Table for birthday snack decoration. What to cook for a snack inexpensively, quickly and tasty in a hurry for a birthday: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

If a holiday is planned in the house, then the hostess tries her best to set a beautiful, rich table with a variety of dishes. A woman wants to make such an original treat for her relatives and friends, which they have not yet tried. Salads will help surprise guests with a unique taste and beautiful design. Many recipes for simple but extremely tasty snack dishes with vegetables and other ingredients are given in this article.

For salads, choose only fresh products. It is advisable to prepare vegetable dishes on the day of the celebration. Beautiful serving of salads plays important role in the decoration of the festive table. A vegetable dish looks spectacular in a large white flat plate. Serving salad in portioned dishes looks no less original. Sprigs of greens, grated cheese, pieces of tomato, olives, olives can become finishing touch in the preparation of a vegetable dish.

The best recipes for delicious salads and birthday snacks

In any family, the wife takes care of decorating the festive table. The hostess first thinks through the menu to the smallest detail and then begins to prepare dishes for the feast. It takes a lot of time to prepare salads, but these cold appetizers become the decoration of a festive meal. According to the reviews of the hostesses, salads with the name "Capercaillie Nest", "Glutton", "Star", with meat components, potatoes, cabbage, beans, tomatoes, cheese are very popular.

Light and inexpensive without meat and mayonnaise

Tomatoes in the "Greek" salad play a dominant role, so they must be ripe, of high quality, without a white inner core and damage to the surface. It is best to cook this dish in the summer, when the vegetable season is in full swing, because only at this time it will turn out amazingly tasty. Another light with original will help to surprise guests. piquant taste salad with daikon, unusual for our latitudes.


  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • 20 g lemon juice;
  • 90 g feta cheese;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 90 g olives;
  • salt pepper;
  • 2 sprigs of basil, oregano;
  • 40 g olive oil.

Steps culinary process:

  1. Cucumber, tomato cut into small cubes.
  2. We clean the sweet pepper from the core, cut into rings.
  3. Cut the peeled onion into thin rings.
  4. Mix all prepared vegetables, add olives to them.
  5. We cut the cheese into cubes, put it in the center of the mixed vegetables.
  6. Sprinkle the salad with spices, oregano.
  7. Making a fill, mixing lemon juice, olive oil, pour it over the combined vegetables.
  8. Arrange basil leaves on top of vegetables for garnish.

With daikon


  • 0.2 kg daikon;
  • 0.2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 boiled small eggs;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt;
  • 2 sprigs of dill.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing snacks:

  1. Boil eggs.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, grate them, put the cucumber mixture in a separate plate.
  3. Grate the peeled eggs.
  4. Wash, peel and grate the daikon.
  5. Put the ingredients into layers specially prepared for guests according to the scheme described below.
  6. Cucumbers are laid out first. They should be slightly salted, pour sour cream.
  7. The next layer is the eggs.
  8. The last one is the daikon.
  9. Decorate a dish of exotic daikon with a sprig of dill.

Exclusive with fish and seafood

A simple seafood salad bright dish on your festive table, if you present it to guests not in a plate or salad bowl, but in half a pineapple. In such an exotic form, it will surely pleasantly surprise guests, and they will admire the way it is served and the amazing taste of the dish for a long time to come. And on the table it will become a real success for the hostess.


  • a pineapple;
  • 20 shrimp;
  • A bunch of arugula, green onions;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Since the dish will be in pineapple, this fruit must be carefully selected. The peel of the fruit should be elastic, soft and with a pleasant aroma. Pineapple tops should be thick and have green color.
  2. Wash the pineapple, dry it and cut it in half. Remove the pulp from the halves so that you get bowls with a wall thickness of 1 cm.
  3. Cut the inside of the pineapple into cubes.
  4. Boil the shrimp. When they get a pink hue, then drain the water, put the seafood to cool.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into 4 even pieces.
  6. Place all chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. Salt, pepper, season its contents balsamic vinegar With olive oil.
  7. Ready nutritious salad transfer to pineapple halves, garnish with arugula and green onions.


  • a jar of canned tuna;
  • 150 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 sweet peppers and cucumbers;
  • 50.0 g of cheese;
  • 10 g lemon juice, 10 g olive oil, spices.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Tear the tuna meat into pieces.
  2. Cut into cubes cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, eggs.
  3. Mix chopped ingredients with fish pieces.
  4. Season with oil, lemon juice and spices.

With mushrooms

Champignons are excellent ingredient for delicious meals. Unusually, in an original way, puff salad will flaunt on the festive table. Forest Glade". This dish must be prepared 10 hours before it starts, so that it has time to infuse. Lesnaya Polyana harmoniously combines the taste of champignons, beef tongue and cheese. And the original design of this salad will surely please your guests.


  • 350 g of ham;
  • beef tongue;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 300 g of champignons and cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • small tomato;
  • 1 olive, olive;
  • a bunch of green onions and parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. beef tongue wash, clean, scrape with a knife. Then cook offal for 2 hours without salt, and then add spices and cook for another 2 hours. Take out the finished tongue, rinse with water, peel.
  2. Clean the eggs. Rub the yolks on a grater with small holes. Separately grate the whites on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the ham into long pieces.
  4. Cut the tongue like a ham.
  5. Wash the mushrooms, cut into large cubes and fry in a pan in oil.
  6. Rub the cheese.
  7. To decorate the sides of the salad, prepare chopped green onion, from olives and olives to make a bee, and from a tomato - ladybug.
  8. On a large flat plate, lay out the products in layers in the following order, lubricating each layer with mayonnaise:
  • I layer - language;
  • II layer - mushrooms;
  • III layer - grated proteins;
  • IV layer - grated cheese;
  • V layer - ham;
  • VI layer - grated yolks.

Salad "Squirrel"


  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • 3 bows;
  • 3 pcs. chicken fillet;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 100 g roasted peanuts;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • pepper;
  • mayonnaise.

Instructions for cooking "Squirrels":

  1. Wash the fillet, put the meat in a bowl with water and bay leaf, cook for 40-60 minutes. Then take out the chicken meat and let it cool.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, simmer until soft, but do not fry. Add pepper, salt to it. Cool down.
  3. Peel the carrots, grate, stew in oil until soft. Add spices similar to those put in the onion.
  4. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry, put spices.
  5. Chop nuts.
  6. chicken pieces mix with mayonnaise.
  7. Salad is laid out on a white huge dish (or in detachable form for baking) in layers:
  • 1st layer - onion sprinkled with peanuts;
  • 2nd layer - fillet with mayonnaise, sprinkle with nuts on top;
  • 3rd layer - mushrooms, peanuts;
  • 4th layer - carrots, decorate with herbs and nuts on top.

Festive with chicken

WITH chicken meat there are many delicious salads. Some of them are very nutritious and saturated fats, which is ideal for treating the male half of the guests at the holiday. This type of dish is "Sunflower". Others are easy and dietary properties. This dish is a salad with oranges. It successfully combines citrus fruits, chicken and low-calorie dressing. This dish will go with a bang for girls who watch their figure.


Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Remove peel from orange slices and cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the apple, cut into strips.
  3. Boil the fillet in salted water, cool, cut the meat into strips.
  4. Chop the cucumber into half rings.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with yogurt.
  6. Sprinkle the dish with cheese.

Salad "Sunflower"


  • 250 g chicken breast;
  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • jar of olives;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast into pieces, fry, cool.
  2. Sauté mushrooms with onions in olive oil.
  3. Grate eggs and cheese separately.
  4. Spread the salad in a dish, grease each layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle it with chopped garlic.
  5. First put chopped chicken on a plate, then mushrooms with onions, then eggs and grated cheese on top.
  6. Garnish the top of the salad with halves of olives.

New summer salads in a hurry

From July to August, there are special opportunities for creating culinary masterpieces. The abundance of fresh vegetables at this time allows you to experiment and invent new recipes. Summer salads are rich in vitamins. What to cook for the holiday dish with fresh vegetables? Everyone's favorite tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, onions and ham will make an excellent treat in the form of Romantika salad.


  • 200 g of ham;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • 200 g cucumbers;
  • 10 radishes;
  • 1 leek;
  • 40 vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • 10 vinegar;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. Ham, washed cucumbers cut into strips.
  2. Cherry cut into quarters, radish - slices, leek - half rings and pour it with boiling water for 5 minutes, then rinse cold water.
  3. Chop greens.
  4. Mix garlic, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.
  5. Mix all the chopped components of the salad, season with filling.

In summer, autumn, there is a great opportunity to cook fortified salads with vegetables, cheese. This combination makes the dish especially tasty and nutritious. Brynza, being a kind of cheese, contains great amount useful ingredients. It contains a lot of vitamins B, E, A, so this component is ideal for summer salads.


  • a bunch of romaine lettuce leaves;
  • ½ sweet orange pepper;
  • 120 g of cheese;
  • 100 g cucumber;
  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • red onion;
  • ½ lemon;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step instructions for the hostess:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half, then slices.
  2. Cut the pepper into strips, onion into thin half rings.
  3. Brynza cut into cubes.
  4. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands and place in a bowl.
  5. Combine prepared tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions in a separate plate, pour over vegetables with dressing from lemon juice, oil.
  6. Put the mixture of vegetables in a dish on lettuce leaves.
  7. Put cheese cubes on top of the vegetables.

Vegetable and fruit for children

Toddlers and schoolchildren love to sit at the festive table with adults, but not all dishes at such a meal are suitable for children. For younger guests, it is necessary to prepare a special menu, which consists of food that is healthy for them. Children's salads from fruits, vegetables - a good option to create for little guests and their parents good mood. Below are recipes for fruit and vegetable salad.


  • 2 apples, carrots, cucumbers;
  • sour cream;
  • nut kernels.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and grate all vegetables and fruits.
  2. Lay out layers of apples, cucumbers, carrots. Sprinkle each layer with sour cream, shift with nuts.


  • orange;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cranberries;
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal;
  • apples;
  • yogurt.

How to create a dish

  1. Wash, peel and cut fruits into small cubes.
  2. Mix fruit with cereal, pour over yogurt.
  3. Decorate with cranberries.


Waiting for guests for the hostess is always a joyful time. But before their arrival, there are many things to do, the main of which is to prepare festive dishes. classic salad Olivier or herring under a fur coat are delicious dishes, but they no longer arouse the admiration of guests. To make the table bright, original, cook dishes according to the recipes from the YouTube videos below.



"Watermelon Slice"

"Hedgehog" for children


Every birthday person almost always has doubts on the eve of the holiday, what simple and tasty salads can be prepared for a birthday. During the feast, you need to surprise the guests and feed everyone deliciously, and so that the budget does not greatly affect.

Meat salad on the festive table

Delicious and hearty beef salads festive table very appealing to the male audience. It comes out hearty, spicy and moderately spicy, such a treat will be able to satisfy your hunger with high quality until the hot dish is served on the table. Contains chili pepper fresh vegetables and greens - perfect combination that will captivate every guest.


  • veal - 500 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • chili - 1 pod;
  • cilantro - ½ bunch;
  • Beijing cabbage - 1/3 head;
  • french mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • balsamic - 1 tsp;
  • sesame seeds for serving.


Cut the meat into strips, fry in oil, salt. Cut into strips cucumbers, sweet peppers. Grind the chili into thin rings, finely tear the Beijing.

Mix all products, add chopped cilantro. Combine lemon juice and mustard. Pour dressing over salad, drizzle with balsamic, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Fish salad on the festive table

Simple birthday salads can be as little as 4 ingredients and dressing, resulting in incredibly delicious appetizers that every guest will love. Salmon in this version of the appetizer is the main component both in color and in taste, therefore it is better to arrange the salad in layers, highlighting the accent.


  • salmon - 500 g;
  • cheese - 20 g;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise.


Cut eggs, fish, herbs, grate cheese. Lay out the products in layers, spreading each with mayonnaise. Festive salad with salmon is served after 2 hours of soaking

Festive seafood salad

Simple birthday salads can be complemented with shrimp and transform boring appetizers into extraordinarily tasty and beautiful treats. As a rule, shellfish are bought already peeled, they need to be poured over with boiling water and a thin thread in which sand accumulates should be removed. You can arrange a treat in the form of a cocktail salad.


  • shrimp - 200 g;
  • cherry - 10 pcs.;
  • iceberg - ½ head;
  • paprika yellow - 1/3 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lime juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry garlic and salt.


Pour boiling water over frozen shrimp, simmer for 3 minutes over low heat, pour over ice water. Mix lime juice with salt, garlic, add oil, mix vigorously. Divide the salad into small pieces, chop the pepper into a cube. Mix all the ingredients (except the sauce), distribute in bowls. Pour dressing over festive shrimp salad and serve immediately.

Festive crab salad

Diversify a light salad on the festive table from crab sticks new interesting ingredients and portion serving. For decoration, you will need a special ring, if one was not found, you can make it yourself from plastic bottle. In a new way, the appetizer will sparkle if hard cheese is added to the composition.


  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumbers- 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • corn - 1 b.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.


Finely chop all ingredients, mix with corn. Dress the salad with mayonnaise. Put in a molding ring, tamping well. Serve after half an hour soaking.

Festive salad with mushrooms

Often simple salads for the holiday are the most delicious and eaten first. " mushroom clearing"- an appetizer that has proven itself both as a hearty treat, and very beautiful, thanks to the traditional design. To implement the idea, you will need a jar of pickled mushrooms, they will very effectively complement the festive dish.


  • mushrooms - 1 b.;
  • boiled fillet - 300 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • greens - ½ bunch;
  • mayonnaise;
  • jacket potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.


Each layer must be coated with mayonnaise.

  1. The grated potatoes are laid out first,
  2. followed by pickled cucumbers,
  3. fillet,
  4. fresh cucumber.
  5. The last layer is cheese.

Coat the entire structure with mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Put a "cap" of mushrooms on top.

Festive salad "Charlotte"

Unusual festive delicious salad "Charlotte" is prepared much easier than it seems at first glance. A very effective treat is also incredibly satisfying and rich. You can bake 2 egg pancakes in advance and pickle onions in vinegar, and then the process will go very quickly. Serve an appetizer after soaking for 2 hours.


  • egg pancakes - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled onion - 1 pc.;
  • smoked breast - 200 g;
  • jacket potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • peas - 1 b.;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.


Mix chopped potatoes with onions and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. connect separately chopped breast with peas and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Line a deep salad bowl with cling film. Roll the pancakes into a roll, cut into sections, 1 cm thick. Put the spirals in a salad bowl, then distribute half the potato mass. Put the chicken in the second layer, finish with potatoes. Refrigerate 2 hours. Invert the salad onto a serving platter and remove the cling film.

Festive salad "Carrot"

A simple holiday salad with ham can be decorated in the form of a carrot and surprise guests or attract kids to a hearty dish. In fact, in this way you can arrange absolutely any salad, even the notorious "Olivier" or "Crab". The treat is prepared quickly, it will not take much time to soak.


  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • jacket potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • olives - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - ½ bunch;
  • mayonnaise.


Mushrooms fry with onions, salt, cool. Grate potatoes and cucumbers. Grind carrots on a fine grater. Cut the ham finely. Cut olives into thin half rings.

Lay out the first layer of potatoes, constructing the shape of carrots, soak with mayonnaise. Mushrooms, ham, cucumbers are laid out next, soaking each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate with grated carrots, add olives, make a tail out of parsley.

Festive salad with croutons

Recipes holiday salads with kirieshki, they require only one condition to be met - croutons are added just before serving, so that they do not have time to get soaked. You can make your own crunchy croutons by toasting the slices in a dry frying pan in the oven, under the grill, or in the microwave. The composition of the dish itself can also be determined intuitively by combining your favorite ingredients.


  • white crackers - 100 g;
  • corn - 1 b.;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise.


Chop the Beijing, cut the ham into cubes. Grate cheese, combine with other ingredients and corn. Mix salad with mayonnaise, add croutons when serving.

Festive Salad Cake

Beautiful and delicious salads for the holiday are decorated in the most unusual ways. A good option do snack cake- use purchased as a basis waffle cakes, salted or canned fish, cheese, fresh cucumbers are suitable for filling and soak the dish with mayonnaise. Serve a snack after 2-3 hours of soaking in the refrigerator.


  • wafer cakes - 4 pcs.;
  • slightly salted salmon - 300 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onion - ½ pc.;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise.


Mushrooms fry with onions, salt, cool.

The waffle cake is smeared with mayonnaise, the mushrooms are laid out first, then the cake, soak in the sauce, distribute the pieces of fish. Cover with cake, soak, lay eggs, finish with a waffle sheet, spread with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese. Place in the refrigerator to soak for 2 hours.

The unusualness of this recipe is that the salad contains an apple, which at first glance does not quite fit with Chinese cabbage, chicken meat and eggs. The dressing is no less original dressing of sour cream, mustard, honey and garlic. But, I can assure you, you will be satisfied with the result. Personally, this salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and apple surprised and conquered me!

Chinese cabbage, chicken fillet, apple, eggs, onion, lemon juice, green onion, salt, sour cream, mustard, honey, garlic, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt

The basis of the cake is pita bread and dried meat! And you can also add a little imagination to make a wonderful snack cake. Very juicy and fragrant lavash with stuffing! This recipe has everything my man loves! Look and cook for health, let the men gasp with delight!

pita bread, melted cheese, cream cheese, tomato sauce, eggs, pickled cucumbers, meat, mayonnaise, hard cheese, purple onion, parsley

Easy hot recipe meat dish, which will not take much of your time - delicious and juicy pork with prunes, wrapped in puff pastry and baked in the oven. This beautiful and delicious meatloaf with a pleasant smoked aroma from prunes deserves a place on the festive table.

pork, pitted prunes, puff pastry, mustard, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, egg yolk, sour cream

Layered salad "White" - a cold appetizer, which includes chicken meat, rice, beans, radish and eggs. As you understand, all the ingredients are light in color, which is why the salad has such a simple name. Recipe puff salad perfect with chicken holiday menu. Guests will remember delicate taste this chicken salad. Be sure to cook!

chicken fillet, white beans, rice, boiled rice, radish, eggs, green onion, mayonnaise, cream cheese, garlic, salt

The recipe for delicious and original, but at the same time very simple sandwiches for the holiday table. Sandwiches with feta cheese, crab sticks and olives will not only decorate your table, but will also be a great snack before the main meal!

long loaf, feta cheese, crab sticks, pitted black olives, parsley, ground black pepper, garlic

Classic recipe Mimosa salad with canned fish probably familiar to everyone. But as an experiment, you can cook this salad with herring. Thanks to salted fish, the taste of Mimosa salad becomes more saturated. The salad is quite budgetary, which allows it to be prepared both on weekdays and on the festive table.

herring fillet, melted cheese, potatoes, carrots, eggs, onion, mayonnaise, ground black pepper, salt

Appetizing and hearty salad with boiled beef, egg pancakes, pickles and fried onions - a dish that will decorate any feast and will not cause trouble in cooking. Try it!

beef, eggs, pickled cucumbers, onion, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Birthday Snacks

Bruschetta with prosciutto will appeal to all lovers of delicious snacks. Add ricotta, rosemary, plum tomatoes, spices to prosciutto. It will be very tasty and beautiful. The aroma of this bruschetta is unique.

Pork ears in batter are cooked for 3 hours. It turns out a wonderful crunchy snack for beer or just for those who like to crunch deliciously while watching a sports match. Ears are stored at home for 2-3 days.

Bruschetta with herring will perfectly whet the appetite and decorate the table of cold appetizers at any holiday. In addition to herring (I love pickled), you will need pickled bell peppers, mozzarella, greens.

Korean style pork ears is a great appetizer for all occasions: with friends for beer, for a buffet table, or just to enjoy a movie or a show. The dish is affordable and delicious. Try it!

pig ears in soy sauce- a wonderful snack: budget, healthy, tasty. There is little meat in it, but there is gelatin, which your joints will be happy with. True, ears are boiled for five or six hours.

Bruschetta with chicken - hearty and at the same time snack easy to prepare and very tasty. chicken breast you need to bake it on a grill pan or in the oven, you can also fry it. Let's add spices.

You can cook bruschetta with tuna in 15 minutes. Yesterday's baguette must be cut and baked, giving it a second life, and to canned tuna add beans, pine nuts, garlic, spices.

Bruschetta with mushrooms is served as a gourmet appetizer. Mushrooms and onions should be caramelized, add to them fragrant spices and serve it all on a golden crispy baguette smeared with cheese.

Bruschetta with cheese is baked in the oven, and the vegetables for it must be fried in a pan. Add tomatoes, onions, fresh basil and viscous cheese here. Serve this snack for a holiday or with drinks.

Shrimp bruschetta can be prepared in 10-150 minutes. This is a great accompaniment to wine. Light, easy to prepare, simple. boiled shrimp it is necessary to fry in oil with spices, bake a baguette, that's it!

Bruschetta with ham (Parma ham!) is cooked in 10 minutes. This exquisite Mediterranean appetizer will not leave you indifferent. Everything is simple and fast. Be sure to make this appetizer!

Puree croquettes can be made after a party where your guests didn't eat much of the garnish. Mashed potatoes- an excellent semi-finished product from which you can cook a tasty and satisfying snack.

Croquettes with mushrooms are crispy pies with a delicate creamy mushroom filling. Mushrooms are suitable for any ready - boiled, fried or pickled. I have mushrooms. Go!

Bruschetta with nuts can be supplemented with various ingredients. Here we will take a sweet potato or sweet potato, dried cranberries, garlic, spices and create a fragrant and tasty snack from all this.

Recipe for snacks from zucchini "Dnestrovskaya". This dish is suitable for both a regular dinner and a festive table.

Appetizer "Carrot" - a very original appetizer, in its shape resembling a carrot. Both children and adults will note your originality, so we arm ourselves with a recipe and cook! :)

Such an appetizer can be made with any filling: sausage, fish, meat, cheese. The main condition is to let stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours for impregnation.

Very interesting recipe- a beetroot appetizer is prepared with cheese quite quickly and easily. Looks original. For its appearance, the appetizer received the nickname - beet Napoleon. Even children like it!

Mushroom season is coming soon, do you still have pickled mushrooms? :) I offer you an interesting and simple recipe for an appetizer of mushrooms. Hearty, unusual, with a rich taste - what you need for sandwiches :)

An appetizer of black bread with herring is a very easy-to-prepare appetizer that will appeal to almost every Russian person, since the ingredients are well known to us and loved by us.

If you are a Caprese salad lover, then you will definitely like the Caprese appetizer. A very original and tasty appetizer of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella, worthy of a festive table.

Snack "New Year's canoe"

Snack "New Year's canoe" - an original and very tasty snack for New Year's table. Easy to prepare, but tasty and quite effective. It goes well as an appetizer with alcohol.

Appetizer for cognac from Nicholas II - perhaps the best snack to that alcoholic drink that I have ever tried. Looks spectacular, goes well with cognac to taste.

Appetizer "Snake"

Appetizer Snake is a delicious and very spectacular appetizer in the shape of a snake, which is especially relevant on the eve of the meeting of 2013, the year of the black snake.

Potato Beer Snack is a cheap, easy-to-prepare and satisfying beer snack. If you're having a big beer party, don't fool yourself and make this potato appetizer.

Appetizer from chicken wings perfect for both festive feast as well as for a picnic. Spicy, with a delicious white sauce, this appetizer will be instantly swept off the table - you'll see! :)

Snack "New Year's nesting dolls"

Appetizer "New Year's matryoshkas" looks great on the New Year's festive table and not only fulfills its direct function as a snack, but also creates a New Year's atmosphere at the festive feast.

Appetizer from bell pepper- non-standard and very tasty appetizer from improvised ingredients. An indispensable attribute of the festive table in our family.

Zucchini appetizer is light and pleasant, piquantly spicy in taste, well suited as a side dish for meat or chicken. A zucchini appetizer can be served on the festive table as an independent dish.

A beautiful, light and very tasty eggplant appetizer will decorate your table. Shall we try cooking?

If there is some kind of holiday on the nose, and you want to surprise your guests with something original, then a home-cooked chicken fillet appetizer is what you need. Your guests have not experienced this.

Appetizer from fried eggs- this is a very easy-to-prepare appetizer that will look very original and unexpected on any festive or everyday table. Simple, effective and inexpensive.

Very interesting and original appetizer of cucumbers, perfect for receptions, holiday dinners, as well as for those who are on a diet and do not eat bread. Lightweight and very appetizing snack.

Recipe for an appetizer of dates stuffed with almonds and goat cheese, wrapped in bacon strips and grilled.

Recipe for stuffed crab sticks. An interesting appetizer for the holiday table.

Snack "Winner"

Lightweight, quick to prepare. These bright, mouth-watering sandwiches will not linger on the table. Very tasty. Both children and adults love it.

Easy to prepare and budget snack obtained from zucchini with garlic. In addition, this appetizer is amazingly tasty. It is prepared within 15-20 minutes. It can also serve as a wonderful side dish.

You should not puzzle over what to serve at the table instead of a salad. Especially if you don't have time to cook. Appetizer from fresh cucumbers everyone will like it. Perfectly complements any dish.

Snack "Sea shell"

Recipe for the Seashell Appetizer. To prepare this dish, we need round buns. For their filling, you can use absolutely any salads, at your discretion and taste.

Do you like it when your mouth is on fire? Then spicy snack from peppers you will like it very much. Spicy, fragrant and satisfying, it is good both at home feasts and country picnics. I share a simple recipe.

Delicate and spicy mushroom snack on the festive table is unique in that it is prepared with Indian spices: turmeric and chili pepper. I also add oregano and garlic to it. Try it.

If you still do not know how to cook a burrito with meat in best traditions Mexican cuisine - this recipe is for you! Delicious, satisfying, original, and even economical! Even beginners in the kitchen will cope :)

The recipe for the filling for burrito is always new and original, because, in fact, the ingredients are selected from that. what do you have in the fridge. This recipe uses chicken for example, delicious!

Omelet with zucchini is another option for preparing everyone's favorite dish. Such an omelet diversifies your breakfast, besides, the dish is very healthy and tasty. And it's ready in 10 minutes.

This simple recipe for turkey boiled ham can be safely classified as diet meals, - few calories, but tasty and satisfying. Excellent and healthy snack Plus, it's very mild in taste.

To your attention - a great appetizer, chicken muffins with cheese. Preparing is quite simple, but at any dinner party or festive table, it will look very organic.

Properly baked potatoes in the oven are so tasty that they can be served not only as a side dish for something meaty, but also as a very tasty snack (for example, with homemade ketchup).

Simplest, basic recipe stuffed chicken eggs will help everyone who sets the festive table. However, on the everyday table, these eggs will be in great demand.

Something interesting for meat lovers. The recipe for beef tartare will seem like complete nonsense to someone, but it will help someone discover fantastic tasty dish from raw beef.

Great breakfast, very hearty and nutritious - scrambled eggs with pepper. Just 10 minutes - and you're done. The pepper omelette recipe will not seem difficult even for bachelors and students. Study!

Asparagus gratin with cheese can be great hearty snack, good side dish or an independent dish. Those who do not eat meat will also like this gratin. The asparagus gratin is baked for an hour.

Anchovies are just great for a snack. Today I will show you how to make anchovy appetizer in Italian. In Italy, it is very popular, I propose to popularize it with us!

It seems to me that all rolls can be called lean. We prepare the standard base - nori leaves, rice, and put any favorite vegetables and fish inside. For the filling, you can also make an omelet from tofu cheese.

I just love chicken fingers. And who doesn't love them? Tender on the inside but crispy on the outside, they are great snack, and a full-fledged hot dish (if served with a side dish).

Down with the bad store-bought chips, let's make healthy banana chips at home! The recipe is very simple, even a beginner can cook delicious banana chips. Try it!

Cod croquettes are a wonderful dish for fish lovers. They are prepared from cod fillet and potatoes. It turns out tender and juicy inside, golden and crispy outside. They go with a fresh salad.

In fact, caprese on skewers is a salad, only it is served very in an unusual way. Not in a bowl, but on skewers. Surprise your guests with this original presentation- they will be delighted.

This is the basic recipe for stuffed ham rolls. Take ham, make absolutely any filling - and cook excellent rolls that will not get lost on any table or buffet table.

Today I will show you how to make puff tartlets with absolutely any filling. Using ready puff pastry, you will simplify the preparation of puff tartlets to impossibility.

Surprise your guests with a very unusual but delicious snack - cook prunes in bacon. You'll be surprised how prunes and bacon go together so well.

Fried pork ears go well with light cold beer. Especially such a dish will delight you on a summer evening in nature - in the country or on a picnic by the lake. The ears will turn out fragrant, crispy, spicy.

Pork ears in the oven are prepared as follows. First, they must be boiled until soft, and then baked in the oven with spices. The dish can be served both cold and hot. Simple, delicious, cheap!

The scrambled eggs and beans is a classic English breakfast. This company definitely needs to add fried bacon. But it's up to you as you wish. We will use purchased beans, in tomato.

Chickpea croquettes are an appetizer with an oriental twist. Ready-made chickpeas for croquettes can be ground with a blender or meat grinder, or you can use coarsely chopped chickpeas. This dish looks more colorful.

Fried eggs with chicken - a tender and tasty dish that you can cook different ways. Chicken can be used smoked, fried, boiled. Add spices for chicken, if you want, greens or vegetables.

Fried eggs with potatoes will satisfy the morning food needs of any man. Onions or green onions, parsley are suitable for it. Make more strong coffee and a wonderful start to the day is guaranteed!

Fried eggs with cabbage is a fresh sweetish breakfast. Quite unusual, but useful and quick to prepare. Fresh cabbage must be chopped and fried, add onions, eggs and spices.

Fried eggs with bacon - rustic breakfast. Hearing a sizzling pan with bacon, onions and eggs in the morning means waking up in a good mood. Salo can be used with meat layer or without.

Zucchini croquettes are best cooked during zucchini season, when zucchini is plentiful and all dishes with them are already done. The dish comes out tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. Served as a side dish or appetizer.

Cauliflower croquettes are good both hot and cold. They go well with different sauces - spicy, sweet, sour. Be sure to try making cauliflower croquettes for a snack.

In the review: recipes for quick and tasty snacks for the holidays.

Be sure to read the information on what to apply for different types alcohol. And in the review you will find various snacks, focusing on the main ingredient of the dish.

What to cook for a snack inexpensively, quickly and tasty in a hurry for a birthday: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

A standard appetizer or appetizer menu consists of

  • canapés (small bite-sized sandwiches);
  • tartlets (small baskets of unleavened dough with various fillers);
  • vol-au-vents (small turrets made of puff pastry with various fillings);
  • profiteroles with filling;
  • or an omelet;
  • all kinds of plates: cheese, meat, fish, vegetable, seafood, etc.;
  • small pies, incl. , ;
  • a variety of dips: sauces for dipping chips, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc. in them. For example, dips include the world-famous Pesto sauce, the recipe of which you will find at;
  • vegetable and meat stews in portion serving, julienne.

The simplest and fastest type of snack is slicing. secrets beautiful design festive cutting collected .

Various recipes you will find simple and light snacks in the following sections of the review.

Quick snacks on the festive table: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

Suggested below sample menu cold and hot appetizers for the festive table.

vegetable plate

It can be any fresh cut vegetables and fresh herbs for the season. As a rule, the basis of a vegetable plate is tomatoes (better, small cherry tomatoes), cucumbers, sweet peppers. Optionally, you can add celery stalks and sweet onion rings.

Another option for a vegetable plate: grilled vegetables or vegetables baked in the oven. Here, the flight of your imagination is completely unlimited: you can bake zucchini, eggplant, champignons, young onions onion, potatoes, carrots.

Cheese plate

To form a cheese plate, you will need at least 5 types of cheese, cut into slices, cubes, sticks.

As an addition to the cheese plate are served:

  • portion pieces of pears, grapes - with soft cheeses,
  • nut kernels - with fatty varieties cheese,
  • dried fruits - with spicy cheeses,
  • spring liquid honey or jam - with blue and sweet cheeses.

For convenience, skewers or toothpicks are always served with the cheese plate.

Eggs stuffed with pâté


  • hard-boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • ready-made pate (meat, fish, liver) - 3-4 tbsp.


  • Peel the eggs from the shell and cut into two halves lengthwise.
  • Take out the yolk. Mash the yolk with the pate until you get homogeneous mass. Add salt, pepper (to taste) to the mass.
  • Use a pastry syringe to fill the egg shells.

Recipe notes.

  • It is better to fill the boats just before serving.
  • From above, just before serving, you can apply a mayonnaise net and decorate with finely chopped greens.
  • Be careful. The dish wears out fairly quickly.

Tips on how to properly boil eggs are collected.

How to cook liver pate, told

Appetizer of quail eggs with cherry tomatoes on skewers

For the youngest guests, such a delicious appetizer from quail eggs on skewers.

Children's mini pizzas

Almost all children are big fans of pizza. Lots of recipes delicious pizza you can find by going to .

Children's dessert S'more

Children's dessert Smore


  • any cookies (cracker or shortbread) - at the rate of 2 cookies per serving,
  • marshmallow (chewing marshmallow),
  • chocolate.


  • Preheat the oven to 200⁰С.
  • Cover the baking deco with parchment paper. Arrange the cookies on the deco.
  • Place a piece of chocolate on each cookie. Place marshmallows on top of chocolate. Make sure that the marshmallow does not roll off the cookies.
  • Place the cookie sheet in the oven for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the marshmallow will increase in volume, become soft and slightly golden.
  • Take the deco out of the oven. Quickly cover the dessert sandwiches with the remaining biscuits.

fruit cut

Fruit as a snack for children is best served in portions. These can be fruit platters laid out in waffle, plastic or paper cups.

You can interest children in fruits by offering them a bright and tasty fruit skewers.

Quick Snacks for the New Year

Having in stock ready-made tartlets and a minimum set holiday products you can cook several types of original snacks.

  • For a buffet at work, any of the recipes suggested above is perfect. A bunch of interesting ideas a video collection of recipes for simple and tasty snacks will prompt (see further in the text).

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (1 Part) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Simple and delicious! Appetizer

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (Part 2) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Appetizer

    Quick snacks for a picnic in nature in summer

    An ideal option for a picnic would be a variety of pita snacks, incl. rolls, pies, chips. You can find an overview of recipes by going to.

    Diversify the menu for a picnic, easy to prepare and very tasty bruschetta.


    • ciabatta or any other, slightly stale bread,
    • a few cloves of garlic
    • olive or any other vegetable oil (not refined) - 2-3 tbsp.
    • tomatoes and greens.


    • Cut the ciabatta in half lengthwise. Bread cut into portions.
    • Grill until golden brown.
    • Drizzle with vegetable oil and rub with garlic.
    • Cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices, chop the greens.
    • Lay the vegetables on the bread and serve immediately.

    Recipe notes.

    On a fried piece of bread, you can put chopped vegetables, previously grilled, grated cheese, ham.

    Snacks in a hurry for the wedding, ransom of the bride

    Quick snacks for every day

    Each of the snacks suggested in this article can be adapted to the daily menu.

    Video: 7 Canapes - well, Very tasty! / Snacks for New Year and Christmas