Health benefits of compote. Dried fruit compote: is it really useful?

Compote - calories and composition. The benefits and harms of compote

Calories: 93 kcal.

The energy value of the product Compote (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~1 kcal) Fats: 0.2 g (~2 kcal) Carbohydrates: 22.3 g. (~89 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 1%|2%|96%

Compote: properties

How much does Kompot cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region 100 rub.

We think that there are no such people among the inhabitants of our latitudes who have not tried the famous soft drink compote. Own original name drink received thanks to the French language and the word compote. Compote in the old days was called a dessert drink, which was made from fruits, dried fruits, berries or herbs based on honey, molasses or sugar syrup. French cooks were the first to make compote. Russia had its own exclusive and original type of compote, which was called uzvar or zvar.

Compote composition

It is noteworthy that the Russian type of compote vzvar was served in the same way as European drinks only on festive and special occasions. For example, on Christmas Eve or at the Christmas table. If you want to find differences in the composition of compote and uzvar, you are unlikely to find significant differences in the set of initial ingredients. Main Feature Uzvara can be considered a way to produce a drink. As a rule, uzvar was not boiled like compote, but insisted. That is why dried fruits were used more often for the manufacture of uzvar.

The type of compote depends primarily on the composition of the product. The following main types of compotes can be distinguished: berry compotes;

  • fruit compote;

Useful substances of compote

Fruits and berries retain vitamins even in canned form. True, this does not apply to all vitamins.

  • Withstand heat treatment PP vitamins contained in apples, cherries and plums.
  • Vitamin C is rich in blackcurrant, peach, strawberry, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, pineapple, apple, plum and apricot compotes.
  • During canning, vitamin B2 is also preserved, which is rich in cherries, plums and sea buckthorn.

Is compote useful

Compote is harvested for the winter by many. In summer it is brewed from fresh fruit and berries, and if this was not done in time, then in winter the drink is brewed from dried fruits. The recipe for making compote is unusually simple, and the question of whether compote is useful is beyond doubt.

Useful properties of compote

Any compote is very good for health. Under certain conditions and diseases, a drink made from certain fruits or berries will be useful. For example, apricot will be for future use in diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver. Pear compote will help to cope with gastric, cardiac, renal, infectious diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. plum compote beneficially contributes to the functioning of the kidneys and liver, stomach, cures anemia, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, rheumatism, gout. Quince compote contains tannins and pectins, it has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents intestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis. V raspberry compote a lot of vitamin C, which makes it especially useful for colds, viral infections. grape compote- an excellent diuretic, it is useful for gastric and kidney diseases.

Is dried fruit compote healthy?

Dried fruits retain most useful substances and vitamins contained in fresh fruit. Each fruit has its own characteristics, many of them are perfectly combined with each other. By mixing the components in compote, you can diversify its taste and combine a set of minerals and vitamins.

Compote from dried apples or pear is useful for diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, ulcers, gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract.

"And the compote?!" the parasite and alcoholic Fedya is surprised in the well-known film Operation Y.

And after receiving a glass of refreshing drink, pours half and, adding vodka, turns it into alcoholic cocktail.

But it was not in vain that compote was an obligatory dessert in those days.

It was not only a very tasty and well refreshing drink.

Knots and compotes are exceptionally healthy.

Compote: composition and methods of preparation

For the preparation of compotes, dried fruits and berries, frozen and, of course, fresh are used. To begin with, put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar, the amount of which depends on the sweetness of the berries and fruits from which the drink is prepared. After the sugar has dissolved, you can add to the sugar syrup spicy spices and even wine, and then put the fruit. It is useful to replace sugar with honey. In order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is not recommended to boil the compote for a long time, and it is even better to remove some ingredients from the heat immediately. Just a few minutes to hold in boiling syrup:




Then the pan is removed from the heat and the drink is allowed to brew. In the same way, a healthy compote of dried fruits is prepared, which are thoroughly washed beforehand. Dried fruits can also be placed in a thermos and poured with strong boiling water. True, in this case, they should brew for at least 8 hours.

To preserve the vitamin, rich in taste and color, immediately turn off the fire, after adding to boiling syrup:

citrus fruits;






For beautiful design drink, soft varieties berries and fruits can be laid out in prepared containers and poured with boiling syrup. This method of preparing compote is also suitable when using frozen foods.

Drink compote pre-strained and chilled.

Compote: what are the benefits for the body?

Useful compote is an excellent substitute for all shop juices and drinks. The latter do not contain any vitamins, which are usually advertised so loudly, and their sugar content is so high that their daily use threatens the development of diabetes. The health benefits of compotes prepared at home are incomparable. They not only quench thirst deliciously, they enrich the body with the most important vitamins and minerals:

peach and apricot compotes have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, nervous system and maintains visual acuity;

Compotes from cranberries, viburnum and currants will strengthen the immune system;

Apple-pear drink will cleanse the body of toxins;

Compote, with the addition of raspberries, is an excellent restorative and slightly antipyretic agent for seasonal colds;

Plum compote will produce a mild laxative effect.

What can we say about compotes from dried fruits, which in the cold season are able to fill the body's need for vitamins, iodine and iron.

Compote: what is the harm to health?

Sweet compotes are primarily harmful to those who are sick diabetes. And even if sugar is not added to the drink, fruits and berries contain sucrose to a large extent. Therefore, with diabetes, it is better to abandon compotes so as not to cause unwanted harm to your body.

With increased acidity in the stomach, compotes can play the role of an additional irritant. This will lead to heartburn and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, berries and many fruits, even after heat treatment retain vitamin C.

Urolithiasis, kidney problems and a tendency to edema also indicate the need to carefully approach the choice of diet. Compotes in this case should be drunk with extreme caution and in small quantities.

Features of dried fruit compote: benefits and harms

Calorie content of 100 g of dried fruit compote is equal to 60 kcal. And we are talking about a drink without added sugar. Dried fruit compote contains natural sugars and does not contain fats and proteins. B vitamins, as well as sodium, potassium and iron are part of this healthy drink. Dried fruits for making healthy compotes should be stored in tightly closed containers, away from sources of moisture, light and excessive heat. Before preparing the drink, dried fruits are washed well or even soaked for several hours (which is not at all necessary).

The benefits of such compotes are based on their composition:

Dried apricots - optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Prunes - effectively cleanses the body of toxic substances and increases the level of hemoglobin;

Apples - peel;

Pear - contributes to the normalization of intracranial pressure;

Raisins - normalizes bowel function, fights diarrhea, strengthens blood vessels.

Dried fruit compote is incredibly useful for poisoning and in the treatment of colds.

However, compote can harm the body if a person suffers from problems associated with the work of the stomach and intestines. With increased acidity and existing ulcers, assorted dried fruits can cause an exacerbation of painful symptoms and indigestion. In addition, with elevated blood sugar levels, drinking such a drink is contraindicated, since it is itself oversaturated with sugars. This, by the way, is a contraindication for those who are trying to get rid of excess weight or prone to obesity.

Features of apple compote: benefits and harms

Calorie apple compote 85 kcal per 100 gr. The drink contains vitamins B, A, C, magnesium, iron and folic acid. Useful properties of apple compote will help in the treatment of arthritis, inflamed joints, diseases of the intestines, kidneys, liver, bladder. Apple compote is good for health during the struggle overweight. He quickly recovers strength after exhausting physical activity. Increases the level of hemoglobin. Symptoms of low stomach acid can be eliminated by drinking apple compote.

Harmful apple compote during periods of exacerbations, pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers.

Cherry compote features: benefits and harms

For 100 g of cherry compote 99 kcal. This drink is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene.

Thanks to high content magnesium and iron, cherry compote is recognized as the healthiest drink that can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Cherry compote is good to drink in summer time of the year. It perfectly quenches thirst. And among other things, such a refreshing healthy cherry drink awakens the appetite. Therefore, cherry compote is so useful for a growing child's body.

With increased acidity of the stomach and existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the use of compote should be minimized in order to avoid harm from it. And with pronounced exacerbations after a glass of cherry compote, it is better to completely abandon this drink.

Compote for children: useful or harmful?

Children are very fond of delicious juices and various carbonated drinks. But it is much more useful for the child's body to drink natural homemade compote. By palatability it is in no way inferior to store-bought drinks, but its benefits are simply invaluable.

Homemade compotes are easy and quick to prepare. Their benefits to the body can be regulated by the berries and fruits used for cooking. In addition, the sugar content is also completely controlled in the process of preparing a drinkable dessert. Compotes will help support the children's body in the season of colds and colds. In the process of treatment, berry compotes give their vitamins and help to recover faster. And finally, it's just very tasty and perfectly quenches thirst.

Compotes actively awaken the appetite. Therefore, parents whose children are always difficult to feed can resort to this small useful secret.

However, under special circumstances, compotes can be harmful children's body:

Acidity stomach;



Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Strawberries in compote can provoke an allergy in a child. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether they used it fresh or as part of an assortment of dried fruits.

Compotes: tasty and healthy

Useful compotes prepared from all berries and fruits that are eaten. Adding sugar to a drink is not an integral part of making the drink. The French were the first to taste this delicious and healthy dessert. Although initially it was more like fruit puree, which, by the way, is still cooked in many restaurants in France.

In the usual perception, compote is a light, tasty, refreshing drink with its coolness. But you can also drink it warm. It can be consumed along with the pulp. Berries taken to make compote can be poured with boiling fruit syrup, resulting in a very tasty fruit and berry compote.

Healthy compote can be prepared all year round. Not only dried fruits, but also frozen berries and fruits can always be prepared in advance. In addition, you can stock up on compote by preserving it in sterilized jars. In this form, compote can be stored for several years without losing its useful properties. Then, even in the most severe frost, you can easily enjoy a natural vitamin drink. Or complement any festive table with a chilled healthy drink.

Compote is extremely tasty, nutritious and healthy drink. Cool, it perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, and hot - it will quickly warm and cheer us up in the winter. No store-bought sodas mineral water and juices will not bring us as much benefit as a simple and easy-to-prepare compote can give. But in European traditions, compote is not a drink familiar to us, but fruits boiled in syrup, which are served for dessert in special bowls along with the syrup in which they were cooked. But we used to call compote a drink brewed from water, sugar and a variety of fruits and berries. Compote is not just a drink, but a vitamin drink that provides our body with a variety of vitamins, pectin substances, minerals, as well as fructose - fruit sugar, which is more useful and easier to digest by the body than glucose and sucrose.

Compote can be cooked from fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits and berries. From individual species you can get, for example: apple, plum, pear, cherry compote. And with different combinations of fruits, we get compote-assorted. In such compotes, fruits and berries are selected in optimal proportions so that they blend perfectly and effectively complement each other, giving the compote an unforgettable taste and aroma. In addition to freshly brewed compotes, there is such a category as canned compotes. The benefits of compote canned is not inferior in useful qualities to freshly brewed. Such compotes are considered excellent fruit and berry preserves with a long shelf life, as their safety is ensured by sterilization.

Most fresh and frozen fruits and berries do not require long-term heat treatment. And fruits such as quince, some varieties of pears and apples must be cut into slices and boiled in acidified syrup for 10-15 minutes. Easily digestible varieties of apples, ripe pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, sweet cherries and blackcurrant put in boiling water or syrup, bring to a light boil, turn off the heat and cool. Tangerines, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, raspberries are used raw. Prepared, they are placed in portioned dishes, poured sugar syrup and insist.

To prepare compote from dried fruits, they must first be prepared: sorted and rinsed thoroughly cold water. Duration of heat treatment various kinds dried fruits is not the same. So, dried pears cook for 40-50 minutes, apples for 20-30 minutes, apricots, dried apricots - 10-15 minutes, and raisins will be ready in 5-10 minutes. Therefore, first pour hot water pears, boil them, put apples, add sugar to taste and citric acid and cook until softened, after which the rest of the dried fruits are laid and boiled until fully cooked. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, compote is recommended to cook and cool with the lid closed. The taste of compote will improve if you cook it in the evening and let it brew until morning.

For cooking compote, water must be used only good quality. Best key or filtered. Tap water should only be used if you are sure it is safe. alkaline water worsens the taste properties of compote and is undesirable to use it. But you can take any sugar for cooking compote: white or brown, beetroot, cane or fruit. And every time the taste of your compote will change. Honey can be used instead of sugar. This will add benefits to the compote and a peculiar aroma, but you can’t add honey to boiling water. With great success, you can cook compote without sugar, it will certainly be tasty, but also low in calories.

To give additional aroma and refined taste to fresh compote you can add red wine or freshly squeezed fruit juice, lemon or orange zest, tea rose petals. And if you have a desire to cook compote with an exotic taste, you can use all kinds of spices and herbs: nutmeg, mint, lemon balm, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla. Add spices or herbs to the compote five minutes before it's ready and they will give him theirs. pleasant taste and aroma.

Cooked compote should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-10 degrees. If necessary, it can be frozen and stored in the freezer for a month from freezing. the benefits of compote not change.

Homemade compotes made from natural products, without dyes and preservatives will bring great benefits to our health, charge us with energy, vivacity and good mood.

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Compote is the taste of childhood, a drink that at one time was the key final dish of every meal. Often they said just like this: “First, second, third and compote!”. However, today it is increasingly found as an addition to a hospital meal, and is gradually leaving the diet of a healthy family, being replaced by modern lemonades, fruit drinks and bottled cocktails. It's a pity, because compote is a whole story, the most delicious drink, the type of which can be chosen for all occasions.

The history of the drink

Compote is a traditional drink for the peoples of Eastern Europe and Russia, served for dessert and combining decoctions and syrups from various fruit and berry crops. The word itself came to us from the French lexicon, and before that, fruit decoction was simply called a broth or uzvar. This drink was considered festive and was often served at the Christmas table, and it has been known in Russia since the 18th century. In its homeland, in France, it appeared much earlier in the form of fruit purees, which can still be purchased in the narrow streets of the most romantic country.

Having migrated to Russian tables, compote immediately fell in love ordinary people and became one of the key dishes during the meal. The advantage of this drink was also that it could be prepared both with and without sugar, keeping the maximum useful qualities raw materials used, its taste and aroma. At the same time, not only fruits and berries, but even vegetables could be used to prepare compote, and some cereals could be used to increase its nutritional value.

The benefits and possible harm of compote

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of a canned cocktail, because when it is prepared, much more useful substances and vitamins are preserved than, for example, when cooked. traditional jam, especially if sugar is excluded from the general recipe. Those active components and trace elements that are contained in compote have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of a person as a whole, are able to activate the processes of cleansing and restoring the body, as well as toning up and increasing mental performance. Properly selected compote can easily improve mood, strengthen immunity and help in the fight against chronic diseases.

If you use products rich in potassium and calcium to prepare a drink, compote can easily become a prophylactic in the fight against leaching of useful potassium from the body and, as a result, weakening of the heart. Some types of dessert will help in strengthening bone tissue and regulating work. genitourinary system, in particular, lingonberry compotes with apple, as well as with the addition of ginger.

You can overcome with a drink and excessive swelling, due to the removal of stagnant fluid from the body.

For children, compote can become an assistant in the development of intellectual abilities, strengthening immunity during an exacerbation of colds, as well as in maintaining a natural vitality. If the baby has problems with bloating and stool, then compote can also help in solving this problem, if, for example, add a little fennel to one of the recipes.

However, introduce this drink should not be earlier than 2-3 years, very carefully, as some components may, on the contrary, contribute to bloating and thinning of the stool. Be especially careful with recipes that include plums, cherries, strawberries, berries and spices (cinnamon, vanilla, etc.).

It should also be borne in mind that for people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, obesity, heart disease (especially during the rehabilitation period after heart attacks and strokes), the type and composition of the drink should be selected with special attention and only after consulting a doctor. Incorrectly selected compote can provoke diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, cause stomach and intestinal colic, provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions.

Types of drink

There are a huge variety of types of compote, and the most various berries, fruits and vegetables, as well as some spices and herbs. There are recipes with the inclusion of nutritious cereals. It is worth noting that the raw materials for preparing the drink can be fresh, fresh from the garden or vegetable garden, or prepared in advance (dried fruits, syrups with whole fruits, etc.). Keeping in mind that compote was originally a boiled fruit puree with added sugar, its consistency today can vary from the most liquid to the thickest with the inclusion of whole fruits and assorted puree. The most common in our time is a sweetened drink made from boiled berries and fruits.

Several useful recipes

The method of preparing compote is very simple: the selected components must be boiled in syrup of the desired consistency, or in plain water, in order to add sugar separately later. Here are some of the most interesting and healthy recipes for all occasions.

Soothing and refreshing apple compote with lemon and mint. Boil for him required amount water, then put the saucepan on a small fire and place the apple pieces in it. When the flesh of the fruit is soft enough to release all of its juice, add sugar to taste and continue cooking. In the meantime, separately boil the lemon circles or semicircles with boiling water and place them in a common pan a couple of minutes before they are ready. After cooling the compote blank a little, knead the mint leaves with your hands to release essential oils, and put them in the drink as well. Cover with a lid and refrigerate completely. The same drink can be made tonic and invigorating if you add grated ginger to it at the stage of boiling apples.

Energy compote can be prepared on the basis of green tea. For this in boiled water boil some lingonberries, a few things dried figs, one or two peaches or quince (what you like more to taste). Sweeten the finished berry-fruit broth and mix in equal proportions with pre-brewed green tea. Choose the strength of the last component, depending on how strong you want to get an energy effect.

Compote for weight loss can be prepared from kiwi fruits with a little ginger and cinnamon. The latter should be added to the drink five minutes before readiness. To prepare, just boil all the ingredients together and add a sweetener. Since compote is aimed at weight loss, it is better not to get carried away.

Dried fruit compote is a versatile drink, it can be prepared at any time of the year. It quenches thirst well. The drink is given to kids in kindergartens, prepared in schools and hospitals. It can be drunk during pregnancy and diabetics.

The low cost of dried fruits makes it possible to prepare this drink almost every day. Taste properties of compote will please any picky eater. A rich selection of dried fruits allows you to experiment with the ingredients during the preparation of the drink in order to achieve the desired taste and aroma.

Article content:

What is compote made from?

The following fruits and berries are usually used for cooking:

  • Strawberry;
  • raisin;
  • apples;
  • pear;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots.

The composition of the compote can be changed, it depends on which dried fruits you prefer. Each ingredient has its own beneficial properties. The richer the variety of components used, the richer the taste of the drink and the more valuable its composition (sodium, vitamins C and B, iron, potassium, zinc).

The compote has a high calorie content, due to the high sugar content in the composition of dried fruits. 100 grams of sugar-free drink contains 60 kilocalories.

What is useful?

  • - dried fruits contain vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on immune system organism. Regular consumption of the drink is especially useful in autumn, winter and early spring, when the body is weakened, and the consumption of fresh fruits is reduced.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. This effect is achieved thanks to dried apricots and prunes. They also increase efficiency, help in the fight against excess weight.
  • Dried pears and apples lower intracranial pressure, contribute to the normalization of metabolism, help to overcome seasonal depression.
  • Dried fruit compote will help you forget about problems with urination forever. Dried fruits have bactericidal action, thereby curing cystitis.
  • Raisin strengthens blood vessels, has a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. It will help get rid of swelling.
  • dried figs contributes to a good mood. This type of dried fruit is good for thyroid gland. At regular use figs your endocrine system will work as it should. Figs improve memory and develop brain activity.
  • dried blueberries useful for anemic patients, it restores vision.
  • Peach help everyone who is suffering. It alleviates the condition of people with rheumatism. These dried fruits promote the breakdown of fats.
  • Bananas indispensable in the fight against depression. They are useful for those who engage in heavy physical exercise, indispensable for overwork, nervous exhaustion and problems with the heart muscle.
  • cherry fruit increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. How else can you increase hemoglobin at home, read the article.
  • Dried wild strawberries rich in vitamin C. It is useful during colds, indispensable for sore throats and coughs.
  • Dried fruits contribute to the treatment of atherosclerosis, are useful in liver diseases. Help as a preventive measure.

Who can be harmful?

Despite rich content useful properties, the drink may be harmful. Before using it, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications:

  • compote is not recommended for those who are sick, gastritis or. Apples can provoke an attack of the disease;
  • people with sensitive intestines should be careful about prunes - they can cause diarrhea;
  • the drink is high in calories, when taken in large quantities it promotes obesity and increases appetite;
  • dried fruits can cause. You should be careful if you use any fruits for the first time (especially for children),

The chemicals and preservatives used to process fruit during production can cause the greatest harm. If it is not possible to prepare dried fruits on your own, then before using purchased fruits, they should be thoroughly washed or soaked in sour milk.

Rules for choosing dried fruits

When buying dried fruits, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • give preference to dried fruits of a light shade, they should be close to the natural color of the fruit;
  • dried fruits should not have any glued lumps, such a product is not worth buying;
  • dried fruits should emit a sour aroma, without impurities of the smell of mold,
  • choose clean dried fruits, to check, take a slice of a dried apple or pear, rub it in your hands and see what color it leaves;
  • it is advisable to buy dried fruits that are sold without packaging, this will allow you to evaluate their quality.

Best Recipes

Dried fruits strengthen the immune system. Vitamin drink recipe:

  • take 100 grams of apples, pears and apricots (home-dried apricots are cooked for a long time, on a par with apples, purchased dried apricots boil quickly and should be thrown into compote 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking). Rinse the dried fruits well, pour 3 liters of water and set to boil;
  • after 10 minutes, add a little, prunes and viburnum berries, boil for another ten minutes;
  • pour 50 grams of raspberries and blueberries into a boiling drink (you can add grapes). Boil the compote for a few minutes and remove from heat;
  • cool the drink and strain through a colander. Dried fruits can be put into molds and served for dessert.

Drink the drink during autumn and winter, it will make you forget about the cold. When using compote, it is worth taking breaks, you can change this recipe to another one, and after a few weeks return to the vitamin drink again

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to take compote prepared as follows:

  • take half a glass of dried apricots (pre-soak it in water for 10 minutes), pour a liter of boiling water;
  • add 2 - 3 teaspoons of lemon and sugar to taste (it is better to put honey);
  • brew the drink for 15 minutes.

Take compote until you feel better.

Apple and pear compote fights and normalizes metabolism. Prepare it according to the following recipe:

  • take dried apples and pears (proportion 3 to 2), soak them with water;
  • pour sugar into boiling water (100 grams per liter), first add pears, then apples;
  • cook the compote for 35 - 40 minutes.

Drink the resulting drink as desired, but do not consume it in excess.

Dried figs help in the thyroid gland. To make compote you will need:

  • 200 grams of dried fruits;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • litere of water.

Pour figs and sugar into boiling water. Reduce the heat as much as possible and bring the compote to a boil. The drink should boil for 15 minutes, then remove it from the heat. Cool until room temperature and strain through a colander. Ready drink can be drunk at any time of the day.

  • take 20 grams of prunes, dried apples and pears. Let them infuse cold water 15 - 20 minutes;
  • rinse dried fruits with running water, add apples and pears to half a liter of boiling water, boil for half an hour;
  • add prunes and simmer the drink for another 10 minutes. Then pour in 2 - 3 teaspoons of xylitol and remove the drink from the stove.

It is useful to drink a drink for breakfast, it energizes and replenishes the body with nutrients.

Dried fruit compote is rich in substances necessary for the full functioning of the body. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, it is healthier than carbonated water and unnatural juices.

Nevertheless, when using compote from dried fruits and berries, you should know when to stop. Excessive dosage of the drink can lead to a set extra pounds and other unpleasant consequences.