, rosemary, ground coriander are well suited.

6. When the fish is salted, it must be fried in vegetable oil.

7. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well. Dip a piece of fish in flour on all sides and put in a pan and so on with each piece.

8. At this stage, it is important for us to get a golden crust on pieces of pollock.

Therefore, we make the heating not strong and we do not keep the fish for a long time. Literally 2-3 minutes on each side. It is important that the juice remains in the fish. Therefore, we fry on each side, thereby sealing the juice inside each piece.

9. Put the fried pieces on a napkin so that the paper absorbs excess vegetable oil.

Now that the fish is fried, you can prepare the vegetables.

10. Peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into rings on the floor, and pass the carrots through a coarse grater.

11. Fry the vegetables a little. But not like when frying, but just a little bit until the onion is transparent.

This is done so that there is some moisture left in the onions and carrots, which they will share with the fish a little later. And so we throw the onions and carrots into the pan, fry until the onions are transparent and transfer them to the bowl from the pan to stop the heat exposure.

12. After preparing the vegetables, you need to prepare the sauce in which we will bake the fish in the oven.

13. In a frying pan or saucepan, heat the butter and add flour to it.

Make sure the flour does not change color. At this stage, it is important not to fry the flour, but to heat it.

14. As soon as the flour is mixed with butter, pour in the milk. Take a whisk and constantly stir the sauce. It is important to avoid lumps. Gradually the mixture will begin to thicken. Now it is important to ensure that neither flour nor milk burns.

15. A few minutes after heating, the mixture will begin to thicken, add nutmeg.

16. After adding sour cream, a little salt and allspice. Again, mix everything until smooth. Bring to a boil and remove the heat from the pan.

17. It can be said that all the preparatory actions are over, it remains to beautifully combine everything together.

18. We take a form in which we will bake pollock in the oven and grease it with butter. The form is needed with high sides.

19. Put the fried fish on the bottom.

21. After a layer of carrots.

22. Spread the sauce evenly distributing it over all surfaces. It is important that the sauce completely covers the entire dish, thereby sealing all the holes through which moisture can evaporate.

23. We put this beauty in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

24. Keep pollock in the oven until golden brown. This crust will be a signal that the dish is ready.

25. Fish is best served with rice or beans. Mashed potatoes are also good.

The experiment with raw vegetables was a success, so the vegetables need not be fried first.

In extreme cases, you can cook an excellent vegetable salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped herbs. Pollock with vegetables baked in the oven with sour cream sauce is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Pollock in pots with potatoes in the oven

The dish is very tasty, the pollock turns out tender, and thanks to potatoes and vegetables it is very nutritious and fragrant.


Cooking process:

If you use pollock fillet, then you just have to defrost and cut it into pieces.

1. And if the carcass thenit must be peeled, the meat is separated from the bones and cut into small pieces. Bones, by the way, can be used to make an amazing fish soup.

2. We clean the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

3. Cut the onion into cubes.

4. Cut carrots into circles.

5. Now we form a dish in pots.

6. Put some potatoes on the bottom, then put onions.Lay the carrot slices on top of the onion.

7. And practically lay out the fish with the last layer.

8. Dilute the sour cream with water and add some spices and mix with a spoon.

9. Pour the resulting liquid into pots. It is important to know that the liquid in the pot should be slightly more than half, otherwise, when boiling, it may overflow over the edges.

10. From above, you can decorate with 2-3 slices of carrots.

11. Put the pots in a cold oven. Remember if you cook in pots, put them in a cold oven and only then heat it up. Since the pots can crack from the temperature difference. And all your efforts will be in vain.

12. And so we put the pots in the oven and heat it up to 200 degrees and keep the pots at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

13. After that, you can add a pinch of chopped greens to each pot. The dish is ready. Bon appetit.

The same dish can be prepared in a baking dish with only one condition. The form will need to be covered with 2-3 layers of foil. By the way, I will tell about this in the recipe below.

Pollock in the oven with vegetables in foil

This is going to be an amazing dinner. This pollock recipe is suitable for those who do not like to cook. The recipe is so simple that it is simply impossible to cook badly.


  • 500-700 grams of pollock.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 2. Peel the vegetables, chop and fry in vegetable oil until blush.

    3. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil and lay out the fried vegetables.

    4. Put pieces of pollock on top. Close the form with 3 layers of foil. Put in the oven.

    5. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

    6. Optionally, you can bake the fish without foil for the last 10 minutes, which will give the fish a golden crust

    7. After taking out without opening, let the dish cool slightly for 5-10 minutes.

    8. Chop the greens, remove the foil and sprinkle pollock with greens. It remains only to serve and enjoy the baked pollock in the oven. Enjoy your meal.

    Pollock fillet in the oven with scrambled eggs

    Simply delicious and easy. Agree an unusual combination of fish and eggs. But still, why not, because there is nothing complicated.


    • 500-800 grams of pollock fillet.
    • 3-4 eggs.
    • 250 milk.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • A bunch of green onions.
    • Half bunch of dill.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Defrost pollock fillet, rinse under water, cut into pieces. Salt a little and pepper. In order for salt and pepper to penetrate as deep as possible, pieces of fish can be wiped with a mixture of salt and pepper. Leave the fish for 5-10 minutes so that it is saturated with spices.

    2. After 10 minutes, fry the pieces in a pan in vegetable oil until tender.

    3. We transfer the fried pollock pieces from the pan to a paper towel in order to remove the oil. From the towel, transfer the pieces to a special baking dish.

    4. Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat lightly until the first foam.

    5. Pour milk into eggs and add chopped greens, mix everything well until smooth.

    6. Pour the fried fish in the form with the resulting mass and put it in the oven.

    7. Keep the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    We divide the finished dish into portioned pieces and serve on the table with fresh bread. Pollock fillet in the oven with an omelet is ready to enjoy.

    Pollock with lemon and rosemary in the oven


    • 3-4 small pollock carcasses.
    • 1 lemon.
    • 1 packet of rosemary (or a small sprig for 1 carcass.)
    • Salt and pepper to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Defrost the fish, cut off the fins and rinse in running water.

    2. Wipe with a mixture of salt and pepper.

    3. Put 1-2 slices of lemon and a pinch of rosemary into each carcass.

    4. Of course, it is better if you put 1 small sprig of rosemary into the carcass.

    5. Wrap each carcass in foil and place on a baking sheet.

    6. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees.

    7. Put the baking sheet in a hot oven and stand for 30 minutes.

    8. After half an hour, you will have pollock baked in the oven with an indescribable aroma on your table that will attract the whole neighborhood.

    Enjoy your meal.

    Pollock in foil in the oven video

    Enjoy your meal.