Cutlets with chicken fillet inside. Recipe for chopped chicken cutlets with cheese

Very easy to cook at home chopped chicken cutlets: with mayonnaise, or starch, in a pan or in the oven.

The difference between such cutlets is that they are cooked and finely chopped chicken fillet, and some cooks call them - "Sissies". Why - "Nezhenki"?

I think they are called that because delicate taste cutlets than because of them appearance, but one way or another, a dish worthy of any home menu.

Products to a minimum, time also does not take much, so let's start cooking chopped chicken cutlets

  • Chicken fillet - 500 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces as small as possible so that they look like minced meat.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Wash and then chop the dill.

Now mix the chopped pieces of chicken fillet with onions and herbs, break 2 eggs, add mayonnaise and a tablespoon of starch. You can also throw in another piece of butter and crush a clove of garlic.

Mix all ingredients well until smooth.

We form cutlets, I always do it with the help of my hands.

We heat the pan with a normal amount of vegetable oil and fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

Cutlets are ready, you can start tasting. As a side dish I used boiled potatoes and cutting and fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Recipe 2: Homemade Chopped Chicken Breast Cutlets

Very juicy soft cutlets from chicken breast. Prepare quickly and easily!

In our cutlets, the chicken breast is chopped into pieces with a knife, and not with a meat grinder. And thanks to yogurt (or sour cream), the meat is tender and juicy. You will be surprised how delicious chicken cutlets can be.

Cooking cutlets is also frankly pleasing - they are made in a few minutes. Just prepare a large sharp knife in advance. With it, the cutting process will be even easier. Such cutlets are very popular with children, and chicken the meat is coming to their advantage! And, of course, girls who watch their weight. What about men? And men like everything from meat! Especially if you prepare some other sauce or gravy for cutlets especially for them. So fry cutlets for the whole family!

  • chicken breast - 300
  • chicken egg - 1 piece
  • thick unsweetened yogurt without additives (or sour cream) - 2 tablespoons
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • table salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying meatballs

Let's prepare the chicken. If you have it ready, there will be no hassle. Just defrost (if you bought frozen), wash in cold water. Then we dry it, let the water drain itself, putting the meat on a towel, or dip it with a dry cloth that does not leave lint.

If you need to cook the fillet yourself from whole chicken, there is no problem either. We take the chicken (it is better to leave it slightly frozen) and large sharp knife cut off a piece of breast on one side, and then on the other. If you have picked up a bone or cartilage, cut them out. We remove the skin. That's all! Now finely chop the meat with a sharp knife. Breasts are a pleasure to work with. It cuts easily and doesn't slip out of your hand.

Put the meat in a deep bowl. The main part of the work is done. Only little things remained.

Now we measure two tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt into the meat. We emphasize once again that yogurt (if you use it, and not sour cream) should be thick, the one that is eaten with a spoon, not drinkable.

Salt minced meat, sprinkle with black ground pepper or other seasonings of your choice.

Stir thoroughly.

We wash the egg and break it with a knife into a bowl with meat. We look so that pieces of the shell do not fall.

And mix thoroughly again.

We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove, heat it up. Cutlets are not formed in advance, otherwise they will spread. As soon as the oil heats up to the desired state, we scoop up the minced meat with a spoon and send it to fry.

We fry for two or three minutes on each side, i.e. very fast.

This should not bother you, because. chicken meat, especially chopped, is fried really for a short time.

If suddenly cutlets fall apart in a pan for some reason, try making them smaller or put starch or flour (just a little bit) in the composition.

Everything is ready! Place patties on paper towels to drain excess oil.

Serve with your favorite side dish!

Recipe 3: chopped chicken cutlets at home

  • Chicken fillet 300 gr
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Flour 2 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp
  • Dill 1 tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Allspice 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp

Rinse the chicken fillet, pat dry with paper towels and cut into small pieces.

Add eggs, mayonnaise, flour, salt, pepper and mix well.

Add dried dill or parsley and mix everything again.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and spread the minced meat with a spoon.

Fry on both sides for a few minutes until golden brown.

Allow to cool slightly and serve with a side dish or vegetables. Bon Appetit.

Recipe 4, simple: chopped chicken cutlets with mayonnaise

charm chopped cutlets from chicken fillet in that they are cooked very quickly, they can be served for breakfast or dinner. Such lazy chicken cutlets do not require a meat grinder. Although their “laziness” is relative - cutting fillets into cubes is more difficult than passing them through a meat grinder. But you will love the result. Chopped cutlets can be served as a separate dish, or with a side dish. Seemingly regular products, and it is not a shame to serve such a dish on the festive table.

And one more feature of the dish: the longer the minced meat is infused and marinated, the tastier and more tender the cutlets will be.

  • fillet - 500 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - to taste
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

We will start with the fillet, thoroughly wash it and dry it with a paper towel, cut the prepared fillet into pieces, and each of the pieces is already in small cubes, the smaller the cube, the better. We put everything in a separate bowl.

We take two eggs, medium and break into a bowl with food.

Instead of parsley, you can take dill, I do not recommend using cilantro and basil. Finely chop the parsley and add the fillet to the cubes. Fill everything with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise should be chosen not very fatty, chopped tender cutlets will be so tastier. But I do not recommend replacing it with sour cream, not at all.

Add starch and mix everything. Stir very carefully so that all the ingredients are mixed together, especially the eggs.

Squeeze the garlic cloves through the garlic cloves into this dish, and again mix everything thoroughly. do not forget to salt and add black pepper. Minced meat is ready, but you can’t fry cutlets right away, because. he must persist. It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1.5 hours. The longer the meat is infused, the richer the taste of the cutlets will be. If you cover the minced meat with cling film, then it can be kept in the refrigerator for three days, the taste will not suffer from this, and it will even be better.

Pour a little oil into the pan (the minced meat absorbs it well) and pour a little minced meat with a spoon to make oval cakes. Do not worry that the stuffing will spread, this will not happen. You need to fry on medium heat so that the cutlets do not burn. On each side, fry the chicken fillet cutlets for about 5 minutes, the cutlets will be ready when they have a golden crust.

We spread them on a towel so that the paper absorbs excess fat. Ready! Lazy chicken cutlets can be served with any side dish, hot or cold. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: Chopped Chicken Cutlets with Starch (with photo)

It turns out an amazing meat dish in which the chicken breast will be juicy and very tender. Chopped chicken cutlets are called chopped because the chicken fillet is not twisted into minced meat, but cut (chopped) small cube. Due to this procedure, pieces of meat are felt in ready-made chicken cutlets, and they are juicy and not at all dry.

According to the recipe, I note that I give the basis for the preparation of chopped chicken cutlets from chicken breast. You can also add chopped cheese, fresh Bell pepper, canned corn and other ingredients you like.

  • chicken breast - 500 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml

The dish is very simple and we will cook it very quickly. First of all, quickly rinse the chilled chicken breast under cold running water (let the frozen one thaw completely) and dry it thoroughly. Then cut the meat into small cubes - preferably no more than 1 centimeter. Place the breast pieces in a mixing bowl.

Then just add the rest of the ingredients on the list: potato or corn starch(if not available, use wheat flour) for coupling, a couple of chicken eggs, sour cream of any fat content. Salt and pepper to taste - as you like.

It remains to mix everything thoroughly to get such a kind of minced meat, like dough for pancakes. With a hand or a spoon, it doesn't matter. Taste for salt, add more if needed.

We heat the pan with refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil and spread the prepared minced meat with a tablespoon. Thickness chicken cutlets regulate yourself. Fry them over medium heat until the underside is browned.

Then we turn over the chopped chicken cutlets and bring them to readiness (it is possible under the lid) on the second side. For everything about everything in one pan, it will take no more than 8-10 minutes. Similarly, prepare the rest of the meatballs. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got 13 medium-sized cutlets.

Serve hot with any side dish of your choice. fresh vegetables and greenery. By the way, such chopped chicken cutlets are tasty not only warm, but also cold. Take off you can make sandwiches.

I'm sure it's so easy to prepare, but tasty and juicy dish chicken breast you'll love it. Moreover, it is prepared in just half an hour.

Recipe 6: chopped chicken cutlets with cheese in the oven

Delicious, juicy, tender chicken fillet cutlets with cheese baked in the oven. Chopped chicken breasts combined with creamy taste cheese makes this dish incredibly tasty!

  • Chicken breast fillet - 500 g
  • Bryndza cheese (or other cheese of your choice) - 60 g
  • Sweet red pepper - 150 g
  • Onion - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • To grease the mold:
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Put the sweet pepper on the grate of the oven preheated to the maximum. Bake until black marks appear, flipping, 10 minutes.

shift hot pepper in sealed plastic bag close and leave for 10 minutes.

Cut the cheese into very small cubes.

Chop the onion.

Ready pepper to clear from the skin and core. Cut the pulp into small cubes.

Wash the chicken breast fillet, pat dry.

Finely chop the fillet, then chop with a heavy knife or cleaver into coarse minced meat.

Combine minced meat, sweet pepper, onion and cheese. Add softened butter, raw egg, salt, pepper and mix until smooth.

Wetting your hands in water, mold the minced meat into small elongated cutlets. Lay the patties on a greased baking sheet.

Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Bake 20 minutes.

Cutlets can be served with any side dish or salad. Bon Appetit.

Recipe 7, step by step: chopped chicken breast cutlets

Any good housewife has more than one recipe for delicious homemade cutlets. The popularity of this dish is understandable - there are no hard-to-find products here, and cutlets are prepared quickly enough, and they always turn out to be surprisingly appetizing and satisfying. Today we will replace the traditional pork / ground beef for this dish with more light meat birds and cook simple, but at the same time surprisingly tasty chopped chicken breast cutlets with herbs. Try it too! Perhaps this recipe will become your “favorite”!

  • chicken breast - 500 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves (optional) - 1-2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (or mayonnaise) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

My chicken breast, get rid of excess moisture - dry on paper towels / napkins, then remove the skin and bones. Cut the bird fillet into small cubes, put in a deep container.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, add raw eggs, sour cream (or mayonnaise). Lilac or ordinary white onions, after removing the husk, cut into small cubes or chop with a blender, and then put in a container with chicken meat. Optionally, for a rich flavor, add garlic cloves passed through a press. Clean and dry dill, finely chopped, also spread to the meat.

mix meat mass, and then pour in the flour so that the cutlets keep their shape and do not spread during frying (you can replace the dosage of flour with 2 tablespoons of starch). Mix chicken meat again and leave it like this for 20-30 minutes.

After the specified time, we collect the chicken mixture with a tablespoon and spread it in the form of cutlets on a hot, oiled surface of the pan.

Fry the blanks over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes on each side. Next, reduce the heat and, covering the pan with a lid, bring the chicken meat to full readiness for 10-15 minutes.

Chopped chicken breast cutlets - a hearty and tasty main course, serve with any side dish, vegetable cutting or pickles, as well as herbs.

Recipe 8: Chopped Chicken Breast Cutlets (Step by Step Photos)

From chicken fillet or breast, you can cook a very tasty and simple second course - chopped cutlets. This recipe will especially appeal to those who do not have a meat grinder at home.

  • 3 pcs. chicken fillets (about 700 g);
  • 2 medium eggs;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 4 tbsp potato or corn starch;
  • 4 tbsp sour cream;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

We wash the chicken fillet or breast, remove the bones, cut into small cubes (about 1 cm each).

We clean and chop the onion.

Put the chopped chicken into a bowl. Add chopped onion, break 3 eggs. We mix everything.

Pour the starch, salt and pepper. We mix.

Add 4 tbsp. sour cream, stir.

Pour 3-4 tbsp into a heated pan. l. vegetable oil. With a spoon, we collect prepared minced meat from chopped chicken meat and put it in heated vegetable oil. With the help of the same spoon, we give the cutlets a shape - slightly flatten on top and align from the sides. Fry over medium heat until golden brown (about 2 minutes) on each side.

Then we cover the cutlets with a lid, reduce the heat and leave the cutlets to come up on the lowest heat for another 5-10 minutes. In this case, the main thing is to prevent them from burning.

Delicious chopped chicken cutlets are ready! Bon Appetit!

Cooks around the world have come up with many ways to cook cutlets from dietary chicken breast. They differ both in the method of preparing minced meat and in the methods of bringing the dish to readiness. The recipe of this dish is also very diverse, that is, the composition of the products from which minced meat is obtained. Therefore, you should start with the simplest. To make the cutlets juicy, they do not need to be fried for a long time, you can dilute the minced meat with ice chips or butter. And be sure to give ready semi-finished meat stand 30 minutes in the cold before sculpting.


  • Chicken breast, fillet- 1 kg
  • White bread- 250 grams
  • Milk- 0.5 cups
  • Onion- 200 grams
  • crackers for breading
  • Spices: salt, ground black pepper.
  • How to cook juicy chicken breast cutlets

    1 . Prepare the fillet. Cut up chicken or defrost store-bought meat.

    . Cut off the bottom crust from the bread (side and top crusts can be left, after grinding through a meat grinder, they will not be noticeable in the finished meatballs). Pour the bread with milk and leave for a couple of minutes, let it soften.

    . Meanwhile, prepare the onion.

    4. Onions, bread and fillets are twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a food processor.

    . Salt, pepper. Stir and put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    . Blind cutlets, 1-1.5 cm high. Roll on both sides in breadcrumbs and send to a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry the meatballs until golden brown over medium heat. Spread on a paper towel to absorb the remaining vegetable oil.

    Delicious chicken breast cutlets are ready

    Bon Appetit!

    Here are some more chicken breast recipes:

    You can write endlessly about chicken breast cutlets. This healthy, tasty and fried miracle is worthy of entire poems being written about it. But it is somehow not customary for us to compose recipes in verse. Therefore, prose will have to be dispensed with. And, perhaps, it is worth starting directly with recipes. But the benefits of chicken breast cutlets and the secrets of their preparation will be discussed at the very end. So!

    Chopped chicken breast cutlets

    Chopped cutlets are prepared quite simply, but this is not their main advantage. Such a dish rarely turns out dry, and it is precisely because of this that many housewives do not like to cook from chicken breast. In addition, chopped cutlets better preserve the taste of chicken, which is somewhat lost in such products from minced chicken. And to prepare such a dish you need to purchase:

    • chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • starch - 1 tablespoon (best suited potato variant this product)
    • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt and pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • vegetable oil or margarine - for frying.

    The main difference between chopped cutlets and ordinary fried pieces of minced meat is the method of preparing chicken meat. Already from the name it is clear that for this dish you should not make minced meat too thin. Cut the breast into small pieces. It is quite acceptable if you end up with cubes about 10 mm in size.

    Immediately advice: chicken fillet is much easier to cut if it is slightly frozen. Although it is also not difficult to grind the "chilled" bought in the store.

    Transfer the minced meat to a deep bowl. Put the remaining ingredients there, salt, pepper and mix very well. By the way, if there is no starch in the house, you can replace it with wheat flour. This product acts as an adhesive, so the taste of cutlets will practically not change from this.

    In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil or melt margarine and use a spoon to put minced meat on it, forming cutlets of the desired thickness. It is better to fry over medium heat until the minced meat is browned on the underside. After that, turn each cutlet to the other side, cover the pan with a lid and bring the dish to readiness.

    Chopped cutlets can be served either immediately from the pan - hot, or cold, put on a piece of bread. There is no need to think about any special side dish. Chicken breast patties go well with just about anything. By the way, they cook quite quickly. Even taking into account the preparation of minced meat, everything about everything will take about half an hour.

    Diet chicken breast cutlets

    Chicken meat (especially breast) is famous for having a small amount of calories, that is, it is dietary. However, due to the fact that cutlets from it also contain other products, the calorie content of the finished dish increases significantly.

    To get rid of such a disadvantage is very simple. There are many ways to cook chicken breast diet cutlets, the calorie content of which will not exceed 130 kcal. Wherein taste qualities food will not be affected. These cutlets include:

    • chicken breast fillet - 400 g;
    • onion - 1 head (small);
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • low-fat yogurt - 3 tablespoons (you can take low-fat sour cream);
    • salt, a mixture of 5 peppers, dried or fresh herbs- taste;
    • flour - 2 tablespoons (for breading).

    The breast fillet must be chopped with a knife or passed through the largest mesh of a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion. Mix both products in a deep bowl. Break the egg there, add salt and all spices, mix thoroughly. After that, combine minced meat with yogurt. The result should be a fairly thick, non-spreading mass.

    Put the bowl with the minced meat in the refrigerator. He must be there for at least an hour. After that, stick small meatballs from minced meat, roll them in flour and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 ° C. Cooking time is 20 minutes. At the same time, the cutlets must be turned over approximately every 5 minutes so that they do not burn and bake evenly.

    Chicken breast cutlets with starch and mayonnaise

    Store-bought mayonnaise - enough useful product. Of course, if you do not eat it with a spoon large piece of bread. As a sauce, it may not be very good. For these purposes, it is better to cook mayonnaise yourself. But as a basis for homemade sauces or an ingredient in any dishes, the industrial version of mayonnaise is simply irreplaceable.

    Take at least the same meatballs. In them, mayonnaise performs two important functions at once: it is an additional fastening element and helps to keep the finished dish tender and juicy. And for cooking chicken breast cutlets with mayonnaise and starch, you need to take:

    • chicken breast - 400 g;
    • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
    • starch - 100-150 g;
    • onion - 250 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • salt, herbs (fresh or dried), pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for heat treatment.

    From these ingredients, you can cook both chopped chicken cutlets and regular ones. The only difference is the way the meat is minced. For chopped cutlets, cut the breast as small as possible, and for ordinary cutlets, pass through a meat grinder with the largest mesh.

    Finely chop the onion and combine with the resulting minced chicken. Put mayonnaise there, chop eggs, add spices, herbs and mix thoroughly. The resulting mass should be put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

    When the minced meat is infused, starch can be added to it. It is not necessary to pour out the entire portion of this product at once. The mass should be mixed after adding the first three spoons. Then, if necessary, add another spoon and so on, until the minced meat acquires the desired consistency.

    By the way, about the consistency. If for regular cutlets the structure of the minced meat should allow you to sculpt flattened balls from it, then for chopped cutlets it can be thinner - something like dough for pancakes.

    Put the pan on the fire and pour in a little vegetable oil so that it covers the entire surface. When the oil is hot enough, put the minced meat into it with a spoon and fry on both sides. The shape of the finished dish will be somewhat reminiscent of pancakes. But this is with regards to chopped cutlets.

    If the meat was passed through a meat grinder, then from the finished minced meat you can safely sculpt the usual cutlets, roll in any breading and fry on both sides until cooked.

    Chicken breast cutlets with zucchini

    Another way to make chicken breast cutlets more juicy is to add a variety of chopped vegetables to the minced meat, for example: zucchini. Pieces of minced meat, which includes this vegetable, can be fried, baked in the oven or steamed. In this regard, cutlets with zucchini are no different from other similar dishes. As for the composition, it is as follows:

    • chicken breast - 500 g;
    • zucchini - 500 g;
    • eggs - 1 pc.;
    • salt, spices and herbs - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    Chicken fillet - chicken breast - pass through a meat grinder. Release the zucchini from the skin and seeds, then chop, squeeze and mix with the minced meat. Then add chopped greens, salt, spices and an egg to the semi-finished product. ready mix knead well with your hands. From the resulting minced meat, make cutlets, breaded in flour and fry in vegetable oil. The dish can be considered ready when the cutlets acquire a pleasant golden color.

    Chicken breast cutlets with zucchini baked in the oven

    Fried chicken breast cutlets with zucchini are very tasty. And to make the dish more, and it makes sense to be as useful as possible bake it in the oven. With such heat treatment chicken fillet and zucchini will not lose their useful properties, and in ready dish additional calories and other substances from heated oil will not be added. True, for baking it is better to use minced meat cooked a little differently than the previous one. You will need the following set of ingredients for it:

    • chicken breast - 0.6 kg;
    • zucchini - 0.5 kg;
    • onion - 100 g (small onion);
    • eggs - 1 pc.;
    • milk - 50 ml;
    • spices and salt - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet;
    • crackers - for breading.

    Soak bread in milk. Grind the chicken breast in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder along with garlic and onions. Peel the zucchini from everything superfluous and grate on the smallest grater. Mix all the crushed ingredients in a deep bowl, add soaked bread, egg and spices. Stir the minced meat and stick cutlets out of it. Lightly grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put on it ready-made cutlets, rolled in breadcrumbs. Bake for about 20 minutes at 200-220°C.

    Chicken breast cutlets with cheese

    Cheese is a great addition to minced meat. Not only does it make the dish tender and juicy, it also has a lot of useful properties that our body needs.

    You can cook chicken breast cutlets with cheese different ways. You can often find recipes in which cheese is simply wrapped in minced meat. In principle, it is delicious, but if you mix it with minced meat, then the taste of the dish will become truly indescribable. Yes, and in the manufacture of such cutlets is much easier. This option is worth stopping. For him, you need to get from the refrigerator:

    • chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
    • hard cheese - 50-100 g;
    • onion - 100 g (1 small head);
    • eggs - 1 pc.;
    • wheat bread - 100 g (2-3 pieces);
    • milk - 100 ml (for soaking);
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • salt - to taste;
    • crackers and oil - for frying.

    Grind chicken breast, onion and garlic with a meat grinder or a metal knife of a food processor. It is better to skip the cheese through a meat grinder. Due to its “sticky” structure, the output will be something like a loose sausage, which, in turn, will have to be additionally chopped into small pieces with an ordinary knife.

    Add the cheese to the minced meat, break the egg there and salt. If desired, you can add ground black pepper. Minced meat should be stirred very well. This must be done especially carefully so that the cheese is evenly distributed throughout the semi-finished product.

    Only after that add the soaked bread to the rest of the ingredients. By the way, the remaining milk can be poured there and mixed again.

    From the prepared minced meat, stick cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until a delicious crust forms.

    Chicken breast cutlets with oatmeal

    Preserves the juiciness of chicken breast cutlets well oat flakes. For those who do not like oatmeal, it is worth saying right away that it is not felt at all in the finished dish. However, like mayonnaise or sour cream, which are also part of the minced meat below. And if in detail, then this stuffing consists of:

    • chicken breast - 0.6 kg;
    • turnip - 3 large heads;
    • oat flakes - 2-3 tablespoons;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons (can be replaced with sour cream);
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • flour or crackers - for breading;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    Cooking cutlets according to this recipe begins with cleaning and cutting onions. You need to grind this vegetable as finely as possible, best of all with a meat grinder. Add oatmeal to the resulting onion mass and mix both products thoroughly. It is due to onion juice that oatmeal will swell. By the way, you need to immediately add eggs, mayonnaise and spices to the same mass, mix and send for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

    During this time, you can prepare minced chicken. It won't take much time. It is enough to pass the breast through a meat grinder.

    After two hours, you need to combine both minced meats, form cutlets, roll in breading and fry in oil.

    Chicken breast cutlets steamed or in a slow cooker

    All of the above cutlets can be cooked not only as indicated in the recipes, but also in any other way, for example: steamed. The easiest way, of course, is to use a steamer. The cooking time of cutlets in this appliance is approximately 15-20 minutes. But you can also make an impromptu double boiler from an ordinary saucepan and a colander. In principle, many people do this: they pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire, and after boiling, put a colander with cutlets on top and cover it with a lid. In such a home-made double boiler, chicken cutlets should be held longer - 25-30 minutes.

    It is even easier to cook chicken breast cutlets in a slow cooker. To do this, pour a glass of water into it, install a grill with cutlets and start it in the "Steam" or "Steam" mode. The dish will reach readiness again in 25-30 minutes.

    However, in this device you can cutlets and fry. To do this, pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker pan, put cutlets there and set the device to the “Frying” mode. Willingness will have to wait the same 30 minutes.

    Secrets of cooking juicy chicken cutlets

    Even if the above recipe is followed, chicken breast cutlets from some housewives (and to be honest, in some catering establishments) are not juicy. To prevent this from happening experienced chefs use some little tricks.

    It’s worth starting with the fact that in order to make the chicken cutlets more juicy and preserve it, a wide variety of fillers are added to the minced meat. Usually it is crackers, cheese or oatmeal.

    Many people prefer to use vegetables for the same purpose: onions, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. By the way, this is a very good solution. The main thing is to comply correct proportions so that in the end it turns out exactly chicken cutlets, and not vegetable ones. There are no strict limits in this matter, but the ratio of 5 to 1 is considered optimal, i.e. 5 parts minced chicken 1 part vegetable.

    Some experts recommend adding crushed ice to minced meat. It also gives the cutlets juiciness. It’s good to put butter or chopped lard in minced meat. Such a filler, of course, will make the dish more tender, but it will also add calories to it.

    Prepared minced meat be sure to let stand so that the ingredients are saturated with each other's juices. It is better to insist the semi-finished product in the refrigerator. And the exposure time depends on the composition of the products and ranges from half an hour to two hours.

    Chicken breast cutlets will turn out more tender if the minced meat is beaten off first. To do this, you need to remove it from the bowl and throw it back with force several times.

    Again, to preserve the juiciness of chicken breast cutlets, it is better to fry after breading in flour or breadcrumbs. In some cases, you can use another tactic - quick frying in hot oil. The crispy crust on both sides will keep all the juices inside. You can bring the cutlets to readiness already under the lid over low heat.

    Chicken breast cutlets. Benefits and contraindications

    A lot has already been written about the benefits of chicken meat, and only about dietary properties breasts know absolutely everything. As for contraindications, this product simply does not have them.

    However, this does not mean that chicken breast cutlets can be consumed by absolutely everyone. After all, this dish contains not only chicken meat, but also other products. Often, it is due to the presence of one or another ingredient that the calorie content of chicken cutlets increases markedly.

    To a large extent, the number of calories in cutlets depends on the method of their preparation. For example: in a steamed dish, the number of calories is slightly more than in pure chicken meat. But fried cutlets from the same product is no longer so dietary.

    Moreover, it has been scientifically established that during the heating process, the oil releases a lot of harmful substances - carcinogens, which can contribute to the development of various diseases. So fried cutlets, and indeed any products prepared in this way, are not recommended for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. This is partly why so many recipes call for roasting or steaming chicken breast cutlets. And delicious, and no harm to health!

    Video recipe "Three sauces for chicken breast from the chef"

    Very often, housewives think about what to cook for their loved ones. Fantasy sooner or later comes to the limit. Books with recipes rise, the Internet comes to the rescue. Only everywhere - the same thing. Everything has already been cooked many times.

    What prevents you from preparing such a light, satisfying, tasty dish like chopped chicken cutlets? Some unusual, exotic and expensive products this is not required. Cooking chopped cutlets does not require a lot of time. And the result exceeds all expectations - everyone is happy, full and grateful. It remains to be seen what variations of chopped chicken fillet cutlets can be presented to the judgment of your loved ones.

    To be sure that final result kitchen research will be the way you want, you should carefully choose the product. Today, almost all stores offer a large selection of chilled chicken products. The quality of manufacturing firms does not differ much, but if there are any preferences, then it is better to buy goods from a proven brand.

    In any case, you need to buy chilled chicken, not frozen. It's not even about how many times it's been frozen, thawed, and refrozen. Chilled products cost more, but they do not lose weight during defrosting. Freezing, as a result, having a lower price, will cost the same amount as chilled. The math is simple - add the thaw weight loss to the price of a frozen fillet and it all becomes clear. Well, and, of course, look at the term of packing the product. Attention, attention and once again - attention.

    Classic chopped chicken cutlets

    Cooking time

    calories per 100 grams

    Classics will always remain classics. Such cutlets were prepared back in the days of Soviet catering and, quite deservedly, were considered a delicacy that was served in restaurants.


    Juicy chopped chicken cutlets with mayonnaise and flour

    If you want to make the cutlets more juicy (after all, the chicken fillet is a bit dry), you should add mayonnaise to them. It will add new flavor notes and add the missing juiciness.

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Calories per 100 g: 185.05 kcal


    1. Punch the processed, washed, dried chicken breast through a meat grinder. You need to use a large grid.
    2. Process the onion and garlic. Cut arbitrarily;
    3. Wash parsley thoroughly. Remove damaged branches, if any. Finely chop;
    4. Scroll the onion, garlic and parsley through a meat grinder into the same bowl where the chicken fillet was scrolled;
    5. Add mayonnaise to the scrolled products, beat in eggs, add salt, pepper, if desired, you can add a little ground nutmeg. Stir the contents of the bowl well until smooth;
    6. From the resulting minced meat, form cutlets of the shape you need. Bread each in flour, breadcrumbs or ground oatmeal;
    7. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry cutlets on it until a dark golden crust on both sides. Then cover the pan with a lid, turn off the heat, bring the dish to readiness.

    Do not use a lot of spices in cooking cutlets. a standard set of salt and pepper is sufficient. Optionally you can add nutmeg. Nothing more is required - the spices will easily overpower the natural flavor of the chicken meat.

    Cold chopped chicken cutlets with vegetables

    Chicken cutlets are good because they are tasty both as a hot dish and in the form of cold appetizer with vegetables.

    Time: 40 minutes

    Calories per 100 g: 165.49 kcal


    1. Process the chicken fillet, rinse, dry. Cut into very small cubes;
    2. Process white onion, wash. Cut into the same cube as the chicken fillet;
    3. Combine foods in a bowl. Add to them processed chopped garlic, chopped greens. Mix. Then pour into a bowl chicken eggs, starch, sour cream, salt and pepper;
    4. Mix thoroughly;
    5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up. Spread minced meat in portions in a pan. It is more convenient to do this with a wooden spoon;
    6. Cook over moderate heat, frying on both sides until cooked;
    7. After all the cutlets are fried, put them aside to cool;
    8. During this time, boil the colored and Brussels sprouts. Drain the water. Deep fry. Drain in a colander to drain excess fat. Transfer to a bowl. set aside to cool the cabbage;
    9. After the cutlets and vegetables have cooled, transfer them to serving plates, two cutlets and a few inflorescences and cabbage heads per serving. Decorate the plate with greens.

    Separately, to cold chicken cutlets with vegetables, it is recommended to serve sour cream or honey mustard sauce(honey + mustard + mayonnaise).

    Recipe for chopped chicken cutlets with cheese

    Time: 45 minutes

    Calories per 100 g: 188.33 kcal


    1. Process the chicken fillet, rinse, dry. Chop arbitrarily finely with a kitchen hatchet or knife. Move to a bowl;
    2. Wash dill and green onions. Remove the damaged parts, cut the stems from the dill. Dry and chop finely. green onion cut into small rings. Add everything to a bowl with chicken meat;
    3. Hard cheese is also cut into small cubes. Do not rub on coarse grater ie cut into very small cubes. Add to a bowl with chicken meat and herbs;
    4. Peel the garlic, disassemble into slices and push through with a garlic press;
    5. Crack eggs into a bowl;
    6. Next, add mayonnaise and starch to the bowl. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps of starch. Salt, pepper and stir again;
    7. Leave the bowl with minced meat for half an hour, covered with cling film;
    8. Prepare a frying pan. Heat vegetable oil on it;
    9. Any comfortable spoon so that minced meat for one cutlet is placed in it, spread it in portions, giving a rounded shape and fry on both sides until cooked. . Ready cutlets put on a dish;
    10. Cutlets can be served with or without any side dish. It is recommended to serve sour cream to the cutlets, but with the sauce, everyone decides for himself.

    Original chopped chicken breast cutlets with stuffing

    Time: 55 minutes

    Calories per 100 g: 114.45 kcal


    1. Finely chop the chicken fillet. Transfer to a bowl. Salt, pepper;
    2. Crack eggs into a bowl. Add yogurt. Pour in starch. Mix everything well. Remove for an hour in the refrigerator;
    3. Then get the minced meat and divide into two halves;
    4. In one half, add chopped greens, corn and tomato, cut into small cubes;
    5. In the second half of minced meat add grapes, small cubes of cheese;
    6. Mix both minced meat thoroughly;
    7. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil;
    8. Spoon the minced meat into the pan in the form of not very large pancakes. Fry on both sides until browned over medium heat.

    The basic principle of making chopped chicken fillet cutlets is the same in all recipes. Further, everyone can come up with their own additives, such as various kinds of fillings, for example.

    It is important to ensure that the minced meat does not turn out to be very liquid and does not spread over the pan. Therefore, it is better to add eggs to minced meat one at a time. And use only refined oil so that there are no third-party odors.

    Serve cutlets with any side dishes and enjoy their delicate taste.

    Lush, fragrant and delicious chicken chops - favourite dish both adults and children. However, few people know the history of this dish. Initially, in their homeland, in France, "cotelette" was called a piece of beef on the ribs.

    Moreover, meat was taken from the first ribs, which are closest to the back of the head. They were grilled. But then this dish slightly evolved, the bone was discarded, because without it the meat is easier to cook.

    Some time later, cutlet raw materials became chopped, and a little later minced meat, to which they began to add familiar to every modern housewife: milk, bread, eggs, semolina.

    Cutlets came to Russia under Peter I. A chicken variety of the dish appeared a little later, already under another sovereign - Alexander I, who, traveling around the country, stopped at Pozharsky's tavern. We ordered veal cutlets for breakfast for the ruler.

    The required type of meat was not available and the innkeeper, fearing the sovereign's wrath, decided to cheat. Served bread-crusted chicken cutlets on the table. The dish was to Alexander I's taste, it was even included in the royal menu.

    The prototype of the popular "Kiev cutlets" appeared in Russia under Elizabeth Petrovna, the dish was brought by students who went to study in France.

    Modern cuisine of different peoples of the world knows many variations on the theme of cutlets. Schnitzel is prepared in Germany, stuffed zrazy in Poland, kefta with lamb in Turkey, and cutlets with apricot filling - kyufta are popular in Asia. We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular cutlet recipes.

    Chicken cutlets - a delicious chicken breast cutlet recipe

    This version of chicken cutlets is distinguished by the speed of preparation and a minimum of ingredients. However, despite this, the result is very tasty, juicy and appetizing.


    • 1 chicken breast;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 large onions;
    • flour - about half a glass;
    • salt, pepper, aromatic herbs.

    Cooking order:

    1. We pass the washed meat through a meat grinder.

    2. Finely chop the onion.

    3. Drive eggs into the minced meat, add salt and spices at your discretion. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

    4. Having formed small cutlets, roll them in flour on both sides. Fry the cutlets in a heated frying pan, in vegetable oil until golden brown.

    To remove excess fat, you can put the cutlets on a paper towel.

    How to cook minced chicken cutlets?

    This version of the chicken cutlet recipe can be considered a classic, because it is the most popular and loved by most of us.


    • 0.7 kg fillet;
    • 0.1-0.15 kg of bread crumb;
    • ¼ st. milk;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 medium egg;
    • salt and spices.

    Cooking steps:

    1. We divide the bread crumb with our hands or a knife into parts and soak in milk;
    2. Grind chicken, peeled onions, garlic and soaked bread in a meat grinder;
    3. Add the egg, salt, spices at your discretion and knead thoroughly.
    4. With wet hands, we form small cutlets, which we fry in vegetable oil in a heated frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

    Photo recipe chicken cutlets in a slow cooker - cooking healthy steamed cutlets

    In a slow cooker, you can cook delicious chicken cutlets, which can be safely considered diet dish and give to children.


    • 0.3 kg fillet;
    • 2 onions;
    • 40 g of semolina;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • spices and salt.

    Cooking order:

    1. Grind the fillet with peeled onions in a meat grinder. Add salt, egg, spices and semolina to the minced meat. We mix everything thoroughly.

    2. Add water to the multi-cooker pan, put a special bowl for steaming, which we lubricate a small amount oils. Put the formed cutlets into the steaming container, set the timer for half an hour.

    3. After this time, the cutlets are ready to eat.

    Chopped chicken cutlets - very tasty and juicy

    simple and original recipe cooking cutlets from minced chicken. Their second name is ministerial.


    • 0.5 kg fillet;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • 2 medium eggs;
    • 40-50 g of starch;
    • 50-100 g of sour cream or mayonnaise;
    • salt, spices.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Cut the washed fillet into small pieces.
    2. Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves.
    3. Finely chop the onion.
    4. Add eggs, spices, prepared onions, garlic to the chopped fillet, mix thoroughly.
    5. Pour starch into minced meat, mix again. If you have free time, it is better to let the semi-finished cutlet brew in the refrigerator for several hours. So the final result will be softer and fry faster.
    6. Fry in a hot frying pan sunflower oil on both sides for 3-4 minutes.

    This recipe belongs to Belarusian dishes. At home, these cutlets are poetically called "fern flower". In addition to the standard amount of chicken fillet (0.7 kg) and onion(1-2 pieces) you will need:

    • 1 egg;
    • 0.1 kg of hard cheese;
    • 0.1 kg butter;
    • yesterday's or stale white bread;
    • salt, spices.

    Cooking order cutlet with cheese:

    1. Soft butter must be mixed with grated cheese, rolled into a sausage, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator.
    2. We prepare the minced meat by passing the fillet and onion through a meat grinder.
    3. Add an egg, salt and any appropriate spices or herbs to the minced meat (onion, parsley, dill - whoever loves what), knead thoroughly.
    4. Not a large number of put the minced meat on the palm of your hand, in the middle of the resulting cake we arrange a small piece of cheese-butter sausage. We close the top with another piece of minced meat, we form an oval-shaped cutlet.
    5. Fry until golden brown in a preheated pan over high heat on all sides.
    6. Then add a little water to the pan, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15-20 minutes.

    We are offering to you great recipe juicy chicken cutlets in a slow cooker - cutlets 2in1: steamed and fried at the same time.


    • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
    • Onion - 2 big things;
    • Baton - 150 grams;
    • Eggs - 2 pieces;
    • Milk - 2/3 multi-glass;
    • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
    • Salt - 2 teaspoons without a slide;
    • Spices for meat - 1 teaspoon.

    Cooking order juicy and delicious meatballs in the multicooker:

    1. Soak an arbitrarily cut loaf in milk. At this time, we skip the chicken and peeled vegetables through a meat grinder.

    2. Combine bread with minced meat and egg, add salt and spices, mix thoroughly.

    3. From the finished stuffing we form meat balls. Part of the prepared cutlets roll in breadcrumbs. Add vegetable oil to the multicooker bowl. We put the baking or frying mode and wait until the oil warms up. Place the breaded cutlets in a bowl.

    4. On it we put a container for steaming, lubricated with a minimum amount of oil. We spread our cutlets on a plastic container, set the timer for 25-30 minutes.

    5. After 15 minutes from the start of cooking, the cutlets in the multicooker bowl must be turned over. After the beep, we release steam and take out our cutlets.

    6. As a result, we got 2 dishes - delicious chicken cutlets with a crispy crust and juicy steam cutlets.

    Diet Chicken Cutlets Recipe - Perfect Chicken Cutlets for Kids

    Chicken cutlets are especially popular among fans of delicious diet food, especially if they are not fried in vegetable oil, but steamed. For 1 kg of ground chicken, prepare:

    • 4 onions;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 glass of oatmeal;
    • 1-2 bunches of green onions;
    • salt, spices.
    • any vegetables for garnish.

    Cooking steps diet cutlets:

    1. Ingredients for minced meat (onions and meat) are passed through a meat grinder. Add eggs, salt and spices to your taste. Instead of the crumb, this recipe uses the healthier oatmeal. We form cutlets.

    2. Cooking in a double boiler (slow cooker) for about half an hour along with any vegetables.

    3. Incredibly healthy chicken diet cutlets ready!

    Chicken Kiev cutlets - incredibly tasty!

    Despite the large number of variations, the classic recipe remains everyone's favorite. Kiev cutlets, in which it is necessary to lay oil with herbs inside the fillet. For 1 chicken breast you will need:

    • 150 g breadcrumbs for breading;
    • a bunch of greens;
    • 50 g butter;
    • 2 eggs;
    • salt, spices.

    Cooking order authentic Kiev cutlets:

    1. Cut the butter into small cubes with sides 1cm * 2cm. I'm putting them in the freezer for now.
    2. Cut each breast into 2 layers. From one full breast we get only 4 pieces. To make the meat softer, we offer the resulting fillet to be lightly beaten through cling film.
    3. We add each piece, put a stick of butter and chopped greens on the edge.
    4. We turn the rolls, starting from the edge where the oil filling is laid out.
    5. We prepare two containers, in one - breadcrumbs, in another beaten eggs.
    6. We dip our rolls first in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs. We perform this procedure again.
    7. We put the future chicken Kiev in a thorough breading for half an hour in the freezer.
    8. We fry in a hot frying pan in sunflower oil, for the first couple of minutes - over high heat to form a crust, then, at reduced heat, for about 7 minutes under the lid. Due to the size, it does not hurt to fry the cutlets on the sides. The highlight of the dish is melting butter, so they are especially tasty with the heat, with the heat.

    How to cook chicken cutlets with mayonnaise?

    Do you want delicious tender meatballs that get ready in the blink of an eye? Then try our recipe, in which you need to put 3 tbsp per pound of fillet. starch and mayonnaise. All other ingredients are quite standard:

    • 1 onion;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • Spices and salt.

    Cooking steps:

    1. According to the standard scheme, we prepare minced meat, grinding meat, onion and garlic. Add eggs, starch, spices, mayonnaise and salt to them.
    2. We knead the minced meat for about 5 minutes, then we form cutlets and proceed to fry them in vegetable oil.

    Healthy chicken cutlets with oatmeal

    Another recipe in which it is not potatoes and bread that gives splendor to the dish, but half a glass of oatmeal. In addition to them and the standard 0.5 kg of chicken, prepare:

    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 6 tbsp milk;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • spices and salt.

    Cooking order:

    1. Soak the cereal for half an hour in a mixture of eggs and milk.
    2. We pass the ingredients for minced meat through a meat grinder: meat, onion, garlic.
    3. Mix the swollen flakes with minced meat, salt, add paprika, pepper and any other spices to your taste.
    4. Knead minced meat for 3-5 minutes.
    5. Fry in a hot pan on both sides, first over high heat to form a crust, and then reduce it and cover the cutlets with a lid, simmer until tender.

    Lush minced chicken cutlets with semolina

    We hope you don’t mind experimenting and trying out a very successful variety of semolina cutlets. For 1 kg of minced meat you will need 150 g of it, and besides this:

    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • 3 onions;
    • 3 garlic cloves;
    • 100 g sour cream or mayonnaise;
    • Salt, herbs, spices.

    Cooking steps cutlet with semolina:

    1. From garlic, onion and meat, we cook minced meat with a blender or meat grinder.
    2. If desired, add chopped herbs to it.
    3. We drive eggs, introduce semolina, spices, salt, sour cream / mayonnaise. Knead and let it brew for at least half an hour.
    4. Fry in a hot pan on both sides. If desired, you can pre-bread cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour.

    Tender chicken cutlets with starch

    Starch allows cutlets to fry and not be dry, we offer you the most successful option, in our opinion, with this additive. In addition to the chicken (0.5-0.7 kg), onions (1-2 pcs) and a couple of eggs already familiar to other recipes, you will need:

    • sour cream - 1 tbsp;
    • potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
    • spices, salt, herbs.


    1. We cut the fillet and onion into small pieces or use a meat grinder or blender to make minced meat from them;
    2. Add to it sour cream, eggs, starch, if desired, finely chopped greens, onion, salt.
    3. Knead, insist about half an hour.
    4. We form cutlets and fry in oil.

    Chicken cutlets with mushrooms

    With a mushroom additive, any recipe for cutlets will acquire its own zest, interesting taste and juiciness. Choose the variation of cutlets you like from this article, add 300-400 grams of champignons to them.

    Minced chicken cutlets are one of the main dishes in my family's diet. Everyone loves them, especially children. That is why I collect and try different recipes.

    Many housewives are already convinced of the simplicity of this dish. Indeed, in the evening after work, it will not take even half an hour to cook delicious and juicy cutlets with a side dish for dinner, provided that the minced meat is already defrosted.

    But to make the cutlets tasty, you need to choose fresh meat (preferably breasts) of chicken. The meat should be soft, with a natural color and smell. To make the minced meat less greasy, it is worth removing the skin of the bird.

    How to cook chicken cutlets in a pan without flour and bread so that they are juicy?

    This is a classic recipe for minced meat cutlets, which even a novice cook can handle. In him minimal amount ingredients. But there is one secret, thanks to which they turn out to be very lush and airy. Which? Read on!

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 1 kg;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • salt pepper;
    • vegetable oil.


    This is the secret of tenderness and airiness of our cutlets!

    Recipe of chicken fillet with milk and a loaf

    I really like this recipe. Cutlets are very juicy thanks to the milk and loaf in the composition, and fresh thanks to the greens. Their scent is just amazing. Great lunch or dinner for the whole family!

    We will need:

    • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • milk - 0.5 cups;
    • loaf - 4 slices;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • greenery;
    • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
    • vegetable oil.


    1. Grind the chicken fillet in a meat grinder.
    2. Chop the onion.

    If you do not like onions in cutlets, then grind it with a meat grinder or blender. So it will not be felt at all in the dish, but it will make it very juicy!

    If the stuffing comes out too thick, then add a little milk or water to it.

    How to fry minced meat patties with potatoes?

    Adding vegetable toppings to cutlets is very, very popular. And not in vain! After all, in this way it turns out a complete and very hearty meal, after which you will not want to eat soon.

    This recipe uses raw potatoes, which you will not even feel in the finished dish. And you will get much more cutlets themselves than if you cook them only from minced meat.

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 1 kg;
    • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • cream 10% - 0.5 cups;


    Tender cutlets with boiled potatoes fried in a pan

    You can add to minced meat not only raw potatoes, but also boiled ones. Another great way cooking this dish.

    The potato, as in the previous recipe, is not felt at all, so you don’t even have to tell what you added to the cutlets, because no one will guess.

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 1 kg;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
    • milk - 1 glass;
    • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


    How to cook tasty minced chicken zrazy in gravy

    These meatballs just can not fail! They are sure to come out very juicy, as they languish in gravy.

    This excellent second course pairs perfectly with cereals, as the side dish can be poured with gravy and it will not be dry. In general, I definitely recommend cooking!

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 800 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • tomato paste;
    • salt pepper;
    • vegetable oil.


    How to make juicy chicken cutlets with zucchini

    This dish is especially relevant in the summer. I love zucchini, they are tasty and inexpensive. I try to use them different dishes, whether or . And chicken cutlets are no exception!

    If you, like me, are a fan of this vegetable, then feel free to fry zrazy with zucchini according to this recipe.

    We will need:

    • chicken breast or minced meat;
    • zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • flour - 1.5 tablespoons;
    • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


    Minced meat will turn out liquid because of the zucchini, there is nothing to worry about!

    Grechaniki in chicken breast gravy with buckwheat

    Another great option cutlets are Greeks. This is a direct combination of a side dish and meat in one dish. They will help you diversify your daily menu. And they will definitely not leave you indifferent, because they are prepared simply, and due to the gravy they turn out to be very juicy and satisfying.

    We will need:


    Video cooking lush cutlets with oatmeal and starch

    Oatmeal swells during cooking and makes these chicken cutlets incredibly fluffy and airy. A great alternative to replace bread or flour in a dish.

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 500 g;
    • onion - 1 pc;
    • oatmeal - 0.5 cups;
    • milk - 0.5 cups;
    • starch - 1 tablespoon;
    • salt, pepper, spices to taste.


    The most delicious minced meat zrazy with cheese inside

    One of my family's favorite recipes is cheese patties. It's very simple, but at the same time original dish. Children especially like it. When hot, the cheese spreads inside, which looks very appetizing.

    We will need:

    • minced chicken - 1 kg;
    • loaf - 4 pieces;
    • milk - 0.5 cups;
    • egg -1 pc.;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • salt, spices;
    • vegetable oil.


    Cutlets with cottage cheese according to a simple recipe

    This lovely dish for people who watch their diet. Cottage cheese is not felt in the composition, but makes the dish juicy and melts in the mouth.

    We will need:

    • chicken fillet - 450 g;
    • cottage cheese - 60 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • protein - 2 pcs;
    • salt, spices.


    Of course, the basis of delicious cutlets is chicken meat, but do not forget about eggs, bread and onions. The taste of the dish also depends on their quality. Let's talk about a couple culinary secrets preparing the perfect minced meat:

    • Eggs in cutlets are a link, without which they will spread when frying, but you should not add too much, as the eggs give rigidity to the finished dish.
    • Bread. V classic recipe bread is used, or rather its crumb, white, dipped in milk. But you can also add crackers. There is an opinion that crackers absorb moisture and give juiciness to cutlets. But there are cooks who add starch, oatmeal, wheat flour. Here the choice is limitless!
    • Onion minced meat gives a piquancy of taste and, of course, juiciness. Onions can be finely chopped, or grated or smashed in a blender. Onions can also be added raw or lightly fried. From experience I can say that onions are essential in this dish. And despite the fact that many do not like it, in a frayed state, it is not at all felt in the finished dish.
    • Meatballs need to be prepared hot pan in hot oil, then they will fry quickly, forming golden crust. Thus, our dish will remain juicy. Then you should bring them to readiness over low heat under the lid.

    That's all, friends! See you soon and bon appetit!