Regular chicken cutlets recipe. Chicken cutlets - features

If there is a universal meat dish, then these are definitely cutlets, of which there are many recipes. In today's article, we will talk about, perhaps, the most popular and many favorite meatballs made from minced chicken.
The content of the article:

Among the many varieties of meat, most often the housewives prefer the chicken type. Since chicken is distinguished by its excellent taste, lightness and usefulness, and it also has significantly less fat content in comparison with other types of meat. And the most popular dish of the daily diet of almost every family, no doubt, is chicken cutlets. They are easier and faster to prepare, and they always turn out satisfying and tasty.

How to cook minced chicken cutlets?

  • To prepare chicken meat cutlets, you can use minced meat ready-made purchased in a store or cooked on your own. But homemade minced meat always turns out to be of better quality than store-bought, besides, it does not contain various additives.
  • To make the cutlets strong, the minced chicken is first “beaten off”. To do this, they take it from the bowl in handfuls and throw it back with force.
  • For splendor and juiciness, you can put a piece of butter in the center of each cutlet.
  • You can diversify classic cutlets by getting their new recipe by showing imagination. For example, season the minced meat with various spices and spices, use all kinds of breading, add a variety of toppings, etc.

Features of cooking chicken cutlets

Minced chicken cutlets are much healthier than cutlets made from other types of meat. They are perfect for diet and children's table. You can cook them in a pan, steam, in the oven, in the microwave, in a double boiler, on a grill or on a fire. However, they always turn out delicious. An important advantage of chicken cutlets is the speed of cooking, regardless of the method of grinding the minced meat. However, in order to fully realize all the advantages, it is necessary to properly prepare cutlets.
  • Onions are added to minced chicken (chopped or twisted) for juiciness, eggs for stickiness, and bread soaked in milk for splendor and better molding of cutlets. At the same time, it is important to put the products in moderate proportions, otherwise you will get the opposite effect. Having overdone the eggs, the cutlets will become hard and “rubber”, the bread will become bread. Onions can be added raw, fried, finely chopped, twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. According to the chefs, the best proportion is for 1 kg of minced meat: 3 eggs, about 200–250 g of bread and 200 g of onions.
  • Cooking cutlets is preferable from chicken breast. It is especially tender, and so that the dish is not dry, you can add a little chicken fat. At the same time, it is advisable not to use chicken skin for minced meat preparation.
  • After kneading the minced meat, it needs to brew in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it absorbs the meat juice and becomes juicier. Also, the cooking secret of juicy minced meat is ice, the crushed pieces of which are placed on top of the minced meat.
  • To get a crispy crust, cutlets are breaded in breadcrumbs, flour, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and other products.

Methods for preparing minced chicken cutlets

There are several ways to heat cutlets. The easiest way is to fry the cutlets in a well-heated pan. Moreover, it is important that the pan is exactly hot, then the juice will not have time to flow out of the cutlets. After that, the cutlets are brought to readiness over low heat under the lid.

A fairly common way is to bake cutlets in the oven, in which, for the same reasons as in the previous version, cutlets are sent only to a well-preheated one.

In terms of cooking, besides frying in a pan and baking in the oven, there are other options like steaming, in a slow cooker or a double boiler. The most diet cutlets cooked in a double boiler, and the most high-calorie - fried in a pan.

1. Chicken cutlets in the oven

Chicken cutlets in the oven are an old Russian dish, with the difference that they were previously baked in a Russian oven. Today, any housewife cooks them in the oven.


  • Chicken fillet without skin - 700 g
  • Chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.
  • Cheese (preferably hard) - 150 g for the filling
  • Greens (preferably dill) - a small bunch for the filling
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. for frying
  • Loaf or bread - 500 g for sprinkling
  • Butter - 40-50 g for the filling
  1. Cut the loaf into small pieces, place on a baking sheet and put in the oven to brown and dry. Then grind it with a blender or crush it with a rolling pin to make croutons.
  2. Grind the peeled onion and washed chicken fillet with a blender.
  3. Crack an egg into the minced meat, season it with pepper, salt and knead.
  4. Grate cheese, add softened butter, chopped herbs and mix.
  5. Blind a thin palm-sized cake from the minced meat, put the cheese filling in the middle, lift the edges and pinch them, give the cutlet an oval shape. After breading the cutlets in breadcrumbs, put in a pan and fry on both sides for 3 minutes in vegetable oil in a pan.
  6. Put semi-finished cutlets in a refractory form and place in an oven heated to t 190 ° C for half an hour. To prevent the cutlets from burning, cover them with a sheet of foil.
  7. Ready juicy cutlets inside are juicy, with a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Serve them with fresh vegetables with herbs and boiled or baked potatoes.

2. Steamed chicken cutlets

Watch your appearance, weight and diet? Then cook hearty, dietary and low-calorie steamed minced chicken cutlets. Even in the absence of a slow cooker, you can cook them. To do this, you need a saucepan filled with boiling water. On top of it is an installed metal colander or a special stand for steaming, in which cutlets are laid out. The structure is covered with a lid and the cutlets are cooked for about 15 minutes. It turns out the effect of a water bath.

Cooked cutlets in this way are extremely dietary and healthy. Thanks to steam processing, they are cooked at a temperature of about 100 degrees, from which almost all vitamins and microelements are preserved in the finished dish.


  • Chicken breasts without skin - 500 g
  • White bread or loaf - 2-3 slices
  • Milk - 1/3 cup
  • Bulb - 1 pc. (medium size)
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  1. Soak sliced ​​bread in milk.
  2. Twist the washed chicken fillet through a meat grinder or chop with a food processor.
  3. Grate onion or chop with a blender.
  4. Combine all the products, beat in the egg, season with pepper, salt, pass the garlic through the press and mix well.
  5. Form cutlets, which are placed in a double boiler for half an hour. In case of its absence, use the cooking method on the stove, which is described above.
  6. Ready tender, airy and tasty cutlets remove with a fork, put on a plate and serve immediately.

3. In a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, depending on the manufacturer, chicken cutlets will cook a little longer than steamed, about half an hour, since part of the time is spent on heating the water.


  • Chicken fillet without skin - 450 g
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 50 g (medium size)
  • Carrot - 50 g
  • White bread or loaf - 20 g
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Salt - a pinch
  1. Cut the loaf into small pieces, which are soaked in milk.
  2. Remove the skin from the chicken fillet and chop it in any convenient way. For example, using a blender, meat grinder or food processor.
  3. Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  5. In a bowl, combine minced chicken, onion and carrots. Beat in the egg, crushed wet loaf and salt to taste.
  6. Mix the minced meat with your hands so that the vegetables are evenly distributed.
  7. Roll small patties into balls with your hands moistened with cold water from the minced meat.
  8. Place a stand for steaming food in the multicooker, pour filtered drinking water on the bottom of the bowl so that the water level is 1–2 cm lower than the stand and lay out the cutlets. Set the steam mode and cook the dish for 25 minutes.
  9. When the slow cooker signals readiness, cool the cutlets a little and treat them to your family. I recommend flavoring them with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.

5 chicken cutlet recipes

One of the most beloved and versatile dishes of home cooking. Both children and adults love them equally. We invite you to diversify your arsenal of chicken cutlets with new and interesting recipes.

1. Chopped chicken cutlets

Chopped chicken cutlets can be made in two ways. The first is to finely chop the meat with a sharp knife. The second is to chop with a food processor in an impulsive mode, not until smooth, but so that the meat remains in pieces. An egg and other ingredients, such as flour, sour cream and spices, are also added to chopped minced meat for bonding.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 173 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 8 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 25 minutes


  • Chicken fillet without skin - 300 g
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


  1. Wash the fillet and cut it with a sharp knife into small cubes, about 1 cm.

  • Beat the egg with sour cream until smooth and fluffy and add to the chicken meat.
  • Put flour, salt, pepper into minced meat and mix well.
  • Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Spoon the minced meat into the pan with a tablespoon and fry the cutlets on each side for 2 minutes. After lowering the temperature to the minimum mode, cover the pan with a lid and cook them for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve ready-made chopped cutlets with any side dish - for example, pasta, mashed potatoes, buckwheat. You can also offer sour cream or sauce for cutlets. Cutlets are juicy, tasty and tender. They make a great addition to any side dish.
  • 2. Chicken cutlets with cheese

    The most important thing in cooking chicken cutlets with cheese is not to overcook them, because. cheese melts quickly. Any kind of cheese for cutlets is suitable, but it is preferable to choose hard types. Depending on the recipe, cheese can be used in several ways. The first - grated is added directly to the minced meat. The second - a piece or grated is placed in the middle of the cutlets in the form of a filling. The third - cutlets are sprinkled with cheese chips and baked in the oven.


    • Chicken breast without skin - 1 pc.
    • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp
    • Starch (potato or corn) - 0.5 tsp
    • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
    • Salt - 1/2 tsp or to taste
    • Vegetable oil - for frying
    • Cheese (preferably hard) - 150 g
    Cooking chicken cutlets with cheese:
    1. Cut the washed chicken breast into small pieces about 5-7 mm.
    2. Beat the egg into the meat, add the starch, season with salt, add the grated cheese, mix the food and leave for 15 minutes.
    3. Mix the pan with oil well, put the minced meat with a tablespoon, forming it into an oval shape, and fry for 3 minutes over moderate heat.
    4. Serve chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes, rice, or other side dish of your choice. The cutlets are very juicy, tender and spicy.

    3. Diet chicken cutlets

    If you stick to a diet, this does not mean that you should completely abandon meat dishes. The main thing is to know how to cook them correctly. Chicken diet cutlets can rightly be considered a dietary product, because. Chicken meat is completely lean. Anyone who wants to lose weight and diet, include in your menu low-calorie and nutritious diet delicious chicken cutlets that will fill you with energy and give you a feeling of satiety.


    • Chicken fillet without skin - 500 g
    • Garlic - 1 clove
    • Low-fat sour cream - 2.5 tbsp.
    • Salt and freshly ground pepper - to taste
    • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Starch (potato or corn) - 2 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil - for greasing the pan
    Cooking diet cutlets:
    1. Remove the skin from the chicken breast, wash the meat and cut into small pieces of 5-7 mm.
    2. Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press and add to the chicken meat.
    3. Pour sour cream into minced meat, beat in an egg, season with pepper and salt.
    4. Thicken the mass with starch and mix the products well until smooth.
    5. Form cutlets with wet hands, place them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake them in an oven preheated to t 190 ° C for 20-25 minutes.
    6. Boiled buckwheat or rice with fresh vegetable salad is perfect for such diet cutlets.

    4. Chicken Kiev

    Chicken Kiev is a famous dish that appears on the menu of both Russian and Ukrainian restaurants, as well as in European and American establishments. The classic recipe is a beaten chicken fillet, which is wrapped in the form of a cutlet with butter, spices and herbs inside.


    • Chicken fillet without skin - 1 pc.
    • Dill greens - a bunch
    • Salt and freshly ground pepper - to taste
    • Butter - 120 g
    • Wheat flour - how much will take
    • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Vegetable oil - for frying
    • Bread (stale) or crackers - how much will take
    Cooking cutlets in Kiev:
    1. Rinse the boneless chicken fillet, dry, cut lengthwise into 3 chops, beat them with a kitchen hammer, salt and pepper.
    2. Dip butter 1.5–3 cm in size in salt, pepper, chopped herbs and place in the middle of the beaten fillet.
    3. Carefully wrap the chicken breasts so that there are no holes.
    4. Bread cutlets in flour and freeze in the freezer for about 20 minutes. Then the meat will grab better, the oil will not leak out, and the breading will be better taken.
    5. Grind dry bread with a blender or grate, and beat the eggs in a separate container.
    6. Take out the cutlets, dip them in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs and flour, again in the egg, breadcrumbs and flour.
    7. Immediately send the cutlets to a pot of boiling oil (or deep fryer) and fry them for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown over medium heat. To make cutlets less caloric, they can be fried in a pan in a small amount of oil.
    8. Despite the fact that chicken meat is a dietary product, Kiev cutlets are quite high-calorie. Therefore, serve a light vegetable salad as a side dish.

    5. How to cook chicken cutlets quickly

    Almost all chicken cutlets are prepared quite quickly. However, this process can still be accelerated. To do this, first of all, buy ready-made minced meat, or ask the seller to twist it in front of you. This will immediately speed up the cooking process. Instead of beating the meat to release the gluten, which takes about 5 minutes, add the egg and starch. These products have a good bonding property. Also use the heat treatment method, oven. Since you can immediately put all the cutlets on a baking sheet, and not cook them in portions in a pan.


    • Minced chicken without skin - 500 g
    • Bulb - 1 pc. (medium size)
    • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
    • Milk - 50 ml
    • Starch (potato or corn) - 1.5 tsp
    • White bread or loaf - 2 slices
    • Salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
    • Vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet
    1. Dip white bread in a container with milk for 5-10 minutes.
    2. In the meantime, peel the onion and chop with a blender.
    3. Combine minced chicken, chopped onion, egg, starch, salt and pepper.
    4. Squeeze out the bread with your hands, put it with all the products and mix the minced meat well.
    5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the formed cutlets on it and send it to a preheated oven to t 190 ° C for 20 minutes.
    6. In the meantime, the cutlets are baking, boil the spaghetti, chop the vegetable salad and call the family for dinner.
    Video recipe and tips from chef Lazerson - how to cook Pozharsky cutlets from chicken:

    Everyone has long known that cutlets are prepared not only from pork or beef, but also from chicken fillet. These cutlets are distinguished by special tenderness and unique taste.

    Chicken cutlets - features

    It is important to note that chicken cutlets are much healthier than regular ones. and are suitable for the diet and nutrition of young children. They can be fried or steamed. In any case, they turn out very tasty. So, let's pay attention to some secrets of cooking delicious chicken cutlets.

    So, consider the recipes for cooking chicken cutlets.

    Chicken cutlets "Juicy cutlets" - recipe

    To prepare "Juicy Cutlets" you will need

    • 600 g chicken fillet
    • 2 slices of white bread
    • 1 bulb
    • 100 g butter
    • 100 g milk
    • 1 chicken egg
    • breadcrumbs for breading
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • a pinch of nutmeg

    Recipe for juicy meatballs

    Finely chop the onion and pass in a frying pan in butter. Soak the bread crumb in milk. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly and chop with a meat grinder. Add bread and onions to it. Now add spices and egg to the minced meat. Form small cutlets from the resulting minced meat and fry them over low heat, after rolling in breadcrumbs. Cooking time - no more than 15 minutes.

    "Pozharsky chicken cutlets" - recipe

    To prepare "Pozharsky cutlets" you will need

    Recipe for cooking "Pozharsky cutlets"

    Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder 2 times. Add melted butter, bread soaked in cream, and spices to the resulting mass. Then, pass the minced meat through the meat grinder again. Now form flat cutlets, dip each one first in the egg, and then roll in the ground breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets over high heat on both sides. The patties are juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.

    Bon appetit and inspiration in cooking.

    Cutlets made from minced chicken are probably the fastest, most delicious and satisfying, just like. And therefore, among the large number of options for meat cutlets, most housewives in many cases give their preference to chicken ones, because they are much easier and faster to prepare - about five minutes to prepare the minced meat, five minutes to sculpt them and the same time is spent on them frying, after which this wonderful, healthy and very tasty lunch or dinner is ready!

    In their preparation, hostesses often show their imagination in order to diversify this dish in some way: they cook them in breading, put different fillings, add various spices or spices to minced meat, etc. As a result, we get a large number of recipes for this dish, that all of them cannot be counted.

    In today's article, I will tell you how to cook delicious minced chicken cutlets, where I tried to choose the best and most delicious recipes. And also, if we are talking about a meat dish, then this article is for you. So let's get started!


    • Minced chicken - 800 gr
    • onion - 2 pcs
    • milk - 100 ml
    • white bread - 100 gr
    • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
    • suneli hops - 2 pinches
    • ground paprika - 2 pinches

    Cooking method:

    We soak white bread in milk and pass through a meat grinder, after which we squeeze milk from it.

    Peel the onion, cut into medium pieces and pass through a meat grinder.

    Then we combine minced chicken with bread, with onions and add salt and pepper. Mix it well with your hands and beat it off, throwing it with force into a bowl.

    Now we grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, and moisten our hands in water and begin to form neat cutlets. We spread them on a baking sheet so that there is a small gap between them, about 0.5 cm.

    And put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. In the meantime, we'll work on the sauce for the cutlets. And for this we mix sour cream with tomato paste in a bowl, add paprika and suneli hops there. The resulting sauce should not be thick, otherwise in this case you need to add a little water.

    We take out a baking sheet with cutlets from the oven, pour over the sauce and set to bake for another 20 minutes until cooked.

    These are such delicious meatballs.

    Chicken cutlets with cheese


    • Chicken breast - 500 gr
    • loaf - 200 gr
    • warm milk - 1/2 cup
    • butter - 6 tbsp. l
    • breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups
    • garlic - 1 clove
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    To prepare chicken cutlets with cheese, you must first fill the loaf with warm milk so that it is all soaked.

    In the meantime, we pass chicken meat, garlic and soaked loaf through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

    Roll them in breadcrumbs. We put the pan on the fire, melt the butter and fry on each side for three minutes.

    Then we transfer the cutlets to a baking sheet and send them to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes until cooked.

    Chicken cutlets with oatmeal


    • Minced chicken - 500 gr
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • instant oatmeal - 1/2 cup
    • milk (water) - 1/2 cup
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • vegetable oil - for frying
    • paprika - a pinch
    • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    In a deep bowl, combine the egg with milk and pour the oatmeal into the same place. Mix and leave for half an hour.

    Peel the onion, chop it finely, chop the garlic and transfer to the minced chicken and mix well. Add the swollen oatmeal, paprika and salt and pepper. Thoroughly knead the minced meat.

    Now we put the pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it and after it is hot enough, put the cutlets we have formed into it.

    Fry them on both sides over high heat until golden brown, the most important thing is not to overcook, after which we reduce the fire, cover them with a lid and bring to readiness.

    Appetizing meatballs are ready. Cook and eat healthy!

    Steamed diet cutlets in a slow cooker


    • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • milk - 1/2 cup
    • white loaf - 3 pieces
    • greens - to taste
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    In this recipe, we will make the minced meat ourselves and for this you need to cut the frozen chicken fillet into pieces that will go into the meat grinder.

    Peel the onion and cut into medium pieces.

    We wash the greens in water and finely chop.

    Then we twist all the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Chicken meat, onion, bread. We drive in one egg there, pepper to taste, shift the greens and salt to taste.

    We mix everything well and begin to form cutlets. Pour into the slow cooker, preferably hot water and set the prepared cutlets and set the “Steam cooking” mode for 25 minutes.

    After the beep, our dish is ready. You can serve it to the table with your favorite side dish.

    Minced chicken cutlets with semolina - a recipe with step by step photos


    • Minced chicken - 400 gr
    • semolina - 2 tbsp. l
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l
    • sugar - 1 tsp
    • mustard - 1 tsp
    • parsley and dill - 3-4 sprigs
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    Add two tablespoons of semolina to the minced chicken, beat in one egg, one tablespoon of sour cream, finely chopped greens, a teaspoon of sugar and mustard, salt and pepper the minced meat to taste. Then mix thoroughly until smooth.

    Now we put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and let it heat up enough. Then we form small cutlets and put them in hot oil.

    And fry over high heat, first on one side for 2-3 minutes, after which we turn them over and do the same on the other side.

    It remains only to pour some water into the pan and close it with a lid. Leave to languish for another five minutes on each side.

    The dish is ready, serve to the table.

    Minced chicken cutlets with potatoes


    • Chicken fillet - 1 kg
    • potatoes - 4 pcs
    • egg - 2 pcs
    • sour cream - 100 gr
    • garlic - 3 cloves
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • black bread - 2 slices
    • sunflower oil - for frying
    • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    Rinse the chicken fillet in running water and cut into small pieces. We clean the onion from the husk and cut into medium pieces. Then we scroll both ingredients through a meat grinder.

    We clean the potatoes, wash and rub on a coarse grater.

    Squeeze the garlic through a press.

    Soak black bread without crust in sour cream.

    Now put in minced meat, garlic, soaked bread, beat in eggs, add salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

    We form cutlets and put them on a greased baking sheet.

    We place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes until cooked.

    Ready cutlets, if desired, can be sprinkled with grated cheese, it turns out very tasty.

    Very juicy and soft cutlets with cabbage (video)

    Bon Appetit!!!

    Quite often we all eat at home cutlets. They are made quickly enough, tasty and convenient - if you want to eat it right away, if you want to eat it cold, you can take it to work or make sandwiches. You don’t have to think for a long time what side dish will be combined with them, since almost any one is suitable.

    But most often cutlets are made from minced meat, unfairly leaving behind poultry cutlets. Here is one of the cooking options.

    Ingredients for chicken cutlets:

    • Chicken mince. 600 gr.
    • Onion. 2-3 small onions.
    • Dried bread. 3-4 pieces.
    • Egg. 1 PC.
    • Milk or cream or water.
    • Salt. Taste.
    • Freshly ground black pepper. Taste.
    • Vegetable and butter for frying

    Cooking chicken cutlets.

    A few words about minced meat.

    Stuffing - it is best to do it yourself, of course. Many often use only chicken breast meat. With them, of course, the least fuss, but cutlets from them are the most dry. For me it is more convenient and best to make cutlets from chicken thighs. With them, too, a little fuss - except to cut the bone, but cutlets from this meat are tender, tasty and not dry. You can, of course, take the path of least resistance and buy ready-made minced meat, but in this case you may encounter a situation where a huge amount of chicken skin goes into minced meat. As a result, there is a lot of fat in minced meat, which is rendered in a frying pan and cutlets “float” in fat. So minced meat should be bought only in trusted places. But in any case, it is better not to be lazy and do it yourself.
    Due to the fact that there is a very good butcher shop not far from the house, and the sellers do not save on minced meat - in this case, the minced meat is purchased, but very, very worthy.

    So, if you don’t have minced meat, then we take it, deboned chicken meat and scroll it through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. If the minced meat is already ready - bought or cooked on your own - then:

    1. We throw dried bread into the blender bowl and pour it with about half a glass of milk / cream / water - underline the necessary.
    2. Cut the onion and throw it in there

    Add salt, pepper, egg to the blender bowl

    We turn on the blender at maximum speed and grind everything together into a kind of liquid mass.

    The photo shows that all the components fly around the blender bowl

    We are trying to achieve something similar:

    After that, add minced meat to the onion-bread mass and turn on the blender again, but not at turbo speed, but at low speeds. The main goal is to mix everything well and beat the minced meat again.

    Minced meat was specially made quite liquid. In this case, the cutlets are juicy, and after cooling they do not lose their juiciness and softness. Something like a dense but tender chicken soufflé.

    Due to the fact that the minced meat turns out to be quite liquid, it will not work to form cutlets with your hands. So put the minced meat in a frying pan with a tablespoon. Do not try to fit as much minced meat in one pan as possible. Leave space between the cutlets - it is better to fry the minced meat in 2 passes.

    Recipes for steamed chicken cutlets.

    You can cook a lot of healthy and very tasty dishes from chicken fillet. Often snacks and main dishes are prepared from this product. Often added to salads. In this article, we will look at chicken cutlets and recipes for their preparation.

    In general, such cutlets are called "Rash". This is due to the fact that they are not molded by hand, but are laid out on hot oil with a spoon. Because of this, the edges are uneven.


    • 500 g fillet
    • 3 onions
    • 100 ml mayonnaise
    • 3 eggs
    • 40 g flour
    • Spices
    • Butter


    • Wash the meat and cut it into small strips. After that, grind to the state of cubes.
    • Put the chopped fillet in a container and add eggs, mayonnaise and all other ingredients except onions
    • peel the onion and cut into small cubes
    • Enter the onion into the meat mass and mix. Should be a thick mass.
    • Heat the oil and fry the cutlets until golden brown

    This option is advisable to use if you plan to reduce weight. Also, such a dish is often prescribed for diseases of the liver or stomach.


    • 500 g fillet
    • 2 onions
    • Spices
    • 50 g rolls


    • It is best to cook the dish on the grill in a double boiler or steam in a regular saucepan
    • It is necessary to cut the meat into small cubes and turn into minced meat in a meat grinder or in a blender
    • Enter ground onion, salt and spices
    • Soak the bun in water and add to the meat mass. Blend again
    • After that, enter some water or milk and beat off the mass. She will be airy.
    • Place on a sieve in a double boiler and cook for 30 minutes

    Juicy cutlets are obtained if you introduce a lot of onions and milk. For airiness, the mass is beaten off. Often a piece of butter is introduced into each cutlet.


    • 550 g minced chicken
    • 2 onions
    • 70 g rolls
    • 30 ml milk
    • Spices


    • Choose minced meat with a small amount of fat and skin for cooking such cutlets
    • Chopped sirloin is ideal
    • It is necessary to chop the onion and add to the minced meat
    • The bun is soaked in water or in milk and painted into minced meat.
    • After that, it is desirable to grind everything again in a blender.
    • Enter spices, salt and milk. Hit the mass on the table several times
    • After that, form circles and cook them in a double boiler.

    This dish is dietary, as oatmeal is used instead of bread. This makes the dish very tender and juicy.


    • 550 g chicken meat
    • 1/2 cup cereal
    • 100 ml milk
    • Some semolina
    • 1 bulb
    • Spices


    • Soak cereal in milk and let it swell
    • Turn the chicken meat into a homogeneous minced meat and add flakes
    • Chop the onion and add to the meat with flakes
    • Salt and add spices. Then form into balls.
    • Roll each ball in semolina and place on a sieve or colander
    • Steam cutlets for 30 minutes

    This dish is best eaten hot, as the cheese is in a viscous state. It turns out a kind of sauce.


    • 500 g chicken breast
    • 100 g cheese
    • 1 onion
    • 50 g bread
    • Spices


    • Grind the breast to a state of gruel and add the grated onion
    • Cut the cheese into small cubes and add to the minced meat
    • If desired, cheese can only be put inside, as in the manufacture of zraz
    • Salt and add spices. Shape into balls and place on the steamer rack
    • These meatballs take 25 minutes to cook.

    In general, this dish is more suitable for those who adhere to PP. Accordingly, broccoli acts as a side dish and serves as an addition to cutlets.


    • 500 g broccoli
    • 500 g fillet
    • 1 bulb
    • Spices
    • Milk
    • 50 g rolls


    • Grind the meat in a blender until smooth
    • Enter the roll soaked in milk and grated onion
    • Stir and add salt and pepper
    • Shape into patties and place on a sieve or wire rack for steaming
    • Put broccoli next to it, disassemble it into koskos and salt
    • Steam for 30 minutes

    These cutlets are ideal for baby food. Very satisfying and useful. This is a source of protein.


    • 300 g chicken fillet
    • 200 g cottage cheese
    • 1 onion
    • Greenery
    • Spices


    • Turn the fillet into a homogeneous mass. Enter curd
    • It is best to buy wet cottage cheese in paper packages.
    • So, the finished dish will turn out quite juicy and rich.
    • Enter grated onion and egg, salt and add spices
    • Throw the prepared minced meat on the table several times
    • Form into balls and steam in a slow cooker

    This dish is also quite often used for feeding children. This is especially true for babies 1-2 years old, who do not really like vegetables.


    • 1 carrot
    • 300 g fillet
    • 1 bulb
    • 200 g cauliflower
    • 1 egg
    • Spices


    • It is necessary to peel the vegetables from the skin, and disassemble the cabbage into buds
    • Vegetables turn into a smooth puree. Meat is minced in a meat grinder
    • After that, the meat is mixed with vegetables and an egg is introduced.
    • Add salt and pepper and form into balls. Steam until done

    Cutlets on semolina are very juicy and tender.


    • 50 g semolina
    • 500 g breast
    • 1 egg
    • 1 bulb
    • Spices


    • Wash and dry the chicken with paper towels
    • After that, the fillet is placed in a blender and turned into a homogeneous mixture.
    • After that, ground onion, salt, spices and semolina are introduced.
    • It is necessary to knock out the mass and let it stand. This is necessary in order for the cereal to swell.
    • After that, form balls and put on a sieve for a multicooker
    • Pour water into a bowl and place a container with cutlets. Steam for 30 minutes

    There are many ways to make steam cutlets juicy. After all, initially minced fillet is quite dry and insipid due to the small amount of fat.

    • If you do not follow the weight, then a piece of butter is put inside each cutlet during its formation.
    • Well moisturizes cutlets beating minced meat. It is also worth introducing a little milk into the meat mass.
    • Fresh vegetables add juiciness to the meat. Do not include potatoes. The ideal option is cabbage and onions.

    The average cooking time is 30-40 minutes. The fact is that the cycle is usually 30 minutes, but not all this time the meat is under the influence of steam. Most often, water boils in 7-10 minutes. That is why 20 minutes for a couple is enough.

    As you can see, steamed chicken cutlets are not only healthy, but also delicious. Diversify your diet menu with this dish.

    VIDEO: Steamed chicken cutlets