Baked river perch. Sea bass baked in the oven

Perches are a large genus of predatory fish that live in fresh and some brackish waters in northern Eurasia. They were first described by ichthyologists of the 18th century, and by the beginning of the 20th they were bred in southern European regions, China, the Far East, many African countries and even Australia. The reason for the popularity of the fish was its extraordinary taste qualities, saturation of meat with many minerals and rare amino acids. Today perch are caught in industrial scale, as well as amateur fishing, in which they play the role of a valuable and desired trophy. There are many methods for preparing this fish, but the simplest and most effective of them is perch in foil in the oven. We will reveal all the secrets of preparing this dish and share the best recipes that will allow you to create a real culinary masterpiece.

The taste of perch meat has a rich, rich palette, so this fish can be baked without large quantity additional ingredients, using only some spices to accentuate the spicy notes. If there is only half an hour left before guests arrive, or you just don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort on cooking, use perch fillet in foil, which will require only a few ingredients:

Before cooking, the fillets are thoroughly washed and patted dry with paper towels. Mix all the spices in any small container (you can already use ready mixture spices for fish, but it’s better to mix the ingredients yourself), add salt and garlic gruel. Rub the fillet thoroughly with the resulting mixture.

Cut into wide strips on foil butter, and the fish is placed on it, after which the foil is wrapped. For ease of baking, you can use two pieces of foil - one will be the base, and the second will cover the fish on top.

The perch should be placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes, after which the foil is carefully unfolded, the temperature is reduced slightly and cooking continues for the same amount of time. A brownish-golden crust will be an indicator of readiness. Ready dish served with rice or pasta.

In sour cream sauce

An unusual recipe that will allow you to cook delicious fillet both ordinary river perch and sea perch in the oven, involves the use of fresh herbs. Like the previous recipe, it will require very little time and skill. Ingredients you can't do without include:

It should be noted that this method can be used to cook not only fillets, but also gutted and cleaned red snapper carcasses in the oven. In any case, the process begins with preparing, thoroughly washing and drying the meat. It is then rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices and left for 20-30 minutes, which is enough to prepare the sauce.

This step involves peeling the zest from the lemon, which should be grated or finely chopped, and then placed in a small, deep plate. Squeeze lemon juice there, add sour cream, garlic gruel, mustard, and spices. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until homogeneous mass, in which the fillet is placed. They try to completely cover the meat with the sauce and leave it for 20 minutes, while preheating the oven.

The initial temperature of the oven in which the marinated product is placed sour cream sauce fillet, is 200-210 degrees, cooking time is 25-30 minutes. 5-10 minutes before cooking, you can open the foil slightly, but if you do it too early or too much, you can dry out the sauce.

Sea bass, baked according to the described method, will become a real delicacy and decoration for any festive table.

Stuffing with vegetables

No matter how excellent the taste of fish fillet, no matter how exquisite side dishes it is served, it can hardly compare with a stuffed carcass.

It is best to stuff the perch with a mixture of fresh vegetables, then it will not only acquire special taste, but will also become a complex dish that does not require any special additions before serving and has many useful properties.

To bake this perch in foil in the oven you need:

  • medium-sized perch carcasses – 4-6 pieces;
  • carrots – 2-3 pieces;
  • bell pepper – 1-2 pcs;
  • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • sour cream – 20 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • fresh dill – 2-3 sprigs;
  • Italian herbs – 1 tsp;
  • white pepper – ½ tsp;
  • other spices, salt - to taste.

Perch carcasses are cleaned and gutted, gills are removed, thoroughly washed and dried. Peeled, washed carrots are grated on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. The pepper is removed from the seeds and crushed in any convenient way - cut into strips, cubes, twisted in a meat grinder.

Finely chop the dill, grind or squeeze the garlic. mix, add half the spices and salt. The resulting mixture is filled into the carcasses, the edges are secured with toothpicks or stitched. Prepare the sauce in a separate container - mix mayonnaise, sour cream and the remaining spices, add a little water if desired, and add salt.

Line a large baking sheet with foil, greased vegetable oil. Stuffed perches are placed on it. Each carcass is coated with a silicone brush a small amount sauce. The remaining sauce is distributed between the carcasses. The top of the fish is covered with another large sheet of foil.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven, preheated to 200-220 degrees, for 35-40 minutes. After the first 15-20 minutes, the top sheet of foil will need to be removed. Ready, that is, having a characteristic golden crust, the dish is served to the table with light light vegetables salads or just fresh vegetables– cucumbers, tomato slices.

Perch is an excellent fish, affordable, easy to prepare and at the same time not inferior to exquisite delicacies.

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Perch in foil - perfect dish for cooking outdoors. It turns out great on the grill, in the coals, but it also cooks well in regular oven. Simple preparation and catching a large perch is all you need for deliciously cooked fish.

A modern fisherman often catches fish - “yes”, eats fish - “maybe”, cleans fish - “no”. There are exceptions, I don’t argue, but they are rare. Cleaning river perch is difficult. The armor-like scales make the perch, although a desirable trophy when fishing, a real hell when cleaning. However, there are a lot of recipes where it is not at all necessary to peel the scales of river perch.

I once came to the conclusion that river perch and pike perch don’t need to be scaled, given that I practically don’t eat fish skin. I gut fresh fish brought from fishing, remove the gills and freeze it. If necessary and if you want to cook something tasty, for example, we defrost the carcasses and cut off the fillets without skin and bones. However, if necessary, you can remove the scales after defrosting.

Perch in foil - fish cooked with spices and vegetables, as a side dish, by baking fish carcasses in the oven, wrapped in a layer of food foil. There is no need to clean carcasses of scales.

The recipe is simple, and the perch in foil turns out well. Excellent hot snack or a second course with vegetable side dish, which can even be cooked on the shore by lighting a fire. By and large, this recipe can be used to cook perch of any size, but large perch is preferable.

Perch in foil. Step by step recipe


  • Large perch 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Tomato 2 pcs
  • Parsley, basil 2-3 branches
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black and allspice, coriander, dry aromatic herbs Spices
  1. Perch can be caught or purchased. In the first case, the dish is twice as tasty.

    Perch can be caught or bought

  2. It is preferable to prepare the perch dish in foil from fairly large specimens, weighing up to 1 kg. Firstly, it is more convenient, since there are many difficulties with small perch. Secondly, in big fish more meat and the bones are much easier to pick out. And thirdly, it is always better if there is one fish per serving.

    It is preferable to prepare the perch dish in foil from fairly large specimens

  3. Perch in foil is prepared from fillet with skin, which does not need to be peeled. It is worth handling fish with precautions. River perch is as prickly as a porcupine. It is better to use a special chain mail glove made of metallized thread.

    Vegetables for filling

  4. Cut open the belly and remove the entrails. Rinse the fish thoroughly.
  5. It is necessary to cut all the rib bones inside the cavity of the fish along the spine. With a sharp knife cut out the entire spine. The head and tail should remain. You should end up with a fillet on the skin, and the fish itself is laid out in the form of a book, fastened together in the area of ​​the dorsal fin. If possible, remove all large bones and rib bones.

    Using a sharp knife, cut out the entire spine and sprinkle with spices

  6. Mix and grind 0.5 tsp in a mortar. salt, coriander peas and dry aromatic herbs (basil, oregano, savory), 4-5 black peppercorns and 1-2 allspice peas. Sprinkle the inside of the perch fillet to taste. Chop the garlic clove and rub the fillet with it. Leave the perch fillet with spices to stand for about 30 minutes.

    Mix and grind spices

  7. Prepare the filling from fried vegetables.
  8. Peel the onion and cut into large strips. Peel the carrots and grate them coarse grater. Scald the tomatoes and remove the seeds and skin, chop the tomato pulp very finely.
  9. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry onions and carrots until soft.

    Fry onions and carrots

  10. Add a mixture of spices to taste and tomato pulp. Simmer over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes, then remove the lid and continue to simmer the vegetables until Vegetable mix will not become thick and will practically not flow.

    Add a mixture of spices to taste and tomato pulp

  11. Add very finely chopped greens and immediately remove the vegetables from the heat.

    Add very finely chopped greens

  12. When the filling is ready, place all the vegetables inside the perch, distributing them evenly.

    When the filling is ready, place all the vegetables inside the perch.

  13. Fold the fillet in half, covering the filling. Wipe the fish dry with napkins and grease with olive oil.

    Fold the fillet in half, covering the filling.

  14. Wrap the perch fillet in food foil, quite tightly and airtight. Using the tip of a knife or a toothpick, prick the foil in 1-2 places on both sides. This is necessary to control the process - by a trickle of steam.

    Wrap the perch fillet in food foil

  15. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the perch package in foil on a tray or in a baking dish and place in the oven. In principle, the fish cooks quickly, but it takes some time to heat up.
  16. As soon as a stream of steam appeared from the punctures in the foil, the fish began to cook. To be safe, let the perch in the foil warm up for 15-20 minutes. Then, cut the foil and unfold it so that the perch in the foil lies as if on a plate. Let the fish bake for another 20 minutes. The main sign of readiness of perch in foil is a delicious smell. The total baking time for perch in foil is more than 1 hour.

Well known to everyone, even non-fisherman, the striped robber of our reservoirs is the perch. Relatives of our perch live almost all over the world.

I had to catch American bass, a relative of the grouper, and also a relative of the grouper in the Red Sea. There are many fish called "sea bass" living in the ocean.

For obvious reasons, sea bass comes to us in the form of fresh frozen carcasses. Sold in almost any store. Oh, by the way, sea bass are easy to clean, which makes them a great “trophy” when going to the store.

Baking - cooking method various dishes heating from dry heat, but not thermal radiation. Bread, pies, and meat are prepared by baking. fish, etc. - probably the best and simplest dish from whole chicken. Baking is also prepared in Italian style.

Very tasty sea bass, if baked - baked sea bass in the oven will decorate the most sophisticated table. You can bake with spices, or. Baked perch in the oven is especially delicious with vegetables.

Baked perch in the oven. Step by step


  • Large river or sea perch 1 PC
  • Potatoes 2-3 pcs
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Tomato 2 pcs
  • Herbs (basil and parsley) 2-3 branches
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, dry aromatic herbs, ground black pepper, lemon Spices
  1. Sea bass must be thawed and scaled. This is not difficult if you take the carcass by the tail and clean it with a knife from the tail towards the head. The head, if any, is cut off and thrown away as well as the entrails. Be sure to clean the inner cavity of the perch from the black film. The film is difficult to clean, so you should try using a hard sponge. With river perch it is somewhat more difficult, given the presence of scales, very similar to armor, but it is very necessary to thoroughly clean the scales.

    Gut and remove scales from the perch

  2. Cut the perch carcass crosswise with a knife to a depth of 5-6 mm on the sides closer to the dorsal fin at intervals of 4-5 cm. At the same time, try not to damage the costal bones.

    Vegetables for baking perch

  3. Rub the carcass, especially carefully the cuts and the internal cavity, with a mixture of spices and herbs: oregano, basil, salt, black pepper - to taste, and leave for 30 minutes.

    Rub the carcass with a mixture of spices and herbs

  4. Peel the onion and cut into large strips. Fry chopped onion for 1 tbsp. l. olive oil until lightly browned.

    Fry chopped onion until lightly browned

  5. The potatoes must be baked until done. Due to the fact that the fish cooks very quickly, the potatoes may remain raw during the general cooking. Therefore, it is worth pawning almost ready-made baked vegetables. The fastest way to bake potatoes is in the microwave. It literally takes 10 minutes.
  6. Peel the baked potatoes and cut into 4-6 pieces.
  7. Cut one tomato into thin slices; seeds and peel do not need to be removed. Cut the second tomato into large slices - into 8-10 pieces.
  8. Finely chop the parsley and basil. Grease a baking tray or clay plate with olive oil and place the fish. Baked perch in the oven, like any fish, tends to stick to the baking sheet during baking. If desired, you can place several very thinly cut slices of lemon or tomato on the bottom of the baking sheet, and place the fish on them.

    Place the fish on a baking sheet

  9. Place chopped fish around the fish baked potato and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

    Place the prepared potatoes and sprinkle with herbs

  10. Post large slices tomatoes mixed with potatoes, then fried onions. Salt and pepper the vegetables to taste.

    Add tomato slices and fried onions

  11. Distribute thin slices of tomatoes evenly so that the tomatoes cover the entire space around the perch. If desired, you can additionally sprinkle with a small amount of dry herbs and salt. Wait 5 minutes for the salt to dissolve.

    Spread thinly sliced ​​tomato evenly

  12. Next is an important point! Carefully, in very small portions, pour olive oil over the entire dish or simply brush all the ingredients with a brush. We must try not to miss a single centimeter so that the baked perch in the oven with vegetables does not get burnt.
  13. Pour 1-2 tbsp onto a baking sheet. l. hot water. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for baking. Baked perch with vegetables in the oven takes from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Previously, perch was a frequent guest on our tables, but over time it was replaced by more delicious varieties of fish.

However, it is not only tasty, but also very healthy fish.

Perch can be either sea or river.

Sea bass is less bony and larger than river bass.

In addition, sea bass holds the record for the content of important omega-3 acids.

Perch in the oven in foil - basic cooking principles

Cooking begins with cutting the fish. The sharp fins are cut off first, as they can seriously injure the hand. The fish is then scaled and the head and tail are removed.

You can bake perch in the oven in foil either whole or in pieces. Sometimes only fish fillets are used.

The prepared perch is rubbed with spices and left for a while so that it is saturated with their aromas.

When baked in foil, the fish turns out tender and juicy. Foil allows you to save everything useful material and the juice that is released during the cooking process. In addition, fish is cooked in sauce, sour cream or cream in this way.

Make a boat-like shape from foil, the size of the fish, and pour a little olive oil into it.

Transverse cuts are made on the perch and a lemon slice is placed in each. You can top it with sauce, cream or sour cream. Cover the dish with foil and place in the oven for half an hour.

If you bake vegetables or mushrooms with fish, you will get full meal, which is quite suitable even for a festive table.

Recipe 1. River perch in the oven in foil


two kg of perch;

sunflower oil;


salt, ground ginger, pepper, oregano;


butter – 100 g;

a large bunch of dill.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash the onion and carrot well. Cut vegetables into rings. Sort out the dill, rinse, dry and finely chop.

2. Now let's prepare the fish. Rinse the perches well and gut them. Cut off the fins, head and tail. Cut out the gills and remove scales. So clean each fish and rinse it again. Now we need to make sure that we get fillet on the skin. To do this, cut the rib bones on both sides and completely remove the spine. Choose small bones. Season the resulting fillet well with salt, pepper and spices. Place the fish in a deep bowl, cover with film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add onions and carrots and fry until soft. Cut the foil into pieces the size of the fillet. Place the fillet on the foil, place the fried vegetables and a piece of butter on it. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Then fold the fillet in half so that the fry, dill and oil are inside. Wrap tightly in foil and place on a baking sheet. Do this with each fillet. Then place the pan with the fish in the oven for forty minutes, preheated to 180 C.

4. Place the prepared perch directly in foil on a plate, garnish with herbs and serve with fresh vegetables or a potato side dish.

Recipe 2. Perch in the oven in foil with a surprise


700 g perch;

green onions;

two onions;

50 ml sunflower oil;

small young zucchini;

sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

1. Gut fresh perches, trim off sharp fins and gills. Rinse well. If you wish, you can peel the scales, but, in principle, when finished, the skin along with the scales separates perfectly from the fillet. Sprinkle the perch with salt and fry in hot oil on both sides for four minutes on each side.

2. Peel the onions, rinse and cut into half rings. Fry the onion until golden brown. Wash the young zucchini, wipe with napkins and cut into thin rings.

3. Cut a piece of foil and place lightly fried perch in it. Place some fried onions and zucchini slices into the belly, salting them first.

4. Wrap stuffed perch in foil and place on a baking sheet. Place it in the oven for 25 minutes, preheating it to 200 C. Remove the baked fish from the oven and transfer directly, wrapped in foil, to a serving dish. Carefully unwrap and garnish with green onions.

Recipe 3. Sea bass in the oven in foil


400 gram sea bass carcass;

olive oil;

lemon - half;

kitchen salt;

carrot – 1 pc.;

dried herbs - a pinch;

rosemary, parsley and dill;

onion - head;

garlic - head.

Cooking method

1. Use scissors to cut off the sharp fins from the perch carcass, remove the scales from it and gut it. Using a sharp knife, remove the black film. Wash the fish well and dry with a paper towel.

2. Separate the head of garlic into cloves, peel them, rinse them and squeeze them through a garlic press. Place the crushed garlic on a plate. Add to it a mixture of dried herbs and two tablespoons of olive oil. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a plate, add salt and mix thoroughly.

3. Transfer the perch carcass to a plate, rub it thoroughly with salt, pour over the prepared marinade and leave to marinate for half an hour.

4. Peel the onion and chop it into rings. Peel the carrots, wash them and chop them into thin half rings.

5. Pour olive oil into a hot frying pan and fry in it onion rings until light blush. Place the onion on a plate.

6. Wash the frying pan after the onions, pour in fresh oil and put on fire. Lightly fry the carrots.

7. Place the perch in a frying pan and lightly fry on both sides, a couple of minutes on each side. This is done to ensure that the perch is juicy.

8. Rinse the sprigs of greenery and place them on a sheet of foil. Place the perch carcass on the greens. Place fried onion rings and carrots over the entire surface of the fish.

9. Wash the tomatoes, wipe them with a napkin and cut them into rings. Place them on the fish on top of the vegetables. We tightly connect the edges of the foil, transfer the perch to a baking sheet and put it in a preheated oven for half an hour.

Recipe 4. Perch in the oven in foil in sour cream sauce


fresh perch – 900 g;

salt, spices and pepper;

fat sour cream - a glass;

fresh herbs;

garlic - five cloves;

lemon zest - two tsp;

french mustard– 10 g.

Cooking method

1. Carefully clean the scales from the perches, cut out the gills, dorsal and lower fins. Gut the fish and rinse under running water cold water. Dry each fish with paper towels and rub with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices.

2. Using a sharp knife or a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon and place it in a deep plate. Squeeze the juice from the lemon here. Add sour cream, pepper and mustard to the plate. Mix everything well. Place the fish in the prepared sauce, mix and leave it to marinate for 20 minutes.

3. Cover a baking sheet with food foil. Place marinated perches in it. Cover the top with another sheet of foil. Place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven, preheated to 200 C, for half an hour.

Recipe 5. Oven-baked perch in foil with walnuts


700 g sea bass;

table salt;

250 g walnuts;

a bunch of green onions.

Cooking method

1. Cut off the lower and dorsal fins from the perch carcass. Cut off the head and tail. Cut the ridge on both sides and remove it. Remove the skin from the fillet and carefully remove the small bones with tweezers. Rinse the fillet, place on a paper towel and dry it.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with salt. Walnuts pour into a blender container and grind. Wash the green onions, dry and finely chop. Place nuts, flour and green onions in separate plates.

3. Dredge the perch fillet in flour, then dip it in the egg mixture. After this, roll the fish in nuts and finely chopped herbs.

4. Cover a baking sheet with foil, place the prepared fish on it and wrap it tightly in foil. Place the perch in an oven preheated to 160 C for half an hour.

Recipe 6. Perch in the oven in foil with potatoes


large carcass of perch;

spices for fish – 10 g;

potatoes – 300 g;

salt – 5 g;

balsamic vinegar– 25 ml;

two onions;

olive oil – 80 ml;


Cooking method

1. Carefully clean the fish of scales, using scissors, cut off the sharp dorsal fins. Remove the lower ones as well. Gut the perch, cut out the gills and rinse the carcass well. Make long shallow cuts on it, pat the fish with napkins and sprinkle it with spices.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash the potatoes and carrots. Boil the vegetables in lightly salted water until tender.

3. Mix olive oil with vinegar. Pour over the marinade and lemon juice fish carcass and leave it to marinate for an hour.

4. Cut boiled vegetables and onions into rings.

5. Cover the baking dish with foil and grease it with oil, place the potatoes in an even layer, then the carrots and onion rings. Place the perch carcass on top of the vegetables and cover the top with foil. Place in an oven preheated to 200 C for 45 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking, remove the top layer of foil to allow the fish to brown.

Recipe 7. Perch in the oven in foil with vegetables


one and a half kg of perch;

pepper and salt;

ten Cherry tomatoes;

fresh herbs;

half a glass of dry white wine;

butter – 70 g;


dried basil – 15 g;


olive oil;


Bulgarian pepper;

five potatoes.

Cooking method

1. Clean the perch, remove the head, tail and fins. Rinse well under the tap and dry with disposable towels. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.

2. Peel potatoes and carrots, wash and chop into half rings. bell pepper rinse, wipe with a napkin, cut out the tail with the seeds, cut in half and crumble into thin strips. Fry peppers and onions in hot olive oil until golden brown.

3. Cool fried vegetables and transfer to a foil-lined pan, place the slices on them in an even layer boiled potatoes. Remove the cherry tomatoes from the branch, rinse and place them whole on top of the vegetables. Place the lemon cut into slices here. Place perch on top.

4. In a separate bowl, mix wine with melted butter, add basil to the mixture and mix well. Pour sauce over fish. Cover the top with foil and place the pan in the oven for half an hour. Cook at 180 C. After this time, remove the pan, remove the top foil and place in the oven for another five minutes.

    If you stuff the perch with onion half rings, the fish will turn out much more tender.

    At the end of cooking, you can sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

    To give the fish a delicious crust, open the foil and place the perches in the oven for another five minutes.

    Be sure to cut the fins off the perches, otherwise you may get injured.

    The perch will turn out much tastier if you pre-marinate it.

River perch baked in the oven is juicy, tender white meat that... proper preparation melts in your mouth. The dish is incredibly simple, does not require any use huge amount products. Enhance its taste with just a small amount of spices.

Ingredients for cooking perch

To bake perch in the oven in foil, you can use the simplest recipe. It will involve the use of the most primitive products:

  • 2 perches;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • a small packet of fish seasoning;
  • a bunch of greens (which is more to your taste);
  • half a lemon;
  • salt, pepper.

The taste of the dish depends on the freshness of the fish. Therefore, it is recommended to cook it exclusively from the one that was caught the day before and was not frozen. It is better to use fish that were caught with your own hands.

Cooking perch

Knowing how to bake perch in the oven in foil, you can feed your family a delicious, healthy dinner. The dish does not require long heat treatment. Therefore, after half an hour it can be served. The fish is prepared simply:

  1. The fins are removed from the carcasses, they are cleaned of entrails, and washed under running water.
  2. Excess water from the carcasses is removed with a paper towel.
  3. The prepared greens and garlic are chopped.
  4. Longitudinal cuts are made in the carcasses, then they are rubbed with salt, pepper, and fish seasoning. Chopped herbs, garlic and sliced ​​lemon are placed inside the fish.
  5. Each carcass is laid out on foil, wrapped and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the river perch in the oven in foil for about 20 minutes.
  6. In order to get an appetizing golden brown crust After the specified time, the foil on the carcasses must be opened and allowed to brown (7 minutes is enough).
  7. The finished fish is transferred to a plate in which it will be served and decorated with herbs and chopped vegetables, such as tomatoes or bell peppers.

Delicious dish from tender perch It will work if you know how long to bake perch in the oven. After all, if you overcook them, the meat will become dry. If you do not follow the recommendations regarding cooking time, you can get raw dish. Therefore, when preparing perch for the first time, it is important to follow these recommendations.