Meatballs in sour cream filling in the oven. Meatballs baked in the oven in sour cream sauce

It differs from other options in that the products as a result are more tender and soft inside. At the same time, a pleasant golden crust forms on the outside. Most often, these meat balls are cooked with sour cream or tomato-based gravy. Everything here, of course, depends on the desire and taste preferences of the hostess herself. There are hundreds of different ways in which you can make excellent meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven, which will not only be a great option for dinner, but can also decorate a festive table for any celebration. To prove this, it is worth considering some of the most interesting options.

classic meatballs

Usually meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven are cooked using the following ingredients:

for ½ kilogram of minced meat 100 grams of raw rice and the same amount of sour cream, a glass of milk, ground pepper and salt.

Making meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven is easy. For this you need:

  1. Transfer the mince into a deep bowl. It is better if it is a mixture of pork and beef.
  2. Add pepper, rice to it and mix everything well.
  3. With wet hands, form balls from the prepared mass. In size, they should be no larger than a tangerine. Place semi-finished products in a baking dish.
  4. Now you can get on with the sauce. To do this, separately in a plate, milk should be mixed with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Pour meat preparations with the prepared milk mixture.
  6. Send the form to the oven for 40 minutes. At the same time, the temperature inside the chamber should already be at least two hundred degrees.

Appetizing meatballs can be sprinkled with chopped herbs before serving. This will add freshness and flavor to the finished dish.

Meat balls in a pot

Meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven can be cooked in pots. In this form, the products will look very impressive on the table. In this case, you will need:

½ kilogram of minced meat, 50 grams of rice, 150 grams of flour, 1 onion, salt, 120 grams of sour cream, greens, pepper, 35 grams of vegetable oil and bay leaf.

Here the process of cooking meatballs will already look a little different:

  1. First you need to do the sauce. First of all, you need to chop the onion and pass it for 5 minutes over low heat.
  2. Cook rice until al dente and then rinse with water.
  3. Half of the onion will go to minced meat. To the rest, add 60 grams of flour, sour cream, salt, dill and ground pepper. After mixing, the mass should be held a little on low heat.
  4. Add half a glass of boiling water, bay leaf and stir well again. The mixture should be as homogeneous as possible.
  5. In addition to the minced meat, add rice and spices. Mixing must be carried out with the elements of beating to increase the plasticity of the mass itself.
  6. Gently roll balls from the prepared mixture with your hands, bread them in flour and fry a little in boiling oil.
  7. Arrange semi-finished products in pots, pour fresh sauce and put in the oven for 25 minutes. The lid can be half closed. And the temperature inside should be at least 180 degrees.

This dish is very convenient for portion serving. You can eat it straight from the pot.

chicken meatballs

Supporters of diet food will definitely like the recipe for meatballs in the oven in sour cream sauce using chicken meat. This dish compares favorably with ease of preparation and a minimum set of products:

700 grams of chicken fillet, 3 cloves of garlic, 300 grams of sour cream, salt, egg, 100 grams of cheese, pepper and 100 milliliters of water.

These meatballs are prepared very quickly:

  1. First, the fillet needs to be chopped. To do this, you can choose to use a meat grinder or a food processor.
  2. Add garlic, pepper, egg, salt to the resulting mass and mix it all thoroughly.
  3. After moistening your hands, make meat balls.
  4. Put them in a mold, lubricating it with vegetable oil in advance, and send for baking in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
  5. To prepare the sauce, sour cream must be diluted with water, adding a little salt to taste.
  6. Pour hot meatballs with this mass and sprinkle them with grated cheese. In this form, the products must be sent back to the oven for 20 minutes.

Delicate meatballs with a ruddy cheese crust will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Hedgehogs" with stuffing

People sometimes give some products "talking" names. This once again proves the popularity of certain dishes. So, “hedgehogs” are meatballs cooked in a special way in sour cream sauce in the oven. The photo allows you to better see the individual features of the product. To prepare this dish you need:

500 grams of a mixture of minced chicken and pork, salt, half a glass of rice, 1 onion, pepper, egg, half a liter of sour cream, 2 tomatoes and Suluguni cheese.

The cooking process is not quite usual:

  1. Boil the rice a little, and then rinse and mix it with the egg, minced meat and finely chopped onion.
  2. The prepared mass must be divided into parts. Each piece must be kneaded into a cake, put a little cheese in the middle, and then roll everything into a ball.
  3. Place the “hedgehogs” on a baking sheet greased with butter and send to the oven until a characteristic golden crust is formed.
  4. This is enough time to make the sauce. You will need to pass the fried tomatoes without skins through a meat grinder, and then mix them with sour cream. To taste, you can add a little salt and pepper here.
  5. Pour the “hedgehogs” with the prepared sauce and send them to the oven for 40 minutes for the final baking. The temperature must be kept within 180 degrees.

Original meatballs with filling will be a great addition to dinner as a second course.

With mixed sauce

Meatballs in tomato-sour cream sauce acquire an unusual taste. In the oven, this dish is easy and simple to prepare. As initial components it is necessary to take:

800 grams of minced chicken, 1 carrot, half a glass of long-grain rice, salt, 1 onion, 50 grams of sour cream, pepper, 15-17 grams of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of tomato paste and a glass of water.

The preparation of such meatballs must be carried out in stages:

  1. First you need to cook the rice a little. In this case, the water must be salted.
  2. Finely chop the onion, and chop the carrots on a grater. Pass the products for two minutes.
  3. After that, they must be combined with rice and minced meat.
  4. Form balls from the prepared mixture, bread them in flour, and then fry on both sides.
  5. From tomato paste, sour cream and water, make a sauce by adding a little salt.
  6. Fold the fried meatballs into a mold.
  7. Pour them with freshly prepared sauce and put in the oven for 20 minutes, preheating it to 150 degrees.

A good side dish for such meatballs would be potatoes or pasta.

Meatballs with buckwheat

Some are used to believing that meatballs must contain rice. This is not entirely true. As one of the main ingredients, it is quite possible to use almost any other cereal, for example, buckwheat. It is very good to add it in the case when it is chicken meat that is taken for meatballs. Aromatic cereals give the product a pronounced pleasant taste. To make delicious chicken meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven, you can use the following ingredients:

500 grams of chicken fillet, 1 onion, 60 grams of buckwheat, salt, 3 cloves of garlic, 120 grams of sour cream, pepper and water (120 grams for sauce and 60 grams for cereals).

Cooking these meatballs is easy:

  1. Buckwheat should be poured with water and boiled until the liquid has completely boiled away. Cool the prepared porridge.
  2. Chop the onion, along with garlic and chicken fillet, using any kitchen equipment (meat grinder or blender).
  3. Combine the resulting mass with buckwheat, add salt and pepper.
  4. Roll the meatballs into balls and carefully fold them into a mold.
  5. For the sauce, dilute sour cream with water and add chopped greens.
  6. Pour the meatballs with the resulting mass and send them to the oven for 35 minutes. For good baking, the temperature inside the chamber should be within 180 degrees.

Such meatballs will be good without a side dish. In extreme cases, they can be served with fresh vegetables. It will be not only tasty, but also useful.

With added vegetables

Meatballs baked in the oven in sour cream sauce with vegetables look very appetizing. The original recipe includes the following ingredients:

700 grams of mixed minced meat (beef and pork), 2 cloves of garlic, 30 grams of flour, 2 onions, an egg, 125 grams of sour cream, salt, 100 grams of cheese, sweet pepper, carrot, ground pepper and spices.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Add salt, egg to minced meat, finely chop 1 onion and pepper. The products must be thoroughly mixed.
  2. Form round meatballs from the resulting mass.
  3. Now you can start preparing the sauce. First you need to chop the vegetables: onions - arbitrarily chop, peppers - cut into strips, and carrots - rubbed on a grater. After that, they need to be lightly passivated in vegetable oil.
  4. After adding sour cream and salt, bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Dilute the flour in a glass of water, and then add it to the sauce and boil again.
  6. Cover the form with foil and put the meatballs on it.
  7. Pour everything with fresh sauce and bake for half an hour in the oven, after bringing the temperature inside to 200 degrees.
  8. Grate cheese and sprinkle meatballs over it. After that, they must be sent back to the oven for 15 minutes.

Appetizing meat balls in a delicate sauce with vegetables can perfectly serve as an independent dish without any side dishes and additions.

Fish meatballs

Fish meatballs in the oven in sour cream sauce are very tasty, the step-by-step recipe of which says that for their preparation you need:

150 grams of bread, 1 egg, 500 grams of hake or pollock fillet, salt, 100 grams of butter, spices for fish, 200 grams of sour cream, pepper, a teaspoon of cumin, 30 grams of flour, a couple of teaspoons of dried dill and milk (or water) .

The way fish meatballs are prepared is somewhat different from the previous options:

  1. Skip the fillet twice through a meat grinder. The mass should be as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Add to it squeezed bread, pre-soaked in milk, egg, butter and spices.
  3. From the cooked minced meat, form round meatballs and fold them into a mold.
  4. In a frying pan, fry the flour with cumin and dill in oil.
  5. Add sour cream with water and cook the mixture until it thickens.
  6. Pour the meatballs with sauce and simmer at a temperature of 175 degrees.

Delicate fish balls in a spicy filling will surely appeal to those who love seafood dishes.

For kids

Meatballs are a dish that is familiar to many from childhood. Moms often cook these high-calorie, satisfying and very tasty balls for their babies. Typically, the following recipe composition is used for their preparation:

500 grams of minced meat, egg, 100 grams of rice, salt, 1 carrot, pepper, onion and vegetable oil.

For sauce:

45 grams of flour, 100 grams of sour cream, salt, 8 grams of sugar, ½ liter of broth (or water), a teaspoon of paprika, greens and pepper.

Meatballs are prepared in the oven with sour cream sauce as follows:

  1. First you need to boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. Then fry finely chopped onion with grated carrots.
  3. Mix these products with minced meat, adding salt, egg and a little pepper.
  4. Form meatballs from the resulting mixture and arrange them freely on a baking sheet. Fill products with water.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with foil and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. At this time, prepare the sauce from the products provided for in the recipe. If desired, the flour can be pre-fried a little.
  7. After the time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet and remove the foil from it.
  8. Pour the sauce over the contents and send it back to the oven for 15 minutes.

In a plate, such meatballs can be sprinkled with fresh herbs. Kids will definitely like such an outwardly attractive and very tasty dish.

Meatballs are everyone's favorite culinary masterpiece, reminiscent of childhood with their taste. They are small meat balls in a delicious sauce. They are cooked for a short time, and gravy gives them a unique juiciness and tenderness.

They differ from traditional cutlets in the way they cook minced meat. The recipe must contain bread soaked in water, onions and eggs. The main difference is that the minced meat must be beaten off, otherwise the meatballs may lose their shape during cooking.

The best recipes are based on a mixture of different types of minced meat. You can add minced turkey or chicken, the taste will only get better. It is much more pleasant to sculpt from this type of minced meat - it is juicy and plastic.

Small children love hedgehog meatballs. They are obtained by adding rice to minced meat. For babies, it is best to prepare a sauce of sour cream and other dairy products without adding pepper.

Meatballs can be cooked in the oven, in a pan or in a slow cooker. To cook meatballs in the oven, pre-frying is not required - this will help reduce calorie content. Before cooking, meatballs are usually put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes so that they hold on tighter.

There are two main ways to cook this dish: meatballs with tomato sauce or sour cream sauce. Traditionally, with the latter version, they are molded into a rather large shape, the size of a tangerine.

The smell of sauce for meatballs with sour cream does not leave anyone indifferent, the meat taste becomes pronounced, sour cream sets off the aroma and gives the dish a slight sourness. This culinary masterpiece can hardly be called dietary, so the recipe is best based on low-fat sour cream. This will help make the dish less caloric and prevent heaviness in the stomach.

The cooking time is 15 minutes, the calorie content of the dish is 156.7 calories per 100 grams.

How to make sour cream sauce for meatballs? You will need the following ingredients:

Recipe cooking:

Ready! You can pour the main dish. Sour cream sauce is perfect for vegetables.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

It seems to me that for a family dinner on a day off, there is no better dish than meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven, a recipe with a photo of which I offer today, and you can’t imagine. Judge for yourself, the dish is very tasty, fragrant, satisfying. Cooking it is quite simple, at least no special culinary talents are required. But you will get both the main dish and a delicious spicy sauce at once. Come up with something for a side dish, for example, prepare a light vegetable salad and you can set the table. Quite fast and very tasty!
For minced meat, you can take any meat that you prefer to buy. If you want to cook a more dietary dish, then it is best to cook minced chicken or turkey meat. And if you like meat to be fatter, then take beef and pork in equal proportions. It is this minced meat, according to experienced chefs, that turns out to be the most delicious and juicy. You can add onions, garlic, chicken eggs, finely chopped greens, spices to it.
As a filling, we will prepare a white sauce based on sour cream. To do this, we add wheat flour to browned vegetables, and then sour cream and a little water or broth.
We will not fry meatballs in a pan, but immediately put them in a brazier, pour sauce over them and put them in the oven to bake. So the dish will be more tender, and it will be possible to give it even to small children.

- minced meat (pork and beef) - 800 g,
- turnip onion - 2 pcs. (1 pc. for minced meat, 1 pc. for sauce),
- fresh garlic - 1-2 cloves,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- rice (round) - ¾ cup,
- salt, ground pepper,
- sour cream - 500 ml,
- wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.,
- carrot root - 1 pc.,
- sunflower oil (for sauteing vegetables) - 2 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Boil the washed rice so that it is half cooked and rinse it.

Add spices, egg and rice.

From minced meat we form meat balls - meatballs. Put them on a greased baking sheet.

We clean the onion-turnip from the husk and chop into small cubes.
Saute the onion over low heat until it becomes soft.
Next, add to it the peeled and chopped carrots on a grater. We continue to sauté for a couple more minutes.

Now put the wheat flour, mix the vegetables and fry for 1-2 minutes.

We introduce sour cream into the browning, mix the sauce thoroughly and bring to a boil. You can add some water or broth.

Pour the meatballs with the resulting sauce.

If the sauce does not completely cover them, add a little water or broth, and put them in the oven to cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

We also recommend cooking, which can be served with meatballs as a side dish. Bon Appetit!

Prepare minced meat. The most delicious minced meat options are obtained by combining several types of meat, of which one half is fatty and the other half is lean. Recommended tasty combinations: pork and beef, pork and chicken, domestic pork and wild boar meat, domestic pork and elk, etc.

Diet options for meatballs in sour cream sauce can be made from veal, rabbit or turkey.

When using fatty meat alone, the meatballs may fall apart during stewing, in which case the way out is to bake them in a mold with sauce in the oven.

Rice should be cooked crumbly until cooked or half cooked. If the rice packaging does not indicate cooking recommendations, then take into account the following cooking time until cooked: polished varieties - about 15 minutes, steamed varieties - about 20 minutes, unpolished varieties - 30-40 minutes. This time refers to the time of cooking rice after boiling over low heat under the lid. Until half ready, half the indicated time is enough.

Rice is thoroughly washed before cooking, and the amount of water is usually taken in the following ratio: for one part of rice, two parts of water by volume.

To prepare the sour cream sauce, you need to combine sour cream with water and add spices. Sour cream can be of any fat content, but natural good quality is desirable, and not a sour cream product.

Spices can either be any to your taste, or those that are suitable for the chosen side dish, or different each time to get a new taste for this unpretentious dish. Choose a composition of aromatic herbs and / or peppers or use a ready-made mixture of “Provencal herbs”, “Italian herbs”, “suneli hops”, “curry”, “adjika”.

A portion of curry is added here and as a result meatballs will turn out in a spicy yellowish sour cream sauce.

Combine minced meat and cooled cooked rice, lightly salt. Additionally, various chopped or chopped vegetables can be added to the minced meat: onions, garlic, carrots, spinach, etc. Mix all the ingredients so that you get a uniform or, more precisely, homogeneous meatball mass.

From the resulting mass, form balls of the desired size, the optimal size for meatballs that will be stewed in sauce is about the size of a walnut.
Roll the meatballs in flour or starch, so it will be more convenient to fry them, and then the flour breading will thicken the sour cream sauce.

Take a saucepan or skillet with high sides. Fry the meatballs in a pan over medium heat in butter (or vegetable) oil on all sides with constant stirring for about five minutes.

Often you ask yourself the question “What to cook with minced meat?”. I advise you to cook meatballs - a tasty and satisfying dish.

There are two classic cooking options: meatballs in tomato sauce or sour cream sauce. Today we will cook meatballs in sour cream sauce in the oven.

Here are the products for cooking meatballs in sour cream sauce. You can take any minced meat for meatballs: beef, mixed or chicken.

Boil the rice until almost done.

In a bowl, mix minced meat, egg, rice, onion (passed through a meat grinder), salt, pepper and garlic (passed through a press).

We make meatballs and put them in a mold lightly greased with vegetable oil. We put the form in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 20-30 minutes, until lightly browned.

Let's start making the sauce. In a pan, mix the broth with sour cream, bring to a boil over a fire and turn it off.

In a second frying pan, melt the butter, add the flour, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps. Warm up for 1 minute.

We combine the contents of two pans, add seasoning. We put on fire and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, 3-5 minutes.

Carefully pour the sour cream sauce into a mold with meatballs, cover with foil and put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Oven-baked meatballs in sour cream sauce are juicy and tender.