What dried fruits are useful. The benefits of dried fruits for the human body

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy product, although they raise some questions for those who follow the figure. Indeed, a higher concentration of sugar in comparison with fresh fruits, on the one hand, and a lot of useful substances, and, accordingly, properties, on the other, make you think. We will consider these subtleties.

Types of dried fruits

There are many types of dried fruits, as well as their fresh counterparts. They can be with and without stones, whole and in the form of halves or small pieces, dried in the shade and under open rays, or even boiled in sugar syrup (candied fruit).

The list of their names is quite long (by the way, berries are also included in it): raisins, pear, apple, rosehip, barberry, cranberry, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, cherries, dates, peach, banana, figs, papaya, unabi and many others. Let us dwell on those that are especially useful in weight loss. And the vitamins in dried fruits are the most diverse, if they are not chemically processed.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat fruits during a diet, and dried fruits are generally unacceptable to use, because the first of them are sweet, and the second are very sweet. If you adhere to any specific strict diet(protein, for example), then of course, there can be no fruits in it, by definition. Otherwise, you should think carefully about this issue.

What dried fruits are useful? Dried fruits are good for diet food at least because they are a concentrated receptacle of a variety of useful substances that we need so much for normal well-being. They also help to drown out the feeling of hunger, and their sweetness is perhaps the only way to do without chocolates and sweets (by relieving bouts of irritability).

There are certain types of dried fruits that should be preferred when dieting. First of all - with a low glycemic index (GI), because this means that the product is broken down slowly, gradually, digested for a long time and does not cause a sharp release of insulin.

Why is it important? Because with large doses of sugar entering the body, part of it will definitely turn into fat. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body is only able to build adipose tissue, but not break it down.

That is why, if 2 people eat the same amount of calories, but the products are different, with a strikingly different GI, they will lose weight (or get better) with different results.

Useful properties of dried fruits

The presence of a whole set of micro and macro elements, fiber and vitamins make dried fruits an ideal food, especially in the winter season. Also, this product boasts a balanced amount of organic acids and fiber, which, by the way, plays a huge role in cleansing the body of harmful substances, stimulates peristalsis and normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Each type of these sweets has its own unique set of "usefulness", and therefore is often purposefully used to treat or prevent not only beriberi, but also certain diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots - nutritional product, drowning out the feeling of hunger and giving energy. In addition, it should be added to the diet if the heart and thyroid gland fail, vision is impaired. It contains great amount minerals that work for the benefit of the whole organism.

The benefits of prunes for the body

Prunes have a positive effect on digestion and bowel function, regulate cholesterol levels and give a feeling of satiety, and are an antidepressant. It should be consumed if the digestive tract needs attention, because it is a well-known remedy for cleansing the intestines, and prunes also have antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of dates

But the benefits of dates are difficult to limit with some kind of framework. They are recommended to use to strengthen the heart, kidneys, liver; with anemia, hypertension, cough, dystrophy; dates activate the brain, reduce the risk of cancer, and are also a general tonic. And this is not a complete list.
However, there is one "but".

Dates have a high GI, which is doubly unfortunate as they are one of the tastiest and sweetest foods. However, do not rush to exclude it from the diet. You can reduce the GI coefficient if you drink dates with milk or kefir.

These foods delay the breakdown of sugar, thereby lowering the glycemic index. This applies to all dairy and sour-milk, but give preference to products with a low percentage of fat.

The benefits of raisins for women

Raisin. Normalizes digestion and acidity, is a source of energy (a necessary component of the diet at high physical activity). Moreover, it is useful for thyroid gland due to the high content of iodine.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

This fruit has an ideal ratio of nutrients, as well as (the only plant) - omega-3 and -6 acids. In addition, it removes fluid from the body, reduces the feeling of hunger, and helps to normalize digestion. And most importantly, figs have a relatively small amount of calories and a low GI.

Whichever of these sweets you choose, remember that portions should be small - up to 10 pieces of fruit per day. By carefully and slowly chewing food, you will “deceive” the feeling of hunger, but replenish the reserves of essential nutrients.

How many calories are in dried fruits

Dried fruit calorie and GI table

How to choose dried fruits

It is no secret that food is often treated with special and not always harmless substances. Therefore, the first thing that should alert you is an excessively bright color.

Usually, this is the result of using sulfur dioxide (E220). This preservative can cause severe allergies in asthmatics, as well as exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases, as it destroys the mucous membrane. But if the product has an inexpressive color and a wrinkled, dusty surface, you can take it.

The second thing that should alert you is an uncharacteristic smell or taste. For example, plum fruits are difficult to dry naturally, as they turn sour rather quickly.

Resourceful producers dry them in special ovens - gas and gasoline - thanks to which dried fruits acquire the appropriate taste, smell and numerous cracks on the peel, where carcinogenic substances settle. Vitamins and enzymes - perish.

It is better to buy dates with seeds, and prunes, raisins - with stalks.
Another alarming moment is the unnatural shine.

Often this applies to prunes that are treated with glycerin or soaked in low-quality oil to give softness and shine. The coffee shade indicates that the fruits were scalded with boiling water, and this significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

Dried fruits for diabetes

People with this disease need to be extremely careful when choosing dried fruits. Dried fruits for diabetes can be eaten in moderation. Exotic overseas fruits will have to be immediately abandoned, as well as bananas, figs and pineapple. Prunes, raisins and dates can be consumed in very limited quantities (no more than 3 prunes, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 1 date per day).

But unsweetened varieties of apples, currants, and especially pears can be eaten without fear for health, but without fanaticism. The patient must agree with the doctor on the complete list of dried fruits that can and cannot be diabetics.

This applies not only to this disease. A person suffering from several ailments at the same time can harm himself. For example, if in addition to diabetes there is an ulcer, it is better to exclude raisins altogether, and if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dates should also be discarded.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Of course, in view of the huge number of various “usefulnesses”, pregnant women should consume a variety of dried fruits in reasonable quantities, while paying close attention to their quality. The human body is a complex and intelligent system that can tell you exactly what it lacks.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should listen to her appetite and consume the appropriate fruits.
And yet, doctors especially recommend dates (not in last turn thanks to the substance oxytocin).

They are useful during pregnancy and lactation; facilitate childbirth and contribute to the production of milk in the mother, as they trigger a whole cascade of reactions in the female body.

Dried fruits instead of sweets

What are the advantages of dried fruit over confectionery? Despite the calorie content, a very small portion of dried fruits will be enough to both heal and saturate the body.

In addition, without denying yourself sweets, you get rid of depression, a frequent companion of diets. And unlike all kinds of cakes and chocolates, dried fruits- natural product.

Dried fruit dishes

Dried fruits can not only be added to oatmeal, although it is both quick and tasty. Based on them, you can cook broths and soups, make pilaf and salads, as well as cook delicious cottage cheese desserts, with all this without compromising the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

The conclusions are obvious: it is possible and necessary to include dried fruits in the diet, especially for those who are losing weight or controlling weight, as well as women in position. And in case of any diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Dried fruits have long been a familiar delicacy in many families. This category of blanks includes dehydrated fruits prepared using a special technology. The product is completely edible as an independent dish. Since it is customary to call all sweet fruits fruits, not only fruits of fruit trees, but also berries are included in this category, and dried foods themselves have become an excellent alternative to fresh ones.

Dried fruits owe their appearance to ancient women who collected berries, fruits and other forest gifts, and then dried them and harvested them for future use. Dried fruits are also prepared for the winter by some animals, such as squirrels. Thanks to the drying of fruits, people have the opportunity to get vitamins and minerals for food all year round, as well as taste exotic fruits.

On the shelves of grocery stores and vegetable departments of supermarkets, most of the famous dried fruits can be easily purchased on any day. The local product is most often sold by weight or packaged in plastic bags, but overseas delicacies are also sold in paper bags and glass jars. In modern culinary and traditional medicine dried fruits are used as a vitamin food supplement. Most often they are consumed in winter and spring, since in summer and autumn there is enough fresh seasonal products for sale.

A huge amount of dried fruits and their attractive appearance not only awakens the desire to try them all, but also stimulates the appetite. How to understand the variety of these products, choose high-quality blanks, and then apply them correctly, we will try to tell in this article.

Composition and calories

The chemical composition of dried fruits is identical to the fresh fruits from which the delicacy was prepared. In all products, moisture evaporates during drying and the amount of vitamin C decreases. Minerals and alimentary fiber in all fruits remain unchanged. That is why dried fruits can be called a complete substitute for fresh products.

Almost all fruits contain minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

Calorie content of dried fruits compared to fresh fruits increases, since about fifty grams of dried products are obtained from one hundred grams of fresh food, and some dried fruits dry out by eighty percent. nutritional value of reconstituted and boiled fruits approaches the value of this indicator in fresh fruits.

Less juicy fruits shrink less and remain soft, while those in fresh contained a lot of juice, become tight and hard. Diabetics and people with dietary restrictions should not forget that 100 grams of dried fruit contains more fruit sugar than 100 grams. fresh fruit.

Types and classification

The assortment of dried fruits is comparable to the amount of fresh fruits. The main groups of features by which all dried fruits can be conditionally classified are characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Belonging to the region: local and exotic.
  2. Method of preparation of raw materials: whole, half (cut or torn), crushed, and also dried with or without bones.
  3. The varietal affiliation of the goods: extra, higher, first and table.
  4. Drying method: natural or artificial.
  5. Method of preparation: pre-processed and unprocessed.

Also, all dried fruits can be divided into types: stone fruits, seeds and berries. In accordance with the classifier, dried fruits also include natural marshmallow, as well as some varieties of Turkish sherbet and candied fruit.

Beneficial features

The useful properties of dried fruits include the fact that they are a source of natural vitamins. Fiber contained in any such product:

  • renders beneficial effect on the intestines;
  • helps to clear blood vessels;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Each fruit is useful in its own way and has special indications for use. It is impossible to characterize them all in one list, so you can learn about the beneficial properties of the most popular and easily accessible dried fruits from the table.


Beneficial features

Favorably affects:

  • the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • work of the nervous system;
  • the work of the genitourinary system;
  • intestinal peristalsis.

The use is indicated for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. A handful of raisins at night can relieve insomnia. The product is useful for pregnant and lactating women: for the first it helps to fill iron deficiency, and for the second - to increase lactation.

The water left over from steaming raisins helps with painful coughs and fevers. It can also cure stomatitis and sore throat.

Dried fruit has properties to prevent and fight against:

  • anemia
  • loss of vision;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

Dried apricots should be eaten by those who want to have strong nails and healthy hair.

Prunes ( dried plums)

The delicacy has a moderate laxative effect, and can also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • rheumatic manifestations.

Moderate consumption of the product is indicated for suspected malignant and benign neoplasms.

Treats help:

  • activate the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase resistance to colds;
  • improve intestinal motility.

Research scientists prove the effectiveness of dried fruit in the fight against fatigue and intoxication due to cancer.

The use of the product is capable of:

  • fight iron deficiency;
  • protect from the negative impact of the environment;
  • maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Regular use prevents slagging and improves the intestinal microflora. Apple compote shown in clinical nutrition with disorders of the digestive system. It is also indicated for those who suffer from urinary retention or have sand in the kidneys and ureters.

Dried fruit compote helps in the fight against beriberi.

The product has a general strengthening property. Regular moderate consumption of this dried fruit helps to resist colds, as well as relieve nervous tension.

By eating a small amount of the product per day, you can reduce the accumulation of radionuclides and toxins in the intestines, which will eliminate intoxication, headaches and other unpleasant sensations.

Delicacy is indicated for those who suffer from capillary fragility and vegetovascular dystonia. Moderate consumption of the product helps to cope with unnecessary cholesterol.

Dried fruit helps to restore the central nervous system after strokes. The substances contained in the dried banana help to overcome the pathogenic flora in the stomach and remove toxins from the intestines.

A slice of banana eaten before bed will help to avoid insomnia.

Dried berries help to cope with seasonal beriberi. It also shows the use of goodies for:

  • anemia;
  • benign tumors;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • indigestion;
  • weak blood clotting.

The workpiece (but not candied fruits!) Can be eaten as sweets with a weight loss diet.

A decoction (compote) helps to resist colds.

A delicious treat is used in the fight against increased blood viscosity and intestinal dysfunction.

Dried quince fruits are very tight and tough, so they must be steamed.

A decoction of the fruit has the ability to remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs. Quince compote is an excellent antiemetic.

A small amount of drink at night allows you to forget about nightmares and insomnia.

You can drink quince compote and eat steamed dried fruits for those people who are on a diet.

A decoction of figs in milk helps to overcome a painful unproductive cough. It is also a treat for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

Chewing a piece of figs, you can get rid of inflammation of the gums and stomatitis in the initial stage. A decoction of figs and boiled fruit is recommended for anemia.

Apricots (whispered or kandak) and dried peaches

Dried fruits are indicated for use by people suffering from diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • the genitourinary system in men;
  • central nervous system.

Moderate consumption of treats helps in the fight against migraines. The huge content of potassium in the workpiece helps to avoid convulsive conditions. Delicacy is indicated for epilepsy and disorders of the vestibular apparatus. A small amount of the product can relieve nausea when traveling in transport.

Candied fruits from this delicacy have pleasant taste and aroma. Eating mango will help strengthen the immune system, as well as cardiovascular system.

A small amount of dried fruit allows you to fill the deficiency of minerals with long-term dietary restrictions (for example, when dieting to reduce body weight). fragrant pieces fruit will help restore hair shine and skin turgor.

The fruit hits the shelves in the form of candied fruits. It is indicated for use in enuresis. Therapeutic action goodies noted at

  • cholecystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dysentery.

Dried delicacy helps in the fight against helminthiasis.

Rose hip

It is used to prepare decoctions, the action of which is aimed at combating beriberi and getting rid of slagging. Has a diuretic effect.

The product is delivered to the shelves in the form of candied fruits. Thanks to processing, the delicacy has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and completely retains its attractive appearance. Dried fruit is recommended for fever and respiratory diseases. In not in large numbers delicious treat indicated for those suffering from indigestion.

A treat is indicated for:

  • constipation and indigestion;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis.

The use of this product helps to get rid of sand in the ureters, as well as alleviate the condition of hemorrhoids.

Compote from this dried fruit is indicated for:

  • decreased immunity;
  • heartburn;
  • obesity.

Also, the drink is prescribed for children with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. An infusion of these berries is indicated for diabetics.

Produced in the form of candied fruits. It is a powerful enhancer of potency and sexual desire in women, and also has general strengthening properties.

The preparation is similar to candied citrus fruits. She has delicate fragrance and kids will love it for sure. moderate consumption delicious product helps fight beriberi and increase mental activity.

In addition to all of the above delicacies, dried ones are popular:

  • lemons;
  • raspberry;
  • Strawberry;
  • kiwi.

Remember that you should not give dried fruits (especially from exotic fruits!) To small children, because they digestive system very unstable, and not all tasty substitutes for harmful sweets can be beneficial. The reason for this is the peculiarities of fruit harvesting.

Cooking technology

For the preparation of dried fruits, almost all fruits of the middle lane and some exotic delicacies are used. According to GOST, fruits (as well as berries included in them) that have not reached full maturity are suitable for drying. If the raw material is overripe, then the product from it will be brittle and excessively hard. Of the most famous fruits, pomegranates and some types of citrus fruits are unsuitable for drying. Of the latter, only juices and nectars are prepared.

Industrial environment

Drying fruits in an industrial environment involves the use of chemicals: gases and food coloring. Thanks to the latter, dried apricots, prunes, peaches or apricots acquire such a rich color, and dried grapes become soft and transparent.

Most often, sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, E 220) is used to dry treats, and in order for the product to get shine, it is treated with glycerin or other fatty substances without aroma and pronounced taste.

Without exception, all dried fruits are dried in industrial tunnel-type ovens. Such dryers rid fruits of moisture very quickly. In order not to leave only skins in the delicacy, the workpiece is often treated with boiling water with alkali.

Exotic fruits dried according to the principle of candied fruits, that is, before drying, the workpieces are treated with boiling sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the delicacy retains its visual appeal and does not lose much weight.


Home-made dried fruits are different from industrially dried treats. First of all, homemade blanks do not have such a presentable appearance as dried fruits in studio photos. But home-made products, unlike purchased ones, will be more useful, because they will definitely not be used for their manufacture. harmful additives. The process of preparing dried fruits at home differs little from the preparation of dried fruits in the old days. Homemade preparations can be in the form of whole fruits, pieces or slices.

The preparation of dried fruits can be entrusted to nature by hanging prepared fruits on threads or laying them out on trays, baking sheets or paper. Also, for drying, you can use special electrical appliances, ovens with and without air convection.

Home-made preparations will have a less attractive appearance, but will be many times more useful than all the other delicacies that fill the confectionery departments of supermarkets.

How to choose and store?

In order to enjoy the taste of delicacies and get maximum benefit from the consumed product, you should choose the right dried fruits. Attention should be paid to the appearance of blanks on the shelves.

Without exception, all dried fruits have a long shelf life, but for this, appropriate conditions should be provided for the harvesting. It is advisable to store the product in dark glass or plastic food containers with a tight-fitting lid. It is best if there is a sealing gum under the lid. You can also keep dried fruits in paper or vacuum bags. A prerequisite - blanks should not be turned into assorted.

Regardless of the container, stored dried fruits should be provided with good ventilation, as well as protect them from direct sunlight. The delicacy easily absorbs foreign odors and caustic gases. Do not store food in basements and refrigerators, as well as on unheated balconies.

It is worth refusing to buy if the dried fruits sold:

  1. Wet or covered with condensation. This discrepancy appears when the workpiece is incorrectly stored in stores or sold outdoors. In addition to the fact that such fruits will have more weight, microspores of the fungus can develop inside them.
  2. They have an unpleasant odor of industrial oils or other chemicals. This happens when the rules for storing blanks are not observed, as well as during transportation or violation of the commodity neighborhood in storage facilities.
  3. They emit a damp smell or have visible traces of mold. Such dried fruits are unsuitable for food. They can be poisoned.
  4. Refuse to buy treats that stick together.
  5. Beaten and broken. Dried fruits become so due to a violation of transportation or after repeated drying. The latter is often done by unscrupulous sellers who violated the rules for storing products and allowed them to become damp or moldy.
  6. They crumble into small pieces when pressed. This deficiency may be due to the fact that moth larvae or other pests, such as spiders, have already eaten dried fruits.
  7. The acquisition of delicacies that have an unnatural luster should also be discarded. It's no secret that blanks have their own shelf life, and dried fruits lose their appearance. A little vegetable deodorized oil - and the product is fresh again. But only outwardly.

Without exception, all dried fruits should be sweet. If bitterness or salinity is felt in the taste, then this indicates that the product is already expired.. Most dried fruits do not smell. The exceptions are pears and dried plums treated with smoke. Such a product has a smoked flavor.

Even if a product does not have all of the listed negative characteristics, do not rely on its visual conformity. Before purchasing a product, be sure to examine the packaging and make sure that the delicacy is fresh.

The use of dried fruits

Dried fruits are widely used in many areas. The delicacy is consumed both in its usual (dry) form and reconstituted. To give a "marketable" look in the latter case, both cold and hot water are used. It is noteworthy that reconstituted products are always sweeter than fresh ones.

It is advisable to eat dried fruits in large quantities and avoid certain food combinations whenever possible. The worst combination is the use of any dried fruit with fresh milk. It is also advisable to avoid eating fruits with high content sugar with meat products or potatoes.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating dried fruits in large quantities, and they also advise trying to distinguish between the time of taking treats with the main meal. The optimal break for eating high-sugar fruits is forty minutes after a meal. Failure to comply with the rule can lead to the fact that for no apparent reason the floor scales will begin to show more weight.

It is important to remember that absolutely all dried fruits should be washed in warm water before using them for food or for other purposes. Otherwise, you can get food poisoning and indigestion!

After the dust and other harmful substances are washed away, the fruit must be poured with a small amount of warm water and let them swell a little. Dried fruits will be better absorbed when softened.

In cooking

In cooking, dried fruits are most often used as an independent dish or for cooking:

  • compote;
  • decoction;
  • pilaf;
  • fillings for pies;
  • casseroles;
  • kvass;
  • wine and homemade vodka(moonshine);
  • confectionery, including cookies and chocolates.

Dried fruits are added to muesli and quick breakfasts, as well as to tea leaves. Delicious Easter cakes with dried fruits or candied fruits, as well as any other yeast baked goods. Decorate with dry fruits homemade cakes: cupcakes, pastries and cakes.

Dried fruits go well with:

  • meat of wild and poultry;
  • beef and lamb;
  • cottage cheese and cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • sour cow's milk;
  • chocolate
  • butter creams and whipped cream;
  • natural honey;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (rice, wheat, oats).

When preparing sweet dishes and confectionery products from dried fruits, you should not use spices, because most of them drown out the natural aroma and flavor of the preparations.. The exceptions are cinnamon and cloves, which are sometimes added to treats from dried apples and pears.

In folk medicine

Dried fruits are also used in folk medicine. For example, a vitamin remedy is prepared from dried apricots, prunes and raisins that can strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against colds and coughs. AT various recipes to this mass it is recommended to add:

  • natural honey;
  • walnuts;
  • lemon;
  • figs;
  • aloe.

The principle of preparing the mixture is simple. All solid ingredients are ground using a food processor or meat grinder, after which honey is added to them. In some recipes, it is also recommended to add a small amount of Cahors or any other natural grape wine.

The proportions of the products and their list vary, but if you mix all the components in equal proportions, then such a mixture certainly will not bring harm. Use vitamin "medicine" on an empty stomach. Usually, adults eat a delicacy one tablespoon per day, and children over three years old are recommended to give the composition a teaspoon. Contraindication for use vitamin preparation is an individual intolerance to products. Many people prefer to simply exclude the allergen and prepare the mixture without it.

Many dried fruits also have a diuretic and laxative effect. There are some that help:

Before using dried fruits for treatment, be sure to study all the indications and contraindications for their use, and also take into account compatibility with other foods!

In addition to everything described above, it should be mentioned that dried fruits are “respected” by the owners of domestic rodents and some varieties of exotic birds. For pets, such treats are vital important product and a highly desirable vitamin supplement for food.

Contraindications and harm

If dried fruits are used incorrectly, then you can harm the body. It should be remembered that some fruits (for example, melon or figs) are best eaten only as an independent dish and should never be combined with heavy meals.

In addition, dried fruits purchased in stores may contain harmful substances (chemicals and industrial dust) that have fallen on the shell during harvesting or transportation. It is undesirable to give dried fruits prepared in industrial conditions to small children.

Refuse to eat dried fruits should be people with frequent allergic reactions to food products. Even relatively harmless treats made from local fruits can cause unwanted effects. Overseas dried fruits should be eaten in small portions.

Fruits that affect water-salt metabolism can cause:

  • fluid retention, and as a result, swelling of the legs and internal organs;
  • excessive urination and excretion of sand from the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is important to remember that plums, pears and apricots are laxative. Such treats should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Restrict reception dried sweets should be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Few people know, but the dried date familiar to many contains an analogue of oxytocin, as a result of which it can cause labor at any stage of pregnancy. The restriction in the intake of dried fruits by nursing mothers is primarily due to the laxative properties of many delicacies, as well as an excess of glucose, which can easily get into breast milk. The kid from such an amount of sugar will become restless, he may have frequent urination and thirst, which he will notify with loud crying and external discontent.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all dried fruits should be consumed in limited quantities. Knowing the pros and cons of using dried fruits in the diet, it will be easy to understand the assortment of delicious preparations.

Many of us know that dried fruits are a healthy product. Firstly, they have a lot of fiber, which stimulates digestion and metabolism. Secondly, they contain more minerals than fresh fruits. They have a lot of potassium (necessary for our heart), iron (which improves blood formation), as well as carotene and B vitamins. All of them are important for the normal functioning of the heart, brain, nervous system and muscles. Dried fruits have a cleansing effect on the intestines (one prunes is worth something). They are great at fighting hyperacidity stomach, enveloping its walls with a protective layer. And vegetable fibers, which are rich in dried fruits, normalize digestion processes, improve intestinal motility and help with constipation.

Properties of some types of dried fruits

Dried fruits have many beneficial properties for our body. Here is some of them:

dried apples contain a large amount of iron, which has a good effect on the composition of the blood; improve the intestinal microflora.

Raisin rich in organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and B6, C. It contains iron, boron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus. Helps strengthen the nervous system, helps relieve tension, fatigue, improve sleep. Useful for pregnant and lactating women: replenishes iron deficiency and improves lactation. Raisins have a positive effect on the health of the heart muscle, strengthen nervous system and immunity.

dried pears have a calming effect on the nervous system, improve mood. In addition, they have a tonic property and help remove toxins from the body. Dried pears are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, C, pectin, iron, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, carotene. Useful for disorders of the pancreas, urinary tract. Helps fight colds and reduce stress.

Exotic fruits also have many useful properties. For example, figs help with inflammation of the oral cavity, when coughing, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Peach useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Dried apricots- this is not only an excellent general tonic, this dried fruit helps prevent and alleviate anemia, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases, and also improves eyesight. The constant use of dried apricots in food reduces the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels and improves blood circulation; helps the skin stay young for a long time, and hair - strong.

Prunes and raisins increase hemoglobin and are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruits are a mild laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Dates rich in vitamins A, E, group B, amino acids. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium. Dates are useful for people with weakened immune systems, with anemia. They help relieve fatigue and speed up recovery after an illness, strengthen the cardiovascular system, activate the liver and kidneys. It is believed that dates help in the prevention of cancer. Useful for pregnant women: used in the prevention of depression and help strengthen the muscles of the uterus.

From dried apples and pears compotes are prepared and used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, for gastritis and other disorders of the digestive system.

But we must remember that during drying, due to the departure of water, the concentration of sugars in fruits increases. Let's say, in fresh apricots, there are 50 kcal per 100 g, and in dried apricots - already 200-250. Plums have about 60 kcal per 100 g, and prunes - 250. Grapes have 70 kcal per 100 g, and raisins - 280. This must be taken into account by those who are on a diet.

In principle, this sugar is not so terrible: due to the abundance of fiber, the glycemic index of dried fruits is low and does not sharply increase blood glucose levels.

And now for the sad...

The real problem is that dried fruits are subjected to extensive chemical processing to give them an attractive presentation and extend their shelf life.

Almost all dried fruits that we see on the market or in stores were obtained by industrial drying. After drying, dried fruits lose their natural colors, and there can be no talk of saturation and brightness. Beautiful color is achieved only through chemistry. So, golden figs, bright orange dried apricots and amber-colored raisins are the work of food coloring and the result of fumigation with sulfur dioxide.

The usual technology for processing dried fruits involves fumigation with sulfur dioxide. This will be labeled on the packaging as additive E220. With it, manufacturers kill bacteria and make the product “tasteless” for insects. This processing gives dried fruits gloss and shine - raisins and apricots become golden, prunes begin to shine. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the concentrations of such dangerous substances are strictly specified, and the recommended doses in theory should not cause harm. But are you willing to risk your own health by believing that the nameless manufacturer was honest?

You should also pay attention to the shine of dried fruits. A real dried fruit has an unpretentious appearance - these are matte, wrinkled slices. To make them shine, manufacturers process dried fruits cheaply. vegetable oils or glycerin.

Dried fruits can be burnt to speed up drying, which gives them a gasoline flavor and promotes carcinogens due to poor filtration. Often the fruits are dried in a tunnel oven (dryer). This gives dried fruits the smell of diesel fuel. To soften some fruits, especially those harvested ahead of time and therefore hard, boiling water with caustic non-food soda is sometimes used. This helps to cover the peel with small cracks, which makes drying faster.

The practice of soaking is also common. exotic fruits in sugar syrups, which gives the product additional sweetness and calorie content.

So, when choosing dried fruits, pay attention to:
  • unnaturally bright color
  • unnatural shine
  • strange aftertaste.

How to protect yourself

Rule 1

Remember, high-quality dried fruits tend to have an unattractive appearance. They are dark, wrinkled, with dust. Too bright color in dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries indicates that they were most likely treated with sulfur dioxide or food coloring. Soak dried fruits for 20-25 minutes in water before eating. room temperature and then rinse thoroughly under running water.

Rule 2

When buying dried fruits, take a good sniff. The smell of gasoline, smoke leads to suspicion. Heavily cracked dried fruits - marriage.

Rule 3

In the store, try to buy dried fruits in transparent packaging - so you can immediately appreciate the color of dried apricots, the suspicious shine of prunes or raisins.

Rule 4

Pineapple, papaya, watermelon, mango, and some other types of fruits that are now sold in large quantities in stores are not dried fruits in the true sense of the word. These are candied fruits, as they are first candied and only then dried.

Rule 5

Rinse dried fruit thoroughly before eating to remove dirt and remove sulfur and chemicals.

Rule 6

If you want to make compote from dried fruits, then you do not need to boil them. Just fill them with boiling water and tightly cover with a lid and let it brew well.

Rule 7

Buy dates with pits, raisins and prunes with stalks. Such fruits retain useful substances better.

Rule 8

If you buy raisins, make sure that the berry has a stalk. Berries should not stick together.


Dried fruits are concentrated foods, so they should be consumed in moderation. It must be remembered that dried fruits are a mild laxative and diuretic. It is desirable to dry fruits by the old-fashioned way or on professional equipment. Thus, you will be sure of the quality of the berries. If you still prefer to buy dried fruits, then before use, you must definitely treat them with boiling water or soak them in water at room temperature, and then rinse with cold running water.

In any supermarket you can find a rack or shelf with dried fruits. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates, figs - this is a mandatory set of the most popular dried fruits among buyers. Are there dried fruits that we have not met yet?

I wonder how many types of dried fruits are in the world? Dozens, hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands? Here, take, for example, a popular product - raisins. There are more than 3,000 varieties of fresh grapes alone, does this mean that raisins dried from such a variety of varieties should also be considered each time a new variety from this army of thousands?

The age of dried fruits, as a way to preserve the crop, exceeds several millennia, so the following statement will be true: people have learned to dry almost everything, which means that there are a great many dried fruits. The history of dried fruits stretches from the traditions of drying and drying various fruits that appeared in the Middle East and Asia Minor. Of course, most often for drying, those fruits were collected, which were in abundance.

Dried fruits are usually divided into several types according to the principle of further processing. They can be dried whole without removing the pits, or the pits removed before drying; cut into halves of fruit or into pieces. The technology of their drying also differs: they can be dried in the sun or in the shade, treated with chemicals or not subjected to such treatment. Fruits can be pre-scalded, sprinkled powdered sugar, douse with glaze and even process with oil for beauty. Dried fruits may look like small lumps, slices, on the counter you can find mixtures of dried fruits, dried fruits with fillings inside, as well as fruit chips.

Dried fruits are usually divided into 2 groups: dried fruits and dried berries.

So, the first group includes many dried fruits known to us, including dried apricots and kaisa from apricots, prunes, dates, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, figs, pineapple. But there are more amazing dried fruits: apricot, melon, ginger, mango, papaya, persimmon, coconut. Most of them are most often found in the form of candied fruits, such dried fruits are soaked in sugar syrup before drying.

Melon comes in the form of the usual candied cubes, dried strips or luxurious braided braids that adorn the traditional oriental tea party. There is a special subspecies of dried Thai melon - cantaloupe.

Apricots are dried whole apricots with a stone, and unlike kaisa and dried apricots, the fruits remain on the tree until they lose moisture. It definitely increases them. nutritional value, the presence of useful substances. In the East, apricots are considered a gift from Allah and are called the fruit of beauty, they write fairy tales and compose poems about it. Sweet sugar subspecies of apricot - kandak. Another rare product from this family with a pleasant name is Sheptala, large dried sweet peaches or apricots.

Among the rarest dried fruits on our shelves, I would like to mention the following:

- dried kiwi, watermelon, lychee and a close relative of lychee - dried longans;

- dried citrus fruits: grapefruit, tangerine, kumquat, lime, pomelo;

- mulberry, dried naturally mulberry fruits;

- Unabi or real Ziziphus, other names - yuyba, chinese date. The fruits are sweet and light, reminiscent of familiar dates with a beautiful skin and soft, airy flesh.

Dried berries are much less common, the most famous product is the aforementioned raisins, rose hips, cherries, hawthorn, cranberries, barberries, dogwoods and goji berries are also common. By the way, according to the classification of botanists, dried tomatoes also belong to the same group.

More rare dried berries, but very tasty and useful products are dried raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, currants. Exotic species include dried crowberry berries, bird cherry fruits, dried sea buckthorn.

Each dried fruit is useful in its own way, so choose what you like, taste, and what beneficial features most needed by your body at the moment. Dried apricots strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, figs protect our body from stress and depression, dates ensure normal brain activity, raisins prevent the development of osteoporosis, and prunes help improve digestion. All these healthy dried fruits can be found from the leading Turkish manufacturer Kurme, the industry leader presenting natural products for our health and pleasure!

The benefits and harms of dried fruits depend on the quality of the product and the individual tolerance of the person. Dried fruits collected in the country, dried at home are considered useful. Since they do not have preservatives and sugar.

The chemical composition of dried fruits

The benefits of dried fruits are chemical composition. They are rich in vitamins, acids, minerals and other useful substances. The composition of dried fruits depends on the type of fruit.

They mainly contain the following vitamins:

  • group A;
  • group B;

Dried fruits contain minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In addition, dried fruits contain:

  • organic acids;
  • fructose.

Calorie content of dried fruits

The benefit of dried fruits is that they contain few calories. The table calculates the calorie content and sugar content of some types of dried fruits per 100 g of product:

Name of dried fruit

Natural product

Carbohydrates per 100 g

Sugar per 100 g

Calories per 100 g



A handful of dried fruits for a snack will not harm the human body, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with useful substances. Therefore, snacking on dried fruit is more beneficial than the same hamburger.

Useful properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain all useful substances for a long time, thanks to which they can nourish the body with minerals and vitamins throughout the year.

Each species has its own complexes useful minerals. They act on the human body in different ways:

  • dried plum lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • dates restore male potency;
  • dried apricots normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Types of dried fruits and their benefits for the body

Dried fruits of various fruit trees. Each brings its benefits to the body. Kinds:

  • dried apricot, apricot;
  • prunes;
  • dates;
  • apples;
  • banana;
  • melon;
  • figs;
  • mango;
  • papaya.

The chemical composition of dried apricots or dried apricots contains vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). When it enters the blood, it starts the process of rejuvenation of the body. A few dried apricots a day help get rid of wrinkles, make hair silky, smooth.

People who eat dried apricots or dried apricots are less likely to suffer from sunburn. They have almost no hair loss. The metabolism increases, the body receives a large amount of vitamin B12. Dried fruits are also good for the heart.

Dried prunes saturate the body with useful substances. Contains vitamin E and tocopherol. The benefits of these dried fruits for the human body is that they are an antioxidant. Prunes prevent aging.

Raisins or dried grapes are just as antioxidant as dried prunes. This dried fruit is able to prevent the development of colon cancer, removes poisons and toxins from the body. Normalizes the intestinal microflora and destroys pathogenic organisms.

Is it possible to dry fruits for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy, dried fruits for the body of a woman will bring great benefits from the 1st to the 3rd trimester. So, dried fruits contain vitamins such as H, K, E, as well as minerals that will saturate the body of a pregnant woman and help the fetus develop properly.

In addition, many difficulties during pregnancy (for example, nausea, swelling, deterioration of hair and tooth enamel) will help to overcome these dry, vitamin-rich fruits. With the right inclusion in the diet, they will become indispensable helpers throughout pregnancy:

  • raisins restore muscle tissue, improve mood;
  • dates nourish the body of a pregnant woman with protein;
  • in nursing mothers who eat dates, the lactation period is lengthened and the appearance of milk increases;
  • prunes protect against beriberi, replenish iron, help resist immune system against infectious diseases;
  • dried apricots increase hemoglobin and improve heart function.

The benefits of dried fruits for pregnant women is to prepare compotes from them. At this time, expectant mothers are forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, coffee and tea, and cooked fortified compotes will be an excellent addition to the body, saturating it with nutrients.

At breastfeeding dried fruits will help a woman's body recover faster. Restore tooth enamel, improve hair condition, increase immunity.

And for babies, dried fruits will help protect the still fragile body from various diseases. Breastfeeding nutrients will be obtained from mother's milk.

Advice! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of food eaten, since dried fruits in excess can be harmful.

Dried fruits for children

They are easily absorbed by the body, so for a child they will be an excellent substitute for sweets.

For example, eating 5 pcs. dried apricots per day, this product will saturate the child's body with the daily norm of calcium and iron. Dates will add carbohydrates to it, which will become a source of energy.

From the age of 1, a child can already be taught to eat dried fruits. They can be combined, cook compotes. The benefits of dried fruit mixtures will be invaluable and will help the baby's body grow healthy and strong.

Especially dried fruit compote for raising immunity is useful for babies during illness or for their prevention.

Are dried fruits good for weight loss?

The benefits of dried fruits for weight loss are a large number of vitamins and natural sugar(fructose). In addition, dried fruits satisfy hunger, help to saturate the body with proteins, carbohydrates of natural origin.

They will help to avoid mood swings during the diet. Eliminate depression.

What dried fruits can you eat when losing weight

There are several types of dried fruits that should be in the diet of every woman if she is going to lose weight. These include:

  • dried apricots - will help women who decide on a diet after 40 years;
  • prunes is folk remedy for weight loss and a good antidepressant;
  • thanks to raisins, the body receives sugar and useful trace elements, it also activates the thyroid gland, makes the skin more tender;
  • dried apples get rid of excess weight, do not cause allergies, will not be rejected by the body (they also increase brain productivity).

Since many dietary preparations wash out the necessary minerals from the body, dried fruits replenish their supply. It is recommended to use a vitamin mixture of these dried fruits for those women who find it difficult to diet.

How to eat dried fruits

Dried fruits are harmful if consumed in large quantities. However, when included in the mandatory diet a little, they will be a great substitute for fresh fruit in the winter:

  • doctors recommend prunes as an additional supportive remedy for rheumatism, kidney diseases (it removes salts and toxins from the body);
  • dates will help with lower back pain, heart problems, overwork and fatigue;
  • dried apricots have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, removes radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • dry apples lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Warning! Dates are a heavy food for the stomach, therefore, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to eat them with caution!

Dried fruit compotes will help boost immunity in the cold season.

How many dried fruits can you eat per day

Dried fruits are useful for diabetes and for those who want to lose extra pounds. The main thing is not to overeat them.

100 g of product per day will be enough to maintain valuable vitamins and acids in the body. 5-6 pcs. dried apricots will protect the heart from serious illnesses.

In addition to dried fruits, you can eat apricot bones for food. The benefits of seeds from dried fruits is that their kernels allow you to saturate the body with calcium. 100 g kernels from the stones can be used for eating instead of almonds.

How to make homemade dried fruits

Homemade dried fruits can be made in 3 ways:

  • in an electric dryer;
  • in the oven;
  • on air.

In order to dry fruits in an electric dryer, you must do the following steps:

  1. Wash fruits in running water.
  2. Wipe with a towel.
  3. Cut the way you like.
  4. Put on a baking sheet and put in an electric dryer.
  5. Dry for several hours depending on the fruit: apples - 7 hours, plums - 4 hours, pears - 12 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Drying steps in the oven:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Slice and lay out on a slatted surface covered with cotton cloth.
  3. Dry at a temperature of 70 degrees, not forgetting to mix.

On air:

  1. Wash and dry fruit with a towel.
  2. Cut and lay out on the board.
  3. Leave to dry in the sun for 2 days.
  4. At night - bring home.

Harm of dried fruits and contraindications

Home dried fruits will not do harm. From the store, they are most often watered with chemicals to extend the shelf life and from rodents. In order to make them tastier and more beautiful in appearance, they are watered with additional syrups.

Thus, such fruits become useless for humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to get involved in store-bought dried fruits.

An excess of dried fruits eaten will not bring benefits. The harm they cause to the body is as follows:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • spoils the enamel of the teeth;
  • not recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

How to choose dried fruits

In order for dried fruits to bring more benefits to the body than harm, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Any dried fruits that are sold in stores are not suitable for eating.

Quality dried fruits look like this:

  • raisins - dark brown;
  • dried apricots are pale orange in color (a darker color indicates treatment with sulfites, and a whitish color indicates a lower grade);
  • prunes - black with a bluish tint;
  • dates - clean skin without sugar crystals.

Only such dried fruits will benefit the human body. Any others (overdried or overly brightly colored) are treated with chemicals to add flavor or beauty to the product.

How to store dried fruits at home

Storage of dried fruits should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • in the place where they are stored, you need to keep cool and dry;
  • fruits should be stored in glass jars, wooden boxes, ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids;
  • fruits packed with mint will be inaccessible to pests;
  • store for 1 year (if longer - such fruits are thrown away);
  • it is recommended to stock up as much dried fruit as a person can eat during the winter.


The benefits and harms of dried fruits are in the amount of food consumed. With the right approach and calculation of the diet, they will give the body only their beneficial properties.