Blue salads with vegetables for the winter. Eggplant recipe for the winter without sterilization in tomato

Eggplant for the winter is a spicy and original type of preparation. Eggplant canning becomes relevant at the end of summer, when there are a lot of them and they become cheaper. Eggplant blanks for the winter are tasty and healthy, and eggplant conservation is not so difficult.
Homemade eggplant salads for the winter - delicious and nutritional product. Thanks to a very short heat treatment almost everything is stored in vegetables useful material and vitamins, and therefore eggplant salad for the winter is also very useful product. And in the winter it will be like a godsend.
Eggplant is surprisingly friendly with many vegetables and fruits. Combining with them in a variety of variations, it seems to adapt to each, while acquiring a completely new taste and aroma. That is why eggplant winter salads are a combination of ease of preparation and originality of the resulting flavors.
Preparing homemade eggplant salads for the winter is within the power of any, even a novice hostess, because the recipes are simple and quite affordable. The main thing that you get by spending a little time on preservation during the season of vegetables is the aroma and freshness of summer in a cozy kitchen with your family on cold winter evenings.

● Perhaps the most important rule to remember when preparing eggplant salads is the removal of bitterness. To do this, just salt the eggplants and leave them in this form for the time indicated in the recipe.
● Try not to salt the eggplants with iodized salt, as this will make them soft and tasteless. For preparations, take only the simplest coarse salt without any additives.
● To keep onions from tearing up, cut them while wet. And if it is very hot, then wet both the knife and the cutting board as well.
● When preparing a salad for the winter, you need to achieve the fastest possible boil at each stage. Therefore, after each new bookmark, make a strong fire, and as soon as the mixture starts to boil, immediately reduce it. Cook vegetables over low heat, which will slightly support the boil. Don't let it ripple too hard!
● Comparative table of measures and weights will help you to calculate the weight of this or that product.

Recipe 1. Winter eggplant salad "Piquant" ( with sweet pepper, carrot, onion and tomato juice)

Among the many eggplant canning recipes, this eggplant salad recipe for the winter stands out for its ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients. Even a novice hostess can prepare an eggplant salad for the winter according to the proposed recipe.


✵ eggplant - 3 kg;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 2 kg;
✵ carrots - 2 kg;
✵ onion - 0.5 kg;
✵ tomato juice - 3 liters;

✵ vinegar 9% - 150 g;
✵ granulated sugar - 1 cup;
✵ salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


1. Rinse eggplant thoroughly, cut into circles, salt and leave for 30 minutes to remove bitterness.
2. Peel the carrots, wash well and cut into slices.
3. Rinse sweet pepper, remove partitions and seeds, cut into strips across or rings.

4. Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings.
5. Pour the tomato juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
6. Add to tomato juice vegetable oil, salt and sugar.

7. Put the carrots in the marinade, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
8. Then put the rest of the vegetables, bring to a boil again and simmer for 10 minutes.
9. After that, add vinegar, mix well and hold on fire for another 3 minutes.

10. Pour the hot mixture into sterile jars and roll up.
11. Turn the finished jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket to cool slowly.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 2. Winter eggplant salad "Spark" ( with garlic, sweet and hot pepper)

This preparation captivates with its ease and speed of preparation. Spicy salad from eggplant ‒ great way diversify winter table. Salad can be used both as an independent snack, and as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes. Salad "Spark" will definitely appeal to those who love spicy spicy snacks.

Ingredients for 8 jars of 0.5 liters:

✵ eggplant (medium size - 4 kg;
✵ garlic - 4-5 heads;
✵ sweet Bulgarian pepper - 6 pcs.;
✵ hot pepper - 5-6 pcs.;
✵ vegetable oil - 300 g;
✵ vinegar 9% - 250 g (10 tablespoons);
✵ salt - 50 g (5 teaspoons);
✵ drinking water - 3 liters.


1. Rinse the eggplant and peppers, pat dry with paper towels and cut off the stems. Remove seeds only in sweet peppers. Divide the garlic into cloves, peel and rinse.
2. Cut each eggplant into 8 parts (along - into 4 parts and 1 time - across).
3. Cut all peppers into small pieces of arbitrary shape, and then, together with garlic, pass through a meat grinder and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Get a bright and fragrant dressing.

4. Place the eggplant slices in large saucepan, add vinegar, 3 teaspoons of salt, pour water and mix. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
5. Then drain the brine, put garlic and pepper dressing, pour in vegetable oil, mix and put on fire again. After the mass boils, reduce the heat and cook for another 7 minutes.
6. Place the finished boiling salad tightly in hot dry (pre-sterilized) jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, seal hermetically with dry sterile lids and wrap with a blanket until completely cooled.
>If you have a large family or guests often come, you can make a preparation in 1 liter jars. For this amount of ingredients you need 4 jars.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 3. Eggplant salad for the winter ( with sweet pepper, tomato, onion, garlic and herbs)

Even a novice hostess can prepare such a winter eggplant salad with tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and garlic according to the proposed recipe.


✵ eggplant - 2 kg;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 1.5 kg;
✵ tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
✵ onion - 1 kg;
✵ garlic - 200 g;
✵ parsley or cilantro (fresh herbs) - to taste;
✵ vegetable oil - 250 g;
✵ vinegar essence 70% - 1 teaspoon (optional);


1. Rinse the eggplant and cut into long strips with the skin.
2. bell pepper remove the seed membranes and also cut into strips in length.
3. Tomatoes, doused with boiling water, peeled and cut into slices or cubes.
4. Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings.
5. Peel and mince the garlic.
6. Chop parsley (cilantro).
7. Mix chopped vegetables and herbs, add salt, vegetable oil, vinegar essence (optional), bring to a boil quickly, then reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
8. After that, immediately decompose into prepared sterile jars and roll up.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 4. Eggplant salad for the winter ( with rice, tomato, carrot and onion)

We suggest you prepare an eggplant salad with rice without vinegar for the winter. Such vegetable preparation can be served not only as a salad or a cold appetizer, but also as a completely independent dish. And if you cook the broth with a piece of meat and add a small jar of this salad to it, you get a very tasty soup.
Eggplant salad with rice is easy to prepare. Follow detailed instructions- and you will surely succeed.


✵ eggplant - 2 kg;
✵ long rice (boiled) - 1.5 cups;
✵ tomatoes - 1.3 kg (even better, take 500 g red tomatoes + 500 g sweet peppers + 2 large sour apple);
✵ carrots - 700 g;
✵ onion - 700 g;
✵ vegetable oil - 2 cups;
✵ granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.


1. Rinse eggplant, pour over boiling water and peel. Cut them into circles about 2 cm thick, sprinkle with salt and leave for 15-20 minutes to release the bitterness.
2. Rinse the settled eggplants lightly with cool water, squeeze out the moisture and fry each round on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.
4. Finely chop the onion.
5. Cut the tomatoes into small slices (sweet peppers and apples - straws).
6. Pour half the vegetable oil into a thick-walled stainless steel pan (preferably with a triple heat-distributing bottom), put the carrots and onions and fry until half cooked. This will take no more than 10 minutes.
7. Add tomatoes (bell peppers, apples), fried eggplant rounds to the browned vegetables, pour the rest of the oil and quickly bring the vegetables to a boil.
8. Then add salt, sugar and simmer over low heat for 40-45 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.
9. 10 minutes before readiness, add pre-boiled rice (but not overcooked) and mix thoroughly.
10. Immediately decompose into hot sterilized jars and roll up tin lids.
11. Store in a dark, cool place.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 5. Winter eggplant salad "Student" ( with rice, sweet pepper, tomato, carrot and onion)

Eggplant salad with rice is excellent workpiece for the winter. The bell pepper in this recipe adds a special flavor to the salad. Such a salad is very popular among students, because if you have such a salad, then you can eat deliciously, but do not cook anything.


✵ eggplant - 1.2 kg;
✵ long rice (groats) - 1 cup;
✵ sweet bell pepper - 1 kg;
✵ tomatoes (tomatoes) - 600 g;
✵ carrots - 300 g;
✵ onion - 300 g;
✵ vegetable oil - 170 ml;
✵ table vinegar 9% - 120 ml;
✵ salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Prepare a cauldron or stewpan, you can take any other thick-walled pan.
2. Eggplant cut into not very large cubes.
3. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into not too thick strips.
4. Peel the onion and cut into small squares.
5. Tomatoes cut into cubes.
6. Grate carrots on a medium grater.
7. Pour vegetable oil into the prepared container and fry the eggplant until a delicious blush.
8. Add the rest of the vegetables and mix well.
9. quickly bring vegetable mix to a boil, salt and add the washed rice. Reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 40 minutes, remembering to stir.
10. After the specified time, turn off the heat, pour in the vinegar and mix thoroughly.
11. Immediately decompose the mass into a hot sterile container and roll up with tin lids.
12. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, then store them in a cool place.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 6. Winter eggplant salad "Tasty Summer" ( with rice, sweet pepper, tomato, carrot, onion and garlic)

Rolling up an eggplant and rice salad is not so difficult, so be sure to try making this preparation for the winter. Yes, and preparing a salad from simple ingredients which are available to everyone in the summer. Having prepared such preservation, you will not regret the time spent.


✵ eggplant - 1 kg;
✵ rice (cereals) - 200 g;

✵ tomatoes (tomatoes) - 500 g;
✵ carrots - 500 g;
✵ onion - 500 g;
✵ garlic - 5 cloves;
✵ vegetable oil - 100 g;
✵ vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.


1. Peel eggplant, cut into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
2. Carrots cut into coarse grater.
3. Pepper and onion cut into half rings.
4. Chop tomatoes and garlic.
5. Put the chopped vegetables to the eggplant, pour in half a glass of water, quickly bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
6. Then add rice (groats), salt and vinegar.
7. Arrange the hot mass in prepared jars on the shoulders. Cover with tin lids and sterilize for 30 minutes, then roll up in the usual way.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 7. Peppers with rice and mushroom stuffing in an eggplant and vegetable salad - an original preparation for the winter

This recipe is a little more complicated and it will take you much more time to prepare such a salad, but the result will exceed all your expectations.


✵ eggplant - 1.6 kg;
✵ sweet yellow pepper - 500 g;
✵ sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
✵ champignon mushrooms (fresh) - 200 g;
✵ rice (cereals) - 1 cup;
✵ tomatoes (tomatoes) - 1 kg;
✵ onion - 130 g;
✵ garlic - 50 g;
✵ lemon - 1/3 pcs.;
✵ parsley (fresh herbs) - 70 g;
✵ vegetable oil - 150 ml;
✵ vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
✵ salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.


1. Peel and wash the onion cold water, finely chop and fry until golden brown with 50 ml of vegetable oil.
2. Mushrooms cut into slices, put to the onion and also lightly fry.
3 . Add 150 g of peeled tomatoes passed through a meat grinder, thoroughly washed rice, juice of a third of a lemon and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
4. yellow peppers clean from seeds, pour over with boiling water and stuff them with rice and mushroom filling.
5. Put the washed and dried whole vegetables (the remaining tomatoes, eggplants, red peppers) on a baking sheet, put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until soft. Then cool.
6. Lightly baked vegetables are peeled, cut into medium-sized pieces, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in vegetable oil and simmer until the vegetables juice.
7. Then add vinegar and salt, mix, carefully lay out the stuffed peppers, simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
8. Fill a clean container with salad so that each jar contains stuffed pepper in stewed vegetables.
9. Lay a towel at the bottom of a large container, carefully place the jars of salad, covering them with tin lids.
10. Fill the container with water so that the jars are half closed, quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and sterilize for 30 minutes.
11. Carefully remove the jars covered with lids and immediately roll up.
12. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. Then store in a dark place.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 8. Winter eggplant salad "Peerless" ( with beans, sweet pepper, tomato, carrot and garlic)

This salad can be eaten cold or heated, or even mixed with meat. In general, the option is universal and incomparable!


✵ eggplant - 2 kg;
✵ white beans (dry) - 500 g;
✵ sweet Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg;
✵ tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
✵ carrots - 0.5 kg;
✵ garlic - 200 g;
✵ vegetable oil - 350 ml;
✵ table vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
✵ granulated sugar - 1 cup;
✵ salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons.


1. Soak beans overnight in cold water. In the morning, boil it until cooked. Just do not digest: the beans should keep their shape.
2. Wash all vegetables well and pat dry.
4. Peel and chop the carrots on a coarse grater.
5. Cut eggplant into not very large cubes. You don't need to remove the skin and you don't need to pre-soak either. The peel will be soft and there will be no bitterness either.
6. Peel the garlic and, together with the tomatoes, pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. In this recipe, garlic gives only a smell, there will be no wildly burning taste, because. it will be heat treated.
7. Put the resulting tomato-garlic puree on medium heat, bring to a boil (but do not boil) and immediately add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil.
8. Then alternately spread into the boiling tomato mass: carrots, sweet peppers and eggplants. Stir occasionally and bring to a boil after each ingredient. This sequential procedure allows the vegetables to release their juice and when they are laid, there will be enough liquid to cover them.
9. After laying the last portion of vegetables, i.e. eggplant, detect for 30 minutes and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
10. Then put the beans, mix everything thoroughly and gently, bring to a boil and simmer for another 20 minutes.
11. After this time, immediately decompose the mass into a hot sterile container and roll up with tin lids.
12. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, then put them away for storage in a closet, pantry or cellar.

● It is advisable not to change anything in the recipe, because. it is the ratio of all ingredients that gives a 100% guarantee of perfect storage at home (even on a shelf in a closet).
● For salad preparations, it is better to use small jars that can be sterilized as follows: first be sure to wash with soda, then 3-4 jars with a small amount Put the water on full power in the microwave for 5 minutes.
● It is desirable to use tin covers. They should also be washed with soda and put in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 9. Winter eggplant salad "Special" ( with beans, sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, carrots and onions)


✵ eggplant - 3 kg;
✵ beans (dry) - 1 kg;
✵ sweet Bulgarian pepper - 500 g;
✵ hot pepper (hot) - 1 pc.;
✵ tomatoes - 2 kg;
✵ carrots - 500 g;
✵ onion - 500 g;
✵ vegetable oil - 2 cups;
✵ table vinegar 6% - 0.5 cups;
✵ granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt - 0.5 cups.


1. Soak the beans overnight in cold water and then boil them until tender.
2. Cut the eggplant into strips, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
3. Cut the tomatoes into slices, onions into half rings, carrots and peppers into strips.
4. Put the prepared ingredients (except beans) in an enameled container, add oil, salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar and simmer for 30 minutes.
5. Add beans and simmer another 10 minutes.
6. Spread the hot mass into clean 0.5 l jars, cover with tin lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes, and then roll up.
7. Turn the jars upside down, wrap warmly and leave to cool completely.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 10. Eggplant salad for the winter ( with sweet and hot pepper, tomato, onion and garlic)

Eggplant salad for the winter is distinguished not only by its special piquant taste, but is also very healthy dish. In addition, in winter, when everyone lacks fresh vegetables and herbs, such a salad will help diversify the menu.
This method of harvesting eggplant for the winter is very convenient because it does not require sterilization and, moreover, it is very simple.


✵ eggplant (medium size) - 10 pcs.;
✵ sweet Bulgarian pepper - 10 pcs.;
✵ hot pepper - 1-2 pods;
✵ tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
✵ onion - 10 pcs.;
✵ garlic - 10 cloves;
✵ vegetable oil - 200 ml;
✵ table vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups (or vinegar essence 70% - 1 teaspoon);
✵ granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
✵ salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


1. Rinse eggplants, peppers and tomatoes well and let dry.
2. Cut the eggplant into slices 1 cm thick (no need to remove the skin), put in salted water, bring to a boil and drain the water.
3. Remove seeds from sweet pepper and cut into small squares.
4. Cut hot pepper into rings.
5. Cut tomatoes into small slices.
6. Peel the onion, rinse with cold water and cut into half rings.
7. Peel the garlic, rinse with cold water and chop.
8. Mix all vegetables (except garlic), add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and simmer for 40 minutes.
9. 10 minutes before the end of the stew, add vinegar (or vinegar essence).
10. Add the garlic 2 minutes before the end of the stew.
11. Immediately decompose the mass into hot sterile jars, roll up with tin lids, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Good luck preparing!

Recipe 11. Winter Eggplant Salad "Homemade" ( with sweet pepper, garlic, tomato paste and herbs)

Homemade canned eggplant with sweet pepper and garlic will delight you in winter with excellent taste and remind you of sunny summer.


✵ eggplant - 2 kg;
✵ sweet Bulgarian pepper - 12 pcs.;
✵ tomato paste - 800 g;
✵ garlic - 150 g;
✵ parsley (fresh herbs) - to taste;
✵ vegetable oil - 1 cup;
✵ table vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
✵ granulated sugar - 2 cups;
✵ salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


1. Eggplant cut with peel, without peeling, in semicircles.
2. Sweet pepper cut into strips.
3. Mince the garlic.
4. Chop parsley greens.
5. Make tomato juice from concentrated tomato paste by diluting it with water to obtain 3 liters of juice.
6. Add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt to the resulting tomato juice and mix.

With the onset of autumn, each housewife takes care of winter supplies, which the whole family will then feast on. Many try to make the maximum variety vegetable salads, pickles to open in the cold season and eat as tasty addition to the main dishes. Eggplant recipes for the winter will become great option, which will help diversify your collection of blanks in the pantry. Try to cook several types of preservation with this vegetable to get an idea of ​​​​its different palatability. And what is needed for this, look further.

How to choose and prepare blue ones

If you want to keep the preparations for a long time in your pantry, it is important to follow the entire cooking process from start to finish. First of all, you should pay attention to the selection and preparation of blue ones: they must meet the criteria listed below. Otherwise, none of the selected recipes will work for you, and canned jars will simply explode due to fermentation during storage. See below for recommendations on right choice and the preparation of the blue ones.

  • Do not take overripe vegetables for canning. This will adversely affect the quality of the workpiece. The normal color of a vegetable that can be used for harvesting is dark lilac.
  • Eggplants baked from the sun are also categorically not suitable for seaming. The eggplant should feel firm, firm and heavy to the touch.
  • Do not buy vegetables without stems. It should be green on every eggplant.

The best step-by-step eggplant recipes for the winter

Exists great amount Ways to cook tasty preparations for the winter. Among them are interesting recipes pickled, pickled, spicy or stuffed vegetables. Many housewives like to make very delicious lecho or salads, the main component of which is eggplant. All canning methods differ from each other in the way this vegetable is prepared and have a certain taste. Among other things, blue ones are very beneficial for human health, so it is worth studying step by step recipes cooking eggplant dishes for the winter with a photo and cook one of them.

Pickled eggplants like mushrooms without jar sterilization

lovers mushroom dishes will be appreciated. The resulting taste is very strongly reminiscent of mushrooms. Open such a blank in winter, cut into small pieces and fry with potatoes. you will succeed excellent dish with mushrooms for dinner for the whole family. Be sure to stock up on such blanks in order to be able to enjoy tasty food. Read on for a step-by-step description of the eggplant recipe for the winter.

Required products:

  • 5 kg of blue ones (choose approximately the same size);
  • Bay leaf;
  • 3 art. l. edible salt(only not iodized);
  • allspice peas - 5-6 pieces;
  • 5 liters of drinking water;
  • 180 ml vinegar 9%.

Step by step description Recipe "Eggplant for the winter like mushrooms":

  1. Remove the peel on the blue ones, cut them into cubes, sprinkle with salt, leave to stand for up to two hours to get rid of bitterness.
  2. When the specified time has elapsed, drain the liquid that the eggplants have secreted and fill them with water.
  3. Put on the stove, boil. Next, pour vinegar, boil for another 5 minutes.
  4. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour over with boiling water. Pour in peppercorns, bay leaf, lay blue with brine to the very top.
  5. Roll up the lids, wrap in a blanket, leave the jars to cool completely.
  6. Take it to the basement or pantry.

Check out other recipes on how to cook delicious to taste.

Canned blue ones with garlic and bell pepper

Try amazing option canned and bell peppers. It turns out very delicious salad which is suitable for both festive table. Serve this appetizer with meat, fish or as a self-dish. The preparation is ideal as a dressing for any meat or first course. During the preparation of such a twist, you can use a slow cooker, and the dish will turn out even more delicious. Check out step by step recommendations for an eggplant recipe for the winter.


  • 6 kg blue;
  • 8 pcs. bell pepper (it is better if it is red);
  • 4 things. chili pepper;
  • 0.2 kg of garlic;
  • 95 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 95 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 120-150 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt (not iodized).

How to cook:

  1. Wash jars thoroughly baking soda, sterilize together with lids.
  2. Wash the blue ones, cut off the stalks. Cut each lengthwise and then across (you should have 8 equal pieces).
  3. Sprinkle with salt, stir, set aside for a couple of hours to remove bitterness. Then wash thoroughly, fill with cold water.
  4. Put on the oven, boil for 5 minutes. Drain the water.
  5. Prepare the marinade: peel the bell pepper from the insides, cut in half, peel the garlic, twist in a meat grinder along with the chili.
  6. Pour vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar into the resulting liquid, boil.
  7. Pour the already boiled blue ones with the marinade, put on the stove and boil again for up to 5 minutes.
  8. Expand by glass container, close the lids and roll up.

Spicy Korean Eggplant Salad

The one who loves Korean snacks, will not give up spicy . Such Korean salad very fast, and it turns out incredibly tasty. Serve this appetizer variety of dishes with meat, vegetables, fish, poultry. She will be very popular with all your family members and friends who come to visit you. Be sure to try this recipe to make sure it great taste. Next, you will learn how to make delicious eggplant preparations for the winter.


  • 7 kg blue (choose larger);
  • 2 kg of chili pepper;
  • 2.5 kg of red and yellow bell peppers;
  • 7 bags of Korean seasoning (for carrots or salads);
  • 180 g of salt;
  • 480 ml vinegar 6%.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash, dry the blue ones, cut in half.
  2. Dip each in boiling brackish water for 5 minutes. Cool down.
  3. Cut all peppers and eggplant into strips. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and simmer for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Add Korean seasoning, salt, vinegar. Simmer another 8-10 minutes.
  5. Arrange in portions in jars, close with a seaming machine.

How to close whole pickled eggplants in jars

In winter, you always want something sour. We will help you satisfy this need pickled eggplant entirely. Additionally you will receive sauerkraut which suits very well various salads. Just so in pure form it is also used, so do not deny yourself the pleasure and prepare this twist. All family members will be immensely grateful to you and will appreciate your excellent culinary skills. A simple recipe for cooking eggplant for the winter, see below.

What do you need:

  • 3 kg blue (take the same size);
  • 0.8 kg white cabbage(1 large fork);
  • 0.2 kg of carrots;
  • 2 sweet peppers (take large);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 0.15 kg of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Choose blue ones that are approximately the same size. Wash thoroughly, cut off the stalks, pierce with a fork or a toothpick in several places each.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the pepper into strips. Mix everything, squeeze the garlic, salt, let it brew for a couple of hours.
  4. When the eggplants have cooled, put them in a deep bowl, mix with cabbage.
  5. Prepare the brine according to the following recommendation: dissolve the salt in warm boiled water. Pour over the vegetables.
  6. Put oppression on top. Leave to stand warm for three days.
  7. After, preserve with brine or store in the refrigerator.

Georgian-style salted eggplant appetizer just lick your fingers

Connoisseurs Georgian cuisine will be delighted with. You will be very delicious preparation which goes well with many main dishes. Treat your dear guests or treat your loved ones during family dinner. Everyone will praise your incredible talent for making delicious things with the help of the most simple products. Check out the step-by-step description of how to make salty eggplant snack in Georgian.


  • 2 kg of blue ones (it is important to choose large, even fruits of the same size);
  • 0.4 kg of carrots;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of ground pepper (preferably red);
  • 70 g of cilantro, celery, parsley, dill;
  • 3 art. l. salt (regular);
  • 1 st. l. sugar and vinegar.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Wash the blue ones thoroughly, remove the stalks, make an incision along each.
  2. Put eggplants in boiling water with salt, boil for up to 5 minutes.
  3. Exactly one hour, put the boiled vegetables under oppression.
  4. Prepare the filling for the blue ones: grate the carrots with a special grater for Korean-style snacks, squeeze the garlic, chop the greens, throw ground pepper. Mix everything.
  5. After the specified time, spread the filling into the cuts of the blue ones. Pack everything tightly into a bowl.
  6. Prepare the brine as follows: throw salt, sugar, vinegar into boiling water. Remove from heat, immediately pour blue.
  7. Put oppression on top, soak up to 3 days.
  8. Arrange the appetizer in jars along with the brine, roll up.

Fried eggplant for the winter with pepper and vegetable sauce in layers

In winter it is always problematic to buy fresh vegetables, to prepare delicious dinner or lunch. Just for this, many housewives preserve variety of salads so that later it was possible to feed your family satisfyingly and appetizingly. Try fried eggplant Turkish style with peppers in vegetable sauce in layers, and you will see that snacks for the winter can be incredibly tasty, fragrant, juicy and tender. Treat your friends with this option, share your secrets with them. And then you will see how this yummy with eggplant is prepared.

Grocery list:

  • 1 kg eggplant (larger);
  • 0.2 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 0.15 kg of carrots;
  • 0.15 kg of onion;
  • 0.6 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp salt (only not iodized);
  • 5 peppercorns (per jar);
  • 0.1 l of sunflower oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the eggplant into rings, grease them on both sides vegetable oil fry in a pan until lightly golden.
  2. Prepare vegetable sauce: finely chop the onion, coarsely grate the carrots, fry. After 8 minutes, throw in the diced tomatoes, simmer for another 10 minutes. At the end, throw in pepper, salt, sugar.
  3. Cut sweet peppers in half lengthwise, cut into strips. Blanch: cover with boiling water, wait about three minutes, transfer to a colander.
  4. Take the jars, start filling in the following order: part vegetable sauce, eggplants, peppers, little blue ones and again pouring with vegetables.
  5. Put the filled jars in a large pot of water, sterilize over low heat for 70 minutes. Don't forget to add water while boiling. If you are not satisfied this process sterilization of blanks, use the oven: put the jars in the oven for an hour, turning on the temperature of about 180 degrees.
  6. Close the lids when finished.

Homemade lecho with eggplant and sweet pepper in tomato sauce

Be sure to prepare a wonderful homemade lecho with blue, sweet peppers and tomatoes for the winter. It goes well with any meat, vegetable, fish and other dishes as an appetizer or salad. This recipe is kind of like marrow caviar. Many people love this twist, so this recipe is one of the most popular and delicious, which simply must be on the shelf in the pantry of every self-respecting housewife. Read the description below step by step instructions making this recipe.


  • 4 kg blue ones (any size, most importantly, not overripe);
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of bell pepper;
  • a couple of chili peppers;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 1.5 kg of onion;
  • 2 tbsp. sunflower oil;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 tbsp. l. regular salt(not iodized);
  • a glass of sugar.

Step by step recipe description:

  1. Cut eggplant into cubes.
  2. Grate the carrots with a large grater.
  3. Finely chop the garlic, cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips.
  5. Make a filling like adjika: pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder along with chili.
  6. Put everything in enamel pan, pour vinegar, oil, tomato sauce. Boil for about an hour.
  7. Arrange in pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Video recipes: the most delicious winter eggplant blanks

If the best recipes studied above didn’t suit you, watch the video recipes below that describe in detail how to cook the Spark, Mother-in-law’s tongue appetizer, stuffed blue ones, eggplant, tomato and pepper salad or eggplant platter with Armenian vegetables. You will also learn how to freeze blue ones for future use in order to be content in winter fresh snacks. All of these recipes are well worth checking out and worth having a couple of jars of each in your pantry.

Snack Spark

The recipe for the mother-in-law's tongue salad

Stuffed blue ones for the winter

A delicious blue salad recipe with tomatoes and peppers

Assorted eggplants with Armenian vegetables

How to freeze eggplant for the winter

Be sure to prepare an eggplant salad for the winter according to the recipe described below. In winter, it will become an indispensable snack in any situation. Either festive dinner or just a family dinner. This salad is also great as a side dish.

  • eggplant- 1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes- 3 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper- 1 kg
  • Carrot- 1 kg
  • Bulb onions- 1 kg
  • Refined vegetable oil- 0.5 cups
  • Vinegar 9%- 0.5 cups
  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Salt- 2 tbsp
  • Cooking eggplant salad for the winter

    1 . First, wash the eggplants and cut them into circles. Sprinkle with salt and set aside.

    2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, or chop in a food processor.

    Put the tomatoes to cook for 20 - 25 minutes. Tomato juice should decrease in volume, boil down. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil to the tomatoes. Mix 0.5 cups of 9% vinegar with 0.5 water and pour into the tomato sauce.

    4 . Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Grate carrots. Pepper cut into strips. When the sauce boils, add the onion to it.

    Then pour the carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Onions with carrots in tomato sauce should boil for 10 minutes. By the way, the scent is amazing!

    . We wash the eggplants from salt and put them on a dry towel so that it absorbs excess liquid. This whole procedure is done so that the eggplants are not bitter.

    . Pepper, cut into strips, add to the tomato filling.

    . Then the eggplant should be cut into large strips and added to the tomato salad dressing.

    . Add garlic.

    Cover the saucepan with a lid. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Leave to languish on fire for 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to stir. Then we lay out in sterilized jars and twist. Under a fur coat, until completely cooled. We store eggplant salad in the cellar or refrigerator.

    Delicious eggplant salad for the winter is ready

    Bon appetit!

    Autumn is a cozy time that smells of various aromas. This is pastries with apples and berries, this is coffee in the morning in a warm bathrobe. And most importantly - twists, tasty and so indispensable in winter period replacing us with fresh vegetables. Let's prepare the jars and cook delicious side dish for the winter, which will remind you of the last warm days of the season, will give a special taste to any side dish. Eggplant in winter version blanks can be combined with many other vegetables, such as spicy Korean carrots, or tender zucchini, or colorful tomatoes.

    Eggplant salad for the winter quick recipe

    This recipe is tender, with spicy notes, suitable for any dish. First of all, you need to prepare the vegetables, wash them and peel the carrots, onions and garlic, sweet and bitter peppers. Eggplants should be cut into rings, do not make too thick circles, as they will turn out hard, but you do not need to make them too thin so that they remain whole during cooking.

    We cut the pepper into thin sticks, and the onion into rings. Now we need a meat grinder: we pass tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic and carrots through it. In a large saucepan, mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper them, add ground pepper, sunflower oil and vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and boil over low heat for about 45 minutes.

    We sterilize the jars and pour prepared vegetables into them. We roll up the lids, let them stand in the apartment for several days to cool, and then they can be lowered into the basement until winter.

    Eggplant salad recipe "Korean"

    According to this recipe, the salad turns out to be spicy, it cooks quickly, and it gives a lot of praise to the hostess, because it complements any, even the simplest dish. It goes especially well with fried potatoes.

    Let's put water on the fire, throw salt into it. We wash the little blue nightshades well under running water, cut them into small squares, 2 or 3 centimeters each. Then we throw them into the water for 10 minutes. After we recline them in a colander so that the glass is excess water.

    Peel the onion and garlic, remove the core from the pepper, and peel the carrots as well. Grate carrots for Korean carrot, mix with vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, as well as garlic passed through a press. Then add the eggplant, mix, and put in a pan over a small fire, simmer, it will take 15 minutes.

    We put the salad in prepared jars, sterilize for 10 minutes, roll up the lids and hide in the basement. The recipe is designed for jars of 0.5 liters, for 8 servings.

    Eggplant for the winter recipe with apples

    First of all, wash the eggplant. Then we cut them into rings, thin, about 1 centimeter. Now we put a frying pan on the fire, heat up the oil and fry the eggplants. We clean the vegetables and apples, wash and cut into small pieces, squares, pass the garlic through a press.

    In a large saucepan, we will stew all the vegetables and apples, with oil and salt. It will take about 1.5 hours. To prepare the workpiece completely, allocate 2 hours. Put the blue nightshade salad into the prepared jars, roll up the lids and let cool, putting the jars upside down, under the fur coat. Then hide them in the basement until winter.

    Recipe for winter eggplant salad with basil

    Put the water on the fire, add 3 tablespoons of salt, bring to a boil. In the meantime, wash the eggplants, cut them into rings, of medium thickness, and cook in already boiling water over low heat for about 5 minutes. After, we take it out of the pan, put it in a colander and rinse under running water. We dry the eggplants and cover them with salt, leave them like that for 15-20 minutes, after which we wash off the salt again with running water.

    Tomatoes need to be washed, cut into circles. Put in layers in a saucepan: tomatoes, blue nightshade, simmer for 5 minutes, then add oil, vinegar and honey, salt, cover with a lid, leave for 20 minutes on low heat. We wash the basil, chop, peel the garlic, pass through a press, mix with herbs. A few minutes before the vegetables are ready, lay the greens with garlic.

    We spread the salad in prepared jars, having previously mixed it, roll it up with lids and put it in a cool, dark place until winter.

    Winter eggplant salad recipe with beans

    Let's cook the beans. It all depends on the type of bean and how young or old it is. It is better to take young beans to cook faster, and finished product turned out tender, with a light bean flavor. Boil the beans until tender, pre-soaking them, if necessary.

    Rinse and peel vegetables, except eggplant. We cut them into small cubes along with pepper and onion. Tomatoes must be passed through a combine or meat grinder to make a slurry. Carrots need to be grated, preferably on large teeth.

    All ingredients must be stewed for about 1 hour in a large saucepan with the addition of salt and sugar, sunflower oil, stirring occasionally. Prepare jars, put vegetables in them, after mixing, roll up the lids and hide until winter.

    Eggplant salad with white cabbage

    Let's prepare the vegetables. Rinse, peel the peppers from the core, carrots and garlic from the peel. Carrots should be grated on a coarse grater, cabbage and sweet peppers should be chopped into thin strips, garlic should be finely chopped.

    We put the eggplants in boiling water and cook them as a whole for about 20 minutes, after which we set aside, let the excess water drain, then cut into rings, not very thick. Next, take all the prepared vegetables and mix with blue nightshade, add vinegar, mix and leave for 1 hour. Stir regularly so that all vegetables are well saturated. We put the blanks in prepared jars, roll up the lid, leave it in the basement until winter.

    Eggplant Lecho

    Lecho is more like an appetizer, but as a salad, it is perfect for any side dish. Let's start by washing the vegetables well, peeling the garlic. Next, cut the sweet pepper and blue nightshade into medium-sized cubes.

    Tomatoes need to be passed through a meat grinder, turn them into gruel. Then boil them in a large saucepan over medium heat for 20 minutes. After this time, add eggplant and pepper, leave on fire for another 15 minutes. Add vinegar and oil, sugar, salt, pepper, mix, simmer. We put lecho in prepared jars. We roll up the lids and hide in the basement after cooling.

    Winter eggplant salad "spicy"

    We wash the eggplant, we will cut into square pieces of 3 centimeters. In a large bowl, mix them with salt, leave to marinate for 1.5-2 hours. Then the vegetables should be thrown into a colander and washed under cool running water. Place blue nightshade in a large saucepan, add water and vinegar, cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

    We recline in a colander, add a burning dressing and mix. We spread the salad in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and leave to cool, after which we lower them into the basement.

    Eggplant salad for the winter recipe "striped"

    This salad for the winter turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful, blue-yellow, spicy, and looks just great in jars. So, let's start by washing the eggplants, peeling and washing the carrots, onions and garlic.

    Eggplants need to be cut into small cubes, fried to a crust in sunflower oil. It is better to fry the vegetable in portions so that each piece is well fried. Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings, and pass the garlic through a press. We need a grater for Korean carrots, to prepare this vegetable. Mix carrots with garlic.

    Marinade: take a small saucepan, pour water, sunflower oil, vinegar, salt and sugar into it. It is necessary to mix gently until the mixture boils and the sugar and salt dissolve, over low heat.

    Put blue nightshades in prepared jars, then carrots with garlic, onions. Fill with marinade, roll up the lids and let cool, then lower into the basement.

    Eggplant salad for the winter "Ten"

    This very popular method of harvesting eggplant salad for the winter got its name due to the fact that all the vegetables in it were originally taken in 10 pieces. Now there are incredibly many varieties of Tens, and the number 10 has lost its magical meaning. However, it is still present in the title. And now about the composition classic salad Ten and how to prepare it:

    • eggplant, turnip onion, bell pepper, medium-sized tomatoes, garlic cloves - 10 pcs each;
    • sugar and salt - 100 and 50 g, respectively;
    • vegetable oil - 200 g;
    • vinegar 9% - 100 ml.

    You need to start preparing vegetables for salad with the eggplants themselves. They should be washed, cut off the ends and cut relatively large pieces- about 15 mm wide. Put the prepared vegetables in a container, pour salted water and leave alone for 30 minutes.
    In boiling water, hold the tomatoes for a couple of minutes, then remove them with a slotted spoon, and send to cold water. When they have cooled slightly, remove the skins and cut the flesh into small cubes. In order for the skin to come off better, before putting the fruits in boiling water, you can make a cruciform incision on the opposite side of the stalk.
    Peel the pepper and cut into thin strips. Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic in a press. Vegetables are almost ready. Now you can put a large saucepan on the fire and heat the oil in it, and during this time dry the pieces of nightshade a little on a paper towel.
    Put the onion into the hot oil and fry for 10 minutes until it becomes soft. Then add the eggplant to the onion and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, after which put the pepper into the mixture. Fry for another 5 minutes. The last to lay the tomatoes, after which the mixture is salted and sprinkled with sugar. It's time to cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the future salad for about 30 minutes, stirring it occasionally. After this time, add garlic and vinegar to the mixture, and then simmer for another 10 minutes.
    WITH ready salad they act in the same way as with other conservation: they are laid out in sterile jars, rolled up, turned over and, wrapped in something warm, left for about a day, after which they are sent for storage until winter.

    Salad "You'll lick your fingers"

    Of course, it is not entirely correct to use the expression “you will lick your fingers” in relation to salads, but this eggplant preservation is so tasty that even such an assumption can be made. To prepare it, you will have to stock up:

    • eggplant - from 5 to 7 pcs. depending on the size;
    • turnip and carrot - 2 pcs.;
    • bell pepper - 4 fruits;
    • dill greens - 1 bunch;
    • vinegar 9% - 30 ml.

    Unlike previous options, this canned salad cooked in a frying pan. To begin with, all vegetables must be cut: eggplants - into thin slices, peppers and onions - into half rings, carrots - chopped on a coarse grater, dill - finely chopped. Shredded vegetables, except for eggplant, put in a large bowl, add salt and sugar, mix and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then, in a frying pan with a small amount of heated oil, fry the eggplants (5-7 minutes is enough), add them to the saucepan with the rest of the vegetables, pour in the vinegar and mix everything well. The salad is ready to be laid out in jars. It is necessary to fill it with the remaining in the bowl vegetable juice. Lettuce jars must be sterilized for 10 minutes, covered with lids, after which you can roll up, turn over, wrap with a towel and leave alone until completely cooled.

    Eggplant mushroom salad

    The last in this series of recipes will be eggplant salad, which many uninitiated take for mushroom appetizer. It is very easy to make it at home. The main thing is to prepare the necessary products:

    • eggplant - 1 kg;
    • chili pepper - 1 pod;
    • black pepper in a pot - 6 pcs.;
    • garlic - 1 medium head;
    • cloves - 4 pcs.;
    • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
    • sugar and salt - 1 tablespoon each;
    • vinegar 9% - 120 ml.

    Rinse the eggplant, cut into relatively thin circles, each of which is divided into 4 parts. Pour 6 cups of water into a saucepan, put peppercorns, parsley, cloves, salt, sugar and let it boil. Then pour vinegar into the marinade and lay out blue nightshade. Cook for 7-8 minutes. Remove cooked vegetables with a slotted spoon into a bowl.
    Chop the garlic and chili peppers as finely as possible and place in a very hot pan. Fry, stirring constantly, for about a minute, then put the blue vegetables there and fry for another 3-5 minutes. ready mix can be immediately laid out in jars and rolled up.

    Video recipe

    Eggplant, or "blue", in the Union was a relative rarity. A guest from the south appeared on our tables far from often and was not particularly popular. Now this healthy vegetable can be bought at any time of the year. Yes, and it began to grow in our country - global warming, after all. Therefore, it's time to talk about harvesting eggplant for the winter.
    In principle, eggplant can be prepared for storage in any form. They are salted, marinated, and stored fried or baked, filled with tomato sauce. But perhaps the most profitable form of storage of this vegetable are salads.
    There are several reasons for such a statement. Firstly, in such canned food there are not only eggplants, but also others. healthy vegetables. Secondly, even children like this form of cooking (although practice shows that up to a certain age, children do not like eggplants). Third, it's ready tasty snack, which can be immediately transferred to a salad bowl and served to unexpected (or uninvited) guests.
    But, it's time to start describing the recipes. And it’s worth starting with the most popular salad ...

    Good afternoon friends!

    Eggplants for the winter are great homemade preparations, simple, quick and amazingly tasty. And today we will cook them according to the best recipes.

    The Egyptians undeservedly called the eggplant the "apple of rabies", it was believed that whoever eats it will lose their mind. But we know that it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and is very good for the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, and prevents gallstones.

    This low-calorie berry of the nightshade family contains only 24 kcal per 100 g. and goes well with all vegetables. If you change the ratio of ingredients and cooking technology, you can get a lot of insanely delicious recipes.

    In blanks, it is better to use fruits that have not ripened a little. They have a tender elastic skin and dense pulp. They can be fried, baked, stuffed, marinated, and even caviar can be made, no less tasty than

    To prepare eggplant for the winter, always choose the freshest, most beautiful, ripe vegetables. Don't sacrifice quality for price.

    The best eggplant recipe - lick your fingers

    This recipe, a very long time ago, was presented to me by a familiar Korean neighbor, and it is still considered the best in my piggy bank. This dish is bright in taste, color and aroma. I want to show you the recipe step by step cooking And a photo to make it clear.


    • eggplant - 1.5 kg
    • onion- 300 gr.
    • sweet bell pepper - 500 gr.
    • garlic - 1 head
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 3 tsp
    • vegetable oil - 200 ml
    • table 9% vinegar - 120 ml
    • coriander seeds - a pinch
    • coriander greens - a bunch
    • turmeric - 1 tsp
    • soy sauce- 3 tbsp. l.


    We take young eggplants, preferably of the same size, so that during cooking they cook the same way and do not differ in taste. We wash, remove the stalk, cut off the tips on both sides. We send the fruits to boiling water and cook for 8-10 minutes. The important thing here is not to overdo it! The blue ones should be half-baked, and should hold their shape.

    IN last time when preparing this blank, I used a double boiler. I also kept it for a couple of 8-10 minutes.

    While our eggplants are cooling, let's prepare the marinade. All its components must be mixed with tastes and infused, then it will turn out to be saturated and homogeneous.

    In a dry, warm frying pan, fry the spices: coriander, turmeric. We help them discover their taste. Then we send them to a coffee grinder or mortar and grind into small fractions.

    We clean the onion and cut half of the total mass into half rings. Cut the other half into medium cubes later.

    Clearing the Red hot peppers from the seeds and cut into rings. Spicy lovers can leave the seeds.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and fry the onion until golden brown. We also send red hot pepper and a mixture of chopped spices there. When the onion has cooled, send the contents of the pan to the marinade.

    For the marinade, mix salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, soy sauce. And we insist 30-40 minutes.

    Cut the cooled eggplant into medium slices. We put it in a separate bowl, add salt on top and sprinkle with vinegar, mix and leave for 15 minutes. If you are sure that the eggplant is without bitterness, you can not do this. Drain the extracted juice.

    Cut sweet bell pepper into strips. Try to choose meaty, thick-walled and bright red. Cut green cilantro.

    Peel the young garlic, crush with the flat side of the knife and finely chop.

    We put all the chopped vegetables in a large bowl, pour our wonderful marinade and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Periodically stir our vegetable mixture. The filling gradually impregnates the vegetables and there is a magical smell.

    And there was one more stroke left - the eggplant blank for the winter must be sterilized and rolled up for storage in jars.

    We lay out the salad in hot sterilized jars, compact it if possible, so that there is no air left, close it with a clean lid. We leave room for the juice that will stand out during sterilization. For 0.650 liter jar it will take 45 minutes. Then we roll up the jars, turn the lids down and continue to sterilize, already under the covers.

    Just look how beautiful! Insanely delicious eggplants are ready and will delight you with their taste and aroma all winter. Bon appetit!

    Eggplant recipe for the winter without sterilization in tomato

    Another one from best recipe. It is prepared quickly, and at the same time it turns out amazingly tasty, burning and savory snack.


    • eggplant - 2 kg
    • tomatoes - 3 kg
    • sweet bell pepper - 1.5 kg
    • red hot pepper - 2 pods
    • garlic - 3-4 heads
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • table 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp.


    In this recipe, eggplant can be prepared in two ways: in tomato juice or in tomatoes passed through a meat grinder. We will make 50 x 50. Divide all the tomatoes into two parts. We will prepare juice from one, and cut the other.

    We make notches on the tomatoes, blanch in boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately under the cold and easily remove the skin.

    Cut the tomatoes into medium slices and send them to a large basin.

    We pass the second part of the tomatoes through a juicer, you can simply pass through a meat grinder. We also send it to the pelvis.

    Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil without smell and taste, mix.

    We clean the garlic, divide into cloves. Red hot pepper free from seeds. Pass garlic and pepper through a meat grinder.

    Sweet bell pepper cut into strips. Try to choose fleshy peppers with thick walls and a contrasting color. This will add flavor and color to the dish.

    Wash eggplant and cut into small pieces.

    Place all chopped ingredients in a bowl. We mix. We put on the stove, if there is not enough liquid, add water, so that all the vegetables are covered.

    Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until tender. Add vinegar, cook for another two minutes.

    We lay out in sterilized jars, roll up with boiled lids.

    It turned out 11 jars of 0.650 grams, we store in the basement. So simple, full and tasty, we prepared a preparation for the winter from our favorite vegetables.

    Eggplant with vegetables for the winter

    There are many vegetables in this recipe - many flavors, this allows you to use the dish as a salad, appetizer or side dish. Even spread on bread, you get an amazingly tasty sandwich.


    • eggplant - 1.5 kg
    • tomatoes - 3 kg
    • carrots - 1 kg
    • onion - 1 kg
    • garlic - 2 heads
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp.
    • table 9% vinegar - 1/2 tbsp.
    • water - 1/2 tbsp.

    Mother-in-law's tongue eggplant recipe

    This recipe owes its name to an elongated cut of vegetables and a very spicy, burning taste. "Teschin tongue for the winter" can be prepared from any favorite vegetables, and this case, the obligatory presence of eggplant.


    • eggplant - 2 kg
    • tomatoes - 2 kg
    • sweet bell pepper - 1 kg
    • red hot pepper - 1 pod
    • garlic -1 heads
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • table 9% vinegar - 100 ml


    Blanch fresh tomatoes, remove the skin from the tomato and cut into slices. Tomatoes can be passed through a meat grinder, juicer, or just take tomato paste. But with the first option it will be tastier.

    Finely chop the bitter red pepper with seeds.

    teeth young garlic peel, crush with the flat side of a knife and finely chop.

    Sweet, fleshy, thick-walled bell pepper, de-seeded and cut into cubes.

    We prepare the filling in advance so that it has time to infuse.

    Put chopped tomatoes, garlic, vegetable oil, hot pepper, salt, sugar into a saucepan. Tomatoes have allocated a sufficient amount of juice and at the same time retained their shape, which was required of them. We put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. While the filling is preparing, chop the rest of the vegetables.

    Young eggplants, along with tender seeds, cut along the fruit, with tongue plates, half a centimeter thick.

    We send bell peppers, eggplants to the boiling filling. Stew for half an hour, do not forget to stir from time to time, in order to avoid burning.

    Add vinegar, boil for another 2 minutes and put the hot mass into prepared hot jars, roll up.

    "Teshin's language" turned out fantastically burning taste and magical scent. In the cold winter, let's put a spicy and fragrant delicacy on a piece of bread, and remember the mother-in-law with a kind word.

    Delicious eggplant recipe - like mushrooms for the winter

    This preparation for the winter is quite easy to prepare. Try it, I'm sure you will like these "mushrooms".


    • eggplant - 5 kg
    • garlic - 300 gr.
    • fresh dill - 350 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 300 ml

    for the marinade:

    • salt - 4 tbsp. l.
    • table 9% vinegar - 250 ml
    • water - 3 l

    That's all for today. If you liked the recipes, click "Class", take notes and share with friends on social. networks. Write in the comments, your opinion is very important to me.

    They are wonderful, these “blue ones” ... You can’t throw it into a salad, you can’t fry with potatoes, and the hassle with them - bake, peel off ... Approximately such thoughts arose in me when I saw purple foreigners in the market, until I tried one salad “with a secret ". The secret of the salad was that few people guessed right off the bat that the jar contained not mushrooms, but ... eggplants. The taste is indistinguishable! Now eggplants have settled in my garden and in the basement. Want to know how to cook eggplant for the winter, we will share with you the most delicious recipes eggplant for the winter

    Remember the immortal phrase from Gaidai's film "Overseas caviar - eggplant!"? And there are recipes to match.

    Caviar "Overseas"

    3.5 kg eggplant,
    1.5 kg carrots,
    1.5 kg of onion,
    2 kg bell pepper,
    3.5 kg of tomatoes,
    300 g garlic
    3-4 tbsp salt,
    1 tbsp 70% vinegar,
    vegetable oil for frying.

    Cut the eggplant into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, chop the bell pepper small cubes. Fry all vegetables separately in vegetable oil, put in an enamel bowl and mix. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Pour the fried vegetables with tomato mass, salt and put on fire. Cook for 40 minutes from the moment of boiling. 5 minutes before readiness, add the garlic, passed through the press, and 1 tbsp. vinegar essence. Arrange the caviar in sterilized jars and roll up.

    5 kg eggplant,
    ½ kg carrots
    300 g tomato paste,
    150 g parsley root,
    300 g onion
    100 g celery root,
    25 g green celery,
    40 g sugar
    ½ l vegetable oil,
    75 g salt
    1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

    Cut eggplant into slices 2 cm thick, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Onion cut into rings, fry. Cut carrots and parsley into strips and simmer in vegetable oil until half cooked. Pass the fried vegetables through a meat grinder or grind in a combine, add tomato paste, salt, sugar, herbs and spices. Heat the whole mass to 70ºС, put in jars. Sterilize for 15 minutes, add ¼ tsp. vinegar for each 700-gram jar, roll up.

    Skilled chefs have come up with many original blanks from eggplant for the winter. These are marinated eggplants, and snacks from the “blue ones”, and lecho, spicy and spicy salads.

    5 kg eggplant,
    1 kg sweet pepper
    300 g garlic
    200 ml 9% vinegar,
    100 g sugar
    3-4 pods of hot pepper,
    1 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 bunch of dill.

    Cut the eggplant into circles 2 cm thick, sprinkle them with salt and put in a flat bowl for half an hour so that they let the juice flow. Pass sweet and bitter peppers, garlic and dill through a meat grinder, add vinegar, sugar, mix until sugar dissolves. Fry eggplant slices in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then do this: remove each piece of eggplant with a fork from the pan, dip in the pepper-garlic mixture and put in layers in pre-sterilized jars. Sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up.

    Eggplant for the winter in a hurry

    2.5 kg eggplant,
    2.5 liters of water,
    100 g salt
    150 g 9% vinegar,
    250 g vegetable oil,
    ½ cup coarsely chopped garlic.

    Cut the eggplant into cubes, dip them into boiling water with salt and vinegar, cook for 5-7 minutes. In another saucepan, heat oil to a boil. Throw eggplants on a sieve, put in oil, add garlic, mix quickly and put in sterilized jars. Roll up, wrap up.

    6 kg eggplant,
    200 g garlic
    250 g 9% vinegar,
    3-4 hot peppers
    2 cups vegetable oil,
    2.5 tbsp salt,
    a bunch of parsley and dill.

    Salt the diced eggplant, boil in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Cool down. Grind garlic, pepper and herbs through a meat grinder, add salt, vinegar, vegetable oil. Mix with eggplant, arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

    Ingredients per liter jar:
    6-8 eggplants,
    1.5 cups of water
    2 sprigs of dill,
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    6 peppercorns,
    ½ tbsp vinegar,
    2 cloves of garlic
    1 tbsp salt,
    1 sheet of horseradish
    1 leaf celery.

    Rinse the eggplants, cut off the stalk, dip in boiling water for 10 minutes, then remove from the water and let dry. Put half of the spices in sterilized jars, then put the eggplants, the remaining spices on top, pour the marinade from water, salt and vinegar. Sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up.

    4 kg eggplant,
    2 kg of tomatoes,
    1 kg sweet pepper
    1 kg carrots
    10 bulbs
    10 cloves of garlic
    1 tbsp 9% vinegar,
    4 tbsp salt,
    1 cup of sugar.

    Eggplant cut into cubes without peeling or soaking. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Bulgarian pepper and onion cut into half rings. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic. Put everything in a spacious saucepan, add salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil. Boil after boiling over medium heat for 45-60 minutes. Arrange hot in sterilized jars and roll up.

    2 kg eggplant,
    1 kg of tomatoes,
    400 g onion
    4-6 pcs. carrots,
    4-6 sweet peppers,
    ½ stack Sahara,
    2 tbsp salt,
    3-4 garlic cloves,
    1-2 bay leaves,
    bunch of parsley,
    black peppercorns.

    Cut the eggplant into slices or cubes, finely chop the onion, cut the tomatoes into slices, carrots into strips, pepper into rings, finely chop the parsley. Sprinkle tomatoes and sweet peppers with salt and wait until they give juice. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, put in layers with juice: tomatoes, onions, eggplants, carrots, sweet peppers, parsley. Add peppercorns and bay leaf. Simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add grated garlic. Roll up.

    1.2 kg eggplant,
    400 g tomatoes,
    300 g onion
    30 g garlic
    120 g vegetable oil,
    30 g salt
    pepper to taste.

    Wash the eggplant, cut into circles 2 cm wide, place them in a salt solution for 5 minutes. Remove from the brine, let it drain and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Rinse the tomatoes, pass through a meat grinder, heat to a boil and rub through a sieve. Boil the mashed mass to half the volume. Soak the garlic for 1-2 hours in cold water, remove the films and pass through a press. Finely chop the greens. Stir in the tomato mixture, heat to a boil, stirring constantly. Lay in layers in dry heated jars: a layer of minced meat, a layer of eggplant. The top layer should be minced meat. Cover jars with boiled lids, sterilize: half-liter - 50 minutes, liter - 90 minutes. Roll up.

    Heh from eggplant

    5 kg eggplant,
    600 g onion
    600 g sweet pepper,
    200 g garlic
    200 ml 9% vinegar,
    3 handfuls of salt
    vegetable oil for frying.

    Peel eggplant, cut into strips. In a deep bowl, salt the chopped eggplant, mix, leave for 5 hours. Then squeeze the eggplant and fry in oil. Cut the onion and pepper into strips, grate the garlic, mix everything with eggplant, pour vinegar. Put in sterilized jars, close with plastic lids. Store in a cool place.

    4 kg eggplant,
    1 kg carrots
    1 kg red sweet pepper,
    1 kg of onion
    100 g garlic
    1-2 pods of hot pepper,
    2 handfuls of salt
    2 tbsp 70% vinegar.

    Cut the eggplant into thin strips, salt, mix and leave for an hour. Grate the carrots on a Korean carrot grater, cut the pepper into long strips, cut the onion into half rings. Finely chop garlic and onion. Mix all vegetables, except eggplant, add vinegar and leave for 5 hours, mixing well a couple of times. Lightly fry eggplant in vegetable oil, let cool. Combine all vegetables, arrange in sterilized jars. Sterilize: half-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. Roll up.

    Eggplant "Like Mushrooms"

    5 kg eggplant,
    5 liters of water
    400 ml of table vinegar,
    200 g salt
    1-2 heads of garlic,
    1 stack vegetable oil.

    Washed eggplant cut into cubes. For the marinade, mix water, vinegar, salt and boil. Dip the eggplant in the boiling marinade and cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Take out the prepared eggplant, put it in a gauze bag and hang it to drain the liquid for 12 hours. Put the eggplant in a saucepan, mix with crushed garlic and boiled vegetable oil. Arrange the mixture in jars, sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up.

    "Fake Mushrooms"

    5 kg eggplant,
    5 liters of water
    1 glass of salt
    ½ l 9% vinegar,
    garlic - to taste
    1 liter of vegetable oil.

    Cut eggplant into slices. Boil the brine from water, salt and vinegar, put the eggplant in it in small portions, cook for 5 minutes. Boil vegetable oil. Place prepared eggplants in sterilized jars in layers, alternating eggplant layers with finely chopped garlic. Pour in boiling oil and roll up immediately. Be careful - boiling oil is very hot, make sure that the jar does not burst! When serving on the table fake mushrooms"You need to salt a little and pour vinegar over it.

    And finally, eggplant for the winter, a recipe for extreme people:

    24 pcs. eggplant,
    2.4 kg of sugar,
    2 tsp drinking soda,
    13 stack. water,
    ½ tsp vanillin.

    Peel small eggplants, remove the stalks, but leave the sepals. Cut each eggplant lengthwise along with the sepals. Pierce the pieces with a fork in several places. Put the eggplants in cold water, cover with a lid - this is done so that they do not darken. Then mix soda with 7 glasses of water and put eggplant in this solution, leave for 5-6 hours. After this time, remove the eggplants from the soda solution and rinse thoroughly several times in running water. Pour half of the sugar into a bowl for cooking jam, pour 6 cups of water and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Put eggplants in boiling syrup and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Then remove from heat and leave for 12 hours. After pour the remaining sugar into the jam, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 3 hours. Pour vanillin 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour into clean, dry jars. Clog.

    Harvesting eggplant for the winter is not at all difficult. Good luck preparing!

    Larisa Shuftaykina