How to preserve pears without sterilization. Ways to harvest pears for the winter

This fruit, beloved by many, is rightfully considered one of the most desirable, due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. In addition, it is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C ensures the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • folic acid (B 9) is involved in blood formation;
  • vitamin K prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Useful pear fruits

Pears have a record amount of potassium needed for cell regeneration and good heart muscle function. It tastes much sweeter than an apple but the sugar content is less. There is more fructose in this fruit than glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Since the body does not need insulin for the absorption of fructose, sweet and sour fruits are recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

In addition, it contains organic acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. Due essential oils the use of this fruit will strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, increase the protective properties of the body. One pear a day will provide the body with the necessary daily allowance cobalt, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Preservation of whole pears - great option preparations for the winter, because the fruits are very appetizing and sweet. In winter, they can be used as a separate dish for dessert, as well as create cuts from fresh fruit, supplementing them canned plums, peaches.

  • Pear recipe in own syrup

For preservation of whole pears, three-liter jars are better suited. So, you need: pears 1.5 kg, 0.5 kg of sugar (the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit itself), 2 liters of water and citric acid (a teaspoon). Let's start by preparing the pears, wash them and remove the tails. Now start preparing sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, bring to a boil so that granulated sugar dissolves. Put the pears in jars and pour the prepared syrup, leave to brew for 10 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil. After pouring the fruit again, repeat the action a total of three times. Before you roll up jars of pears, add citric acid.

Pears in own juice

  • sugar free recipe

To preserve fruits according to this recipe, choose unripe fruits that should be washed and peeled in a thin layer. Pears should be blanched in boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then cooled and placed in sterilized jars. Be sure to add citric acid per 1 liter 1 gr. Cover with a lid and you can sterilize for 15-20 minutes for jars with a capacity of 1 liter. Cap and refrigerate after processing.

  • Pickled Pears Recipe

Choose ripe pears, but not overripe ones. They should be washed and peeled off in a thin layer. Of course, if the pears are small, then it is better to marinate whole, but you can also cut into quarters, while removing the core. Those who love pears and have decided to preserve this fruit should know little secret: so that they do not darken, you should keep them in solution for a couple of minutes citric acid(per liter of water 1 g). Pears need to be blanched on fire for no more than 40 minutes after boiling, then cool under running water. cold water. Then the water in which the pears were blanched is used to prepare the marinade.

On two liter jar you will need: 300 ml of water, 250 g of granulated sugar, acetic acid 17 g. Boil water with sugar for 10-15 minutes, then filter and add acetic acid. In a 2-liter jar put allspice 8-10 peas, cinnamon, cloves 8 things, and then pears and pour hot marinade. Cover the jar with a lid and put to pasteurize in a saucepan with hot water minutes for 25-30. After processing, twist the jars and leave to cool until morning. Such a preparation will surely appeal to lovers of juicy pears. It can be used as an original side dish, added to meat dishes or salads.

All kinds of compotes can also be prepared from whole pears. In this form, the fruits of any variety are much juicier and retain their integrity much better. If you want to prepare compote as a drink, then you should add minimal amount fruits (5-8 pieces). Due to the delicate taste of the pear, the compote is quite light and fragrant.

  • Compote recipe without sterilization

So, to make such a drink for the winter, you will need: a glass of sugar, pears 0.5 kg, you can also add a couple of plums if you wish, or, for example,. We prepare fruits and put them in sterilized jars, boil water. After the water boils, pour it into jars and leave for 30 minutes, then drain it back, leaving the fruit in the jar, add sugar to the water and cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Now fill the pears with syrup and twist. For those who prefer sour compotes, we recommend adding a little citric acid.

Pear compote

  • Compote with sourness: a simple recipe

Since any kind of pear is always sweet, and this fruit does not have natural acid, for those who do not like sugary drinks, we recommend adding fruits or berries - cherries or lemons. So, necessary ingredients: pears 0.5 kg, sugar 100 g, 1.5 l of water, vanillin, mint (optional), and fruits or berries chosen according to your taste. You can make compote from whole pears if they are small, or cut them into halves. Put all the fruits in a jar, preferably a 3-liter jar, sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water. Everything is ready - tighten the lids and leave to cool.

The pear drink has antimicrobial properties, which is especially valuable in the autumn winter period. Such a compote will help maintain immunity and resist viral diseases. Therefore, take a couple of hours to prepare the blanks using our simple recipes.

Harvesting pears is not a very simple, but not a complicated procedure. There are many ways and recipes to preserve wonderful, fragrant fruits for a long time. The taste of pears is reminiscent of childhood. With cooking delicious treats everyone can handle it. You can prepare the fruits in different ways: preserve them in pieces, pickle, spin the whole pears in sugar syrup, cook mashed potatoes, syrup, compote, they can be dried. In preparations, pears can be combined with other favorite fruits or berries: apples, grapes, lemons, currants, mountain ash. It would be appropriate to use spices. When canning pears, you can experiment and add ginger, cardamom or cloves. Candied fruits, jam, marmalade from pears prepared for the future will be useful for baking, and sweet jam and marshmallow for tea.

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The last notes

You can't confuse the taste of a pear with anything. She is a real symbol of midsummer. And so many are trying to prepare these wonderful fruits for the winter. If you do it right, you can save up to 90% of vitamins and useful substances contained in fruits. And in winter to please relatives and friends fragrant dishes and drinks.

When the first ones arrive garden pears this inevitably means that summer is coming to an end and you need to have time to do delicious preparations from a pear for the winter to keep a piece of summer and enjoy delicious desserts in winter. Recipes for pear preparations for the winter are striking in their diversity, and in this article I will try to show you what classic blanks from pears like five-minute jam or pears in syrup, this is far from all that can be prepared from pears for the winter.

Almost all preparations for the winter are made from pears without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the preservation of pears in general. So if you value simple ways pear blanks for the winter, or to your taste unusual blanks from garden pears for the winter - I recommend adding a page with "golden recipes" from pears for the winter to your bookmarks.

All homemade pear preparations presented on the site are prepared personally by me, and are accompanied by detailed description process and high-quality photographs. Therefore, if you are looking for what to cook from pears, and you want proven recipes for pear blanks without sterilization, you have come to the right page. My collection of pear blanks for the winter will be replenished every year, and if you have your favorite and proven recipes for pear blanks, please write in the comments.

Pears in syrup for the winter

Pears in syrup for the winter are a cross between pear compote and jam. I really liked the result, and I immediately set myself a plan to close a few more of these jars. A big plus is that such pears are prepared in syrup for the winter without sterilization, so the process itself is short and not at all tiring. I like this recipe more than jam - there is less work with it, and tender pear slices in syrup for the winter are loved by all my household, without exception. See how to cook.

Pear jam with white vermouth

Pear jam for the winter with white vermouth is a real delicacy for gourmets with a sweet tooth, which can be served with cheeses, desserts, or used as a filling for gourmet pastry. Pear jam with white vermouth can be an original and desirable gift for your dear people for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Are you intrigued? Recipe with photo.

Pear jam for the winter with poppy seeds

If you like non-standard and unusual sweet blanks, then my today's recipe deserves your attention. The recipe for pear jam with poppy seeds is not complicated, and is prepared in one go. And at the exit we get branded pear jam for the winter, which in taste and appearance is more like a gourmet dessert. Small pear pieces are boiled down to transparency, the syrup thickens and is saturated with the seductive aroma of star anise, and poppy seeds retain their hardness and soar as a contrast interspersed without settling to the bottom. Recipe with photo.

Pear compote for the winter with dogwood

The idea is very simple, but very effective: if you don’t know how to close pear compote for the winter so that it sparkles with bright colors (not only externally, but also in content) - add dogwood to it. And you will get a very tasty and appetizing drink that will appeal to both adults and children. Pear compote for the winter is a simple recipe, and at the same time very affordable. See recipe with photo.

Pear compote for the winter with grapes

This week I was just closing pear compote for the winter with grapes and was very pleased with the result. Firstly, I liked the taste of such a compote: the sweetness of pears was successfully complemented by the unobtrusive tartness of grapes. Secondly, such a drink has an appetizing appearance and a beautiful color (depending on the grape variety, it can be pale pink or rich, almost ruby). Well, and thirdly, the recipe for pear compote for the winter with grapes is very simple, it is easy and quick to prepare. Recipe with photo.

Pear jam with lemon in a pan

I have several in my cookbook. good recipes pear jam in slices, but, in addition to the traditional proven ones, I decided to cook a new one - fried pear jam with lemon. Why fried? Yes, because it is prepared in a not quite familiar way - in a frying pan. That is, you do not cook it for a painfully long time, but quickly fry it in a pan. It turns out very delicious jam from pears in just half an hour. See recipe with photo.

Pear jam with orange

Very tender, sweet pear jam is good on its own, and even more so in the company of an orange, which gives it a special charm. Try to prepare such a dessert for the winter, while the autumn pear season is in full swing, you will not regret it, I promise! How to cook pear jam with orange, you can see.

Pear jam with lemon "Delicacy for angels"

Someone is crazy about apples, someone prefers pears, and I love both. But if it's not about fresh fruit, but about jam, I’ll rather choose pear - it seems to me brighter and more interesting. And if you add lemon to the pears, you get a fabulous dessert in general! How to make pear jam with lemon, see.

Pear-apple jam with orange "Fruit mix"

It turned out very tender, unsweetened jam, appetizing, with an unusual, but pleasant and bright taste. Pear-apple jam is cooked quickly and without hassle, so you don’t have to worry that something will not work out. Stock up on fruit and hurry to the kitchen to cook! How to cook pear-apple jam with orange Fruit mix", you can see

The process of preparing for the cold season begins with the appearance on the market and in the store of the first fresh vegetables and fruits. It lasts until late autumn. Now housewives roll almost everything into jars: fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. One of the cheap, but at the same time delicious, recipes is pear compote for the winter. We offer some simple original recipes this drink.

It's the end of August, and this is the time to go to the market for ripe fruits. Prices at this time of the year have already fallen a little, and the range of varieties is the largest of the year.

For the preparation of compote, you can use fruits of any variety, with the exception of winter pears, which are still harvested "green" for long-term storage. Fruits can be any size (if too large - just cut them into slices).

Often housewives prepare this drink by combining them with other fruits or fragrant spices. This gives the drink a twist.

Preparing pears for the start of the process

The very beginning of the preparation of compote is the cleaning and cutting of fruit. If garden pears (especially hard, green varieties) have a thick skin, it is better to cut it carefully. Otherwise, the compote is cooked from the fruit in the peel. After peeling, the core with seeds and stalks should be cut out.

Attention! Pears tend to darken quickly, therefore, when preparing a large number of these fruits, keep the peeled parts in a weak solution of citric acid (parameters: 1 liter of water per 1 gram of citric acid).

You can cook both with a large amount of fruit in a jar, and with a small one (for lovers of the drink). The amount of added sugar will depend on the number of fruits in the compote.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

Every hostess has her own own recipe preparing a drink. Consider some of the most interesting types of pear compote that are prepared at home.

Easy way for winter

by the most simple option a recipe is considered in which only two ingredients are needed for a 3-liter jar of water:

  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. Pears (1 kilogram).

We prepare pears for seaming, as indicated above, and put them in jars. Then fill them with boiling water and leave for half an hour. The boiled water is used for making sugar syrup. To do this, sugar is added to the water and boiled until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. After the water boils, leave the syrup to simmer for another five minutes.

We pour fruit with this syrup and close it with a metal lid. The resulting compote is covered with a blanket and settled for a day.

Without sterilization

Sterilizing jars is a troublesome business, so we offer a recipe for a drink that can be rolled into jars without prior sterilization.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Pears (1 kilogram).
  2. Sugar (0.1 kilogram).
  3. Water (2 liters).
  4. Citric acid (4 grams).

When choosing pears, make sure they are whole.

Peeled and chopped fruits are boiled in a saucepan until boiling and laid out in a jar. Citric acid and sugar are added to the broth. Stir to dissolve in water and bring to a boil. It remains to pour fruit with syrup, and then roll up and cover with a warm blanket.

From whole pears

From solid whole fruits, an excellent compote is obtained. Ingredients:

  • four kilograms of pears;
  • one lemon;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a glass of sugar per 1 liter of syrup.

Before putting the fruits in the pan, rinse them thoroughly under the tap. Then boil a pot of water and pour it over the fruit. Cook them for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on size).

Wash jars and lids before seaming and rinse in boiling water.

Carefully put the fruit in a jar and add a slice of lemon to each. Then we prepare the syrup using the water in which the fruits were boiled (add a spoonful of sugar for each liter of water). When the syrup boils, pour it into a jar of pears.

It remains to sterilize for 15 minutes and close the lids.

With citric acid

The main difference, how to make compote with the addition of citric acid, is that the fruits are poured with boiling water three times.

  1. After placing the fruit in a jar. Leave them for 10 minutes, drain the water, boil.
  2. Pour again for 10 minutes, then return the water to the pan, put one and a half tablespoons of sugar and a sprig of mint and boil again.
  3. The last time we fill the jar with syrup and put a teaspoon of citric acid.

It remains to cover the compote with a blanket and let it brew for a day.

From wild pear

From the fruits of the wild pear, an appetizing drink is also obtained. Its recipe is simple:

  1. We fill the jar (previously sterilized) with small fruits so that they occupy approximately two-thirds of its volume (about 1.5 kilograms).
  2. Bring water to a boil in a separate saucepan and pour it into the fruit jar. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the fruits and add 4 grams. Citric acid, as well as 0.3 kilograms of sugar (refined). Boil for 2-3 minutes, and you can roll up.

After the jars have cooled, it is advisable to wrap them with warm cloth.

From pears Severyanka

Severyanka is a specific variety. The fruits are sweet and juicy, but highly prone to rotting. Therefore, compote is rarely made from such fruits. But advice still exists.

The main thing is to thoroughly rinse, cut the fruit and remove the core. Before you close the compote from Severyanka, drain the syrup three times and boil it.

With mint

For housewives who want to make pear compote with mint, the recipe is simple. All actions involve cooking with the addition of citric acid, plus, with the third pour, add mint.


The same advice and, if desired, cook compote with cinnamon. The only difference is that, instead of mint, cinnamon is added. Some even combine the two.

With plums

Often other fruits are added to pear compote. We offer to study the recipe with plums. You will need:

  1. Two large pears (preferably Duchesse).
  2. One and a half liters of water.
  3. 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Pears and plums are washed, cut and add sugar. Fill with water, boil and then let stand for 20 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon is a fruit with which you can make any of the above drinks. In the best way it will be combined with compote with mint. You can also add thyme.

with apples

To prepare such a drink, cut apples into slices, add sugar and citric acid. Then add water and boil for about 10 minutes.

In the same way we prepare pear compote.

It remains to mix everything and pour into jars.

With strawberry

This option is made according to the same principle, but with the addition of strawberries. different fruits blend well, so you can add strawberries to the apple-pear mixture.

From Siberian pear

This variety is distinguished by its small size and sour taste. Therefore, they are added whole to the compote and the taste is diluted with apples or other fruits.

  • Pears (1.5-2 kilograms).
  • Rosehip (one berry for each).
  • Water.
  • Sugar (tablespoon).
  • Citric acid 2 grams.

We clean the pears and put them in water with citric acid. We remove the core of the fruit and put the rosehip there. We sterilize the jars, fold the fruit and fill it with syrup.

We roll up the compote.

How to store compote

The best storage conditions for the drink is keeping it in the refrigerator. Optimum temperature is 2-14 degrees. canned compote Perfectly preserved on the balcony.

The main rule is to avoid direct sunlight, and the temperature should not be higher than +20.

You can't confuse the taste of a pear with anything. She is a real symbol of midsummer. And so many are trying to prepare these wonderful fruits for the winter. If you do it right, you can save up to 90% of the vitamins and nutrients contained in fruits. And in winter, please relatives and friends with fragrant dishes and drinks.

Ingredients: pears
Time to bookmark: Summer

We are used to using pears for desserts - in the form of jam or compotes. However, this wonderful fruit can be prepared in different ways. Pears are frozen and dried, canned in their own juice, marinated, soaked and cooked into a wonderful puree.

dried pears

Drying is one of the easiest ways to harvest pears for the winter at home. Dried pears contain ascorbic acid and are therefore necessary during the winter beriberi.

In addition, they have a pronounced diuretic and fixing effect. Dried pears are good to eat for anyone who has problems with the pancreas.

Potassium, which is part of this product, helps with cardiovascular diseases, and iron - with low hemoglobin.

Ripe or slightly unripe fruits with granular and dense pulp are suitable for drying. The pears are washed, cut in half, the core is removed and cut into slices up to 1 cm thick. After that, the pears are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

So that the slices lie separately, without overlapping each other. If you dry pears in the open air, then it is best to do this on a veranda or attic, in conditions of constant ventilation. This drying will take about a week.

Don't forget to turn the slices over periodically so they dry evenly.

You can speed up the process by using the oven. To do this, put it in the blowing mode (up to + 45 ° C) and periodically open the door so that excess moisture comes out.

Dried pears are used useful days health snacks. They are added to dairy products and porridge. From such a workpiece, excellent compotes and fillings for baking are obtained. The only condition is to soak the product before use.

How to store dried pears? At room temperature, in a dark place and without excessive moisture. When stored in a cellar (at a temperature below + 10 ° C), as a rule, mold begins to form on them. At least once a month, containers with dried pears must be inspected. If there is a suspicion that the product has begun to deteriorate, it must be dried on a baking sheet in the oven.

Freeze pears

If the volume of the freezer allows you to store a large amount of food, pears can be frozen for the winter. it great way preserve nutrients, as well as save time and effort on conservation.

Ripe, dense fruits of medium size are suitable for freezing. Wash the pears, cut into quarters and hit the core. After that, the fruit should dry a little on a paper towel or cutting board. It is better to freeze pears by placing them in freezer separate pieces.

After a while, when the fruits are frozen, they are put in plastic bags in portions. For example, by measuring the number of pears that will be needed to prepare one compote. Then all the air is removed from the bags, they are hermetically sealed and the workpiece is stored in the freezer at -18°C.

Another way to harvest is to sprinkle pear slices with sugar and place in the freezer.

Frozen fruit is a great topping for baking. They turn out very delicious desserts and flavored drinks. However, the use of frozen pears has its own characteristics.

They should not be stored for more than eight months.

In addition, thawed fruits quickly become "mushy", so if you want to use fruits as a filling, then you need to put them in a cake or pies without defrosting.

Canned pears

Pears canned in their own juice are considered one of the most gourmet desserts. It is delicious on its own and also very good with various additives, for example, with chocolate or berry syrup and ice cream.

For preservation, too ripe fruits are not needed. First, the pears are washed and peeled with a thin knife to remove the peel and seeds. Canned fruits can be halves or cut into slices. Pears are tightly packed in pre-sterilized jars, sprinkled with 1 tbsp.

a spoonful of granulated sugar (per pound of fruit) and, if desired, cinnamon powder. Then add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water, cover with lids, and put the jars to sterilize in a pot of water. It is best that the water does not boil, but has a temperature of + 70 ° C. Sterilization of a 0.5 liter jar will take 30 minutes, 1 liter - 40-45 minutes.

Then the jars are corked, turned upside down and allowed to cool, covered with a blanket.

Meet to step by step recipe canning pears in lingonberry juice syrup is available on our Suseki website.

Pickled pears

Pickling pears for the winter allows you to prepare a product that can then be used as a side dish for meat and poultry dishes. Pickled pears are also good as a fragrant savory snack.

For such a method homemade dense fruits with a thin delicate skin are suitable. And it is best to opt for less tart pears. As spices that shade the taste of fruits, use Bay leaf, cloves and peppercorns.

And if you like spicier food at home, you should put chili peppers in the marinade. The selection of spices and herbs for marinades depends on the desire of the cook. By replacing the ingredients, it is easy to get the finished product with completely different flavors.

Therefore, pickling, as a type of preparation, is so popular with many housewives.

Pears are washed, cut into quarters, cleaned of seeds and placed in a bowl or pan with lightly salted water. Then they begin to prepare the marinade: dissolve 300 g of sugar in 1 liter of water and put the pan with the marinade on the fire. When the water boils, add 125 ml to it. table vinegar.

After that, the marinade is boiled for another 5 minutes. Spices are placed at the bottom of the sterilized jars, placed inside the pears and the entire contents are poured with hot marinade. Sterilization of 0.5 liter cans takes 10-15 minutes, liter - 20-25 minutes. Then they are sealed with lids and left to cool.

O unusual recipe marinated pears with lemon zest can be found on our Suseki website.

soaked pears

Many people like the spice and pungency of soaked foods. For such blanks, dense in texture, slightly unripe and medium-sized pears are excellent.

Washed fruits are placed in enamelware or a spacious tub down the receptacle. Fragrant blackcurrant leaves are placed between the layers of fruit. Rye straw spilled with boiled water is also excellent for urinating.

Layers of pears are laid with it and everything is covered with such straw from above.

Then prepare the wort for urination: 150 g rye flour or the same amount by weight of ground rye crackers is mixed with 0.5 l of water. Then add another 2 liters of boiled water there.

When the liquid has cooled, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and add 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt. Then the wort is added with cooled boiled water to a volume of 10 liters.

This solution is poured into pears.

The container is covered with a clean cloth, a wooden circle and oppression is set. The first week, soaked pears should be in the room.

And you need to constantly check that there is enough liquid - it must cover the fruits completely. Then the container is transferred to the cellar for permanent storage.

The temperature here should not be below 0°C. Soaked pears will reach the desired condition after 40 days.

Our Suseki website will tell you how to cook fragrant pickled pears with lingonberries yourself.

pear jam

Probably there is no person who would not like delicate taste jam made from ripe pears. Such a preparation for the winter contains a large supply of trace elements and vitamins. In addition, if people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract in their raw form are often not recommended to eat pears, then in the form of jam this product will be absolutely safe for them.

In order for pieces of pears to remain in the jam, you need to pick up dense, slightly unripe fruits. First, the pears are washed, peeled and cut into slices.

Then, 1 kg of granulated sugar (per 1 kg of pears) is poured into a separate pan, 0.75 liters of water are added and put on fire. When the syrup boils, remove the foam from it. Pear slices are placed in syrup and boiled, stirring, until tender.

The jam is ready when the pieces become translucent, and the jam drops do not spread on the saucer.

The finished jam is laid out in clean, dry jars and closed with lids. You can store it at room temperature. The pear has its own flavor. But, nevertheless, to diversify the taste finished product, often lemon zest, rowan berries are added to the jam, sour apples or cinnamon. Small fruits for pear jam can be used whole, leaving even the stalks.

In the video, Natalia Litvinova will talk about a simple recipe for making pear jam with lemon and orange.

Pear puree

Puree, as a preparation for the winter, is made for various reasons. It is convenient to use it as independent dish, especially in children's and dietary nutrition.

Mashed potatoes are used as a filling in homemade pies, and are also served in combination with ice cream as a dessert. If the puree is not very sweet, it can become an original addition to hot meat dishes.

And another plus: cooking fruit puree- the task is not difficult. And everyone copes with it, even the most inexperienced cooks.

For puree, whole fruits are baked or boiled. For cooking, pears are pre-cleaned from the skin, stalks and seeds. The fruits can be baked whole. In this case, they are cleaned later.

Ready fruits are mashed to a smooth puree.

To keep the product for a long time, it is laid out in jars, covered with lids and sterilized in a saucepan with water: 0.5 liter jars - 15-20 minutes, 1 liter - 20-25 minutes.


How to make a blank for the winter from pears: delicious recipes and good advice

Pears with their unique sweet-sour taste and a huge set of useful elements want to be kept as long as possible. This fruit does not have good keeping quality, so many people choose another storage method - preservation. Harvesting fruits for the winter delight with variety and ease of preparation.

Pear in its juice: simple preservation

For pear blanks, it is better to use solid, not overripe specimens. It is important that they do not have defects, cracks, rotten spots. The fruits contain a lot of malic acid and sugars to store in their own juice.

Thanks to this recipe, you will get a full-fledged dessert or you can use pear blanks as a filling or a full-fledged ingredient. Pick 5-6 fruits of medium size. They need 2 tbsp. l.

sugar and very little water.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and peel the pear.
  2. Cut the fruit in half and remove the stems and seeds. Divide the pulp into more small pieces, although you can leave it in the form of halves.
  3. Sterilize glass container(0.5-1 l).
  4. Lay the pear slices tightly. Add sugar and 1 tbsp. l. water.
  5. Close the container with a tight plastic or metal lid. Place in a pot of boiling water. Keep on low heat for about 30 minutes.
  6. Take out the cans and turn over. After cooling canned pear can be put in a dark place or in the refrigerator.

Attention! If you cut the pears before sterilizing the jars, the flesh will darken. Therefore, either prepare the jars in advance, or sprinkle the slices with lemon juice, which will prevent oxidation.

Pickled pears in marinade

To implement this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of fruit;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • by 5 st. l. vinegar 9% and sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • spices to taste - it can be cloves, cinnamon, ginger.
  1. Prepare the pear: Wash and remove the stems, but do not peel.
  2. Do the blanching. To do this, for 3-5 minutes. dip in boiling water in which the acid is dissolved.
  3. From hot water immediately move the pears to the cold. After cooling for 5 min. put the fruits in sterile and dry jars. Recommended capacity - 1 liter. Leave for a while and do the marinade.
  4. It is prepared on the basis of vinegar, sugar and spices. To do this, boil the ingredients for 1 minute. in boiling water. Stir and fill jars with pears.
  5. Place unopened jars in boiling water over low heat and soak in it for about 15 minutes. Roll up.

Advice. Pear preparation prepared in this way is good to use for salads, stews, meat dishes or even as a self-sufficient side dish.

How to cook pear jam and compote

For tasty and tender jam on quick recipe you will need about 1 kg of fruit, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2-3 tbsp. l. pectin, 0.5-1 kg of sugar (to taste). How to cook:

  1. Slice and peel the pears. Mash them with a spoon in a deep plate. The pulp should release juice.
  2. Add pectin and lemon juice.
  3. Pour into a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Pour in the sugar and reduce the heat. Stir the mixture from time to time until it thickens. The way to check is to drip on a saucer and follow. If the pear blank does not spread, it is ready.
  5. Sterilize the jars at the same time. Pour the jam immediately after readiness. Roll up.

Compote will also delight you with sweet and pleasant taste. For 1 kg of medium-sized fruits, 200 g of sugar, 1 liter of water, 2 g of lemon acid (for one 3-liter jar) will be required. Recipe:

  1. Wash the pears, remove the stems. Blanch in boiling water with 1 g of acid crystals. Soak fruit in water for 10 minutes. After they soften, cool them in cool water.
  2. Put the fruits in a jar and start preparing the syrup. Dissolve sugar in 1 liter of water. Pour 1 g of acid there.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil - the syrup is ready. Immediately pour it into a jar of pears.
  4. Put the jar in water and boil for 30 minutes. For sterilization, it is enough to heat the water up to 70 °C.
  5. Roll up with sterile lids, turn over, wrap and wait a few days. Put away in the pantry or cellar.

Assorted jam with oranges and apples

Ingredients for 1 liter jam:

  • 700 g of pears and apples;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • some water;
  • 2 g of citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and peel pears and apples from peel and seeds. Place the prepared fruits immediately in cold water.
  2. Cut them into small plates no more than 0.5 cm thick. The shape may not be the same - this is not so important.
  3. Take a pan with a wide diameter. Pour 3 tbsp. l. water. Pour the crushed fruits and cover with a lid. The ingredients must be kept for up to 30 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly until they become soft.
  4. Turn off the oven and leave the fruit to cool. In the meantime, remove the zest from the orange (you will need it later) and the white bitter layer (not needed). The zest should be grated, and the pulp divided into slices (without partitions) and added to the rest of the fruit.
  5. Grind the entire mixture in a blender. Then pour into a saucepan with the addition of sugar, zest and acid.

Let the jam cook for 30 minutes, remembering to stir. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids and leave upside down. This jam is a very tasty storehouse of valuable trace elements.

Harvesting pears in syrup: video


You are here: » Cooking » Preparations for the winter » Pear compote recipes for the winter

Pear compote is a delicious, sweet, refreshing drink rich in vitamins. The fruits from the drink are great for preparing a variety of desserts and toppings for sweet pastries. There are many ways to make pear compote for the winter. Recipes suggest adding lemon juice, leaves peppermint, lemon balm and even rum - it remains to choose to your taste.

For cooking house drink suitable for any variety of pears. Small fruits are placed in jars as a whole, large ones are cut into thin slices, removing the core and stalks.

Pear compote is the easiest drink to make. For brightness and giving piquant taste with a slight sourness, raspberries, olives or red currants, as well as apples, citrus fruits, spices (star anise, cinnamon) can be added to the fruits.

Pear compote for the winter: a simple recipe

Pears do not have their own natural acid, therefore, when preparing compote, citric acid, lemon or lemon juice are added. They can be replaced with another natural sourness - red currant or cherry.


  • 0.5 kg of medium-sized pears;
  • 100 gr of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • 1.25 liters of water;
  • a little vanillin;
  • 3 small mint leaves


  1. In a 1.5 liter jar, place the quartered fruits with the seeds and cores removed.
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top of the pears.
  3. Pour boiling water into the jar to the very top. Immediately tighten the lid, previously sterilized in boiling water.
  4. Put the jars upside down in a warm place. Be sure to wrap them in something warm, like a blanket.
  5. After 16-20 hours, the compote can be freed from the blanket and put away in a cool closet or pantry for storage.

Pear compote prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 1 year.

Pear compote for the winter: a step by step recipe

By adding slices of fresh lemon to a pear drink, we get a delicious and very healthy fruit dessert, which will appeal to adults, children and those who follow their figure.


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1.25 liters of water;
  • 150-250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 lemons.


  1. Prepare the dishes: wash the jars, pour boiling water over them. Dip the lids in boiling water and leave them in it.
  2. Prepare the fruits: select whole, without damage and wormholes. Rinse and dry them.
  3. Place the fruit in a saucepan and drizzle with the juice of 1 lemon. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave the pears in this solution for 15 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, put the fruits in jars, adding a lemon ring to the fruits. Fill containers up to the neck.
  5. Prepare the syrup with the water in which the fruit has been soaked.
  6. Pour it hot into jars and immediately close them with lids.

Wrap hot jars in something warm, turn over onto lids and hold until completely cool.

Canned compote fruits go well with honey. This dessert is sure to please little gourmets.

Whole pear compote recipe for the winter

pear drink home cooking- delicious and very useful replacement a sweet soda that is sure to please all generations.


  • 12 medium pears;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • juice of half a lemon (can be replaced with citric acid in the amount of 3 g).


  1. Wash the fruit, cut off the stalk, leaving no more than 1 cm. Place them in a 3 liter jar.
  2. Prepare approximately 2 liters of water for blanching the pears. Add lemon juice or acid to it.
  3. When the water boils, dip the fruits into it (no more than 15 minutes) and reduce the heat.
  4. Remove the pears with a slotted spoon, arrange in sterilized jars and fill them with hot syrup.
  5. Screw the lids on tightly.

    Put the jars on the lids and leave them in this position until they cool completely.

Wild pear compote recipe for the winter

Wild pear has long been famous medicinal properties and is still widely used in folk medicine. From small fruits, not only decoctions and tinctures are useful, but also compotes.


  • 1.5 kg wild pears;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • 4 g citric acid.


  1. Fill a clean, sterilized jar about 2/3 full with pears.
  2. Add sugar to water and bring to a boil.
  3. As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat and pour into jars.
  4. Close them with lids, but do not twist.

    Let stand for 5 minutes and pour the syrup back into the saucepan. Bring to a boil.

  5. Repeat steps 3-4.
  6. Dissolve citric acid in warm syrup and bring to a boil.
  7. Pour into banks. Roll the lids tightly this time.
  8. Place jars with compote on lids, wrap with something warm and wait for them to cool completely.

Homemade pear compote recipe for the winter

A very tasty and tender compote is obtained from a homemade pear. And by adding raspberries to it, you can make a wonderful fortified and doubly healthy drink.


  • 1 kg of pears (preferably sweet varieties);
  • 1 st. ripe raspberries;
  • 1/3 tsp citric acid;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. granulated sugar.


  1. Be sure to remove the skin from the fruit and cut them into halves.
  2. Remove the core with a spoon.
  3. Place the raspberries in the resulting recess.
  4. Arrange fruit in sterilized jars.
  5. Prepare the syrup, bring it to a boil.
  6. Add citric acid to jars and pour boiling syrup over.

Pear compote for the winter: recipe

Wild pears are an excellent bactericidal agent, and compote from them has a beneficial effect on the lungs, bronchi, and intestinal microflora.


  • 0.75 kg of wild game;
  • 0.75 l of water;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 250 g apples or plums for a richer color (optional).


  1. Cut off the peel and tails from fruits, put in clean, prepared jars. Can be filled half way or shoulder length.
  2. Pour boiling water over the fruits, cover with a lid and let stand for about 15 minutes. If the fruits are not peeled, it is better to increase the time to 30 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, it is necessary to drain the water into the pan and prepare the syrup by adding right amount Sahara.
  4. Pour the finished syrup into jars, tighten the lids tightly.
  5. Until completely cooled, the jars should be stored upside down, covered with a blanket.

Useful Tricks

Do not throw away the peel left after peeling pears and cores. They can be welded delicious syrup for pancakes, hash browns or pastries.

Pears turn dark very quickly. Therefore, if you need to cut a large number of fruits, place them immediately after cutting in a solution of citric acid (1 g of acid is used for 1 liter of cold boiled water).

Pear drink has excellent antimicrobial properties, which is very useful in winter. This is a good medicine for strengthening immunity with a pleasant taste. Also, cooked by yourself. simple recipe pear compote for the winter has low calorie- only 70 kcal.


Pear fruits weighing from 25 to 300 g, fleshy, with stony cells, yellow or green, contain an average of 10.4 percent sugars, 0.3 - organic acids, 0.03 - tannins, 2.6 - fiber, 0.02 mg per 100 g of fruit weight of vitamin B1 0.1 mg per 100 g of fruit pulp nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), 4 mg per 100 g of fruit ascorbic acid (vitamin C), there are carotene and trace elements. These connections in large quantities accumulate in winter varieties pears as they are stored, when the maturation of stony fibers and the dissolution of substances that cement cells occur.

Pears are used in clinical nutrition diabetic patients, they improve digestion, are used in the treatment of kidney stones. There are summer, autumn-winter and winter varieties.

Summer ones include: Duchess summer, Limonovka, autumn-winter ones - Bera loshitskaya, Oily loshitskaya, Pyshnaya Efimova, winter ones - Belarusian late, etc.

Pears can be dried, canned, processed into compotes, candied fruits, wine, marmalade, etc.


Sweet, juicy pears without any damage, ripe but still firm, rinse thoroughly in cold water, peel, remove the seed nest, cut along the fruit into slices 2 cm thick or into halves, blanch in boiling water for 4-6 minutes, cool. Then put in a basin with syrup prepared using water in which the pears were blanched, and cook until the slices become light.

It is necessary to continuously monitor the cooking of jam, and if some pear slices are already ready (become light), they must be removed from the basin and put in another bowl, and the rest should be cooked until fully cooked.

At the end of cooking, put the slices previously selected from the pelvis back, then remove the pelvis from the heat. Arrange the pears in jars, pour over the syrup, close the lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars for 30 minutes.

1 kg pears, 1.1 kg sugar, 3/4 cup water.


Put whole or halved pears into a saucepan with boiling syrup, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Separate the pears in a colander, put them in jars up to their shoulders. Prepare the syrup using the water in which the pears were boiled, fill the jars with boiling syrup and sterilize for 15-20 minutes, then roll up.

For syrup: for 1 liter of water - 100 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid, a pinch of vanilla sugar.


Peel ripe pears, cut into slices, remove the core, put in a blanching basket or cheesecloth.

Pour 2-3 cups of water into a saucepan, place a basket or gauze with pears in it and simmer over low heat until the pears are completely softened. Rub the steamed fruits through a sieve, mix with the broth and boil in a saucepan to half the volume.

Then add sugar, mix thoroughly and cook until tender. Pour into hot jars and seal.

For 1 kg of pears - 500 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.


Wash the juicy pears, cut into quarters, remove the core and place in cold water so that the fruits do not darken in the air. Put allspice and cloves in a gauze bag, lower it into a pan with pears. Boil pears until softened. Take out the bag and rub the pears through a sieve.

Transfer the resulting puree to a basin, add sugar, lemon peels and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until tender. When hot, put the marmalade into jars and close. To obtain a denser consistency, it is recommended to add apple puree to marmalade (20-25 percent of the total mass of puree).

For 1 kg of chopped pears - 3-4 peas of allspice, 5 cloves; for 1 kg of puree - 0.4 kg of sugar.


Peel ripe and juicy pears from stems and seeds, wash thoroughly, cut into 4 or 8 parts and cook in in large numbers water at a strong boil until the pears become soft. Then put them on a clean canvas and collect the flowing juice in a bowl.

After 24 hours, drain the juice that has settled in the vessel, thus separating it from the sediment that has turned out at the bottom, add sugar and lemon juice to it. Bring the juice to a boil and boil, carefully removing the foam with a wooden spoon until the jelly becomes the required density (a drop of jelly on the saucer should solidify). Lemon juice it is better to add at the end of cooking.

Pour the finished jelly into hot jars, cover with lids and roll up. For better taste you can add rum, cinnamon or other spices to the jelly.

For 1 liter of juice - 750 g of sugar, juice of one lemon.


Ripe and hard pears are peeled, cut into slices and tightly placed in jars up to their shoulders. Put sugar and citric acid in each jar. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20-25, two-liter - 25-40 minutes.

For a liter jar - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.


Wash juicy but strong pears, divide into 4 parts, peel and free from sepals, stalks and seed nest. Sort the lingonberries, wash them, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and cook over high heat until the lingonberries become soft. Then strain the mass on a stretched cloth.

Bring the resulting lingonberry juice to a boil, add sugar to it, put the cooked pears and cook slowly until soft. Then put the pears in prepared jars, pour juice and sterilize half-liter jars - 25 minutes, liter - 30, three-liter - 45 minutes.

After sterilization, roll up hot jars immediately.

For 2 kg of pears - 1.6 kg of lingonberries, 160 g of sugar (for lingonberries), 1.2 kg of sugar (for juice).


Wash the pears thoroughly in cold water, peel (for delicate varieties, if desired, the skin can be left), cut in half, remove the seed nests. For whole canned pears (fruits up to 40 mm in diameter), cut off the stalk, remove the sepals, seed nest and cut off the skin.

Pears blanch for 2-7 minutes in a boiling 0.1% solution of citric acid and put in jars.

At the same time, prepare the filling with sugar and spices by boiling it for 5-10 minutes, then add acetic acid or vinegar.

Mix everything thoroughly, strain, evenly spread the spices remaining after straining into jars. Pour the pears with the prepared marinade.

Cover jars with lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20, three-liter jars for 30 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the jars immediately.

For pouring: 1 liter of water, 300 g of sugar, 0.8 g of cinnamon, 0.4 g of cloves, 0.4 g of star anise, 0.4 g of allspice, 8 g of vinegar essence.


Place pears with dense pulp (twigs up) and lingonberries in rows in a tub or enameled bowl, shifting with blackcurrant leaves, and pour over the wort. After 8-10 days, take the pears for storage in a cool place.

For 10 kg of pears - 2 kg of cranberries; for the preparation of the wort: pa 10 liters of water - 10 teaspoons of curdled milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard.


Rinse small pears in cold water and peel (the stalk is cut in half, the core is removed). After that, put the pears in water in which a teaspoon of salt is dissolved so that they do not darken.

Then prepare a solution with the addition of sugar, vinegar, cinnamon and lemon peel. Put the pears in the solution and cook over high heat until soft, then remove from heat.

The next day, put the pears in jars, pour infusion and sterilize half-liter jars for 12 minutes, liter jars for 18, three-liter jars for 25 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the jars immediately.

For a solution of 1.2 kg of pears - 250 g of water, 400 g of sugar, 500 g of table vinegar, 10 g of cinnamon, zest of one lemon.


Take small pear fruits, you can even wild, peel the stalks, rinse well, carefully fold in three-liter jar. Add salt, geranium leaves, ripe dogwood berries, citric acid there. Pour cold boiled water. After a day, turn the jar upside down and back 10 times. It will take 20 days - and the pickle is ready.

On a three-liter jar - 2 kg of pears, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 4-5 leaves of geranium, 100 g of dogwood, a pinch of citric acid, 1.3 liters of water.


Wash the pears thoroughly in cold water, put in a saucepan, add 1/3 of water and put on fire for 10-15 minutes.

Then wipe the fruits, together with the liquid remaining in the pan, through a colander, put the resulting mass in a saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil and cook over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Pour hot sauce into jars, cover with lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes. Roll up the jars after sterilization.

For 1 kg of pureed mass - 100 g of sugar.