How much coffee is good to drink per day. Coffee without harm

The enchanting aroma and unique taste of coffee accompanies us throughout the day. What role does this drink play in our lives, is it so harmless, how to balance taste preferences without harming your body?

Drink Features

The magical smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning wakes up even a sleepyhead. And a sip of this drink awakens completely, and with each drop of coffee, the world around us becomes more and more clear-cut, painted in bright colors. A cup of coffee in the minutes of breaks between work slows down the frantic pace of life and makes it possible to relax. When meeting friends, coffee creates a special atmosphere for calm spiritual communication.

Walking through the streets of the city, how not to go to a coffee shop and order coffee there and indulge, enjoying every sip of it. And in the evening, coffee mobilizes the body and makes it possible to do household chores. This is how day after day passes, in which cups of coffee accompany us one after another.

Healing and harmful effects

Coffee is a natural stimulant. The psychostimulant (caffeine) contained in it has an exciting effect on human body, increasing the production of hormones responsible for the manifestation of feelings of pleasure and reducing stress. The positive effects of coffee on the body include:

  • mood improvement;
  • the appearance of a feeling of cheerfulness;
  • inhibition of pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • reduction of manifestations of an allergic nature.

At the same time, the abuse of an invigorating treat can harm the body:

  • there is overexcitation and congestion of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract worsens.

At the same time, diseases of peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis and diabetes are considered strict contraindications for drinking coffee.


The word "cup" is commonly understood as a container with a volume of 70-100 ml. But such small vessels are used very rarely. Many people drink from large tea cups, and sometimes from large mugs with a volume of 300 ml. When using the term "cup of coffee", they mean traditional coffee utensils, the volume of which is approximately 100 ml. Accordingly, a different volume - a different effect on the body.

The use of one cup during the day is absolutely safe and has only a healing effect: it slightly increases blood pressure and improves the condition of the arteries. Studies have shown that 2 cups help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Before intensive training, this is how much drink is recommended for athletes to take. Three cups reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, prevent the formation of stones in the bile ducts.

By the way, it is 3 cups that are considered the boundary of the risk zone: the caffeine content in such a volume can already have an adverse effect on the functioning of the heart. Four cups protect the body from the occurrence of diabetes, tumors in the throat and larynx. But such a dosage can contribute to the manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis and the development of inflammation of the joints.

Five Cups Rendering beneficial effect on the liver, increases the possibility of osteoporosis. Six cups of drink per day is the maximum allowable. An overdose can cause irritation of the intestinal microflora, heart pain, high blood pressure and mental disorders.


When controlling the allowable rate, it is not enough just to count the cups drunk. The accuracy of the influence of the drink on the body is also due to the quantitative composition of the caffeine contained in the drink. Easily distributed through the plasma, intercellular fluid, intracellular space, getting into the stomach, caffeine is completely absorbed in it within 45 minutes, and excreted from the body in 4-6 hours. The use of caffeine within 300 mg per day is considered harmless to health. Composition different kinds drinks differ in unequal caffeine content:

  • instant coffee - 65-100 mg;
  • cappuccino - 70-80 mg;
  • espresso - 80-135 mg;
  • natural grain ground coffee own cooking-115-175 mg.



To reduce the level of caffeine in the preparation of the drink, it is recommended to add cream, milk or a lemon slice. In this combination, coffee retains its taste characteristics, but has a gentle effect on the body. It is also possible to adjust the caffeine content by selecting coffee varieties. For example, in "Arabica" the level of caffeine is much less than in "Robusta".

Reducing the brew time also affects the caffeine content: the longer the coffee is brewed, the more caffeine it contains. To speed up brewing, ground coffee beans are poured not cold, but hot water.

Rules of use

A delicious drink will not harm the body if you follow simple rules.

  • Three cups of 100-120 ml each is the optimal amount of drink consumed. Latte and cappuccino allow you to slightly increase the volume.
  • Regular consumption reduces susceptibility to caffeine, so true coffee lovers can consume 5-6 cups per day.
  • It is harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach. It is preferable to do this after a light snack. To prevent stomach overload, you should not combine the intake of a drink with sweets.
  • You can not drink fatty food with coffee. With this combination, the level of sugar in the blood rises sharply.
  • For a peaceful night's rest at the end of the day, it is advised to drink coffee no later than four to five hours before bedtime. It is best to devote the morning and afternoon to this delicacy.
  • Pregnant women should be extremely careful: exceeding 200 mg of caffeine will increase the content of adrenaline, and this can cause miscarriage or fetal death, various diseases skeletal system, diabetes mellitus.
  • Preference should be given to coffee beans or ground coffee. Soluble contains a minimum of useful components, if consumed on an empty stomach, it has a harsh effect on the stomach, and can cause gastritis. Dose harmless to the body instant coffee should not exceed 1 cup per day.
  • You can alternate the use of an invigorating drink with a glass of plain water.
  • To prevent caries, dentists advise drinking no more than 1-2 cups, the drink should be moderately warm, not hot. Particular care must be taken when combining coffee with ice cream (glaze), as temperature changes cause the appearance of microcracks on tooth enamel.

If your health begins to falter, you feel dizzy, headaches, rapid heart rate, you are overcome by insomnia, frequent urination, ringing in the ears, then these may be manifestations of an excess dosage of coffee, the consumption of which should be reduced.

The reaction to caffeine is individual and largely depends on genetic factors. People of different nations differ in metabolic rate. This also affects the acceptable rate of caffeine intake. Scandinavians have the fastest coffee metabolism, while Asians have the slowest. Therefore, for Asians, the acceptable safe dose of caffeine is much lower. And for example, the Swedes, Norwegians, Finns drink up to 10 cups of the drink a day without harm to health.

During stressful situations, this drink calms women, and men, on the contrary, makes them even more nervous. Women who consume more than three cups a day are at risk of reducing the volume of the bust (up to 18%). This is the result of the interaction of caffeine with a mutating gene responsible for the development of the mammary glands. Coffee, like chocolate, improves mood. But drinking coffee for this purpose is preferable, since it is not high in calories.

Exceeding the norm of caffeine intake causes euphoria that interferes with concentration. This should be taken into account when doing mental work, for example, while preparing for exams or public speaking, when concentrated attention is required and certain material should be remembered. The effect on the body depends not only on the volume of the drink drunk, but also on its quality characteristics and method of preparation. Trust reputable coffee makers and brew your own drink, listening to your body.

For information on how much coffee you can drink per day, see the following video.

Good day, site readers! Real coffee lovers can only drink coffee all day, several servings at once, but is it possible? How much coffee can you drink per day? This question worries many lovers of an invigorating drink. It is important for them to know which portion will not harm the body, and they will be able to enjoy the treat.

If you use the drink correctly and do not exceed the norm, then you can only gain benefits, but its abuse can attract a lot of problems. That is why it is worth considering this issue carefully.

Pros and cons of drinking coffee

Real gourmets always prefer a good grain or ground product. Usually they are indifferent to instant, and for good reason, because there is very little real coffee in it, and it no longer has the same taste. Therefore, if you enjoy an invigorating drink, then only made from natural grains. So, how much coffee can you drink a day without harm to the body? The question is quite interesting, but first you need to consider what benefits can be obtained from delicacies, as well as harm. About the benefits and dangers of coffee, you can still read

Quality natural coffe This drink has the following benefits:

  • Increases pressure, of course, this is a benefit if you are not among the hypertensive patients;
  • Increases energy levels and invigorates;
  • Improves mood, helps to increase efficiency;
  • Helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, including relieves constipation;
  • Helps to get out of depression and stress.

When drinking coffee, there are its positive and negative aspects of the effect on the body as a whole.

However, when wondering how many cups of coffee you can drink a day, it is worth considering and potential harm who can bring a drink. it harmful effect due to the excessive use of treats, since if you use a moderate amount of it, then many problems can be avoided. So, its excessive use can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • The appearance of headaches, a feeling of anxiety, the development of insomnia;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Department of cold sweat;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Increased blood pressure, especially bad if you are hypertensive;
  • Frequent visits to the toilet;
  • dry mouth;
  • Spasms in the muscles;
  • Tinnitus.

Assessing negative consequence From excessive consumption of goodies, you can answer the question of how much coffee you can drink, as follows: optimal amount is about 2-3 cups of daily use, the rest will not bring benefits. And if you exceed the norm to 6-7 servings, then here the reaction will not be long in coming, and you will fully get problems with the body. Of course, the negative consequences may not appear immediately, but if you start drinking many servings at once, then over time the body will not stand it and will give out a response.

The optimal amount of treats per day

Scientists have studied the effect of coffee on the body. By coffee here we mean only a natural drink brewed from ground grain, soluble here has no weight. They received the following information:

  • 1 serving will help improve the cardiovascular system;
  • 2 cups help prevent diseases like Alzheimer's;
  • 3 circles reduce the risk of developing cancer. However, taking such a portion daily can increase the risk of developing a heart attack. If you are going to drink such a norm constantly, then this must be remembered;
  • 4 servings reduce the risk of mouth and throat cancers and prevent diabetes. Negative side taking the specified amount of goodies may be the development of inflammation in the joints, the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • 5 cups of treats prevent the development of liver disease. However, another problem may develop - osteoporosis;
  • 6 servings prevent skin cancer. Here it is worth saying that such a dose of the drink is detrimental to the whole organism. Therefore, it is worth weighing the benefits and Negative influence from drinking so much coffee.

If you look closely at these studies, you can say exactly how much coffee you can drink per day without harm to health. This dose is approximately 2 servings, sometimes 3. Constantly exceeding this rate exposes the consumer to the possibility of developing various diseases.

An excellent norm and without harm to health will be 2 servings of coffee a day

By the way, when wondering how many cups of coffee you can drink per day, it is worth noting that the caffeine content in the delicacy has more weight, because it is because of it that some problems can develop, more precisely because of exceeding its norm.

So, coffee drinks contain the following dose of caffeine in one serving:

  • Cappuccino - about 80 mg;
  • Instant coffee from 70 to 100 mg;
  • Espresso from 80-135 mg;
  • Brewed natural coffee - 115-180 mg.

Based on these calculations, you can roughly calculate the required drink rate for yourself.

By the way, a cup means 100 ml of a drink, and not a volume of 250-300 ml, as many are used to.

I wonder how many times a day you can drink coffee? A couple of servings won't do any harm at all. However, they should be drunk in the morning, as eating treats in the evening is often reflected in the form of problems such as insomnia.

Rules of use

There are some rules for drinking this invigorating drink:

  • You can not eat a treat on an empty stomach;
  • The optimal time for a drink is immediately after breakfast or during the first half of the day;
  • A serving of goodies should be about 125 ml;
  • It is better to prefer instead of soluble;
  • It is advisable not to use it before bedtime, as well as 5 hours before it, otherwise insomnia will not keep you waiting.

Giving an answer to the question of how much coffee you can drink per day, we can definitely say that 1 serving per day will be completely safe. However, coffee lovers are not eager to limit themselves to such a dose. Therefore, they need to know that daily use 6 or more servings of treats can harm the entire body. In this regard, you should not abuse the use of coffee. Healthy man can afford about 3-4 servings per day, but no more. Pregnant women and children should completely refuse treats. See you soon on the pages of the site!

How nice to start your day with an invigorating cup of coffee! Then drink a couple at work, take a girlfriend out for coffee at lunch, well, and then skip another one for inspiration ... Stop, stop, stop! How many cups of coffee should you drink during the day?

Who is at risk of caffeine poisoning?

Even Paracelsus said: "Everything is medicine and poison. And only the dose determines both." These words perfectly characterize the effect of coffee on human health, because those who consume this drink in moderation get a lot of benefits from it, but those who abuse it can provoke certain health problems. Excessive coffee consumption can lead to caffeine poisoning, which is characterized by increased nervousness, headaches, tachycardia, insomnia, and panic attacks. People with diseases of cardio-vascular system this drink is generally contraindicated, since caffeine is a powerful stimulant that increases blood pressure, blood circulation, and increases stress on the heart. For those who are too excitable nervous system, it is also better to avoid coffee, however, as well as patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis (with hyperacidity), diabetes and pancreatitis.

How much coffee can you drink without harm to health?

The safe dose of coffee does not depend on the number of cups drunk, but on the caffeine contained in the drink. After all, one person is used to drinking strong espresso, and the second prefers Americano diluted with water. Experts expect safe dose, based on the fact that at one time a healthy adult should not receive more than 100-200 milligrams of pure caffeine (which is equal to 3 teaspoons of natural ground coffee or 2 teaspoons of instant). It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 such servings of coffee per day, then the drink will have a mild tonic effect without causing harm to health.

Which coffee is healthier?

The most useful natural coffee made from freshly ground beans. Instant coffee is inferior to ground coffee in terms of taste, aroma, and, of course, the degree of usefulness. The fact is that instant coffee is devoid of lipids, tannins, vitamins, mineral salts, tannins, carbohydrates and organic acids contained in the coffee bean. The only thing that remains in such a drink is naked caffeine, which acts on the body more aggressively. The situation is no better with decaffeinated coffee. The fact is that the removal of caffeine is impossible without organic solvents, which, in a caffeinated drink, form chemical compounds hazardous to health that contribute to the development of oncological processes in the human stomach and intestines. That is why doctors recommend either giving up coffee altogether (if there are health problems), or trying to reduce the caffeine content in the drink in another way.

How to reduce the concentration of caffeine in coffee?

AT different varieties coffee the amount of caffeine is different. For example, in "arabica" this invigorating substance is 30% less than in "robusta". In addition, when brewing a drink, you can resort to some tricks. So that caffeine does not have time to completely pass from the grains to the water, the brewing time should be reduced to a minimum. To do this, freshly ground grains are poured not with cold, as is customary to do, but with hot water (you can use boiling water). After that, the drink is put on fire and brought to a boil. Then it should be immediately strained and poured into cups.

How much caffeine is in a cup of espresso?

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary depending on how roasted the beans are and how the drink is prepared. According to the American National Manufacturers Association soft drinks, a cup of European coffee contains from 115-175 mg of caffeine, espresso - 80-100 mg of caffeine (double the concentration of this substance is higher), American coffee - 80-135 mg, cappuccino - 70-80 mg, in instant - 65-100 mg, and in decaffeinated - 3-4 mg of caffeine. However, do not forget that the absorption of caffeine also depends on many factors, such as the absence or presence of milk, sugar and other additives in a cup of coffee. So, in espresso there can be as much caffeine as in American coffee, but the concentration of this substance in the first case will be higher due to the small amount of water, therefore, the absorption of espresso will be faster. But cappuccino or americano with milk will be absorbed more slowly, which means that the effect of caffeine from such drinks will be less aggressive.

Irina Chernaya

We thank Petr Karpenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Dietology and Clinical Research of Medical and Preventive Means, Chief Nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for his help in preparing the material.

Coffee is an invigorating drink with an unforgettable tart taste. Some drink it only immediately after sleep in order to finally wake up, others are so used to it that they drink 6-7 cups a day. Meanwhile, the debate about how much coffee you can drink a day, so as not to harm your health, does not fade away. Let's try to understand this issue.

The benefits and harms of coffee

Fans of instant and ground coffee know firsthand that it:

invigorates, increases energy levels;

Improves mood, increases efficiency;

normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation;

Provides the production of the so-called "happiness hormone".

But this does not mean that no matter how many cups of coffee a person drinks during the day, he will feel great. Abuse of this drink is fraught with the following overdose symptoms:

overexcitation, headaches, insomnia, unexplained anxiety;

Ringing in the ears

flies and darkening in the eyes;

dryness in the mouth;

redness and hypersensitivity of the skin, the release of cold sweat;

Increased heart rate, irregular heartbeat

· muscle spasms;

rapid breathing;

Vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea;

frequent urination;

How many cups can you drink per day

The volume of coffee drunk during the day is most conveniently measured in cups. Since the indicator should be the amount of caffeine consumed per day, knowing its content in a cup, you can easily calculate the required value.

You need to know that the serving of caffeine depends not only on the size of your favorite cup, but also on your preferred type of coffee. An instant drink contains more of this component than a ground drink. When making calculations, you can use the following data:

1 cup of espresso - 80-135 mg of caffeine;

1 cup of cappuccino - 70-80 mg of caffeine;

1 cup of Turkish coffee - 115-175 mg of caffeine;

1 cup of instant coffee - 70-100 mg of caffeine.

Doctors assure that no more than 100-120 mg of caffeine can be consumed at a time, and no more than 300 mg per day. In terms of servings, this is about 3 cups. To avoid irritation of the stomach with an invigorating drink, coffee with milk should be preferred. By the way, it is also more beneficial for the teeth - it stains tooth enamel less.

How many times and at what time of the day can you drink coffee without harm to health

In the morning, milk or cream should be added to it. It is important that it is not too hot or cold.

Can pregnant women drink coffee

You can drink coffee during pregnancy, but in limited quantities and still not for all women. The drink will not harm expectant mothers who suffer from low blood pressure. They must add milk to it. This should be done in order to reduce the leaching of calcium from the bones. The maximum number of cups drunk per day is two.

Women who have edema and are often elevated blood pressure must give up their favorite drink. It is also contraindicated in toxicosis, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, headaches, gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

If, before pregnancy, a woman constantly drank coffee and cannot imagine her life without it, while carrying a child, she can temporarily replace it with chicory or cocoa.

At what age can you start drinking coffee?

Some parents, without thinking about how old children can drink coffee, boldly brew it for their kids. It is absolutely impossible to do this. The minimum age from which you can drink it is 14-15 years. At the same time, the maximum number of cups drunk by a teenager should not exceed 1-2.

Rules that coffee drinkers must follow

So that drinking coffee does not lead to health problems, you need to drink it correctly:

Not on an empty stomach optimal time- 1-1.5 hours after eating;

with cream, lemon or milk to reduce the amount of caffeine;

give preference to natural grains - they make more healthy drink than from a soluble powder;

Do not exceed a dose equal to 5 cups per day;

Do not take later than 3 hours before bedtime.

How much coffee can you drink per day? This question is often asked by those who cannot imagine their life without this invigorating drink. Surely everyone knows that freshly brewed coffee can lower high blood pressure, as well as prevent the development of dementia. However, many experts argue that high doses of caffeine that enter the body within one day can pose a huge risk to human health. So how much coffee can you drink per day? In order to answer this question, you should find out the positive and negative aspects of the daily consumption of this drink.

One cup a day

Two cups a day

  • Pros. This amount of drink can save a person from Although it should be noted that these conclusions were made by scientists on the basis of studies that were conducted only on animals. Thus, experts note that approximately 200 mg of caffeine per day (or 2 cups of coffee) helps prevent the accumulation of proteins in the brain, which cause

How much coffee can you drink per day? In answer to this question, it should be noted that exactly two cups of this invigorating drink half an hour before training can significantly increase the performance of an athlete, providing him with more energy.

  • Minuses. How many times can pregnant women drink coffee a day? During childbearing, the upper limit of caffeine intake is 200 mg. If this value is exceeded, then the level of adrenaline in the body may increase, which ultimately increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Three cups a day

  • Pros. How much can you drink per day? This amount of an invigorating drink (3 cups) is allowed if you need to reduce the likely risk of developing an ovarian tumor or gallstone disease.
  • Minuses. Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day significantly increases the risk of a heart attack.

Four cups a day

  • Pros. How many cups of coffee can you drink a day? Not so long ago, scientists found that people who consume 400 mg of a drink a day are about 40% less likely to suffer from cancer of the larynx and oral cavity. Moreover, this amount of coffee can significantly reduce the risk of developing a prostate tumor, as well as the onset of diabetes.
  • Minuses. Those who drink about 4 cups of coffee a day are about twice as likely to suffer from a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers have proven that the mentioned amount of an invigorating drink contributes to the characteristic chemical reactions in the body, which ultimately lead to inflammation and joint pain.

Five cups a day

  • Pros. Scientists from the Cancer Center in Tokyo found that drinking this amount of caffeine significantly reduced the risk (by about 3/4) of serious liver damage. As you know, their conclusions were based on a study of about 90 thousand middle-aged people for 10 years.
  • Minuses. According to many years of research, this amount of coffee drunk per day can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. This is due to the fact that caffeine interferes with the absorption of calcium, which ultimately leads to the development of this disease. Many experts dispute this assumption. They argue that to date there is no conclusive evidence that coffee adversely affects the bones, although they still do not advise drinking such an amount of the drink.

Six cups a day

Summing up

Now you know how many cups of coffee you can drink a day without harm to health. It should also be noted that not only this or that amount of an invigorating drink, but also its quality can affect your well-being. That is why it is recommended to choose only natural