Meat pie couldn't be easier recipe. How to bake a meat pie “It doesn't get any easier.

In our age of speed and mass employment, the desire of mothers of the family to feed their loved ones tasty and varied has not gone anywhere. Only now its implementation is complicated by the eternal lack of time. So the meat pie “It doesn’t happen faster and easier” will seem to many just a gift from heaven - it takes about ten minutes ( preparatory stage; baking will take longer, but this is already happening without our direct participation), it does not require rolling out the dough and long-term preparation of the filling ... And the family is happy and stubbornly asks for more!

Then slowly wrap using the plastic wrap that was on the bottom, but try not to roll it together! Seal the ends tightly so that the rocabola does not seep out when fired. How about proving the recipe out there for a special, super easy to make and that will surprise your family? We guarantee you won't regret it!

Bacon Meat Pie Ingredients

Recipe below, try it and comment what you found! Whisk the filling ingredients together in a bowl and set aside. In another bowl, combine Ground beef, bow, green smell, breadcrumbs, egg, salt and pepper, to shape homogeneous dough. Then, line the middle of the 22cm diameter cake with the bacon pieces, leaving it on the outer edges. Divide half of the meat mixture into the pan and spread the spare filling on top, squeezing well. Cover the remaining meat and cover with the remaining bacon.

Meat pie "It doesn't get any easier": the fastest dough

The absence of fatty foods among the ingredients is also attractive. No margarine or mayonnaise is needed. Fast, cheap and cheerful, it's not for nothing that this meat pie is called "It doesn't get any easier." A glass of kefir is measured (fat content does not play a role, you can take the one that came across in a store near the house), half a spoonful of salt interferes with it, the dairy product is set aside for five minutes so that the soda “plays”. Then a similar amount of salt and a glass of flour are poured into the bowl, two eggs are driven in, and the mixer is turned on (or a whisk / fork is picked up). Next, a form is taken, smeared, half of the resulting dough is poured along the bottom, the filling is placed on it, the rest is distributed on top, and ... that's it! If you use an oven, heat it to 170 Celsius and put the mold in the oven for 30-40 minutes (depending on the oven). If you bought a slow cooker at one time and built a meat pie “It doesn’t get any easier” in its bowl, choose the baking or porridge mode for half an hour (the specifications for the devices are different). Before it's ready, the whole family will have already gathered in the kitchen, sniffing.

Bake in a medium oven, preheat for 25 minutes or until baked and lightly toasted. chicken pie. In addition to being easier to make than Brother Goiano, the chicken pie is made with ingredients found in every city in Brazil. So much so that it's super popular.

Any snack bar, bakery, or Brazilian school canteen that you pay for has a version of tartare. But with this over-popularization, there is also a devaluation of the drug. Since the basis of rotten mass is fat, many places replace lard with hydrogenated vegetable fat. In my case, it became an indigestion nightmare, leaving me forever in the limbo of heartburn. She's honest, she's hot, and she's not indigestible. The dough is light and crispy.

Filling options

In principle, anything can be used as it, up to greens with cheese. However, since we're looking at the "It doesn't get any easier" meat pie, let's talk about exactly how to make it for non-vegetarians and non-fasters.

  1. The most simple stuffing. You buy a third of a kilogram of minced meat (of course, of high quality. Or you make it yourself - then it will take more time). Chop an onion into it; for lovers - also garlic; for aroma - any greens. You don't need to fry it - it bakes great.
  2. A little more work, but also easy. Poultry meat is laid boiled. And not because it will take longer to keep the pie in the oven, but because the breast will otherwise be harsh, and the rest of the parts will not be peeled off. fresh without significant weight loss.
  3. Composite stuffing. If not laziness, you can fry and mix mushrooms with minced meat. If desired, you can add grated cheese to it - an absolutely amazing taste effect. Can be mixed different types meat or meat with offal.

Recipe: World's Easiest Dough Chicken Pie

With you, the recipe. Dough 350 g wheat flour 1 pinch of salt 280 g of cold butter cut into cubes 3 tablespoons of ice water. Bechamel sauce 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons wheat flour 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 pinch black pepper 1 pinch nutmeg.

Start by adding flour, salt and cold butter. Mix well until it becomes flour. Then pour ice water. As if in magic, the dough will be smooth and soft without sticking to your hands. This dough is very versatile and can be used with any type of filling: vegetables, cheeses, meats, etc.

Spicy enhancements

Those who have already made the meat pie "It doesn't get any easier" brought their vision to the dough. the process was not much longer, but the result became even more interesting. It is recommended to finely grate the cheese into the dough, and with a bright taste. For the piquancy of cheese, a spoon with a slide is enough, and sensations - until the next pie.

If you don’t have enough time for baking in your life, the children beg for money for suspicious shawarma, and the husband begins to remember with nostalgia mom's pies, bake a meat pie “It doesn’t get any easier” for the rebels: tasty and very simple, and besides, it’s also elegant and appetizing. Believe me, even a hint of suspicious fast food and memories of a bachelor life will no longer arise!

Over low heat, gradually pour in the milk, not stopping to beat it. Put the onion picket, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Continue cooking until creamy, but not very consistent. This sauce is french classic which serves various preparations such as pasta, meat and poultry. Go to the pie knot.

Stuff the chicken and place a layer white sauce. Cover with the remaining dough and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until brown. But you can also make a family version. Reversible pie, created by the dates of Tatin de Lamotte-Bevron at the beginning of this century, is made with butter, sugar, apples covered in a thin layer of broken dough and served hot at the same time Tatar pie knew international destiny.

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Pie with garnish mostly sugar. Blow, slap. Fuck the pie. Sometimes we met scammers. It's easy, it's not easy. For an intruder like him, it was a cake, this castle. Leading actors union in Hollywood, this is not a pie. Place all ingredients except the milk in the bowl or robot bowl and start kneading by gradually adding the milk. After 5 minutes of kneading, you will have a very soft paste, non-sticky and pleasant to work with, unless you add a little milk if your dough is tough or a little flour if it is sticky. Cover with a lid and set the time to make the filling. . Formation and cooking.

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Is there English gastronomy? C is a question that the French are used to when they sit at a table with an Englishman, the answer is easy to give Yes, gastronomy is an old art in England, even If the dishes that pass for classic dishes English cuisine, do not always appear among the dishes most often tasted between guests in England.

Find - what is not always easy - good English restaurant offering traditional dishes, or invite English people who love traditional food, and even the finest French food lover will not be disappointed.: Even if the English have a craze for French bread, especially for baguettes, traditional breads from the English regions, as well as new creations, sometimes very innovative, from English master bakers, are among the tastiest of breads.

flour - 2.5 cups cherry - 300g sugar - 1 cup + 100g for cherries milk - 1/3 cup margarine - 200g egg - 4 pcs. baking powder-11g sachet vanilla sugar-11g sachet powdered sugar or caramel for decoration - I took frozen cherries. Transfer the cherries to a saucepan, add 100 g of sugar and…

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Here are some of classic dishes English cuisine. If the main dishes do not have a great international reputation, this is very different in relation to the desserts: trifles, crumbs and other English delicacies have managed to impose themselves in the best restaurants France.

Actually "pudding" is a generic word meaning "dessert"; But this is a kind of cake with fruits, ginger, prunes, etc. Most commonly used with English cream. Curiously, the word "pudding" comes from the French, derived from the French word "boudin". The original puddings were cooked in water or steam, protected in a sheep's body, such as sausages and "sausages". Christmas pudding is always prepared in this way, although the belly of the sheep has long been replaced by another envelope, "small change", another classic dessert: fruit and cake marinated in light syrup and Keres wine, topped with English cream and whipped cream, eaten cold. Apple pie, cherry pie; Apple or cherry pie, and can be taken with a little cognac or Xera wine. Caterpillar fool: mashed sugar and cream puffs, summer dessert acidified, served fresh. Cut the package of jelly into pieces, add boiling water, let it cool down and prepare the jelly. To enlarge nutritional value, add milk to make milk jelly, or fruits, or both.

  • collapse; fruits covered with a lumpy, polished jug and baked.
  • Since the 19th century, industrial jelly has become a favorite food for children.
Selection of blue cheeses - except Roquefort, all British.