Is dried fruit compote useful at night. What do doctors think of him? Dried fruit compote, benefits and harms, video

Dried fruit compote is a versatile drink, it can be prepared at any time of the year. It quenches thirst well. The drink is given to kids in kindergartens, prepared in schools and hospitals. It can be drunk during pregnancy and diabetics.

The low cost of dried fruits makes it possible to prepare this drink almost every day. Taste properties of compote will please any picky eater. A rich selection of dried fruits allows you to experiment with the ingredients during the preparation of the drink in order to achieve the desired taste and aroma.

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What is compote made from?

The following fruits and berries are usually used for cooking:

  • Strawberry;
  • raisin;
  • apples;
  • pear;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots.

The composition of the compote can be changed, it depends on which dried fruits you prefer. Each ingredient has its own beneficial properties. The richer the variety of components used, the richer the taste of the drink and the more valuable its composition (sodium, vitamins C and B, iron, potassium, zinc).

The compote has a high calorie content, due to the high sugar content in the composition of dried fruits. 100 grams of sugar-free drink contains 60 kilocalories.

What is useful?

  • - Dried fruits contain vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system. Regular consumption of the drink is especially useful in autumn, winter and early spring, when the body is weakened, and the consumption of fresh fruits is reduced.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. This effect is achieved thanks to dried apricots and prunes. They also increase efficiency, help in the fight against excess weight.
  • Dried pears and apples lower intracranial pressure, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, help to overcome seasonal depression.
  • Dried fruit compote will help you forget about problems with urination forever. Dried fruits have bactericidal action, thereby curing cystitis.
  • Raisin strengthens blood vessels, has a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. It will help get rid of swelling.
  • dried figs contributes to a good mood. This type of dried fruit is good for thyroid gland. At regular use figs your endocrine system will work as it should. Figs improve memory and develop brain activity.
  • dried blueberries useful for anemic patients, it restores vision.
  • Peach help everyone who is suffering. It alleviates the condition of people with rheumatism. These dried fruits promote the breakdown of fats.
  • Bananas indispensable in the fight against depression. They are useful for those who engage in heavy physical exercise, indispensable for overwork, nervous exhaustion and problems with the heart muscle.
  • cherry fruits increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. How else can you increase hemoglobin at home, read the article.
  • Dried wild strawberry rich in vitamin C. It is useful during colds, indispensable for sore throats and coughs.
  • Dried fruits contribute to the treatment of atherosclerosis, are useful in liver diseases. Help as a preventive measure.

Who can be harmful?

Despite the rich content of useful properties, the drink can cause harm. Before using it, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications:

  • compote is not recommended for those who are sick, gastritis or. Apples can provoke an attack of the disease;
  • people with sensitive intestines should be careful about prunes - they can cause diarrhea;
  • the drink is high in calories, when taken in large quantities it promotes obesity and increases appetite;
  • dried fruits can cause. You should be careful if you use any fruits for the first time (especially for children),

The chemicals and preservatives used to process fruit during production can cause the greatest harm. If it is not possible to prepare dried fruits on your own, then before using purchased fruits, they should be thoroughly washed or soaked in sour milk.

Rules for choosing dried fruits

When buying dried fruits, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • give preference to dried fruits of a light shade, they should be close to the natural color of the fruit;
  • dried fruits should not have any glued lumps, such a product is not worth buying;
  • dried fruits should emit a sour aroma, without impurities of the smell of mold,
  • choose clean dried fruits, to check, take a slice of a dried apple or pear, rub it in your hands and see what color it leaves;
  • it is advisable to buy dried fruits that are sold without packaging, this will allow you to evaluate their quality.

Best Recipes

Dried fruits strengthen the immune system. Vitamin drink recipe:

  • take 100 grams of apples, pears and apricots (home-dried apricots are cooked for a long time, on a par with apples, purchased dried apricots boil quickly and should be thrown into compote 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking). Rinse the dried fruits well, pour 3 liters of water and set to boil;
  • after 10 minutes, add a little, prunes and viburnum berries, boil for another ten minutes;
  • pour 50 grams of raspberries and blueberries into a boiling drink (you can add grapes). Boil the compote for a few minutes and remove from heat;
  • cool the drink and strain through a colander. Dried fruits can be put into molds and served for dessert.

Drink the drink during autumn and winter, it will make you forget about the cold. When using compote, it is worth taking breaks, you can change this recipe to another, and after a few weeks return to the vitamin drink again

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to take compote prepared as follows:

  • take half a glass of dried apricots (pre-soak it in water for 10 minutes), pour a liter of boiling water;
  • add 2 - 3 teaspoons of lemon and sugar to taste (it is better to put honey);
  • brew the drink for 15 minutes.

Take compote until you feel better.

Apple and pear compote fights and normalizes metabolism. Prepare it according to the following recipe:

  • take dried apples and pears (proportion 3 to 2), soak them with water;
  • pour sugar into boiling water (100 grams per liter), first add pears, then apples;
  • cook the compote for 35 - 40 minutes.

Drink the resulting drink as desired, but do not consume it in excess.

Dried figs help in the thyroid gland. To make compote you will need:

  • 200 grams of dried fruits;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • liter of water.

Pour figs and sugar into boiling water. Reduce the heat as much as possible and bring the compote to a boil. The drink should boil for 15 minutes, then remove it from the heat. Cool until room temperature and strain through a colander. Ready drink can be drunk at any time of the day.

  • take 20 grams of prunes, dried apples and pears. Let them infuse in cold water for 15 to 20 minutes;
  • rinse dried fruits with running water, add apples and pears to half a liter of boiling water, boil for half an hour;
  • add prunes and simmer the drink for another 10 minutes. Then pour in 2 - 3 teaspoons of xylitol and remove the drink from the stove.

It is useful to drink a drink for breakfast, it energizes and replenishes the body with nutrients.

Dried fruit compote is rich in substances necessary for the full functioning of the body. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, it is healthier than carbonated water and unnatural juices.

Nevertheless, when using compote from dried fruits and berries, it is worth knowing when to stop. Excessive dosage of the drink can lead to a set extra pounds and other unpleasant consequences.

Everyone knows that dried fruits are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. That is why many believe that dried fruit compote is very useful. However, is this really true? Useless drink? True, according to doctors, almost all useful substances are preserved in dried fruits. It turns out that due to drying, up to 90% of water evaporates from dried fruits, which is why vitamins and trace elements are contained in them in a concentrated form. Bulgarian herbalists Iordanov, Boychinov and Nikolov think so too. For the same reason, they advise not to abuse these products.

Nevertheless, dried fruit compote, according to most nutritionists, is practically useless. It turns out that when cooking, a good half of the healthy elements from dried fruits simply disappear, and even less of them pass into the water. Moreover, in the compote itself, of all the substances characteristic of dried fruits, sugar predominates, which cannot be called harmless.

In connection with this fact, doctors advise not to cook compote for too long. The more heat treatment dried fruits undergo, the less useful substances. In addition, nutritionists advise not to add sugar to the compote, which is already abundant there. It is better to replace the sweet poison with honey. But the main thing - if you already drink compote, then in without fail eat dried fruits from it. Otherwise, there will be no point.

Contraindications for use. Except that dried fruit compote is practically useless, this drink can adversely affect the health of certain categories of people. So, according to doctors, dried fruit compote is categorically contraindicated for people prone to obesity. It turns out that the drink contains a large amount of sugar, and can also cause appetite.

It is not recommended to abuse compote and those who suffer various diseases gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis. Dried apples, which are present in most dried fruit sets, can aggravate these ailments. And people prone to diarrhea should not drink this drink either. Compote has a laxative effect.

How to cook the right compote? Despite the fact that there are few useful substances in the compote itself, nutritionists say that such a drink is much healthier than the one brewed from fresh berries or fruit. This is due to the above-mentioned increased concentration of all kinds of vitamins and microelements in dried fruits. Therefore, in order for compote to have on our body beneficial effect, it must be properly welded.

After you have thoroughly washed the dried fruits, pour them over cold water and leave them for at least 4 hours. Then boil water in a saucepan and throw in the soaked dried fruits. As soon as the water boils again, turn off the burner and cover the pot with a lid. Wrap the pan with a towel or blanket and let the drink brew for 2 hours.

To prepare compote, you will need 200 grams of dried fruits per 1 liter of water. Sugar should not be added to the drink, it is better to use natural honey.

Dried fruit compote can be safely called the most winter drink. Yes, tea and coffee lovers will argue with that. But, they are unlikely to refuse such delicious drink just when its usefulness is invaluable. During the winter lack of vitamins.

The drink, which is prepared from apples, rose hips, pears, raisins, prunes and other berries and fruits prepared for the winter, has a high biological value. Compote is able to increase immunity, improve digestion and strengthen the cardiovascular system. And this is only part of the benefits of this valuable drink.

Since compote can be prepared on the basis of various components, its benefits also change. If the basis of this drink is rose hips, then such a compote can become a source of vitamin C valuable for humans. This vitamin is involved in many metabolic processes and helps the immune system with microbes and viruses. What is especially valuable during the period increased risk respiratory diseases.

Dried fruit compote is also rich in potassium salts. They help improve heart function. And magnesium, which is also rich in compote, is involved in the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, with anemia or low hemoglobin, dried fruit compote is also useful. For people with the above problems, compote of raisins and dried apricots is especially valuable.

It contains compote and another extremely beneficial component for human health - pectin. It is able to remove excess cholesterol, heavy metals and toxins from the body. Prunes compote is useful in this regard. It is also recommended for constipation, hemorrhoids and poisoning.

But, undoubtedly, the most popular compote is a drink made from apples and pears harvested for the winter. Apples contain a lot of flavonoids useful for the body. These compounds play an exceptional role in the fight against cancer cells.

As for the pear, it contains a lot vegetable fiber, which helps to improve digestion, remove decay products and other harmful compounds from the body.

Of course, it is not without compote and shortcomings. The main harm of this drink is that its components can cause a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, before drinking compote, it is important to check its composition and identify those products that a person may have an individual intolerance to.

Is it possible to compote from dried fruits with gastritis, stomach ulcers?

This drink for gastritis and stomach ulcers should not be consumed. People with such a problem need to give up such a drink that contains currants, rose hips and other berries and fruits with a high content of ascorbic acid.

In case of renal insufficiency, compote is also contraindicated.

Can I drink dried fruit compote with diabetes?

At diabetes the patient must follow his diet, compiled by the attending physician. With such a disease, you can only eat compote that is made from berries and fruits, with the minimum amount Sahara. For diabetics, you can advise a compote of prunes, apples, currants and pears (not sweet varieties). And from the compote of bananas, pineapples and cherries should be abandoned.

In small quantities, for people with diabetes, you can use compote of dates, dried apricots and dried melons.

You can increase the benefits of compote for diabetes with the help of medicinal herbs such as thyme and mint. You can also add currant leaves and strawberries to the drink.

Can I drink dried fruit compote with pancreatitis?

A disease such as pancreatitis has several stages. At the initial stage of this disease, berries and fruits must be discarded. If the disease is not accompanied by a gag reflex, then you can include a weak rosehip compote in your diet. It is allowed to use such a drink two or three times a day for half a glass. When brewing such a drink, sugar cannot be added.

With pancreatitis, sour and unripe fruits and berries are dangerous. They increase the acidity of the stomach and can provoke an acute form of the disease. Therefore, with pancreatitis, compote from sour apples, cherry, lemon, currant and cranberry.

Also, do not use highly sweet drinks and canned fruit compotes. When the disease subsides, you can include compote from non-acidic apples and pears in your diet.

With pancreatitis, the following compote is useful:

  1. Pour dried apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots and apricots into the pan (50 g each)
  2. Pour dried fruits with water (2 liters 300 ml) and fall asleep a small amount of Sahara
  3. You need to cook compote for half an hour, periodically stirring the contents of the pan
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the compote to infuse
  5. When the temperature of the drink becomes 13-14 degrees, it can be eaten

Can a nursing mother drink dried fruit compote?

The period of pregnancy is not only a joyful, but also a responsible event. The expectant mother must control her diet so as not to harm her health and the health of her baby. Therefore, a woman in this position should monitor her diet and eat only healthy foods. One of these products are dried fruits.

As we have already found out, dried fruits contain a large number of compounds that are beneficial to the body. But, in addition, the composition of dried apples, pears, plums and other berries and fruits includes various amino acids that are useful for the unborn child. Also, the expectant mother needs to know that some dried fruits contain a lot of fructose, with which you can satisfy the “sweet” cravings that often appear during pregnancy.

Raisin compote can saturate the body future mother vitamins of group B. Recently popular date compote is a source of protein, and with the help of a drink from prunes, you can not only cleanse the intestines, but also prevent beriberi.

Pregnant women can not only use dried fruit compote, but it is necessary. But, the expectant mother should not exceed the norm of 100 grams of dried fruits per day. They can be used as finished product, as well as in the composition of healthy drinks.

IMPORTANT: Dried fruit compotes can be the best substitutes for harmful carbonated drinks, coffee and juices with a high sugar content during pregnancy. Compotes are especially useful in the first trimester of pregnancy. They will not only serve as a source of useful substances, but are also able to save the expectant mother from toxicosis.

During pregnancy, almost all dried fruits are useful. The only thing that the expectant mother should follow is the amount of sugar. Before preparing compote, dried fruits must be soaked for 2-3 hours.

Dried fruit compote from what age can children?

Specialists of the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends including compotes in the child's diet from the age of three months. But, before introducing such drinks, the mother should consult with the pediatrician and get approval from him. In addition, you need to monitor the baby's reaction to a new product.

The first month after the introduction of compotes into the child's diet, you need to cook them from only one product and at the same time monitor the baby's reaction. Then you need to cook compote from another product and again monitor the child's condition.

When cooking compote for a baby, it is important to boil dried fruits for at least 25-30 minutes. At the same time, it is advisable to choose such dried fruits in which you do not need to add sugar. If the finished compote seems sour, then you can add a little fructose to it.

Apple compote for an infant:

  • Washes dried fruits 5-6 times
  • Bring water in a saucepan to a boil
  • Pour dried apples into it and cook for 25 minutes

When cooking such a compote for 2 parts of water, you need to take one part of dried fruits.

IMPORTANT: If you use purchased dried fruits to make compote for your child, then be sure to check them for the presence of dye. Dried fruits themselves should not have a bright color. And the water during soaking should not be stained.

Is it possible to compote dried fruits for a month-old baby

As you can see from the previous paragraph, it is better to include dried fruit compote in complementary foods from 3 months of age. A child before reaching this age from such drinks should be abandoned.

Child drinking from a bottle

Dried fruit compote strengthens or weakens?

Dried fruit compote can both strengthen and weaken. It all depends on what components are included in its composition. Compote can be fixed if it is prepared from:

  • Chokeberry
  • Blueberries
  • Raisins
  • Some varieties of apples

Compote can weaken from:

  • dried apricots
  • prunes
  • Cherries

Is it possible to compote from dried fruits with constipation?

For the treatment of constipation, you can use compote of prunes and dried apricots. These dried fruits have the property of cleansing the intestines and will be a lifesaver for anyone who has problems with water retention in the intestines. In addition to a remedy for constipation, such compotes will help remove toxins from the body and saturate it with useful substances.

Prunes - great helper constipation

Compote of prunes and dried apricots is prepared as follows:

  1. We put dried fruits in a colander and wash them several times under running warm water.
  2. Then let the excess liquid drain.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar
  4. We heat the water, stir and wait until the sugar dissolves
  5. Bring to a boil and add prunes
  6. Cook for about 20 minutes over medium heat
  7. Then we fall asleep dried apricots and cook the compote for another 5 minutes

With constipation, such a drink should be replaced with tea or coffee.

Is it possible to compote dried fruits with diarrhea for a child and an adult?

With diarrhea, compote can become excellent remedy solutions to this problem. If you suffer from diarrhea, then prepare a compote of raisins. For this:

  1. We wash the raisins (150 g) under water and pour boiling water
  2. To enhance the effect, grated carrots can be added to the raisins.
  3. Bring water to a boil and cook for 15 minutes

Such a remedy in the amount of 80 grams should be taken every 4 hours until the symptoms of diarrhea disappear completely.

Dried fruit compote for rotavirus

Rotavirus infection is manifested by cold symptoms (at the beginning of the disease) and vomiting and diarrhea (at the end). Since there is no treatment for rotavirus aimed at suppressing the causative agent of this disease, doctors prescribe medications to patients that act to reduce the symptoms of this disease. In addition, with rotavirus, it is important to follow a certain diet. The purpose of which is to help the body's immune system cope with the problem.

With rotavirus, you can eat easily digestible food. From drinks, it can include compotes that have an astringent effect. Compotes with this effect will help saturate the body useful trace elements and liquid.

Compotes made from blueberries, raspberries and rose hips are especially useful in this state. You can also use dried fruits. With the exception of prunes and dried apricots.

Is it possible to poison compote from dried fruits?

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to provide the patient with a sparing diet and plenty of fluids. With the help of such a diet, you can cope with dehydration and remove harmful compounds that caused poisoning.

After taking the necessary actions to prevent the dangerous consequences of poisoning, the patient can drink water without gas or dried fruit compote. He can eat compote of apples and raisins. And from dried fruits that have a laxative effect, you need to refuse.

Dried fruit compote for weight loss on a fasting day, on a diet

During fasting days, it is allowed to eat an extremely limited amount of foods that are easily absorbed by the body. One of these products can be dried fruits. You can make compotes from them. But, to enhance the effect, dried fruits can simply be steamed with boiling water and consumed during this time.

Unloading days on dried fruits have the following advantages:

  • Can be reduced excess weight(when a limited amount of food is received, the body will begin to process the reserves of fatty compounds)
  • Removal of toxins and waste
  • Providing the body with rest from the daily processing of large amounts of food

Also, the benefits of fasting days on dried fruits include training willpower.

To carry out such unloading day need:

  1. Take dried fruits (apples, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs, etc.) in the amount of 500 g
  2. You can add nuts to them (100 g)
  3. The ingredients must be mixed, pour boiling water and leave overnight

In the morning, we divide the steamed dried fruits into 10 parts and eat them at regular intervals.

Dried fruit compote after surgery

After the operation, compote is not only possible, but also necessary to be eaten. Of course, it all depends on what kind of operation the patient underwent. And already on the basis of this, a diet is prescribed to him by the attending physician. Most dried fruits are a source of useful and important substances for a weakened body. A drink made from dried fruits after the operation will restore strength and normalize blood counts.

Allergy to dried fruit compote in a child and a baby: symptoms

A small dose of compote can be included in the diet of crumbs from 3 months of age. But, regular intake of compote is allowed for a baby from the age of 6. As we found out, this drink is incredibly useful. But, it is not suitable for all children. Some of them may become allergic to the products from which compote is prepared. Once in the body of a child with this drink, they can cause a "protest" immune system child, which can result in the appearance of diarrhea, allergic rashes and more serious consequences.

  • In order to minimize the risk of allergies, it is necessary to prepare compote for babies from dried fruits grown in the place where the baby was born. Compote from dried apples has proven itself very well in the diet of an infant. If your baby is having problems with bowel movements, then include prune compote in his diet. This drink is especially useful for a child who does not eat breast milk, but an artificial mixture.
  • In addition to diarrhea and rashes, symptoms of an allergy to compote can be profuse sweating, itching, and the appearance of crusts on the head. Also, a common symptom of the above problem is the appearance of a runny nose. With a severe allergic reaction, the child may have a fever, nausea and vomiting.
  • In order to reduce the risk of a severe allergic reaction, at first it is necessary to dilute compote with water, gradually increasing the concentration of the drink. Thanks to this approach digestive system the child will be able to adjust better with new foods.
  • At first, the crumbs can be given a drink from dry apples. Then, when cooking, you can add a small amount of pears to the compote, gradually equalizing these ingredients.
  • The next drink can be prunes compote. It can be given to a child two weeks after acquaintance with apple compote.

Closer to a year, a child can be given a compote of raisins, dried apricots and other ingredients.

IMPORTANT: Compote for babies is prepared at the rate of 100 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water. Dry fruits should be washed thoroughly. Then add water and leave for 15 minutes. And after that, the compote can be prepared.

The daily norm of dried fruit compote in infants should not exceed 180 ml.

Calorie content of dried fruit compote with and without sugar

Dried fruit compote is a tasty and healthy drink that is present in the gastronomic culture of almost all European countries. But, people who are prone to fullness or just those who watch their diet often ask the question: “How many calories are in this drink?”. Since compote can be prepared with or without sugar, the calorie content of this drink can be different.

  • Compote without sugar has a calorie content of 20 kcal per 100 g
  • Compote with sugar (80 g per liter of water) has a calorie content of 41.3 kcal per 100 g

You also need to know that various dried fruits different calorie content. Therefore, this indicator for compote will vary due to the predominance of certain ingredients in the mixture for its preparation.

How long does dried fruit compote last in the refrigerator?

Dried fruit compote can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. But, most of all, this drink is beneficial immediately after preparation. If you have not had time to use it during this time, then be sure to boil this drink. The more compote costs, the more compounds harmful to the body appear in it. Boiling kills all harmful compounds, but also reduces the benefits of this drink. So try to use it in the first day after preparation.

Video. Dried fruits benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

Hello dear readers. Today I propose to talk about such a tasty and healthy drink as dried fruit compote. In the modern world, we increasingly prefer tea, coffee, carbonated drinks. Lately I've been thinking about my great-grandmother, and her favorite drink was dried fruit compote. She dried dried fruits herself, as she lived in her own house and had all the conditions to harvest berries and fruits. It was great-grandmother who always treated us delicious compote when we were visiting her. This drink is enjoyed by both children and adults. Dried fruit compote is also called uzvar.

Uzvar is called dried fruit compote in Ukraine, as it traditional drink. It is prepared from berries and fruits. Most often, the uzvar is sweetened with honey. Since fruits and berries, in ancient times, were considered a symbol of fertility, but honey - a sweet life.

Where to get dried fruits for compote? Dried fruits can be bought on the market, or you can prepare yourself if there are conditions for this. We bring dried fruits every year from our parents, but this year we did not go to visit them, so we buy dried fruits in the market.

How to choose dried fruits? We buy dried fruits at the rural market. The choice is quite large: apples, pears, dogwood, raspberries, apricots, plums ... You need to look at appearance dried fruits so that they are free of mold, dry and clean.

As a rule, everything will become clear by smell and sight. You will immediately decide which product to give preference. I usually buy dried apples, pears, apricots. Sometimes you can see dried cherries or strawberries for sale. Give preference to those fruits and berries that you like best.

You can add prunes to the uzvar, but I do not advise adding smoked prunes, as the taste and smell of compote will deteriorate.

Rosehip or hawthorn can be added to the compote, but I do not add it. Rosehip insist in a thermos, it turns out delicious.

Uzvar. Dried fruit compote benefits

Let's start right away with the benefits, since there is no need to talk about harm. Harm can be in case of an allergy to some fruit or when using low-quality dried fruits. With caution, the drink should be consumed in diabetes.

Dried fruit compote is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy drink.

  • The first thing I want to start with is colds. The drink is very useful for colds, at high temperatures.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, very useful for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • I would like to note the fact that the use of dried fruit compote helps to cleanse the body of toxins, salts and heavy metals.
  • Due to the content of vitamins and nutrients, compote is an excellent tonic drink that invigorates, gives strength and energy.
  • Dried fruit compote is good for the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  • It is useful to use uzvar to strengthen the immune system, with beriberi.
  • And if you need a diuretic effect, then prepare an uzvar from dried apricots without sugar.
  • It is good to know that dried fruit compote helps to cope with a hangover.

How to cook dried fruit compote recipe

Before cooking compote, sort out dried fruits, see if there are spoiled dried fruits. I wash dried fruits several times under running water. In general, it is recommended to soak dried fruits, but I do not do this.

I want to remind you that uzvar is not an ordinary compote that we are used to cooking from fresh berries and fruits. The whole secret is that the uzvar is infused.

He needs to insist at least 12 hours. But you can insist 4 hours. After that, the compote must be filtered. It is important that the longer dried fruit compote is infused, the tastier, more aromatic and its color is more saturated.

The proportions for the preparation of the uzvar are approximate. I take about 300-400 grams of dried fruits for 2-2.5 liters of water. For uzvar today I took apples, pears and apricots. My proportions are 2:1:1.

I add dried fruits to cold water and put the pot on the fire. From the moment of boiling, I boil the uzvar for 2-3 minutes, and then I insist.

Add sugar to the compote to taste. Some people like it sweeter and some don't. You can add honey, but we all know that honey cannot be added to boiling water. You can sweeten compote with honey after it has cooled and infused.

If you are unable to use honey or are allergic to bee products, use sugar. To be honest, I drink sweet compote I can't drink without sugar or honey.

The taste of dried fruit compote is unusually pleasant, fragrant, tasty, for me it is the “flavor of summer”. If you want to enhance the aroma and taste of compote, then I recommend adding orange, lemon, cinnamon or cloves zest. But then the taste and aroma will be a little different.

The benefits of dried fruit compote for children

A remarkable fact is that uzar perfectly quenches thirst. Drinking it is useful not only in winter, but also in summer.

I give compote to children for colds and high temperatures. It quenches thirst very well. After all, when you have a cold, it is recommended to drink a lot. I am for healthy drinks, and one of these drinks is dried fruit compote.

But do not force children to drink liters of compote, offer them a cup of compote, and a little later more. It is very cool to talk with the child, tell what is in the compote, name the fruits. Tell how wonderful each fruit and berry is. In any case, with a temperature and a cold, it is difficult to force a child to drink something.)))

With a cold, in addition to the uzvar, we try to drink a lot of herbs and berries.

Due to the fact that compote practically does not cook on fire, after boiling for a couple of minutes, it retains the natural vitamins of fruits and berries that are part of it.

Dried fruit compote contains glucose, pectins, a large number vitamin C. It is useful for strengthening the immune system, with beriberi, in combination with vitamins. Since you should not rely on one compote at all.

It is more beneficial for children to sweeten a drink with natural honey. But you can use sugar.

In the photo I have a dried fruit compote that has just boiled. This is what it looks like, but when infused, it becomes darker, richer and more delicious.

The drink is also useful for nursing mothers, they use dried fruit compote with breastfeeding. But my advice to you, use after consulting a doctor. With an allergy to fruits and berries, there can be unpleasant symptoms for both the mother and the baby. As for myself, I’ll say that dried fruit compote was perfect for me. When using dried fruit compote, I managed not only to maintain, but also to increase lactation.

What is usually included in dried fruit compote? Dried apples, pears, dried hawthorn, wild rose, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, dogwood, cherries, apricots, plums, black currants.

We usually cook by adding the dried fruits that we have at home. I don't add raisins to the bowl.

After preparing compote, I throw away dried fruits, but they are quite edible and you can eat them.

I would also like to note that mixing dry fruits with fresh ones is not worth it. For me, if this is a compote of dried fruits, then it should consist of dried fruits. To be honest, we tried to mix, I don’t like the taste of such a compote at all, it’s not for everybody.

Before using any product, you should study its strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about dried fruits: their benefits and harms are ambiguous, so you need to understand all the pros and cons. It is easy to figure out how dried apricots are useful for women during pregnancy, whether the use of dried fruits on a diet and diabetes is allowed.

Useful properties and contraindications of dried fruits

Fruits that have been dried using a special technology are called dried fruits. As a result of a laborious process, the water from the fruit evaporates. Inside the product, a high concentration of nutrients is preserved that have a beneficial effect on body functions:

  • vitamins (A, B, PP);
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus);
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • sugar (glucose, fructose).

In addition to the benefits to the body, the use of dried fruits has some contraindications. Elevated glucose levels are dangerous for people who have diabetes. Allergy sufferers should consult their doctor before using a particular product. Unlike fresh species, dried have a high calorie content. This should be considered by people who are on a diet.


Thanks to the huge number dietary fiber This product has proven to be an excellent remedy for constipation, helping to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. What is useful prunes for women? The increased content of calcium and magnesium makes the berry an assistant in the fight against heart disease. With stagnant processes in the gallbladder and bladder in pregnant women, you can not do without healing dried fruits.

dried apricots

Small orange fruit retains all the useful substances that apricots are rich in. A few dried fruits a day will help improve intestinal motility. With regular use, heart problems decrease, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Dried apricots during pregnancy will help the future mother's kidneys work properly, removing excess fluid from the body.

dried apples

A huge amount of iron is the main usefulness of these dried fruits. The necessary element affects the hematopoietic functions of the human body. Unlike fresh fruit the destruction of the substance is not so fast. Therefore, when proper storage All elements will be preserved until the end of winter. By enriching the diet with dried apples, you protect yourself from the negative effects of the environment and bad ecology.


With a weakened body and after a serious illness, dried fruits will help relieve fatigue, speed up recovery, and activate work. internal organs(heart, kidney, liver, stomach). The increased content of vitamins makes a small, nondescript date delicious addition to improve the condition of the skin, hair, vision. With increased mental stress, it is recommended to eat a few things a day.


Apricot fruits that have been dried along with the pit are called apricots. Most healthy dried fruits- these are those whose shell integrity has not been violated. They have more nutritional value. It is customary to dry dried apricots until cooked on the branches of trees, which preserves the vitamins in a concentrated form. Eating such fruits increases the body's resistance to diseases, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and the gastrointestinal tract. The possibility of developing cancer is also reduced.

dried cherries

Useful substances that are so rich fresh cherry, preserved in huge number in dried product. Small berries are used in the treatment of heart disease and anemia. The bactericidal properties of the pulp help with wound healing, therapy and for the prevention of tumors. Eat dried fruits when losing weight. Unlike other types of dried fruits, cherries are low in calories, therefore they are actively used in diet menu with weight loss.


Small dried fruit contains 15% more nutrients than fresh. Dried fruits during pregnancy improve the condition of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, have a slight laxative effect. For colds, tonsillitis, inflammation of the gums, a decoction of dried fruits is used as a rinse in complex treatment. With increased blood pressure the use of figs relieves symptoms, normalizes the heart rhythm.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Eat dried fruits wisely: their benefits and harms are high in calories with high content glucose, carbohydrates. If you do not want the appearance of extra pounds, then you can not eat them in handfuls all day. They are less harmful than confectionery, however, the average energy content must be monitored (kcal per 100 g):

  • pitted fruits - 300;
  • dried fruits with a whole shell - 250;
  • apples - 200;
  • cherry - 60.

Benefits of dried fruit compote

If you are tired of chewing on hard fruits, then you can make a great drink. The benefits and harms of compote from dried apples, dried apricots, prunes, cherries have been known since antiquity. Optimal recipes are being invented to reduce the negative impact to zero. An increased amount of vitamins, minerals will allow winter time enrich the body with missing elements. However, if the product is abused, diarrhea and allergic reactions are possible. Don't forget the high calorie content.

Video: the harm and benefits of dried fruits for the body

What you need to know for those who love dried fruits: their benefits and harms lie in the subtleties technological process. How to distinguish the right fruit from the harmful? There are a number of signs by which you can distinguish a low-quality product from a useful one. Protect your health from negative impact chemistry. About this and simple recipes cooking healing delicacy at home, see a short video.