How to cook delicious and soft meatballs. We make cutlets soft and juicy - the choice of meat, cooking.

Any classic recipe You can always customize it to your liking by slightly changing the list of ingredients. In particular, this applies to the preparation of cutlets - each housewife has her own "proprietary" technique.

Options for additives for cutlets

We will give the number of ingredients per 0.5 kg of minced meat, from which about 8-10 cutlets come out - depending on how you make them in size.

Classic recipe

  • Onion. One medium bulb is enough. You can either just chop it finely, or pass it through a meat grinder. You can also pre-fry the onion in a pan. Just keep in mind that in this case, the minced meat will be even fatter. Usually, onions are fried for lean minced chicken cutlets.
  • Egg. So that the cutlets are not too liquid, it will be enough to put 1 egg. But if you bought a very small eggs, but it is quite acceptable to add a couple of pieces.
  • Bread. A small slice of bread is soaked for a couple of minutes in milk or ordinary water. Then it is squeezed a little to remove excess water, and put into minced meat. You can also pass it through a meat grinder.

Cutlets with vegetables

  • Onion. One onion is required - chopped or passed through a meat grinder.
  • Carrot. One carrot, grated, will be enough.
  • Bell pepper. If the pepper is very large, then half of it will suffice. If small - then add one pepper. Cut it up first small cubes.

Vegetables are added to the minced meat along with the egg and soaked bread. They can be put raw or fried in a small amount oils. The latter option is still better to use for low-fat minced chicken.

By the way, you can also add some mushrooms to the cutlets, for example, 7-10 champignons will be enough. They can be boiled beforehand, or they can be added to minced meat raw, but peeled from the film, thoroughly washed and cut into cubes. You can also soak the mushrooms for 30 minutes in salt water. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of salt to 0.5 liters of water. Place mushrooms in it and wait. With this cooking option, minced meat needs to be salted a little less.

creamy cutlets

  • Cheese. Cut 100 g of cheese into small cubes and add it to the minced meat.
  • Sour cream. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream to the minced meat along with onions and eggs, bread. It is better to take a product with a fat content of 15-20% - it will be tastier.

You can use both ingredients in the preparation of cutlets or only one of them. These ingredients are suitable for classic minced meat, and for minced meat, where there are also additional vegetables.

Original cutlets

What is added to cutlets if they want to cook this dish in a special way? There can be any number of options here.

For example, you can cook juicy tender meatballs from chicken with prunes in sauce. To do this, for 600 g of minced meat, you need to take 200 ml of cream, 100 ml of wine and 100 g of cheese, 1 egg, 1 onion, breadcrumbs. Prunes are taken to taste - depending on how brightly you want to feel it in cutlets. For example, you can take one prunes for each cutlet - about 6 rather large cutlets come out of this amount of meat. Prunes and cheese are added as toppings. After frying the breaded cutlets for several minutes, wine and cream are poured into them - the dish is stewed in this sauce until cooked.

And, of course, salt, seasonings, herbs, pepper to taste are always added to all types of cutlets!

And so that your cutlets never fall apart, make it a rule to knead in the most thorough way and then beat the minced meat.

Do you have your own recipe for how to cook minced meatballs? If you just do everything “the old fashioned way”, then the dish is not always happy. Improperly prepared minced meat leads to the fact that the cutlets simply fall apart. Your contribution to appearance dishes are brought, of course, by the shape of cutlets, their color after frying.

In general, each stage of preparation is more important. Therefore, how to cook minced meat cutlets: there will be one recipe, but the methods of processing and preparing the product are those points that I would especially like to pay attention to. And there is no secret that delicious meatballs are obtained only from delicious minced meat. Do you know which ones will work great?

Minced meat for delicious meatballs

Cutlets are considered the most delicious, which are made from mixed minced meat. In equal parts, you need to take pork and beef product. Experienced housewives claim that using only pork will make the patties too greasy. On the other hand, the beef is too dry for the cutlets to be especially tasty.

If you want to achieve the effect when each piece of cutlet just melts in your mouth, then it is better to equal proportions mix pork as well and minced chicken.

Advice! If you want to achieve amazing taste, then you do not need to buy ready-made minced meat in the store. You never know what they put there! Make your own minced meat from quality meat. Speaking of juiciness, you know?

Do you need bread pulp?

This is a mandatory step in the preparation of cutlets. If you have previously cooked cutlets according to a recipe without adding white bread, then this should be corrected. Some people think that they put bread in cutlets in order to save money. In fact, a bun is needed to make the dish lush, juicy and airy.

Of course, bread should not be much. For one part of minced meat, three parts of bread are taken, obligatory white. Translating the above into specific figures: 300 grams of bread is taken per kilogram of minced meat. Add only the crumb, after soaking it in water or milk, and then squeezing it.

Do you add eggs?

Basically, how to cook minced meat patties: the recipe does not necessarily include eggs. But, it is recommended to add them. Moreover, even at the stage of how the roll is squeezed out of milk or water. Two yolks will be enough for a kilogram of meat. When the stuffing is completely ready, you need to leave it for 20 minutes so that the ingredients “make friends” with each other.

What else is important to consider for cooking juicy and lush cutlets:

  • Onions can be added. Moreover, the onion can be finely chopped, or you can additionally fry. Feel free to take up to five medium onions per kilogram of minced meat;
  • If the onion was previously fried, then it should be added to the minced meat after it has cooled completely;
  • Minced meat is recommended to beat with your hands. It should be passed through the fingers 2-3 times. Then, if desired, pass through a meat grinder (optional);
  • If yours is cooked properly, it should be slightly watery;
  • 50 ml of milk or water (warm) is poured into dry minced meat, for juiciness;
  • Someone adds grated potatoes to minced meat for cutlets. Basically, for classic cutlets only bread will suffice. But, if you want to somehow diversify the taste, then why not?
  • Cutlets before frying must be additionally rolled in breadcrumbs or even batter. Such a simple technique will help maintain maximum juiciness;
  • You need to fry cutlets only in oil, which has already warmed up as much as possible;
  • So that when forming cutlets, the minced meat does not stick to your hands, use in cold water;
  • Fry the product on both sides, then put all the cutlets in a frying pan and warm over low heat, closing the lid;

Recipe for making juicy minced meatballs

What do you need:

  • A kilogram of minced meat;
  • 300 grams of white bread (pulp);
  • Two chicken yolks;
  • Two bulbs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Breadcrumbs (can be replaced with flour, batter);

The bread is filled with milk. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter (you can not fry). Let the onion cool while you prepare the minced meat. To do this, mix two ready-made types of minced meat or skip the meat through a meat grinder. Add bread to be pressed. Now add the onion to the minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Two yolks are driven in, stirring, add salt and pepper, other spices to your own taste. Pay attention to how long to cook.

How to cook meatballs from minced meat? We have given only one recipe in this article, but it is the most versatile and most delicious. We hope that now your cutlets will always melt in your mouth, and please you with a beautiful, regular shape.

Cutlets are usually one of the most favorite dishes. They are prepared from various minced meat and are then reheated with pleasure for several days.

Each housewife has her own recipe that makes cutlets the most delicious. As an example, let's try to make cutlets soft and juicy.

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Ground meat

In the process of cooking cutlets, it is important to use correct proportions used for stuffing. There is one recipe, using which, you can always make soft and juicy cutlets, even though what stuffing will be used in this case:

  • Beef and pork are taken in equal proportions, thoroughly cleaned of films and scrolled in a meat grinder (some housewives prefer to scroll the meat twice);
  • Then finely chopped must be added to the rolled meat. onion and white bread softened in milk. Moreover, bread can be replaced with a loaf or a bun (but not sweet);
  • In order for the cutlets to become more juicy, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream should be added to the minced meat. This is a little secret that will make minced meat tastier, and cutlets juicy and soft;
  • Depending on the amount of minced meat, you need to add eggs. Sometimes, to make the cutlets juicy, peeled raw potatoes twisted in a meat grinder are added to the minced meat.

Fry cutlets

  • Minced meat should be fried quickly and over high heat - this way it will grab a golden crust;
  • Then the fried cutlets should be placed in any deep bowl and add a little water there, and then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Cutlets will be soft, juicy and really very tasty.

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Grandma's Secrets:
Place a piece of ice (from a special cube mold) on each plump minced meat cake. Form a cutlet from the cake (only quickly) and fry in a pan. Put ready-made in a saucepan and put in a freshly turned off oven.
In order for the minced meat to be tender and juicy, you need to “knock it out”, namely, take it like dough and throw it on the table with all your strength (Before that, place the minced meat in a bag).
And a real cutlet should lie on a man's palm, like a glove.

Ground meat
Most often cutlets are prepared from a mixture of beef and pork. More tender ones are obtained with the addition of chicken, and such a combination as pork-chicken is just delicious. For example, I like minced chicken cutlets the most, especially with mushrooms.
For ordinary homemade cutlets, a mixture of 50 to 50 is taken - half a portion of beef, half a portion of minced pork.
If you replace beef with chicken, you will get even more tender and cheerful cutlets.
It is best to buy the meat yourself, and then make the minced meat.

White bread or a roll is taken somewhere 1:3 from the amount of minced meat, no less. Bread is soaked in milk for 15-20 minutes. If the crust on the roll is too hard, it is better to cut it off. Zetem, draining excess milk, beat the bun in a blender until smooth (you can, in principle, knead with your hands)

In mashed and whipped homogeneous mass add two or three yolks to the bun. I don’t advise adding proteins - they make the cutlets tough! Salt, pepper, add herbs to taste, leave to infuse.

We clean the onion and chop finely. Blanch quickly in a heated skillet and, after cooling, add to the mixture.

Now spread the minced meat and knead strongly with both hands. Each drop of minced meat should pass through the fingers several times. Some housewives pass everything through the meat grinder again, some beat it on the table with force, some put it in the refrigerator after all the procedures ... Ready stuffing should not be dry, rather, on the contrary, watery. If it is dry - add a little water (boiling water) or milk.

A few more secrets:
1. Add a spoon or two of sour cream. This is also done so that the minced meat becomes softer and juicier.
2. Dilute minced meat with boiling water. All for the same juiciness. Paradox, but it helps! I can’t explain why this happens, but the cutlets from this execution are really juicy!
3. Add ungrated potatoes to the minced meat. I use this secret with pleasure, especially when there is not enough white bread.
4. When frying, dip cutlets in batter (a mixture of milk, eggs and flour). The batter keeps the juice from flowing out.
5. You can add overcooked carrots and raw finely chopped cabbage - it turns out very tasty.
6. Some housewives replace milk meat broth and a loaf with bread.
7. Add finely chopped dill and other greens to minced meat.

When the minced meat is ready, heat the pan (preferably with thick walls) and form cutlets. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, dip them periodically in water.

Fry on both sides until crispy and put in a frying pan (without fat!). You can squeeze a couple of garlic cloves on top if you like. Close the lid and put a little stew in a preheated oven on a small fire, for 15 minutes. Done!

Bon Appetit!

Cutlets are universal dish, which can be served both for a regular family dinner and for a gala festive dinner. Moreover, they can be meat, fish, vegetables, cereals. The essence of this dish is that any products are first crushed, then an oblong or round billet is formed from minced meat and it is already fried in a pan. It seems nothing complicated, but many housewives complain that their cutlets turn out dry and not tasty. Now we will tell you how to cook juicy and delicious meatballs so that they are not ashamed to treat guests.

Tips for cooking meatballs:
  • Any meat that you are going to twist into cutlets should be moderately fatty. It is fat that releases the main juice, which gives juiciness to cutlets. If the meat is lean, then put fresh fat in the meat grinder with it. Proportions 3/1 (meat/fat).
  • Meat for cutlets use only fresh chilled. If you take meat from the freezer, then when defrosting, all the juices will flow out of it, which will make it very tough.
  • The presence of white bread soaked in milk will also add juiciness to meat cutlets. Crumbled, it will then work in the minced meat like a sponge, and collect the liquid that is in the meat. Bread or loaf take two or three days. If bakery product take fresh, then instead of crumbs in a bowl there will be a mass resembling thick jelly. Before soaking in milk, be sure to trim the rind. For 1 kg of minced meat, add 300 g of bread.
  • Many cooks instead of bread add to chopped meat vegetables. Grate raw potatoes or fresh zucchini. Squeeze out the vegetable mass from excess moisture, but not to dryness. For 1 kg of minced meat, put 2 medium potatoes or 1 small zucchini. It is a little more difficult to sculpt cutlets from such minced meat than from minced meat with bread. To meat preparations did not fall apart in your hands, together with one egg, put in minced meat and one tablespoon potato starch. Such cutlets will be not only juicy, but also lush.
Tips for cooking chicken cutlets:
  • Twisting the mince out chicken meat, add one quarter of the chicken fat to it. If you are going to buy a whole chicken, then take a large one - cut off the fat near the hole through which the chicken was gutted. If the cutlets are going to twist from chicken fillet, then buy separately fresh chicken fat, which is sold in the meat departments.
  • Very tasty and juicy chicken cutlets, if at the very end of kneading the minced meat add a little softened butter. For 1 kg of meat, 100 g of butter is enough. Soften it to a very thick cream. So that the oil does not leak out during frying, put a little oatmeal"Gentle". They will absorb the oil, and the cutlets will remain juicy.

Tips for cooking fish cutlets.
  • V minced fish for juiciness of cutlets, put more onion twisted through a meat grinder and lard. For 1 kg of fish, take 2-3 onions and 200 g of fat. To prevent the fish cakes from falling apart, beat an egg into them and pour in a quarter cup of dry semolina.
  • Salo in fish cakes You can replace it with butter or quality margarine.

Tips for cooking vegetable cutlets:
  • The vegetables themselves are juicy, so cutlets from them always turn out great. For a bunch of chopped vegetables, use semolina, raw egg or starch.
  • Very tasty and juicy vegetable chops are obtained if they are made from a mixture of boiled and raw vegetables (1/1).

Recommendations for cooking any meatballs:
  • To prevent the juice from flowing out of the cutlets, fry them in a hot pan. So a crust quickly forms in them, which closes the pores through which liquid can flow. If you make the cutlets thick, they may be raw inside when quickly fried. To avoid this problem, after frying for 10 minutes, hold the patties in hot oven- they will come.
  • Breading for cutlets is also intended to prevent juice from flowing out. Usually, crackers crushed almost into powder are used for this. If you are going to fry cutlets in this way, then cook them at once - when storing fried cutlets in the refrigerator, the breading becomes damp and acquires an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Instead of breadcrumbs use well beaten protein raw egg. It will perfectly close the pores, and during storage, the cutlets will not become damp, but will remain crispy and appetizing.
  • In any cutlets, especially if you cook them on festive table before frying put a piece of butter. Firstly, the oil will give the cutlets additional juiciness, and secondly, it will enrich the taste of the cutlets. Prepare the butter for the filling as follows: soften it, salt it, mix it with finely chopped greens and spread it with a long sausage on cling film. Wrap the sausage in foil and send it to the freezer. Free the frozen butter from the film and cut sharp knife into pieces the size of a small walnut.

Cutlets, like other dishes, require a creative approach. Experiment with the compositions of minced meat and stuffing for cutlets, taking our advice as a basis.