Rolls with cheese at home. Baked rolls at home

Japanese dish sushi has long been included in the menu of the townsfolk and has ceased to be an overseas curiosity from raw fish. Sushi is distinguished by a wide and varied assortment, they come with the most amazing toppings and are served in almost every self-respecting institution. Sushi has firmly taken its place in the list of preferred dishes.

How to cook rice for sushi?

Many people have decided to go further than just wandering from restaurant to restaurant comparing sushi from different chefs. Some especially gambling enthusiasts try to cook sushi at home, bringing some new ingredients and fresh solutions to them. Although sushi is not an easy dish to make, it is quite possible to make it at home.

The main and indispensable ingredient is, of course, rice. It is rice, not fish, that is the main component of sushi. If you can experiment with fillings, then sushi will not work without rice. Rice must be round grain or special for sushi so that it holds its shape.

Two servings require one glass of rice. After pouring the rice into a deep container, pour the cereal cold water and rub it between your palms. Then drain the water. Repeat a few more times until the water is as clear as possible. This is necessary so that the cereal is cleansed of excess gluten and starch. They are completely unacceptable when preparing sushi. Let the rice dry out a bit.

Dip the rice in a deep saucepan and fill with a volume of water twice the volume of cereals. Put it on maximum heat and bring it to a boil under the lid. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and cook for 12 minutes. Then, without removing the lid, remove from heat and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls

Prepare the rice dressing. To do this, in 25 ml of rice vinegar (if you took a glass of rice), you need to dissolve 5 grams of salt and 15 grams of sugar. Mix everything until completely dissolved. To make this process faster, you can warm up the vinegar a little, but only a little.

Add dressing to rice. To do this, lay the rice in an even layer in a dish with a flat bottom. Pour the dressing over the spatula into the rice, the trickle should be thin. Stir the mixture thoroughly immediately. Mix from bottom to top and from left to right. Then, having collected the rice in one direction, begin to drag it to the other side with sharp smearing movements with a spatula (without stirring!). Repeat the procedure several times. Then flatten the rice and cover with a damp cloth. Then leave it to cool down.

Ingredients for making sushi at home

To make sushi at home, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • seaweed "nori" - they are sold in different sizes, for sushi - in small plates, for rolls - twice as much (the price depends on the quantity)
  • package of pickled ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish), it is better to take wasabi in powder - so it will be spicier
  • soy sauce (distinguished by the degree of salinity)
  • rice vinegar, designed specifically for making sushi (it is slightly sweet and gives the dish a special aroma and exquisite taste)
  • rice (either special or regular, uncooked, round grain rice)
  • salmon fillet (salted or smoked), mackerel fillet (mackerel may also work), ready-made shrimp or any other seafood for stuffing
  • Philadelphia cheese (or any cream cheese without additional additives)
  • fresh cucumber
  • caviar flying fish(this component is optional and is optional, you can do without it)
  • sesame seeds (roasted or raw)
  • avocado
  • bamboo mat
All these products are easy to buy in a large supermarket or small oriental stores.

How to cook rolls?

In addition to rice, there is another important point in the preparation of sushi and rolls - they must be twisted. Otherwise, we will have rice with fish, not sushi. Seafood with cucumber and avocado is also used as a filling.

This is easier to do with a special bamboo "mat". Place a sheet of special nori seaweed on it, rough side up, on which the filling holds better. Put the cooled rice on the nori, 0.7-1 centimeter thick, spread it evenly over the surface. Leave 1 and 0.5 cm of clear space at the top and bottom of the sheet, respectively. This is necessary to secure the roll.

How to quickly make sushi at home

Prepare the filling in advance - cut the right ingredients elongated sticks, 3-5 mm thick. Put the stuffing on the rice and start rolling the roll, which will later turn into sushi. Gently lift the end of the nori with a bamboo mat (makisu) and slowly roll it into a tight tube. Gently squeeze the roll inside the mat and roll it around a bit.

For better adhesion of nori into a roll, you can soak the seaweed in the place where there is no rice and combine with the roll. Pushing the finished roll aside, proceed to the manufacture of the next portion.

If, nevertheless, this task seems unattainable for you, you can always use the services of companies that provide sushi orders at home.

How to cut the rolls correctly?

To properly cut the rolls, take a sharp knife. Dip its tip briefly in vinegar water. Then you should raise it with the tip up so that the vinegar water wets the entire surface of the knife. Then it will be easy to cut the rolls.

Then place the rolls seam side down on a cutting board. First, you should cut the resulting roll in half, and each half into three more. The knife can be periodically soaked in water, either vinegar or just cold, to remove the sticky component of the rice.

How to make rolls: a master class from the chef

Then put the rolls on a tray, pour soy sauce into ceramic bowls and serve.

What is the best sushi?

Sushi, as mentioned above, can be very diverse. Therefore, the choice of the most delicious remains, of course, yours. But the most popular, according to the editors of the site, have always been and remain Philadelphia and California rolls, as well as sushi with eel, salmon and mussels.

Roll "Philadelphia"

Cooking sushi "nigiri"

While the sushi rice is cooling, you need to cut the fish. It is better to choose the cleanest and most beautiful part of the fillet. The denser it is, the thinner the pieces should be. For nigiri, it is better to cut the fillet at an angle towards you. In order not to have to “cut” the fish (which is unacceptable for sushi), pick up a very sharp knife.

Stepping back from the edge of a rectangular piece of fillet by 1-1.5 cm, cut off a piece of fillet at an angle of 45 degrees in one motion. Thus, cut the whole fillet.

We begin to form nigiri. To do this, you need to prepare a container with wasabi and vinegar water (in boiled water pour a couple of spoons of rice vinegar). Put about one and a half tablespoons of cooked rice in your right hand and give it an oval shape. In the left put a plate across the fingers fish fillet. Without releasing the rice, scoop up some wasabi and brush over the rice. Put rice on it and lightly press it with the thumb of your left hand.

Then change hands and press the rice with the index and thumb of the right hand. Gently turn the nigiri over on the fingertips of your left hand, fish side up. Then move them to the base of the fingers. Ready!

It is only important to ensure that the fish preparation is larger than the rice, and that the rice is not compressed too much.
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Despite the fact that the peak of popularity of sushi and rolls is over, many people continue to order this dish and are glad to see it on the table. At the same time, fans Japanese cuisine they are still afraid to cook sushi at home - the recipes seem complicated and expensive to them. But this is far from true.

All products for self cooking can be found in the nearest supermarket at quite reasonable prices. And if you practice a little and “fill your hand”, then the cooking steps will seem very easy over time, and the whole process will not take much time.

This article contains all the necessary information, secrets and tricks, with the help of which every housewife will understand how to cook sushi and rolls at home step by step.

Tools you may need

Of course, the Japanese have a lot of tools in the kitchen that they use in the cooking process.

We only need a few of them:

  1. Sharp knife. A very important tool, its sharpness is especially important. An insufficiently sharpened knife can break the roll shell or crumple the roll.
  2. makisu). You can't do without it when making rolls.
  3. Rice cooker or slow cooker. This device is not required, but its presence will greatly simplify the process of cooking rice ( main ingredient sushi), and also improve the taste of the dish, and you can cook sushi at home like in a restaurant.

Standard set of products for cooking

The first and most basic is a special japanese rice and nori sheets. The remaining components of the dish are selected solely from preferences and financial capabilities. As a standard, red fish, cucumbers, avocados are added to the dish, processed cheese, many people love rolls with shrimp, eel, crab sticks or mussels, and there are gourmets who prefer to feel the taste of bacon, chicken and even beef in sushi. But still, basically the taste of the snack depends on how the rice for sushi is prepared. At home, it can be boiled in two ways: in a slow cooker (rice cooker) or on fire (recipe below).

Rice preparation

Rice for making sushi should be fresh, round grain and preferably Japanese variety. First of all, it should be thoroughly (about seven times) washed under cold running water, then put in a colander, left to dry for about an hour.

We start cooking: pour rice with water (in proportion to 200 g of cereal - 250 ml of water), bring to a boil over high heat, cover with a lid and cook for 14 minutes at minimum heat. After that, turn off the fire and leave the rice to infuse in a closed saucepan for 15 minutes.

In a slow cooker, cereals are cooked in the same way, using the "Rice" or "Buckwheat" mode.

After the rice has been infused, we do as it is said in almost all step-by-step recipes “how to cook sushi at home”, namely: carefully, using a wooden spatula, knead the sour dressing into the rice.

Seasoning preparation:

We slightly heat the rice vinegar and dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Add lemon juice to this mixture. For 60 grams of vinegar you will need 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt and 1 tbsp. l. juice. Some people add a spoonful of soy sauce to the dressing. After the rice is seasoned, it must be allowed to cool completely.

How to cook sushi at home? Step by step recipes

Nigiri sushi with eel. After the rice is cooked and cooled, we proceed to the formation of sushi:

  • cut pieces of nori into thin strips;

  • cut the eel lengthwise into pieces and grease them with wasabi;

  • we take a handful of rice and roll it into an oval, but do not ram;

  • on the rough side of the nori strip, put the eel perpendicularly and rice on top, twist the filling with a strip, pour over the sauce if desired and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Gunkan with Chuka salad:

  • we roll the rice, as for nigiri, we wrap it with a strip of elevator, so that the ends of the algae are held together, we moisten them with water;

  • put lettuce on top in the resulting basket and pour over walnut sauce;

Now it will not be difficult for you to cook sushi at home according to the photos and instructions presented above.

Rolls and their difference from sushi

First of all, rolls and sushi are different from each other. appearance and composition. The main place is occupied by rice and seaweed everywhere, but the rolls are filled with a richer filling. They add a lot different goodies, they can be baked or fried while cooking. During the preparation of the rolls, they are rolled into a tight roll, and then cut into several portioned pieces.

Despite all these differences, rolls are still considered a type of sushi, therefore, sushi is not always rolls, but rolls are always sushi.

How to cook rolls at home

First, we need nori sheets and rice cooked according to standard recipe. The filling is usually used: red fish (salmon, trout, tuna), eel, avocado, cucumber, different kinds cheese (tofu, cream, philadelphia), scrambled eggs, caviar, various seafood. All these components can be combined or used separately, it all depends on individual preferences.

When the rice is boiled, and the fish and all products are cut into small strips, the next stage of cooking comes - the formation of rolls. To do this, lay nori on a bamboo mat (shiny side down). We close ½ of the sheet with rice, grease the rice with cheese on top and spread the filling. Then we roll the nori with the help of a mat into a tight roll, cut it into portions.

Rolls are served with pickled ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.


Such rolls, in fact, do not differ from simple ones, except for the principle of folding. They are twisted so that rice is obtained on the outside of the roll, and not inside. They also require more care in preparation.

The initial stages of cooking the flipper are one to one, like closed rolls, but after laying out the nori sheet, tactics should be slightly changed.

Rice should be spread over the entire surface of the sheet so that it completely covers the nori. Then you need to turn the sheet over so that the rice is on the surface of the mat. Now spread the filling on the nori and roll the roll into a very tight roll.

Changelings after cooking are usually sprinkled with sesame seeds, flying fish roe or capelin. You can put caviar or sesame seeds on the mat and roll the roll, while giving it a square or triangular shape.

Fried sushi

How to cook sushi at home? Step by step recipe cooking fried sushi (rolls) differs from the above recipes only final stage cooking. Namely, hot.

You can fry almost any roll, for this you just need to cook the batter and perform a few manipulations.

For batter we need:


Mix all the ingredients for the batter, add salt and beat well. The consistency of the batter should resemble thick sour cream.

  1. Ready rolls for convenience, cut into two parts, roll in flour, dip in batter and roll in breading.
  2. We place the rolls in boiling vegetable oil, fry on all sides for literally half a minute until golden brown.
  3. Place rolls on paper towel to remove. excess fat.
  4. Cut the rolls into portions.

These rolls come in very handy. cream sauce.

baked rolls

When ordinary sushi or fried ones are already tired, you can cook baked rolls. They have unusual taste They are sure to please all family members. We will present you one of the simplest (you can take any filling).

Baked rolls with salmon. Components:


  1. Peel the skin off the cucumber and cut it into strips.
  2. Cheese grate on a fine grater.
  3. Salmon cut into pieces and mix with mayonnaise and cheese.
  4. Lay a sheet of nori and a layer of rice on the mat. Carefully turn the workpiece seaweed up.
  5. Put the cucumber strips on the nori and roll up.
  6. Cut the roll into 6 parts, transfer portions to a mold, and top with a mixture of fish and mayonnaise.
  7. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes.

If you are wondering how to cook sushi at home, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with some tricks.

  1. Place a bowl of cold water in front of you while cooking. Japanese rice has a high stickiness, so after each interaction with it, you need to wet your hands.
  2. When you cut the rolls, the knife should always be washed.
  3. In order to simplify the process of cleaning a bamboo mat, it must be wrapped on both sides before starting work. cling film.
  4. The layer of rice in the rolls should not be more than 5 mm thick, otherwise the roll cannot be twisted.
  5. To make the ends of the nori easier to stick to each other, they are also slightly moistened with water.
  6. You need to cut the rolls into portions after they lie down for 10-15 minutes. This will help the algae and rice stick together better.
  7. If you plan to cook, then after twisting the rolls, they must be removed for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

Having studied the above step by step instructions"how to cook sushi at home", you can easily surprise your household with a very tasty and self-cooked Japanese dish. In addition, sushi can be prepared for festive table They make a great addition to any menu.

More recently, rolls in our country were considered exotic. Now you can buy them literally at every step. Moreover, you can make just one call and after a while, ready-made sushi will be delivered directly to your home. And, looking at these works of Japanese culinary, somehow few people think that rolls are not at all difficult to cook on their own at home.


  • Rice(not steamed) - 1 cup
  • fresh cucumber- 1 piece
  • nori sheets- 5-7 pieces
  • Red fish (slightly salted)- 200 grams
  • Processed curd cheese- 100 grams (1 jar)
  • Sesame
  • rice vinegar- 2 tbsp
  • Sugar- 1 tsp
  • Salt- 0.5 tsp
  • How to cook rice for rolls at home

    1. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to follow the cooking technology. Pour 1 cup of rice with 1.5 cups of cool water, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, (try to open the lid as little as possible, do not stir!) reduce the heat to a medium level (closer to the minimum) cook for 5 minutes. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for another 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid for 15 minutes. Rice for rolls is ready. It will not boil, will not burn and will be quite sticky.

    . Next, you need to season the rice with a special filling. Pour 1 tbsp into a mug. l rice vinegar.

    3 . Add 1 tsp of sugar + half a teaspoon of salt. Stir until dissolved.

    . Now pour the rice in a thin line and mix it with the dressing. It may seem that this amount of filling is not enough, it is not.

    How to cook homemade rolls, option number 1

    . The mat can be wrapped with cling film, because in this version of homemade rolls, the rice is on the outer layer and can get stuck between the rods of the bamboo mat. If there is no mat, use the usual kitchen towel also wrapped in cling film.

    . Place the nori sheet on the mat with the smooth, shiny side down. Depending on the size of the desired rolls, you can cut the sheet in half.

    . Spread the rice in a thin layer over the rough surface of the sheet, leaving a free edge of 1-1.5 cm. So that the rice does not stick strongly to the hands, we moisten the fingers with rice vinegar.

    . Then carefully take the edges of the nori sheet in the place where there is no rice and turn it over so that the smooth side of the seaweed is on top and the rice is on the bottom.

    . Lay out a thin strip fresh cucumber. With dense cucumbers, you can not remove the peel and not remove the seeds. Just cut the cucumber into long strips in the form in which it is.

    . Then we post cottage cheese(replacing Philadelphia cheese) with a strip near the cucumber.

    . On the other side of the cucumber, lay out a strip of red fish.

    . We twist the rolls, starting from the edge where there is no rice. Gradually, lifting the mat, we twist the nori sheet with the filling into a tight roll. You can make it round or square as you wish.

    . Roll the roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces. It is important to cut the rolls beautifully, the knife must be very sharp. You can also pre-lubricate the blade with rice vinegar.

    Rolls at home, option number 2

    . Lay out the nori sheet smooth side down. Spread the rice by dipping your fingers in the rice vinegar. Leave the free edge of the sheet. From above, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the rice, lay out the strips of cucumber and fish.

    . We turn the roll.

    . Top with cream cheese.

    . Then roll the roll in sesame seeds. We cut sharp knife into 6-8 parts.

    Delicious homemade rolls are ready

    Enjoy your meal!

    What are rolls made of?

    In Japan, the preparation of rolls has long been elevated to the rank of art. Every little thing counts here. But real masters are especially reverent in the choice of products. They should not only be fresh, but also complement each other well, creating a real harmony of taste in the mouth. So before you start cooking your own rolls, you need to choose the right ingredients.


    Not every type of rice is suitable for making rolls. In order not to bother too much, you can simply purchase special varieties of Japanese rice. Now they are sold in a specialized department of almost any chain store. Of course, such a product is not too cheap.

    In fact, ordinary rice is also suitable for rolls, which is much cheaper than special rice. The main thing is that the rice should be moderately sticky, but at the same time not too soft. Therefore, the best option is to buy round-grain varieties, and the best of them is ordinary Krasnodar round rice. What you really shouldn't do is buy clear and parboiled rice.


    What we have no problem with in our stores is wasabi. True, in our country you can only buy a cheap imitation of this seasoning. Real wasabi, even in their homeland, not every Japanese can afford. The main components of the imitation are horseradish and mustard, flavored with a few more ingredients. It's certainly not exactly wasabi, but it tastes very much like it.

    Immediately advice: it is better to buy seasoning in powder. Such wasabi just needs to be diluted with water and the seasoning is ready. Ready-made wasabi in tubes can also be used for rolls, but they are much more likely to contain various not-so-useful preservatives.

    rice vinegar

    To make the rolls tasty, you should not save on vinegar. For this dish, it is best to take Japanese rice vinegar, the so-called su. Unlike our sour and enough hot vinegar, su has a pleasant slightly sweet aftertaste. Plus, it's not sharp at all.


    An integral ingredient for rolls are sheets of seaweed or, in other words, nori. They are sold in the form of large dark sheets. Their size is different, but the most optimal width of such a sheet is 20 cm or so.

    Ginger and soy sauce

    Rolls, of course, can be made without these two ingredients, but serving them at the table without pickled ginger (gari) and soy sauce is somehow wrong.

    As a rule, rolls are eaten dipped in soy sauce. By and large, there is not much difference which of the varieties of sauces to buy. The main thing is that it should be a product natural fermentation and that it was packaged in glass containers. In all other respects, you can completely rely on your taste.

    As for ginger, there is nothing complicated here either. You just need to make sure that the product is fresh. Yes, and one more thing. Ginger comes in white and pink. Those who like spicy food should take pink ginger and the rest is white. Although in fact the taste of ginger does not really matter. After all, it is eaten in order to remove the taste sensations from the just eaten roll before sending the next one to the mouth.

    Some subtleties

    There are subtleties in the preparation of rolls. Professional masters also have their own tricks. But at first, you can get by with standard rules, especially since there are not very many of them.

    How to cook rice properly

    About how to choose rice, it has already been written above. Now some of the nuances of preparing and cooking cereals.

    First, rinse the rice. First, you just need to fill it with water and shake your hands a little to clean it of debris and husks. Even if the rice is clean, the water will still take on a milky white hue. This water must be drained, and then again “squeeze” the grits with massaging movements, pour water over and repeat the entire operation. You need to do this 5-7 times. This will be quite enough for the water to remain clear after the procedure.

    Rice should be cooked in a fairly deep pan. Water should be poured at the rate of 1 part of rice 1.5 parts of water. Cook cereals should be on low heat. When the rice has absorbed all the water, the rice should be removed from the heat and left to infuse under a closed lid for about 15 minutes. Only after that, rice for rolls can be considered ready.

    Stuffing and dressing for rolls

    Cooking rice is half the battle. It still needs to be filled. For dressing, mix salt, sugar and vinegar. At the same time, su (rice vinegar) can be warmed up a little, then the seasonings dissolve faster.

    The rice that has not yet cooled down should be put in a fairly wide container. Gently, in a thin stream along a wooden spatula, add the resulting dressing mixture to the rice, constantly stirring with the same spatula. It is advisable to stir the rice with horizontal movements so that each grain is saturated with the dressing mixture. Then the container should be covered with a paper towel and left for a while.

    Now you can do the stuffing. Most often, fish is used as such in rolls, which is cut into thin and long slices. If other products will be used for the filling, then, as a rule, they must also be cut into strips.

    How to roll rolls?

    The simplest version of homemade rolls is hoso-maki or thin rolls. Of course, for their preparation it is necessary to acquire a special bamboo mat - makisu.

    First, place a mat on the table and prepare a bowl of water and vinegar to wet your hands. Place half a sheet of nori on the mat. Lay with the rough side up. Put four tablespoons of rice on the seaweed. Spoons should be full - with a slide. With hands moistened in water with vinegar, spread the rice over the surface of the nori sheet so that a free strip of about 10 mm wide remains on top, and about 5 mm on the bottom. The result should be a layer of rice about 7 mm thick.

    It makes no sense to talk about laying out the filling. It is simply laid out in layers or paths in fig. But then the fun begins - rolling the roll. To do this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First you need to align the bottom edge of the nori sheet with the edge of the mat. While holding the filling, lift the makisa and begin to roll the blank for the rolls with forward and upward movements. When the roll is rolled up to the end, the edges of the mat should be slightly bent and roll the roll back and forth a little. There is no need to put pressure on him. After this procedure, the workpiece can be considered finished.

    How to cut rolls?

    Cutting even rolls from a roll is also a kind of art. It is best to do this following the traditions of Japanese roll-making masters. First you need to moisten the knife with a mixture of water and vinegar. Such a kind of "lubrication" will allow the knife to pass through the rice, as if through butter. The prepared roll must be cut first in the middle, and then each part is divided into three or four equal rolls. Here, in fact, is the whole trick.

    Recipes of popular rolls

    There are many types of rolls. There is simple recipes, some are complex, some are popular, and some are unfamiliar. Basically, anything can be done at home. It is better to start with the simplest or, in last resort, popular varieties.

    Syake maki rolls

    Perhaps these are the most simple rolls which even a child can cook in Japan. All they need is rice, nori and salmon prepared according to the recipe described above. Sake Maki is incredibly easy to make. To do this, lay rice on half a sheet of nori with a layer 5-7 mm thick, stepping back from the edge of about 1 cm. this case it is understood that not the entire area of ​​the algae sheet is filled with rice, but only half of it. In the middle of the rice layer, a “path” is laid out of salmon cut into oblong pieces. After that, the workpiece is folded into a roll, and then cut into 8-16 rolls.

    By the way, according to the same principle, you can make rolls with shrimp or crab meat. The only caveat is that the peeled shrimp must first be fried in oil for 5 minutes, and then stewed with a small amount soy sauce (you can also add a little sherry) until the liquid has completely evaporated.

    Rolls "Philadelphia"

    The preparation of this type of rolls, of course, cannot do without rice, nori and rice vinegar. For the filling, you will need the following ingredients:

    • red fish;
    • cucumber;
    • cream cheese "Philadelphia" (you can take other similar cream cheese).

    There is no point in describing the preparation of rice in this case. This has been discussed in sufficient detail in the previous sections.

    Place a halved sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, and spread a thin layer of rice (about 4 tablespoons) on it. Help yourself with a mat to turn the nori rice down and lay it on the mat again. Lubricate the shiny side of the seaweed leaf with Philadelphia cheese, and put thin slices of cucumber on it. After that, you need to roll the roll in the above way.

    Put the roll blank on the edge of the mat, and put a layer of thinly sliced ​​red fish in front of it. In width, it should correspond to the resulting roll, and in length be such as to cover all the rice. Using a rug, “wrap” the roll blank with red fish and roll it lightly.

    It remains to cut the roll first in half, and then each of the parts into another 3 or 4 parts. Philadelphia rolls are ready.

    Rolls "California"

    The birthplace of this variety of rolls is not Japan, but the United States. In principle, that is why they are called "California". To prepare them, you will need a lot of additional components, in addition to rice, vinegar and algae leaves:

    • trout;
    • avocado;
    • cucumber;
    • curd cheese;
    • flying fish caviar (tobiko). If you couldn’t find tobiko in the supermarket, then you can take cod or pollock caviar. True, the taste of such rolls will differ from the real California.

    The cooking technology of "California" is in many ways similar to that used when working with "Philadelphia". After all, both varieties of rolls are turned inside out, i.e. in finished goods nori is not outside, but inside the mini-roll.

    To begin with, rice is laid out on a half sheet of algae. A thin layer of caviar is placed on top of it. Now the nori sheet with the stuffing laid out should be turned upside down, and its smooth surface should be greased with a thin layer of cheese. Next, lay out thin slices of avocado, cucumber and trout. After that, the workpiece can be rolled up into a roll, give it a more square shape with a rug and cut into 6 or 8 rolls.

    These rolls can be slightly modified by using mayonnaise sauce instead of cheese (preferably Japanese) and crab meat instead of trout or with it.

    Hot Tempura rolls

    Rolls can be served not only in the "raw" form. Even in Japan, this dish is often fried or baked. Rice for such rolls is prepared in the same way as for all other varieties. And besides him and nori for Tempura you will need:

    • cream cheese;
    • salmon or lightly salted salmon;
    • cucumber;
    • flying fish caviar;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • breadcrumbs.

    Spread the rice on top of the nori and brush generously with cream cheese. Spread the flying fish roe evenly on top and lay out the fish and cucumber cut into strips. Roll the workpiece into a roll.

    Now you need to prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour in a long rectangular container. The last product can be bought, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, mix wheat and rice flour, starch, garlic powder, black pepper and baking powder.

    Dip the prepared roll in batter, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on all sides in a heated frying pan vegetable oil. Only after that cut the workpiece into 6 pieces and serve immediately.


    That's actually all. Of course, there are countless varieties and recipes of rolls in the world. But they are all done according to the principles that were described above. Well, you can experiment with the fillings, adding those ingredients that you like best. Enjoy your meal!

    Video recipes


    Red fish meat can be bought already pickled, but, to be honest, I am afraid to take such products. It is not known how fresh the fish was when marinated. That's why I prefer frozen food. Defrost the fish room temperature. Next, remove a few bones (if any, of course) and put them in a container with a lid. Add 1.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp sugar, finely chopped Bay leaf and peppercorns. Stir, close the lid and send to the refrigerator to marinate for at least 3 hours, and preferably overnight.

    Defrost shrimp also at room temperature, put in a colander, rinse under running cold water. In a saucepan, pour water, salt a little. It is advisable to add dill. Especially for such dishes, I have prepared dried dill stalks since the summer - they give much more flavor than twigs, they dry easily and are perfectly stored. We wait until the water boils and lower the shrimp into it. We are waiting for repeated boiling, counting 2-3 minutes. This is if the shrimp were frozen raw (read on the pack). If they are already boiled, after boiling the water, immediately turn off the fire and let it brew for about three minutes. We drain the water, wait until the shrimp cool down and clean them from the shell.

    Peel the skin off the cucumber and cut it into strips.

    The most important step is to properly prepare rice for sushi. Getting started - put the rice in a container, pour cold water and quickly stir clockwise, best with a wooden spoon. The water will become cloudy from rice husks.

    We discard in a colander, wait until the water drains and repeat the procedure. So you need to do 5-8 times until the water remains clear. To be sure, for the fourth time, you can rub the rice between your palms. Pour washed rice with cold, boiled water and leave for 20 minutes.

    After the water is drained, pour fresh and put on a large fire. As soon as it boils, we count 10 seconds and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook rice until done.

    At the end, add fire again for 10 seconds, turn off the stove, put a clean towel on top and cover with a lid. Let the rice cool completely.

    Mix rice vinegar with 0.5 tsp of salt and 2 tsp of sugar. We wait until everything dissolves and pour the cooled rice with this mixture. Mix carefully.

    Let's start forming rolls. Put the nori sheet shiny side down, evenly distribute a thin layer of rice over it, leaving an empty strip of 2 cm on one side. Important! Cooked rice can not be stored for a long time, it must be used immediately after cooking. If stored in the refrigerator, it will become very crumbly and sushi will not turn out.

    On one edge of the nori, lay out the fish, cucumber and sprinkle wasabi (Japanese horseradish) on top and wrap the roll tightly. Specialists use a special rug for this, but no matter how much I tried to work with it, it’s still easier for me to wrap without it. And you do what is more convenient for you.

    Japanese cuisine is becoming more and more popular in our country. Especially loved by many sushi and rolls. The last connoisseurs love for the appetizing look of mini-rolls, satiety, convenient format. Rolls are served in many restaurants today. But everyone can cook them at home on their own.

    For this you need:

    • a wish;
    • a set of suitable products;
    • kitchen utensils and tools.

    The process will take about 45 minutes.

    A set of products for homemade rolls

    Making rolls at home is easy. For this you will need the following ingredients:

    • rice vinegar;
    • special seaweed nori;
    • soy sauce;
    • fish;
    • cucumber, avocado, salad greens (to taste);
    • pickled ginger;
    • wasabi.

    All products must be fresh and of high quality.

    As additional ingredients other products can be used for rolls: various caviar (black, red, flying fish, etc.), several types of fish, rolls with eel, shrimp and crabs, mussels and octopus, all kinds of sauces, including spicy, creamy, are especially praised and hard cheeses, crab sticks, sesame seeds and other products.

    The basis of rolls and sushi is rice. You need to buy a special kind of cereal. Rice is sold in specialized departments of large stores, and sometimes it is also found in ordinary ones, among the shelves with cereals, and is called "Rice for rolls, sushi, Japanese rice." Groats are cooked using a special technology. secret delicious rice of the rolls is rice vinegar. It is added about 5 tablespoons to half a glass of rice when cooking.

    Rice turns out to be crumbly, but still viscous, and this is necessary so that our sliced ​​​​rolls do not fall apart.

    Take 2 cups of rice, rinse well cold water. Pour 2.5 cups of cool water, cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, and leave the rice to cook for 12 minutes.

    After we remove the pan from the heated burner, and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Do not open the lid when you remove the dishes from the fire, everything is done with a strictly closed lid, otherwise the effect may upset!

    While our rice is infused, prepare the vinegar. To do this, for 2 cups of rice, we need to take 50 ml of rice vinegar, 30 g of sugar and 10 g of salt. Mix all the ingredients and heat slightly, you can in the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

    We shift the infused rice into a wide bowl and pour evenly with our vinegar mixture. The composition is quickly absorbed into the finished rice and it turns out what you need for the right rolls.

    Nori (pressed) sea ​​kale) are purchased dry in layers in vacuum packaging. I usually buy Sensei or Shibuki nori. There are usually 10 sheets in a pack. Any fish can be used: raw, pickled, salted, smoked. The choice of this product depends on the taste preferences of the connoisseur of Japanese cuisine. As the most common, I take salmon and trout.

    Soy sauce is recommended to choose natural, concentrated, without preservatives. If desired, it can later be diluted with water to taste. The best, in my opinion and taste, Kikkoman soy sauce, by the way, I choose rice vinegar of the same brand. It is used sparingly, so it is better to immediately buy more expensive and enjoy a bright and natural taste.

    Ready rolls are served on wide dish along with thin slices of pink pickled ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish). A separate bowl with soy sauce is put on the table, in which it is necessary to dip the rolls. They eat rolls with wooden chopsticks, you need to get used to this, over time you will be able to take even the smallest pieces with chopsticks.

    Cooking tools

    The list of tools includes several fixtures. These may include:

    • machine for making rolls;
    • bamboo mat makisa;
    • sharp knife for cutting rolls.

    Some home cooks use cling film in the cooking process. A blank of nori, rice, fish, and other components is wrapped in it. It is believed that this way the rolls are more accurate and dense. But practice shows that the use of a makisa or a special machine allows you to optimize the process.

    Bamboo mat is considered a versatile tool for making rolls. It has been used by Japanese chefs for centuries. The rug is easy to work with. A little practice is enough, and you will get rolls no worse than restaurant ones.

    On a mat wrapped in cling film, spread the rice with a layer of 1 cm, put our filling on top of the rice - you want cucumber, fish and cream cheese, or shrimp, avocado, leaf salad and wasabi. You can experiment and even put everything at once, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

    After you have rolled the roll, transfer it to a cutting board and cut it into 6-8 pieces with a sharp knife.

    This is how it is not particularly troublesome to make simple rolls at home. You can make rolls with rice outside, and decorate with a piece of fish, or roll in caviar or sesame seeds. Such rolls are called Uramaki or Saimaki, all of you probably know the popular names of such rolls - California and Philadelphia.

    Such rolls are made in much the same way as regular rolls, only first you apply rice to the nori, and then turn everything over so that the rice is on the bamboo mat, and nori is on top of it. Spread on a sheet of algae desired filling and turn, as in the first option.

    Then press the folded roll well so that the rice does not fall off anywhere, and roll it over caviar, sesame seeds, or decorate with pieces of red fish.

    Then carefully cut, put on a dish and enjoy gourmet delicacy Japanese cuisine, prepared at home, with their own hands.

    Bon appetit and good company!