Paella is the national Spanish dish.

And Spanish paella - worldwide famous dish which is becoming more and more popular in Russia. This is an analogue Uzbek pilaf and Italian risotto about which we have already written on our website. The peculiarity of paella is its spicy taste. The successful combination of round rice with vegetables, meat or seafood makes this dish very tasty. And if you love Spanish cuisine, we will tell you how to cook paella at home to feed the whole family with hearty and healthy food.

Then add rice and fry whole for 2 minutes. Pour in the boiling broth, stir and simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat without interference, without coating. Cut the curry cubes, broccoli for a long time small pieces. Top up the cooked rice to lay out the vegetables, sprinkle with peas - a spoonful of vegetables, gently press the rice on the dipping parts, sprinkle with black pepper and salt. Continue cooking for another 3 to 5 minutes until the rice is almost completely absorbed. After this time, turn off the heat, cover the cup and leave for 3-4 minutes.

Leave the food for a while and then sprinkle with sprinkled chopped parsley, with some olives. If you want paella to have a more authentic taste, you can enrich the wine with dry white wine - add 75 ml of wine after a short frying of tomatoes with spices, then boil it over high heat for 3-4 minutes until the wine evaporates; Then add rice and continue cooking as above. In season, instead of green peas, you can use green asparagus- cut them to a slope of 2-3 cm and add along with zucchini and broccoli. If you want a dish to suit your non-diet, skip the green peas recipe. Properly cooked rice in paella should be few and far between. . Preparation time 120 minutes Number of people 8 people Difficulty level is difficult.

If paella appears on your menu, its recipe will be different every time. This is the beauty of this dish. You can add a variety of ingredients to it, from the simplest and most affordable to the most refined and expensive. Depending on your preferences, you can cook vegetable, meat or fish paella, seasoning it with numerous seasonings and spices.

"Great to make a decoction fresh shrimp but if you don't have time, replace them with lightly cooked fish and season with pepper and saffron." Start by boiling the broth. Peel and thickly chop the onion, then peel the garlic, leaving all the cloves. Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat and sauté the onion, garlic, paprika, bay leaves, shells and shrimp. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add wine and fish and bring to a boil. Lower the temperature and simmer for 30 minutes or until the volume starts to decrease. Thread a colander into a large bowl and set it aside until you need it. Going to the sofrito, peel and dice the onion and garlic, then pour into a large skillet that fry medium light ingredients with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and paprika. Fry for 7-8 minutes, until golden brown and soft.

Paella with seafood

When it comes to traditional Spanish cuisine, then seafood will certainly come into play! Therefore, to begin with, we offer you a recipe for paella with seafood, which you can cook in a large cast iron pan with thick walls or in a wok. It will be just perfect if you cook paella on an open fire, but at home, paella with shrimp, mussels and octopus will also turn out very tasty.

Then pour out the wine and simmer for 1-2 minutes, then drain the thick tomatoes, peeling off the skins. Mix and cook for another 5 minutes. After this time lower the temperature and simmer for 30 minutes until everything thickens into a nice sauce. To make paella, knead and cut the peppers into large chunks. Cut Monk in large pieces, then squid squid. Wash both types of mussels precisely, discarding anything that remains open while tapping.

Half the olive oil, heat in a large saucepan over medium heat and cook the paprika for 5 minutes until softened. Then transfer to a separate bowl with a spatula. Add the fillets to the skillet when in season and cook for 10 minutes or until tender.

To prepare it, we need the following products:

  • sea ​​cocktail or one favorite type of seafood - 500 g
  • olive oil– 30 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green peas - 100 g
  • green beans - 100 g
  • round steamed rice - 300 g
  • saffron - 0.5 tsp
  • tomato puree- 1 glass
  • Bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • lemon - a few slices

Seafood paella is made using saffron tincture. Therefore, before starting cooking, pour 0.5 tablespoons of saffron with a glass of boiling water and let the drink brew.

Throw the calamari into the pot and boil for 1-2 minutes, then throw them into the monkey bowl. Set them aside until you need them. Add the remaining oil to the pan, pour in the rice and spread evenly over the pan, frying over low heat. Stir and fry for 5 minutes until rice is golden brown.

Mix the sofrito with the rice and simmer for 2 minutes, then add the hot shrimp broth and bring to a boil. Finally, sprinkle the saffron and rice over the paprika, reduce the heat to low and simmer without stirring for 10-12 minutes until all the liquid is almost completely absorbed by the rice.

Now let's make paella! We heat the oil in a frying pan and quickly fry the seafood in it over a fairly high heat. We spread them on a plate, and in the remaining oil we pass the onion. When the onion becomes transparent, pour rice into it and mix well so that the grains become greasy and warm up a little (2-3 minutes). Pour a glass of saffron infusion into hot rice and add water so that it covers the rice. Salt the dish, cover with a lid and leave it to cook over low heat for about 20-25 minutes. All this time it is not necessary to interfere!

Arrange paprika, angler, squid, shrimp, mussels and mussels evenly on top of the paella. Cook about 8 minutes, turning the shrimp into half a pot, while the mussels and mussels are open and the shrimp is cooked through. At the end, drizzle a little, cover the pan with aluminum foil and clean cloths, and wait 5 minutes before serving.

Extra virgin olive oil. Shrimp. 1 bulb. 6 cloves of garlic. Olive oil. 1 tablespoon paprika. 2 fresh bay leaves. 30 large shrimp with heads and shells from a certified fishery. 200 ml dry white wine. 2 liters of fish stock.

When rice absorbs water, you can add tomato puree, peas, green beans and diced peppers. We leave the dish on the fire until the vegetables are fully cooked. Before serving, fried seafood and lemon slices are laid out on rice with vegetables. To make the rice more juicy, leave ready meal in a frying pan under the lid for a few more minutes. And the aromas that will hover in your kitchen all this time will certainly gather all family members at the table! Just don't forget to bring a bottle of white wine with the paella.

Olive oil. ½ tablespoon paprika. 100 ml dry white wine. 6 ripe tomatoes. Ryza is the main component of the diet of the human race. It has been cultivated for 4000 years. It is the basis of risotto, sushi and Polish pigeons. Our drawing guide will help you choose the right type for you and explain how to check the quality. Rice is associated mainly with Asia. Archaeological research proves that India and China were the cradle of rice cultivation. At the same time, wild boar was also an important ingredient in Indian diets from America.

Europeans learned about this valuable grain thanks to Alexander the Great and his expeditions. The popularity of rye is gradually increasing, mainly due to Maurom, who met him much earlier. In medieval Europe, rice is already well known. It is worth learning more about the component of the diet that makes up 23% of all calories consumed in the world. Our article is a short collection of knowledge about the types, types and quality of rice.

Paella with chicken

Paella with chicken is very tasty dish which is prepared quickly and easily. To make meat paella, take the following products:

  • chicken legs- 3-4 pcs.
  • rice - 200 g
  • chicken broth - 800 ml
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • canned tomatoes without skin - 2-3 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, ground paprika and other spices to taste

Paella with chicken, the recipe of which we offer you, is perfectly cooked in a wok. Take chicken legs, peel them, cut them in half, salt and fry in olive oil until golden brown. Next, add finely chopped onion and garlic to the chicken. After a few minutes, we send the diced tomatoes and peppers to the wok. Fry vegetables with meat until the excess liquid evaporates. Pepper, salt and add ground paprika to taste.

Classifying this whole topic for a long, scientific work, we will focus on the most important types. All types of rice known today are actually derived from two main types. It is considered low quality rice - it is very inefficient, has low nutritional value.

  • Oriza sativa is the most primitive variety of rye originating from Asia.
  • It is the second most cultivated grain in the world, next to wheat.
It's more efficient, so the 240 million people in West Africa who rely on rice as the mainstay of their diet need not worry about running out of it.

Now it's time for the rice. It must be mixed with vegetables and heated in a pan for several minutes. Pour a glass into warm rice chicken broth. We wait until it is absorbed into the rice and add another 500-600 ml. Now you need to cover the wok with a lid and leave it on low heat for half an hour. All cooking paella will take you no more than an hour. When the broth boils away, increase the heat so that the crispy crust appears on the paella. And serve immediately. This dish must be eaten hot! Good appetite!

In addition, it is richer in minerals and vitamins. For us consumers have two more divisions of rice. The first is based on grain length. After cooking, due to the high content of amylopectin, they stick together. Its grains are about 7 mm long and narrow. After cooking long grain rice does not stick, it is free. Medium grains - their grains are about 6 mm long. He is more focused than Rye bread suitable for making rice desserts and risotto.

  • Short grain rye - its grains are about 5 mm long and almost round.
  • Short grain rye is popular in Asia.
  • Suitable for risotto and paella.
  • Long grain rye is the most popular, also in Poland.
Besides this general section, there is also a detailed division based on types of rice.

Prepare and serve paella in a large skillet. But if you don’t have special dishes for paella, any pan with thick walls will do, the main thing is that it has a wide bottom - the thinner the layer of rice (maximum 2 cm), the more fragrant and juicy the dish will turn out.

Any paella begins with a broth: chicken, meat, fish or vegetable broth(depending on what kind of paella you are cooking). At this time, other ingredients for paella are prepared: chopped meat and vegetables are fried in a pan, then rice is added and poured with broth, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat until the liquid is completely absorbed.

It is good to know that basmati rice is different from jasmine, especially since the differences are not only nutritional values but also taste. In addition, each type of rice is suitable for a different dish. Most varieties of rice are gluten-free, which is why rice is a popular ingredient for people with celiac disease. The exception is Japanese sticky rice - Japonica. Many remember him from childhood. It is nothing but white, peeled rice subjected to a special heat treatment. Contains carbohydrates, proteins and trace amounts of fat.

You can eat it instead of chips or cashews for breakfast. It is stripped of bile, bran and embryos during the so-called process. "Polishing". It cooks quickly and cheaply and has a long shelf life. Unfortunately, the polishing process is not rich in nutrients. In addition, during this process, the grain is destroyed, thereby losing the quality of the rice.

Paella with squid


Medium grain rice, better Spanish - 500 g

Sweet green pepper - 1 pc.

Saffron - 0.25 tsp

Zira ground - 0.25 tsp.

Dried oregano - 0.5 tsp

Sherry dry - 100 ml

Ripe tomato - 1 pc. medium size

Onion - 1 large onion

Peeled squids - 700 g

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

By default, about 15% of white rice grains in a bag are broken grains. Brown rice is the richest in nutrients. It is uncontaminated or moistened, but it is always covered with a layer of bran, which is the most valuable part of every grain. It is not as popular as white for several reasons: it takes longer to cook, it has a shorter shelf life.

Its taste is different, not suitable for all dishes, but not for everyone. Blackfish - Occurs in many parts of Asia. In China, it was once called "forbidden rice" and was only used by the emperor. As well as brown rice, it is useless. It contains brown rice nutrient content, with the difference being rich in anthocyanins, antioxidants believed to be beneficial in fighting cancer or atherosclerosis. It comes in sticky or standard type. Its color, after boiling, changes from black to purple.

Fish broth - 800 ml

Hot red pepper - 0.25 tsp

Garlic - 3 cloves

Cherry tomatoes - a handful

Cooking: cut the squid into rings, chop the tentacles, lightly sprinkle with salt and black pepper, cover and set aside. Chop onion and garlic. Cut the sweet pepper in half, remove the core, chop the flesh finely. Chop the tomato very finely.

Red Ryuza is a Russian rice similar to brown rice. It is rich in nutritious ingredients, has a slightly nutty flavor, as well as brown and black rice. The most famous varieties of this rice belong to Bhutan and Thailand. Ryuzi, known as the Japanese mochi, is found in many Asian countries, from China to Laos and the Philippines. It is a sticky and sweet variety of rice used as an ingredient in many dishes. Rice is also used to produce booze. According to Chinese legend, it was even used to produce mortar to build the Chinese wall.

Place a paella pan (or a large, flat, heavy-bottomed skillet) over high heat. Pour in the olive oil and heat it up. Reduce heat and add onion, garlic and bell pepper to skillet. Cook with constant stirring for 3 minutes, then add the tomatoes and cook in the same mode for another 3 minutes. Add rice and cook with constant stirring for 5-6 minutes. Pour in the sherry, bring to a boil and immediately add the squid along with all the remaining spices. Stir so that the spices are distributed throughout the volume of rice relatively evenly, and pour in the hot broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low. Cook 25 minutes until rice is soft.

Mylons are often with varieties of rice that become sticky after cooking. It is difficult to buy in Poland, it can only be found in health food stores. For some time in Poland you can buy rice oil rich in Omega 3 and 6 and vitamin E, mild taste and no smell and above all high smoke point - it can be cooked up to 215 degrees Celsius!

Time for some words about the quality of the rice. Unfortunately, it is not easy to test it before buying. The main determinant is the number of broken beans in the bag, and these can only be seen after opening. The lowest quality rice contains more than 40% broken kernels; Medium quality rice contains about 15% broken kernels; Good quality rice contains about 5% broken rice grains. Broken rice during cooking causes a lot of starch, so it's sticky, it's not crumbly. If you see dirt in the package - stones, sand - this is definitely poor quality rice.

When the paella is ready, raise the heat to high for 1 minute. Remove paella from heat and let cool slightly. Serve sprinkled with quartered cherry tomatoes.

Paella with cod and cauliflower


200 g cod fillet

large tomatoes

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

300 g cauliflower

Garlic - 3 cloves

1 tsp ground paprika

Salt, white pepper

Rice white round-grain

100 g boiled white beans

pinch of saffron

Cooking: cut the fish into large cubes. Divide the cauliflower into florets. Rinse beans cold water. Peel and chop 2 cloves of garlic, lightly crush the remaining clove with the flat of a knife.

Tomato peel and seeds, chop the pulp. In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. l. oil, put an unpeeled garlic clove and tomato pulp. Let it boil, add paprika, mix quickly.

Pour rice, pour 3 cups cold water. Bring to a boil, add saffron and salt, cook over low heat until all the water is absorbed.

In a separate pan, heat the remaining oil, put chopped garlic, fish, cauliflower and beans. Saute everything together, 3 minutes, season with salt and white pepper.

Pour into the pan with cooked rice and stir. Increase heat to high, cook 1 minute. Serve sprinkled with fennel or dill.

Valencian paella


1 chicken or rabbit weighing approximately 1.7 kg

500 g spicy pork sausages

2 cups round grain rice

6 cups chicken broth

2 large red sweet peppers

500 g fresh mushrooms

1.5 kg tomatoes

3 large garlic cloves

500 g green beans

0.5 cup almonds

0.25 cup olive oil

1.5 st. l. fresh rosemary leaves

1.5 st. l. fresh chopped sage