What food is low in calories. Low-calorie products for weight loss - a list and recipes for diets

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Who doesn't love delicious food? Everyone loves! No one will refuse a hearty three-course meal or a sweet fragrant dessert. But, as a rule, the tastier the dish, the faster we gain those very nasty extra centimeters at the waist. Getting used to “gluttony”, we deprive the body of the ability to function normally, and the fight against extra pounds becomes an obsession. The result is severe dietary restrictions, crazy diets, no mood and no enjoyment of food. Although there are a huge variety of very tasty dishes and.

The most delicious low-calorie dishes and products for losing weight

  • Low calorie soup with mushrooms


    • 50 g dried mushrooms
    • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
    • Carrot -1 pc.
    • Bulb
    • Spices
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

    Soak mushrooms for a couple of hours, boil, rinse, finely chop and fry with onion-carrots. Boil potatoes and mash until mashed, add mushroom broth to the consistency of sour cream. Next, add the roast and spices. The soup is ready.

  • Veal in wine


    • Dry red wine - 100 g
    • Veal - 450-500 g
    • Two bulbs
    • 2 spoons of vegetable oil
    • Spices (mint, salt and pepper, basil)

    Cut the meat into pieces, simmer until soft, add onion rings, chopped herbs and a little water. Simmer another fifteen minutes, add wine.

  • Zucchini casserole


    • Eggplant - 400 g
    • Zucchini - 600 g
    • Vegetable oil - 2 liters.
    • Sour cream - a glass
    • Spices

    Soak eggplant for half an hour in slightly salted water. Next, put them alternately with zucchini on a baking sheet, sprinkled with oil on top. Send to the oven. At this time, beat sour cream, spices and an egg with a mixer and pour over the roasted vegetables with this mixture. After bringing the casserole to full readiness.

  • berry cocktail

    Mix in a mixer a third of a glass of milk, fresh or frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants), a glass of low-fat yogurt. This dessert is perfect for a slimming lover of sweets.

  • Fish baked in the oven

    For the preparation of low-calorie and delicious dish From fish there are many recipes. To do this, you need to take any fish (with the exception of the fattest varieties), clean, sprinkle with spices (ginger, salt, pepper), sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in foil and send to the oven. Undoubtedly, perfect option- salmon or trout, but due to the fat content of these varieties, it is preferable to choose a lighter type.

  • Shrimp skewers

    Surprisingly, amazing barbecue can be cooked not only from meat. Leaving the tails, peel the shrimp, marinate and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. We prepare the marinade from tomato paste, oregano, pepper-salt, parsley with garlic, olive oil and lemon. Next, arrange the marinated shrimp as traditional barbecue, stringing several pieces on each skewer. Instead of the usual onion rings, alternate shrimp with marinated lemon slices. Grill for five minutes on each side, and the low-calorie kebab is ready.

  • apple dessert

    • Peel the cores from the apples.
    • Fill the resulting holes with a mass of honey, nuts and dried fruits.
    • Bake apples in the oven for fifteen minutes.

    Tasty, healthy, low-calorie.

  • Green salad with cheese


    Even a child can cope with the preparation of this salad. Cheese to rub on coarse grater, combine with herbs, spices and sour cream, mix, sprinkle with dill, decorate, based on imagination.

  • asparagus salad


    Mix rice and a storehouse of minerals - asparagus, after boiling them. Rub the cheese and add to the salad along with herbs, season with sour cream.

  • Ingredients:

    Pour boiling water over the tongue for fifteen minutes. Crush the garlic, add spices to it, chopped Bay leaf, oil and juice of half a lemon, mix. Pull out the tongue, pull off the skin, grease with the finished mixture, hide in the cold for three hours. Then wrap in prepared foil and put in the oven.

  • Mushroom omelet with spinach

    • Saute half a cup of chopped mushrooms in a spoonful of olive oil in a heated frying pan.
    • Add half a cup of spinach and sauté until soft.
    • Next, pour in the eggs (three whites and one whole egg, previously shaken).
    • After three to four minutes, place a slice on top of the omelette goat cheese and fold the dish in half.

    Consume with whole grain bread.

    • Slice whole grain bread grease with a tablespoon of grated low-fat cheese.
    • Place a salmon slice on top.
    • Next - a piece of red onion and watercress.

    Serve with a salad of chickpeas, zucchini, sesame and mushrooms.

  • Put on a slice of whole grain (preferably dried) bread:

    • Mashed white beans
    • Onions poached in olive oil (sliced)
    • poached egg

    Top with grated Parmesan and chopped herbs. Serve with vegetable soup sprinkled with chopped spinach.

  • Salad "Caesar Light"

    • Place boiled potatoes in a baking dish.
    • Sprinkle with slices of boiled turkey mixed with cooked beans in equal proportions.
    • Top with grated low-fat cheese, add a pinch of chili.

    Bake until a cheese crust forms.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut zucchini into rings, apples - into cubes, onions - into half rings, potatoes - on a grater. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, fry onion, add zucchini and potatoes with apples, fry a little, pour water. After boiling, cook for fifteen minutes under the lid. A few minutes before full readiness, add greens and garlic. Remove from heat, grind in a blender, pour in milk, add cheese, salt. Cook for a few more minutes.

  • Ingredients:

    Rinse, dry and disassemble cabbage into inflorescences. Place flour, garlic powder and oil in a bowl. Gradually pour in the milk, stirring the mass. IN ready mix dip each cabbage inflorescence, put on a baking sheet on top of baking paper, put in the oven for twenty minutes. Then lower the oven temperature and continue baking for another twenty minutes. Serve as an appetizer.

  • Ingredients:

    Saute the chopped onion for five minutes, add the broccoli disassembled into inflorescences, simmer for ten minutes. Put the contents of the pan, eggs, spices into a blender and mix into one mass. Add grated cheese and flour to it. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in the usual way. Or bring them to readiness in the oven.

  • Sturgeon for a couple


    Rinse the fish, cut into medallions, dry with a towel, season with spices. Place on the steamer rack, skin side up. Lay olive rings on top, pour wine over, run a double boiler for half an hour. Sauce: melt the butter in a frying pan, add the sifted flour, a glass of broth from the double boiler and cook for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain the sauce, add a piece of butter, salt, squeeze a lemon, cool. Put the fish on a dish, pour over the sauce, decorate, add a vegetable side dish.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut along the zucchini, salt, bake in the oven for ten minutes. Cut garlic with tomatoes, stew in a pan, add water and finely chopped beans, simmer until soft. Remove the pulp from the cooled zucchini with a spoon, chop it and add to the other vegetables in the pan. Season with spices, salt, stew. Salt the zucchini, put in the oven for another ten minutes. Cool the zucchini, fill them vegetable filling from the frying pan.

  • Tasty and low-calorie for a diet - useful facts

    And don't forget to pamper yourself, my love, bitter chocolate. It produces a psychotherapeutic effect, and has a large number of antioxidants.

Low calorie foods should without fail make a diet for a person who has decided to make his body slimmer. It is known that food directly affects the energy of the body. And the increase, as well as the decrease in vital energy, depends on the food consumed.. However, there are healthy foods, which have a beneficial effect on the state of health and energy of a person, while not adding extra pounds.

Reduced fat content is one of the main criteria for low-calorie foods. Since calorie production doubles when fat is broken down. With the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, the opposite is true.

low calorie foods should contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fiber.

Carbohydrates, which are easy to digest, allow the body to easily handle the calories that come from fat. And here high content fiber will allow the body to be in a state of satiety enough long time because it takes a long time to digest.

And most importantly - a large content of water. Since there are no calories in water at all, and based on this, the more water the product contains in its composition, the less room will remain for fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

The lowest calorie foods for weight loss - plant foods

Fiber is the fibrous part of plants that lowers cholesterol levels and slows down the body's absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, it turns out that the lowest-calorie foods can be considered - plant foods.

These are greens, spices, teas, vegetables, fruits and berries that contain a lot of minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. Still, the record holders for low calorie content are vegetables.

For example, broccoli contains 33 kilocalories per 100 g, while it has many useful qualities due to its composition. Broccoli contains: calcium, proteins, magnesium.

In addition to the benefits of using this product for weight loss, there is also the fact that broccoli prevents cancer. Eat broccoli boiled and raw.

Helpful advice: do not overcook broccoli to avoid losing important nutrients.

In 100g carrots, which is a source of carotenoids - 35 kilocalories. The benefits of carrots are great, due to their antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system, increases intestinal motility, and is good for vision.

100g contains 40 kilocalories. The artichoke nourishes the human body with important components: potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. And thanks to the contained complex of enzymes and sugars, it is able to beneficially influence and normalize blood sugar levels.

You can also highlight other vegetables and herbs that will be useful in the process of losing weight. Some of these low calorie foods include:

  • Eggplant - 24 kcal;

  • Parsley greens - 49 kcal;

  • Potato - 83 kcal;

  • Zucchini - 27 kcal;

  • Celery root - 32 kcal;

  • Red cabbage - 31 kcal;

  • Leek - 40 kcal;

  • Peppers red and green - 27/23 kcal;

  • Turnip and white cabbage - 28 kcal;

  • Beets - 48 kcal;

  • Onion - 43 kcal;

  • Cauliflower - 29 kcal;

  • Parsley root - 47 kcal.

Fruits, like vegetables and herbs, are low in calories, even though they contain fructose. For fruit to be effective during weight loss, it is necessary to consume them during the daytime, preferably before lunch and in small portions.

There are about 35 kilocalories in 100g of grapefruit. Perhaps the best assistant for losing weight. It has such a quality as the ability to kill appetite. It will be enough to drink a glass of juice or eat a little grapefruit and hunger, no matter how it happened. It is known that ¼ of a grapefruit burns up to 800 kcal.

The calorie content of pineapple in 100g is 48 kilocalories. Pineapple is able to cleanse the body of toxins, lower blood pressure, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Burns calories, just like papaya.

Papaya in 100g contains 43 kilocalories. Its composition contains a large number of enzymes that help metabolize proteins and burn fats. It is best to eat papaya during the meal, as the effect of its capabilities is not long-lasting.

In addition to the fruits already mentioned, the following fruits and berries will be useful in the process of losing weight:

  • Lemon - 31 kcal;

  • Apricot - 46 kcal;

  • Orange, tangerine, red currant - 38 kcal;

  • Pear - 42 kcal;

  • Cranberries - 28 kcal;

  • Raspberries and strawberries - 41 kcal;

  • Plum - 43 kcal;

  • Gooseberries and peach - 44 kcal;

  • Black currant - 40 kcal;

  • Pomegranate - 52 kcal;

  • Apple - 46 kcal.

The lowest calorie meat products

Plant foods are good for weight loss, but meat products should not be excluded from your diet.

A long-term absence of meat in the diet of a losing weight person threatens with a lack of nutrients in the body that are not found in plant foods.

Proteins that come from meat products, constitute an important component in the construction of muscles. Thanks to the work of the muscles, physical activity allows us to burn right amount calories.

The body will spend more energy to burn proteins, and not to digest fats and carbohydrates.

When choosing meat, preference should be given to rabbit meat, lean cuts of veal and beef, white meat birds. The listed products are quite satisfying. Their calorie content is as follows:

  • Lamb kidneys - 77 kcal;

  • Beef - 187 kcal;

  • Beef udder, brains, kidneys, heart, tongue - 173/124/66/87/163 kcal;

  • Turkey - 197 kcal;

  • Horse meat - 143 kcal;

  • Rabbit - 199 kcal;

  • Chicken - 165 kcal;

  • Pork liver, kidneys, heart - 108/80/89 kcal;

  • Veal - 90 kcal;

  • Chicken - 156 kcal.

The lowest calorie dairy products

It is useful to include in your diet and dairy products, which are tantamount to vegetable can burn fat.

This ability they exist thanks to calcitrol, which is produced with the help of calcium, which is abundant in dairy products.

Milk contains important components: lactose, protein, mineral trace elements and substances, fat-soluble vitamins.

Among the low-calorie dairy products are the following:

  • 10% cream - 118 kcal;

  • 10% sour cream - 116 kcal;

  • Fatty kefir - 59 kcal;

  • Natural yogurt (1.5% fat) - 51 kcal;

  • low-fat kefir- 30 kcal;

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 86 kcal;

  • Bold cottage cheese - 156 kcal;

  • Yogurt and milk - 58 kcal;

  • Ryazhenka - 85 kcal;

  • Condensed milk (without sugar) - 135 kcal.

Which foods are the most low-calorie: a review of the leaders (up to 20 kcal)

In addition to low-calorie and medium-calorie foods, there are foods with minimal or no calories.

For example, calories greenery can be from 0 to 50 kcal. It will be very useful to use greens in cooking various dishes, it is especially suitable for salads, as well as for cocktails, use as a powder for second and first courses.

It is best to eat greens fresh, as they contain components such as vitamins and trace elements, phytonutrients.

Eg, asparagus(20 kcal) and pumpkin(20-22 kcal) are needed to remove excess fluid in the body. Asparagus contains amino acids, which is why it is a diuretic and a kind of “food detoxifier”. If you want to lose weight up to 5 kg, then you need to consume 0.5 kg of these products daily for a month.

In 100g lettuce contains 15 kilocalories. The salad has a lot of various useful elements and vitamins. Raises immune system and is an assistant in the regulation of blood.

bringer the greatest benefit product is considered kale. The content of kilocalories in 100g is very low - only 5 kcal. Contains folic acid, vitamins, iron, manganese and phytonutrients.

How can you not remember something like this? important product like garlic - the calorie content of which is 4 kilocalories. It, like kale, helps fight cancer. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and is a strong antioxidant.

Chilli- 20 kilocalories per 100g of product. Stimulates the production of a natural analgesic. Protects the body from premature aging. It has the same functions as garlic and kale.

Tea(white, green, black) does not contain any calories at all, just like water. Tea is a strong antioxidant. Reduces the likelihood of a heart attack and is a good tool for the prevention of cancer. Useful properties many teas: fluoride, creates safety for the teeth; antispasmodic; anti-inflammatory; anti-allergic.

Here are a few more low-calorie foods that will dilute your diet and benefit the body:

  • Cucumber - 15 kcal;

  • Sea cabbage - 5 kcal;

  • Lettuce - 12 kcal;

  • Dill and parsley (greens) - 13 kcal;

  • Tomato - 14 kcal;

  • bamboo shoots, green onion, radish, chard - 19 kcal.

So, having considered a wide variety of low-calorie products for weight loss, we can conclude that the process of losing weight will be quite pleasant, and not just useful. Among the huge number of vegetable, meat and dairy products, everyone will be able to choose what he likes in his individual menu!

People seeking to achieve noticeable results in fat burning are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules of a healthy diet. Be sure to include low-calorie foods in your diet. According to many scientific studies, it has been proven that relatively few calories are found in vegetables and fruits. If you want to lose weight without unpleasant consequences, eat foods with complex carbohydrates, fiber, the minimum amount fats.

What are low calorie foods

Calorie is the energy value of food. In other words, this is the amount of energy that the body receives from food. Thanks to this energy, the vital activity of the body is maintained: cells grow, divide and restore, blood circulation occurs, the heart contracts, food is digested, and a constant body temperature is maintained. A person spends energy from food when making physical activity and even during sleep.

The main components of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to these substances, some foods contain carboxylic acids - for example, citric acid, polyhydric alcohols - glycerin, sweeteners, alcohol. Most energy is spent on the assimilation of proteins: mainly cheeses, cottage cheese, poultry meat, animals, fish, peas, beans, nuts. Next in complexity of digestion are fats (butter, margarine, chocolate, etc.) and carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, dates, raisins).

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates can release different amount energy. When summing this energy, the calorie content of products is calculated. To simplify the calculations, averages are taken: fats give 9.3 kcal / g, proteins - 4 kcal / g, carbohydrates - 4 kcal / g. For example, if the body receives 4 kcal when digesting 1 g of protein, then when eating 70 g of protein, a person will receive 280 kcal (70 g x 4 kcal).

Remember that animal proteins require more energy to digest than plant-derived substances. When calculating calories and having a desire to lose extra pounds, often people choose a meal with no fat, because they think that this approach will help solve the problem. Fats, like other basic substances, are necessary for our body for full development. Be sure to include in the diet within the established norm vegetable fats, then a set of extra pounds does not threaten you.

When choosing a low-calorie food, keep in mind that it includes foods that, according to the calorie table, contain less than 100 kcal per 100 g of weight. It is worth listing the main types of low-calorie foods:

What determines the calorie content

By determining the calorie content, you will be able to understand whether the food is healthy. When calculating, consider the following:

  • The more fat a food contains, the more calories it contains. Keep in mind that split fats go into reserve and burn out when the body has nowhere to take energy from. In order to get rid of excess fat, use protein diets: reserve reserves are spent on protein digestion and a person gradually loses weight.
  • Low-calorie foods contain a lot of fiber, which takes time and effort for the body to digest.
  • When losing weight, it is forbidden to use “fast” carbohydrates, because they are digested almost instantly and contribute to weight gain.
  • Vegetables are considered the lowest calorie foods for weight loss. This is followed by fish, fruits, dairy products, poultry.
  • In order for the diet to be complete, you should not give up oil and cereals - although they are considered high-calorie, they are necessary for the development of the body.

Table of low-calorie foods

Do not completely give up high-calorie foods: for example, cereals and cereals. Raw, they contain a lot of calories, after cooking, the initial figure is significantly reduced. Doctors recommend the use of legumes - an indispensable source of protein. As a rule, calorie content is indicated per 100 g of the product. Based on this, food is divided into:

  1. Very low-calorie - 100 g contains up to 30 kcal: such food includes zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, bell pepper, mushrooms.
  2. Low-calorie - in 100 g from 30 kcal: cod, pike, pike perch, carp, swede, green pea, carrots, potatoes, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
  3. Medium-calorie - in 100 g 100-200 kcal: include lamb, turkey, rabbit meat, chickens, eggs.
  4. High-calorie - in 100 g from 200 to 450 kcal: fatty meat, bakery products, sweets, snacks, chips and more.
  5. Very high-calorie - in 100 g from 450 kcal: different oil, bacon, fatty pork, raw smoked sausage, chocolate, peanuts, Brazilian, walnut, pine nuts.

The number of calories consumed should equal the amount of energy expended. If a large number of calories are ingested, they will be deposited as excess fat. With little energy, exhaustion occurs. If we are talking about losing weight, then a person should receive calories a little less than is spent. The data below will help you choose the right food for compilation. diet menu.

Vegetables and fruits

These foods are included in many diets. Vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw in order to fill the body as much as possible. useful substances. Be sure to include greens with a lower GI in your menu (the glycemic index indicates how quickly insulin rises after using a particular food). If you decide to use heat treatment, then choose a short cooking (use a slow cooker) or a baking method using foil.

Baking is better than boiling, because when cooking, the nutrients go into the water. It is not advisable to fry vegetables for a long time, because the used oil will add calories to the dish. In addition, fried foods contain many toxic substances and carcinogens. An excellent alternative is fast frying: in order to preserve the substances necessary for the body, use a VOK type frying pan, the processing should be multiple with constant stirring (how to cook asian food).

Use cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, garlic and onions as often as possible. Below are vegetables with an indication of the composition, number of calories (column 2), GI (glycemic index). Use these data when organizing a healthy diet:

Product name (100 g)

Carbs (g)


fresh tomatoes

fresh cabbage

Green pepper

salted mushrooms

Zucchini caviar (data depend on composition)


Fruits are recommended to be eaten raw separately from the main meal: for a variety of menus, make fruit salads. If you have digestive problems, then mix fruits with fermented milk drinks(yogurt or kefir). Try not to drink freshly squeezed juice often, because it greatly increases the GI. Fruits are dangerous because they contain sucrose and fructose, so they are recommended to be eaten in the morning. When choosing them, look at the number of calories, the amount of carbohydrates and the glycemic index:

Product name (100 g)

Carbs (g)



Red Ribes

Black currant

Avocado is the most high-calorie fruit (160 kcal per 100 g), but it is recommended for people who are losing weight (especially in low-carbohydrate diets). Avocado contains great amount useful elements and vitamins. Dried fruits are high in calories, but have a relatively low glycemic index, so eat prunes, dried apricots, figs, and more when you need a snack or want “something sweet.”


Keep in mind that when following a protein diet, it is often forbidden to eat cereals and legumes. Such food is rich in carbohydrates, vegetable protein. Raw cereals are high in calories. When they are cooked in water or milk (it all depends on your preferences and diet), the calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is reduced. An excellent option for weight loss is quinoa boiled in water: it contains useful amino acids, few calories. When choosing food, focus on the glycemic index, the energy value of cereals and legumes in boiled form:

Name of dish (100 g)

Carbs (g)

Hercules porridge on the water

Rice porrige on the water

Barley on the water

Barley porridge on milk

Hercules porridge with milk

Wholemeal macaroni

Quinoa boiled in water

Semolina on milk

Unpolished rice boiled in water

boiled beans

boiled lentils

Millet boiled in water

Buckwheat on the water


Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese are rich in protein, calcium. Buy food without additives: it is desirable that there is no sugar in the composition, fruit pieces, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers. Buy low-fat yogurt and kefir made at home from sourdough with live bacteria. If the drink is fat-free, then this will complicate the absorption of nutrients (for example, calcium, which promotes weight loss): a suitable fat content of the drink is 1-2.5%. The compositions are recommended for protein diet, people with hyperinsulinism.

Product name (100 g)

Carbs (g)

Curd whey

low-fat kefir

Milk (0.5%)

Ryazhenka (1%)

Milk (1%)

Natural yogurt (1.5%)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Curd (2%)

fruit yogurt

Low fat sour cream (10%)


Before you buy a fish, pay attention to its size: often, the larger it is, the more mercury it contains. Fat varieties fish are useful large quantities ah: red fish, pink salmon, contain omega-3 acids, necessary for beauty. Sometimes doctors advise replacing shrimp with salmon or sterlet. For weight loss, it is best to use steamed fish. Common options for dishes, fish are presented below:

Product name (100 g)

Carbs (g)

sea ​​kale

boiled mussels

boiled cod

boiled pike

Boiled pollock

boiled crabs

boiled hake

boiled trout

boiled oysters

Boiled crayfish

Boiled sea bass

boiled mullet

boiled carp

Boiled salmon


When organizing proper nutrition it is important to include meals with a lot of proteins in the diet, which are a source of amino acids necessary for cell renewal. Keep in mind that the norm for an adult is 3 grams of protein for every kilogram of weight. 100 g of meat can contain different amounts of protein:

Product name (100 g)

Carbs (g)

boiled veal

Boiled chicken breast

Non-greasy boiled beef

boiled turkey

boiled beef tongue

Low calorie foods for weight loss

BMR is the basic metabolism, the amount of energy necessary for the life of the body. Focusing on this value, you can easily create a menu without significant cuts. Remember that cutting off more than 400 kcal from ROB leads to some resistance of the body: it begins to "think" that it's time to starve, so the metabolism slows down. GER is calculated by taking into account the weight, height and age of a person:

  • If you are a man, then apply the formula: 66 + (14 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age).
  • Women do the calculation like this: 655 + (9.56 x weight) + (1.85 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age).

The basal metabolic rate helps to avoid compiling a menu with too low energy value. Initially, the figure can exceed 1200 kcal, in the process of losing weight, the indicator decreases, as a result of which the calorie content of food decreases. For example, if the OOB is 1450 kcal, then you should eat in such a way as not to “depart” from this indicator. Gradually losing kilograms, gradually reduce the ROB by applying the above formula. With weight loss, ROB can be 1380 kcal, then 1300 kcal. The body will not experience stress and will receive a minimum of food for normal operation.

  • Fresh cucumbers (13 kcal per 100 g) are rich in potassium, carotene, vitamins C, PP, group B and complex organic matter. Vegetables improve intestinal motility, remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Asparagus (21 kcal per 100 g) is a source of dietary fiber, rich in minerals, vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, folic acid, potassium. Regulates blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots, the development of cancer, strengthens blood vessels, increases the tone of the body.
  • Spinach (22 kcal per 100 g) is rich in vitamins A, PP, B, C, E, D, H, K, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine and other trace elements. At regular use immunity is restored, tone increases, blood vessels strengthen, and prevents the development of hypertension. The vegetable is a mild laxative, it is not recommended for pregnant women, people with kidney problems.
  • Broccoli (34 kcal per 100 g) is rich in calcium, proteins and other substances. With regular use, cancer is prevented, it is recommended to eat with problems with the pancreas, hyperacidity stomach. Broccoli is used raw or boiled. When cooking, remember that cabbage should not be digested, then it will retain a maximum of nutrients.
  • Carrots (35 kcal per 100 g) are a source of carotenoids, an excellent antioxidant, have a beneficial effect on vision, increase tone, restore the immune system, and enhance intestinal motility. It is recommended to eat vegetables raw: you can make different salads.
  • Chili pepper (20 kcal per 100 g) stimulates the production of a natural analgesic by the body. When eating pepper, mucus is produced in the stomach - a substance that prevents the occurrence of ulcers. The vegetable prevents the occurrence of heart problems, prevents the development of oncology, and protects a person from aging.

Given the above features of "light" vegetables, feel free to use them when compiling the menu. The lowest calorie food will help when creating interesting dishes:

  1. Make a salad fresh cucumbers: take 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of wild garlic, dill, parsley, green onions, fat-free sour cream or light natural yogurt. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the greens, season everything with sour cream or yogurt, add salt to taste if desired.
  2. Boiled asparagus is prepared like this: peel the stems, rinse cold water, dip them in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes, remove and fold in a colander, dip in a bowl of cold water. For dressing, mix together olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Arrange the asparagus on a plate and pour over the sauce.
  3. Spinach salad: take 230 g of spinach, 2 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 200 g of cheese. Cut vegetables, avocados, cheese into slices, add olive oil, a little vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, mix.
  4. Prepare broccoli puree: divide vegetables (about 300 g) into inflorescences, steam, lightly fry onion (1 head) in olive oil, mix everything with a blender, pepper, salt to taste.
  5. Carrot salad is prepared as follows: 2 carrots are cut into strips, chopped walnuts, everything is mixed, seasoned with natural yogurt, 1 tsp is added. honey, a pinch of grated fresh ginger.
  6. Prepared with chili pepper great soup: 5 tomatoes are taken, boiled water is poured over, the skin is removed. Tomatoes, 2 garlic cloves, 1-2 peppers are mixed in a blender, the mixture is cooked in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. At the end, chopped herbs are added, salt to taste.

Weight will drop rapidly if you consider a few recommendations. Make up your diet, focusing on the following:

  • Eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day (about 1300 kcal): bake, boil, stew, eat fresh, but do not consume fried zucchini and other vegetables in this form.
  • Dress salads with fat-free yogurt.
  • Eat strictly according to the schedule: 4-6 times a day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the portion should be small.
  • Drink water green tea, vegetable juices.
  • Include dairy, low-calorie protein foods, fruits, cereals.

Satisfying low calorie foods

It is important not only to effectively lose weight, but also to fill the body with nutrients. Whole foods include:

  • lean veal;
  • chicken
  • a rabbit;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey;
  • kidneys and heart;
  • seafood in the form of squid, shrimp, crabs, flounder, carp, tofu, river perch blue whiting, zander, pike;
  • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir.

Use while on a diet special recipes. It is worth citing the most popular:

  1. Chicken salad is prepared like this: take boiled fillet(300 g), chop it, cut 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 100 g pitted olives, 100 g feta cheese into squares, mix, season with olive oil, add salt, oregano to taste.
  2. Squid can be mixed with bell pepper, onions, parsley, olive oil - you get an excellent light salad.
  3. Spicy salad is made with squid, shrimp with sweet peppers, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, paprika and olive oil.

To avoid gaining extra pounds during a diet, it is important to consider a number of important tips. Know that hearty meals:

  • meat and seafood are best cooked, in last resort, an oven is suitable for cooking;
  • eat hearty meat dishes for lunch;
  • Eat boiled fish for dinner.

Delicious low calorie foods

Among those who are losing weight, there are also lovers of eating something tasty. Such food should include sweets, interesting dishes, low calorie foods:

  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • paste;
  • popcorn without salt butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • bell pepper;
  • melon watermelon;
  • berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries;
  • fruits - pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes, persimmons, papaya, guava, apples, grapefruit, tangerines.

This list of low-calorie foods can be used when compiling a daily menu. Baking should be present in the diet only in the form of bread with bran without yeast, bread, biscuits. Remember that a healthy dessert (sweets, cottage cheese, yoghurts and fruits, berries) is best consumed separately instead of a light snack or for breakfast. Brighten up your morning wonderful dish from cottage cheese, yogurt and berries. This will help increase tone and improve digestion. During the day, between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack, treat yourself to an apple, pineapple slices, grapefruit, healthy sweets.


Low-calorie does not mean "tasteless" or "unnutritious". Fill your fridge with these fat-burning foods and they'll help you reach your dream weight!

Low-calorie donuts have not yet been invented, but there are replacements for them. After all, just think about the amount of extra exercise you'll have to do to burn calories after a whole pizza!

You probably already know that there are products with " negative calorie"- for their digestion you need more calories than they contain. But even ordinary foods can be very low in calories! Of the 35 foods we've compiled here, 30 contain 100 or fewer calories per serving.

In addition, when you lose weight, you think about the fact that the product is not only dietary, but also satisfying. No one wants to starve all day long.

There's more good news: not all of the foods on the list are "rabbit." In fact, the meat section, the dairy section, and other sections can be full of delicious, low-calorie foods that are also high in protein.

If you're hungry, but you're on a calorie restriction, start with the list!


Watercress. 4 kcal per 1 cup

You should definitely include watercress in your low-calorie diet: a study from the Center for Nutritional Disorder Control has shown that watercress is the most nutritious, as these green leaves contain so many nutrients. Like other cruciferous plants, watercress is full of antioxidants.

Like other cruciferous plants, watercress contains many antioxidants.

As it is:

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add 3 chopped pears, one chopped potato and 1 tablespoon grated ginger. Fill with 4 cups vegetable broth, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. black pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 20 minutes.

After that, add 2 bunches of watercress, 2 tablespoons of red vinegar and 2 tablespoons of fresh tarragon. Heat for 5 minutes, pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook like a puree soup. Stir in 1 cup almond milk and heat for 2 minutes.

Arugula. 5 kcal per cup

This peppery herb adds very few calories to your salad or sandwich. It's also high in bone-strengthening vitamin K. Like other salad crops, arugula is full of antioxidants. It can also be replaced with baby spinach.

As it is:

To make a quick sandwich for lunch, toast a few slices of bread. Spread Dijon mustard on one slice and top with a slice of prosciutto, an apple slice, a handful of arugula and top with a second slice of bread.

Celery. 6 kcal per stalk

Celery has not earned superfood status, unlike, for example, kale, which has become an icon for hipsters. But celery adds crunch to a low-calorie salad, which is great! It's also a bulky food, in the sense that you can easily eat a few bags of celery without overeating.

Celery has not earned superfood status, unlike, for example, kale, which has become an icon for hipsters. But celery adds crunch to a low-calorie salad, which is great!

With such a small number of calories, you get a huge amount of vitamin K, a very necessary substance that reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. There are reasons to include it in the list of products for weight loss.

As it is:

Make a hearty chicken noodle soup. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Throw chopped onions, chopped carrots and chopped celery into it and heat until the onions soften.

Add 4 cups shredded chicken breast, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. black pepper and 1/4 tsp. chili flakes. Simmer until the vegetables soften, then stir in the cooked soba noodles and fresh thyme.

Chinese cabbage, 9 kcal per 5 leaves

Kale and spinach have taken all the glory, but these Asian greens are a worthwhile component of the weight loss menu. Another member of the cruciferous family, bok choy is incredibly rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as disease-preventing antioxidants. It also has a milder flavor than other dark green leaves, which will satisfy any whim.

As it is:

Separate the tops of the Chinese cabbage leaves from the stems and roughly chop the leaves. Slice the stems thinly. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add stalks, chopped leeks (2) and 3 chopped garlic cloves; cook for 3 minutes until the stems soften.

Stir in Chinese cabbage leaves and 2 teaspoons of grated cabbage lemon peel; fry until the leaves begin to wilt a little. Remove from heat, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and salt to taste.

Radishes, 17 calories per cup

Radishes add a little peppery flavor to dishes, are very low in calories and contain ample vitamin C. And our bodies require very high amounts of vitamin C to support the growth and repair of body tissues, including growing muscle mass. And do not forget the tops of the leaves, which are quite edible, also low in calories and nutritious.

Radishes add a little peppery flavor to the dish, are very low in calories, and are high in vitamin C.

As it is:

Drizzle a pound of radishes with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes. Stir once. In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup low calorie yogurt, 1 teaspoon curry, and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Serve fried radishes with yogurt sauce.

Zucchini. 31 kcal per medium vegetable

As you begin to shed excess calories from your diet, be sure to add this vegetable to your shopping cart while on a grocery trip. As you do this, keep in mind that zucchini is rich in hunger-fighting fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin K, and magnesium.

As it is:

Using a paring knife or just a sharp knife, cut the zucchini into thin, thin noodle-shaped slices and fry in olive oil for a couple of minutes. Season cooked zucchini noodles tomato-meat sauce and feel comfortable at the pasta party.

Cucumber, 22 kcal per half cucumber

Cucumbers are about 95% water, which is a very, you know, low-calorie substance. This huge amount of water helps you stay in shape and will reduce the urge to steal those extra cookies. To add some fiber, remove it from the knife that was used to peel the cucumber - its skin contains the maximum fiber.

Cucumbers are about 95% water, which is a very, you know, low-calorie substance. That Plenty of Water Helps You Stay Fit

As it is:

To make salsa, combine chopped cucumber and chopped bell pepper, diced avocado, jalapeno pepper, chopped cilantro, Fresh Juice lime and some salt. Serve with fish.


Plum. 30 kcal per plum

This sweet fruit will easily satisfy the sweet tooth and will not affect the physical form in any way. What more could you want when even supermarket fruits are rich in antioxidants?

As it is:

Take 4 plums, remove the pits and chop. You will need half a cup of port, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, 1 teaspoon grated orange peel, 3 whole garlic cloves and 1/4 tsp. salt in a medium sized skillet.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, until plums are softened (about 12 minutes). Serve with chicken breasts.

Grapefruit. 37 kcal per half grapefruit

Here he is, the most low calorie fruit. Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit is a vitamin C heavyweight. The University of Arizona at Tucson found that eating grapefruit daily can help you lose weight, improve blood pressure, and lower cholesterol.

As it is:

Divide a red grapefruit into wedges over a bowl and collect any juice that runs out. Combine grapefruit wedges, chopped avocado and thinly sliced ​​fennel root. Add grapefruit juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, drizzle with salt and pepper. Garnish with mint leaves.

Strawberries, 49 calories per cup

Now strawberries are available in supermarkets all year round. That's good, because it's low in calories and high in fiber, which fights fat, as well as vitamin C. Studies have shown that the more vitamin C you take, the easier you breathe during exercise, which is especially true for those with asthma.

What else? in 2014, the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that eating plenty of strawberries helps keep coronary arteries healthy and clean and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

As it is:

To make a variation on super-nourishing Spanish gazpacho soup, mix 1/3 cup water, 1 cup strawberries, 3 medium tomatoes, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 cucumber, 2 leeks, 1/3 cup fresh mint or basil, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

White nutmeg melon, 61 kcal per cup

The sweet, juicy pulp of white cantaloupe is almost calorie-free, but packed with vitamin C and heart-protecting potassium. Melon slices are good on their own as a snack, but you can also add melon to smoothies, yogurts, salads, and salsa. If you've never bought this melon before, look for one that feels heavy for its size and has a waxy skin. Avoid melons with soft spots.

The sweet, juicy pulp of white cantaloupe is almost calorie-free, but packed with vitamin C and heart-protecting potassium.

As it is:

To make a refreshing salad, toss baby spinach with diced melon, chopped cherry tomatoes, chopped cucumber, feta cheese, and toasted almonds.

Blackberries, 62 calories per cup

Blackberries are not only low in calories, they are also full of fiber - they have 8 grams per cup, which helps you feel full.

Slowing down digestion rich in fiber Diet helps to cope with appetite.

Blackberries have an impressive resume, which also includes antioxidants and vitamin K.

As it is:

In a medium skillet, add 2 cups blackberries, 1/3 cup water, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, 1 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp. almond extract. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons cornstarch in 1 tablespoon of water, pour into the blackberry mixture, hold for 1 minute on fire. Serve this sauce with oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, cottage cheese or yogurt.


Bulgur, 76 calories per 1/2 cup (cooked)

Bulgur is made from whole grain wheat that is boiled and dried. It is rich in fiber, which helps to calm blood sugar levels.

As it is:

To do in the morning healthy porridge, take 2 cups water, 2 cups low-fat milk, 1 cup bulgur, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Boil, stirring all the time, until the bulgur softens and has the consistency of oatmeal, 10 to 15 minutes.

Soba noodles, 113 calories per cup (cooked)

Soba noodles contain 50% fewer calories from starch than whole grain spaghetti. These noodles are made from gluten-free buckwheat and are good for your six pack. Just make sure you buy noodles made from 100% buckwheat. If wheat flour is added there, the calorie content of the product will be higher.

As it is:

Cook noodles according to package directions (unlike regular pasta, these need to be rinsed after cooking) and add salmon, peas, carrots, and chopped leeks. Season with sauce made from soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar and sriracha.

Wheat bran, 31 calories per 1/4 cup

Adding wheat flakes to your diet makes it more nutritious. Wheat bran is top of the list for magnesium and B vitamins. 6 grams of fiber in a quarter cup will help you stay full and lean.

As it is:

To do delicious pancakes with wheat bran, mix 1/2 cup wheat flour, 1/2 cup oat flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp. soda. Mix 1 beaten egg with 1 cup low fat milk. Add all liquid ingredients to dry. Pour the dough onto hot pan: a quarter cup of dough for one pancake.

Popcorn (31 calories per cup)

Sure, multiplex popcorn is a sweet calorie bomb, but when you think of an easy snack, your waistline won't mind popcorn. Since it is very bulky, it will fill you up with fewer calories than other snacks.

As it is:

To prepare a snack in Asian style, mix 1 tsp. curry, 1 tsp dry basil, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper and the grated zest of one lemon. Sprinkle this spice mixture over cooked popcorn.

Rice cakes without additives, 35 kcal per 1 pc.

When you want to crunch something, rice cakes will satisfy you without causing irreparable damage to the body. They are made from brown rice and are a source of whole grains and carbohydrates. Avoid flavored and flavored breads so you don't end up with an unnecessary dose of sugar.

As it is:

For a quick bite, spread some low-fat ricotta cheese on a rice cake and garnish with a few blackberries!

Shirataki noodles, 0 kcal in 85 g

These translucent, gelatinous noodles are made from the powdered root of the Asian konjac plant. It consists for the most part of an easily soluble, but difficult to digest fiber called glucomannan. Shirataki contains virtually no calories.

The taste of noodles is hard to describe, but they easily take on the flavors of accompanying sauces and spices.

It consists for the most part of an easily soluble, but difficult to digest fiber called glucomannan. Shirataki contains virtually no calories.

As it is:

For a quick lunch, cook shirataki noodles according to package directions, then toss with pesto and halved cherry tomatoes.

Meat and fish

Turkey breast ham, 72 kcal per 80 g

When you think about what to put on a sandwich, stop at this option. Turkey breast is the leanest meat. To avoid extra calories, try to read the packaging.

As it is:

To prepare a quick and healthy snack, take vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cucumber) and string them on a toothpick. Squeeze some mustard onto turkey pieces and add to impromptu skewers.

Cod, 70 kcal per 80 g

Cod does not contain many calories, but its tender white flesh is full of impressive amounts of selenium. Acting as an antioxidant, selenium helps reduce oxidative stress and fitness-induced muscle microtrauma. If possible, choose cod caught in the waters of Alaska.

As it is:

Blend 2 cups arugula, 1/2 cup parsley, 1/3 cup almonds, 1 garlic clove, juice of half a lemon, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. black pepper and 1/4 cup olive oil. Serve with fried cod.

Mussels, 73 kcal per 80 g

Here is proof that more mussels should definitely be introduced into the diet! They provide 10g of high quality protein per serving and they have the best ratio of protein per calorie. In addition, it is the least expensive of all seafood, and they are also high in omega-3 fats.

The European Journal of Sports Science conducted a study that showed that a diet high in omega-3 fats helps to perform better in sports, as it improves blood pressure, as a result of which the muscles receive more oxygen during movement.

They provide 10g of high quality protein per serving and they have the best ratio of protein per calorie.

As it is:

Heat up in a large skillet vegetable oil. Sauté the chopped onion and 3 crushed garlic cloves until softened (about 3 minutes). Add 1/2 cup white wine and cook until all liquid has evaporated (about 3 minutes).

Add a handful of halved cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup water, and 1/4 tsp each. red pepper, salt, black pepper in a frying pan. Keep on low heat for about 4 minutes.

Add 1 kg of mussels to the pan, cover and cook for about 8 minutes until they open slightly. Those that did not open themselves, open them yourself.

Turkey legs, 91 kcal per 80 g

Time to satisfy your inner Flintstone. This tasty and low-calorie meat contains an impressive 16g of protein per 80g serving, giving you muscle growth. Just don't eat the skin so you don't add extra calories.

Soaking the legs in liquid will remove the gelatin from the connective tissue, which will make the meat soft and tender.

As it is:

Heat the oil in a large skillet (large enough to fit all the legs) over medium heat. Season the turkey with salt and pepper. Add the legs to the skillet and cook until browned on both sides (about 6 minutes each). Remove the legs from the pan and lower the heat to low, adding more oil if needed. Add 1 chopped leek root, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and 1 tablespoon grated ginger; cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently, or until the legs are bronzed and soft.

Add 1-1/2 cups chicken broth into the frying pan. Pour in 1 cup of orange juice, 2 fresh thyme shoots, 1 tsp. cloves, 3/4 tsp paprika and 1/4 tsp. salt. Return legs to skillet, bring to a boil, reduce heat to very low, sticking toothpicks in every half hour to check doneness.

Chicken breast, 92 kcal per 80 g

A high-protein meal helps in your battle in two ways: you stay full for longer, and you burn a lot of calories just digesting your food.

It's not the most interesting meat in your basket, but it's low-calorie, full of muscle-building protein - few things compare to chicken breast for these properties.

As it is:

So that the chicken breast is not dry, boil it in boiling water. Put breasts in large saucepan and add enough water to cover the meat. Bring the water to a light boil.

No need for steep boiling water! Reduce the heat to medium again, cover partially with a lid and cook for 15 minutes or until the meat is cooked through. Set the fire to a low boil and skim off any foam that appears.

Pork tenderloin, 92 kcal per 80 g

Pork tenderloin is a good, fit meat that will fit perfectly into your diet in terms of calories. It also contains significant amounts of thiamine, a B-complex vitamin that your body uses to turn food into fuel for your workouts. And don't forget about protein: here it is 18 g per serving.

As it is:

Heat up 1 tbsp. l. oil in a large skillet. Cook 1 chopped onion, 500 g chopped pork tenderloin and 2 crushed garlic cloves for 5 minutes. Pour in a cup of red wine and boil for 5 minutes. Add a small jar of tomatoes to own juice, 1 cup water, 1 cup brown rice, 1 chopped green bell pepper, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. dry oregano and 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper, salt and pepper. Cook until rice is softened, about 30 minutes.

Beef steak, 100 kcal per 80 g

If you're looking for a meat that has provided you with protein and hasn't ruined your meal plans, you've found it - beef. The fantastic ratio of proteins to fats, 6 to 1, makes it the best choice. Before cooking, marinate the meat - so it will be juicier and will not dry out during frying.

As it is:

In a deep baking dish or container, combine 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup soy sauce, juice of 1 lime, 1/3 tsp. cumin. Add 600-700g of beef, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, turning once. Heat up 1 tbsp. l. oil in a grill pan or regular skillet over medium heat.

Remove the steak from the marinade, pat dry and season with salt and pepper. Cook, turning once, for 8-10 minutes over medium heat. Then let the steak cool down (10 minutes). Can be served in tacos.


Delicate tofu, 31 kcal per 80 g

Tofu can have many different texture variations. "Tender" tofu has less compressed water, so it tastes better and contains fewer calories than regular tofu. Tofu is good in dishes such as puddings, smoothies, spreads and salad dressings - where it brings its easily digestible protein.

As it is:

For a low-calorie post-workout shake, mix 1 cup coconut water, 80 grams of tender tofu, 1 scoop of protein, 2 tablespoons of flax seeds, 1 cup of frozen mango cubes and 1 tsp. fresh ginger.

Beans in a jar, 108 kcal per half cup

Beans - fast way Dial low-calorie vegetable protein and fiber. Protein and fiber in inexpensive beans promotes slow burning complex carbohydrates that give energy and satiety. And, if you search, you can find beans without salty liquid in a jar.

As it is:

To make it useful low calorie salad for lunch, take a jar of beans, draining the liquid from it, chopped bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and parsley. Drizzle with lemon dressing.

Lentils, 115 calories per half cup

Few foods are as rich in nutrients as lentils. It's low in calories, yet packed with muscle-building protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals... and budget-friendly!

It is low in calories, but contains muscle-building protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals.

As it is:

To make a non-sloppy veggie burger, place 1-1/4 cups of dry green lentils in a medium sized saucepan along with 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until lentils soften (about 25 minutes). Dry the lentils and set aside to cool. Then put it in a blender and beat until it is ground - but not to the state of powder.

Add 1/2 cup oatmeal fast food, 110 g soft goat cheese, 1/3 cup chopped walnuts, 1/3 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 chopped garlic clove, salt and pepper to taste; whisk until smooth.

Form 6 medium-sized pancakes from the mixture and fry in a greased pan.


Liquid egg whites, 25 kcal per 3 tablespoons

If you're looking for the purest, low-calorie protein, liquid egg whites are the way to go. In recipes, you can use them instead of whole eggs (3 tbsp equals 1 whole egg), and there is no need to break anything. Egg white protein is loaded with essential amino acids, making it a superstar among protein foods.

Egg whites are pasteurized so you can eat them straight out of the package so you can use them as an extra protein source in your smoothies.

As it is:

In a skillet, fry 1/2 cup runny egg whites, 1 chopped zucchini, and 1 cup chopped plum tomatoes until the egg whites are set. Stir often. Season the resulting low-calorie scrambled eggs with hot sauce.

Mozzarella, 71 kcal per 30 g

If you eat too much high-calorie fatty cheese, your six cubes can turn into one. But you can still eat cheese - if you have stocked mozzarella in your refrigerator. Compared to regular cheddar cheese, mozzarella has 61% fewer calories. So you can safely add it to sandwiches, pizza, tacos and scrambled eggs.

You can still eat cheese - if you stocked mozzarella in your refrigerator

As it is:

Make Caprese Pasta Salad: Toss whole-grain penne pasta with canned tuna, mozzarella, chopped cherry tomatoes, and fresh basil. Separately, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and black pepper. Dress this salad.

Skimmed milk, 83 calories per cup

This cow juice helps you get protein and not get extra calories. Each glass also contains the bone-building trio of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. If you don't mind spending a little, opt for organic skimmed milk, which comes from cattle not on antibiotics.

As it is:

Make no-stove oatmeal by mixing: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup regular or vanilla protein, 1-1/2 tsp. chia seeds and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. Pour in 2/3 cup skimmed milk while stirring and top with a few chopped strawberries and nuts. Cover and let stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Low fat yogurt, 137 kcal per pack

Low-fat yogurt is a good way to get quality protein and good bacteria (probiotics) and not gobble up the extra calories from fatty or sweetened yogurts. In addition to boosting the immune system and helping the digestive tract, probiotics make it doubly better!

Low-fat yogurt is a good way to get quality protein and good bacteria (probiotics) and not gobble up the extra calories from fatty or sweetened yogurts.

As it is:

Place 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt, 1/2 avocado, 1 tbsp. l. lime juice, 1/4 tsp. chipotle or chili powder and a pinch of salt. Turn on the blender. Use the resulting mixture as a sauce for tacos, steaks or fish.


Almond milk without sugar, 30 kcal per cup

This nutty, dairy-free alternative to milk (made from ground almonds mixed with water, then strained) is much lower in fat than the nuts themselves, so it's a good, low-calorie option to add to oatmeal, post-workout shakes, or Sunday mornings. pancakes. Be sure to look for the words "no sugar" on the packaging.

As it is:

Recover from a workout by blending 1 cup of almond milk with 1/2 cup of regular low-fat yogurt, along with a few tablespoons of peanut butter, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and 1 cup frozen strawberries.


Red wine vinegar, 3 calories per tablespoon

If you want to enhance the flavor of dressings and sauces without adding calories, make sure you have a variety of vinegars in your kitchen, especially red wine vinegar. Many studies confirm that acetic acid slows down the absorption of food, which improves blood sugar levels and helps maintain satiety.

As it is:

To make a delicious salad dressing, mix equal parts olive oil and red wine vinegar with chopped shallots, garlic, Dijon mustard, fresh thyme, salt, and black pepper.

Thyme, 3 kcal per tablespoon

Fresh herbs such as thyme, basil and dill great way"spice up" your meals, give them flavor without adding extra calories. These flavor bombs also contain an arsenal of antioxidants, so your meal plan will be not only dietary, but also healthy with them.

Fresh herbs like thyme, basil, and dill are a great way to spice up your meals, adding flavor without adding extra calories.

As it is:

Mix 1 tbsp. l. fresh thyme, grated lemon zest, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1/2 tsp. paprika, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp. black pepper. Use the mixture to rub chicken, steak, or pork.

Cinnamon, 6 kcal per 1 tsp.

When it comes to oatmeal, smoothies, and pancakes, cinnamon makes them taste great without sacrificing calories. Numerous studies, including a recent report from the Nutrition Institute, link cinnamon to improved blood sugar absorption, which reduces the risk of diabetes and ensures a longer feeling of satiety, increases energy, and reduces the risk of waist fat.

As it is:

To make a delicious pudding without going overboard in calories, bring 1/2 cup sugar-free almond milk to a "near boil" over medium heat in a small saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat, add 80 g grated dark chocolate and 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Leave for 5 minutes.

Stir until chocolate melts. Pour 2 tsp. grated orange zest, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and 1/4 tsp. chili powder. Pour into blender bowl chocolate mixture, 1 package tender tofu and 2 tbsp. l. maple syrup and beat until smooth.

Refrigerate the pudding for at least 2 hours before serving.

Good time of day, dear readers! Spring has finally come, which means that “weight loss” topics are becoming more and more popular. Millions of men and women are right now in search of a way to bring their figure into proper shape in the next 2-3 months. Having read the advice of nutritionists about reducing the calorie content of the diet, and, the layman seeks to fulfill the main recommendation - to reduce the number of calories consumed. And here low-calorie foods come to the rescue, which we will talk about today.

Miscellaneous calories

Driving in the search engine “Low-calorie products for weight loss list”, we most often come across vegetables or fruits that are very difficult to get enough of. And all because calories from different sources differ from each other. Some low-calorie foods can serve us only as a side dish, while not being a full meal.

Today we're going to take a little break from the established tradition of taking calories too literally, and break down low-calorie foods into several groups.

Energy sources

We are talking about food containing a lot of long-term carbohydrates. Such foods are often high in calories, and therefore they do not fall into the lists of low-calorie foods. But there is an exception. This exception is cereals.

Cereals are sources of long-term carbohydrates with low glycemic index. This is a fairly low-calorie food and, at the same time, food that allows you to satisfy your hunger.

Let's highlight the main low-calorie cereals:

Note that we are talking about the energy value ready meal. That is, we weigh the portion, calculating the calorie content, we are after cooking, and not before it.

As for the other sources of energy that will help you get out of a lethargic state during a diet, you have to admit that they are all high in calories. Therefore, porridge is the only one of the usual Everyday life dishes that can be used on a diet.

Below is a small table for comparing low-calorie foods and high-calorie foods.

Protein products

quality protein products animal origin is the basis of any diet. Among protein foods, you can really find products with which you can both remove the feeling of hunger and not gain extra pounds.

The emphasis on the consumption of high-quality protein foods should be done by men who plan not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the existing muscle mass. So, the least calorie protein foods:

  1. Fat-free cottage cheese - 86 kcal / 100 gr. The absolute leader for losing weight men and women. The basis of any protein diet. Moreover, cottage cheese is the cheapest quality protein food, which is important in our times of crisis.
  2. Pollock fish - 70 kcal / 100 gr. A more expensive, but equally high-quality, low-calorie source of protein.
  3. Squid - 75 kcal / 100 gr.
  4. Cod - 75 kcal / gr.
  5. Perch - 82 kcal / 100 gr.
  6. Chicken breast - 113 kcal / 100 gr.

Here is a list of quality high-protein and almost fat-free foods. All products, like cereals, are weighed after cooking. with calories in this case confusion can result, because after boiling the weight of the product often decreases.

From myself I advise you to eat poultry and fish, these are the best protein foods, eating which you can easily lose a couple, or even a couple of tens of extra pounds.

Vegetables and fruits

Let's move on to the main point for which ordinary people are looking for a “low-calorie weight loss list” online.

Vegetables and fruits are also low glycemic carbohydrates. But, firstly, you are unlikely to be able to get enough only with the help of them, and secondly, eating only vegetables and fruits is quite an expensive pleasure, it is better to arrange for yourself. But, of course, if you want to lose weight and not bother too much with calories, which must be counted on a diet, it is better to get half of the energy received during weight loss from vegetables and fruits. So here is our list:

This list is endless. The bottom line is that vegetables and fruits have a lower glycemic index, which is closely related to calorie content, due to which it is virtually impossible to gain weight by eating vegetables and fruits. And you can get rid of extra pounds.

How to make a diet?

To create a diet based on the consumption of calories with low energy value, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Moreover, we are talking about both moral and material possibilities.

If you do not know how to make a diet and want to get everything ready, then this course is for you!

Learn more about the course »»

It is known that eating vegetables and fruits is an expensive pleasure that will cost you a pretty penny even with a low calorie content. In addition, a decrease in the glycemic index of food is a decrease in blood glucose, and therefore, eating kilograms of celery and cabbage, you will still feel lethargic and have a constant desire to rest.

Of course, in emergency cases, when you need to lose a few kilograms in 2-5 days, such a diet may be suitable, however, if you plan to lose weight from one week.

The ideal situation would be such a situation in which you will receive 25% of calories from cereals, 25% of energy from low-calorie protein foods, and another 50% of energy from vegetables and fruits. Add 2-3 liters of water to this scheme and your tactics are at their maximum. fast weight loss may be considered ideal.

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Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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