Salad meadow with mushrooms and sausage recipe. Salad Mushroom (Forest) Glade with mushrooms

Hello! My friends, I invite you to a mushroom meadow! And please don't be surprised. AT
New Year's Eve, we will not collect mushrooms. The subject of our search is mushroom meadow salad. Rather, his decent recipe with photo. After all, there are many cooking options, and you want to choose the best for yourself.

So arm yourself with a piggy bank basket and put your favorite snacks in it. You can cook a mushroom meadow salad even with ham, even with chicken. Or maybe you will like the mushroom glade salad with Korean carrots? No problem. You can with mushrooms, or you can with champignons! As they say, the best 4 step-by-step recipes with photos are visiting you!

I hope you will not deny that there is no better snack than pickled mushroom? Exactly. I can assure you that the other ingredients of the salad go with a bang under the misted pile. Yes, and he is beautiful, to everything. That is why hospitable hostesses like to set the table in a “mushroom meadow”.

Of course, I am no exception. Whenever I get a chance, I try to make it. And I choose the recipe based on what is in the refrigerator. If there is chicken fillet, which means there will be a glade according to the classic recipe.

Before the cooking process, I wanted to note important points

  • Appetizer refers to salads - shifters. This means that we will lay the ingredients upside down, and then turn the dish over. So you need to prepare a convenient deep bowl or salad bowl, as well as a flat dish or plate.
  • Still need to stock up on cling film. It will help you flip easily and neatly. ready product. And then our salad will appear in all its puff glory.

So, we are preparing products for the classics of the genre

  • Pickled mushrooms - 500 gr. (take champignons, you won't lose)
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Large potatoes boiled in uniform (if the roots are small, then take a couple)
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • Parsley, dill to taste.

I wanted to briefly dwell on cucumbers. I prefer to use marinated rather than salted ones. The former will look more tender in a salad, they will only complement the flavor range. Whereas salty ones can overshadow the rest of the ingredients.

Cooking a dish

Miracles, and more! The mushrooms look great against the green background, all the layers are visible and look great. Already drooling! Well, on the first one?

Incidentally, especially delicious salad a mushroom meadow with champignons and chicken will be if the meat is not boiled, but marinated and baked. The easiest marinade: a tablespoon soy sauce and vegetable oil, with the addition of black ground pepper.

How to cook mushroom meadow salad with ham. Step by step recipe with photo

An excellent alternative to meat is ham. With it, the appetizer is even more tender and refined. After all, quality meat product It will also have a smoky flavor. So I recommend trying the mushroom meadow with ham.

For two servings you need to prepare

  • Pickled champignons gr. 200
  • One boiled potato
  • Hard cheese 50 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs. (hard boiled)
  • Small bunch of green onions
  • Ham 100 gr.
  • Boiled medium carrots
  • Mayonnaise gr. 100.

Step by step salad preparation

The masterpiece is ready to amaze not only with its design, but also with its excellent taste! Bon appetit and heartfelt conversations behind the mushroom meadow!

Mushroom glade salad recipe with Korean carrots

Amazing salad, I want to tell you. The taste is extraordinary. You can verify this by looking at the grocery set. So without further ado, let's move on to the cooking process.

List of ingredients

  • Jar of pickled champignons
  • Three bunches of greens (parsley, lettuce, dill)
  • Two hundred fifty gr. Korean carrots
  • Two hundred gr. hard cheese
  • Three medium potatoes (boiled in their skins)
  • Three hundred gr. ham
  • Two hundred gr. mayonnaise
  • Three eggs (hard-boiled).

How to cook yummy

So how is it? Words are not enough? Whether it will still be when you try mushroom glade salad with Korean carrots!

It remains only to give a little advice: to make it easier to turn the salad, you need to walk along the edge of a deep plate with a knife.

Salad mushroom glade with mushrooms. Step by step recipe with photos!

Now we will dream a little and step back from general rules. The basis of the appetizer will be miniature mushrooms, and we will arrange the serving in a different way. So, to your attention - salad mushroom glade with mushrooms in portioned salad bowls.

List necessary products for 3 servings

  • Pickled mushrooms 80 gr.
  • Boiled potatoes 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken fillet 100 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber 1 pc.
  • Hard boiled egg 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 80 gr.
  • 5 gr. parsley and green onions.

How to cook portion salad mushroom meadow

This is how we got mushroom beauty - solemn and refined. And how delicious, I can't tell! Admire and enjoy!

I hope that you enjoyed walking through the mushroom meadow and your basket - the piggy bank did not remain empty. If you send photos with your culinary masterpieces, I will be very grateful. Or maybe share your recipes? Thanks in advance and see you soon!

To decorate the holiday table delicious meals The housewives are always trying to cook something new. Mushroom glade salad is the perfect table decoration. Details below.

This salad is famous for its unique taste and beauty. It is perfect for festive gatherings, can serve as a table decoration. This dish is also hearty, because it contains enough a large number of ingredients.

It is prepared in a certain order in layers, but the products included in its composition may be different. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess. The meat in its composition can be anything, sometimes it is even replaced with all kinds of sausages. Vegetables are also allowed to add various ones, the main thing is not to overdo it. The only thing that is mandatory is that the appetizer should contain mushrooms.

Salad "Mushroom Glade": ingredients and a step-by-step classic recipe with chicken layers in order

The peculiarity of such a dish is that it will have to be collected upside down, more precisely, the layers are formed in the reverse order, and at the end all the contents are turned over onto the dish. At the top, miraculously, a real meadow of mushrooms turns out.

« mushroom meadow» with mushrooms

IMPORTANT: In order for the salad to obediently come out of the container in which you collect layer by layer, you need to grease this dish well with sunflower oil, then it will land well on the dish.



  • Mushrooms (honey agarics or champignons) - 225 g
  • Fillet lean chicken— 225 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 125 g
  • Potato - 275 g
  • Carrots - 275 g (boiled)
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Eggs - 175 g.
  • Dill, onion, parsley - 3-5 branches
  • Salt, mayonnaise - how much will go in

Classic recipe- "Mushroom meadow"


  1. Take a pot of the right size, cover it cling film.
  2. Lay out the first layer boiled mushrooms with greens. Arrange the boiled pieces on top. chicken meat. Spread with mayonnaise.
  3. Grate boiled peeled carrots on top of the second layer, be sure to pour it with mayonnaise as well.
  4. Grate the cheese on the third layer, and do not spare it, and then spread everything with mayonnaise.
  5. Spread diced eggs on top, then mayonnaise again.
  6. And finally, lay out the potatoes with the last layer, feed it with mayonnaise, send the dish to stand in the refrigerator. It will cool down and become juicy.
  7. After three hours, carefully flip the salad onto a festive large plate. Correct it, if there are irregularities somewhere, add greens.

IMPORTANT: For the preparation of snacks, it is better to use a split form, which will be convenient and safe when unloading the layers of the dish.

How to deliciously cook Mushroom Glade salad with marinated champignons: a recipe in layers

This salad with fragrant, juicy mushrooms will quickly saturate your body. Because it has a lot of high-calorie foods.


  • Canned mushrooms - 425 g
  • Low-fat cheese - 125 g
  • Meat domestic chicken boiled - 325 g
  • Potato - 65 g
  • Eggs - 175 g
  • Sauce or mayonnaise - 225 g
  • Carrots - 175 g
  • Cucumber - 175 g
  • Greens

Salad with champignons


  1. In a container lubricated vegetable oil, with the first layer, place the mushrooms with caps to the bottom. Cover them with greens.
  2. After laying out the chicken fillet, cover the meat with mayonnaise sauce.
  3. Then put carrots, mayonnaise sauce. Top with a layer of grated hard cheese.
  4. Fifth layer lay eggs with mayonnaise sauce, then soak the potatoes in the sauce.
  5. Then lay out the cucumbers. Cover the dishes with a lid, put the contents in the cold.
  6. After two hours, turn the contents onto a dish or a beautiful tray, serve to guests as such.

How to deliciously cook the Mushroom Glade salad with fried mushrooms: a recipe in layers


  • Honey mushrooms - 225 g
  • Potato - 125 g
  • Medium carrot - 125 g
  • Bulb - 65 g
  • Green onion - 45 g
  • Salad (leaves) - 4-6 pcs.
  • Dill - 35 g
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 6 tbsp.

Inverted dish with fried mushrooms


  1. Send the cleaned, washed mushrooms to the pan. Moreover, fry the hats and legs separately, without mixing. The legs should be cut into cubes.
  2. Pre-prepare the meat, boil potatoes, carrots, chop greens, dill.
  3. Then put the salad in a bowl of the desired diameter in layers in this order: mushroom caps, greens, potatoes, mushroom legs, onions, carrots, green leaves lettuce.
  4. Do not forget to soak each layer with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. After the cooked dish is saturated with mayonnaise in the refrigerator, send it to a large holiday dish and then on the table.

IMPORTANT: Onions can be bitter if not pickled. Therefore, it is better to send it to the Mushroom Glade salad after preliminary soaking in a marinade with salt, sugar and vinegar.

How to deliciously cook the Mushroom Glade salad with mushrooms, ham and cheese: a recipe in layers

All salad preparations always begin with the preparation of ingredients. In particular, for this cold dish you will need to boil potatoes, eggs, and then peel and chop.


  • Canned mushrooms - 325 g
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 1-2 pcs.
  • Ham - 275 g
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Greens, salt

Salad with mushrooms, cheese, ham. mushroom meadow

cooking process:

  1. Put mushrooms on the bottom of the bowl, grease them with sauce or mayonnaise.
  2. Lay the greens with mayonnaise beautifully on top. Then grated carrots, a layer of mayonnaise.
  3. Next Put potatoes with sauce, ham, also pour mayonnaise.
  4. After a layer of eggs with mayonnaise and cheese, also cover with a layer of mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT: When the salad is on beautiful dish, then you can decorate it in an original way with herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers. For example, from tomatoes to make hats for mushrooms in the form of fly agarics.

How to deliciously cook Mushroom Glade Salad with Sausage: Layered Recipe

Usually the salad is prepared with meat and chicken or ham. But some housewives prefer to add sausage instead of these ingredients to the dish.


  • Pickled champignons - 1/2 jar
  • Smoked sausage - 225 g
  • Cheese - 225 g
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 55-70 g
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise


Boil potatoes in their skins, put under a stream cold water when it cools down, clean it. Boil the eggs, let them cool, remove their shells. Grind the cheese with a grater. Sausage, potatoes, eggs cut into cubes, as in Olivier. Then assemble the dish in this order:

  1. Layer -1 potatoes with mayonnaise sauce
  2. Layer - 2 eggs, poured with sauce
  3. Layer - 3 sausage with mayonnaise
  4. Layer - 4 cheese, also with mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT: To make the top of such a salad look festive, decorate it with green branches so that the surface looks like a green meadow with grass. Mushrooms also arrange beautifully - to your taste, then you get a real meadow.

How to deliciously cook the Mushroom Glade salad with pork meat: a recipe in layers

To prepare "Mushroom meadow" with pork, take meat that can already be eaten without cooking, etc. More precisely, buy boiled pork, boiled-smoked meat and cut it into cubes.


  • Pork ready - 125 g
  • Mushrooms - 125 g (pickled, fried, boiled)
  • Canned cucumbers - 125 g
  • Potato - 65 g
  • Dill
  • Sauce, salt

It is original if you make this dish in small portions and serve each guest separately. Only in this case it does not need to be made a "shifter". Collect the layers at once in the right order:

  1. Pork meat, sauce
  2. Potatoes, mayonnaise sauce
  3. Pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise
  4. eggs, mayonnaise
  5. Dill, sauce
  6. Mushrooms, sauce, herbs, etc.

IMPORTANT: Don't make the Glade layers too high. It’s beautiful if they are no more than five centimeters in height, spread the sauce in thin layers.

How to deliciously cook salad "Mushroom Glade" with beef: a recipe in layers


  • Boiled beef - 275 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs. (marinated)
  • Champignons - 425 g
  • Greens, salt, mayonnaise

Salad with beef?


  1. Chop or grate the ingredients. Take a convenient dish where you will collect the salad.
  2. Start laying out the layers in the following order:
  • first - mushrooms, point the hats down to the bottom of the dish
  • the second - greens with mayonnaise
  • third - potatoes (half) with mayonnaise
  • fourth - boiled carrots, be sure to pour mayonnaise on top
  • fifth - egg with mayonnaise
  • sixth - cheese, grated
  • seventh - cucumber
  • eighth - meat with mayonnaise
  • the ninth is the second half of the potato.

When you have collected all the layers, let the dish saturate, and then just lay it out on a beautiful plate.

How to cook tasty Mushroom Glade salad with liver: a recipe in layers


  • Champignon mushrooms - 225 g
  • Pork liver, cod liver can be - 225 g
  • Cheese - 65 g
  • Potato - 125 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (boiled)
  • Greens as needed
  • pomegranate seeds
  • Mayonnaise Provencal

Liver Salad - Mushroom Glade


  1. Boil clean vegetables until tender, when cool, peel.
  2. Then rub on coarse grater vegetables, cheese. And in a special saucepan that fits the diameter of your salad bowl, start laying out layers of appetizers.
  3. Start with mushrooms, then greens, potatoes, cheese, liver, carrots, potatoes again. Do not forget to soak all layers with mayonnaise sauce.

At the end, carefully press the ingredients of the salad with a spoon, put in a cold place. After an hour or three, lay out, or rather turn the salad on a dish, decorate with vegetables, herbs, pomegranate seeds and treat guests.

How to deliciously cook the Mushroom Glade salad with Korean carrots: a recipe in layers

If you like Korean carrots, then you will like this salad with these ingredients.


  • Pickled mushrooms - 1 can
  • Korean carrot - 225 g
  • Chicken breast (smoked) - 275 g
  • Potato - 225 g
  • Green onions, dill, parsley - to taste
  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard (French)


  1. Make the sauce for the Mushroom Meadow. To do this, mix three parts of mayonnaise and one part of mustard.
  2. Cool the prepared vegetables, peel, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the meat with a knife, cut the greens, but not all - leave a few sprigs to decorate the salad.
  4. Form layers of lettuce in a separate bowl. The first layer is mushrooms (put the caps on the bottom of the pan).
  5. Then, soaking each layer with sauce, lay out the products in the following order: onions, potatoes, chicken meat, carrots, cheese.
  6. Lightly tamp the resulting dish and put in a cold place.

Cover the finished masterpiece with a beautiful salad bowl or plate and turn over, decorate with what you have in the refrigerator.

How to deliciously cook Mushroom Glade salad with fresh cucumber: a recipe in layers

This dish is especially good to cook in the spring, when the first cucumbers already appear. Its recipe is similar to the other salads listed above, but there are differences in taste.


  • Potato - 275 g
  • Chicken - 375 g
  • Eggs - 125 g
  • Carrots - 135 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 145 g
  • Dill, salt, sauce

Mushroom meadow with fresh cucumbers- spring salad


  1. Boil eggs, carrots, potatoes, cool, peel. Grind on a large grater.
  2. Cut the cooked chicken fillet into small pieces.
  3. Finely cut cucumbers into thin bars.
  4. Finely chop the dill with a knife.
  5. Form layers of lettuce in this order: potatoes, chicken meat, eggs, carrots, cucumbers, dill, mushrooms.
  6. Lubricate all layers with mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT: The difference between this cold dish and others is that it does not need to be turned over. You can immediately lay out the layers in beautiful dishes.

How to deliciously cook salad "Mushroom Glade" lean: a recipe in layers

For those who lead a healthy lifestyle, it is important to follow a diet and consume as little fatty foods as possible. Mushroom glade, prepared as follows, is ideal for those who are watching their weight.


  • Vegetable oil)— 65 ml
  • Champignons (canned)— 225 g
  • Green onion - 65 g
  • Dill, parsley- 130 g
  • Carrots (large sizes) - 175-225 g
  • Onion - 125 g
  • Potato - 225 g
  • Mayonnaise (not fatty) - how much will go in
  • Lettuce leaves - 5-8 pcs.
  • Butter)- 25 g
  • Salt

lean salad mushroom meadow


  1. Fry the champignons in a pan, with the caps separately, and the diced legs separately.
  2. Fry half the onion in a pan until translucent. Do not overcook it, otherwise the salad will turn out with a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Mix onions with mushroom stalks.
  4. Fry the second part of the onion with carrots, butter.
  5. Now we chop the remaining components of the salad (potatoes, greens) with a knife.
  6. Salt these ingredients, mix green onions with mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Now you can make a salad (lay out layers in a container). The first layer is mushrooms, herbs sauce, salt.
  8. Then lay out the green onions soaked in mayonnaise sauce.
  9. The next layer is carrots fried with onions, and mushroom legs with onions.
  10. Then lay out the potatoes, mayonnaise and put the dish in the cold. After a while, turn the dish over onto a plate, decorate as your fantasy tells you, and serve for dinner.

Salad "Mushroom Glade" cannot fail to please the guests, even though it is prepared with mayonnaise. After all, it tastes great and looks solemn on the dining table. In addition, if you do not like mayonnaise, then you can replace it with Dukan's sauce.

Video: How to beautifully decorate the New Year's Mushroom Glade festive salad, for birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, wedding, anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

Video: Salad Mushroom glade for any celebration

Under this collective name, salads are hidden, which are prepared, firstly, with mushrooms, and secondly, they are assembled (so to speak) in a certain way, and the composition of the remaining ingredients in them can be very different. For serving, they use either a deep bowl and then it’s a flip salad, or culinary rings, which can still be replaced with a ring from a split baking dish of small diameter. The components are stacked in layers, and the topmost is necessarily mushrooms. The most common are champignons or mushrooms. Definitely marinated, not fried. The champignons are stacked in such a way that only their hats then look out and it resembles a forest mushroom meadow. Honey mushrooms, since they are smaller, they have long and uneven legs, are placed in a picturesque mess, so that outwardly it looks like a mushroom basket.

Today we have prepared several versions of this salad for you: with chicken, ham, Korean carrots, mushrooms and mushrooms. See step by step photos, read the recipes, choose your favorite and cook! And we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible and show you how to make a mushroom clearing so that it looks appetizing and festively elegant.

Salad "Mushroom Glade" with champignons and chicken: recipe with photo

There are many variations of this salad, this one, in my opinion, is the most interesting. Its composition includes smoked chicken and Adyghe cheese. The rich taste of smoked meat is offset by the tenderness of the cheese. You can cook with boiled chicken, but then I would advise you to take cheese of more aged varieties. I collected the dish detachable form for baking with a diameter of 16 cm.


  • smoked leg 1 pc.;
  • potatoes boiled in their skins 2 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots 1 pc.;
  • hard-boiled eggs 2 pcs.;
  • Adyghe cheese 100g;
  • marinated champignons 120g;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • dill greens.

How to cook Mushroom meadow with chicken and champignons

Attention! Coat all layers of lettuce with mayonnaise.

Salad "Mushroom Glade" with mushrooms: recipe with photo

I like how the components are harmoniously matched here. The dish turns out delicious, and most importantly budget! For fast food salad, it is better to boil some products in advance. Then the “assembly” itself will take only 30 minutes of time, and this greatly simplifies the work of the hostess, who is preparing to receive guests!

What do we need:

  • smoked chicken leg- 200 g;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber (or salted) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • pickled mushrooms - 300 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation "Mushroom meadow" with mushrooms

Looks nice and appetizing. The dish will become a real decoration on any festive table!

Salad "Polyanka" classic recipe with ham and champignons

Another variation on the theme of our today's recipe, but without chicken, but with ham. From the amount of ingredients I suggested, it turns out quite large portion salad, which is enough for about 5 people. I will serve it on a flat dish, but for assembly I will use a deep round plate resembling a bowl in shape. In order for the salad to be guaranteed to come out of it undamaged, it is better not to take risks and pre-line the bottom and sides with cling film.

Grocery list:

  • pickled champignons: 7-10 pieces;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • cheese - 100g;
  • boiled carrots - 1pc (large);
  • eggs - 3pcs;
  • ham - 120g;
  • boiled potatoes - 1pc (large);
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise.

How to make a clearing of ham with champignons

Ready! Can be served at the table.

Salad - shifter "Mushroom Glade" with Korean carrots: recipe with photo

This salad not only has a very spectacular presentation that will surprise your guests, but also a spicy combination of Korean carrots with pickled champignons gives it a sharp, not bland taste.

What we need:

  • boiled chicken fillet 100g;
  • marinated champignons 100g;
  • potatoes boiled in their skins 2 pcs.;
  • hard-boiled eggs 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber 1 pc.;
  • Korean-style spicy carrots 100g;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • parsley and dill.

How to cook and collect such a salad

As you can see, similar design mushroom salad in the form of a clearing, and the composition is different, due to which each time the dish turns out a little different, besides, it is very easy to adjust it to your preferences.

Today I will tell you some very tasty recipes, festive salad"Mushroom meadow"

It is mushrooms that give it a refined taste and juiciness. And if they are also collected by you and pickled at home, then, of course, the dish will turn out - you just lick your fingers.

There are a lot of recipes for making salads with mushrooms. Even the names are the same, but the ingredients are completely different.

Of course, every family has some traditional dishes, but sometimes you want variety, don't you?

So, let's see how the salad is prepared, first we will cook with mushrooms

Mushroom meadow with mushrooms

Our ingredients are simple and affordable.

What we need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 - 150 gr.
  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled mushrooms in our case, mushrooms 1 jar (250 gr.)
  • Greens - we have young green onions, you can parsley
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream


The dish is made in layers, we spread mayonnaise on each. First, peel the boiled potatoes

The first layer is potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise on top. After the potatoes, we smear mayonnaise without sparing, because the potatoes are dry and should be well saturated with mayonnaise

The second layer is eggs grated on a coarse grater (here you can not smear mayonnaise). Eggs can, of course, be finely chopped, but through a grater it turns out more airy

The third - from finely grated cheese. When laying it out, we try to keep it a little airy too. Grease with sauce

Fourth - chop the chicken fillet (can be smoked, fried, boiled, to your taste) can be cut, can be split by hand and smeared with mayonnaise

Fifth layer - chop pickles, (squeeze the juice so that the salad is not wet), here we do not lubricate the sauce

Sixth - peel boiled carrots, rub on a coarse grater. Lay in an even layer, grease with sauce

The seventh is a green onion with which we sprinkle carrots

The eighth layer is our mushrooms. We lay them out beautifully over the entire surface.

Our dish is almost ready, but before you put it on the table, you need to send it to a cool place or in the refrigerator to soak and become even tastier.

Well, the first salad is ready, I'm sure it will become beautiful decoration Your table, and of course, very tasty. Enjoy your meal!!!

Salad recipe Mushroom meadow with champignons

In this salad, the main role of champignon mushrooms is already the main role. It is prepared quite differently, although the products are almost the same.

The main feature of the salad is that at the end of cooking there will be a climax, the salad will need to be turned from the bottom up. Therefore, before preparing it for the festive table, I think you can practice, make it just like that, to treat loved ones


  • Pickled champignons - 300 gr.
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Green onion or bunch of parsley
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sunflower oil


To prepare the salad, you need to take a deep bowl or plate. We take sunflower oil and grease the edges of our bowl and the bottom. Then carefully fold our mushrooms beautifully with caps down.

Now we cut the greens finely (onion, dill or parsley) in our case, this is green onion. Sprinkle our champignons with herbs

After that, we clean the potatoes and rub them on a grater, put them in an even layer on the onion. Brush well with sauce

Next up is boiled carrots. We clean, we also rub on a grater. Top with mayonnaise

We take two boiled eggs, three through a grater, send them to the salad. Grease with sauce

The last layer is the chicken. Cut the chicken into small pieces, spread on our salad

Now the most interesting moment, you need to very carefully turn our bowl onto a salad bowl so that the mushrooms are on the very top of our beautiful dish

The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking Mushroom meadow with champignons and ham

And now for your attention puff salad"Mushroom glade" with champignons and ham.

The recipe from old stocks turns out to be very beautiful, tasty and quite satisfying, like most Russian salads. It's more like a snack. And so, let's get started.

For the salad we need:

  • Ham - 300 gr
  • jar canned champignons— 400 gr
  • Processed cheese (Friendship type)
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Sweet and sour apple - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise with garlic (2-3 garlic cloves)


Finely chop the garlic or three through a grater, add to the mayonnaise, stir.

Lay out our salad in layers. The first layer of the clearing is half of the prepared ham, cut into small cubes.

third layer, canned mushrooms, sliced small cubes lay them out evenly. We also lubricate garlic sauce

Now we are laying out cheese, passed through a grater. (To processed cheese it was easier to grate, I advise you to hold it in the freezer for a while). Grease with the same sauce

Put the fifth layer of boiled carrots through a grater, also smear with sauce

Repeat the layers in the same order. Ham, onion, apple, champignons, cheese, carrots and each time we also grease with garlic sauce. Correct the form if necessary.

As a note to housewives, you can put plastic bags on your hands so that the ingredients do not stick to your hands and the shape turns out as it should. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Sprinkle grated egg on top. Lightly compact and decorate.

Mushroom meadow recipe with champignons and chicken

Another dish from the same series is very tasty and satisfying, it can be used as a snack, it is called "Mushroom Glade" or it is also called a shifter.

It can be prepared both for the festive table and for treating loved ones. It is very easy to make conventional products. Flies away in a moment, guests usually ask for more recipes.


  • Boiled chicken 200 gr
  • Hard cheese 200 gr
  • Cucumbers (salted or pickled) 250 gr
  • Whole marinated champignons 250 gr
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste
  • dill bunch
  • Boiled potatoes 3 pcs
  • Boiled carrots 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs 3 pcs

When cooking, we need cling film.

To make a salad, it is better to take a deep bowl. We cover the bowl with cling film, grease the bottom and edges of the dish with sunflower oil.

Open a jar of mushrooms, drain all the liquid from it. The first layer, these are champignons, lay them out with hats down

The next layer is cheese. We rub it on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise

Now the cucumbers that you need to open and drain the brine. We rub them through a grater, lay them out in an even layer, lubricating with mayonnaise

And last but not least, potatoes. We grate, ram, close the salad bowl and turn our salad from the bottom up

Carefully remove the bowl, remove the cling film. And now our salad is ready.

Mushroom glade salad with Korean carrot

As I wrote above, there are a lot of recipes for making this salad. It is this recipe that I like the most because, in my opinion, it is with Korean carrots that it turns out brighter and juicier.

To assemble and compose this salad, we usually take a deep bowl, but you can also use a cake pan.

We put this form on a flat salad bowl and begin to lay out the layers, which consist of such products:

  • Boiled potatoes 3 pcs
  • Champignons marinated 300 gr
  • Boiled chicken fillet 250 gr
  • Carrots in Korean 200 gr
  • Cheese 150 gr
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill, parsley, green onion

Put the pickled champignons on the bottom of the salad bowl with their hats down, so the champignons must be whole

The next layer is boiled potatoes through a large grater. Carefully lay out, evenly distribute over the surface. Lubricate with mayonnaise

Now cut into cubes or strips, as you like, chicken. Gently spread on the salad, also smear with mayonnaise

And now we take Korean-style carrots, put them on a cutting board, cut long pieces a little, so that it is convenient to eat.

We spread the carrots evenly on our salad. As I wrote above, carrots give the salad juiciness, a certain piquancy of taste. Top with sauce as well.

Now it is advisable to cover with cling film on top, put it in the refrigerator for the night or at least for several hours. When the salad is soaked, cover the form with another plate and carefully turn it upside down. Here's what happens.

And of course, before serving, we decorate our “Mushroom Glade” with greenery

Enjoy your meal.

fresh cucumber salad recipe

Consider the ingredients of our salad:

  • Jar of pickled champignons
  • Boiled meat 200g
  • Boiled potatoes 2 pcs
  • Boiled carrots 1 pc
  • Fresh cucumber 1 pc
  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Parsley dill
  • Mayonnaise

To prepare our salad, we need to prepare a deep salad bowl, cover it with cling film. Who does not have a film on hand, you can simply try to grease the edges of the bowl with sunflower oil

Lay the mushrooms head down, as close to each other as possible.

Now we take boiled carrots, cut into small cubes and lay out. Top with mayonnaise

Boiled chicken meat is also cut into cubes, send the next layer. Top with sauce as well.

The next layer we took fresh cucumbers, we also cut them into cubes, put them on top. We smear with mayonnaise

Eggs are cleaned, cut into small pieces, they go to the next layer. Spread well with mayonnaise

Last comes potatoes. We also cut it into small cubes or through a grater and put it on a salad

Now we press the whole mass a little with our hands and close it with cling film. We clean in the refrigerator or in a cold place for 2-3 hours. After we take a flat salad bowl and turn our salad into it from top to bottom.

Here is such a beauty. Enjoy your meal.

Video mushroom salad recipe

Salad Forest Gladeuniversal dish, which fits perfectly into the appetizing still life of any festive feast. Ease of preparation, affordable ingredients and satiety are the main advantages of this culinary masterpiece. Why is Lesnaya Polyana salad so popular? The point is that this vegetable salad each time you can do it in a new way, just changing some of its components. And how pleasing to the eye is the design of the Forest Glade! mushroom caps in a clearing of green onions, parsley and dill, they reliably hide the multi-layered culinary splendor of the salad.

How to cook Lesnaya Polyana salad? Detailed Recipes with a photo will help you master this simple science and soon you will be able to please your guests with the creation of your own hands.

What do you need:
Pickled mushrooms (honey mushrooms) = 1 jar
Carrots (boiled) = 2 pcs.
Pickled cucumbers = 3 pcs.
Chicken breast (boiled) 1 pc.
Cheese=200 g
Boiled eggs = 4 pcs.
Boiled potatoes = 4 pcs.
Greens (onion, parsley, dill)

Boil the carrots and then grate them on a coarse grater, cut the pickled cucumbers into thin circles, chop the boiled brisket finely, grate the cheese, and grate the boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Cut greens finely.
Let's grease a salad bowl or pan vegetable oil, cover with cling film so that the edges hang over the salad bowl. Then, lay it tightly in layers in the following sequence:
mushrooms - greens - carrots - cucumbers - chicken breast - cheese - eggs - potatoes.
Layers 1 and 2 do not grease with mayonnaise, then grease the subsequent layers. Let's put the salad in the fridge overnight. And in the morning we take out a salad bowl or pan, turn it over and carefully lay it on a dish, pulling the edges of the film. Sprinkle the sides of the salad with herbs or grated cheese.

Salad Lesnaya Polyana with mushrooms.

Who said that only champignons are needed for Lesnaya Polyana? interesting taste the dish will be given salted mushrooms in combination with boiled vegetables and fresh herbs. And as a layer instead of mayonnaise, yogurt is ideal and tasty, and useful for the figure!

  • salted mushrooms 150 g
  • boiled potatoes 150 g
  • boiled chicken breast - 250 g
  • 3 medium pickled cucumbers
  • hard-boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • green onion 30 50 g
  • mayonnaise or natural yogurt(no additives) 100 g

For a salad, it is better to choose a glass deep salad bowl, since it will be more convenient to follow the location of the multi-colored layers of the clearing. At the very bottom, spread the mushrooms with hats down and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

Spread a layer of onion with mayonnaise or yogurt, and then lay out finely chopped potatoes. Again we make a layer of mayonnaise.

The next layer of Lesnaya Polyana salad will be pre-cooked and chopped chicken breast. Then mayonnaise, a layer of finely chopped boiled eggs and more mayonnaise.

On top of the chicken meat, lay out the chopped cucumbers, which we cover with the final layer of mayonnaise. We give the salad nice shape and put in the fridge for about an hour.

It remains to decorate ready salad. We take wide dish, cover the bowl with chilled salad and turn it upside down. Carefully remove the container and all our forest clearing with mushrooms is ready!

Salad Lesnaya Polyana with champignons

The main traditional component of this salad are champignons. And a fabulous forest clearing can be created from a variety of products, unusual flavor combination which will be a real revelation for your guests. So let's add one more wonderful recipe a great alternative to Olivier salad and herring Under a fur coat.

  • marinated champignons 400 g
  • boiled chicken fillet 300 g
  • Korean carrot 200 g
  • hard cheese 150 g
  • potatoes 2 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • green onion, parsley, dill

At the bottom of a deep dish, lay the mushrooms with their hats down.

Mushrooms are generously sprinkled with finely chopped greens, green onions, parsley, dill.

We cover a beautiful green lawn with a layer of chopped boiled potatoes (you can cut into cubes or grate on a coarse grater). We make a mayonnaise layer.

Boiled chicken meat must first be chopped with a knife, and then torn into fibrous pieces. Doing meat layer and more mayonnaise.

The next layer of the Forest Glade - Korean carrot, richly covered with the same mayonnaise.

The final salad chord will be grated cheese.

Finished work culinary arts cool slightly in the refrigerator. After a few hours, all layers of lettuce will be well saturated and it will be possible to turn the container over onto a large festive dish. Green lettuce leaves will give an appetizing look to the finished dish.

Salad Lesnaya Polyana with ham and sweet pepper.

The Lesnaya Polyana may include a wide variety of additional ingredients. Each housewife always has her own signature recipe with a unique taste. And if there were no mushrooms at hand, and guests are on the way? After all, Lesnaya Polyana salad can be prepared without champignons, let there be cute and tasty hedgehogs instead of mushrooms in the meadow.

Products for cooking:

  • boiled potatoes 2 pcs.
  • ham 100 g
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • boiled carrots 2 pcs.
  • boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper (yellow) 1 pc.
  • processed cheese 1 pc.
  • a few olives for decoration
  • mayonnaise
  • parsley

Put a layer of grated boiled potatoes on a round dish. Lubricate with mayonnaise, and sprinkle chopped on top small pieces ham.

Cut the onion into cubes and sprinkle over the ham. Another layer of mayonnaise.

Then evenly sprinkle the dish with boiled carrots, grated on a fine grater. Cut into pieces Bell pepper and sprinkle on the carrots. Do not forget to leave a little pepper for decoration.

We coat the surface of the dish with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolk.

Now we give free rein to fantasy and begin to decorate our fabulous meadow. Sprinkle with green grass from chopped parsley, and from boiled egg whites making little hedgehogs. We cut out the eyes, noses and needles of these cute animals from olives. Pieces of bright yellow pepper will go to create autumn leaves in the grass. Lettuce Lesnaya Polyana is ready!

Salad Lesnaya Polyana

This bright, incredible beautiful salad will look great on your holiday table. It is very tasty, healthy, it is quite simple to prepare it. This appetizer looks like a cake, and in appearance it will really resemble a forest clearing.

half a kilo of chicken breast,
two potatoes
one bulb,
jar of pickled mushrooms,
hard cheese,
bunch of parsley,
vegetable oil,

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into small cubes. Boil chicken breast, cool and cut into small pieces.
- We take an enameled bowl, carefully grease its walls and bottom with vegetable oil.
- Now put the parsley branches in a bowl.
- Next, open a jar of honey mushrooms and lay out the next layer in half.
- Next, lay out a layer of potatoes on top, and then a layer of mayonnaise.
- The next layer will be from finely chopped onion.
- Followed by a layer of boiled chicken. Another layer of mayonnaise.
- On a fine grater, grate the cheese and lay out the next layer with it.
- Now we repeat all the layers: parsley, mushrooms, potatoes, chicken. Do not forget to alternate each layer with mayonnaise.

Now we cover our salad with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
After this time, we take out the bowl from the refrigerator, take a knife and carefully separate the salad from the walls of the bowl. Then turn the bowl over onto a plate and carefully remove it.
Ideally, you should get a dish that looks like a green meadow with mushrooms peeking out of the greenery.

Salad "Forest Glade"

Medium size potatoes 12-16 pcs
Fish without bones 1 kg
Onion 200 gr
Carrot 300 gr
hard cheese 150 gr
Pickled mushrooms 1 can
mayonnaise, salt, Bay leaf and black pepper
To decorate a lettuce leaf, parsley or dill.

Peel the potatoes and cut out the mushrooms. Gently, so as not to break, fry the mushrooms in a frying pan in oil and set aside for now. Salt a little. Coarsely chop the onion, fry a little and lay in a thin layer in a deep baking sheet, slightly poured with oil.
The next layer will be fish, which must be blanched in advance for 5 minutes in boiling water with black pepper and bay leaf. Instead of fish fillet, you can use meat, chicken fillet or mushrooms. Who loves what.
Close the layer of fish with carrots, which are cut into strips or rubbed on a coarse grater and lightly stewed in oil. It turns out a yellow field, like in autumn in the forest.
Now it's time for our mushrooms. They need to be placed with their hats up in the clearing, secured with vegetables and fish. Coat each mushroom with mayonnaise on top. Grate cheese on a coarse grater, mix it with a small amount mayonnaise and put on a field of carrots between mushrooms.
Bake in the oven until the mushroom caps are golden brown. You can add a little liquid to the bottom of the baking sheet (fish broth, if we are preparing Forest Glade from fish or meat, if we put meat).
Ready meal served on the table, right on the baking sheet. Looks amazing! Plus it's juicy and melts in your mouth!

Ideas for decorating Lesnaya Polyana salad

How to make Lesnaya Polyana salad, video

The recipe is extremely simple, and for cooking, you can choose products to your liking. Forest glade - the most best salad to the holiday table.