What can be cooked from leftover chicken. The best use of leftover food

Dishes from leftover food

10 delicious dishes from leftovers. Saving 100% The remnants of former luxury, that is, yesterday's feasts, should not be sent to the trash can. It is indecent, unhygienic and wasteful. From them you can build a new feast - no worse, if not much better!
Draniki from stale bread

Ingredients: half a loaf of dried bread, how much milk is left (there is no left - water will also go), a couple of eggs, a couple of tablespoons of flour, a piece of dried cheese, half-eaten sausages, garlic-salt-spices.
The process itself. We break the bread as it will turn out and fill it with milk (you can use water). As it gets wet, we squeeze it out a little, and add all the other ingredients to our dough (this is grated cheese, chopped sausages, broken eggs, spices if desired). Mix well and fry. In a frying pan, like normal potato pancakes. And it turns out potato pancakes - very tasty!
Solyanka from half-eaten cuts

Ingredients: remnants of all meat that was not mastered yesterday (salami, ham, sausages, sausage ...), pickles and olives sadly floating in jars, half-dried lemon, onion, a little tomato puree and vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Sour cream and herbs optional.
The process itself. We pass the onion, add cucumbers to it and lightly stew together, but for now we grind all the meat that remains. Next, add mashed potatoes to the onion-cucumber company, simmer for a few more minutes. Now all of the above - in a saucepan, pour broth or water (you can add a little brine), salt and pepper, cook for about ten minutes and get ready for the requirements: “And I need supplements!”
Buckwheat casserole

Ingredients: the remnants of yesterday's buckwheat porridge, a small onion, a piece of hard cheese lying around, parsley, an egg, a little milk (water will also work), vegetable oil, salt and spices.
The process itself. Cut the onion into rings, grate the cheese, beat the egg. Put half of the porridge in an oiled form, cover with half of the existing cheese and onions. Top - greens, seasonings. And another layer: again porridge, again cheese. Pour all this with a beaten egg and bake for about 20 minutes. In a few more minutes, your relatives, who frowned half an hour ago: “Oh, buckwheat ...”, exclaim: “Wow, buckwheat!”
Meat cut sauce

Ingredients: all the remaining sausages, smoked meats, cuts, kebabs, etc., a couple of onions, a couple of tomatoes (you can take pasta or tomato juice), a couple of cloves of garlic, pepper - whatever you like.
The process itself. Finely chop all the meat and send it to a blender, fry the onions and tomatoes, then mix everything and simmer for a while until thickened. Add crushed garlic and pepper - and add our sauce to pasta or boiled rice. The degree of deliciousness of the side dish immediately increases by two hundred percent!
Semolina pancakes

Ingredients: remaining semolina, a couple of eggs, a few tablespoons of sugar, half a glass of milk, a couple of glasses of flour, a little vegetable oil, half a spoon slaked soda.
The process itself. We knead from all of the above thick, but pouring (slowly and lazily) dough. Pour the dough on a spoon into a heated frying pan greased with oil and fry on both sides, gently turning over. We fry like regular pancakes. And we get about twice as much pleasure!
Lavash rolls and heaps of everything

Ingredients: all that's left is a few crab sticks, boiled eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers ... (If the vegetables have dried up, it’s better for us: they won’t secrete juice. Plus greens, onions and a little mayonnaise. Well, a package of pita bread.
The process itself. We cut everything, make a salad, spread it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200blavash, twist it into a roll. Carefully cut it into "washers" of 4 centimeters each - and in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning we make tea and eat rolls.
Zrazy from leftover mashed potatoes and cabbage

Ingredients: unrefined mashed potatoes, bored sauerkraut, a couple of eggs, a few tablespoons of flour, onion, carrot, vegetable oil, salt-spices. (By the way, in Lithuanian, zrazy are called: “made from leftovers”.)
The process itself. Let's start with the filling. Fry the onion until light golden, then carrots there, after another couple of minutes - cabbage, and simmer, stirring, for about 20 minutes. Add eggs to the puree and mix properly. Now add flour to the consistency of a sticky dough, salt and season it. We take a spoonful of dough (so as not to be sticky - first dip our hands in flour), make a cake. We put a spoonful of the filling into it (without being greedy, so as not to tear), “seal” and gently fry on both sides. Delicious!
Rice porridge patties

Ingredients: remaining boiled rice, cottage cheese, an egg, a few tablespoons of sugar and flour, a drop of vanilla, butter.
The process itself. We combine everything and mix. We try and, if necessary, add another egg, or sugar, or flour. Depending on the amount of rice and cottage cheese, to the desired consistency and degree of sweetness. We sculpt meatballs, lightly roll in flour, fry in a pan until golden brown. Let's go with tea.
Candied Jam Cake

Ingredients: a cup of candied jam, a glass of kefir, a glass of sugar, half a glass of flour, half a spoonful of slaked soda, breadcrumbs.
The process itself. All mix and stir. If the jam was currant, the dough turns out to be a strange color, but this does not affect the taste in any way. Pour it into a mold, oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put in the oven, heated to 180-200 degrees, and bake for 20 minutes. We pierce with a wooden toothpick. If it comes out dry - it's ready, no - we're still baking. If there was a lot of jam, you can make an impregnation. Let the cake cool a little, cut it into two cakes, grease with diluted water and jam, put the two cakes together. And drink with tea!
Sweet pasta casserole

Ingredients: yesterday's pasta, a couple of eggs, 2 cups of milk, a piece of butter, sugar, maybe a little cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
The process itself. Beat eggs, add milk, butter, sugar and spices. Put the pasta in a greased form, pour over the resulting fill - so that it covers them a little. Bake in the oven or microwave until the noodles absorb the liquid and brown. For complete happiness, you can pour yogurt! Enjoy your meal!

Pasta with minced meat in the oven with cheese and tomatoes

Ingredients: pasta, chopped meat, egg, sour cream, salt, vegetable oil, onion, tomatoes, ground paprika, hard cheese

If you love pasta, then you will love this recipe. In it, pasta is baked with minced meat in the oven, but not just like that, but in company with cheese and tomatoes. It's delicious, no doubt about it!

- 200-250 gr pasta;
- 150-200 gr of minced meat;
- 2 eggs;
- 3-4 tablespoons sour cream;
- salt to taste;
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oils;
- 1-2 bulbs;
- 1-2 tomatoes;
- 1 tsp ground paprika;
- 100 gr of hard cheese.


Pasta Casserole with Cheese and Egg

Ingredients: pasta, eggs, sour cream, milk, hard cheese, salt, spices, ground pepper

If you're looking for a quick and easy recipe for lunch or dinner, this hearty and delicious casserole pasta - this is exactly the same dish! Cooking it is simple and very short, and this kind of casserole is usually liked. everyone without exception.
- pasta - 0.3 kg;
- eggs - 2-3 pcs;
- sour cream 15% - 300 gr;
- milk 2.5% - 150 ml;
- hard cheese - 150 gr;
- salt - 10-15 gr;
- spices, ground pepper and herbs - to taste.


Mashed potato casserole

Ingredients: minced meat, onion, rice, potatoes, egg, flour, cream, pepper, tomato, salt, crackers

Why casseroles are good - that they are not just prepared and always turn out. Casserole from mashed potatoes with minced meat - also the same, besides it is also tasty and nutritious. It is baked in the oven, so there really is nothing complicated in the process of its preparation.

- 500 gr of homemade minced meat;
- 100 gr of onions;
- 150 grams of boiled rice;
- 350 grams of potatoes;
- 1 egg;
- 15 grams of flour;
- 50 ml of cream;
- 4 grams of red ground pepper;
- 6-8 cherry tomatoes;
- salt;
- butter;
- vegetable oil;
- breadcrumbs.


Lenten cookies in brine from cucumbers

Ingredients: cucumber pickle, sugar, vegetable oil, flour, baking powder

You don't even know what wonderful recipe we have prepared for you today. First of all, it will appeal to those who observe fasting - after all, we are talking about lean cookies. And besides, they will be happy economical housewives- after all, the dough for this pastry is made on pickle from cucumbers. The cookies come out delicious! Be sure to try it, you'll love it!

- 100 gr cucumber pickle;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 50 grams of vegetable oil;
- 350 gr of wheat flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder for dough.


Omelet prefabricated

Ingredients: egg, milk, dill, brisket, sausage, champignon, garlic, olive, potato, tomato, oil, salt, italian herb, pepper

If you don't know how to cook delicious omelette for the whole family in a pan, then today we will tell you a wonderful recipe: with sausage, mushrooms and tomatoes. This dish is easy to make and delicious!

- 2 eggs;
- 90 ml of milk;
- 10 grams of fresh dill;
40 gr smoked brisket;
40 gr smoked sausage;
- 4 pieces of champignons;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 5 pieces of olives;
- 1-2 potatoes;
- 70 grams of tomatoes;
- 30 ml of olive oil;
- 2 pinches of sea salt;
- 2 pinches of Italian herbs;
- 1/3 tsp ground black pepper.


Potato boats stuffed with tuna and onions

Ingredients: potato, canned tuna, onion, cream cheese, salt, black pepper, green onion

Usually stuffed potatoes baked in the oven. But you can cook according to the same principle great snack- with tuna and onions. It turns out not only beautiful, but also very tasty. We would love to introduce you to this recipe.

- large potatoes- 1 PC;
- onion - 1/4 part;
- canned tuna - 30 gr;
- cream cheese (or butter) - 1 tsp;
- salt to taste;
- black pepper to taste;
- green onions for decoration.


White bread croutons in the oven

Ingredients: White bread, chicken seasoning, salt, garlic, vegetable oil, black pepper

A simple appetizer can be easily made with spiced white bread in the oven. Crackers are convenient to take with you on the road or on a picnic, they can be added to the first course. A simple and affordable recipe.

- white bread - 300 g,
- vegetable oil - 50 g,
- chicken seasoning - 1 teaspoon,
- ground black pepper to taste
- salt to taste,
- garlic - 2 cloves.


Lean soup with bean broth

Ingredients: a decoction of beans, carrots, cauliflower, tomato, zucchini, onion, kamut, barley, sage, red pepper, black pepper

The bean decoction has healing properties. So why not cook delicious vegetable soup? And the broth does not need to be poured, and the dish will turn out tastier and healthier. Otherwise, the preparation of such a soup is no different from the usual one.

- decoction of beans - 3 tbsp.,
- kamuta - a handful,
- barley - a handful,
- carrots - 2 pcs.,
- zucchini - 1 pc.,
- tomato - 1 large,
- cauliflower inflorescences - a few pieces,
- onions - 1-2 pcs.,
- sage - 4 leaves,
- red pepper to taste,
- black pepper to taste
- parsley for decoration.


Egg-free sour milk patties with potatoes and zucchini

Ingredients: flour, kefir, potatoes, zucchini, onions, salt, sugar, soda

Do not rush to dispose of sour milk or fermented kefir. We suggest you cook simple, but very delicious pies with potatoes and zucchini. The dough will be without eggs on whole grain flour.

- whole grain flour- 2 tbsp.,
- sour milk or kefir - 0.5 tbsp.,
- soda - 0.5 tsp,
- sugar - 0.5 tsp,
- salt \ b - 1 tsp,
- potatoes - 3-4 pcs.,
- zucchini - 2-3,
- large onion - 1/2 pc.,
- salt to taste.


Whole wheat crunchy tacos

Ingredients: whole grain flour, bean broth, curry, salt, vegetable oil

For taco lovers, I want to describe a recipe for taco tortillas made from whole wheat flour, which will make the tortillas more crunchy. It will not be difficult for you to prepare such cakes.


- flour - 1 cup,
- curry - half tsp,
- salt - a pinch,
- sunflower oil- 2 tablespoons,
- bean broth or water - half a glass.


Pasta casserole with vegetables and minced meat

Ingredients: pasta, minced meat, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, egg, cream, kefir, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper, Provencal herbs, hard cheese

From the pasta left after dinner, you can cook an incomparable casserole with meat and vegetables. The dish is prepared simply and quickly, and you can experiment with the recipe indefinitely. We share with you the basic recipe.

Required products:

- 200-250 g of pasta;
- 400-450 g of minced meat;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- 4 chicken eggs;
- 100-150 g of cream, kefir or sour cream;
- 1.5 tsp salt;
- 1 tsp black ground pepper;
- 1 tsp dry Provence herbs;
- 100-150 g of hard cheese.


Homemade breadcrumbs

Ingredients: bread, butter, vegetable oil, salt, spices, dried garlic

Breadcrumbs should always be on hand. And fry cutlets, and fish, and meat. It is very easy to prepare breading, so buy shop product of unknown quality is simply meaningless.

To prepare crackers you will need:

- 0.5 kg of bread;
- 2 tbsp. l. vegetable or butter;
- a little salt;
- some spices;
- a pinch of dried garlic.


Semolina pancakes

Ingredients: semolina, apples, sugar, flour, vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar

Mannik is very high-calorie. It's always a delicious and hearty breakfast. original dessert and healthy dish for adults and children. My sister always cooks her daughter for breakfast. And this dish is a good solution for a home tea party or an afternoon snack. A significant plus of the mannik will be its "budget". The pie is very tasty.

Required Ingredients:

- thick semolina porridge, boiled in milk;
- flour - 3 tablespoons;
- sunflower oil;
- fresh apples- 2 pcs.;
- sugar - 2 tablespoons;
- balsamic or wine vinegar.


Rice with vegetables

Ingredients: rice, carrot, onion, frozen peas, bell pepper, vegetable oil, frozen dill

Everyone knows that the birthplace of this wonderful grain crop is Southeast Asia, whose inhabitants have learned how to cook it to perfection. During this time, rice managed to firmly settle in our kitchen. After all, from it you can cook various dishes. Rice with vegetables is one of the best. Spicy taste of this dish will make your meal unforgettable, and vegetables will also be healthy.

We will need:

- vegetable oil - 50 gr.;
- frozen dill greens - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- frozen bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
- frozen peas - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- boiled rice - 1 cup;
- bow - 1 pc.


Delicious whey fritters

Ingredients: flour, whey, eggs, baking powder, salt, vegetable oil, sugar
Calories: 180

How to cook pancakes with whey left over from cooking homemade cottage cheese, you will learn from our detailed step by step recipe. Believe me, it's delicious, simple and fast. Pancakes can be prepared for breakfast, can be served at the table for children's holiday. The main thing is to be able to make them, and we will help with this!

- milk whey - 600 ml,
- Wheat flour- 2.5 cups,
- chicken eggs- 2 pcs.,
- baking powder - 3 g,
- sugar - 3 tablespoons,
- refined vegetable oil,
- salt - 1 pinch.


Egg croutons

Ingredients: loaf, bun, eggs, milk, salt, refined vegetable oil

If you still have a bread loaf that you no longer plan to serve at the table for lunch or dinner, do not rush to dispose of it. From it you can cook a morning dish for the whole family - croutons with an egg. It is prepared quickly and simply, a minimum of products and time is used - it is convenient and easy.

- loaf or bun - a few slices,
- milk - 5 tablespoons,
- refined vegetable oil,
- eggs - 3 pcs.,
- salt 3 grams.

A good housewife never has anything superfluous - including leftover products. Especially since you can make new ones out of them. delicious food! WomanJournal.ru presents the TOP 10 recipes for quick meals from everything that is left.

It often happens that after Sunday dinner we have some roast left, and after the children's dinner some vegetables. And what can we say about big family feasts? There is a lot left after them.

In no case do not throw away the excess! For a week, pack everything in bags with the name of the product and the date of preparation and put it in the freezer until their "high point".

Such manipulations will help to significantly save time and money, as well as pamper unexpected guests with a gourmet dinner. Salads, soups and hot dishes are “born” literally from nothing! In a dozen dishes prepared from what is left, it is easy to vary the set of products - just look in your own refrigerator.

Winter vegetable soup

Recipe for soup with celery, Brussels sprouts and boiled meat.

What do you need:
1 teaspoon sunflower oil
1 medium sized onion
2 stalk celery
2 potatoes
Various vegetables left over from lunch Brussels sprouts, carrots, etc.)
Boiled meat or poultry can be used if desired.
1.5 l vegetable or meat broth
Sour cream or yogurt for dressing
Salt, pepper, herbs, a little curry to taste

How to cook winter vegetable soup puree:

  • Chop the onion and vegetables.
  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion until golden brown. Add chopped celery stalks, fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour in the rest of the vegetables, season with curry, heat for 2 minutes, pour half vegetable broth and boil for about 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Using an immersion blender, puree the soup, pour back into the saucepan, add the remaining broth and bring to a boil.
  • Serve with sour cream or yogurt, sprinkled with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Bean and salmon salad

Recipe for bean salad, salmon with spicy mustard sauce with olives.

What do you need:
200 g green beans
200 g cooked lentils or beans (canned)
3-4 eggs
2-3 tomatoes
200 g salted or smoked salmon, cut into pieces
A little arugula

For sauce:
About 80 g pitted olives
3 art. spoons of olive oil
1 st. spoonful of red wine vinegar
1 minced garlic clove
1 st. tablespoon Dijon mustard
some basil

How to make Bean and Salmon Salad:

  • For sauce: chop olives, garlic and basil, mix thoroughly with oil, vinegar and mustard.
  • Boil for 5 minutes green beans(if it is not boiled yet) or defrost ready. Douse cold water. Hard boil the eggs and cut into quarters.
  • Heat the beans in the microwave, chop the tomatoes.
  • In a salad bowl, mix vegetables and beans, add arugula. Put salmon, eggs and some olives on top, season with sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Spanish omelet with potatoes and cheese

omelet recipe with boiled potatoes, cheese and sage.

What do you need:
A little butter for frying
White part of a leek
Approximately 2 boiled potatoes
6 eggs
Approximately 80 g of any cheese
A pinch of dried sage
Salt, pepper to taste

How to make a Spanish omelet with potatoes and cheese:

  • Cut the potatoes into slices about 0.5 cm thick. Cut the white part of the leek into thin rings. Heat the butter in a frying pan and sauté the leek until soft.
  • Mix eggs, grated cheese, salt, pepper and season with sage.
  • Grease a refractory form with oil, lay out the potatoes in layers, gradually pouring the egg mixture, spread the leek on top and pour the rest of the eggs.
  • Bake the omelette for about 15-20 minutes in the oven over medium heat.

Enjoy your meal!

Indian rice

rice recipe with green peas and curry.

What do you need:
200 g finished fillet chicken or pork
250 g cooked rice (any variety)
Handful of frozen peas
1 bulb
1 st. ketchup spoon
Pinch of curry powder
1 garlic clove
Vegetable oil
A little soy sauce

How to cook Indian rice:

  • Beat an egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Heat the oil in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture, fry on both sides like a pancake. Set aside.
  • In the same pan, fry chopped onion, garlic until golden brown, add ketchup and curry. Add peas, simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Cut the meat into strips. Add rice and meat to the onion mixture, mix.
  • Cut the omelette pancake into strips, add to the rice and drizzle with soy sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

bread pudding

pudding recipe from wheat bread and raisins.

What do you need:
200-250 g stale wheat bread
2 eggs
200 ml milk
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
50 g raisins or dried cherries
Oil for lubrication

How to make bread pudding:

  • Beat eggs with milk and sugar. Cut the crusts off the bread and cut into thin small slices. Brush each piece with the egg mixture.
  • Grease the form with oil, lay out the bread, pour 2 tbsp on top. tablespoons remaining egg mixture. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 150°C.

Enjoy your meal!

Honey mustard pasta with chicken

Pasta recipe with honey, mustard, chicken and basil.

What do you need:
300 g cooked pasta(bows, spirals, etc.)
3 tsp mayonnaise
1 st. a spoon with a top of not burning mustard
1 st. a spoonful of clear honey
300 g ready chicken fillet cut into pieces
1 small red onion
4 small tomatoes
Small bunch of basil

How to make Honey Mustard Paste with Chicken:

  • Mix mayonnaise, honey mustard until the consistency of sour cream.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices, onion into half rings, tear the basil leaves with your hands.
  • Heat pasta in the microwave.
  • Mix with vegetables and chicken, season with sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Cold roast beef with creamy horseradish

Roast beef recipe with garnish beetroot salad with horseradish sauce.

What do you need:
Thin slices of cooked roast beef
2-3 small boiled beets
1 small onion
4 small handfuls of assorted lettuce leaves (whatever you have)
1 teaspoon sherry vinegar
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

For sauce:
5 teaspoons grated horseradish
2 tbsp. spoons of cream
A pinch of mustard powder
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook cold roast beef with creamy horseradish:

  • For the sauce: mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper.
  • Cut the beets into thin strips, onion into half rings.
  • In a salad bowl, mix beetroot, onion and lettuce leaves. Season with a mixture of vinegar and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Mix gently.
  • Before serving, put a salad in the center of each plate, add a spoonful of creamy horseradish on top, spread slices of beef around and sprinkle with the remaining vinegar dressing.

Enjoy your meal!


Meat recipe with champignons, paprika and orange jam.

What do you need:
Cooked pork, veal or turkey pieces (thick slices of ham can be used)
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
200 g chopped champignons
Large pinch of paprika powder
2 teaspoons orange jam
Some leftover meat juice

How to cook clementines:

  • In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms, put the meat there, sprinkle with paprika, add meat juice and orange jam.
  • Turn the meat over to the other side, evenly distributing the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Spicy potato and fish cutlets

Recipe for potato-fish cutlets with cumin, coriander and pepper.

What do you need:
500 g potatoes
1/2 st. tablespoons of cumin seeds
2 green onion feathers
1/3 teaspoon ground coriander
1 egg
Approximately 100 g of cooked salmon (trout, salmon), divided into pieces
Oil for frying
Salt pepper

How to make Spicy Potato Slave Cutlets:

  • Roast the cumin in a dry frying pan.
  • Boil potatoes, salt, add finely chopped green onions and spices. Make a puree.
  • Cool the potatoes a little, mix the beaten egg pieces of fish into the mashed potatoes.
  • Form patties from mashed potatoes, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil on both sides.

Enjoy your meal!

Filled puff pastry

250-300 g puff pastry
100 g grated cheese
Several slices of ham
Olives and pitted olives
Vegetable oil
Egg for brushing

How to cook puff pastry with stuffing:

  • Combine the dough scraps into a ball and roll out thinly. Cut with a knife into small diamonds.
  • Put a slice of ham on each piece of dough, sprinkle with cheese and finely chopped olives / black olives. Roll up tubes.
  • Beat the egg with a fork and grease the surface of the tubes.
  • Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes over medium heat.

Enjoy your meal!

After lunch or dinner, food remains, which, most often, we throw away, without thinking that other very tasty dishes can be prepared from the leftovers. Here are some inventive ideas.

Fried rice with vegetables and spices

Was there plov or boiled rice left after dinner? Then turn it into a fried one using an ordinary frying pan, adding spices, canned peas and corn, grated carrots. You can also add meat (for example, leftover chicken or steak), sausage, and eggs to such a side dish.

cream soup

Soup - great way use leftover food. You can use the leftover chicken or other meat as a base, add any vegetables that you have. You can cook already like this, or you can make a cream soup - grind all the ingredients in a blender. Thus, a surprising amount of vegetables can be "crammed" into one serving of soup. And don't forget the spices!


It has long been noticed that a salad can be made from almost all products. Hamburgers? Cut and mix with crispy lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers. Chicken? You can chop and mix together pasta, herbs, tomatoes and onions. Grilled vegetables? Add olives, lettuce and couscous. For refueling use olive oil and lemon juice. There are many salad options you can make from leftover food - enough for an entire salad bar!

Baked eggs and scrambled eggs

This dish can be both a simple dinner and a great one. hearty breakfast. Eggs are baked in the soft-boiled oven with cream and various ingredients. Serve such eggs with strips of toast, which are convenient to dip in a semi-liquid yolk. Also leftover food is great for making omelettes.


Of course, pizza can be ordered at some establishment, but why waste money and time when you can easily cook it yourself? For this, it is not necessary to bake cakes. You can buy them in the supermarket, and make the filling from everything that is left after dinner and is in the refrigerator.

Many of us throw away leftovers after breakfast, lunch or dinner, without even thinking that a lot of a wide variety of delicacies can be prepared from them. Even withered cheese, stale bread and withering vegetables, you can easily give a second life.

Today we will tell you about what goodies can be prepared from products that, it would seem, are long overdue to be sent to the bin.

1. Pastries and pancakes from sour milk

On its basis, magnificent pancakes and lush pancakes are obtained. In addition, from sour milk you can cook homemade cheese or cottage cheese. However, only high-quality dairy products should be used for these dishes.

2. Leftover Nutella is easy to turn into a chocolate smoothie.

Many of us throw away a jar of this popular treat when there is still a lot of pasta left on its machines. Instead, pour warmed milk into the container and shake well. And voila! Fragrant hot chocolate ready.

3. Withering mushrooms make a great addition to the soup.

A post shared by Julia Bykova(@juliandjulia18) on May 3, 2018 at 7:21am PDT

As well as greens, carrots and potatoes. To give the dish a thicker and creamier texture, add a couple of spoons processed cheese. Both adults and children will be delighted with such a soup.

4. Put the rest of the sauces in the freezer

Pour them into ice cube trays and put them on the shelf freezer with the lowest temperature. You can use the leftover sauces for dressings at any time variety of dishes. By the way, you can also freeze broths and olive oil with herbs.