Light food for dinner. Cooking cabbage salad with cucumbers

Familiar to many evening zhor occurs due to improper eating behavior during the day, when instead of a full breakfast, lunch and snacks, you eat as you can.

Alas, if you do not follow the rules, a late “breakthrough” to the refrigerator is inevitable. How to rebuild your regime, and what should be the right dinner, I will try to tell in this article.

How to prevent evening zhor?

Rule number 1 - eat breakfast

Breakfast is the very first and most important meal of the day. It "starts" metabolic processes, including fat burning. Skipping breakfast slows down calorie consumption during the day, and you will eventually get better, but most importantly, there is a high risk of overeating in the evening, which, combined with a slow metabolism, will speed up the weight gain process.

Breakfast consisting of cereal made from sugar and cornmeal, or a sandwich made from white bread with sausage is also not an option.

The right breakfast for losing weight is complex carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain bread with bran), fruits or dried fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.

Some healthy breakfast options:

  1. 150 g porridge on the water with apple pieces, 1 boiled egg, unsweetened tea.
  2. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with 50 g dried fruits, 2 loaves, tea.
  3. Omelet from 1 egg, 1 protein and milk with a little vegetable oil, a tomato and a slice of bread, a drink.

Rule #2 - Eat lunch

If the right breakfast can still be prepared, because you wake up, after all, at home, but most people have to dine at work. There are not many options here - take food with you, eat what they give in the dining room, or eat in a cafe or restaurant.

It is best to cook something dietary at home and take a so-called lunch box with you. In principle, if you take with you a salad of vegetables and steam fish, then they will not deteriorate in a few hours without a refrigerator. I do this, because the canteen of the institution where I work now does not please with dietary dishes ...

Sometimes, when there is no time (or reluctance) to cook, I take fitness bread with cheese, a couple of apples and yogurt with me. This ration is enough for me for a day. Grain bread without yeast or fitness bread, fruits and sour milk often save me from “starvation” at work, without consequences for the figure, and there are plenty of useful substances in them. I advise you to do the same. A busy schedule or time pressure at work is not at all a reason to skip snacks or eat everything “that is not nailed down”!

In restaurants, canteens or cafes, choose the most simple meals- steamed vegetables, baked or stewed meat, cereals and drinks without sugar.

Start your lunch with a salad or just chopped vegetables.

Soup is better light vegetable or broth.

Main course - low fat protein products and cereals or boiled potatoes for garnish.

Rule number 3 - if it's far from dinner, have a snack

After 2 - 2.5 hours after eating, you can have a snack if the next full meal is still far away. A snack is 1 fruit plus a piece of cheese, yogurt with bread, a handful of nuts and dried fruits, sour-milk drinks or sugar-free curds. Such snacks will help you live safely until dinner, leaving no insane feeling of hunger.

Rule number 4 - eat light and satisfying dinner

The main thing to understand is that dinner is not the reason for the formation of fat in your body. Moreover, the right dinner can even make you slimmer, help you fall asleep easier and wake up with ease.

Dinner should be approximately 15-20% of the daily energy requirement. Ideally, it should consist of light protein foods (seafood, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, or other fermented milk products), stewed vegetables, minimum quantity fats.

A variant of the correct light dinner maybe a baked apple and a glass of kefir or a little cottage cheese, plus green tea, a good dinner for losing weight is green or just scrambled eggs with vegetables.

This should be enough if you followed my recommendations during the day, ate properly and went to bed two hours after a light dinner.

Hearty and light dinner

But what if you could not have a normal lunch (this is an exception, not a variant of the norm!) And go to bed late? In this case, a dinner of fish and stewed vegetables needs to be supplemented. complex carbohydrates- a piece of bread a small amount rice, and after a couple of hours, drink a glass of kefir or other low-fat fermented milk drink sugarless.

Fish and cottage cheese are wonderful "evening" sources of protein. Supplement them with vegetables, complex carbohydrates, then your dinner will be healthy, satisfying, but not “heavy”. You can even cook for yourself delicious pasta with vegetables (pasta, naturally without oil and a little).

If you eat 4-5 or even 6 times a day, but in small portions, you will be able to avoid bouts of evening hunger and provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and beneficial substances. And forget about the habit of eating in a hurry - it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to understand that the body is full, so pausing during dinner will be very helpful.

How and when to have dinner

It is better to have dinner in good company, but not in front of the TV or with a newspaper in front of your eyes. So you eat less. After all, it is always more difficult to overeat when someone other than the TV is watching you. The situation should not excite your excessive appetite, use light-colored dishes, you can also turn on calm music.

It is better to have dinner no later than two to three hours before bedtime, so that food does not interfere with normal sleep, and sleep does not interfere with proper digestion. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat sour-milk drink.

Giving dinner to the enemy in order to lose weight is not the most best idea. In the evening, the body must be pleased with tasty, healthy, but not too heavy food. Today we offer to discuss recipes light diet supper.

Gourmet's Delight

The simplest and quick recipe for dinner - easy. Large grapes (green or dark) cut into slices. In the meantime, chop ½ bunch of arugula, cut avocado, 100 g of cheese and mix them. Dress the salad with a sauce of 60 ml of olive oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Sprinkle the salad sesame seeds. Delicious, original and easy dinner is ready.

cabbage lightness

What can you eat for dinner with a diet, except for salad? cauliflower is a perfectly acceptable alternative. Boil 600 g of cabbage inflorescences in salt water and put them in a heat-resistant form, greased with oil. Whisk 2 eggs with 100 ml of milk, 80 g grated cheese and a clove of garlic. Salt and pepper the mixture to taste, pour it over the cabbage and put it in the microwave at full power for 10 minutes. Organically complement the casserole with fresh herbs.

Cutlets in Bordeaux

Vegetable cutlets - great dinner with a diet. The recipe for beet cutlets confirms this. Saute an onion with 2 cloves of garlic in oil, put 3 boiled grated beets to them. Add greens to taste, sprinkle with 3 tbsp. l. semolina, mix and wait 10-15 minutes for it to get wet. Then we form cutlets, roll them in semolina and simmer under the lid for 6 minutes on each side. Beet cutlets for dinner - tasty and healthy. For piquancy, you can add raisins or other dried fruits to such cutlets.

enchanting peppers

A great option for a dinner on a diet - stuffed peppers. Boil 80 g brown rice and mix with finely chopped tomato, carrots, parsley and 7 pitted olives. We fill 4 sweet peppers with minced meat, place them in a deep baking dish and fill with water to the middle. Cook peppers in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 ° C, covered with foil. This dinner will definitely satisfy your hunger until the morning!

Turkey transformation

Turkey meatballs will successfully fit into the dinner menu with a diet. Fry chopped onion, garlic and 3 stalks of celery in oil. Grate the medium zucchini and squeeze out the liquid. We pass 600 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder, combine with the rest of the ingredients, 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, put salt and spices to taste. Grate 1 medium carrot, finely chop 1 onion, fry. We make meatballs from minced meat and simmer in water with frying under the lid for 30 minutes. Serve them with white yogurt or tomato sauce - they are good in any form.

With sea views

Diet pancakes - good recipe light dinner from simple products. Mash 2 bananas with a fork and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Pour 150 g of ground oatmeal, 100 g of semolina, 1 tsp. cinnamon and ½ tsp. baking powder. We add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, honey to taste and beat the liquid dough with a mixer. Fry the pancakes in a hot pan until golden brown. Water them maple syrup or honey - and the pleasure of dinner is guaranteed.

Fruit in weightlessness

Love cottage cheese? Then cook tender casserole with fruits. Beat with a mixer 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 2 proteins and 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Dice pineapple, orange and mango. You can take any fruits and berries that are on hand, raisins or other dried fruits. Mix them with curd mass, spread in a heat-resistant form and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Such a delicacy for dinner will definitely appeal to you and your loved ones.

sweet colors

A thick fermented milk smoothie will be a tasty and healthy end to the day. Peel and cut into slices an apple, a banana and 3 kiwis. We beat an apple and a banana in a blender with 50 ml of kefir, kiwi, 120 ml of yogurt, ½ bunch of spinach and 1 tsp. honey. Carefully pour the mixture into tumbler. This smoothie will please the eye and charge the body with vitamins.

Look for more light dinner recipes with photos from our readers on the Eat at Home! website. We look forward to your own dishes for a delicious and healthy dinner that helps you get in shape quickly. Also cook delicious and light dinner very easy with Eat at Home frozen vegetable and fruit mixes. Stews, baked vegetables, soups, vegetable casseroles, as well as light and delicious desserts with berries and fruits: cook delicious!

In anticipation of warm days and, as a result, a decrease in the amount of clothing on the body, many of us are thinking about how to get in shape. And when desperate thoughts begin to creep into your head about what to eat in order to build weight, among other things, a healthy dinner for weight loss comes to the rescue. Of course, everyone knows that miracles do not happen and any transformation on the outside is only a consequence of internal changes - we are what we eat.

And there is! Eating carbonara or borscht at half past twelve is hard to count on thin waist, if it's not about a high school student with a sparkling metabolism! But, in fairness, such a diet is not good for young ladies either - too heavy food and insufficient time to digest it before going to bed worsen the condition of the skin on the face and body.

Any weight loss is always three components: good health (in order to lose weight, you need to make sure that it did not appear due to problems with the endocrine system of the body), physical exercise and, of course, proper nutrition.

So, you have already purchased a gym membership or started doing regular exercises at home, the first results have appeared that you don’t want to lose at all due to overeating or the wrong menu.

There are two news:

  • The most effective diet losing weight - no carbohydrates in the afternoon. A pack of fat-free cottage cheese is just what you need!
  • Only a few are capable of adhering to such a regimen for more than several days in a row without losing good mood and joy of life, so there are many ways to diversify the diet without going overboard with calories.

The main thing is to remember a few rules healthy dinner for weight loss.

Last meal

It should be no later than 2.5 - 3 hours before bedtime.

You should not torture yourself with hunger strikes after 18 hours - this will only lead to a breakdown. But to go to bed immediately after eating, no matter how light it is, the body must rest and recover, especially if you practice physical activity, and not digest.

Dinner Ingredients

The ratio of proteins-fats-carbohydrates, the notorious BJU, is one of the main points of competent weight loss. Ideally, you need to keep a daily calorie count, scoring into the counter on your phone or recording in a notepad. So, in the evening, the question is “how much and what else can I eat without going beyond daily allowance' will resolve itself.

To all those who are upset by the very thought of the upcoming calculations, we suggest focusing on the contents of the plate. In the evening, the volume of carbohydrates (and not only simple ones!) Should be cut back to without fail to the minimum.

For example, 2 parts fiber, 1 part protein, and 1 part carbohydrate. This is the best option so as not to get hungry before going to bed and not rush to the table in the morning. Fat in this context is necessary, but only vegetable.

Serving size

It's simple - two folded palms (your handful) is the measure. It’s not worth eating less - we don’t want to slow down the metabolism and stop weight loss, more - too, we need to part with extra pounds!

So, what can you think of from the products at hand to make dinner for weight loss easy, as expected, but satisfying and healthy? Lots of things actually! And steamed chicken breast with a leaf of lettuce is not a panacea for hunger at all!

To begin with, let's decide on fiber - it should be the most in our plate, as we remember. Let's make a salad.

One-component salads

Salad can be made quite simple, literally from one ingredient: rub on coarse grater fresh carrots, salt, black pepper, ½ tsp vinegar and ½ tbsp vegetable oil - it is better to take linseed, olive or wheat germ oil.

Mix everything, let stand for 15 minutes and that's it, you can eat! The main thing is not to add to vinegar dressing Sugar is the same dinner for weight loss.

Two-component salads

Can be mixed raw carrots and beets.

We take vegetables in a ratio of 2: 1 and season vegetable oil. Add to enhance the taste nutmeg, a little salt and, optionally, vinegar.

Salad as a side dish

When you want to make a salad of several ingredients at once or compose it in such a way that it replaces the side dish, we will cook it from green beans and eggs.

  • We will need to boil 100 g of beans in salted water for 5 to 6 minutes. Then drain it and let it dry.
  • Hard boil one egg, also cool.
  • We clean it, chop it with a fork or chop with a knife, combine with beans, season with salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil.

Ready! This salad is the perfect meal replacement!

Salad "Tropicanka"

Well, if you want to cook something more interesting, but no less healthy, we will make a salad of avocado, broccoli and coconut.

  • We disassemble 3-4 broccoli bushes into inflorescences and, if it is fresh, boil it for 4-5 minutes after boiling in salt water, drain the water, let it dry and cool on a plate. If the cabbage is frozen, just thaw it - it will already be soft.
  • Cut into strips 3 sheets of Chinese cabbage.
  • Cut off 1/3 of the avocado and peel it. The resulting piece is cut into slices and put to the cabbage.
  • From a fresh coconut, cut a slice 5 - 6 cm long and 1 cm wide and chop across.
  • We mix everything and season with ½ tbsp. vegetable oil, salt or sprinkle with soy sauce.

Coconut can be substituted if desired. walnuts- the taste will turn out more piquant, and broccoli on green beans- dinner from this will not become less useful. Frozen it can also not be cooked - softness will appear after defrosting.

Avocado, despite its rather high fat content, has exactly those fats that we need for weight loss, because we don’t want to lose hair shine and skin smoothness along with extra pounds!

Now let's prepare a traditional cabbage and carrot salad for dinner, but we will do it a little differently.

  • 100 g white cabbage finely chop and knead with salt with your hands.
  • To it, three on a grater 1 medium carrot, season with oil, vinegar and let stand for at least 10 minutes so that the vegetables give juice.
  • Then add a small handful of thawed or fresh cranberries, 1 tbsp. pine nuts, pepper and mix.

The salad will turn out not only tasty, but also very healthy!

Features of protein products

Why include nuts in dinner for weight loss, you ask, because they are very high in calories. Everything is so, but, firstly, we add them quite a bit, and, secondly, they will give the necessary satiety at very small volumes, which will allow the stomach to accustom itself to small portions.

But adding nuts to salads is good in cases where we eat it instead of a side dish in addition to a diet protein dish or as an independent dinner. In any other case, it is better to refuse them.

What is a dietary protein meal? This means that there are no extra fats in it, and heat treatment is reduced to boiling in a double boiler or in water. For example, 100 g boiled chicken breastclassic version promoting weight loss. It can be served directly, or you can crumble it cooled into a salad.

The same classic is the steak. sea ​​fish, steamed or baked in the oven, and served drizzled lemon juice.

Before cooking steak marinate in salt and vegetable oil.

But if you want to eat something more interesting for dinner, we will prepare baked turkey rolls. Nothing super complicated, everything is prepared very simply.

  1. 100 g pitted prunes, soaked in warm water for 30 minutes.
  2. Set the oven to 200°C.
  3. Cut the turkey breast into plates, 1 cm thick, beat off, rub with salt and pepper.
  4. Finely chop 100 g of cheese.
  5. Drain the prunes and chop with a knife.
  6. Mix with cheese, salt, optionally add a squeezed clove of garlic.
  7. On each plate of meat we lay out 2 - 3 tsp of the filling and wrap it. You can fasten at will with a toothpick or thread (just wrap it).

By this time, the oven must have already warmed up. Wrap each roll in foil and bake for 30-35 minutes. lovers golden brown We recommend opening the rolls 5-6 minutes before the end of the baking time.

If you don’t want to cook everything at once, bake a couple, and send the rest in foil not to the oven, but to the freezer. But for the next dinner, a useful “semi-finished product” will be ready.

"Family" version of the roll

And if you need to treat unusual dish the whole family, you can spin not several small rolls, but one large one. To do this, lay out the beaten and salted meat on a flat surface so that the pieces overlap.

We spread the whole filling, twist, as usual and bake in foil.

In addition to rolls or classic turkey steaks for weight loss, it is good to cook chopped cutlets for a couple.

  • Grind 300 g fillet with a knife or in a food processor. The main thing is that we should not get minced meat, but just finely chopped meat. To do this, you can hold the turkey in the freezer - "stuck" it will be cut easily and evenly.
  • We clean 1 small onion or half a large one, finely chop it and mix with minced meat.
  • We stir in the egg, salt, season with black pepper, if desired, add a few peas of fragrant from the mill.
  • If you want the cutlets to be more juicy, chop 1/3 of a bunch of greens and mix it with minced meat.

We spread the cutlets in a double boiler, pour water and cook for about half an hour. We serve immediately. These cutlets can also be baked in the oven. To do this, lay them out on a greased baking sheet and cook at 200 ° C for 20 - 25 minutes.

Serve hot with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for garnish.

For those who want to have a hot dish for dinner in addition, we recommend trying baked carrots. If steam Brussels sprouts or string beans will not surprise anyone, then here it is possible to get something new!

  • We choose small carrots - the cooking time will depend on this. We wash the vegetables with a sponge, as they should not be peeled.
  • Lubricate a baking sheet or a small frying pan with oil, sprinkle with salt and spices - a set is best provencal herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme. Spread fresh chopped garlic for flavor.
  • Dry the carrots with a towel and put in an oiled form. Stir it there well so that it is completely covered with salt and spices. Don't be afraid of oil this case there is very little of it - much less than in any salad dressing, it will not hurt weight loss even at dinner!

Finally, we put it in the oven, heated to 160 ° C for 12 - 15 minutes, then take it out, turn it over and set it for the same time. The indicator of readiness will be the softness of vegetables.

Healthy dinner is ready!

Steamed asparagus

When the soul asks for something more exotic, let's steam the asparagus, especially since this is a matter of a few minutes.

  • We wash pieces of 7 - 8 shoots, pour water into the container of the double boiler. Salt the asparagus, pepper it, add any spices to taste and turn on the double boiler for 7-8 minutes. If you like crunchy vegetables, 6 will be enough.
  • Sprinkle hot asparagus with lemon juice, if it is undersalted, serve with soy sauce or natural fat-free yogurt.

Dairy products for dinner

Speaking about recipes for a healthy dinner for weight loss, the topic of low-fat dairy products cannot be left untouched, because this is the lowest calorie source of protein!

If there is curd in pure form categorically do not want to, just add it to any of the dishes you have chosen from our list. With both hot asparagus and carrots, it will melt and feel like sour cream. This will make the dish not only more enjoyable, but also much more useful!

And when there is a desire, we will prepare diet cheesecakes from it. If you make them in a double boiler, then such “baking” for dinner is not something that will not harm the waist, but, on the contrary, will make it thinner and the muscles more elastic.

  • Mix 200 g fat-free cottage cheese with 2 chicken proteins.
  • Add 1 tbsp. coarse flour.
  • Mash 1/3 of the banana with a fork, combine it with the curd mass and beat everything with a mixer.

Everything is a little salty. If the sweetness obtained from a banana is not enough, focusing on the resulting consistency, either add a little more fruit, or add 1 tsp. stevia. Remember that it is sweeter than sugar.

We make small cheesecakes from the resulting mixture and put in a double boiler for 20 minutes.

You can also bake them in the oven: cover a baking sheet with baking paper, lay out cheesecakes and bake at 180 ° C for 25 - 35 minutes. Serve with low fat yogurt.

Of course, by adding raisins, dried apricots or prunes to them, we will get a wonderful protein-carbohydrate breakfast for weight loss, but that's a completely different story!

All women have heard - you can’t have dinner after six in the evening. What if you only show up at home after six? Really hungry to stay or eat something light. What can you eat for dinner and not harm the body. The topic of weight loss does not leave the TV screens. The advice of nutritionists is very contradictory and categorical. According to their statements, an opinion is created that if you regularly skip dinner, then the issue with overweight and health will be resolved. However, doctors say otherwise. Who is right?
I invite you to the group on Folk Wisdom, Medicine and Experience

What is the reason for such a ban?

This ban on dinner after 6 pm is usually motivated by the fact that all the calories taken for dinner will immediately be deposited on the sides or in other problem areas. We all know that overweight problems start when you constantly take in more calories than you can expend.

Losing weight mistakes

However, skipping one of the techniques will not solve the problem of losing weight. And all because the brain does not receive a signal about the intake of food at the time and gives the order to make a supply of energy, that is, fat. At the same time, the stomach has already allocated gastric juice for food processing and instead of food, it irritates the gastric mucosa, which often leads to gastritis.

People who confine themselves to a cup of coffee for breakfast are very reckless. Of course, they will cheer up, but they will cause significant harm to their poor stomach.

The most common mistake people make when trying to keep or acquire slim figure, is skipping dinner. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists believe that you should never skip dinner. The main thing is not to overeat and eat properly using.

What can you eat for dinner?

  • any lean meat is suitable: beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey;
  • lean fish: cod, haddock, flounder, blue whiting, perch, pike, tuna, pike perch, pink salmon, trout, crucian carp, carp, salmon, etc.
  • omelet with vegetables and herbs, low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs;
  • fresh vegetables: cucumbers, any cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, radishes, sorrel, parsley, leeks, dill;
  • boiled, baked, vegetable stew: beets, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, pepper, pumpkin, corn, cabbage;
  • fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, bio-yogurt, fermented baked bifidok, cottage cheese;
  • any berries, fruits: apples, persimmons, peaches, kiwi, citrus fruits, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, with the exception of grapes and bananas;
  • perfect for nuts unleavened bread, mushrooms;
  • thermal milk consumed separately.

Useful Combinations

Fatty foods (fish, meat) and legumes are not harmful to the body. They just have a long digestion period, which prevents the body from fully resting. Therefore, food for the evening reception should be well and quickly digested. Then nothing will interfere with a good sleep and the body will have time to recover. What should be dinner to lose weight?

  1. Boiled brown (brown) rice with seafood: shrimps, mussels, scallops.
  2. Vegetable stew with zucchini, onions, carrots, cabbage.
  3. Grilled poultry fillet with vegetable salad.
  4. Omelet with mushrooms and stewed vegetables, green peas.
  5. Carrot and pumpkin salad or cottage cheese casserole.
  6. Kefir, drunk slowly and with taste, will give you lightness.

Tip for those who are struggling for harmony: eat slowly, not being distracted by TV or talking at the table, chewing your food thoroughly. Get yourself black or blue plates, use natural seasonings and spices. Dress salads with yogurt, olive oil or low-fat sour cream. Can you drink instead of sweets? herbal tea with added honey.

We remind you that you should enjoy your dinner. You now know, so as not to harm either health or figure. If you understand that you are looking for pleasure in food, then look for something to do with yourself and not drag anything into your mouth. Good luck to you, health and harmony.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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“Give dinner to the enemy, and eat breakfast yourself,” says folk wisdom. Meanwhile, today's pace of life dictates completely different rules to us. We rarely eat breakfast in the morning, but we fill up to satiety in the evenings.
Is it correct? Of course not. And all because there is almost no time and energy for evening cooking at the stove. Is there a way out? I'm sure there is. Take advantage of my delicious and easy to prepare dinner recipes, which will be discussed today. There will be exactly 20 of them, there will be plenty to choose from! I will not say that these recipes will change your life, but they can make it better and richer.

Mushroom cream soup with potatoes
What could be faster and healthier for the stomach than hot cream soup? For mashed potato soup, I always take white dry wine, as it gives the soup a special taste and aroma.
Recipe: Take a big cast iron skillet and heat 15 grams of olive oil in it along with 20 grams of butter. If measured with spoons, this is approximately 1:1.5 tbsp. Pour 250-300 grams of coarsely chopped potatoes and 1 chopped onion there, cover and cook over low heat for about 5-10 minutes. Vegetables should become soft. After that, add 350 grams of champignons in pieces and 1-2 cloves of minced garlic. Pour in 1.2 liters of broth and 150 ml of wine. Cook for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are soft. The last step is to puree ready soup in a blender, pour back into the pan, bring to a boil and add a little parsley. I advise you to serve in portioned plates with cream or sour cream - it really tastes better!

potato gratin
I always bake gratin in chicken broth with cheese and onions. The dish never turned out raw, dry or tasteless. For my family, gratin is almost a universal side dish.
Recipe: Salt and fry 2 onions in half rings olive oil At this time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. After 8-10 minutes of frying, pour the onion with ½ cup chicken broth and steam for a couple of minutes. Grease an ovenproof dish butter, put one layer of potatoes (circles 2-3 mm thick), onion in half rings, thyme, salt and pepper and pieces of butter. Repeat two more layers of potatoes and the above ingredients. In total, you need 1.5 kg of potatoes. Pour the top layer with broth and send to the oven, sprinkled with chopped cheese (100 grams). Bake 50 minutes. Once the broth has boiled away, the gratin is ready to serve.

Crab crabs in batter
On the way home, you can run into the supermarket and take crab sticks - a quick and delicious dinner will be provided! Crab sticks in batter - perhaps one of the most fast food on the hastily. They can even be applied for festive table guests will lick their fingers!
Recipe: To start, marinate crab sticks (500 grams) in a glass pot, adding 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper. For batter, take 0.75 cups of warm milk and mix with 2 eggs, salt and pepper. Dip crab sticks in batter and fry in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side. It is best served warm with lemon slices and mayonnaise, sprinkled with herbs.

The easiest pie in the world
As a dessert for dinner, I offer a simple pie recipe. For its preparation, you will need no more than 1 hour.
Recipe: Beat 3 eggs with 150 grams of butter, add 200 grams of sugar, cinnamon and vanilla to taste. Mix with 175 grams of flour and be sure to add grated chocolate, which will give the cake a special taste. At the end of the batch, add a little soda, quenched with lemon juice. Pour the dough into a mold and send for 35 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Before serving, you can decorate with powdered sugar.

Stuffed champignons in the oven
What are good mushrooms? Yes, at least the fact that they can be stuffed with any filling. So such a dish will be an excellent alternative to dinner when you don’t want either fish or meat. I advise you to buy mushrooms with a large hat so that it is convenient for you to fill them.
Recipe: Remove the stems from the caps, set aside separately, finely chopped. Fry in a skillet for 10 minutes along with pepper cubes (150 grams) and onions. Grate 100 grams of cheese and 50 grams hard cheese, mix with vegetables Boil mushroom caps for 10 minutes in salted water, put in a greased baking sheet, fill with stuffing and lightly grease with mayonnaise. Send to bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

lazy dumplings
Why are dumplings called lazy? Yes, because even the most lazy hostess- it will take only 20-30 minutes of time. In addition to classic recipe I offer such dumplings Alternative option watering.
Recipe: Knead the dough from cottage cheese (500 grams), 1 egg, salt and 2 tbsp. sugar, form a "sausage" and cut it into circles. Boil in salted water and put the finished dumplings on a sieve - let them cool. Meanwhile, mix sour cream with lemon zest, egg yolk and separately beaten protein, sugar and salt. Lay out lazy dumplings into a buttered form, pour our watering and bake in the oven. Before serving lazy dumplings on the table, they can be sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Salad with crab sticks, cucumber and cabbage
Who said you can't have salad for dinner? If it's about hearty salad with crab sticks, after one serving you will not want any side dish or soup. Especially like those people who love crab sticks in any form.
Recipe: 200 grams crab sticks, 5 hard-boiled eggs and 300 grams fresh cucumbers cut into large cubes. Mix with 100 grams of Beijing or white cabbage, onion and dill. Top with yogurt or mayonnaise. Best served cold.

fast pizza
Just great recipe pizza! In just half an hour, two pizzas will be on the table at once. Naturally, pizza toppings can be anything, I'll take sausage, smoked meat and bell pepper.
Recipe: First, let's knead the dough. Dilute 6 grams of dry yeast in 250 ml of warm milk, adding salt and sugar, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. While stirring, gradually add 450-500 grams of flour. Leave the dough in a warm place and work on the filling. We cut everything into cubes so that the ingredients mix evenly: 2 medium tomatoes, 100 grams of smoked meat, 100 grams of sausage and 1 bell pepper. Also separately grate 200 grams of cheese on a coarse grater. Roll out the dough into two cakes, put in a greased form and lay out the filling. Bake each cake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. That's it, pizza is ready!

Potato casserole with onions and cheese
The dish looks like a pie but tastes like a potato casserole. Can be served as a side dish or as a main dish.
Recipe: We will prepare a casserole for 8 servings. Boil 5 potatoes and crush them. In the meantime, beat 5 eggs in a bowl, add salt to taste and 50 ml of cream. Add our potatoes and stir everything until homogeneous mass. Also add 1.5 cups of grated cheese, 0.5 finely chopped onions, a pinch of soda. Bake the resulting mass in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a high temperature of 230 degrees. The top should turn brown. Serve with ghee, green onions and sour cream.

Spaghetti with zucchini
Since we are talking about zucchini, it will not be superfluous to recall one more recipe. a simple dinner. It's about spaghetti with zucchini.
Recipe: Heat up 2 tablespoons in a pan. vegetable oil and fry zucchini circles (3 zucchini) on both sides. Boil Spaghetti in the usual way. Put the cooked zucchini to the spaghetti, pour in the oil from the pan as well. Add chopped basil, pepper to taste, mix well and sprinkle with 100 grams of cheese - parmesan is better.

Pasta baked with meat and cheese
While writing a recipe for spaghetti with zucchini, I remembered another wonderful way to cook pasta. This time we'll be making pasta casserole. Such a dish can replace a full dinner, you get a lot of pleasure from both the cooking process and the dinner itself!
Recipe: I start the casserole with the sauce. It is necessary to mix together 100 grams of mayonnaise, the same amount of sour cream, milk, cheese, 3 cloves of chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Boil 500 grams of pasta and put in a baking dish. Pour sauce over pasta and mix thoroughly. Fry in a pan 500 grams minced meat with 1 bulb. Add tomato sauce, mix with fried minced meat and put on top of pasta. Sprinkle 200 grams of mozzarella cheese on top, cover with foil and put in the oven for 15 minutes. After that, I recommend removing the foil and leaving it in the oven for another 10 minutes. Delicious to say the least!

This is not a recipe, but a real lifesaver for the hostess. We eat potatoes almost every day, and this recipe is great way diversify dinner and feed your family well.
Recipe: This is how I cook crispy potatoes. Take a small potato, peel and cut in half. Sprinkle with seasonings and roll in cornmeal. Next, you need to put the potatoes in a mold, grease it with oil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25 minutes. An appetizing golden crust should form. Serve with meat or salads. As you can see, it is very simple, but how delicious!

Quick sausages in dough
The recipe is called so because sausages are prepared in just 30-40 minutes. And the trick is that we will not mess with the dough, but fill them with batter. You'll see how delicious it turns out!
Recipe: Let's prepare the batter first. Mix 2/3 cup flour with salt. Add 1 egg, 150 ml of milk. It is important to mix all these components thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the batter. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake in a sausage shape greased with vegetable oil (400 grams) for 10 minutes. We take out, fill with batter and set to bake for another 20 minutes. By the way, instead of sausages, you can safely take meatballs or sausage.

Vegetable stew with potatoes and mushrooms
Completely Lenten dish. Despite the fact that Great Lent is still far away, I advise you to try this stew. First, it cooks quickly. Secondly, it doesn't fit.
Recipe: Peel 700 grams of potatoes and boil in water for 8-9 minutes. Drain and cut large pieces. Then fry in a skillet until dark golden brown. Add 2 garlic cloves and 2 bell peppers, simmer for 3 minutes. For variety, you can take peppers of different colors. Put chopped tomatoes (3 pieces) and 100 grams of champignons, simmer for 5 minutes. Salt and add pepper. At the end of cooking, you can add a couple of spoons tomato sauce, fresh basil or parsley. There are really many variations, and the taste is simply amazing!

Fried rice with egg
In our family, rice is the second most popular product after potatoes. It would seem that everything has already been tried, but no. Recently read one interesting recipe fried rice with egg. The dish goes well both for breakfast and for dinner - try it, experiment.
Recipe: Boil 400 grams of rice in salted water, remove excess water. Heat up in a skillet 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and fry mushrooms in it. Add cooked rice to this. green onion crushed beforehand. Fry literally 2 minutes (no more), add 80 grams soy sauce and take it off the fire. Separately, fry the eggs and serve each family member or guest on top of fried rice. Believe me, a great combination!

Do you know why many children in childhood did not like semolina? Because their parents, grandparents cooked it wrong. Meanwhile, exactly semolina could be a great way to end the day. When you learn how to cook - cook more, your family will definitely ask for more!
Recipe: Be sure to take a metal pan, first pour a glass of water into it, and then 400 ml of milk. Another rule - milk should be fresh and fat (0t 4 to 6%). Next, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Make sure that the milk does not run away from you - this can happen in one second. In the meantime, mix in a cup 3.5 tbsp. semolina, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and a little salt. When the milk-water mixture boils, pour the semolina into the middle of the mass in a very thin stream (a funnel should turn out). Stir regularly while pouring semolina, otherwise the porridge will turn out with lumps. Cook for 5 minutes at a low boil. At the end add vanilla. Remove from the stove, pour into bowls and put a piece of butter in each.

Liver fritters
Of course, you won’t be full of pancakes alone, but what’s stopping you from boiling vermicelli, rice or potatoes for them? It turns out royal dinner, even for breakfast will remain!
Recipe: Cut into pieces 500 grams of liver, chop vegetables into cubes (1 carrot, 1-2 onions). Grind the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder, beat in the egg. Add salt, pepper and 4-5 tbsp. semolina. Leave for 30 minutes for semolina to swell. Form cutlets and fry in a pan. If there is no side dish, you can eat it like a sandwich, putting liver pancake for bread or loaf.

Mushroom soup with meatballs
The recipe for another wonderful soup - light, tasty, with a pleasant aftertaste and rich aroma. It takes a little longer to prepare than all of the above dishes, but as a dinner, that's it!
Recipe: Salt and pepper the veal mince. Boil vegetables, cutting them into several pieces of medium size: 1 carrot, 1 large onion. We roll lumps from the minced meat and throw it into boiling water, remove all the scale that begins to appear. Add mushrooms after meat balls pop up and cook for another 20 minutes. As a cereal, it is better to take rice (2 tbsp). At the end of cooking, put a piece of butter into the pan and close the lid. Leave for 15-20 minutes so that the soup with meatballs is well infused.

Cheese cakes
Believe me, they really cook in 15 minutes! It doesn't matter what filling you put inside - you can do without it at all. Cakes can replace bread, they can be a hearty dinner with jam or used as sandwiches, putting sausage or sprats on top.
Recipe: Mix 1 cup of kefir with 0.5 tsp. salt, the same amount of sugar and soda. Add 2 cups flour and 1 cup hard cheese (grated), knead the dough. Divide the dough thus obtained into small koloboks and form a cake. I usually put ham inside, it all depends on your imagination. Fry over medium heat, covered with a lid.