Pineapple salad with chicken is a classic recipe. Salad "Girl's Dreams"

Step by step recipes classic salad"Pineapple Chicken" and its original variations are quick and easy

2017-10-06 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

11 gr.

15 gr.


5 gr.

208 kcal.

A quick take on the classic Pineapple Chicken Salad

AT quick recipe salad "Chicken with pineapple" is used smoked breast or a leg, you can choose to your taste. The whole cooking process will take no more than 10 minutes, soaking time is not needed.


  • 400 grams of smoked chicken;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 220 grams of corn;
  • 80 grams of cheese;
  • 30 grams of nuts;
  • 6 pineapple rings.

Cooking method

Cut the smoked chicken. If a leg is to be used, then it is better to remove the skin. It has a lot of fat, not everyone likes it cold. Put the bird on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease with a layer of mayonnaise.

Drain the water from the corn, pour it on the chicken, you don’t need to lubricate this layer with anything.

Slice pineapple and sprinkle on top. Lubricate with mayonnaise, lay out all the sauce that remains.

Grate cheese, add salad. Scatter from above walnuts, break the nucleoli into several parts.

This salad turns out to be tastier if you catch a couple of cloves of garlic in mayonnaise. Also, if desired, chopped dill can be added to the sauce.

Classic Pineapple Chicken Salad Recipe

The classic recipe for Chicken with Pineapple salad uses fillet, but you can take meat from the thigh, in this case remove the skin. The quantity of the ingredient will not change. Canned pineapples are used, similarly, you can prepare a salad with fresh fruit.


  • 400 grams of fillet;
  • 300 grams of pineapples;
  • 50 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • salt, laurel, pepper.

Cooking method

Drop the chicken into hot water, add laurel, pepper, boil the breast for 20 minutes. If meat from the thigh will be used for the salad, then cook for 35-40 minutes, add salt at the end. Remove from the broth, cool, cut into small pieces.

Pineapples are usually used canned. Take out the rings, shake off the syrup, cut into cubes. Combine with chicken.

Add mayonnaise, stir ready salad in a deep bowl or on a flat plate, in this case it is convenient to use a culinary ring. With it, the layers will not crumble, it will turn out very neat.

While the salad is soaking, lightly fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, chop into pieces. You do not need to grate and grind for this salad.

Sprinkle chicken with pineapple nuts, the salad is ready! You can add a sprig of greenery or decorate with pineapple slices.

If you want to cut the chicken beautifully and neatly, for example, into strips or cubes, then it is recommended to boil the bird in advance, put it in a container and keep it in the refrigerator for several hours. The meat will get stronger, will not fall apart, you will get even pieces.

Salad "Chicken with pineapple and mushrooms"

There are a lot of mushroom options for Chicken with Pineapple salad, this is just one of the recipes. It uses fried mushrooms.


  • 250 grams of boiled chicken;
  • 150 grams of champignons;
  • 250 grams of pineapples;
  • 100 grams of onion;
  • 20 ml of oil;
  • 180 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 3 eggs
  • 80 grams of cheese.

Cooking method

Cut the onion into neat cubes, transfer to a frying pan with heated oil, fry for a minute.

Wash the champignons, cut the mushrooms into small slices, pour the pieces into the onion, fry until fully cooked, season with spices, leave to cool completely

Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, grate or finely chop.

Cut the pineapples into cubes, crumble the chicken into arbitrary pieces, grate the cheese finely.

Gather lettuce on a flat dish. You can take the ring detachable form. Put a layer of boiled chicken on the bottom, season with salt, pepper, grease with mayonnaise.

Pour pineapple on the chicken, smooth it out, you don’t need to lubricate anything.

Pour mushrooms with onions over pineapples. This layer is lightly smeared with sauce, immediately fall asleep with grated eggs. They need to be salted and carefully smeared with mayonnaise.

Finish the salad with a layer of grated cheese. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After hardening, carefully remove the ring.

Cheese shavings dry out in the air, the appearance deteriorates, it becomes hard. Therefore, the salad must be covered during infusion, you can just pull cling film Or put on a plastic bag.

Option 4: Salad "Chicken with pineapple and prunes"

Another popular salad option, which is prepared with prunes. To make the product juicy and tasty, it must first be soaked in warm, but not hot water.


  • 300 grams of boiled chicken;
  • 120 grams of prunes;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 250 grams of pineapple;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 3 art. l. grated cheese.

Cooking method

Cut the boiled chicken into cubes, add salt, add 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, stir. Put the prepared mass on the bottom of the salad bowl, level this layer.

Cut the washed and soaked prunes into small pieces, you can make cubes or thin straws, it doesn’t matter. Sprinkle over fried chicken.

Peel the boiled eggs, grate immediately into the salad, sprinkle with salt, smooth and grease with mayonnaise.

Drain syrup from pineapple and cut into small pieces. Arrange fruit on top of crushed eggs. From above, draw a thin mesh of mayonnaise residues. To do this, in the pack you need to make a puncture or cut off a corner.

Sprinkle the finished salad with grated cheese chips. You don’t need a lot of it, it’s enough to lightly powder the pineapples, cover the pieces. Put the salad in a cool place for 2-3 hours.

After boiling eggs, chicken and other additional ingredients you need to cool well, even better hold a little in the refrigerator. Warm products, when mixed, spoil the taste of each other, besides, the freshness period of the salad is reduced, it will quickly turn sour.

Option 5: Diet Salad "Chicken with Pineapple"

A lighter version of chicken salad. It is best for him to use fresh pineapple, which is known for its ability to burn fat. AT canned product more sugar and calories.


  • 250 grams of boiled fillet;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of pineapple;
  • 160 grams of Greek yogurt;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp mustard.

Cooking method

Prepare the sauce. It is best to use thick Greek yogurt for it. But sour cream of low fat content is also suitable. Squeeze a clove of garlic into the main product, add mustard, salt and season lemon juice. Thoroughly grind the mass, if desired, chop a couple of sprigs of any greens into the sauce.

Cut or disassemble by hand boiled chicken. It is not necessary to make large pieces so that the fillet is soaked faster. Season it with sauce (the third part), stir. Transfer to a deep salad bowl. This option is best not to collect on a flat plate.

Cut the pineapple, fill the chicken, you don’t need to lubricate anything. If it is overripe and sweet, it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice.

chop egg whites, put on top, brush with the second part of the yogurt sauce.

If the peel of the cucumber is thick, then carefully cut it off. The same with seeds, if they are large, then remove them. Cut the cucumber into thin slices, lay out a new layer, smooth, pour over the rest of the sauce, spread lightly. Do not salt this layer so that the vegetable does not release a lot of juice.

Grate a small piece of cheese, sprinkle salad, hold in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

This sauce goes perfectly not only with this salad, but also with other options and even recipes. Olivier, mimosa, Garnet bracelet you can also cook with it. The sauce is perfect for boiled or baked chicken, vegetables and fish dishes. If there is nowhere to put boiled egg yolks, then they can be grated and mixed with yogurt. Dressing will turn out even tastier, but the amount of fat will increase.

Option 6: Juicy Salad "Chicken with Pineapple" in Bulgarian

A variant of a delicious salad with the addition of sweet peppers. This salad is considered Bulgarian, although its exact origin is unknown. You can choose peppers of any color, it is advisable to use juicy and fleshy pods. Mixed salad, but if you want, you can lay it in layers.


  • 2 peppers;
  • 240 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 200 grams of Dutch cheese;
  • 4 pineapple rings;
  • 6 eggs;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method

Boil the chicken fillet or other meaty part of the chicken until fully cooked, cool, cut into small cubes. Pour the bird into a bowl.

Boiled eggs need to be peeled, cut into cubes, the size of a pea or a little larger. Add to chicken.

cut Dutch cheese sharp knife the same cubes as the eggs were made. Transfer to the total mass.

also cut into canned pineapple. If desired, replace with fresh fruit in the same amount.

Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds along with the core. Cut the pulp into long strips 4 mm wide, then crosswise into small cubes, transfer to the salad.

At the last stage, add salt, you can pepper, season with mayonnaise and stir. The salad may seem dry at first, but it is not, after 10-15 minutes the peppers and pineapples will release the juice, the sauce will be enough.

In order for the products to harmoniously combine with each other in salads, they need to be cut into neat pieces of approximately the same size. It is advisable to choose the same shape, if the product allows it. When using peas, corn, it is advisable to chop other ingredients into cubes. If included in Korean carrot or the chicken is divided into fibers, it is better to give preference to straws.

Option 7: Spicy Pineapple Chicken Salad

To prepare such a salad, you need Korean carrots. It is best to choose options without additives, you can buy or cook yourself.


  • 200 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 200 grams of pineapple;
  • 200 grams of chicken;
  • 200 grams of pickled champignons;
  • 1 st. l. oils;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of pepper;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 grams of cheese.

Cooking method

Cut the boiled chicken, put it on the bottom of the salad bowl or just on a flat plate in the form of the first layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Cut pineapples into thin slices, add chicken, crush so that nothing bristles. This layer does not need to be lubricated, it is quite juicy in itself.

Cut the pickled mushrooms into thin slices, lightly fry the oil on a spoon, evaporate all the moisture. Cool, spread in an even layer. Lightly coat with sauce.

Squeeze the carrots from the marinade, cut into small pieces to shorten the straw. Spread over mushrooms. If desired, chopped garlic, hot peppers can be mixed with carrots.

Peel the eggs, grate, be sure to add a little salt. Transfer the prepared product to the carrots, crush with the back of a spoon, grease with mayonnaise.

Sprinkle salad with cheese. Leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator so that the layers are saturated and strengthened.

Decorating salads is a very important point. Even a simple dish with the right design looks spectacular, causes appetite. The main thing to remember is that only those ingredients that are in the composition are used for decoration.

No need to lay out flowers from corn or green peas if there are none inside. Greens, olives and olives, nuts, seeds fall under the exception.

The combination of chicken breast and pineapple is just a godsend for a real gourmet. And if you add something tasty to these two ingredients, you can just swallow your tongue. Basically, they do this, boil the meat and simply cut it, or you can fry it or bake it in the oven to make it even more tasty and fragrant.

You can also take smoked meat right away so that you don’t waste time cooking meat. In general, when all the components of the salad are selected correctly, you will have to chop everything and season with mayonnaise. But you can also layer it. In the selection there will be recommendations on how to prepare salads that are completely different in appearance, but the same in taste, from the same products.

This recipe is a kind of classic in the preparation of salads from similar ingredients. I want to say a few words about adding garlic. I've tried it with and without garlic. My family and I like it better with garlic, so it will be present in this recipe, but if garlic seems superfluous to you, you can not add it.


  • Chicken breast 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

The fillet, of course, needs only boiled. Therefore, I previously boiled it in lightly salted water with the addition of bay leaf for more flavor. You can make soup from the broth, and the meat will go to the salad.

So disassemble the meat with your hands into fibers. Try to make the pieces as small as possible.

Pineapple cut into pieces. You can take immediately sliced, but this time for some reason I took circles.

I will pass the garlic through a garlic press. You can immediately mix mayonnaise with garlic. Get the dressing sauce.

Put everything in one bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix well until smooth.

Salad is ready to serve. The convenience of cooking lies in the fact that you do not need to give time for impregnation with a layer or something else. Sliced, dressed, mixed and serve.

Everything is fresh and immediately from under the knife. Enjoy your meal.

Salad recipe with chicken, cheese and pineapple

Here is another recipe that can also be safely attributed to the classic cooking recipes. Delicious and tender cheese which gives its own special taste.


  • Chicken 250-300 gr.
  • Pineapple 1 can
  • Delicate cheese 120 gr.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic to taste

Cooking process:

Grate cheese on coarse grater.

Boiled chicken cut into small pieces the size of grated pieces of cheese. It is desirable that in the salad all the ingredients were the same size.

The pineapple pieces seemed too big for me, so I'll tweak them a little. I'll make them a little smaller.

So, the cheese is grated, the meat and pineapple are finely chopped, now you need to put everything in one bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix well.

Everything is ready, you can serve it on the table after decorating with a sprig of greens. I don’t know how long such a treat can be stored, since they eat it immediately as soon as they put it on the table.

Delicious and unusual salad "Pineapple" with chicken

The uniqueness of this salad lies in its design. And the ingredients are chosen so harmoniously that you don’t want to add anything. watch the video story on how easy it is to create unusual decoration for this meal.

Hearty salad with pineapple and crab sticks in layers

Looking for a brand new dish to add to your arsenal? Please, here it is, try replacing the chicken with crab sticks.


  • Crab sticks 1 pack
  • Pineapple slices 1 can
  • Onion 1 head
  • Eggs 3-4 pcs
  • Soft cheese 80 gr.
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

And so before you start cooking the salad you need to boil the eggs. Then divide them into whites and yolks, then grate them separately. Finely chop the crab sticks. Can also be grated. Finely chop the onion and add hot water for 3-5 minutes to remove bitterness from it.

Lettuce will gather in layers. Spread the bottom of the plate or dish with a thin layer of mayonnaise and lay out the grated squirrels as the first layer.

The second layer is crab sticks. We coat each layer with mayonnaise, but do not overdo it with it.

The third layer of onions and mayonnaise.

After the onion, lay a thin layer of pineapple without mayonnaise.

Sprinkle grated cheese on top of pineapples and coat with mayonnaise.

The topmost layer will be grated yolks that will decorate our delicious pineapple salad.

The easiest salad recipe with pineapple, mushrooms and chicken

Like I said, there are so many ways to make delicious treats with this simple set of ingredients. I propose delicious recipe with fried fillet.


  • Chicken breast 400-500 gr.
  • Canned mushrooms 1 can
  • Canned pineapple 1 can
  • Eggs 5-6 pcs.
  • Onion 1 head
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Dutch cheese 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens for decoration
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste

Cooking process:

Cut the chicken breast into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until tender with onions. If desired, you can add spices to make the meat more aromatic and tasty.

Boil eggs. Squeeze garlic into mayonnaise and mix. It turns out delicious dressing for salad.

Alternately, we will lay out the products in a deep bowl and grease each layer with our sauce. The first layer is grated egg whites.

The second layer is fried meat, but you should not lay out all the meat, you will still need it.

The third layer is made up of canned mushrooms. I use champignons, but you can use any other mushrooms.

After the mushrooms, put the pieces of pineapple.

Distribute the remaining meat with the fifth layer and coat with mayonnaise.

Now it's the turn of grated cheese and garlic sauce.

We will finish laying the layers with grated egg yolks. At the end, decorate the salad with parsley sprigs and put it in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Impregnation time takes about 3-4 hours.

Salad "Lady's Caprice" with smoked breast

Have you ever tried this truly delicious treat? I once was lucky to try it, and I liked it so much that it was decided by hook or by crook to get a recipe and cook the same salad at home.


  • Smoked chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Canned pineapple 1 can
  • Pitted olives 1 can
  • Hard cheese 200 gr
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Greens for decoration
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

smoked chicken breast cut into cubes. We adjust the size of the cube ourselves, but I like it better when the ingredients are cut into smaller pieces.

Cheese should be cut into the same cubes. Hard cheeses work best for this recipe.

Pineapples can be taken both canned and fresh. If there is no desire to mess with fresh pineapple Of course it is better to take ready. But of course fresh will be more fragrant. Cut pineapple into pieces.

Olives, of course, take only pitted. With olives, grinding is not worth it; cutting into 2-3 parts will be enough. For one thing, make sure everyone is boneless.

boiled chicken eggs chop finely and place in a bowl. Leave one yolk for decoration.

The components for the salad are chopped, you can season with mayonnaise and mix well until smooth.

It remains to be beautifully decorated and served on the table.

Enjoy your meal.

Delicate salad with pineapple, chicken and corn

But we have not yet considered such a recipe for cooking. It is prepared as easily as the previous versions of salads.


  • Chicken breast 400 gr.
  • Corn 1 can
  • Pineapple 1 can
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Greens for decoration

Cooking process:

Boil the breast in lightly salted water, also boil the eggs in a steep one. If the pineapples are taken in rings, cut the rings into cubes, leave one ring for decoration.

The rest of the ingredients should be chopped.
Cut the chicken into cubes, grate the cheese, chop the eggs as small as possible.

Put the ingredients in a bowl, add corn, mayonnaise and finely chopped greens.

Mix, decorate and send to the table. Delicious, simple and beautiful. Enjoy your meal.

Here is a small selection holiday recipes for the preparation of salads from pineapple with chicken breast. How do you prepare these salads? You can leave your favorite recipes in the comments under the article I will be glad to new recipes. And for today I have everything for everyone in the world of good and positive. Bye.

They are very loved by men because of their nutritious and rich taste.

But we, women, sometimes want to eat something more tender than pickled onions or pickled cucumber. For example, a salad with pineapple and chicken, which is also called “Lady's” (a telling name, right?) or “Gentle”. But whatever they call it, we like its sweet and sour delicate taste without admixture huge amount ingredients.

The products are all very affordable and can be purchased at any convenience store. Also, all the ingredients of the salad can be mixed, and not only laid out in layers, but also combined in your own way.

This salad looks very nice in a transparent salad bowl or on a flat plate. To see the layers, you can use any round shape, someone makes it out of cardboard, someone uses a biscuit baking ring if it is small.

In the salad we use chicken fillet or breast, but you can take any well-boiled chicken meat, cut off the drumsticks, for example. Just the meat should be well cut and chewed.

Remember that for salads we cook any meat in hot water so that the protein coagulates and all the meat juice remains inside, and does not go into the broth, but if we cook soups, then on the contrary, we begin to cook the meat in cold water, gradually bringing to a boil so that the meat juice goes into the broth.

But this is so, a digression, you can also add a fresh cucumber to this salad, then freshness will appear. But the cucumber is better to peel.


  • 1 boiled chicken fillet
  • 4 eggs
  • 6 slices pineapple
  • 200 gr hard cheese
  • Mayonnaise

Grind the boiled chicken and put it in a container.

Open a jar of pineapple and chop. I cut even if I bought them in pieces. It seems to me that their size is too big for a tender salad.

All the ingredients are ground, and they are waiting for their turn.

Lubricate the bottom of the salad bowl with mayonnaise, sprinkle chicken slices on top.

Then again a layer of mayonnaise, along which the egg goes and sauce again.

The top layer is laid out with pineapple.

Sprinkle grated cheese over the pineapple slices.

Classic Pineapple Chicken Salad Recipe

The classic recipe assumes a greater sweetness in taste, which gives the addition canned corn.

We also take hard cheese, because we need to grind it into a salad, and soft cheeses may not hold their shape and smear on a knife or grater.

You can buy pineapples already cut into cubes, or you can take half rings and cut them yourself.


  • One boiled chicken breast
  • 3 eggs
  • Small jar of corn
  • hard cheese
  • canned pineapple

Shred or shred the chicken.

Cooking pineapples.

To get beautiful layers, we will use a shape (you can do it yourself).

Lubricate the bottom of the salad bowl with mayonnaise.

1 row: corn.

2nd row: chicken and mayonnaise.

3rd row: grated egg and mayonnaise.

4th row: corn.

5th row: pineapples and mayonnaise.

6th row: cheese.

Remove the form.

Get very beautiful decoration layers where each row is visible.

Salad with pineapple, smoked chicken breast and corn

Smoked meat gives a peculiar taste to the whole dish.

In this recipe we take sweet bell pepper, but I know that not everyone loves it, so you can replace it with a cucumber, the taste, of course, will change, but there will be no dissatisfied. And the freshness and tenderness of the salad will be preserved. It is better to take white smoked chicken meat, but if this is not available, take any.


  • Smoked chicken meat - 0.4 kg
  • Canned pineapples - 200 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Canned corn - 200 gr
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.

Cheese must be cooled and cut. It is better to take hard varieties, because they are not smeared on the knife.

Put the chopped smoked chicken meat, prepared cheese slices, pineapple slices and corn into a container.

We clean the pepper and finely chop, then put it in a common container.

Lubricate everything with mayonnaise.

There is also the option of dressing the salad with grated red pepper or chili.

Take mayonnaise without strong flavoring additives so as not to interrupt the taste.

Delicious salad recipe with pineapple and crab sticks (with photo)

And this recipe has not yet been tested in my family, but it turned out very tasty too. There are more salad recipes with crab sticks and how to choose them in the previous article. Here, we are replacing chicken with surimi meat.

This version of the salad also turns out to be very rich in protein content. If you take light mayonnaise or mix with yogurt, you will get more diet option festive meal.


  • 6 boiled eggs
  • jar of pineapples
  • 150 gr hard cheese
  • Package crab meat or sticks
  • Mayonnaise

Grind the eggs or three and lay them out first next to the mayonnaise.

Lay out the crab meat in the second row, on top of which we pour a little mayonnaise.

Pour the third layer of pineapple into cubes from a jar without juice.

And rub the top layer of cheese.

Salad with pineapple, chicken, cheese and egg layers

Various additives spice up the salad, for example, walnuts are useful in themselves, and in combination with protein in cheese and chicken, they will generally make up for the lack of protein and trace elements in the body. I saw that nuts can be replaced with pomegranate berries, grapes. And immediately get a completely different version of the salad under different names and with different tastes.

And it is also very beautifully decorated in the form of a pineapple fruit, laying out the surface with halves of a walnut.

In this recipe, we will take boiled chicken fillet.

To make the layers thinner, make two rows of the same ingredients instead of one. Just repeat the sequence again.


  • Fillet - 0.3 kg
  • Pineapples - 0.2 kg
  • Grated cheese - 0.2 kg
  • Walnuts - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise

We lay out rows of prepared ingredients.

First row: fillet cubes and mayonnaise

Second: pineapples and mayonnaise

Third: cheese (grated or cubed)

Fourth: Walnuts

Fifth: pineapples and mayonnaise

Sixth: cheese

We decorate walnut.

Salad with pineapple and chicken breast and champignons

Mushrooms in any form go well with pineapple because of their not pronounced taste and smell. You can take them ready-made canned, or you can buy frozen and fry.

By the way, we don't boil chicken either. You can simply roll it in spices and fry until cooked, or you can first pickle it in kefir, and pass it later. This is what we will do in the recipe below.


  • Fried chicken breast - 0.4 kg
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • Cheese 0.2 kg
  • Mushrooms - 0.4 kg
  • jar of pineapples
  • Salt pepper

We do not boil the chicken, as we are used to, but fry in spices. chicken pieces go first in the salad. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise or sauce.

The second row lay out chopped fresh cucumbers.

Grated cheese with mayonnaise is the third layer.

Mushrooms are fried in advance and mixed with mayonnaise, they are the penultimate layer.

On top of this row lay out the pineapple cubes.

How are you? It may seem that this version of the salad is a little oily. Then lighten the mayonnaise with less fatty sauce options (yogurt, cream cheese).

We laid everything out in layers, but if you are not cooking for a holiday, then you can just mix everything.

Today we will talk enough about simple salad. All ingredients are simple and affordable. In addition, such a salad can be made in completely different ways. You can make layers, you can mix everything, and if you want to add some other ingredients, please.

In general, you can experiment and come up with your own recipes. Only the main ingredients, chicken and pineapple, will remain the same. Also, this salad has many names. It is often referred to as "easy". Just the name speaks for itself, minimum calories, few ingredients and very tasty.

We already wrote something about, you can see. And for now we continue and start as usual with the classics.

Classic Chicken and Pineapple Salad Recipe.

Classic salad with chicken and pineapples is more or less sweet. Therefore, it is better to use canned corn. You can take any pineapples, even rings, even slices. But even those pieces are better to cut, otherwise they are large.

We choose hard cheese, better than your favorite varieties. We also use a round shape for salad, but you can just do without a shape.


  • Egg - 3 pcs;
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc;
  • canned corn - 1 small jar;
  • hard cheese;
  • Canned pineapple.

Step 1.

We boil the chicken. Shred or shred the chicken.

Step 2

Now cut the pineapple. Even if we bought them in pieces, we will also cut them finely or as you like.

Step 3

Now, to make it beautiful, we will use a mold, but you can do without it. We prepare a salad bowl, grease the bottom with a thin layer.

We make these layers:

Step 4

Remove the mold if you have used it. Now you can decorate the salad, for example, kiwi and chopped lettuce, it looks very nice.

Salad with pineapple and chicken

Here is another video of a wonderful salad:

Salad with pineapple "Royal".

This salad is also quite simple, I cook it mainly for holiday tables. So we will need:

  • Canned pineapples - 1 can (in pieces or circles);
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Ham - 300 g;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Greens for decoration;
  • Caviar for decoration (optional).

Salad with pineapple "Royal"

Step 1.

Cut the ham into thin strips and put in a separate plate.

Three cheese on a coarse grater and also set aside.

Onion mode in small pieces.

Boil the eggs and three on a coarse grater.

We open the jar of pineapples, express the juice and pour the fruit onto a plate. We cut into pieces.

Mode meat straws, the pieces should not be large. Chicken fillet fried olive oil with the addition of pepper and salt. Put the meat on a plate with a napkin or paper towel, it is necessary that the oil is absorbed into the paper.

Salad salad with chicken and pineapple "royally" will be made in layers. We take the appropriate vase, it is better to take a deep one made of transparent material.

We spread the ingredients in layers: chicken, onion, mayonnaise, ham, cheese, mayonnaise, pineapple, egg, mayonnaise. Then repeat the layers again. Separate food accordingly. Top the salad with grated cheese.

Now, to make it "Royal", decorate with greens on top, preferably fresh. You can leave it like that, but it's better to put a little caviar on top. Absolutely any, even artificial, the main thing is to look beautiful and rich.

Send the salad to the refrigerator, let it stand, serve chilled.

Crispy salad with chicken and pineapple.

Also a very simple recipe, but it differs in a pleasant crunch, for those who love it. For this we will use bread. We used to buy "kirieshki" for this, but it turns out not that. Your own crackers taste better.

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Canned pineapples - 200 g;
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • White bread or loaf - 100 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 40 ml.

Step 1.

Chicken fillet cut into pieces. By the way, if the fillet is slightly frozen, it will be easier to cut.

Step 2

Pour into hot skillet vegetable oil. In a well-heated oil, lay out the chopped fillet. Fry the chicken pieces until they are golden brown.

Step 3

Cut to make croutons White bread cubes. You don't need to make big pieces.

Step 4

Fry the sliced ​​​​bread in a preheated pan, also until golden brown.

Step 5

We take out the pineapple rings from the jar and cut them into small pieces. And grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Step 6

We combine the fried chicken fillet, pineapple, cheese and croutons in a suitable bowl. Mix salad with breadcrumbs.

Step 7

For salad dressing with pineapple and chicken, we use mayonnaise. Mix again.

Crispy salad with chicken, pineapple, cheese and croutons is immediately served to the festive table. Very tasty and nice when crackers crunch.

Here's another good recipe:

Salad with pineapple and crab sticks.

In this salad, we simply replace chicken meat with crab sticks. But once we tried and together with chicken fillet. It turned out quite tasty. If you will add chicken, then fry the pieces in a pan and add to the salad.


  • Egg - 6 pcs;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack (medium).
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Greenery for decoration.

Step 1.

First of all, boil the eggs. Grind them or three and spread them first next to the mayonnaise.

Step 2

Lay out the crab meat in the second row, on top of which we pour a little mayonnaise.

Step 3

Pour the third layer of pineapple into cubes from a jar without juice. Even if the pineapples are cubes, then it is worth cutting these cubes.

Step 4

And rub the top layer of cheese. Decorate with greens on top, you can also put round pieces of pineapple, if you used them.

Here's another good recipe:

Salad with mushrooms, pineapple and chicken breast.

Mushrooms in any form go well with pineapple because of their not pronounced taste and smell. Here is a salad with chicken and pineapples that goes well with mushrooms. You can take them ready-made canned, or you can buy frozen and fry.

By the way, we don't boil chicken either. You can simply roll it in spices and fry until cooked, or you can first pickle it in kefir, and pass it later.

We will need:

  • Chicken breast (fried) - 400 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs (medium);
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Champignons - 400 g;
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

Step 1.

We do not boil the chicken, as we are used to, but fry in spices. Chicken pieces go first in the salad. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise or your favorite sauce.

Step 2

The second row lay out chopped fresh cucumbers.

Step 3

Grated cheese with mayonnaise is the third layer.

Step 4

Mushrooms are fried in advance and mixed with mayonnaise, they are the penultimate layer.

Step 5

On top of this row lay out the pineapple cubes. Top with mayonnaise.

From above, you can decorate beautifully with cucumbers and herbs (as in the photo at the beginning of the recipe).

If this version of the salad is a little greasy. Then lighten the mayonnaise with less fatty sauce options (yogurt, cream cheese).

We laid everything out in layers, but if you are not cooking for a holiday, then you can just mix everything.

That's all for me, leave your comments below, read us on our channel in Yandex.Zen and join our group Odnoklassniki. All for now.

Chicken and Pineapple Salad - the best simple and delicious recipes. updated: January 11, 2018 by: Subbotina Maria

Let's look at some delicious chicken and pineapple salad recipes. In almost all of them, the main ingredient is chicken. You can easily buy it at any nearby store. Chicken meat is considered dietary. The meat of this bird has a positive effect on our entire body. Easily digestible. You can not just abuse smoked chicken and with caution to allergy sufferers. And pineapple, an important ingredient, is very useful. Healing properties pineapple lies in the powerful ability to accelerate metabolism and activate fat burning processes. Nutritionists recommend including in your diet people who follow their figure. Therefore, it is safe to call all salads based on pineapple and chicken breast light, dietary. All salads are dressed with mayonnaise, but you can replace it with any diet sauce. So experiment and be healthy!

I would also like to remind you that we put any meat in hot water so that the protein coagulates and all the meat juice remains inside, and does not go all into the broth. Only when soups are cooked, meat is put in cold water so that the meat juice goes into the broth. Then your salads will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

I hope you cook some of these salads and even the most fastidious gourmet will be satisfied with your culinary skills!

So here's the first recipe...

Today we will cook a very tender and delicious salad chicken with pineapple. Someone will say that pineapple is not very suitable for salads, but this is not so. Tender chicken meat and the sweet taste of pineapple go well together. This salad is also quite healthy and not very high-calorie. At the same time, it is also satisfying. Salad preparation is not difficult. All ingredients can be easily purchased at the store. So cook and surprise your family and friends.

The salad is perfect for any occasion. And you know what I noticed? My guests ate it first. It seems that a salad is being prepared from the most conventional products but all together they give an unforgettable taste.


  • Chicken (chicken meat)
  • Canned pineapples - 1 can
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - optional
  • Mayonnaise

Chicken, well, in general, any chicken meat, you need to boil in salted water until tender.

By the way, this salad is also good because after chicken decoction, you can cook it in broth, wonderful soup, for example with noodles. Children adore him.

If you will use onions in a salad, then you must first scald it with boiling water. So he will lose his bitterness and will not be so burning.

Let's prepare all the ingredients. And in general, no matter what kind of salad you are preparing, it is best to prepare the ingredients first.

Finely chop the chicken meat, of course, after it has cooled down.

Grate eggs and cheese on a fine grater.

buy cheese durum varieties, I have "Russian" today.

Cut the pineapple into small cubes.

This type of salad is layered. We will lay.

The first layer is chicken. We laid out the chicken meat and compact the layer. From above we make a grid of mayonnaise.

The second layer is diced pineapples.

The third layer is grated eggs.

The fourth layer - if you are making a salad with onions, then it's time to add it and brush it lightly with mayonnaise.

The fifth layer is again chicken and again a mesh of mayonnaise.

The sixth layer is the remaining pineapples.

The seventh layer is the final layer of grated cheese. We make a hat of cheese and fertilize with mayonnaise so that the cheese is also soaked.

Well, that's it, the salad is ready! Let it brew for a couple of hours to soak in the juices. In general, I recommend preparing such salads in advance, for example, in the evening, so that they soak overnight.

If you are cooking for a festive table, then decorate with herbs.

New Year's salad - chicken with prunes and walnuts

This salad can also be called vitamin. And just the way it is suitable for cooking it in winter time. In winter, we do not have enough vitamins, so we need to somehow make up for this deficiency. Walnuts are good for replenishment in the body fatty oils, omega 3. And the content of vitamin C is 50 times more than in citrus fruits! Highly a large number of vitamins and microelements make walnuts indispensable for humans. Due to its rich composition, prunes help to normalize the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, organs of vision, enhances immunity. Well, how not to cook such a chic and healthy salad !!!


  • Chicken
  • Prunes - 100 gr.
  • Walnut - 100 gr.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.

The chicken must be boiled until cooked and cool.

We'll cut small cube, well, or something similar to a cube. In general, you need to grind the chicken meat.

Prunes and walnuts, also cut into a very small cube with a knife.

We combine the chopped products in a bowl.

We rub on a coarse grater, boiled eggs and grease with mayonnaise.

Add the amount of mayonnaise at your discretion.

It remains to mix and let stand for 1 hour.

Here is such a, not intricate salad with prunes and walnuts, ready. You can decorate as you wish.

Chicken salad with pineapple and cheese - a classic recipe

Chicken salad with overseas pineapple popular dish in our region, because this fruit is not familiar to us. However, there is nothing easier to buy canned pineapple. I suggest you cook this salad and diversify your holiday table.

This salad salad differs from the first recipe in the presence of corn and the way it is prepared. So you can call them completely different. Do not confuse!!!


  • Chicken meat
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Pineapples - 1 can
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise

For salad, take any part of the chicken. I will use chicken breast for this recipe. It must be boiled until cooked and cut into small pieces. It's best to do this when it's cold.

We will mix all the ingredients in a bowl.

Add pineapple to chicken. If you bought whole rings, then cut them into small cubes. And if already cut, then simply drain the liquid from them and transfer to a bowl.

Canned corn should also be drained and added to pineapple and chicken.

Grate cheese and garlic here. Garlic can be passed through a press, but it will be faster on a grater.

It remains to add finely chopped greens and mayonnaise to taste.

It is better to take different greens, for example: parsley, dill, green onions.

It remains to mix and the salad is ready.

It is not necessary to salt it additionally, since we boil the chicken in salted water, cheese and mayonnaise also contain salt. It's enough.

Noticed the difference from the first recipe? That one was puff salad, and this one we mixed.

We shift into a beautiful salad bowl and decorate.

Chicken salad stoned


  • Smoked chicken - 350 grams
  • Tomatoes - 200 grams
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Sour cream
  • crackers
  • Mac food

To prepare this salad unusual name You don't need to smoke chicken. Now it is not difficult to go to the store and buy ready-made smoked chicken or chicken legs.

The chicken needs to be disassembled into fibers. The meat must be free-form

Important!!! If you want more diet salad then use only chicken breast.

Cut tomatoes into small pieces

Three cheese on a coarse grater.

Combine all ingredients together and add sour cream.

Mix thoroughly so that the sour cream envelops each piece in the salad.

Then add crackers and mix again.

You can replace ordinary crackers with kirieshki with your favorite taste. But in our case, it is reasonable to take chicken flavored.

The salad is best served on a platter garnished with lettuce leaves. So our “Hen High” looks even more beautiful.

Sprinkle poppy seeds on top of the salad.

Moving on to the next recipe...

Garlic salad with pineapple and cheese

This salad is perfect for the holiday table. Just a sight! I assure you that this wonderful appetizer will be the first to leave your table. Imagine how beautiful they will look on your festive table. Of course, the filling, I want to tell you, is tender and just melts in your mouth. The sweet and sour taste of pineapples will spice up your dish.


  • Canned pineapple - 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 70 gr.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Mayonnaise
  • Tartlets

The recipe is very simple.

  1. If you bought canned pineapples in a jar in circles, then cut them into a small cube.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  3. We also rub the eggs on the same grater.

4. Mix these three ingredients and add mayonnaise to taste. You can also add ground black pepper to your liking. Mix until smooth.

5. Now squeeze out 2 cloves of garlic and mix again.

Basically, at this stage, our garlic salad is ready. But you noticed, I indicated in the menu - tartlets. It's not idle like that. Let's serve our salad to the guests in an original and beautiful way, because we have a holiday, the soul sings)!!!

6. Decorate each tartlet with herbs and put our garlic salad on it, about 1 tbsp. l.

Beautiful isn't it?

7. Top with grated cheese. This will give splendor to our appetizer.

Ready! I can already imagine the reaction of the guests when they try this garlic salad served in such an original way.

Let's look at another salad recipe. I named him...

Salad for the new year with pineapple, corn and smoked chicken

This salad will be the highlight. smoked chicken. Perfectly combines pineapple and chicken plus corn. It is also interesting because it is prepared in layers. This new year, I will definitely decorate my table with such a salad.

In this recipe, we will consider a salad on New Year with smoked chicken, pineapple and corn. Yes, of course you can cook it, and not only for the new year, but also for your birthday, March 8, but it doesn’t matter even just on a normal weekday. It just looks very nice and festive.


  • Smoked chicken
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Pineapples - 1 can
  • Cheese - 150 grams
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greens - for decoration

To simplify the preparation of the salad, cut all the ingredients into small cubes.

But you want the salad to be beautiful, because we have a new year, a holiday. We will serve it in an unusual way. Place a cylindrical object, such as a glass, in the center of the dish. And around it we will lay layers of lettuce. Lettuce will turn out in the form of a ring.

The first layer is smoked chicken. Top with mayonnaise.

The second layer is canned corn.

Third layer - boiled eggs you need to grate on a fine grater and lay on a layer of corn. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

The fourth layer is finely chopped pineapples.

The fifth layer is the final layer of grated cheese.

We decorate the salad as desired, remove the glass from the center and can be served on New Year's table. Agree, it turned out beautifully!!! This salad will decorate any table.

And completes our selection of salads with chicken and pineapple ...

Salad pineapple paradise

And this salad can definitely be called ladies'. He will not leave any woman's soul indifferent! Light, delicate taste is just right for the weaker sex. All the ingredients fit perfectly together. Treat yourself and your loved ones this weekend with a wonderful and delicious salad.


  • Canned pineapples - 1 can
  • Chicken breast
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Mayonnaise

The salad is sooo easy to make. All we need is to mix the ingredients and season with sauce, in our case, mayonnaise, and that's it. Let's start...

1. Boil the chicken breast in salted water until fully cooked and chop it coarsely.

2. Cut the cheese into a large cube of about 1 cm side.

3. Cut the apple in the same way. But first, remove the seeds and remove the core.

4. Pineapples must be cut the same size as previous ingredients. But you can buy already chopped, then just drain the liquid.

5. Shred Chinese cabbage in strips. We get cabbage noodles))).

6. We combine all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, squeeze out 1 clove of garlic and add mayonnaise to taste. Mix well.

All salad is ready. I told you that there is nothing complicated.

So, in 6 steps, we prepared the whole “Pineapple Paradise”.