How to cook pasta for spaghetti. Light tomato paste.

Who among us has not heard of the famous Italian dish - pasta? Italians are very proud of this dish. Perhaps some of you have tried it in a cafe, pizzeria or Italian restaurant. So what is Italian pasta? Do you want to know how to make Italian pasta at home, with what can you cook pasta so that adults and children like it? But is it possible to cook it yourself, at home? Why not?! In fact, pasta is a fairly simple, but very tasty dish. Italians call pasta all pasta that is made from wheat flour and water. High-quality and fast cooking pasta in Italian is not difficult at all. delicious homemade pasta, the recipe of which we offer below, will conquer your entire family and become one of your favorite dishes for every day.

Italian pasta (pasta) has become popular not only in Italy, but also in America and Europe. By the way, quite different types of pastas have gained popularity in different parts of Italy. And this means that they cook it in different regions of Italy in different ways. At the same time, not only gastronomic, but also cultural traditions play an important role. We will talk about the most popular and affordable types of famous pasta for cooking at home. After you read this article, you will understand its types as well as a chef Italian restaurants. You can even tell your friends how to make delicious pasta at home.

How to cook italian pasta at home

We have selected for you the most available recipes cooking pasta at home. Be sure to try them out. Italian pasta is especially suitable for spaghetti, although it goes wonderfully with pasta. Choose any recipe delicious pasta, and proceed boldly to its preparation.


pasta alla carbonara That's what the Italians call it. The peculiarity of this dish is that spaghetti is mixed with very finely chopped bacon. In turn, the bacon must be thoroughly mixed with the sauce. It consists of pecorino romanno cheese, parmesan cheese, eggs, black pepper and salt. In general, Italians are very fond of cheese, therefore, several varieties of it are often used in their dishes at once. This makes their taste refined and refined. True for us Italian cheeses can be quite expensive.

When do you think pasta carbonara was invented? In fact, she's not that old. It turns out that this delicious dish invented in the middle of the 20th century. His homeland is the region of Lazio. The capital of this region is the majestic and ancient Rome. It was in Rome that it became a tradition to use romanno pecorino cheese. It is prepared from high-quality sheep's milk and kept for a long time. Thanks to this exposure, Pecorino Romano has a fairly rich taste. Many even consider it harsh. But you should not prepare the sauce without this cheese, as it will largely lose its taste perfection. Pecorino Romano and Parmesan are the perfect combination.

So, what do you need to make carbonara pasta at home.

  • spaghetti - enough 200-300 g,
  • bacon - about 100 g,
  • yolks - 3-4 pieces,
  • cream (fatty) - 100 ml,
  • grated parmesan (grana padano, dzhyugas, etc.) - 50 g,
  • garlic - 2 medium cloves
  • parsley leaves (about 2 branches),
  • salt,
  • black pepper (freshly ground).

Now let's move on to the preparation steps.

  1. Cut the bacon into fairly small regular cubes. Fry it in olive oil. To prevent the bacon from burning and drying out too much, set the heat to medium.
  2. Pour water (4 liters) into a medium-sized saucepan. Salt it and bring it to a boil.
  3. Drop the spaghetti into the already boiling water. Please note that you need to cook them not until fully cooked, but until the so-called al dente state. Do not be afraid that you will not finish the product. This simply means that they should be removed from the pot one minute before the end of the cooking time stated on the package. By the way, the cooking time of spaghetti may vary. It all depends on the caliber of spaghetti and the type of wheat from which they are made.
  4. Next, cooking amazing delicious sauce. To do this, mix the eggs with milk or cream. Pepper and salt to your liking. Next, the mixture must be thoroughly beaten with a whisk. When the mixture is smooth, add about 50 g of finely grated Parmesan.
  5. From the pan, temporarily pour the already fried bacon into a plate. Next, finely chop and gently fry the garlic. Watch carefully so that it does not burn or overcook. If you like a rich garlic flavor in a dish, then it is better to add raw garlic to the already prepared sauce.
  6. When the garlic is fried, carefully pour the spaghetti over it. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. When the spaghetti is hot, remove the pan from the stove and add the already beaten eggs. Now it is very important to mix everything quickly so that the proteins do not curl. Add fried bacon and pepper.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle the pasta with finely grated Parmesan and top with parsley leaves.

All. Now you can serve this delicious dish and call your family to the table. This is a great alternative to already boring pasta.


Bolognese is meat sauce, which is generously seasoned with Italian pasta. As its name suggests, this wonderful sauce was invented in the province of Bologna. This sauce is very popular in Italy and beyond. It is often served not only with pasta, but also with the famous Italian lasagna and fresh tagliatelle. It also pairs well with pasta and other types of pasta. It is difficult to find a resident of Bologna who does not like Bolognese sauce and does not know how to cook it skillfully. In fact, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. But in order to prepare classic sauce Bolognese, you need to stick to the traditional list of ingredients. Bolognese includes beef, carrots, onions, pancetta, tomato paste, celery, red wine, meat broth, cream or milk (optional).

Let's specify the number of ingredients for this fragrant dish:

  • Minced beef - enough 100g.
  • One bulb.
  • 3 tomatoes.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste.
  • A pinch of dried basil.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of red wine.
  • A teaspoon of sugar.
  • A pinch of oregano.
  • 80 g spaghetti.
  • 50 g parmesan cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. You need to take a large deep frying pan and heat it up in it. vegetable oil on medium fire. When the oil is hot, add the minced meat to it. Fry it over medium heat until it is browned. If you notice that there is too much fat in the pan, drain the excess. Finely chop the onion and garlic and add them to the minced meat. Fry the whole mixture for a couple more minutes.
  2. Finely chop the tomatoes, herbs. Add them to the pan. Pour sugar there, pour in red wine. All this fragrant mixture bring to a boil. When the sauce boils, cover it with a lid, make a small fire and simmer for about half an hour. Stir it from time to time and make sure it doesn't burn. The sauce must thicken.
  3. In the meantime, prepare the sauce, it is worth doing the spaghetti. Boil them until al dente. Next, carefully place the pasta on a large plate and pour the sauce on top. Sprinkle finely grated Parmesan over the top to bring out the rich flavor of this aromatic dish.

As you can see, everything is very simple.

Penne Arabiata

This Italian dish has already become a classic, although it was invented only at the beginning of the 20th century. Literally, its name translates as "evil pasta." It can be prepared quickly and easily. It has a special spicy taste. It is given to pasta by an explosive mixture of garlic and hot pepper pepperoncino.


  • 300 g Italian pasta.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Canned tomatoes (in their juice).
  • Dried hot red pepper (chopped).
  • Basil or regular parsley.
  • Olive oil.

Cooking steps:

  1. Have to take large frying pan and thoroughly heat up some olive oil.
  2. When the oil is hot, add minced garlic and dry pepperoncino to it.
  3. Immediately reduce the heat so that the garlic does not burn. It must be thoroughly fried until it is browned.
  4. We take out the tomatoes from the jar, chop them finely enough and, together with the juice, send them to the pan.
  5. Spaghetti should be boiled, as usual when cooking pasta, until al dente.
  6. When the spaghetti is cooked, drain the water and send them to the pan to the sauce. Mix everything thoroughly.

You will get sharp and fragrant dish, which can be quickly prepared from the simplest products.


This pasta is a classic spring dish. It contains many fresh vegetables. Primavera is considered an American-Italian dish. The thing is that Italian emigrants invented it in America. The name itself was given to this wonderful dish in an American restaurant called Le Cirque. This establishment is located in New York. And in 1977, the legendary New York Times even published a detailed article about Primavera pasta.

If you like the taste of fresh fragrant vegetables, be sure to cook Spaghetti Primavera. The taste of vegetables dominates in them, it is pronounced and very harmonious. Distinctive feature such a paste - it is very bright and fragrant. It is very convenient that almost any vegetables that you can find at home are suitable for it. By the way, the word "primavera" in translation means "spring". We offer you a very simple recipe for this classic spring pasta.


  • 500 g of pasta.
  • 350 g broccoli.
  • 2-3 carrots, to be cut into strips.
  • One bell pepper.
  • 200 g green peas (preferably young).
  • About 15 pcs. cherry tomatoes.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • A couple of tablespoons of ground black pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Finely grated parmesan cheese.
  • Olive oil.
  1. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the pan. We keep it on very low heat for only half a minute. As soon as its color begins to change, immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  2. Add pepper and cherry tomatoes to the garlic.
  3. Cook pasta until al dente. Please note that two to three minutes before the end of the pasta cooking process, you need to add vegetables to them.
  4. At the end of cooking, drain the water from the vegetables and pasta.
  5. To make it appetizing dish became even more fragrant and refined, sprinkle it with grated parmesan.


Many of you have probably heard of the traditional Italian dish lasagna. This is not exactly pasta, although the dish is also floury. It consists of rectangular sheets, between which sauce and different types of cheese are laid out. It is believed that cooking lasagna is not so easy, as it has its own nuances. The layers should stick together the lasagna sheets, but they should still be juicy and not fall apart. This dish is very popular due to its rich taste, juiciness and pronounced cheese flavor. Properly cooked lasagna will not delaminate and lose its flavorful filling. The secret is in the sauce and cheese. The sauce thoroughly soaks the dish, and the cheese glues the lasagna sheets together.

Lasagna is especially popular in Bologna. Here it is prepared in almost every family. Juicy lasagna from the thinnest dough, which alternates with a fragrant filling of meat, cheese, vegetables and is generously filled with sauce - what could be tastier?! Master chefs manage to cook lasagna from seven or even eight layers of dough. As a sauce, it is customary to use the famous bechamel. Anything is suitable for the filling - meat stew, minced meat, spinach, tomatoes and other vegetables. The birthplace of this wonderful dish is Emilia-Romagna. But very quickly it spread throughout Italy, and then around the world. The secret of its popularity is that lasagna is really very tasty, juicy and satisfying.


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 2 cloves of garlic, to be passed through a press.
  • One chopped onion.
  • 500 g ground beef.
  • 150 g finely chopped mushrooms.
  • 60 g tomato paste.
  • 400 g tomato (fresh).
  • Finely chopped parsley leaves.
  • Half a glass of red wine.
  • 370 g lasagna (special dry dough plates).
  • Two glasses finely grated cheese.
  • Half a glass of finely grated parmesan.
  • 180-200 g cream.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour.
  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 120 g soft cheese ricotta.
  1. We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 ° C. We grease the baking dish (deep enough to fit all the layers together with the filling) with any fat.
  2. Take a large frying pan and heat the oil in it. Next, fry the garlic and onion for about 5 minutes over medium heat. They should become soft. Add minced meat to the onion and garlic and fry for about 5 minutes. It should take on a nice golden hue. All lumps of minced meat that form must be carefully broken with a spatula. You should be able to homogeneous mass without lumps. Then pour in the mushrooms and fry for about 3 minutes over medium heat. At the end, add tomato paste.
  3. To the resulting filling, add finely chopped tomatoes and pour in red wine. Bring the mixture to a boil. You need to simmer it for about 8 minutes. Please note that the liquid should partially evaporate. At the end, add parsley, season with pepper, salt.
  4. The next step is to prepare the white sauce. Please note that it is very important to prepare it correctly. It should not be too runny or too thick. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Gently fold in the flour so that there are no lumps. Butter with flour should be boiled over low heat. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred. Then take the saucepan off the heat and pour in the milk. It shouldn't be cold. It's better if it is room temperature. Mix everything and put it on fire again. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about 3 more minutes. It should become thick enough. When the sauce thickens, you need to add grated ricotta, salt, pepper. All. The sauce is ready.
  5. We take a baking dish and put a sheet of lasagna in it. Read carefully on the package of lasagna sheets how to prepare the dough for baking. Some species require pre-cooking in water. They are dipped in boiling water for just a couple of minutes. But there are also types that are prepared in a special way. They do not require pre-cooking. High-quality lasagne sheets do not stick to each other during cooking and remain quite dense. So, put the lasagne sheets in the baking dish. They need to be laid flat. The next sheet should lie half a centimeter on the previous one. Thus we line the bottom of the form. If there is excess dough left around the edges, it can be cut off. Put half of the cooked minced meat on top and pour over half the volume. white sauce. Sprinkle with a quarter of the total volume of cheese. Then you should repeat the layers again in the same order as the previous ones. At the end, cover with a sheet of lasagna dough.
  6. We take a small bowl. In it you need to carefully beat the cream and eggs. Pour the resulting mixture on top of our lasagna and sprinkle with grated cheese again. Now you can send the dish to the oven. For baking at a temperature of 180 degrees, half an hour will be enough. Pay attention to appear golden crust. This is a sure sign that delicious lasagna finally ready. Feel free to take it out of the oven. But before serving the dish to the table, let the lasagna rest a little, literally 5 minutes. As it cools down a bit, the cheese will become more viscous and will better hold all the layers in place.

A bit of history

You are interested in the history of the origin of pasta. The story of its origin is no less fascinating than the preparation of this most popular dish. It is curious that many myths and legends are associated with it. Now Italy remains a kind of trendsetter in culinary fashion regarding cooking different types pastes. In addition, it is in Italy that this product is produced in the largest volumes. And also in all of Europe, it is the inhabitants of Italy who eat the most pasta.

Pasta is considered to be a traditional Italian dish. But is it? There is another version of the origin of the pasta, an alternative one. According to her, brought this cooking masterpiece the great traveler Marco Polo in 1292 from China. Scientists claim that there is even quite reliable documentary evidence for this. But the resourceful Italians have a perfectly reasonable answer to this. They claim that Marco Polo just mentioned that in China they also like noodles very much, as well as pasta.

To prove that pasta appeared in Italy long before the travels of Marco Polo, Italian scholars cite Horace and Cicero. In the works of these great poets of Ancient Rome, magnificent dishes made from flour with water, which are boiled in sea water, are mentioned more than once. Treatises on cookery from Appicius have been found. He lived in the old days of the reign of the famous emperor Tiberius. In his writings, he described dishes that are strikingly reminiscent of lasagna. In 1000 c. BC. chef Martino Corno in his book described in detail the preparation of pasta in Sicily.

However, the disputes of historians and culinary experts still do not subside. Only the fact that since the 12th century pasta begins its triumphal march across Europe has been accurately proven. Recipes for this dish began to spread precisely from the lands of Italy.

Milestones in pasta history:

  • 12th century - On the island of Sicily, they start making pasta. The Arabs who lived in this area took an active part in its production.
  • XIII Art. - Pasta begins to dry in the sun. Thanks to this, the shelf life of pasta increased significantly and reached three years. It began to be used on ships as provisions for long sea passages. Soon, pasta was brought to numerous sea cities: Pisa, Genoa, Venice, Naples. In each soon appear own options pastes with unique flavor characteristics and ingredients.
  • XV Art. The first written recipe for lasagna appears. Hollow and long pasta is also mentioned. Pasta was enough then expensive dish, because desired varieties Wheat was grown only in Apulia and Sicily. Only much later did it become popular among the poor.
  • XVI - XVII centuries. Tomatoes are imported from America to Europe. This vegetable made a real gastronomic sensation. hard varieties wheat is beginning to be actively grown throughout southern Italy. Here machines are invented for industrial production pastes. In this case, special powerful presses, machines for cutting and drying are used. The scale of production and consumption of pasta is increasing tenfold. At the same time, the cost of pasta is falling. They are becoming very affordable and popular.
  • In the XVIII - XIX century. due to the fact that pasta production technologies have become perfect, this dish gains special popularity, which remains on the highest level and now. Then pasta begins to conquer Europe and America.

So, we told you how to cook pasta at home, revealed to you the secrets of the recipes for the five most popular types of pasta. The history of this truly international dish is as rich as its amazing taste. You should definitely please your loved ones with delicious and fragrant pasta.

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Dishes Italian cuisine firmly settled on our table. The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of Italy is, of course, pasta. It is characterized by simplicity, ease of preparation and fragrant appeal.

website brings to your attention 10 delicious recipes Italian pasta that you won't spend a lot of time on.

spaghetti carbonara


  • 350 g raw smoked ham or bacon
  • 400 g spaghetti
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 225 ml cream or sour cream
  • 75 g grated parmesan


  1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, fry the chopped garlic. Add diced ham and fry for 3 minutes.
  2. Whip cream with yolks, add parmesan, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. We cook spaghetti. We throw them into the pan with ham. Pour the sauce over low heat and cook for 7-8 minutes until thickened.

Baked pasta with fried vegetables


  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 zucchini
  • mushrooms to taste
  • 1 head of onion
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp fine salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 st. l. dried Italian or Provence herbs
  • 450 g penne pasta
  • 3 cups marinara sauce
  • 1 cup grated cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated smoked mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan and 1/3 tbsp. for sprinkling
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter


  1. We heat the oven to 230 degrees. On a baking sheet put the pepper, cut into strips, zucchini and zucchini, diced, mushrooms and onions, mix with olive oil.
  2. Add 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. pepper and dried herbs and roast vegetables until soft, about 15 minutes.
  3. Cook the pasta for about 6 minutes until the inside is firm. When ready, drain the water.
  4. In a large bowl, gently toss pasta with roasted vegetables, marinara sauce, cheese, peas, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper.
  5. Transfer everything to an oiled baking dish. Sprinkle the dish with parmesan cheese, lay out pieces of butter on top. Bake until crust is golden and cheese is completely melted.

Pasta with creamy pesto sauce


  • 3/4 cup fresh leaves basilica
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 3 art. l. pine nuts
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • pepper
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/3 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils
  • 340 g pasta
  • 2 tomatoes


  1. Put the basil, garlic, pine nuts, grated Parmesan into the bowl of a blender. Grind, add salt and pepper to taste. Then pour in a little olive oil. Mix well.
  2. Heat in a small saucepan over medium heat heavy cream, add butter, melt. Add the pesto to the pot and stir.
  3. Boil macaroni in salted water. Drain the water, put the pasta in a deep dish, mix with cream sauce pesto. Add diced tomatoes (optional), mix well.

Penne rigate with pork tenderloin


  • 250 g penne rigate
  • 250 g pork tenderloin
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 red chili
  • 500 ml tomato puree
  • 3 art. l. olive oil
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bunch green basil
  • grated parmesan cheese
  • ground black pepper
  • green onion


  1. Cut the pork tenderloin into thin pieces, fry in olive oil for 7 minutes.
  2. In the meat, add red onion in half rings, finely chopped chili pepper, previously peeled from seeds, basil, cherry halves. Fry for 3 more minutes. Adding tomato puree or finely chopped tomatoes. Salt, simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. At this time, immerse the penne rigate in salted boiling water and cook until tender. Drain the water, pour them into the finished sauce, leave for a minute.
  4. We spread the dish on a plate, sprinkle with grated parmesan, decorate with green onions.

Carbonara with zucchini and meatballs


  • 500 g minced pork
  • 1 onion
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 500 g spaghetti
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 lemon
  • 120 g grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter


  1. Add minced onion and spices to taste. Mix and roll meatballs.
  2. In a well-heated frying pan, dissolve the butter and fry the meatballs for 5-6 minutes. Add diced zucchini and bacon pieces. Cook, stirring, for another 3-4 minutes.
  3. Boil pasta in lightly salted water. In a separate bowl, mix the egg yolks with the zest of one lemon, chopped herbs and parmesan.
  4. Mix the pasta with the resulting sauce and put it in the pan with the meatballs. Mix thoroughly. Season with spices to taste.

Pasta with shrimps and wine-tomato sauce


  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 4 cups diced tomatoes
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 400 g spaghetti or other pasta
  • 400 g shrimp
  • 1 tsp seasonings for seafood


  1. In a saucepan, heat up 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, add garlic and fry for 2 minutes. Add wine, tomatoes and simmer, stirring, for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Boil the pasta in salted water, drain the water, add the butter and stir.
  3. Heat the rest of the oil, add the shrimp and fry lightly. Then mix the shrimp with tomato sauce.
  4. In the water in which the broccoli was blanched, bring to a boil and throw in the spaghetti. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes and drain all the water.

    Pour red wine into a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 2 minutes. Then put the undercooked spaghetti into the simmering wine and cook, stirring for about 6 minutes, until most of the liquid has evaporated. Pasta should be slightly undercooked.

    Heat olive oil in a frying pan, throw in chopped garlic and red pepper flakes. Fry the garlic until pale golden. Add broccoli, salt, black pepper and cook, stirring, 1 minute.

    Put the spaghetti in the pan with the broccoli and cook until all the wine has evaporated. Remove from heat, mix with cheese and serve.

Spicy chicken pasta


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1/2 package fettuccine
  • 2 sweet bell peppers
  • 1/2 medium red onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 4 small tomatoes
  • 1 glass of milk
  • olive oil for frying
  • black pepper to taste
  • red pepper to taste
  • teriyaki sauce
  • fresh herbs for garnish


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, season with red pepper. Heat up a frying pan, add oil and fry the chicken. Lay the fried fillets on a plate.
  2. In the same pan, fry finely chopped vegetables for 30-40 seconds and transfer to a plate with chicken.
  3. Cook pasta according to instructions. We do not drain all the water, leave about a glass.
  4. Pour the water left after the pasta into the pan, pour the milk. Add a couple of tablespoons of teriyaki sauce, a little black pepper. Stir the sauce so that it does not burn, bring to a boil and put the vegetables there, mix.
  5. Transfer the pasta to the skillet and stir. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle greens on top, arrange on plates and serve.


● pasta - 250 g
● tomatoes - 2 large
● onion - 1 small onion
● garlic - 1-2 teeth
● olive oil
● herbs - dried basil, thyme, oregano
hard cheese- 70-100 g
● salt

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for a few minutes. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop finely. Heat the pan, pour in olive oil, fry the garlic and onion on it for several minutes. Put a saucepan of water on the fire to prepare the pasta. Add finely chopped tomatoes to the onion and garlic, simmer the sauce over low heat, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, cook pasta - cook spaghetti, horns or any other type of pasta in salted water exactly as much as indicated on the package. Stew the tomato sauce for 10-15 minutes until it becomes more homogeneous and thick. Add a pinch each of dried herbs - basil, oregano and thyme - and salt to taste. Dried herbs can be safely replaced with finely chopped fresh basil leaves. Place pasta on a plate, sauce on top, sprinkle with grated cheese.


● mussels - 500 g frozen (or other seafood)
● pasta - 300-350 g penne or other pasta
● cream - 200-250 ml 15-20%
● tomatoes - 2-3 medium
● garlic - 2 teeth
● herbs - fresh basil, parsley, dill
● olive oil
● salt
● black pepper
● hard cheese - 70-80 g

Defrost mussels, rinse under running water. Put the mussels in a deep preheated pan with olive oil, simmer covered for 6-7 minutes. In parallel, put water on the pasta to boil.
Cut the tomatoes in half and grate coarse grater by discarding the skins. Add tomatoes to mussels. Salt our sauce, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper, squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, mix.

Stew mussels with tomatoes for another 3-4 minutes. Add cream to the mussels, taste the sauce for salt, add salt if necessary. Pour finely chopped greens, simmer for another 2 minutes, then turn off.
Put the cooked penne into the pan with the mussels and the sauce, stir. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with grated cheese.


● pasta - 300-400 g
● champignons - 0.5 kg
● bow - 1 piece
● carrot - 1 piece
● garlic - 2 teeth
● olive oil - 2 tbsp.
● milk - 1 glass
● flour - 1-1.5 tbsp.
● black pepper
● red pepper
● salt

Finely chop the garlic, fry until golden brown in olive oil. Cut the onion into half rings or even smaller, add to the garlic, fry for a couple of minutes. Grate the carrots, add to the onion and garlic, fry, stirring, for about 10 minutes. Put water on the stove for paste. Start cutting the washed mushrooms into cubes. We spread the mushrooms to the vegetables, mix, cover with a lid and fry until the liquid has completely evaporated (it is better to open the lid after a while).

In the meantime, cook the pasta in salted water for as long as indicated on the package. While the mushrooms are fried, mix the milk with flour. When there is no liquid in the mushrooms at all, pour our milk into the pan (milk, by the way, can be partially or completely replaced with low-fat cream). Bring the sauce to a boil and let it simmer until it thickens. Salt, pepper, add red pepper on the tip of a knife - we taste everything. Put the sauce on the pasta, mix, sprinkle with cheese and herbs if desired.


● pasta - 400 g
● bacon - 150 g
● eggs - 3 pcs (or 5 yolks)
● olive oil - 2 tbsp.
● hard cheese - 150 g
● garlic - 2 teeth
● black pepper
● salt

Bacon cut into small slices. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan, heat it, add bacon. Fry the bacon for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Boil the spaghetti in salted water until al dente, i.e. slightly undercooked (the pasta should be a little hard inside). Remove the fried bacon with part of the fat from the pan and pour into a plate. In the remaining oil, fry the finely chopped garlic until golden brown, pour it over the bacon.

For pasta carbonara, you need a mixture of parmesan and pecorino romano (Italian cheeses). But even with hard Russian cheese, the pasta turns out to be quite tasty. Beat the eggs with a whisk, pour most of the grated cheese into them, leaving a little. Salt and pepper the mixture. Drain the finished spaghetti in a colander, then return to the pan. Pour the egg mixture into the pasta, as well as the bacon with garlic. Quickly stir the pasta so that the eggs curdle. Serve the pasta hot, sprinkled with cheese.


● chicken - 400 g fillet
● pasta - 250 g of bows, horns, etc.
● butter - 15 g
● olive oil - 15 g
● honey - 2 tbsp.
● soy sauce - 1.5-2 tbsp.
● salt

Boil the pasta in salted water for as long as indicated on the package. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces. Pour olive oil into a deep frying pan, then put butter and melt it.
Put the chopped fillet in the pan, simmer for 5 minutes.

Add soy sauce and honey to the chicken, mix, simmer until the chicken is cooked over low heat. With honey and soy sauce you can adjust the saltiness or sweetness of the meat as you like.
Transfer the cooked pasta to the skillet with the chicken. If there is no liquid left in the meat, you can add a little water in which the pasta was cooked. Simmer for a few more minutes, stirring.


● pasta - 400-450 g
● minced beef - 600-700 g
● bow - 1 piece
● garlic - 2 teeth
● olive oil - 2-3 tbsp.
● tomatoes - a cup of tomato dressing or 2-3 tomatoes
● basil - 2 sprigs
● olives - 100-150 g
● salt
● black pepper

Finely chop the garlic. Pour olive oil into a preheated pan, fry the garlic for a couple of minutes.
We send minced meat to the pan. Fry the minced meat until the liquid evaporates. Finely chop the onion. Send the onion to the minced meat, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, over low heat for about 15 minutes. Boil the pasta in salted water as indicated on the package.

Add to stuffing tomato dressing. If you have fresh tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and remove the skin, then finely chop or chop in a blender. Stew the minced meat for 5 minutes. Tear off the basil leaves, finely chop. Cut the olives into circles. Send the basil and olives to the minced meat, simmer for 2 minutes. Salt the sauce, pepper to taste and can be turned off. Add the meat sauce to the pasta and you're done.

When it comes to pasta, talk about variations hearty meals with pasta of all stripes and calibers, you can carry on endlessly. Recipes for this classic dish There are countless varieties of Italian cuisine - pasta can rightfully be called the most popular food that unites generations and continents. We have selected five of the most classic pasta recipes for those who want to master the art of cooking. Italian food in excellence.


If you conduct a survey among children and adults, they will certainly call Bolognese pasta their favorite. Classic pasta recipe tomato-meat sauce, saving in any situation, loved by everyone from young to old. Most often, spaghetti is used for the recipe, but the fragrant and nutritious sauce is good with other types of pasta.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • TYPE: Main course
  • TIME: 1 hour 50 minutes
  • PERSONS: 6


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 2-3 sprigs of rosemary
  • 500 gr ground beef
  • 2 cans of tomatoes
  • bunch of basil
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 beef bouillon cube
  • 1 red chili pepper
  • 125 ml red wine
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 75 gr Parmesan cheese
  • 400 gr spaghetti


  1. Pour oil into a deep saucepan and place over high heat. Add finely chopped onions, carrots, celery, garlic and rosemary leaves and stir over the heat for 2-3 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium and continue to stir for about 5-7 minutes.
  2. Increase the heat again, add the minced meat and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly, until the meat darkens. Add canned tomatoes, finely chopped basil, oregano, tomato paste, bouillon cube, finely chopped chili peppers, wine, and cherry tomatoes. Mix everything over medium heat with a wooden spoon. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover the sauce with a lid and cook for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
  3. When the sauce is almost done cooking, cook the pasta according to the instructions. Drain the pasta and stir into the sauce, add the grated Parmesan and mix well again.
  4. Sprinkle grated Parmesan on top when serving.


A seemingly simple recipe originally from Rome is fraught with several secrets. In the preparation of fettuccine Alfredo - classic pasta with a creamy Parmesan cheese sauce and spices - it is very important to time it so that the fettuccine is neither too soft nor too hard.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • TYPE: Main course
  • TIME: 30 minutes
  • PERSONS: 6


  • Egg-based fettuccine
  • 200 gr butter
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • a pinch of garlic salt
  • pepper to taste
  • 125 gr grated Parmesan cheese
  • 200 gr grated Romano cheese


  1. Let the fettuccine al dente cook (about 8-10 minutes).
  2. During this time, prepare the sauce by melting the butter in the cream over high heat. Add salt and pepper, stir in the grated Romano and grated Parmesan cheese, stir the sauce until it thickens and stir in the finished pasta.
  3. Serve with grated Parmesan for beauty.


Another classic Roman recipe that is impossible to pass by without licking your lips. The main ingredients in Carbonara pasta are egg yolk and bacon - it is thanks to them that it gets its unforgettable salty aftertaste.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • TYPE: Main course
  • TIME: 15 minutes
  • PERSONS: 4


  • 400 gr spaghetti
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 80 gr grated Parmesan cheese + 20 gr for decoration
  • 250g bacon or pancetta
  • 1 head of garlic
  • a pinch of salt and pepper to taste
  • olive oil


  1. Put the yolks in a bowl, add the grated Parmesan, salt and pepper, then beat well with a fork.
  2. Trim the fat from the bacon or pancetta and chop the meat finely.
  3. Cook the spaghetti in salted water "al dente".
  4. Meanwhile, in a deep frying pan with olive oil, fry the bacon (or pancetta) with garlic cloves for 4 minutes.
  5. Drain cooked spaghetti, reserving some water. Remove and discard the garlic cloves, add the cooked spaghetti, mix in the oil with the bacon, add the egg mixture and the spaghetti water, mixing well. The paste should slide.
  6. Serve with grated Parmesan.


A favorite recipe for vegetarians is pasta with creamy sauce and stewed vegetables.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • TYPE: Main course
  • TIME: 30 minutes
  • PERSONS: 4


  • A pack of spiral-shaped fusilli-type pasta
  • 100 gr green peas
  • 100 gr heads of broccoli
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 4 heads of garlic
  • 100 gr cherry tomatoes
  • 125 gr grated Parmesan


  1. Put the pasta to cook according to the instructions.
  2. In a separate saucepan, boil vegetables in plenty of water: peas, broccoli and grated carrots, cook earlier, add finely chopped pepper in the last 2 minutes.
  3. Drain pasta and drain vegetables, reserving some water.
  4. In a deep frying pan in olive oil, fry finely chopped garlic, cherry tomatoes cut into halves, salt. Pour the remaining water from the vegetables, mix. Add pasta and vegetables, sprinkle with grated Parmesan.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil when serving.


Incredible delicious option pasta "on hastily» is especially good in the ground tomato season. The recipe for spaghetti alla puttanesca (puttanesca is translated from Italian as a prostitute, and the pasta owes its name to the popularity of the recipe in Neapolitan brothels) came to us from the south of Italy, where it is sometimes so hot that no one wants to spend time in the kitchen. Hence the ease of preparation.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • TYPE: Main course
  • TIME: 20 minutes
  • PERSONS: 4


  • Pack of spaghetti
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 4 heads of garlic
  • 100 g black olives or Kalamata olives
  • 4 large tomatoes
  • sprig of basil
  • 1.5 tablespoons capers
  • a pinch of oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley
  • grated parmesan for garnish


  1. Put the pasta to boil.
  2. In a deep frying pan, put on fire finely chopped tomatoes with finely chopped garlic and basil, mix with olive oil and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Add the capers, finely chopped olives, oregano, salt and pepper and stir over the heat for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the sauce into the finished spaghetti, mix, sprinkle with parsley and Parmesan cheese on top.

Are you wondering how to cook delicious Italian pasta at home? This article will just help you find the answer to this problem. In general, let's start by answering the question "What is pasta?". Basically, when thinking about Italy and Italian recipes, the first thing that comes to mind is three main dishes - pizza, pasta and lasagna. And if everything is quite clear with pizza and lasagna, and anyone can cook them at home, then pasta raises many questions. This is a dish that needs to be prepared from various pasta. Initially, pasta is made only from wheat and water. Therefore, buckwheat, "glass" or egg noodles in theory they can't be called pasta.

The usual state of these pasta for us is dry. We buy spaghetti, shells or this or that type of pasta in a dry form. In order for the product to reach us exactly like this, there are special technologies for drying the paste. Conscientious manufacturing firms are trying to preserve the technology of classic Italian drying of the product. At home, it’s quite difficult to cook this, and it’s pointless, because store shelves are lined with a wide variety of varieties and forms of pasta. But at home you can cook fresh pasta. In theory, initially any pasta before drying was just like that. Sometimes even for sale. ready dough, but there are few places to find it, and it will need to be prepared immediately on the day of purchase.

Of course, making pasta at home has its challenges. First, most likely, you will only be able to make flat noodles like fettuccine. And then it can turn out to be more voluminous and rounded. What can we say about some figures, branching, ribbing? After all, this is not just a part of the decor, but quite necessary details. What is their significance? The more intricate the shape, the better the sauce sticks to it. Agree, the sauce is a very important part of the whole dish. It binds the pasta together, makes it juicier, decorates the taste. After all, Italian pasta was loved not just because of pasta, but because of the sauces for them. Who among us fell in love with carbonara not for her creamy taste? Or who doesn't like tomato italian sauce with basil? But no matter how tasty the sauce is, it is very important that it lingers on the pasta. What did the cunning Italians come up with for this?

What are the types of pasta?

Everything that we see in stores and even hypermarkets cannot even be compared with the huge number of various shapes and sizes of real Italian recipes. We will describe the most popular of them, which will absolutely help you in cooking. delicious dinner at home.

Spaghetti. Undoubtedly, this is the most common and popular type of pasta. Any person is used to cooking it at home. Most often, the entire recipe is boiled and sprinkled with cheese. But it's also very tasty!

Bucatini. This species has not gone far from spaghetti either. It's basically a larger version of spaghetti with a hole in it. Even in appearance, it resembles a straw through which drinks are drunk. It is also quite common in our stores.

Conchigli. In Russian we call it shells. Their shape is really very convenient for any liquid sauces.

Eblow macaroni. It sounds very interesting, but in fact, these are horns familiar to all of us. They are very good to use for making naval pasta. They are also perfect for topping with cheese.

Fettuccine. This paste looks like long flat strips. It looks like a normal homemade noodles. She has a lot of food recipes. Most of the sauces use tomato.

Lasagna. Well, all lovers of Italian cuisine know these dough plates. They are used only for one type of dish.

Cannelloni. Lovers of Italian cuisine are also closely familiar with this type of pasta. And it is also used for a single dish, which, of course, has many variations. It turns out like stuffed pancakes.

Color paste. Indeed, in many places you can find colored versions of all the listed and non-listed (rare) types of pasta. It is worth noting that even here chemistry is not used, and a bright color is achieved due to natural supplements spinach, carrots and tomatoes.

This is not all the pasta that only exists. Here are only the most common varieties that can be found in absolutely any store. Everyone is familiar with them and everyone has cooked it at least once. But have you always succeeded? Surely there are some special cooking secrets for pasta. So let's tell you a secret.

No matter what anyone says, cooking pasta correctly is a real art. And often we simply do not own it. It would seem that there is difficult? Threw it into boiling water - and let it cook. But failures happen. Pasta sticks together so that no sauce will help. Or you overcook them so much that they become completely tasteless.

Always, for any dishes, the surest solution is the state of al dente. It allows you to keep a solid structure in the very middle of the paste, making it elastic, with its own taste. Usually on the packages they write how many minutes you need to cook until al dente. On average, it takes 6-12 minutes, depending on the size and thickness.

There is a moment that at least one of us mistakenly did. For some reason, when we start cooking, we add oil to the water. No one says that it is absolutely impossible to do this. But with butter, not a single sauce sticks to the dough. It will simply drip off the pasta, making it impossible to make truly authentic pasta. But what will help?

The best solution to the problem is a large number of water. It will prevent the pasta from sticking together and sticking to the bottom of the pan. When a large amount of water is said, it should be taken seriously. Based on 100 grams of dry pasta, you need to take 1 liter of water. Then the probability of spoiling the dish is almost zero. Most importantly, do not forget at the very beginning, before you start cooking, mix everything as thoroughly as possible.

After boiling, you need to drain the excess water, and mix the pasta with the sauce. It will prevent food from sticking together in the future, as well as become even tastier. But how then can you make a really high-quality sauce at home?

What types of sauces are there?

The most common, the lightest, the most authentic is tomato sauce. For its preparation, only tomatoes, basil and garlic are needed. By the way, this sauce is made for pizza in the original. As you can see, it works very well for pasta too. To prepare it, you need to stew the tomatoes until soft, and at the very end, season with basil and garlic. And the easiest and most delicious sauce is ready!

No less famous and no more complicated recipe- bechamel. Everyone tried to cook it at home at least once. To prepare it, you need cream, flour, butter and nutmeg. First, fry the flour until golden in oil, then pour in the cream, thicken to the desired state and add a pinch of nutmeg.

There are also meat variations tomato sauce, the same bolognese for spaghetti or lasagna. Creamy bechamel is also universal here. It is used for spaghetti, carbonara, and cannelloni. And for the sake of variety, you can add mushrooms to it, then you get creamy mushroom sauce which is perfect for meat dishes.

All of the above, if desired, can be prepared at home. There are two dough recipes suitable for making pasta. The first is egg-based, the second is egg-free. Both versions of the dough require a lot of work on themselves, although with eggs it becomes more malleable. In Italy, houses are practically not used classic recipe without eggs, because it is quite difficult to knead with your hands. But if you have a food processor with special attachments for dough, then cooking original test won't work for you.

The first eggless dough recipe.

For him you need:

  • wheat flour - 350 grams;
  • water - 100 milliliters + 50 (optional).

The water should be warm, slightly warmer than human body temperature. Initially, we start kneading flour and 100 milliliters of water. Next, you need to look at the consistency, if the dough does not bind at all, then add another tablespoon of water. As soon as it binds into one lump, you need to start kneading it for about 15 minutes. Of course, in the combine it will pass faster. The consistency should be such that you can safely put your finger in the middle of the dough, but it does not crack and does not remain on the finger. After that, leave the ball of dough to lie down for about an hour.

The second recipe for dough with eggs.

For him you need:

  • wheat flour - 360 grams;
  • chicken egg - 2-3 pieces (depending on size);
  • salt.

First you need to beat the eggs with salt. Then pour this egg mixture into flour and achieve the same dough condition as in the previous recipe. hallmark only there will be greater elasticity and a pleasant yellow color. And so we also leave the dough to brew at the end.
