Recipe for a simple soup with frozen meatballs. Soup with meatballs

Fast and easy!

To prepare the first course soup with ready-made meatballs, you will need:

Ready meatballs - 1 pack
Onion - 2 heads
Carrot - 1 piece
Potatoes - 6 pieces

First, thoroughly wash all vegetables. Then peel the carrots. It is more convenient to use a vegetable peeler. She cuts a thin layer of peel.

Three carrots and fry with butter. It's better if it's olive oil cold or first pressing.

and cut it into small cubes.

Add to skillet with carrots. Fry for another 7 minutes until the onion is a beautiful golden color.
Put the pot with cold water on the stove. If you use a slow cooker, then lay the roasted vegetables in the water in the bowl.
My potatoes. If it is young, then the peel can simply be scraped off with a sharp knife.

At this time, it is tender and healthy due to the minerals and vitamins in it. Cut potatoes in soup with meatballs on the small cubes. Approximate size 1 cm.

Wash off starch with cold water.

This will take approximately 20 minutes. After that, cut the meatballs in half each. And add everything to soup with meatballs.
Bring to a boil. Adding Bay leaf. And we let it stand.

From the history…
To date, it is not known exactly when and where meatballs appeared. it meat balls from minced meat or meatballs, Peter I apparently borrowed from European cuisine. Since it was in Europe that many dishes were made from minced meat.

By the way…
When choosing ready-made meatballs, be careful. The main thing is the shelf life of the product. Write it on the package or on the side seam. When you rub your finger over this inscription, it should not be erased. In appearance, the package must be intact, without visible damage. Appearance meatballs are also of great importance. Each of them should be separate, not stick together. They should be similar in shape and about the same size. It is better to choose meatballs with transparent packaging - so you can better see them before buying.

From your experience...
Do you like soup with meatballs?

Meatballs with gravy is a popular and simple dish that will appeal to the whole family.

This dish does not require a lot of products, and the cooking process is quite simple.

Meatballs with gravy are served as an addition to the side dish, turning it into a fragrant and juicy dish.

Let's talk about how to cook meatballs with gravy and reveal all the secrets of this dish.

Meatballs with gravy - the basic principles of cooking

How to cook meatballs with gravy so that the dish turns out fragrant, tender and tasty? Meatballs are made from any meat or fish. Minced meatballs are best done on your own. Firstly, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and secondly, you can add the meat that you like to the minced meat.

Rice, soaked bun, onions, vegetables, flour and eggs are added to the minced meat. Then the minced meat is thoroughly kneaded with your hands until smooth. With wet hands, take a little minced meat and form small balls from it. By the way, meatballs can be cooked for future use. Formed balls are laid out on a board and frozen.

Meatballs are cooked in a frying pan or laid out in a refractory form, poured with sauce and sent to the oven. The basis for gravy can be tomato paste, sour cream, ketchup, milk or mayonnaise. To make the gravy fragrant, spices and chopped fresh herbs are added to it.

Meatballs are best served with a side dish. Ready meal it is advisable to insist for some time before serving. We offer you a selection best recipes how to cook meatballs with gravy.

Recipe 1. Meatballs with gravy in the oven


minced meat - 300 g;

rice - a glass;

black pepper;

broth - liter;

cream - 200 ml;

carrots - 4 pcs.;

tomato paste - 80 ml;

onions - 4 heads;

flour - 30 g.

Cooking method

1. Pass fresh meat through a meat grinder or take a ready-made pork Ground beef. Pepper it, salt it and mix well.

2. Measure out the required amount of rice cereal. Wash it well under running water and boil until half cooked.

3. Combine minced meat with boiled rice and stir.

4. Peel the onion, apple and carrot. Finely chop the onion. Coarsely grate the carrot and apple. Add half of the vegetables and an apple to the minced meat. Beat the egg, pour it into the minced meat and mix it well with your hands. Take a little and form small balls out of it.

5. Pour flour onto a flat plate. Roll each meatball in flour and transfer to a baking dish.

6. Fry the remaining vegetables in hot oil until golden brown. Add flour and mix well. Fill everything with cream, put tomato paste, stir and simmer everything together for a few minutes. Pour in the broth. Bring the sauce to a boil, season with salt and pepper.

7. Fill the meatballs with gravy and send the form to the oven for 25 minutes. Cook the dish at 180 C.

Recipe 2. Meatballs with tomato sauce in the oven


300 g minced meat;

2 cloves of garlic;

onion head;

a pinch of black pepper;


two pinches of salt;

A glass of tomato juice;

a pinch of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Add a beaten egg to the minced meat, season it with salt and pepper and knead well. Any minced meat is suitable for this dish. With wet hands, take some minced meat and form it into a small ball. Keep making meatballs until all the stuffing is gone.

2. Peel the onion head and cut into rings. Peeled carrots cut not too thick circles.

3. Take a heat-resistant form. Lay half of the onion rings on the bottom. Spread half of the carrots on top of it. Lay the meatballs on the carrot layer. Spread the remaining vegetables over the meatballs. Salt and pepper.

4. Peel and chop the garlic cloves as finely as possible. Add garlic to tomato juice, salt, add sugar and mix.

5. Pour the meatballs with the prepared gravy. Send the form to the oven for half an hour. Cook meatballs at 180 C. Serve with a side dish, sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 3. Meatballs with vegetable sauce


800 g minced pork and beef;

vegetable oil;

four eggplants;

four slices of stale bread;

red hot peppers;

two green bell peppers;

700 g fresh dense tomatoes;

black pepper;

a head of garlic;

a large bunch of basil;

200 g canned tomatoes in own juice.

Cooking method

1. Wash the eggplant, wipe it with a paper towel and cut into bars one and a half centimeters wide. Fry them in hot oil until soft and put on a napkin.

2. bell peppers wash, de-seed and cut into strips lengthwise. Fry the peppers in the same pan where the eggplant was fried. Transfer the roasted peppers to a plate.

3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the thin skin. Chop the pulp into cubes.

4. Soak the bread in milk or water, squeeze out and add to the minced meat. Rinse greens, dry and chop. Send in minced meat, beat an egg here, pepper and salt. Mix well. With wet hands, take a little minced meat and form meatballs, the size of a small nut.

5. Roll the meatballs in flour and fry on all sides until golden brown.

6. Pepper and tomatoes place in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for about seven minutes. Add canned tomatoes mashed with a fork, salt, sugar and spices. Stir and continue to simmer for another five minutes. Put chopped garlic and herbs into the sauce. After a minute, remove the saucepan from the heat.

7. Put a layer of fried eggplants on the bottom of a deep frying pan. Spread the meatballs on top, and put another layer of eggplant on them. Pour all the gravy and put on fire. As soon as it starts to boil, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Serve with a side dish of rice, pasta or vegetables.

Recipe 4. Meatballs with gravy in a French frying pan


For meatballs:

700 g minced meat mixed;

ground pepper black;

two eggs;

five cloves of garlic;

a few sprigs of parsley

for gravy:

70 g smoked brisket;

parsley and dill;

100 g of boiled-smoked ham;

80 ml vegetable oil;

two tomatoes;

ground black pepper;

onion head;

200 g pitted olives;

half liter meat broth;

flour - 30 g.

Cooking method

1. Transfer the minced meat to a bowl, add chopped parsley, crushed garlic and a beaten egg to it. Salt, pepper and, properly, knead the minced meat, beating it lightly.

2. Take a little bit of minced meat with wet hands and form small meatballs out of it. Roll each in flour and refrigerate.

3. Cut the fat into thin slices. Chop the ham into small pieces. Peel the peeled onion head and chop finely. fresh tomatoes cut into slices.

4. Put the pan on an intense fire, pour in the oil and heat it well. Fry the meatballs until lightly browned. Remove cooked meatballs to a plate.

5. Put slices of bacon into the pan and fry on both sides. Now add ham and fry for two minutes. Add onions and tomatoes to the skillet. Season with pepper and sprinkle with flour. Stir and fry everything together for four minutes.

6. Pour everything with meat broth and wait until the gravy starts to boil. Put the meatballs into the boiling sauce, when it boils again, turn the heat down to a minimum, cover and simmer for half an hour.

7. Rinse the olives, finely chop the greens. Put the olives in the gravy and simmer for another five minutes. Sprinkle everything with herbs and turn off the fire. Serve meatballs as an accompaniment to any side dish.

Recipe 5. Meatballs with gravy in a Swedish pan


ground beef - half a kilogram;

two slices of stale rolls;

100 ml cream;

400 ml of broth;


a pinch of nutmeg;

ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion and chop finely. Fry the onion in hot vegetable oil.

2. Soak the roll in milk and squeeze. Mix the minced meat with the bun, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Add the fried onion to this. Knead the minced meat well, slightly beating it.

3. Take a little minced meat with wet hands and form meatballs from it, the size of a small nut. Fry them in the pan where the onion was fried, stirring so that they are evenly fried on all sides.

4. Combine the broth with cream, add flour and beat everything with a blender. Pour cream sauce meatballs, cook a couple of minutes from the moment of boiling. Serve meatballs with gravy with any side dish.

Recipe 6. Chicken meatballs with Strogonavian gravy


half a kilogram of minced chicken;

100 ml sour cream;

80 g breadcrumbs;

one and a half glasses of meat broth;


50 ml of vegetable oil;

two pinches of salt;

a pinch of ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Peel the head of the onion, wash and cut into four parts.

2. Rinse the chicken fillet, pat dry with napkins and cut into pieces.

3. Grind onion with meat in a meat grinder.

4. Pour into the minced meat breadcrumbs, add the egg, pepper, salt and mix well, beating it slightly. Form from minced meat meatballs.

5. Put the meatballs in the heated vegetable oil and fry them browned on all sides.

6. Pour the meatballs with broth and simmer them for a quarter of an hour. Add sour cream, heat for a couple of minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Serve as an accompaniment to any side dish.

Recipe 7. Fish meatballs with gravy in the oven


50 g of white bread pulp;


500 g of minced fish;

a bunch of green onions;

7 black peppercorns;

a bunch of dill greens;

30 ml of milk;

30 g of ketchup and mayonnaise;

onion head;

half a liter of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Put the minced fish in a deep bowl and mash with a fork.

2. Crumb white bread crumble and fill with milk. Leave for five minutes, then squeeze and add to minced fish. Salt and stir.

3. Peel the onion and chop as finely as possible. Add the onion to the minced meat and mix well with your hands.

4. Grease a baking sheet with oil. With wet hands, form small meatballs and place on a baking sheet.

5. Peel and finely chop the carrots. Add shredded carrots green onion and dill greens. Pour everything with mayonnaise and ketchup, salt, add flour and mix. Pour water in a thin stream and mix again.

6. Pour the meatballs with the resulting mixture. Add black peppercorns and put the baking sheet in the oven for forty minutes. Cook meatballs at 150 C. Serve with vegetable or rice side dish.

Recipe 7. Meatballs in garlic-tomato sauce


For meatballs:

half a kilogram of minced meat;

black pepper;

three eggs;

100 g of white stale bread;


100 g of milk;

For gravy:

3 cloves of garlic;

two onion heads;

liter of filtered water;

50 ml tomato paste;

80 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Soak the stale bun in milk, squeeze and add to the minced meat. Put finely grated cheese, chopped parsley, salt, eggs and pepper here. Mix the stuffing with your hands. Make meatballs out of minced meat, no larger than a nut.

2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic cloves as finely as possible. Fry the chopped vegetables in hot vegetable oil, stirring until golden brown.

3. Boil a liter of drinking water in a kettle. Pour it into a deep saucepan, salt and mix with tomato paste.

4. Pour the resulting sauce to the fried onions and garlic. As soon as the mixture boils, put the meatballs into it. Cover and simmer on the slowest fire for forty minutes.

    If you are using store-bought minced meat, run it through the meat grinder again so as not to spoil the consistency of the meatballs.

    In a gravy that is too thin, add a little flour and boil again.

    So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, soak them in water.

    Dried herbs are added immediately to the sauce, and fresh put at the end of cooking.

    To make the meatballs juicy, add more onions to the minced meat.

According to history, meatballs with sauce belong to Italian cuisine, but their varieties are found all over the globe. it meat dish is a balls of chopped raw materials, can be supplemented with vegetables and cereals. It is best to make them with gravy of tomato or sour cream sauce, bake with cheese and garnish spaghetti.

How to cook meatballs with gravy

There are many features in how to cook meatballs with gravy. You need to start with making minced meat - you can twist the leftover meat in a meat grinder or chop the leftover meat with a blender, buy ready-made raw materials and supplement it with rice, onions or spices to taste. You can add vegetables, bread, a little bacon to the minced meat. Meatballs cooked on chicken or veal meat - dietary product, with a soft texture, suitable for feeding young children.

How to cook meatballs in sauce: twist the meat into minced meat or take it ready, fill with spices and roll into balls the size of Walnut. All that remains is to thermally process them - boil them in soup, stew in a fragrant sauce and serve. Sauce for meatballs can be different - light tomato, sour cream, butter, cream or cheese.

Several useful tips for making delicious juicy meatballs suitable for any meal:

  • it is better to combine a mixture of meat in minced meat - pork, beef, veal, chicken;
  • take a piece of meat without fat;
  • small piece raw smoked meat, added to minced meat, will give the balls a pleasant aroma;
  • chopped raw onion gives the products juiciness, and fried - aroma;
  • you can add an egg to minced meat to keep its shape when cooking, but this is not necessary - some chefs claim that egg white makes meatballs in gravy rough and tough;
  • you can do without eggs if you twist the meat twice through a meat grinder with a fine grate;
  • salt, ground black pepper, bread or semolina- per kilogram of meat 20 g of cereals;
  • light cheese crust on top of baked meatballs makes them more attractive, and they are tender when cooked under foil;
  • additive options: cabbage, grated zucchini, beans, carrot and onion frying, pearl barley, rice, sausages, cheese;
  • before baking, the balls need to be lightly fried, poured with gravy and baked;
  • the density of the gravy varies with flour and milk;
  • deliciously season ready-made balls with cranberry, basil and mint gravy, yogurt, sesame seeds, capers;
  • diet meatballs are obtained in a double boiler, slow cooker or pressure cooker.

Meatballs with gravy in a pan

The easiest way to cook meatballs with gravy in a pan, because this process takes little time. First you need to form balls, breaded and fry in oil for five minutes on each side, then pour the sauce. Gravy with meatballs is cooked for 20 minutes on low heat, after stirring it takes another 15 minutes for even heating.

Meatballs in the oven with gravy

Longer than in a frying pan, meatballs are cooked in the oven with gravy. They are formed from minced meat, breaded with breadcrumbs or flour, lightly fried. It remains only to prepare the sauce for meatballs - tomato or sour cream, place the prepared balls in a baking dish and put in the oven for 40 minutes. Optimum temperature cooking - 180 degrees.

Meatballs in a slow cooker with gravy

To facilitate cooking, a recipe will help, according to which meatballs in a slow cooker with gravy are cooked in less than an hour. Prepared cutlets are put into a multicooker bowl, pre-oiled, poured with tomato paste or cream, sprinkled with grated cheese. It remains only to set the "Extinguishing" or "Steaming" mode and wait 40 minutes. Appetizing balls are ready.

Meatballs with gravy - recipe with photo step by step

Any culinary specialist will love the recipe for meatballs with gravy, which will tell you step by step all the cooking steps. It's worth starting with simple technologies, according to which meat balls are made in a simple fill, and you can complicate it with products in which cereals are added. You can choose the sauce for meatballs at your discretion, but do not neglect classic options- tomato and sour cream.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 178 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.

The usual meatballs tomato sauce it is easy to diversify if the minced meat is seasoned with a spicy curry spice, and the filling itself is seasoned with orange juice. For cooking, it is ideal to take mixed minced pork and beef. Tomato sauce is best made on the basis of tomato juice, rather than the usual pasta. Garnish the resulting balls well crumbly buckwheat or rice.


  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • Orange juice- half a glass;
  • curry - 5 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • vegetable oil- 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Season the minced meat with curry, salt, knead. If desired, add allspice, paprika, cumin.
  2. Form small balls, roll in flour, fry.
  3. Pour in juices, stir, cook until thickened.
  4. Garnish mashed potatoes.

Meatballs in sour cream sauce

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

meatballs in sour cream sauce are fragrant and tasty, they become a favorite for children for richness and satiety. A simple dish is prepared in a matter of minutes, it can be frozen for future use, and then the next time you cook it, all that remains is to make gravy. Meatballs with sauce serve as a nutritious dinner, the whole family likes it for a pleasant refined taste and creamy aroma.


  • minced pork beef - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • rice - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - a glass;
  • water - 175 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the rice until transparent, cook until half cooked in salted water, rinse.
  2. Cut one onion into cubes, fry until transparent, mix with minced meat, egg, rice. Season with spices, mix until thick.
  3. Form meatballs with your hands, send for a few minutes in the freezer.
  4. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion into cubes, combine the sour cream with water and salt.
  5. Put the balls in the pan, heat up, add vegetables, simmer for 10 minutes. Pour sauce over, cook for 10 minutes, after turning off the heat, leave for five minutes before serving.

Recipe for minced meatballs with gravy

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 174 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for minced meatballs with gravy involves taking a mixed homemade minced meat pork and beef to taste finished products was richer. The characteristic of the dish is fragrant sauce, which is similar to the one prepared in kindergarten. Meatballs with gravy will become a real decoration of the table, households quickly sweep them away and require more.


  • minced meat - half a kilo;
  • rice - 80 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 20 ml;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • tomato paste - 10 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook rice until half cooked, mix with onion, minced meat, scrolled through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, form meatballs, roll in flour.
  2. Fry in a pan without a lid.
  3. Pour boiling water, tomato paste, season with bay leaf.
  4. Simmer covered for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Mix flour with sour cream, mix so that there are no lumps, pour into a pan.
  6. Simmer another 15 minutes. Garnish with buckwheat or rice.

Chicken meatballs with gravy

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 171 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Minced chicken meatballs with gravy are more delicate taste, soft texture and dietary character. They are pleasant to eat for adults and children, serve with mashed potatoes or plain sliced ​​vegetables. The piquancy of the dish and notes of Italian cuisine is given by a sauce of cheese, olive oil and canned tomatoes, taken instead of pasta.


  • minced chicken- 450 g;
  • White bread- a piece;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • oregano - 7 g;
  • garlic - a clove;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • canned tomatoes - 800 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the bread to a crumb state, rub the cheese.
  2. Add half of the bread crumbs, milk, egg white (yolk is not needed), spices to the minced meat.
  3. Form balls with wet hands and roll in the remaining crumbs.
  4. Put in a frying pan, fry for five minutes, reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes.
  5. Open the lid, season with chopped tomatoes, cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Serve with spaghetti, sprinkle with chopped garlic.

Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 160 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce is almost Italian dish. It's satisfying and healthy dish It cooks quickly and goes well with young wine. Meatball gravy, which is made on the basis of natural tomato sauce, olive oil and seasoned with fresh basil, gives a special taste and gastronomic aroma to the delicacy.


  • spaghetti - 200 g;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • tomato sauce - 300 ml;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • fresh basil - a bunch;
  • allspice - 2 pinches.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion, add to the minced meat, chopped basil. Salt, pepper, make small balls.
  2. Fry until they turn golden. Pour in the sauce, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Boil spaghetti in salted water, season with oil, place on a plate.
  4. Top with gravy and arrange meatballs. Decorate with adjika.

Meatballs with rice in tomato sauce

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 183 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Meatballs with rice in tomato sauce will turn out as if they were cooked in a school cafeteria. Fragrant gravy made from carrots, tomato paste with the addition of flour will make products bright and tasty. It is worth plunging into pleasant childhood memories and making delicious meat balls for the whole family. Even children will appreciate them, because they are easy to chew and delicate in texture.


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • Wheat flour- 60 g;
  • minced meat - 800 g;
  • rice - 80 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • broth - liter;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 40 ml;
  • onions - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the flour until golden brown in a dry frying pan using low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
  2. Coarsely rub the carrots, cut the onion into strips, fry until golden.
  3. Mix vegetables with flour, tomato paste, pour broth. Bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Boil rice until half cooked, mix with minced meat, egg. Pour in salt, pepper, beat off.
  5. Roll into balls, place on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce.
  6. Bake for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Video: delicious meatballs with gravy

Every modern housewife will agree that homemade semi-finished products, prepared with their own hands from quality products that are stored in our freezers, will always help out at the right time and help to quickly and tasty feed the family or even unexpected guests.

Almost every family, especially if there are small children, prepare meatballs from various kinds meat.

I propose to prepare these delicious meat balls for the future, using the data step by step recipe with photo. For making frozen meatballs minced meat you will need quality lean meat, a small selection of spices and some free time. It is advisable to store frozen meatballs for no more than 1 month in an airtight package that will prevent them from weathering.

So, how to cook meatballs for future use?

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Cooking Ingredients:

Minced meat - 1 kg;

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

Dried onion - 1 tbsp. l.;

Dry garlic - 1 tsp;

Black pepper - 0.5 tsp;

Salt - 1 tsp (or to taste);

Freezer bags.

Recipe for frozen meatballs:

Prepare all ingredients.

Grind black peppercorns and dried onion flakes in a mortar. For semi-finished products that must be frozen, seasonings such as onions and garlic are best used in a dry form. Practice has shown that the taste and aroma of meatballs are much more pleasant than with the addition fresh garlic and bow.

I advise you to make minced meat for this dish at home, using lean varieties meat: veal, chicken or turkey meat. Add raw chicken eggs, spices and seasonings to the cooked minced meat.

Knead the meatballs well by hand. With wet hands form small meatballs, arrange them on a flat plate or cutting board and place in the freezer.

When the products have hardened, put them in freezer bags and send them to the freezer for storage. Be sure to write the date of manufacture of the meatballs on the package. Frozen meatballs do not need to be thawed before being used in soups. If you want to cook meatballs in sauce, then dip them in boiling water, let them boil for a few minutes, and then you can transfer them to the finished sauce.

These tender-tasting meatballs are enjoyed by both adults and children. Bon appetit everyone!

How to cook meatballs

Small round meat balls that look appetizing and delight everyone with their excellent taste, and the housewives with their speed of preparation. How to cook meatballs?

You can cook meatballs from almost any type of meat, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey and any fish will do. Especially delicious meatballs are obtained from mixed minced meat when they contain two or even three types of meat.

If minced meat is made at home, then, for special tenderness and airiness of meatballs, it is recommended to scroll the meat several times.

How to save time and always know what quick lunch Or is dinner waiting for you in your own freezer? Great option- cook more meatballs and freeze them. Ready-made meatballs are stored for 3-4 months, and you can cook many dishes with their help - soup, meatballs with sauce or vegetables, baked meatballs with mushrooms, etc.

Meatballs - option 1


Remove the crusts from yesterday's loaf, cut into pieces and pour milk in a bowl, let it soak and mash with a fork until uniform consistency. Stir in minced meat, add salt and pepper. With wet hands, form into firm balls about the size of a plum. Prepare the required amount according to the selected recipe, and spread the rest of the meatballs on cutting boards (it is more convenient to use plastic or glass ones) and send them to the freezer. Pack the frozen balls in batches.

Meatballs - option 2


Prepare minced meat by scrolling meat and coarsely chopped onion through a meat grinder several times. Add egg, salt, pepper and chopped parsley leaves to the mass. Knead the minced meat well, form small balls with wet hands. Use in various recipes.

Soup with meatballs


Wash, peel and cut vegetables, put in boiling water. After five minutes, add meatballs (you can use frozen ones, cook without defrosting). Cook for 15 minutes, salt, cook for another five minutes. Serve generously flavored with sour cream and finely chopped dill.

Meatballs in tomato sauce


Finely chop the onion and fry until transparent, put meatballs on it and cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring several times. Add tomato paste, some water, salt and pepper. Stir, cover and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Serve with rice, mashed potatoes or pasta.

Meatballs baked in sour cream with mushrooms


Cut the onion into thin half rings, fry for 3-4 minutes, add the mushrooms cut into thin plates and cook for 5 minutes, sift flour on the onion with mushrooms, mix quickly, pour in a little water so that the mass is homogeneous, without lumps. Salt, add sour cream, let it boil and set aside. Put the meatballs in a greased baking dish, pour the resulting sauce, pepper and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with any side dish, garnished with herbs.

Yet more recipes and ideas on how to cook meatballs can be found in our "Recipes" section.

How to freeze meatballs

Almost everyone cooks meatballs from minced meat caring hostess. However, with the modern rhythm of life, these cute "koloboks" require too much time. To quickly feed the family healthy soup or a full-fledged second dish, frozen convenience foods will come to the rescue. In your free time, meatballs can be prepared for future use at required quantity and freeze.

For simple and available prescription you will need lean minced meat, better combined, and half an hour of effort. Formed portions of meatballs are frozen in a piece layout and stored in a bag or plastic container in the freezer for up to one month without loss of taste and quality. Sealed packaging prevents airing (semi-finished products from minced meat).

Agree, it is very convenient when available semi-finished meat own cooking with a proven composition and high quality ingredients. For baking or boiling, frozen meatballs are used immediately from the freezer. It is better to fry them in a thawed form, running in ground breadcrumbs or flour. Have fun cooking and enjoying homemade food, favorite recipes and delicious meals from minced meat.

  • pork pulp (lean) 250 g
  • beef pulp 250 g
  • egg (large) 1 piece
  • stale white bread 150 g
  • milk 200 ml
  • onion 1 piece
  • parsley, dill, celery 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • ground coriander to taste
  • nutmeg¼ teaspoon
  • salt 1 teaspoon

How to cook and freeze meatballs for future use at home » Suseki

Meatballs are very handy! Frozen for future use, they will become just a lifesaver for the hostess. From the frozen semi-finished product, you can cook soup, cook gravy or boil them for a couple. Meatballs have proven themselves well in children's menu. How to freeze meatballs in the freezer will be discussed in this article.

There are a lot of options for cooking meatballs. They can be made with any type of meat (lean pork, beef, chicken, or turkey) or fish.

Before cooking, meat or fish is milled and passed through a meat grinder with a fine section. If you are preparing meatballs for feeding a child, then you can skip the minced meat through a meat grinder several times.

In order to make the meat balls more tender, white bread soaked in milk is added to them.

Onions and garlic are minced together with meat in a meat grinder. Some housewives replace fresh vegetables for dried. According to their reviews, the taste of ready-made meatballs only benefits from this.

From spices, you can add ground black pepper and salt. The amount of salt is taken from the calculation: 1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of minced meat.

To prevent the meatballs from falling apart during cooking, add an egg to the minced meat. There is a proportion: the amount of meat weighing up to 500 grams - 1 egg, up to 1 kilogram - 2 eggs, and so on. For making baby meatballs egg can be replaced with quail.

In minced meat for meatballs frozen for feeding children, you can additionally add grated carrots or zucchini.

Before forming the meat balls, the minced meat is thoroughly kneaded along with all the ingredients.

Watch the video from the channel "MultiRecept" - Meatballs for lasagna traditional italia

How to freeze meatballs

Meatballs should be formed with raw hands so that the stuffing does not stick to your hands.

To quickly mold meatballs by hand, you need to take in one hand a small amount of minced meat, and then pinch off small portions with squeezing movements of the thumb and forefinger.

With the other hand, you need to remove the finished meatballs.

So that the meatballs do not stick together in the freezer, they are pre-frozen on a cutting board covered with cellophane. After freezing, meat balls are poured into an airtight bag or container.

Ice cube molds can be used to freeze minced meat. To make it easier to remove the frozen semi-finished product from the mold, it is pre-covered cling film. After freezing, the workpiece is transferred to bags for storage.

See the video from the channel "Super Bluda" - Minced Meatballs. Mince for meatballs. How to cook minced meatballs

How to freeze meatballs for a child

For feeding a baby, meatballs can be frozen raw and already cooked.

Frozen raw meatballs are prepared without defrosting, steaming or adding to vegetable soups.

Ready frozen meatballs - first thaw at room temperature, and then before serving, dipped in boiling water for one minute.

How to freeze cooked meatballs in a vacuum

You can freeze ready-made meatballs in a vacuum. This method significantly increases their shelf life and completely protects against weathering.

Pre-boiled meatballs are laid out in special bags, from which air is removed using a home vacuum cleaner. Packets with the workpiece are stored in the freezer.

To quickly prepare meat flavored and hearty soup, you need to have in stock small meat balls, meatballs. Then in just 15-20 minutes it will be possible to cook the first hot dish. And how to prepare them for the future, read in this section.
Recipe content:

Meatballs are a very convenient thing, especially if they are frozen for future use. Agree, it is always convenient to have a high-quality semi-finished meat product of your own preparation with a proven composition. Such a blank will become a real lifesaver for the hostess. Because in the modern rhythm of life, these "koloboks" require a lot of time. But from such a frozen semi-finished product you can not only cook rich soup, but also to cook gravy, stew, etc. In addition, they have proven themselves well in the children's menu.

You can prepare meatballs from any minced meat. But preferably low-fat, can be combined. The main difference between meatballs and other minced meat dishes is that almost nothing is added to them. Meatballs are usually frozen on a cutting board, sometimes covered with cellophane. This will prevent them from sticking together in the freezer. After such an action, they are poured into a bag or container, because. sealed packaging will prevent airing of semi-finished products. But you can also freeze minced meat in ice cube molds. But here the molds must be covered with cling film. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the frozen semi-finished product.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 247 kcal.
  • The number of servings is approximately 40 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes, plus additional freezing time


  • Pork (lean piece) - 600 g
  • Onion- 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch

Cooking meatballs for future use

1. Clean the meat from the film, cut off the fat and cut into pieces for grinding. Peel and chop the onion and garlic as well.

2. Install a meat grinder with a fine attachment and pass the meat with onion and garlic through it. You can also grind the meat with a blender or food processor.

3. To make the meatballs softer, twist the minced meat in a meat grinder 2-3 more times.

4. Add to minced meat butter, salt, ground pepper and favorite spices. It is very tasty to put ground nutmeg.

5. Knead the minced meat well with your hands so that the spices are evenly distributed.

6. Moisten your hands with water so that the stuffing does not stick and make small balls the size of a walnut. Put them on a board, which is desirable to cover with polyethylene. But since I didn’t have it, I smeared the board with oil.

7. Send the balls to the freezer for 1-1.5 hours. But you may have to keep them longer, because. freezer everyone is different. Keep them until completely frozen, then put them in a plastic bag, which you tightly tie.