How to bake a biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker. A simple cake in a slow cooker

With the advent of the electric miracle saucepan, many housewives breathed a sigh of relief, because this smart kitchen appliances not only greatly simplifies the daily culinary chores, but also guarantees high taste qualities dishes cooked in it. Most models of this kitchen gadget are equipped with a special baking program that creates ideal conditions to get quality finished product, so a biscuit in a slow cooker, as a basis for cakes or an independent pie, always turns out to be airy, fluffy and even.

How to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker

The popular name of this flour product is confectionery bread, which is easily explained by the fact that biscuit is the main component of many cakes, pies, pastries and others. delicious desserts. In addition, a skillfully prepared biscuit cake in a slow cooker, simply sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with berries, can easily act as self-dish for morning or evening tea.

The secret of lush and tender dough

It is not so difficult to prepare a delicious and fluffy biscuit using a slow cooker, you just need to remember some important points that, regardless of the dough recipe, will help make the finished product a standard of culinary excellence:

    The basis of any biscuit doughchicken eggs, beaten to a thick, strong foam. In order for them to whip properly, they must first be heated to room temperature.

    The container in which the base for the dough will be whipped must be absolutely dry, without any traces of moisture or fat. The same applies to mixer attachments.

    To obtain a high, airy and tasty biscuit cake, the flour for it must be sifted at least twice in order to enrich it with oxygen to the maximum.

    So that the whipped foam does not lose its splendor and airiness, add flour very carefully, stirring the dough with a silicone or wooden spatula in a circle, gently lifting it from bottom to top. This must be done quickly, and the movements should be as light as possible.

    If other dry ingredients are indicated in the recipe (soda, baking powder, cocoa, vanillin, starch), they should be mixed with flour before being added to beaten eggs with sugar.

    Biscuit dough does not tolerate waiting - immediately after kneading it must be poured into a baking dish, so it is better to grease the sides and bottom of the multicooker bowl with oil in advance.

    To finished cake didn’t settle and didn’t turn into a cake, for about a quarter of an hour after the start of baking they don’t open the lid of the multicooker - this will allow the dough to rise well, fix the shape and height of the biscuit.

    It is better to cool the finished product on a plastic stand for steaming, simply turning the bowl over on it some time after turning off the equipment.

At what temperature to bake a biscuit

As a rule, most models of multicookers are programmed specifically for baking flour products. With the help of ideal temperature conditions biscuit dough in a slow cooker is baked evenly, increasing as much as possible in volume, and its edges do not burn, and the middle does not remain raw. If your assistant does not set the temperature and baking time automatically, the biscuit should be baked at 120-140 degrees. It is not recommended to exceed the temperature of 150 degrees, so as not to overdry the cake.

Biscuit recipe for multicooker

Traditionally classic biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker, it is prepared from only three components: eggs, flour and sugar, but restless chefs around the world are constantly coming up with something new and interesting. So, with the help of a slow cooker, many housewives already bake chocolate, sour cream, honey, and even chiffon biscuits. Below you will find original step-by-step recipes with photos. different types biscuit cakes to create your favorite desserts.

Classic recipe

    Cooking time: 1 hour 14 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 267.2 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

The most affordable and simple biscuit recipe in a slow cooker is prepared according to the classic recipe. Despite the minimum of necessary components and the ease of the recipe, such a biscuit base is ideal not only for simple homemade cakes, but also for beautiful birthday cake. You can soak classic biscuit cakes with sour cream, but oil cream is better for decorating the finished product.


    eggs - 4 pcs.;

    sugar - 1 tbsp.;

    starch - 2.5 tbsp. l.;

    flour - 2/3 tbsp.;

    salt - a pinch;

    vanilla sugar- 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Separate the whites and yolks. Beat egg yolks with regular and vanilla sugar until a white fluffy mass is obtained.

    Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks.

    Mix starch with flour, sift and carefully fold into the sugar-yolk mixture. Stir with a spatula in a circle to remove flour lumps - you should get a homogeneous thick mass.

    In the main part of the dough, add the protein mass in small portions.

    Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker well with vegetable / butter, carefully transfer the dough into it.

    Cook in baking mode for 50 minutes, then keep the finished cake on heating for another 10 minutes.

Chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 1 hour 12 minutes.

    Servings: 12 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 264.8 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

For cakes or pastries with a pronounced chocolate flavor you can make a biscuit with cocoa. Such a cake can be baked according to the classic recipe, simply by adding cocoa powder to it. However, it should be remembered that the number given ingredients must be subtracted from the main mass of flour so that in the end the cake does not turn out to be too thick and knocked down. The perfect addition for a cup of tea will be original chocolate cake with orange cream based on cocoa biscuit.


    chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;

    granulated sugar - 280 g;

    cocoa powder - 75 g;

    baking powder for baking - 10 g;

    flour - 165 g,

    vanillin - 1 g.

Cooking method:

    Beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy, thick foam.

    Combine dry ingredients: add cocoa, baking powder and vanilla to flour. Sift several times.

    Pour the dry mixture into the egg-sugar mass, gently stir until all the components of the dough are completely dissolved.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter or vegetable oil.

    Transfer the dough to a saucepan, turn on the "Baking" program. Bake chocolate biscuit need 55-60 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees.

    Before using the finished product as a basis for sponge cake, wait for it to cool completely, and then cut into cakes.

Biscuit on boiling water

    Cooking time: 1 hour 18 minutes.

    Number of servings: 6 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 266.5 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

A very lush, light and fragrant biscuit cake is obtained using hot water. In boiling water, you can bake both vanilla and chocolate biscuits. This cake base goes well with butter cream, and if you pour the cake with chocolate icing and decorate with pieces of fruit, you get a beautiful and incredibly tasty sponge cake in a multicooker.


    large eggs - 3 pcs.;

    sugar - 220 g;

    flour - 155 g;

    vegetable oil - 75 ml;

    boiling water - 75 ml;

    baking powder - 6 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    First, using a mixer, turn the eggs with sugar into a lush, strong foam.

    Then mix the pre-sifted flour with vanilla and baking powder.

    Pour the mixture of dry ingredients into the egg-sugar foam, mix thoroughly.

    Pour into biscuit base vegetable oil and boiling water, mix quickly but gently.

    Put the prepared dough into the greased bowl of the multicooker. Bake for 60 minutes in the baking mode.

On kefir

    Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

    Servings: 5 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 301.1 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Another easy recipe fluffy biscuit in a slow cooker - on kefir. It uses soda as a baking powder, which reacts with the acidic environment of kefir and perfectly raises the dough. Such a cake layer is often prepared in conventional oven, but in an electric miracle stove, it turns out to be more airy and tender. How to cook a kefir biscuit using a slow cooker, read the following recipe.


    eggs - 2 pcs.;

    sugar - 240 g;

    flour - 185 g;

    kefir - 0.3 l;

    soda - 2/3 tsp;

    margarine - 50 g;

    vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Beat eggs with sugar (regular and vanilla) for 5-7 minutes, until the mass increases and becomes lighter.

    In kefir, extinguish soda. Sift flour. Melt margarine.

    Mix kefir with sugar-egg mixture, mix.

    Pouring a tablespoon, add flour, gently kneading the mass with a spatula in a circle.

    Pour in chilled melted margarine, stir.

    Line the bottom of the bowl with parchment paper and lay out the dough.

    Bake at 120 degrees for 75 minutes.

honey biscuit

    Preparation time: 1 hour 36 minutes.

    Servings: 10 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 289.4 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If your favorite cake is honey cake, make the perfect honey cake for it. Its recipe differs from the classic biscuit dough quite a bit, but the finished product has a very beautiful caramel color, light airy texture and pleasant honey aroma. These skins go great with custard, and with creamy ice cream, the dessert turns out to be incredibly tender.


    natural honey (liquid) - 5 tbsp. l.;

    soda - 1 tsp;

    eggs - 5 pcs.;

    sugar - 240 g;

    flour - 325 g;

    vanillin - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

    Honey is mixed with soda, heated in a water bath until it increases in volume and turns white.

    Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer for 7-8 minutes until a thick white foam is obtained.

    Slightly cooled honey is carefully poured into the egg-sugar mixture, vanillin is added, and mixed.

    The flour is sifted, after which it is introduced into the honey base in portions, carefully kneading the mass in a circular motion.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, transfer the dough into it.

    Bake on a special program for 75-80 minutes.

Chiffon biscuit

    Cooking time: 1 hour 13 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 280.9 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

If you want to bake lush, beautiful and delicious biscuit, for which any cream would be suitable, take into service the following great recipe chiffon biscuit cake in a slow cooker. It differs from the rest in its highly porous structure, which gives finished product extraordinary airiness - for this, the chiffon biscuit is often called "cloudy".


    squirrels - 4 pcs.;

    yolks - 2 pcs.;

    sugar - 115 g;

    flour - 135 g;

    baking powder - 1 tsp;

    salt - a pinch;

    vanillin - 1 g;

    milk - 100 ml;

    vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

    Mix flour with baking powder and vanilla, sift several times.

    Heat milk to 35 degrees.

    Beat the yolks with half the sugar until white foam, pour in the milk, beat a little more.

    Mix dry and liquid mixtures, mix well.

    Beat egg whites with the rest of the sugar until fluffy.

    In parts (1/4 each), introduce the proteins into the main dough, mixing it from bottom to top.

    Cook in baking mode for 45-50 minutes.

Biscuit on lemonade in a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 1 hour 48 minutes.

    Number of servings: 6 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 272.3 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

You can make a simple, inexpensive sponge cake using regular soda like lemonade. The main condition for this recipe is to take only highly carbonated water, which will be able to raise the dough well during the baking process. So that the taste of the biscuit cake does not seem insipid, you can flavor it with chocolate icing or smear it with curd cream.


    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    sugar - 230 g;

    lemonade - 250 ml;

    vegetable oil - 250 ml;

    flour - 380 g;

    baking powder - 10 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Sift flour, add baking powder and vanilla.

    Beat the eggs with sugar until a strong stable foam.

    Pour the butter and lemonade into the egg-sugar mass, stir.

    In portions, add a mixture of dry ingredients, gently kneading.

    Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it.

    Bake for 1.5 hours without opening the lid.

Biscuit dough with sour cream

    Cooking time: 1 hour 31 minutes.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 269.1 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A good air base for a delicious birthday cake is obtained from sour cream biscuit, although it may well act as an independent cake. Cook this flour product not difficult, you can use a kitchen machine to facilitate the whipping process. The recipe for biscuit dough on sour cream for a slow cooker is presented below.


    eggs - 4 pcs.;

    granulated sugar - 235 g;

    butter - 110 g;

    sour cream - 220 ml;

    baking powder - 1 tbsp;

    flour - 310 g;

    vanillin - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

    Whisk eggs with sugar until fluffy.

    Pour in melted (chilled) butter and sour cream, mix thoroughly.

    Combine all dry ingredients, add in parts to the dough base. Mix until smooth.

    Lubricate the multicooker pan with oil, pour the dough into it.

    Bake on a special program for 80 minutes.

Biscuit with apples

    Cooking time: 75 minutes.

    Servings: 7 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 178.4 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you have an electric miracle saucepan and love juicy apple pies, learn how to cook fluffy biscuit charlotte in a slow cooker. Its recipe is very simple necessary products is minimal and will always be found in the kitchen of any housewife, and a delicate, mild taste and an unsurpassed cinnamon-apple aroma cannot leave anyone indifferent.


    eggs (large) - 4 pcs.;

    sugar - 260 g;

    baking powder - 1 tsp;

    salt - a pinch;

    cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;

    flour - 170 g,

    apples - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

    Peel apples, cut into large cubes, sprinkle a little lemon juice.

    Mix the eggs with sugar, using a mixer, turn into a lush, thick mass.

    Add all dry ingredients, mix thoroughly.

    AT ready dough put the chopped apples, knead everything until the pieces of fruit are evenly distributed.

    Put the apple-biscuit mass into a greased multicooker bowl, cook in the baking mode for 60 minutes.

Curd biscuit

    Cooking time: 2 hours.

    Number of servings: 8 persons.

    Calorie content of the dish: 312.7 kcal per 100 grams.

    Purpose: for dessert.

    Cuisine: international.

    Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A great addition to your morning cup of coffee light curd biscuit cake. It turns out airy and incredibly tasty, nutritious, but not very high in calories - the best option breakfast and you can't imagine. The recipe for such a dessert is simple, but the result will surely please any hostess. How to cook the most tender cottage cheese biscuit in the slow cooker will tell the following recipe.


    cottage cheese - 250 g;

    sugar - 1 tbsp.;

    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    butter - 125 g;

    baking powder - 12 g;

    salt - a pinch;

    flour - 260 g.

Cooking method:

    Beat softened butter with sugar until creamy.

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

Appetizing biscuit cake according to the classic recipe in a slow cooker

Any confectioner, beginner or experienced, knows the importance of biscuit dough in the confectionery business. Such recipes are used all the time: for making cakes, pastries, cookies, tiramisu and even sweets.

Accordingly, there are also a lot of types of biscuit: classic, chocolate, honey, chiffon, oil.

And how chic are all these tall cakes and airy desserts look in the photo! If you are just taking the first steps towards cooking sweet pastries, then you need to start with the traditional cake. Our recipe is just that: a classic biscuit cake in a slow cooker.

The result of your labors will be a high fluffy cake, as in the photo. Its further fate will depend entirely on your preferences.

Air biscuit is an excellent treat for tea. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar to ennoble appearance products. Or cut into two halves and spread with cream. Choose any recipe you like.

For a regular biscuit, you need only three ingredients: flour, eggs and sugar. No baking powder or soda: the dough rises due to the fluffy beaten eggs.

But we will slightly modify the recipe by adding vanillin to our list - so the cake will be more fragrant. And since the baking process will take place in a slow cooker, which warms up evenly, the cake will rise equally from all sides. Classic recipe completely unpretentious.

On the top photo you can see the height of the biscuit made with this amount of ingredients. If you need a cake higher or lower, the recipe can be adjusted in the right direction. Remember the basic rule for the ratio of products: 1 egg has 30 g of flour and 30 g of sugar.

Step 1

Before proceeding directly to the process, let's talk about the preparation of products. Eggs should be at room temperature (so that sugar dissolves better in them), so they must first be laid out from the refrigerator.

If you got busy and missed this moment, and it's time to cook, take note of a simple recipe: place the eggs in warm water they will heat up to the right temperature.

Now you can start whipping. Usually for biscuits, proteins and yolks are beaten separately: it is the thick protein foam, saturated with air, that helps the dough to rise.

But we will simplify the recipe a bit and will not separate the eggs. If everything is done correctly, the cake will rise no worse. So, break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a mixer.

Start at the slowest speed to make the eggs frothy. Gradually add sugar to the mixture while continuing to beat. Slowly increase the speed so that by the time all the sugar has been introduced, the mixer is running at maximum speed.

In this mode, continue to beat for about seven minutes. During this time, the egg-sugar foam will become thick, brighten, and the sugar will dissolve. Strive for the mixture to be the same as in the photo below.

Step 2

Now we turn to the introduction of flour. Biscuit cake recipes strongly recommend using special cake flour.

Unfortunately, such a product is not always available on store shelves. But the most interesting thing is that cake flour is ordinary wheat flour mixed with starch in a ratio of three to one. So it will not be difficult for you to prepare such a mixture. Note!

Starch should be corn starch, potato starch has a specific smell that will be transferred to the finished product. However, you can not mix flour and starch, but just work with flour.

Whatever decision you make, the recipe strongly recommends sifting the flour a few times before adding it to the dough. So you enrich it with oxygen and enlist the guarantee that the cake will rise. Start adding the sifted flour a little at a time to the egg mass.

Step 3

After each tablespoon, gently stir the batter with a spatula to break up any lumps. At the same stage, sifted vanillin is added to the dough. When the contents of the bowl are the same as in the photo, proceed to the next step.

If you want to use vanilla sugar instead of vanillin, it must be added to the eggs along with regular sugar.

Step 4

Treat the multicooker bowl with butter. Lay out the prepared dough with a spatula, slightly level it. Some recipes suggest lining the bottom of the multicooker with baking parchment, and grease only the sides of the bowl.

Set the mode to "Baking". If your multicooker has a manual temperature setting, select 160 degrees.

Baking time directly depends on the power of the appliance and can take from 30 to 45 minutes. In the photo you can see what it looks like finished biscuit: it is ruddy, its surface is porous.

Step 5

To make sure the product is ready, lightly press its top with your finger. If the hole is quickly tightened, you can take out the cake, and if the test took time to restore its previous level, hold it a little longer in the device.

But the recipes that come with absolutely all multicookers highly recommend not opening the lid for the first 25 minutes of cooking: it is highly likely that the cake will settle. At the end of the regime, remove with the help of a basket-steamer.

Cool down the biscuit. If in the future you plan to smear the cake with cream, let the biscuit rest. traditional recipe biscuit preparation determines this time within eight hours.

This is exactly how much the cake needs so that it can be easily cut, and the cut line is even.

See another version of this dish:

I offer a recipe for the simplest biscuit, which we will cook in a slow cooker - this assistant does an excellent job with baking. A biscuit in a slow cooker according to this recipe always turns out to be high, finely porous, fragrant and very tender.

The finished biscuit is delicious on its own - it can be served with milk, coffee, tea or other drinks. In addition, it can be used as a base for making various cakes - just cut it into three or four layers, soak it in syrup or sweet tea and layer it with your favorite cream.

Many delicious recipes home baking, as a rule, do not differ in complexity and set prohibitively expensive products. So today's biscuit, a classic of confectionery, also belongs to this category.

However, when preparing even the simplest biscuit in a slow cooker, a number of rules should be remembered so that baking is successful and does not disappoint.

  • First of all, the dishes in which you will cook the dough must be dry and fat-free. Eggs should be pre-washed and wiped dry.
  • When separating the proteins from the yolks, care must be taken not to get a drop of yolk into the proteins.
  • The flour must first be sifted, preferably twice, to get rid of possible impurities and enrich it with oxygen.
  • To make whites beat better and faster, add a pinch of salt or half a teaspoon of lemon juice to them.
  • You need to knead the biscuit dough with careful movements from the bottom up, as if folding the dough.
  • When baking a biscuit, in no case should you make loud noises, open the lid of the multicooker or the oven (if you bake in it) for the first 35-40 minutes, otherwise the biscuit can easily settle.

I really hope that my advice will come in handy and the simplest biscuit in a slow cooker will turn into an amazing homemade treat that you will definitely pamper your family with.


Cooking step by step with photos:

This recipe for a biscuit in a slow cooker includes only three ingredients: chicken eggs, granulated sugar and wheat flour. I use a glass with a capacity of 200 ml, and the eggs are medium in size. In addition, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar to the dough - then this simple biscuit will sparkle with new shades of taste and aroma. If you want to bake a classic biscuit in the oven, immediately turn it on to heat up to 180 degrees.

So, wash and carefully, so as not to damage the shell, dry the eggs with a towel. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks - it is most convenient to do this: break the egg over a bowl and pass the protein through your fingers. Thus, the yolk remains in the hand - we shift it to another bowl.

Beat everything with a mixer until fluffy homogeneous mass, which will be several times the original volume of yolks and sugar. This usually takes me about 3 minutes.

We wash the beaters, dry them and proceed to whipping the proteins. We begin to beat at the slowest speed. When a light foam appears, increase the mixer speed to medium, without ceasing to beat. When the foam becomes finely porous, and large bubbles disappear, bring the speed to maximum and beat the whites until the mass begins to hold its shape. This means that when the bowl is turned over, the protein foam should remain in the same place and not even sway. Only then you did everything right and the biscuit in the slow cooker will turn out to be high and airy.

Very carefully, without sudden movements, mix the flour into the yolk mass. We scoop the dough from the bottom and, bringing the spatula closer to the edge of the dish, repeat the movement. I hope I explain clearly...

You should get a non-liquid biscuit dough - very airy and almost weightless. It does not pour, but, as it were, slowly flows down from the shoulder blades in ribbons.

The biscuit base for the cake provides a rich field for culinary experiments. With such soft, lush shortcakes, a variety of creams, cream, fruits, jams and other fillers are combined. You can also bake a sponge cake in a slow cooker, and we will tell you how to do it.

Interspersed with crispy poppy seeds in a tender biscuit, it is both tasty and beautiful. The filling for this biscuit cake in a slow cooker will be cottage cheese sour cream with fragrant lemon zest. So, we will bake a shortbread from:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • poppy - 4 tbsp.

Now consider what you need for cream and decoration:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • high-fat sour cream - 300 g;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • lemon zest - 1 tbsp;
  • walnuts- 200 g;
  • chocolate - 50 g.

We bake a biscuit cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour poppy seeds into a bowl, pour boiling water for 20 minutes, then drain the liquid.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer, gradually adding granulated sugar. Let's introduce sour cream and soda, and then flour. Mix the dough and add the swollen poppy seeds to it.
  3. Pour the dough into a greased bowl, turn on the “Baking” program. Set the timer to 65 minutes. With a sounded signal, we pierce the biscuit with a toothpick, if it is baked, let it cool a little and take it out.
  4. Divide the biscuit into 3-4 shortcakes.
  5. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, adding 2 tbsp. sour cream and lemon peel. Mix powdered sugar with the remaining sour cream and combine with cottage cheese.
  6. We apply the cream on the shortcakes, carefully form the cake. Top with cream too. Let's crush the walnuts, rub the chocolate, decorate our dessert. Sponge cake with poppy seeds in a slow cooker will be ready in a couple of hours, when it is soaked in the refrigerator.

Sponge cake with almonds and liqueur in a slow cooker

The biscuit turns out great in a dark version - with cocoa powder. As a rule, chocolate cakes are best combined with impregnations and creams based on different liquors, and you can decorate such desserts with almond petals. We will make this biscuit cake in a slow cooker from:

  • milk - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 11 g;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • dark chocolate - 300 g;
  • milk chocolate - 50 g;
  • liquor "Amaretto" - 3 tablespoons;
  • fat cream - 500 g;
  • almond flakes - 2 tbsp.

Prepare almond biscuit cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Let's warm up some milk. Beat sugar and eggs with a mixer, add 1 tbsp. cocoa, flour and baking powder. Pour milk and vegetable oil, mix with a mixer.
  2. The dough is ready, and now it must be poured into the bowl and click on the "Baking" button. The biscuit is baked for 1 hour, after which it is kept heated for about half an hour. It is not necessary to open the lid at this time.
  3. We will remove the baked dough from the bowl, cool it completely, cut off a thin crust on top. You won't need it for the cake, so you can just eat it.
  4. dark and milk chocolate dissolve in a water bath without boiling. Whip cream until thick and mix with chocolate and 2 tbsp. liquor.
  5. We put the biscuit in a convenient form and soak it with 1 tbsp. liquor. Distribute the cream, send the cake to the cold, you can all night.
  6. We take out the chilled and soaked dessert on a dish, sprinkle with cocoa, decorate on the sides with almond petals. Chocolate biscuit cake in a slow cooker is ready.

Sponge cake with Mascarpone and condensed milk in a slow cooker

Sponge cake baked in a slow cooker and layered with cream, Mascarpone cheese and condensed milk will acquire caramel and milk delicate taste so well combined with lush dough. For the biscuit we will prepare:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp

The following products will go into the cream:

  • cream - 200 g;
  • cheese "Mascarpone" - 250 g;
  • condensed milk - ¾ cans.

Well, for caramel you will need:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • cream - 120 ml.

Cooking biscuit cake with caramel and Mascarpone in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash and dry the eggs, separate the whites and yolks. We will make a dense foam from the proteins with a mixer, and beat the yolks together with sugar, too, until we get a light yellow mixture.
  2. Add the baking powder to the bowl with the yolks and wheat flour, mix and lay out the proteins there. Mix them in with a spatula to form a dough. We will transfer it to a greased form and press the "Baking" button. We cook the cake for a biscuit cake in a slow cooker for 40-60 minutes, depending on the power of the device.
  3. We take out the biscuit warm on a dish and cool.
  4. Pour sugar for caramel into a metal bowl and put on a very low fire, where we drown, constantly stirring with a spoon. Then we throw butter into sugar and remove the container from the burner. Stir the butter until it melts. Then pour in the cream, quickly stirring the caramel with a whisk. Let it cool down in the refrigerator.
  5. Whip 200 g of cream with a mixer, then add Mascarpone, and continue to beat. Pour in the condensed milk and mix, get the cream.
  6. Divide the cooled cake into 3 layers and grease them equal amount cream, do not forget to coat the cake on the sides.
  7. Pour the cake with caramel and put it on the impregnation for several hours.

Biscuit cake with jam in a slow cooker

This slow cooker biscuit cake recipe is inexpensive and easy. It includes the following products:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • any liquid jam- 1 cup for dough, 0.5 cup for impregnation;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • baking powder - 10 g.

We bake a biscuit cake with jam in a slow cooker using this technology:

  1. Separate the egg whites and yolks for the biscuit and beat them separately. Beat the yolks immediately with sugar and vanilla.
  2. We combine both masses and mix jam into the resulting dough. Then add flour and baking powder. Lubricate the form with fat, pour the mass for the cake inside and set the “Baking” program. We bake a shortbread for a biscuit cake in a slow cooker for 40-50 minutes.
  3. Let it cool slightly in the form itself, then transfer to big dish and finally cool down. We divide the biscuit into several shortcakes, we coat them with jam. We also grease the top of the cake with jam. You can use whipped cream, fruits and everything that your imagination can use for decoration.

Sponge banana cake in a slow cooker

In the filling for this biscuit cake made in a slow cooker, we will put bananas, chocolate and sour cream. For dessert, you need the following ingredients:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar for cake - 1 cup;
  • cream sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.

Biscuit cake with banana filling and sour cream we bake in a slow cooker like this:

  1. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt with a mixer. Beat for a long time, until fluffy. Add sugar, beat the eggs again with a mixer. Then turn off the mixer, add flour and mix it with a spoon.
  2. We rub the bowl with oil, lower the dough there. We press the "Baking" button and cook the cake for the biscuit cake in the slow cooker for 50-60 minutes.
  3. Cool the cake completely wide dish. We take a sharp knife and cut out the middle, leaving the walls 2 cm thick.
  4. We cut peeled bananas into circles and lay one layer of such slices on the bottom of the future cake. Whisk sour cream with a glass of sugar. We cut the cut parts of the cake into pieces. Mix the biscuit, slices of bananas and sour cream. We fill the cake from the inside and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. After a few hours, pour the cake with melted chocolate, the dessert is ready.

Sponge cake with strawberries in a slow cooker

This biscuit cake in a slow cooker is the dream of any sweet tooth. Soft biscuits soaked in strawberry liqueur, layered with delicate butter cream, and all this is decorated with fresh strawberries in chocolate icing. The ingredients for this dessert are:

  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 12 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • fat cream - 500 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • fresh strawberries - 1 kg;
  • chocolate - 200 g;
  • strawberry liqueur - 60 g.

Let's prepare a delicate dessert like this:

  1. Divide the egg yolks and whites into different bowls. Shake the proteins with salt with a mixer into an elastic foam, using an exceptionally clean and dry container for this. Mix the yolks with a clean mixer with regular and vanilla sugar.
  2. Pour a glass of flour to the yolks and introduce half of the protein foam. Then put it all in a bowl with the second half of the proteins and mix.
  3. Lubricate the bowl with oil, and pour the dough inside. Click on the button with the program "Baking". Cooking a cake for strawberry biscuit cake in a slow cooker for 50 minutes. Then we do not immediately open the lid, but keep the cake warm for another 20 minutes.
  4. We take out the slightly cooled biscuit and cool completely. Let's make it big sharp knife for 4 layers.
  5. Cream and powdered sugar beat with a mixer and get a cream. We measure 200-300 g of strawberries, wash them, dry them and cut them into halves.
  6. Lubricate the first cake with cream, put a layer of strawberries on it and the second cake, which we soak with half the liquor. The third cake is also smeared with cream, covered with strawberries. The top layer is again impregnated with liquor.
  7. We coat the cake with cream and send it overnight in the cold for impregnation.
  8. The strawberries that are left are also washed and dried. Melt chocolate, cool. Dip the berries and chill in the refrigerator. Decorate the top of the cake with chocolate covered strawberries.

Biscuit cake in a slow cooker. Video

According to this recipe, it turns out really the most airy biscuit in the world in a slow cooker!

Finally, a miracle happened, and I got such a delicious biscuit. True, it could not have done without my hardworking assistant - the Redmond M 90 multicooker did everything perfectly.

Now I can just boast perfect biscuit- light, airy and unrealistically high. My many years of torment in search of a successful test ended.

Biscuit dough did not want to rise in a conventional oven. There were always some failures - either the middle would rise like a mushroom, or the edges would burn ... And there was no question of cutting the biscuit into three parts, because there was nothing to cut. With difficulty, a modest biscuit was baked, which could not boast of either splendor or lightness.

Not so long ago, on the Internet, I began to come across photos of simply luxurious biscuits that amazed me with their splendor. They seemed to me a pipe dream until I found out who bakes such beauty.

And she turned out to be a sorceress - the Redmond multicooker. Luxurious pastries in a slow cooker turned out to be one of the reasons for the appearance of this “wonderful saucepan” in my house. To my great joy, it turned out that all the dishes in the slow cooker are very tasty.

Recipes for the Redmond slow cooker delight with their variety - you can cook almost anything, from porridge to preparations for the winter. The recipe book for the multicooker that comes with the kit was very useful. It has 200 recipes various dishes designed specifically for this model. One of the most good recipes in the slow cooker is, of course, a luxurious biscuit that you can cook without any effort.

Air biscuit in a slow cooker (classic), necessary products

  • Chicken egg (preferably homemade) - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 160 grams;
  • Premium flour - 160 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Baking powder - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • If you want to bake a chocolate biscuit, then you will need cocoa - 1 - 2 tbsp.

Air biscuit in a slow cooker, cooking steps:

Most fluffy biscuit ready in the multicooker. With it, you can allow any of the most daring cake recipes based on it. Enjoy your meal!

An ideal biscuit in a slow cooker - even for novice housewives. All secrets are here!