Collective farmer melon is a healing delicacy. Melon collective farmer healing delicacy

One of the most enjoyable and useful gifts of the southern summer is undoubtedly the melon. This fruit has many useful qualities, such as, for example, having a beneficial effect on human organs and systems, accelerating the metabolic process, and strengthening immunity. In addition, the melon has a sweet taste, which makes the process of eating it very pleasant.

However, when taking melon as a food, maximum caution should be used and not eaten at one time. a large number of sweet pulp. In addition to the fact that such excesses can permanently deprive of appetite, they can also bring significant harm to health.

Melon: benefits and harms

Melon: the benefits and harms of this product are very conditional. That is, the use of this fruit in food is unlikely to help cure any kind of disease, however, it will somewhat strengthen health in general and increase immunity.

As far as harm is concerned, this case excessive consumption of melon should be avoided. This fruit is very capable of quickly satisfying hunger, and when overeating, it can cause such unpleasant consequences as bloating and indigestion in general.

Melon: the beneficial properties that this product possesses are due to the content in it of a large amount of the following substances:

  • Vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, especially in the autumn-winter period.
  • Iodine. Accordingly, it is recommended to use melon in moderation for people who have problems with thyroid gland. In addition, this component contributes to the normalization of brain activity.
  • Calcium. It is to him that each of us owes strong bones, teeth, nails and strong, shiny hair.
  • Magnesium. This component has a slight calming effect, and with prolonged use it is able to put things in order. nervous system.
  • . The content of this substance in the melon is an indication for the use of the fruit by pregnant and planning women.

As follows from the above, the benefits of melon, given the significant amount of biologically active substances contained in it, are obvious.

Melon: health benefits and harms

Melon, the beneficial properties of this fruit allow you to use it in the presence of the following diseases, as well as for their prevention:

The benefits of melon are due to the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to the speedy recovery of the body. However, you should avoid using large quantities melons. The health benefits and harms of this product are not recognized by official medicine, respectively, contraindications for taking this fruit can only be individual.

The benefits of melon for the body

The benefits of melon for the body are such that it is expressed not only in providing a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect. This fruit helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole and speed up metabolism, which leads to weight loss when regular use melons for food.

The benefits and harms of melon for the body. It should be remembered that overeating this fruit can lead to the following problems:

  • Prolonged indigestion, expressed in the appearance of diarrhea, since melon has a laxative effect.
  • Increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Hypervitaminosis.

It must be remembered that fruit should be consumed separately from any food, in order to extract all the beneficial properties of melon for humans. After taking a melon, at least three hours must pass before you can eat any other product.

If you ignore this rule, the melon will linger in the stomach for a long time and will contribute to the appearance of gastric colic and flatulence.

Melon: useful properties and contraindications

Melon: the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit are very conditional and are mainly the following:

  • Beneficial features melons for a person are such that it helps to gently cleanse the body and saturate tissues with moisture at the cellular level. Accordingly, there is a slight weight loss.
  • As for contraindications, people who have acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and elevated level blood sugar.

The benefits and harms of melon for the body are insignificant due to the fact that melon is a seasonal fruit and its use for a long period of time is not possible.

Melon collective farmer: benefit and harm

Collective farmer melon, the benefits and harms that the use of this type of fruit can bring to the human body are as follows:

  • "Kolkhoz Woman" contains, respectively, is not recommended for use by people who suffer from diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Also, precisely because the fruit is saturated with fiber, it should be eaten by those who suffer from excess weight and metabolic disorders.

Melon torpedo useful properties

Melon torpedo. The beneficial properties of this fruit are somewhat different. Melon classified as "Torpedo" has high content water and is recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the urinary system.

Due to its pronounced diuretic effect, the fruit removes toxins and toxins from the body, contributing to its gentle cleansing and healing.

The benefits of melon for women

The benefits of melon for women are invaluable. In addition to the fact that the use of melon contributes to weight loss, the use of the fruit as cosmetic product, that is, in the form of masks, it has a noticeable anti-aging and whitening effect. It is permissible both to apply the pulp directly to the skin, and to wash with freshly squeezed juice.

Melon benefits and harms, calorie content of the product.

Melon is not a large fruit. There are only 30-40 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, depending on the variety.

Accordingly, a medium-sized fruit contains a total of no more than 500 kilocalories. Based on this, it follows that the use of melon does not contribute to weight gain.

The benefits of melon for pregnant women

To the question: “what is the use of melon for pregnant women?”, Can be answered as follows: melon contains a large amount of folic acid, which promotes conception and normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Melon seeds: useful properties

Regular consumption of melon seeds has a fairly noticeable cosmetic effect, expressed in cleansing the skin from acne and pimples.

The taste of melon depends on care

In order to grow a honey melon, you need to know a lot about it. This is a tricky vegetable. So, to speed up the harvest, I want to sow seedlings early, but the melon does not like long captivity. Two real leaves appeared and, be kind, into her land, give room for the roots. This beauty loves loose, fertile land.

In warm regions, the melon has enough heat and sun in the open area. In the middle lane and in Siberia, it is better to grow it in a greenhouse. The plant does not like waterlogging. It should be watered when the soil is dry from above. In this case, the air in the greenhouse must be dry. The only variety of melons that is tolerant of a temporary drop in temperature is Kolkhoznitsa melon.

Of fertilizers, melon loves potassium most of all. He will not refuse nitrogen either, but the fruit will be completely unsweetened. The berry ripens within 80-95 days. If the lashes grow vertically, the fruitlets must be hung in nets. If a tender berry grows on the ground, then it is better to put wooden planks under it so that rot does not form. You constantly need to stepson a bush, leaving a few pouring fruits. The fewer of them, the faster the berry will ripen.

The ripened fruit has the shape of a ball, weighs about 1.5 kg. It has an almost orange rind, smooth or reticulated. With mesh, the melon is sweeter. When pressed on the peel, the flesh springs. The variety is not intended for storage.

How to choose a melon Kolkhoznitsa?

From right choice orange fruit the mood at the moment of eating the golden, flowing juice, slice depends. Meanwhile, choosing the right melon is more difficult than choosing a watermelon. Some general rules how to choose a melon Kolkhoznitsa, there are:
  1. You can not buy a melon near highways. The melon absorbs gases, gets dirty, it is difficult to wash the rough crust.
  2. Do not buy cut or damaged fruit. The sweet pulp has already been colonized and bacteria multiply there.
  3. The melon should be fragrant with honey, vanilla, pear. An odorless fruit is either overfed with nitrogen or not ripe.
  4. The selected yellow ball should be heavy, making a dull sound when clapped.
  5. You should not buy melon before mid-August. An early harvest is accelerated artificially and such a melon will not be useful.

One of the differences between a well-ripened melon will be a dry stalk.

Imported melons do not have a pronounced smell and are less sweet. In the United States, it is traditional to eat melon with honey. It can cause intestinal obstruction in us.

When choosing a melon, Collective Farmers can run your fingers over it. If grooves remain, then the melon is in the juice itself. If a very strong indentation is felt under the fingers, the melon is overripe, the soft spots will be bitter. Melon from the refrigerator loses its aroma and it will be difficult to determine if this is the product you are looking for. The spout of the melon should be elastic. If it is hard, the melon is not ripe, if it is very soft, then it has already aged and is sluggish. You can not eat unripe melon. You can get poisoned.

Melon Kolkhoz Woman benefit and harm

The unpretentious Kolkhoznitsa differs from other varieties of melons in taste. It has less sweetness, the composition of useful components is also poorer. But its difference allows you to use the product as a diet for weight loss and as a strong diuretic. The calorie content of the Kolkhoznitsa melon is 31 Kcal per 100 g of pulp. Grown in the south, these fruits are not inferior in composition to the Torpedo melon, another common variety.

The presence of vitamins, minerals and organic acids in the melon makes the product healing for many people. Since they use mostly fresh melon, vitamins are not destroyed and affect the human body.
  1. Folic acid is a vitamin found in fresh fruits. It is necessary for all women, as it improves the course of pregnancy, helps with menopause and is involved in hematopoiesis.
  2. Everyone needs vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, helps fight ailments.
  3. Beta-carotene restores the natural color of the skin, helps to maintain the health of horny cells - nails and hair.
  4. For men's health It is recommended to chew fresh melon seeds. It is the strongest aphrodisiac. Just 2 grams a day - and you're on top.

The fiber contained in the fruit and the laxative properties of the melon make it possible to cleanse the body on a melon diet. You can use it for no more than three days. It is useful to recall that you can feast on melons in between meals, which should be time sufficient to clear the stomach of previous food. This time is about two hours before and after eating.

Melon Kolkhoznitsa contains 100 grams of iron pulp 17 times more than in milk. Melon is useful for those who have cardiovascular diseases, to cheer up, relieve irritability. This is facilitated by a large amount of magnesium and calcium.

The period when you can enjoy fresh melon is short. You can prolong its use by drying the sunny slices. They retain a large number of useful elements. Dried melon is sickly sweet. You can't eat too much of it. Yes, and it is not necessary. The calorie content of a dry product is 10 times higher than that of a fresh one. But as a winter treat, such a slice will remind you of summer.

No matter how useful the fruit is, it should not be used in some cases:
  • melon is an independent product and should not be consumed with milk, honey, alcohol or drink water;
  • in the presence of large stones in the gallbladder or urinary system;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • with colts and loose stools;
  • nursing mothers, as the baby will have loose stools;
  • sick diabetes.

You have received information about the Kolkhoznitsa melon. The benefits and harms of using it are incommensurable. It is enough to observe simple rules and enjoy the taste of a healing product.

Video about the benefits and harms of melon

The summer season is coming to an end, which means that the season of bright yellow, fragrant and sweet melon, which contains great amount useful substances and trace elements: vitamin C, B vitamins, fiber, silicon, folic acid, Fe. Back in the old days melon peels and seeds were used to treat gout and colds, and melon pulp was used for constipation, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Melon improves human immunity, improves blood formation and calms the nervous system. But it will benefit only if it is fully ripe. So, you need to learn how to choose the right melon. One of the most common varieties of melon is "Kolhoznitsa". The melon is not large, very juicy and fragrant.

How to choose the right melon collective farmer: basic principles

In most cases, melons are sold in the markets. The point of sale where melons are sold must be equipped for the melon trade. Fruits should not be on the ground to avoid the ingress of germs, dust and dirt. There must be a canopy that protects this product from rain and sun. Ask the seller for documents confirming the goods of proper quality.

  • Never buy melons on highways or near roads. Melon very easily absorbs dust and dirt. And because of its rough crust, it is almost impossible to wash it.
  • Do not buy defective or cut fruit. There are already a lot of bacteria in such pulp, which multiply very quickly. And a dirty knife could lead to melon infection with pathogenic microbes.
  • Smell melon. It should smell like pear and vanilla. The odorless melon is not ripe or contains a large amount of nitrates.
  • The orange "bun" should be heavy.
  • Remember to buy ripe and sweet melon"collective farmer" is possible only from mid-August.

How to choose a ripe melon for a collective farmer: secrets and subtleties

Choose ripe melon much lighter than watermelon. Ripe melon "collective farmer" will be bright yellow or orange. A fully ripe melon will have a dry stalk. If you “slap” it, the sound should be deaf, unlike watermelon, where a sonorous sound means the ripeness of the watermelon. When buying a melon in the market, carefully inspect it. There should be no impact marks, dents or cracks on it. The crust should be matte and elastic.

Run your finger along it, if the grooves on the crust are well felt, the melon is ripe. But if it is soft, then you should not buy such a fruit, it is overripe. The nose of a ripe melon is springy, but not soft or hard. There should be no dark spots on the rind of the fruit. They say that the fetus is affected by "sores." The probability of choosing a ripe melon "collective farmer" increases on a hot day, since it is in the heat that the melon smells much stronger.

When you bring a melon home, be sure to wash it and wipe it dry to protect yourself as much as possible from germs and dirt that appear during transportation and storage. After cutting, look at the seeds. If they easily move away from the pulp, then such a fruit is ripe and will give you pleasure with its taste.

In this video you can learn how to make the most delicate ice cream with melon. A ripe "collective farmer" is ideal for this recipe.

How to store melon collective farmer?

Cut melon should be stored in the refrigerator. But remember that during long storage, a very harmful gas, ethylene, begins to be released.

  • drying;
  • drying;
  • freezing.

For drying or drying melons at home, use an oven, an electric dryer or an air grill. But you can also dry it outdoors. This takes up to 2 weeks, and requires special care, as the melon strips must be turned over every day to evenly evaporate the moisture.
Dried or dried melon retains all its properties, and will serve as an excellent dessert on cold winter evenings.

How to freeze a collective farm melon: home tricks

For freezing it is necessary to use fruits with fragrant, crispy pulp. The sweeter the frozen one, the better. Do not freeze the whole melon, as it may crack. It should be cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into small cubes and frozen in one layer. It should be borne in mind that at home, the melon will freeze for quite a long time, which means that the water crystals will be large in melon pieces. Therefore, with complete defrosting, slurry can turn out instead of elastic pieces.

Frozen melon pulp is perfect for cocktails, smoothies or desserts. You can freeze melon along with other fruits: raspberries, peaches, strawberries.
You can also freeze melon in fruit syrup. Cut the peeled melon into pieces, put in a container and pour over the syrup: water and sugar 1:1. Put in the freezer.

One of the most "delicious" freezing methods is melon freezing in powdered sugar. To do this, you need to line the form with a bag and lay the melon in layers, alternating them with sugar.
Another way to freeze melons is to freeze melon puree. Take seeds and peels, cut into pieces, beat with a blender, put in small containers or cups and freeze.

The harm and benefits of melon.

Thanks to beneficial substances, which is part of the melon, it is considered very useful and dietary product. Melon strengthens the immune system, improves mood, relieves fatigue and insomnia due to the fact that it contains the enzyme superoxide dismutase.

The presence of magnesium and potassium makes this vegetable indispensable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

For the male half of humanity, this fruit helps to prolong their youth. Rather, melon seeds help. They need to be chewed raw, you can with honey. But no more than 2 g per day! Otherwise there will be problems with the spleen. They are an excellent aphrodisiac.
Please note that melon can not only bring pleasure, but also harm. The fact is that this fruit should not be consumed by people with stomach ulcers and diabetes. And so that there are no problems with intestinal upset in infants, nursing mothers should limit the use of this delicious vegetable. Also, you can not drink kefir, alcohol, cold water, honey - all this can lead to serious problems with the intestines. Since the melon is a “heavy” product, that is, it is needed between meals.

In this video, you can learn more about how to choose the right sweet, ripe melon. Leave your

Of the gourds, the Kolkhoznitsa melon is common among summer residents, which, in addition to its excellent taste, has other qualities. The variety is picky about the weather and climatic features of the growing regions. Due to precocity yellow fruits with sweet and juicy pulp cultivated in Siberia. And the conditions of central Russia are enough for a berry to ripen in the garden.

Melon belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, like watermelon. And the fruits of plants are scientifically called gourds or false berries. The melon variety Kolkhoznitsa has a branched structure of stems that spread along the ground, reaching a length of 3 meters. Many shoots together make up a length of 30 meters. The root system of the plant has long offspring that go into the ground to a depth of 2-3 meters. Therefore, the plant can get food even in severe drought. The leaves of the melon Kolkhoznitsa are oval-round, their plates in color belong to all shades of green. On the shoots, cup-shaped flowers of a yellow tone are formed.

The characteristics of the fruit - pumpkin gourds include the fact that they:

  • round shape;
  • weighing from 1 to 2 kilograms;
  • with a golden peel, covered with a "net of wrinkles";
  • very sweet;
  • with white flesh, crispy, elastic.

Pumpkin varieties are distinguished by good transportability and excellent presentation. And from the beds, the fruits of melons can be harvested from the first days of August to September, and in the southern regions - until the end of October.

They prefer to grow a Collective Farmer for her ability to ripen quickly, not to be afraid of weather disasters.

Landing in the ground

Cultivation of a melon The collective farmer assumes its cultivation at once in open ground. But since this is a thermophilic culture, it is better to create ridges for planting a plant by folding them from horse or cow manure 50-60 centimeters high. Melon seeds are placed in holes where nutrient soil is poured in advance. The distance between the holes should be 60-70 centimeters. This method helps to get harvests of melon Kolkhoznitsa in more early dates in regions with a temperate climate.

Melon can be sown immediately into the ground when the threat of frost passes with air temperatures up to 12–15 degrees Celsius. In the steppe regions, planting dates vary from May 10 to May 20, in the rest - later, up to June 1. Pre-germinated seeds can be planted in the ground later.

A site for a heat-loving plant is chosen sunny, not subject to winds. After loosening the soil, humus and river sand are introduced into the holes for looseness and better heating. In each nest with a distance of 1.3x1.3 meters, seeds are planted to a depth of 5 and 3 centimeters.

Well-preserved plantings of plants in the open ground are interstellar crops when rows of corn or sunflower are planted nearby. Proper planting on the beds involves the emergence of seedlings for 7-10 days.

seedling preparation

For the successful cultivation of melons, the Collective Farm Woman uses the seedling method. 30 days before planting a melon in open ground or a greenhouse, seedlings of a gourd plant are prepared. Sown in nutritious and loose soil in boxes, it successfully develops with regular watering and fertilizing. Dive seedlings into separate containers after the appearance of 2 true leaves. Before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened by taking them out into the open air.

When a plant is sown in boxes in a greenhouse, the room is ventilated, and in warm days open windows for two hours, then for the whole day.

In order for the seedlings to become strong, it is necessary to follow the rules for preparing seeds and soil for sowing gourds.

Preparing seeds for growing

The future harvest of yellow fruits depends on the planting material. The rejection and processing of seeds for growing melons plays a big role. Intact seeds are selected, which are then placed in growth stimulants. It is imperative to disinfect the material in a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. After that, the seeds are washed and laid out on a cloth for easy drying.

To harden the plant, the seeds are placed in a cool room or refrigerator for a day, then in warm water with a temperature of 35 degrees. It is better to carry out this procedure three times.

Preparatory measures will lead to the fact that the Kolkhoznitsa melon will be able to endure cultivation in the open field and will reach ripeness with proper care.

We start sowing

Planting seeds of a plant must be carried out in disposable plastic or peat cups. The containers are filled with soil in advance, picking up a mixture of garden soil with saturation with peat, wood ash, river sand. Hardened seeds are planted in fertilized soil to a depth of 5 centimeters. It is better to place 2 seeds each, leaving the strongest and most viable sprout later.

A container with seeds is placed in a warm place with a temperature of 20 degrees. At night, the figure can drop to 15. Seedlings of the Kolkhoznitsa melon appear after 7 days. They are watered, and when 3 full leaves appear, pinch the top of the main shoot. After that, lateral processes will begin to appear. To protect seedlings from damage by root rot, sprinkle sand around the stem.

Melon seedlings can be planted 25–30 days after germination.

Planting care: watering and fertilizing melons

Features of caring for plantings of melon Kolkhoznitsa consist of:

  • glaze;
  • fertilizer application;
  • soil loosening;
  • weeding.

To increase the yield of pumpkins, it is necessary to thin out the plantings, leaving no more than 3-4 seedlings in the hole. During the fruit setting period, it is better to pin the whip to the ground. This will allow additional roots to form. Dig a hole by placing the leaf petiole in it. Then cover with soil and water. This will create a new plant.

Pinching the main stem above the 4th or 5th leaf will speed up fruiting and increase the number of ovaries.

Water melon plantings often, especially during the formation of fruits. Then the frequency of moistening the soil is reduced to allow the pumpkins to fill with ripeness.

Planting plants are fed:

  1. The first time when 2 true leaves appear with bird droppings, diluted in a ratio of 1:15.
  2. After 2-3 weeks, the wells are watered with 0.5 liters of nutrient solution from superphosphate (50 grams), potassium salt (15 grams) and ammonium nitrate (20 grams) in a bucket of water.
  3. Repeat top dressing after 3 weeks with mineral fertilizers in liquid form.

To successfully grow a melon, it is necessary to loosen the aisles, carrying out the procedure three times over the summer. First, the soil is loosened when the first true leaf appears to a depth of 13 centimeters, then to 8.

The fruits will be sweet and ripe on time if they comply with the norm of watering and the amount of fertilizer.

Diseases and pests

The Kolkhoznitsa melon grows quickly, without damage, if it is not attacked by fungal infections. Among the common diseases of melons and gourds can be identified:

  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • root rot;
  • verdigris.

The appearance of spots on the leaves, their yellowing, stopping the growth of melons, the appearance of ugly fruits are the result of the pathological action of fungi. Plants are treated with fungicidal preparations three times, and diseased plants are destroyed.

Only compliance with the rules of agricultural technology of melons will lead to the fact that diseases and pests will bypass it.

Growing melons in a polycarbonate greenhouse

As a heat-loving plant, Kolkhoznitsa melon will grow better in a polycarbonate greenhouse, growing in which is not much different from growing in open ground.

An important point is the temperature at which seedlings will begin to grow faster. Its optimal indicator is 20-25 degrees with a humidity of 70-80 percent. If there is little lighting, then additional lighting is organized with fluorescent lamps suspended at a distance of 50 centimeters above the plants.

To get a large harvest of juicy fruits, they loosen the soil in the greenhouse, moderate watering and fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Ripening time for melon Kolkhoz Woman

The gourd plant variety belongs to mid-season species, therefore, when seeds are planted in May at the end of July, fruits are obtained. Although the Kolkhoznitsa melon will not fully ripen by this time, it is already necessary to collect pumpkins in regions with a temperate climate. Lower temperatures at night will cause stunting and fruit rot. Pumpkin varieties reach full maturity in a dry and dark room at a temperature of 15-18 degrees. Before eating the fruit, you can determine the ripeness of the melon Kolkhoznitsa like a watermelon. When patting the gourd, a dull sound is heard. And the peel of a ripe fruit will be bright in color.


Inexperienced gardeners doubt the time of harvesting useful pumpkins from the beds. Here you have to take into account the weather conditions. A drop in air temperature, heavy rains will lead to the death of the crop. It is better to remove the fruits earlier, which will have the shape of a ball. It is known how much the Collective Farm Girl melon weighs. Only 1.5–2 kilograms, but there will be many fruits. Orange, with a clear reticulate pattern, pumpkins are usually already ripe and ready to eat. Long-term storage of fruits is not worth it. They can be laid in a dark place only until ripe. For the winter, marmalade, jam are prepared from ripe pumpkins, the pulp is dried. But it is better to use fruits in food fresh.

How to choose a melon Kolkhoznitsa?

Green melon Kolkhoznitsa is not suitable for food. Pumpkins with bright yellow skins are served on the table. Rotten and damaged areas on the fruit are easy to notice. Such melons are best thrown away.

When buying a Kolkhoznitsa melon, they pay attention to the aroma, which intensifies when the fruit is cut. Considering maturation time useful berry, do not buy it before August. After all, early fruits are obtained by artificial feeding with chemicals, which will negatively affect health. The best option will be the cultivation of gourds on their site.

The benefits of melon for the body

ABOUT useful qualities melons have been known since ancient times. In terms of composition, the fruits of melons and gourds cannot be compared with other members of the Pumpkin family. In the melon Kolkhoznitsa there are vitamins that favorably affect the course of pregnancy in women. Those who eat tasty pulp are less likely to get colds.

Dietary product helps to get rid of excess weight. The berry cleanses the body well from toxins and toxins. The fruits contain a lot of iron, which is important for people suffering from anemia. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. And calcium strengthens bones.

But pumpkins do not only benefit, but also harm if:

  • use them with milk, honey, alcoholic beverages;
  • there are diseases of the digestive tract;
  • a woman is breastfeeding a child;
  • stones were found in the genitourinary system;
  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, before eating pumpkin for food, it is necessary to consider whether the Kolkhoznitsa melon will benefit or harm the body.

The taste of melon depends on care

In order to grow a honey melon, you need to know a lot about it. This is a tricky vegetable. So, to speed up the harvest, I want to sow seedlings early, but the melon does not like long captivity. Two real leaves appeared and, be kind, into her land, give room for the roots. This beauty loves loose, fertile land.

In warm regions, the melon has enough heat and sun in the open area. In the middle lane and in Siberia, it is better to grow it in a greenhouse. The plant does not like waterlogging. it is needed when the ground dries up from above. In this case, the air in the greenhouse must be dry. The only variety of melons that is tolerant of a temporary drop in temperature is Kolkhoznitsa melon.

Of fertilizers, melon loves potassium most of all. He will not refuse nitrogen either, but the fruit will be completely unsweetened. The berry ripens within 80-95 days. If the lashes grow vertically, the fruitlets must be hung in nets. If a tender berry grows on the ground, then it is better to put wooden planks under it so that rot does not form. You constantly need to stepson a bush, leaving a few pouring fruits. The fewer of them, the faster the berry will ripen.

The ripened fruit has the shape of a ball, weighs about 1.5 kg. It has an almost orange rind, smooth or reticulated. With mesh, the melon is sweeter. When pressed on the peel, the flesh springs. The variety is not intended for storage.

How to choose a melon Kolkhoznitsa?

The mood at the time of eating the golden slice flowing with juice depends on the correct choice of the orange fruit. Meanwhile, choosing the right melon is more difficult than choosing a watermelon. There are a few general rules on how to choose a collective farmer melon:

  1. You can not buy a melon near highways. The melon absorbs gases, gets dirty, it is difficult to wash the rough crust.
  2. Do not buy cut or damaged fruit. The sweet pulp has already been colonized and bacteria multiply there.
  3. The melon should be fragrant with honey, vanilla, pear. An odorless fruit is either overfed with nitrogen or not ripe.
  4. The selected yellow ball should be heavy, making a dull sound when clapped.
  5. You should not buy melon before mid-August. An early harvest is accelerated artificially and such a melon will not be useful.

One of the differences between a well-ripened melon will be a dry stalk.

Imported melons do not have a pronounced smell and are less sweet. In the United States, it is traditional to eat melon with honey. It can cause intestinal obstruction in us.

When choosing a melon, Collective Farmers can run your fingers over it. If grooves remain, then the melon is in the juice itself. If a very strong indentation is felt under the fingers, the melon is overripe, the soft spots will be bitter. Melon from the refrigerator loses its aroma and it will be difficult to determine if this is the product you are looking for. The spout of the melon should be elastic. If it is hard, the melon is not ripe, if it is very soft, then it has already aged and is sluggish. You can not eat unripe melon. You can get poisoned.

Melon Kolkhoz Woman benefit and harm

The unpretentious Kolkhoznitsa differs from other varieties of melons in taste. It has less sweetness, the composition of useful components is also poorer. But its difference allows you to use the product as a diet for weight loss and as a strong diuretic. The calorie content of the Kolkhoznitsa melon is 31 Kcal per 100 g of pulp. Grown in the south, these fruits are not inferior in composition to the Torpedo melon, another common variety.

The presence of vitamins, minerals and organic acids in the melon makes the product healing for many people. Since they use mostly fresh melon, vitamins are not destroyed and affect the human body.

  1. Folic acid is a vitamin found in fresh fruits. It is necessary for all women, as it improves the course of pregnancy, helps with menopause and is involved in hematopoiesis.
  2. Everyone needs vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, helps fight ailments.
  3. Beta-carotene restores the natural color of the skin, helps maintain the health of horny cells - nails and hair.
  4. For men's health, it is recommended to chew fresh. It is the strongest aphrodisiac. Just 2 grams a day - and you're on top.

The fiber contained in the fruit and the laxative properties of the melon make it possible to cleanse the body on a melon diet. You can use it for no more than three days. It is useful to recall that you can feast on melons in between meals, which should be time sufficient to clear the stomach of previous food. This time is about two hours before and after eating.

Melon Kolkhoznitsa contains 100 grams of iron pulp 17 times more than in milk. Melon is useful for those who have cardiovascular diseases, to cheer up, relieve irritability. This is facilitated by a large amount of magnesium and calcium.

The period when you can enjoy fresh melon is short. You can prolong its use by drying the sunny slices. They retain a large number of useful elements. Dried melon is sickly sweet. You can't eat too much of it. Yes, and it is not necessary. The calorie content of a dry product is 10 times higher than that of a fresh one. But as a winter treat, such a slice will remind you of summer.

No matter how useful the fruit is, it should not be used in some cases:

  • melon is an independent product and should not be consumed with milk, honey, alcohol or drink water;
  • in the presence of large stones in the gallbladder or urinary system;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • with colts and loose stools;
  • nursing mothers, as the baby will have loose stools;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

You have received information about the Kolkhoznitsa melon. The benefits and harms of using it are incommensurable. It is enough to follow simple rules and enjoy the taste of a healing product.

Video about the benefits and harms of melon