Salads for diabetics: ingredients and recipes. Great English omelette

Nutrition is an important part of human life. Cooking culinary specialties included in the patient's therapeutic diet is an extremely responsible matter. Various salads for diabetics are used as independent snacks between main meals and the second during lunch. To prepare the dish, simple technological methods are used. What are the main requirements for salads, sources of vitamins and minerals? Which snack options are approved by endocrinologists for use by patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Requirements for salads

Experts consider salad a snack dish. It can be served with meat or fish products. Prepared from chopped (slices or straws) vegetables and fruits:

  • fresh;
  • raw;
  • fermented;
  • boiled;
  • pickled;
  • salty.

The more ingredients in a dish, the more interesting and richer it is in nutrients. Spices are used for snacks: ground coriander, curry are added to the vegetable, chicory is added to the fruit. A sprig of curly parsley and any other greens will give the dish an attractive and appetizing look.

Despite the ease of preparation, there are certain requirements for such snacks:

  • The most consumed vegetables in a snack dish, if there are no contraindications (individual intolerance to the product, allergies), are onion and garlic. Bactericidal substances in their composition quickly disappear. These vegetables are cut into a salad before serving. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis), onions and garlic are thoroughly washed. In order, on the contrary, to remove burning substances that irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Salt should also be added last. The sodium chloride in table salt helps copious excretion juices from salad ingredients.
  • Sliced ​​raw vegetables lying in the light for a long time lose their taste and nutritional value. It is better to chop them just before the meal.
  • Sweet peppers are first scalded, cooled, then chopped. So it will reveal its taste, its texture will become softer. And the greens should be fresh and crispy.
  • The outer leaves of the cabbage should not be thrown away. They are undeservedly deprived of the advantage over the inner leafy layers of the vegetable. The upper leaves of a useful product when diabetes widely used for salads, there are much more vitamins in them.
  • Knead the salad in a large bowl with two wooden spatulas. Movements are made from the walls to the middle. So the constituent ingredients of the dish are less damaged, their uniform mixing occurs. Then the appetizer is carefully laid out in a salad bowl. The salad looks interesting in a transparent bowl.

The recipe for salads for type 1 diabetics indicates the number of bread units (XE). For non-insulin-dependent patients, it is important to calculate the calorie content of food eaten.

Vegetable salads

1. Salad with beans and eggplant, 1 serving - 135 Kcal or 1.3 XE.

Beans soaked in cold water overnight, cook until tender. Eggplant cut into pieces and boil lightly in salted water, drain and cool. Mix vegetables, add finely chopped onion and garlic. Dress the salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

For 6 servings:

  • eggplant - 500 g (120 Kcal);
  • white beans - 100 g (309 Kcal, 8.1 XE);
  • onion - 100 g (43 Kcal);
  • vegetable oil - 34 g (306 Kcal);
  • lemon juice - 30 g (9 Kcal);
  • greens - 50 g (22 Kcal).

Bread units in this dish provide only bean carbohydrates. Eggplants activate mineral metabolism, intestinal activity, inhibit the growth of cholesterol in the blood.

2. "Summer salad", 1 serving - 75 Kcal or 0.4 XE. Chop cabbage (thinly), fresh tomatoes. Cut sweet peppers of different colors into half rings, radishes into thin circles. Salt, add chopped basil and garlic. Season with lemon juice, vegetable oil.

For 6 servings of salad:

  • cabbage - 200 g (56 Kcal);
  • tomatoes - 200 g (38 Kcal);
  • sweet pepper - 100 g (27 Kcal);
  • radish - 100 g (20 Kcal);
  • lemon juice - 20 g (6 Kcal);
  • vegetable oil - 34 g (306 kcal).

A small amount of bread units gives the dish tomato juice. In practice, XE can be neglected and not inject short insulin under the salad.

3. Vinaigrette, 1 serving - 136 Kcal or 1.1 XE. Boil potatoes and carrots separately. If the beets are baked in the oven, the vinaigrette will be tastier. Cut the peeled vegetables into small cubes. So that the beets do not strongly color the other ingredients, they are first laid out in a salad bowl and vegetable oil is added. Cut pickled cucumbers, mix everything with salted cabbage.

For 6 servings:

  • potatoes - 200 g (166 Kcal);
  • carrots - 70 g (23);
  • beets - 300 g (144 Kcal);
  • sauerkraut - 100 g (14 Kcal);
  • pickles - 100 (19 Kcal);
  • vegetable oil - 50 g (449 kcal).

Bread units are considered due to the presence of potatoes in the salad.

fruit salads

In a sweet salad, any berries, fruits, nuts are combined. If dessert dish gains as a result a lot of bread units, then one of the ingredients can be replaced with grated carrots. Vegetable fiber will slow down the rise in blood sugar.

1. Salad "Orange Sun" (184 Kcal or 1.2 XE). Peel the orange, divide it first into slices, and then cut into small pieces. Peel carrots, grate coarse grater. Mix bright fruit and vegetables, add any nuts.

  • Orange - 100 g (38 Kcal);
  • carrots - 50 g (16 Kcal);
  • nuts - 20 g (130 Kcal).

Bread units are per orange.

2. Stuffed peaches (1 large fruit - 86 Kcal or 1.4 XE). Peel apples and seeds, cut into small pieces. Add cream and fill peach halves. Garnish with raspberries and mint leaves.

  • Peaches - 500 g (220 Kcal);
  • apples - 300 g (138 Kcal);
  • cream 10% fat - 100 g (118 Kcal);
  • raspberries - 100 g (41 Kcal).

All fruits carry simple carbohydrates, they are designed for XE. Restrain a jump in blood glucose - cream.

3. Muesli ("Beauty Salad") - 306 Kcal or 3.1 XE. Oat flakes pour yogurt for 10-15 minutes. Chop fruits and nuts.

  • "Hercules" - 30 g (107 Cal);
  • yogurt - 100 (51 Kcal);
  • nuts - 15 g (97 Kcal);
  • raisins - 10 g (28 Kcal);
  • apple - 50 g (23 Kcal).

If excess weight or a poorly compensated blood sugar level does not allow the use of raisins and nuts, then they can be replaced with 50 g of other fruits (kiwi - 14 Kcal, strawberries - 20 Kcal, apricot - 23 Kcal). Even more turn the salad recipe into a diabetic version of the chicory flavor.

Salads on the festive table

1. Salad "Swan", 1 serving - 108 Kcal or 0.8 XE. Cut into small cubes a tomato, pickled and fresh cucumbers, boiled chicken fillet, onions, hard-boiled proteins, eggs. Add canned green peas and corn. Mix the ingredients and pour over the sauce. Its composition: mayonnaise, sour cream, finely chopped greens and curry. Grate the yolks on top of the salad.

For 6 servings:

  • tomatoes - 100 g (19 Kcal);
  • fresh cucumber- 100 g (15 Kcal);
  • pickled cucumber - 100 (19 Kcal);
  • onion- 100 g (43 Kcal);
  • eggs (2 pcs.) - 86 g (136 Kcal);
  • peas - 100 g (72 Kcal);
  • corn - 100 g (126 Kcal);
  • chicken - 100 g (165 Kcal);
  • greens - 50 g (22 Kcal);
  • sour cream 10% fat - 25 g (29 kcal);
  • mayonnaise - 150 g.

2. Salad "Liver", 1 serving - 97 Kcal or 0.3 XE. beef liver wash, clean from the film and bile ducts, chop large pieces. Boil in salted water until tender, along with onions and carrots. Cool the liver and cut into strips. Chop the peeled onion in half rings, rinse with boiling water. Pour the chilled vegetable with lemon juice, salt. Let the onion brew in an acidic environment for half an hour. Then mix with cookies. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

For 6 servings:

  • liver - 500 g (490 Kcal);
  • onions - 200 g (86 Kcal);
  • lemon - 50 g (9 Kcal);
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.

Mayonnaise for holiday salads is low-fat. Information about its composition and calorie content is indicated on the package.

Similar salad options also have a place to be. There is a parable about the snack dish. Any other dish can only be spoiled by several cooks. The preparation of the salad will not be harmed by four, different in character, culinary specialists. The first, necessarily stingy, will be trusted to fill the dish with vinegar so as not to overdo it. The second, the philosopher-cook, will need to salt the salad. He knows when to do it and how much salt is needed. The third, generous by nature, is to add oil. Deciding which salad ingredients to mix, which component to add is a creative matter, worthy of a chef-artist.

Vegetables for salad

To date, cookbooks contain many salad recipes for diabetics. Often, raw or boiled vegetables are included in the recipe. Below is a list of the most commonly found ingredients and their health benefits.

  1. Cabbage. Experts bring this vegetable to the first place for diabetics. It is useful in raw, pickled, boiled form. It can be included in main dishes, consumed as an independent product. Sauerkraut juice can lower sugar levels, charge the body with useful vitamins and minerals.
  2. Cucumber. The vegetable helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic. You can eat the vegetable as a separate dish or as part of salads.

  3. Carrot. This vegetable is useful for diabetes, as it is able to maintain vision and reduce blood sugar. Doctors say that this vegetable can only be consumed raw in unlimited quantities. The boiled product raises the level of sugar in the blood.
  4. Beet. The vegetable can be consumed boiled. On an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat a salad of boiled beets. This will not only improve health, but also reduce sugar levels. In addition, such a dish does not irritate the gastric mucosa.
  5. Onion. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of onions, especially for a diabetic. Vegetable improves blood circulation, fights cholesterol, is the prevention of infections. Regarding the amount of raw vegetables consumed, you need to consult a doctor.

See also: candy recipes for diabetics

The remaining vegetables, such as tomato, pepper, garlic and herbs, can be safely used in any salads for diabetics, as they will not harm the body.

Light vegetable salads should be present in the diet of a person with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Such dishes do not take much time to prepare and do not require great culinary skills. Daily consumption of vegetable salad contributes not only to treatment, but also to weight loss, which is so important in type 2 diabetes. To draw up a diet, you should consult with a specialist who will tell you which foods to include on the menu.

Due attention must be paid to the quality of the vegetables used. Best of all, if these are gifts from your garden. Salads can be consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as a light snack. In cooking, you can connect your imagination, use any vegetables and fruits, but you need to remember that with diabetes, the daily serving of potatoes should be 200 g.

For people with type 1 diabetes, salads containing fast-digesting carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. The diet should be dominated by cabbage in any form and in the composition of the largest number of salads. The advantages of such dishes are low-calorie content and juiciness. You can prepare a salad of cabbage and beets, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice. As part of the salad, beets must be boiled. This dish will benefit the body and saturate it with vitamins.

See also: Diet number 9 for diabetes: menu

Ease of preparation and creativity are the characteristics of such dishes. A salad of celery, apples and carrots will lower blood sugar levels and improve well-being. Dressing is sour cream with the addition of lemon juice and herbs. Meals for diabetics can be tasty and healthy at the same time.

Everyday and holiday salads

Nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetes should be carefully monitored by the attending physician. This section contains recipes for some delicious salads that will not harm a weakened body.

Salad with squid. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g squid;
  • 5 pieces. olives
  • 3 pcs. cucumbers
  • 100 g lettuce leaves.

First you need to clean the squid, removing all its insides. Then put the carcasses cut into pieces in a preheated pan and fry for 3 minutes. Cucumbers cut into strips or cubes. Wash and tear lettuce leaves. Cut the olives into quarters and add to the cucumbers and lettuce. Put the finished squids in the same bowl and mix everything thoroughly. As a dressing, use oil or lemon juice.

Nutritious and light salad "Sea" will decorate the everyday or festive table, will not affect the figure and will not worsen the state of health. Shrimps, apples, squids and greens are used for its preparation:

  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 100 g of apples;
  • 0.5 kg of squid;
  • 0.5 kg shrimp;
  • 120 g cod roe;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking starts with dressing. For this, caviar is taken, Apple vinegar, butter and crushed yolks. All this is mixed and infused until the preparation of the main ingredients. Boiled squid cut into strips, add diced apples and shrimps to them. Cut the squirrels into cubes and put them in the salad too. Add dressing and mix everything. You can sprinkle greens on top of the salad.

Salads for diabetics are prepared without mayonnaise and fatty high-calorie foods. Unacceptable use fried potatoes, pork, etc. For everyday use, cabbage salad with cucumbers, carrots and apples is ideal. Allow the use of boiled chicken meat, lean herring. To make the salad beautiful and put it on the festive table, you need to add a touch of creativity to its decoration. For example, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs or put a cut olive. Cut a rose from a carrot, cucumber, apple. It all depends on the imagination of the chef. Such dishes will decorate the festive table in New Year, birthday and other family, calendar holidays.

Favorite salads

Traditional New Year's salads such as Olivier and crab salad unfortunately not suitable for diabetics. The thing is that they contain a large amount of mayonnaise. But what if without them the New Year is not a holiday at all.

Do not be upset, because by replacing some products in the traditional version, it is really possible to get a decent and harmless salad. Sausage can be substituted boiled chicken, and instead of mayonnaise, it is better to add sour cream. It will bring new taste in your favorite salad. The amount of potatoes should be limited to 200 grams.

See also: baking recipes for diabetics

But in a salad of crab sticks, you need to add avocado instead of corn and, if possible, use crab meat. Salad dressing is better to choose sour cream with the addition of lemon juice.

It’s good to dilute the menu for diabetics with fruit salads that can be eaten as a dessert. Useful fruits cherry, grapefruit, apple and all kinds of dried fruits are considered. Dressing such a salad can be sour cream or low-fat natural yogurt.

Type 2 diabetics tend to blame heredity for their problem. Some predisposition, indeed, can be traced. However, it is necessary to “try very hard” so that it develops into a serious disease, which, without exaggeration, is diabetes mellitus. The main provoking factor is the “wrong” diet, oversaturated with carbohydrates. It is desirable to limit them to the maximum, and even better, completely exclude them from the menu for a type 2 diabetic for every day. With recipes prepared from permitted, healthy foods, blood glucose levels sometimes return to normal without special medicines. All in all, medical nutrition in diabetes mellitus - an integral component of complex therapy.

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes: Do's and Don'ts

Type 2 diabetes is also called non-insulin dependent, because the body does not lack this hormone. More often, on the contrary, insulin is synthesized in excess, but is not perceived by cells and tissues. Due to the low sensitivity of the corresponding receptors, it is practically incapacitated. If type 2 diabetics regularly eat sweets, cereals, pasta, muffins, the pancreas, working for wear and tear, depletes over time. Insulin production drops, and type 2 diabetes gradually flows into a more severe form.

For many patients, a strict diet for type 2 diabetes voiced by a doctor is disheartening. Some bans! And this is for the rest of your life! However, try to look at the current situation from the other side. Some people, and believe me, there are many of them, who care about their figure and their own health, voluntarily give up gastronomic excesses. At the same time, they do not feel unhappy, they enjoy food. So nature has given you a chance to restore your physical form, to put yourself in order. And this requires a mere trifle - to establish adequate nutrition for diabetes. Forget about food containing sugar, flour and starch.

It is easy to create a balanced menu for a type 2 diabetic for every day with recipes from lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, greens, fruits, vegetables. Tops, that is, almost everything that ripens on the surface of the soil, except for grapes, figs, dates, can be eaten without fear. It is recommended to consume up to 100 g of any berries per day and the same amount of fruits (apples, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots). Supplement the diet leaf salad, spicy and edible wild herbs (ramson, meadow sorrel, gout). Root crops (carrots, turnips, radishes, radishes, Jerusalem artichokes) are recommended not to be cooked in order to keep them in original form coarse fiber. And potatoes and beets should not be included in the menu for type 2 diabetics for a week. But the overseas guest - avocado - will perfectly fit into it. A valuable source of vegetable fat, along with nuts (no peanuts only) and seeds (25-30 g per day).

By the way, sunflower oil we suggest replacing it with a more healthy olive oil. Animal fats in reasonable amounts should also be present on the menu. If you have diabetes, you should choose products with natural fat content in the store. Allowed to use butter, sour cream, cheese. Protein plays an important role in nutrition in type 2 diabetes. Their adult person, not engaged in physical labor, requires at least 1.5 g per kg of body weight daily. Where to "scoop" this building material for cells? From various kinds meat, sea and river fish, seafood, cottage cheese, chicken and quail eggs, fermented milk drinks(150 ml per day).

How to make a menu for diabetes yourself?

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes, low-carb recipes for diabetics are primarily aimed at normalizing glucose (blood sugar) and insulin levels, as well as reducing body weight in obese patients. Therefore, the daily diet is divided into 5-6 meals, the break between which does not exceed 3-3.5 hours. Before going to bed, you are also supposed to have a snack, the menu for type 2 diabetics for every day with recipes provides for a second dinner.


Scrambled eggs with cheese and tomato

Break 2 chicken eggs into a bowl, stir with a fork (no need to beat) with 30 ml of milk or drinking cream, salt. Pour the mixture into a preheated, buttered heavy-bottomed pan. Wait for the eggs to “grab” and use a spatula to move the egg mass from the edges to the center. Cooking takes only 30-40 seconds. Scrambled eggs are laid out on a plate, the protein is barely curled up. Sprinkle with grated cheese (30-40 g), garnish with ripe tomato slices.

Tea or coffee with milk with real dark chocolate (for example, Babaevsky, 10 g)


Appetizer of cottage cheese with greens

Finely chop fresh cucumber (60 g) and dill sprigs (5-7 g). Mixed with cottage cheese (100 g). Decorate with radish slices.
Seasonal berries (100 g)


Vegetable salad with boiled egg

Chop cucumbers, tomatoes - 60 g each, lettuce, dill, cilantro - 15 g each. Hard boil one chicken or a couple of quail eggs, chop or chop coarsely. Dress the salad with 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Meatballs from ground beef(200 g raw) without adding bread;
White cabbage (160 g), stewed;
Cranberry juice with stevia.

afternoon tea

Hard cheese (50 g) and small apple (60 g)


Grilled or oven-baked fish (200 g) with vegetables (zucchini - 100 g, bell pepper - 100 g)
Green tea with melissa

For the night

Boiled squid meat (80-100 g)

Based on the above example, you can plan a menu for type 2 diabetics for a week, based on personal taste preferences and capabilities. By the way, most of your favorite dishes can be easily converted into dietary ones, into recipes for diabetics, even some desserts. Just use sweetener instead of sugar.

Milkshake with strawberries

Grind 70 g of strawberries (fresh or frozen) and banana pulp in a blender. Beat with 100 g of cold milk, a pinch of vanilla and sugar substitute (1 serving). Garnish with whole berries and mint leaves. Enjoy your meal!

Basic Recipes

Salad preparation for type 2 diabetics and recipes should start with vegetable varieties. Speaking of this, I would like to draw attention to summer salad. Its components are extremely simple and during the summer in fresh available to all diabetics. The following are used as the main ingredients: 400 gr. white cabbage, 300 gr. cucumbers, as well as 150 gr. radishes, 100 gr. apples and 100 ml of special soy sour cream. You can add a small amount of salt to taste.

The presented vegetables will need to be cut into strips - it is desirable that it is not too thin - mix with finely chopped apples. After that, a certain amount of salt, sour cream is added and all components are thoroughly mixed. Thus, the first healthy diabetic salad can be considered ready.

As the next recipe, I would like to draw attention to the need for Greek salad. To do this, you will need to use 250 gr. sweet pepper, 200 gr. tomatoes, about 100 gr. grated cheese. No less important ingredients should be considered two cloves of garlic, a small amount of parsley, as well as two tbsp. l. vegetable oils. Speaking about the features of preparation, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. pepper and tomatoes are cut into small pieces;
  2. garlic is crushed, and parsley will need to be chopped as finely as possible;
  3. all components are thoroughly mixed together, poured with oil and sprinkled with mashed cheese.

Such a salad for type 2 diabetes can be consumed even daily, but it is strongly recommended to use only fresh ingredients.

This is where they will be most useful.

I would like to draw attention to the algorithm for preparing another vegetable salad, which will be useful in diabetes. This is about potato salad with the addition of greens. For its preparation it will be necessary to use 400 gr. potatoes, 200 gr. sorrel and spinach, as well as 100 ml soy sour cream, a small amount of green onions, dill and salt.

After preparing all the presented components, the potatoes will need to be boiled in their skins, after which they are peeled and cut into cubes of equal size. Other components, namely sorrel, spinach, green onions and dill, will need to be chopped very finely. The most useful products prepared in this way are mixed, salted to taste and seasoned with sour cream. The use of such salads in diabetes will be useful in the first and second types. However, as noted earlier, with the presented disease, not only vegetable recipes, but also those that involve the use of meat ingredients.

More about recipes

Without dietary meat The diet of a diabetic will be just as inadequate as without vegetables or fruits. That is why meat salads, which include the presented components, will be truly useful in diabetes. Their preparation does not take much time, however, it allows the diabetic to get an additional charge of vivacity and energy. Speaking of this, I would like to draw attention to the peculiarities of preparing the first of the varieties, namely meat salad with vegetables.

For its preparation it will be necessary to use 65 gr. any dietary meat (chicken, lean beef), one medium-sized potato, as well as one small pickle and half an egg.

In addition, the ingredients should contain one tomato, one tbsp. l. vegetable oil, two tbsp. l. natural vinegar and a small bunch of lettuce.

After preparing each of the presented components, it will be possible to proceed directly to the procedure for preparing the salad. In particular, already cooked and chilled meat, the indicated amount fresh lettuce, as well as pickles and boiled peeled potatoes, cut into slices and mix thoroughly. Next, you will need to prepare a special sauce from components such as vegetable oil, vinegar and part of the yolk. Speaking of this, they mean an oil-egg name, very similar to mayonnaise. It is with them that the salad is seasoned, and the resulting dish is decorated with tomatoes and eggs. According to experts, the presented salad is one of the most useful and complete in terms of the components present in it - natural vegetables.

No less useful for each of the diabetics is the following recipe, namely a salad that includes seafood. Noting all the features of its preparation, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that:

  • you will need to use 500 gr. fresh cabbage, 200 gr. any marine products, as well as one jar canned corn. No less significant components should be considered 200 gr. soy mayonnaise and lemon juice;
  • after preparing the ingredients, it will be necessary to cut the existing white cabbage, as well as seafood and add the indicated amount of corn (you can do without it if the diabetic does not like it or provokes allergic reactions);
  • season such a salad with dietary mayonnaise in a small amount and sprinkle with lemon juice.

You can use such salads for diabetes literally every day, and they will be useful, making it possible to improve the functioning of the digestive system and the whole organism as a whole.

In accordance with the following recipe, it is recommended to prepare special salads with ingredients such as squid, potatoes and sweet peppers.

To prepare the dish, you will need to use from 400 to 500 gr. squid fillet, 200 gr. potatoes, as well as from 200 to 300 gr. sweet pickled peppers. No less important components should be considered 50 gr. not only green, but also onions, two eggs, 200 gr. special soy mayonnaise, as well as a small bunch of parsley or dill.

Noting the peculiarities of cooking, I would like to draw attention to the fact that boiled and cooled squids, as well as sweet pickled peppers, will need to be cut into strips as small as possible. Then cut both green and onions, making it as small as possible. It will be equally important to prepare potatoes boiled in their skins, which are then peeled and thoroughly cooled - they are cut into the thinnest possible slices. Next, you need to cut the boiled eggs as small as possible, mix everything thoroughly and season with diet mayonnaise. When serving, you will need to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped greens to improve not only the appearance, but also the taste.

Thus, salad recipes are, perhaps, what excites every diabetic. They are the most useful, because they include not only healthy foods, but also contain them in optimal amount. According to experts, daily use vegetable, fruit or other dietary salads will improve the well-being of a diabetic, regardless of what type of disease is identified - the first or second.

Table of prohibited and permitted products

Product types Prohibited Products Approved Products
The drinks Sweet juices (from grapes), sugary sodas, tea and coffee with sugar Tea and coffee without sugar, vegetable juices, juices from apples, peach, pineapple, orange, berries
Dairy Cheeses with a fat content of more than 40% (soft), cream, sour cream, butter, yogurt, milk Hard cheeses (less than 40% fat), sour cream and yoghurts in small quantities, skimmed milk and kefir.
Fruit Raisins, dates, bananas, figs, grapes Limited - honey (no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day). Sweet and sour fruits and berries (oranges, apples).
Vegetables Salted and marinated semi-finished products In small quantities - potatoes, beets, carrots.

In any quantities - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, turnip, eggplant

cereals Pasta, semolina Any other cereals, taking into account the amount of carbohydrates
Soups Fatty meat broths, noodle soups Low-fat soups (from fish, chicken), mushroom, vegetable soups, okroshka, cabbage soup, borscht.
Meat Meat varieties (fatty): pork, duck, goose. Sausages, semi-finished products, canned food. Meat varieties (lean): beef, chicken, rabbit meat, tongue. Limited - liver.
Fish and seafood Caviar, canned food in oil, salted fish. Fish in tomato preserves, boiled and baked fish.
Bread and flour products White (wheat) bread. Rye, bran bread.
condiments Fatty, spicy, salty spices and sauces Herbal spices: parsley, dill.

Limited - horseradish, pepper, mustard.

Other Alcohol, sweets, fast food, mayonnaise, sugar, egg yolk Egg white

Please note that cabbage and cucumbers are products that reduce blood sugar..


Dishes for diabetics for breakfast.

Cabbage-apple cutlets

150 g cabbage, 75 g apples, 15 g rye flour, 0.5 cup milk

Grate the cabbage, put it in a pan, pour half a glass of milk, put on a slow fire and simmer for 10 minutes. Then pass through a meat grinder until the puree is formed.

Peel apples, finely chop, mix with cabbage puree, rye flour

Form cutlets, roll in the remaining rye flour and fry

Omelet with green onions

30 g green onions, 2¼ cups milk, eggs

Beat eggs, add milk, salt, chopped onion, mix.

The resulting mixture is poured into a hot frying pan and fried over high heat, stirring occasionally.

After cooking, you can sprinkle onion on top.

Omelet with apples

3 eggs, 100 g apples

Wash fresh apples (sweet, not sour), remove the peel and core, cut into thin slices, put in a pan, fry over low heat.

Beat the eggs and pour them over the apples, stirring, fry like a standard omelet.

Great English omelette

600 g apples, 250 g cheese, 200 g black bread pulp, diced, 200 ml milk, 6 eggs

Soak cubes of brown bread for 2 minutes in milk, beat eggs, add them to bread with milk. Peel the apples from the core and peel, pass them and cheese through a fine grater. Add apples and cheese to eggs.

Try to lay out the mass so that the pieces of apples are inside the omelet.

Fry in a skillet.

Sandwich with cheese and apples

Black bread slices, apple mass, sliced ​​cheese.

Grease the slices with applesauce, put cheese on top. Can be baked in the oven.

Rustic buckwheat pancakes

500 and 200 g of buckwheat flour (you can use rye), 10 g of yeast, 2 eggs, a spoonful of butter, 2 cups of water

Put a piece of buckwheat flour dough, warm water and yeast.

When the dough rises, add the rest of the buckwheat flour, butter, beat the eggs (yolks and whites separately). Boil the risen dough with boiling water.

Pour into a pan, fry until a pancake is obtained.

Omelet with carrots and apples

200 grams of carrots and 200 grams of apples, 4 eggs

Wash and peel the carrots, cut the apples in half and cut out the core.

Cut apples and carrots into cubes. Put in a frying pan, pour over the eggs and fry.

Salad recipes for diabetics.

Salad of vegetables, fruits, berries

80 g peas, 150 g cauliflower, 100 g cucumbers, 150 g tomatoes, 150 g apples, 120 g currants

Boil the cauliflower in salted water, then remove and disassemble into small kops.

Peel apples and core. Cut them, as well as tomatoes and cucumbers, into thin slices. Mix everything thoroughly by adding green pea and currant.

Salad of apples and cucumbers

3 cucumbers, 2 apples, 1 leek

Cut apples and cucumbers into strips, finely chop the onion and add it to the mixture

Turnip and orange salad

0.5 swede, 1 orange, 0.5 lemon, 1 apple, a little vegetable oil

Wash and peel the turnips, wash the apples, but do not peel them. Skip the apples and rutabaga through a fine grater.

Peel the orange and cut the lemon into slices. Pass the zest through a fine grater. Add slices and zest to salad. Mix everything and put in a salad bowl.

Watermelon and fruit salad

150 g cauliflower, 150 g watermelon, 100 g tomatoes, 150 g apples, green salad

Peel the apples and cut the core, cut into slices. Cut watermelon into centimeter cubes.

In the middle of the salad bowl, spread the lettuce leaves, place the chopped cabbage on top with a tubercle, around the bouquets - chopped fruits, tomatoes.

Soups for lunch

Soups for overweight people.

meat broth

75 g meat, 100 g bones, 20 g onion, 800 ml water, 20 g carrots, parsley, salt

Meat and bones are cut or chopped, placed in cold water, salt is added. Boil over low heat for 2 hours, half an hour before cooking, add onions and carrots, then 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add parsley.

Mushroom and beetroot soup

120 g beets, 20 g mushrooms, 20 g onions, 30 g carrots, dill and salt

Dried mushrooms are washed well, cut into thin strips and boiled.

Chopped beets, grated carrots, thinly sliced ​​onions are placed in the mushroom broth.

Season with salt and dill and cook for another 5 minutes.

Soup and cucumber and rice

60 g cucumbers, 20 g carrots, 15 g onions, 100 ml milk, 300 ml meat broth, 5 g of greens, salt.

Soaked rice is placed in boiling water, boiled until tender. Seasoned with milk, chopped fresh cucumbers, carrots, onions.

Bring to a boil, cook for 3-4 minutes, then let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Before serving, season with dill.

Rice sweet soup

5 st. spoons of rice, dried fruits, 5 glasses of water, fruit

Pour boiling water over any fruits, berries, dried fruits, tightly close the lid, let it brew, then strain.

Boil rice separately for 10 minutes. Then strain and transfer it to a fruit broth, cook in it for 20-30 minutes.

After readiness, add previously extracted fruits and berries to the soup.

Soup with apples and rose hips

300 ml of water, 20 g of dry rose hips, 100 g of apples, 20 g of rice, citric acid and salt

Peel and cut apples. apple peel and cook the core with rose hips for 10 minutes, then let it brew for exactly an hour. Strain the decoction through a sieve, removing the berries and peeling the apples.

Add apples to the rosehip broth, season the soup citric acid and rice.

Old Russian soup

1.5 carrot roots, a quarter of a head of cabbage, half a head of turnip, 1-1.5 liters of meat broth, onion, 2 fresh tomatoes, dill, salt, Bay leaf

Add turnips and cabbage to the broth and boil for 10 minutes.

Then put onions, carrots, tomatoes, add salt and bay leaf and boil for another 5 minutes.

Turn off the gas and add dill, let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

Fish borscht with mushrooms

100 g fresh cabbage, 200 g fish fillet, 10 g of parsley, 10 g of vinegar 3%, 50 g of onion, 150 g of beets, 40 g of carrots, 20 g of rye flour, dill, salt, 25 g of dried mushrooms,

Cover the fish with water and boil for 10 minutes. Add onions, carrots, parsley to the broth, cut the beets into strips, chop the cabbage, dried mushrooms cut in small pieces. Boil the whole mixture for 10 minutes over low heat.

Finely chop the onion loop, sprinkle with rye flour, fry separately in a pan for 1-2 minutes, then pour in the diluted vinegar.

Let it brew for 5-7 minutes and put the mass into borscht.

Mushroom soup with vegetables

400 g fresh mushrooms, half a cabbage, 50 g green onions, 400 g zucchini, 1.5 liters of water, 1 carrot, parsley, celery root, 1-2 tomatoes, dill, salt

Rinse the mushrooms, peel and cut, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Cut carrots into circles, chop parsley and celery, mix and lightly fry, at the end of frying, sprinkle with finely chopped onions.

Add chopped cabbage and a mixture of carrots and greens to the boiling broth with mushrooms.

Boil for 5 minutes, then cut the tomatoes and zucchini into small slices and add them to the soup, salt and boil for another 10 minutes.

Add dill when serving

Roasted tomato and onion soup

4 onions (cut into 2 pieces each), salt and black pepper, a kilogram of tomatoes, 8 cloves of garlic, 4 carrots, 25 g olive oil, 10 mg rosemary, 60 ml tomato paste, lemon juice, mint

Spread onions, rosemary, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and carrots on a baking sheet and heat the oven to 200 ° C. Then they are greased with oil, salted and baked in the oven for 40 minutes.

Then they take it out, let it cool, pour lemon juice and put everything in a mixer.

Add a little water if necessary and beat until pureed.

After that, the soup is placed in a saucepan, brought to a boil again and served.


Recipes for diabetics for the evening.

Ragout with beef and prunes

2 tbsp. spoons of rye flour, 4 pieces of beef fillet, st. a spoonful of oil, 12 small onions, 450 ml of chicken broth, st. a spoonful of tomato paste, 12 prunes (remove the seeds), salt and pepper to taste

Add salt and pepper to the couscous and roll the fillet in it.

Fry the onion and fillet in oil for 5 minutes, turning occasionally.

Then add the remaining flour, tomato paste and broth, mix.

Pour the resulting sauce into a saucepan with fillets and place in the oven for 1.5 hours at 190 ° C. Add prunes 30 minutes before readiness.

Does the meal come with vegetables.

Turkish Shrimp Pilaf

4 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, onion, 2 large sweet peppers, 350 g of rice, 2 teaspoons of mint, 250 g of peeled shrimp, juice of two lemons, parsley, salt, lettuce, 2 cloves of garlic.

Fry the onion, pepper, garlic, with the addition of oil over low heat for 10 minutes.

Add rice, mint there and keep on low heat for 2-3 minutes, then add water so that it covers the pilaf.

Keep 10-15 minutes on slow gas without a lid, until the rice becomes soft.

Add shrimp and some salt for taste.

Cook for 4 more minutes, then add lemon juice and parsley.

Serve warm, garnished with lettuce leaves.

Vegetable stew with green onions

500 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 250 g peas, 300 g green onions, 500 ml vegetable broth, 1 onion, parsley and salt

Cabbage and carrots cut into "spaghetti" or wipe through a coarse grater.

Finely chop the green onion.

All cook in vegetable broth 15 minutes on slow gas.

Finely chop the onion and add with the peas, cook for another 5 minutes.

Season with salt and sprinkle with parsley.


Simple recipes for diabetics for dessert

Parisian cheese dessert

100 g apples, 50 g cheese, juice of half a lemon, 2 slices of black bread

Peel the apple and core. Grind together with cheese into thin slices, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix.

Serve for dessert with fried slices of black bread.

Dried fruits in sour milk

80-100 g dried fruits, 400 g skimmed milk

Dried fruits pour milk and let it brew for 15-20 hours in a dark place with room temperature. Dessert is eaten immediately, without leaving for storage.

Pumpkin with fruits

125 g pumpkin, 30 g plums and apples, 120 ml kefir, salt

Cut the pumpkin and fruit into small slices, add a little water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drain water, pour kefir and mix thoroughly.

cucumber cocktail

150 g cucumbers, 0.5 lemons, 1 teaspoon natural honey, 2 edible ice cubes

Rinse cucumbers, peel, cut into cubes and pass through a juicer. Squeeze the juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Add honey, cucumber and lemon juices to a mixer and beat well.

Pour into a glass and add a couple of ice cubes. Drink through a straw.


The benefits of salads for diabetes

The main way to treat patients with type 2 diabetes is to follow a special diet. But when making such a diagnosis, it is not at all necessary to refuse everyday food. The menu for diabetes can include a variety of dishes, including sweet ones, but in moderation. The main goal of a diet for type 2 diabetes is to reduce the load on the pancreas, to lose extra pounds.

The basis of the diet should be dishes from vegetables and fruits, namely fresh salads, which contain dietary fiber in large quantities. One has only to limit the consumption of vegetables such as potatoes, beets, carrots.

Dietary fiber is the food particles found in plant foods. digestive system they are not absorbed or digested. Such substances are necessary in the diet, as they have the ability to lower sugar levels, normalize lipid metabolism, which helps to reduce body weight. Thanks to dietary fiber, the absorption of glucose and fats in the digestive tract is slowed down, which reduces the need for insulin therapy in patients, and a feeling of satiety quickly appears. A large number of such substances are found in strawberries, raspberries, quince, lemon, legumes, figs, prunes, bran, dates, nuts, mushrooms and sorrel. The need for fiber in diabetes is 40 grams. per day. It is recommended that the daily dose of fiber is 51% covered by dietary fiber found in vegetables, 40% by whole grain bread and cereals, 9% by fruits and berries.

4 weeks after the start of diet therapy, the glucose level decreases significantly, and even returns to normal.

Menu for type 2 diabetics: salad recipes

The proposed salad recipes for type 2 diabetes will help each patient to eat varied, healthy and tasty.

Recipes for Type 2 Diabetes: Salad with Carrots, Nuts and Apple


  • 100-120 gr. peeled carrots;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • 25 gr. walnuts;
  • 90 gr. low-fat sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Preparing the salad:

First, you should remove the peel from the apple, and then grind it with a grater together with the carrots, or simply cut into medium-sized slices. Then you need to sprinkle the chopped apple, as well as carrots with lemon juice, add finely chopped walnuts. At the end of the preparation of the salad, season it with the required amount of low-fat sour cream, add salt to taste, mix well.

Recipes for type 2 diabetes: salad with Jerusalem artichoke and cabbage


  • 210 gr. white cabbage;
  • 220 gr. Jerusalem artichoke fruits;
  • 2 heads of onion;
  • 45 gr. pickled mushrooms;
  • 25 gr. fresh greens.

How to cook salad with Jerusalem artichoke and cabbage:

White cabbage should be chopped, put into a salad bowl, add spices and salt, mash it slightly to extract the juice. Transfer here shredded Jerusalem artichoke fruits, onion rings, pre-cut pickled mushrooms. Season with spices and salt to taste, pour in 45 ml of salad dressing, mix well. Top the salad with finely chopped fresh herbs. For this fit parsley, cilantro or dill.

Type 2 Diabetic Recipes: Tomato Salad (Green)


    3 green tomatoes;

  • 1 onion;
  • 210 gr. walnuts;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 p. green parsley or cilantro;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • a set of spices based on coriander, fenugreek red pepper;
  • 70 ml of vinegar;
  • salt.

Preparation of green tomato salad:

Rinse green tomatoes, cut into slices, put them in a saucepan. Add 210 ml of water, the required amount of sunflower oil, salt and a little bit of vinegar. Bring it all to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Throw green tomatoes in a colander, add chopped onions to them. Grind walnuts with garlic using a meat grinder. The resulting mass must be mixed with a set of spices, add the remaining vinegar, mix. You will get a fairly thick mass, resembling a paste. It should be added to the rest of the salad ingredients, along with fresh herbs. Mix everything, put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The salad is ready to serve.

Recipes for Type 2 Diabetes: Salad with Apple and Seaweed


  • 200-220 gr. seaweed;
  • 1 more apple;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 120 ml of curdled milk;
  • 1 item of green parsley;
  • salt, ground pepper.

The process of preparing a salad with seaweed and apple:

Rinse and boil the carrots in lightly salted water until tender. Cool and peel it, and then cut into medium pieces. Remove the skin from the apple, remove the core along with the seeds. Cut the peeled apple into pieces of the same size as the carrot, immediately add the required amount of seaweed to it. This will preserve the original color of the apple and protect it from browning. Cut the lightly salted cucumber in the same way as an apple with carrots. Rinse the parsley, finely chop it. Season all salad ingredients with spices, salt, and then add the required amount of yogurt. Mix everything and put it in a salad bowl. Decorate the dish with slices of pickled cucumber, apple slices..

Salads with seafood, meat

In diabetes mellitus, the use of fatty varieties of fish and meat is undesirable. Preference should be given to lean (lean) meat: beef, turkey, rabbit. It is also necessary to use dietary seafood: squid, mussels, cod.

The method of their heat treatment also plays important role. Therefore, it is better to cook meat with fish for a couple or bake. Thanks to this method of preparation, these products will retain all the components useful for the body, they will not negatively affect the functioning of the digestive tract. For salad dressing suitable for diabetics a mixture prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, as well as lemon juice, but the use of mayonnaise, sour cream must be minimized or replaced with low-fat kefir.

Recipes for type 2 diabetes: salad with mussels and vegetables


  • 180 gr. boiled mussels;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 3 beets;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers, as well as onions;
  • 120 gr. canned peas;
  • 60 ml of mayonnaise;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 3 gr. fructose.

Preparation of salad with mussels and vegetables:

Transfer the mussels to the pan, add a little water or milk, simmer, covering the dishes with a lid. After a few minutes, add the chopped onion along with the bay leaf. Cook everything for 20 minutes. After that, transfer all the components of the salad to a separate bowl, cool, and then finely chop. Boil potatoes with carrots in one bowl, and beets in another. Peel cooked vegetables, finely chop. Add them along with canned peas to the rest of the salad ingredients, season with the required amount of mayonnaise, season everything with fructose, as well as spices. Mix everything, serve salad on the table.

Recipes for type 2 diabetes: vegetable salad with boiled fish


  • 1 fresh-frozen fish carcass;
  • 3 medium pickles;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 120 ml of curdled milk;
  • green lettuce leaves;
  • 30 ml tomato puree;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook a salad with vegetables and fish:

Boil potatoes in their skins, and fish in lightly salted water. Cool the cooked fish, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces. Remove skin from potatoes, cut into small cubes. Cut off the tips from the cucumbers, cut into slices of the same size as the potatoes. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Mix all the prepared ingredients, season with the previously prepared yogurt-based dressing, tomato puree with ground black pepper. Toss the salad and add salt to taste. Transfer the finished dish to a small salad bowl, garnish with fresh lettuce leaves before serving.

Type 2 Diabetes Recipes: Herring Salad


  • 1 salted herring;
  • 3-4 quail eggs;
  • lemon juice;
  • mustard;
  • dill greens, onion feathers.

Salad preparation with herring:

Rinse the herring, peel, and then cut into medium cubes. It is better to give preference to whole fish, not to buy already cut herring in oil. Such canned food contains a large amount of sunflower oil, salt, as well as preservatives that should not be consumed in diabetes. Boil the quail eggs, then peel and cut into 2 pieces. Chicken eggs can also be used to make a salad. Quail will look prettier in a salad. Finely chop the dill and onion feathers. Mix all prepared ingredients of the dish, add dressing here. To prepare the dressing, you need to mix a little mustard with lemon juice. Now the dish is completely ready. Before serving, you can sprinkle it with grated cheese, but in this case, do not forget about the calorie content of such a salad.

Food choices for type 2 diabetes

Meals should have the least amount of fat, sugar and salt. Food for diabetes can be varied and healthy due to the abundance of all kinds of recipes.

It is advisable for patients with type 2 diabetes not to abuse bread. It is recommended to eat grain-type bread, which is well absorbed and does not affect the level of glucose in human blood. Baking is not recommended for diabetics. Including a day you can eat no more than 200 grams of potatoes, it is also desirable to limit the amount of cabbage or carrots consumed.

The daily diet for type 2 diabetes should include the following dishes:

  • In the morning, you need to eat a small portion of buckwheat porridge cooked in water, with the addition of chicory and a small piece of butter.
  • The second breakfast may include a light fruit salad using fresh apples and grapefruit, you should definitely be aware of what fruits you can eat with diabetes.
  • At lunchtime, low-fat borscht is recommended, prepared on the basis of chicken broth, with the addition of sour cream. Drink in the form of dried fruit compote.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can eat a cottage cheese casserole. Healthy and delicious rosehip tea is recommended as a drink. Baking is not recommended.
  • For dinner, meatballs with a side dish in the form of stewed cabbage are suitable. Drinking unsweetened tea.
  • The second dinner includes one glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.

It should be borne in mind that with type 2 diabetes, you need to eat often, but little by little. Pastries are being replaced with healthier grain breads. Specially developed recipes will make food tasty and unusual.

Recipes for type 2 diabetics

There are several types of recipes that are ideal for type 2 diabetes and diversify the life of diabetics. They contain only healthy products, pastries and other unhealthy dishes are excluded.

A dish of beans and peas. To create a dish, you need 400 grams of fresh or frozen beans in pods and peas, 400 grams of onion, two tablespoons of flour, three tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of tomato paste, one clove of garlic, fresh herbs and salt .

The pan is heated, 0.8 tablespoon of butter is added, peas are poured onto the melted surface and fried for three minutes. Next, the pan is covered with a lid and the peas are stewed until full cooking. Beans are stewed in the same way. To beneficial features the products are not gone, you need to simmer for no longer than ten minutes.

The onion is finely chopped, sautéed with butter, flour is poured into the pan and fried for three minutes. Tomato paste diluted with water is poured into a frying pan, lemon juice is added, salt to taste and fresh herbs are poured. The mixture is closed with a lid and stewed for three minutes. Stewed peas and beans are poured into a pan, mashed garlic is placed in the dish and the mixture is heated under a lid over low heat. When serving, you can decorate the dish with tomato slices.

Cabbage with zucchini. To create a dish, you need 300 grams of zucchini, 400 grams of cauliflower, three tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of butter, 200 grams of sour cream, one tablespoon of tomato sauce, one clove of garlic, one tomato, fresh herbs and salt.

Zucchini are thoroughly washed in running water and finely cut into cubes. Cauliflower also washed under a strong stream of water and divided into parts. Vegetables are placed in a saucepan and boiled until fully cooked, after which they are leaned back into a colander until the liquid has completely drained.

Flour is poured into the pan, butter is put and heated over low heat. Sour cream, tomato sauce, finely chopped or mashed garlic, salt and fresh chopped herbs are added to the mixture. The mixture is constantly stirred until the sauce is ready. After that, zucchini and cabbage are placed in the pan, the vegetables are stewed for four minutes. Ready meal can be garnished with tomato slices.

Stuffed zucchini . For cooking, you will need four small zucchini, five tablespoons of buckwheat, eight mushrooms, a few dried mushrooms, onion head, garlic clove, 200 grams of sour cream, one tablespoon of flour, sunflower oil, salt.

Buckwheat is carefully sorted and washed, poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and put on a slow fire. After boiling water, chopped onion, dry mushrooms and salt are added. The saucepan is covered with a lid, buckwheat is cooked for 15 minutes. Mushrooms and chopped garlic are placed in a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. The mixture is fried for five minutes, after which boiled buckwheat is placed and the dish is stirred.

Zucchini are cut lengthwise and the pulp is taken out of them so that peculiar boats are obtained. The pulp of zucchini is useful for making the sauce. To do this, it is wiped, put on a frying pan and fried with the addition of flour, smarana and salt. The resulting boats are slightly salted, a mixture of buckwheat and mushrooms is poured into the inside. The dish is doused with sauce, placed in a preheated oven and baked for 30 minutes until fully cooked. Stuffed zucchini garnished with tomato slices and fresh herbs.

Vitamin salad for type 2 diabetes. Diabetics are encouraged to eat fresh vegetables, so salads with vitamins are great as a side dish. This will require 300 grams of kohlrabi cabbage, 200 grams of green cucumbers, a clove of garlic, fresh herbs, vegetable oil and salt. This is not to say that this is a treatment for type 2 diabetes, but in combination, this approach is very useful.

Cabbage is thoroughly washed and rubbed with a grater. Cucumbers after washing are cut into strips. Vegetables are mixed, garlic and chopped fresh herbs are placed in the salad. The dish is seasoned with vegetable oil.

original salad. This dish is the perfect addition to any celebration. To create it, you need 200 grams of beans in pods, 200 grams of green peas, 200 grams of cauliflower, a fresh apple, two tomatoes, fresh herbs, two tablespoons of lemon juice, three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cauliflower is divided into parts, placed in a pot of water, salt is added to taste and boiled. Similarly, you need to boil the beans and peas. Tomatoes are cut in the form of circles, the apple is crushed in the form of cubes. So that the apples do not darken after cutting, you must immediately pour lemon juice over them.

Green lettuce leaves are placed on a wide dish, tomato slices are placed around the perimeter of the plate, then a bean ring sneaks, followed by a cabbage ring. Peas are placed in the middle of the dish. On top, the dish is decorated with apple cubes, finely chopped parsley and dill. The salad is dressed with mixed vegetable oil, lemon juice and salt.

High blood sugar symptoms Monastic tea for diabetes

Doctors recommend diabetics to include in their diet as many varieties of salads as possible. After all, a special diet is the main and integral part of the treatment of this disease. And salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs are the best way to meet medical requirements.

The benefits of salads for diabetes

The exceptional benefit of salads lies in the large amount of dietary fiber that they are rich in. A specific feature of these fibers is that they are not digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Their functions that benefit diabetic patients are:

  1. Slow down the absorption of fats and glucose. Due to this property, the need for insulin therapy is greatly reduced in patients.
  2. Contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism and lowering the concentration of sugar in the blood. As a consequence, there is active decline weight in patients.

Already a month after the start of a therapeutic diet, the concentration of glucose decreases and even begins to approach normal levels.

Salads are allowed to be consumed throughout the day. They can be used for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Vegetables and greens for salads need to be purchased of good quality, it is better if they are from your own garden.

Let's look at what vegetables doctors advise to include in salads:

  • Onion. It is recommended for adding to salads, but it should not be abused, nevertheless. Onion significantly improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, helps to cope with infectious diseases.
  • Carrot. This vegetable can be eaten raw. An increase in blood sugar causes boiled carrots.
  • Fresh cucumbers. They contain tartronic acid, which helps to strengthen the vascular walls.
  • Cabbage. It can be used in any form.

Salads for type 1 diabetics

The best choice is, for example, white cabbage. It is it that should be included in the composition of prepared salads. It goes well with a variety of products and is rich in useful trace elements.

Salads intended for type 1 diabetics should not contain fast-digesting carbohydrates.

Cucumber salad with mint and cumin

We take: 3 fresh cucumbers, low-fat sour cream, lemon juice, one teaspoon of ground cumin, one teaspoon of dried mint, table salt.

My cucumbers, peel, remove seeds from them. Cut, mix with other components. Topped with sour cream with lemon juice.

Salad with herring

We take: herring, quail eggs in the amount of 3 pieces, lemon juice, mixed salad leaves, green onions, mustard.

We clean the herring and cut it into medium-sized pieces. Boil the eggs, peel and cut into two halves. The ingredients are mixed, greens are added. Salad dressing - mustard mixed with lemon juice.

Refreshing cucumber salad

We take: celery, fresh cucumbers, a bunch of dill, vegetable oil (a tablespoon).

Wash and chop cucumbers and celery well. Finely chop the herbs and onions. We mix everything in a salad bowl and season with vegetable oil.

Salad with boiled chicken and vegetables

We take: fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.), Tomato, chicken fillet, lettuce leaves, olive oil(tablespoon), lemon juice.

Boil the chicken fillet, cut into pieces. We also cut cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. We mix the ingredients and season with olive oil with the addition of lemon juice.

celery salad

We take: green apples (2 pcs.), Celery (200 grams), carrots (1 pc.), Parsley (bunch), lemon juice, sour cream with a low percentage of fat content.

We rub celery, fresh carrots and apples with a grater. Mix ingredients and salt. Topped with sour cream with lemon juice. On top of this salad is decorated with herbs.

Vitamin green salad with cucumbers (video)

Another version of a healthy salad with cucumbers and fresh herbs is presented in this video with step by step instructions for cooking.

Salads for type 2 diabetics

The composition of dietary salads depends solely on your fantasies and culinary abilities. The most important thing is to monitor the glycemic index of the components so that foods with a high index do not get there. It is also important and necessary to observe regularity in meals.

Festive dishes for diabetics for the new year should be tasty and healthy. The main thing is to know that there should not be too many carbohydrates in salads and snacks, this is quite realistic to achieve, the main thing is to choose tasty and simple recipes that will delight relatives and friends, and can also become a real delicacy for a sick person on a festive evening.

Although it is necessary to adhere to this disease, it is still worth remembering that there are not so many prohibited foods on the list, and many festive dishes can be prepared from the permitted ingredients. It is worth considering in more detail the options for recipes for dishes that may be present on the New Year's table for a diabetic.

Salads for a festive event

For type 2 diabetics, you can choose a variety of recipes, because a large number of products for such a disease are allowed, it is enough just to control carbohydrates in ready-made salads. New Year's table must be decorated fish dishes, seafood and various vegetable salads, it is worth considering best options making these snacks.

Shrimp salad


Shrimp - about a hundred grams;
Fresh tomatoes - two hundred grams;
Fresh cucumbers - one hundred and fifty grams;
Fresh carrot - two hundred grams;
Cauliflower - two hundred grams;
Chicken eggs - two pieces;
Green peas - no more than fifty grams;
Full spoon of lemon juice;
fresh leaves lettuce;
A little salt and fresh dill;
Half a glass of kefir is not fatty (you can use sour cream).


To create something so delicious snack dish, you need to take the shrimp and boil them for several minutes in water, it is worth remembering that the defrosted product is cooked for no more than five minutes, otherwise the seafood will become tough and rubbery, which will spoil the taste of the salad.

Next, you need to take all the available vegetables, rinse them in clean water and cut them into small cubes, send all the cuts to the salad bowl, and move the shrimp there, which must be cleaned in advance. Such a salad mixes well, a spoonful of lemon juice is added to it, chopped dill is added there, the dish is salted to taste and seasoned with sour cream or kefir.

Such a dish must be laid out on a portion dish, while it is advisable to use lettuce leaves as a decoration, the dish is also decorated on top with cucumber roses and finely chopped greens. You can serve as an independent appetizer, as it contains seafood, such an appetizer will appeal to every guest.

Goat cheese salad with walnuts


Green leaves of fresh lettuce - one large bunch;
Walnuts - about a hundred grams;
Watercress - a couple of large bunches;
Goat cheese - no more than one hundred grams;
Red onion - one small head;
Orange juice is not sweet - a couple of large spoons;
A little salt and ground black pepper;
Red wine vinegar - a couple of large spoons;
Olive oil - two large spoons.


First you need to take the greens and rinse it well in water, then the lettuce leaves are thoroughly dried and torn by hand into small pieces, after which the leaves are transferred to a large salad bowl. Next, a sweet salad onion is taken, peeled and cut into thin half rings, the finished cut is sent to a bowl with lettuce.

Now you can prepare salad dressing, for this you need to separately pour wine red vinegar into a cup, add a little olive oil, sweet and not sweet orange juice in equal amounts, add a little sugar, as well as ground black pepper and salt.

The finished appetizer is well shaken, and then you can pour the prepared salad with ready-made dressing, mix everything gently with two spatulas, and the hostess puts small pieces of goat cheese on top. When the salad is almost ready, it’s worth doing the nuts, they are well ground to get very small pieces, and then the resulting snack is sprinkled with nut crumbs.

Main dishes for a gala dinner

Even hot meals can turn out delicious if you use simple and familiar foods that are allowed in the diet of a diabetic patient, but a diabetic dinner will turn out to be very tasty if you apply a little imagination to it.

Chicken stuffed with fresh champignons


Small-sized chickens - two pieces;
fresh tomatoes- one kilogram;
Sour cream is not greasy - a third of a glass;
Not a large bulb - one thing;
Sunflower seed vegetable oil - three large spoons;
Various spices to taste;
Fresh mushrooms - two hundred and fifty grams.


To begin with, it is worth taking care of the chickens, for this they are washed in water, and then placed in a saucepan with water and boiled until fully cooked. While the chickens are cooking, it is worth preparing the rest of the ingredients, for this the mushrooms are washed in water and cut into very small cubes, then they can be boiled.

To do this, the mushrooms are put in a separate container, into which vegetable oil is also poured, the required amount of sour cream, and then salt and ground black pepper are added, the resulting mixture is cooked for several minutes, usually it does not take more than 10-15 minutes.

Once the filling mixture is ready, you can take the already cooled chicken and stuff it with this mushroom mixture, then it is placed in the oven and left to bake completely. This recipe is best used if a person is not afraid to annoy Cockerel with the presence of a chicken on festive table when the last chicken is ready, you need to sprinkle the first with herbs, and the second can be decorated with various fresh vegetables.

It is very important to serve such a dish only hot, so you will have to do the cooking right before the guests arrive. If you need to think of a side dish for such a meat dish, you can choose the simplest recipes for diabetics, for example, it can be stewed or baked vegetables.

Mini chops


Fresh beef tenderloin - two hundred grams;
Large onion - one piece;
Salt and pepper ground as needed;
A small amount of fresh herbs;
Butter - one small spoon.


This amount of ingredients is designed for only one serving of meat, if there is a need to make a dish for all guests, then accordingly it is necessary to increase the amount meat product. Now you can start harvesting beef, for this you need to rinse a piece in clean cold water, and then cut it across the fibers and beat it well with a hammer.

It is necessary to remove all veins in advance and excess fat, which should not be in the chop. After that, they begin to prepare the onion, it is peeled, and then cut into very such rings.

Now you need to put the pieces of meat in a broken form on a baking sheet, it is pre-lubricated with butter. Onion is laid out on a layer of meat, and then the dish must be stewed in this form over very low heat until fully cooked.

It is best to add spices, salt and pepper in ground form in the middle of cooking. Before serving pork on the table, it is abundantly sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs, and various vegetable salads or vegetable salads should be used as a side dish. vegetable stew.

Stuffed cabbage for diabetics


Fresh cabbage - about a kilogram;
Fresh tomatoes - six pieces;
Vegetable oil from sunflower seeds - a couple of spoons;
Sour cream of medium fat content - a third of a glass;
Minced beef - three hundred grams;
Wheat flour - two large spoons;
A little salt;
Small onion - one piece;
Any rice - forty grams;
Butter - ten grams.


Cook delicious and hearty meal on New Year's table it’s not at all difficult, you just need to apply a little imagination, and you should also turn to old Russian recipes, because cabbage rolls are considered Russian traditional dish, so on the New Year's table hot snack always present.

To prepare cabbage rolls, you need to take the cabbage and disassemble it into leaves, it is better that the head is younger, then the process of separating the leaves will be faster and easier, if the leaves are rough, then the cabbage can be slightly boiled to make it a little softer and more pliable. If it turned out to disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves without the cooking process, then the leaves still need to be doused with boiling water to make the process of creating the dish easier.

Now each of these leaves is laid out and a little ground beef is placed in the middle, the leaves are wrapped in the form of an envelope so that the stuffed cabbage does not begin to unfold during cooking. Each finished envelope is rolled in flour, and then fried quite a bit in a pan.

Only after that, the future dish is transferred to a large saucepan, water is added there and tomatoes are cut into chickens, after which the tomatoes are also sent to the cabbage rolls. The dish is stewed until fully cooked, and then served hot, seasoned with sour cream.

Rabbit stewed with vegetables


Butter - forty grams;
Various spices to taste and a little salt;
Fresh rabbit meat - two hundred grams;
Flour - one large spoon;
Large bulb - one piece;
Fresh tomatoes - two hundred grams;
Large carrot - one piece or forty grams.


To begin with, it’s worth doing rabbit meat, for this, a tenderloin is taken and washed well with cold water, then the meat is cut into small pieces and stewed for about fifteen minutes over very low heat. Now it’s worth starting to harvest vegetables, for this, onions and carrots are peeled, cut into medium pieces and transferred to rabbit meat, which is still stewed in a saucepan.

Such a preparation is cooked for about two minutes, and then flour is added to it, it is advisable to dilute it in a small amount of water so that lumps do not form in the dish later.

As soon as the flour is added, the dish is mixed and a little water is added, it is necessary to wait until the liquid begins to thicken, and then a little salt, ground pepper are added to the meat with vegetables, and suitable spices must also be used. Extinguish holiday dish it takes at least one hour for the vegetables to be saturated with the aroma of rabbit meat. It is necessary to serve such a hot dish in a large cauldron, you can sprinkle meat with vegetables with herbs and serve a little sour cream to it.

Desserts for a diabetic for a New Year's celebration

Even if a person has such a diagnosis, this does not mean at all that he is completely forbidden to eat sweets, so you just need to describe one wonderful option cooking cheesecake, it turns out fresh and very festive, the dessert will certainly appeal to both adults and children.

Orange cheesecake with dried apricots


Diabetic shortbread cookies - 175 grams;
Chicken eggs - two jokes;
Large dried apricots - one hundred and fifty grams;
Homemade cottage cheese - half a kilogram;
Sugar - one hundred grams;
Zest and juice from two oranges;
Raisins - about fifty grams.


To begin with, it is worth preheating the oven, and then mix the crushed diabetic cookies with the required amount of melted butter, then lay this blank on the bottom of the mold and bake for no more than ten minutes. Now whip the cottage cheese with the addition of sugar and eggs.

While the base for such a dessert is being baked, you can put the zest and juice from sweet oranges in a saucepan and add dried apricots there, all this is cooked for about ten minutes, and then crushed until smooth so that the mass looks like mashed potatoes.

A little more raisins are added to such a puree and curd mass, all this is poured into the form with ready basis and bake for about forty minutes. cool and serve to the table.

Regardless of what type of diabetes the patient has - first, second or gestational, he must correctly form his table in order to control the concentration of glucose in the blood. The diet consists of foods that have a low glycemic index. This indicator will display the speed at which glucose in the blood is processed after eating a certain product.

Only this indicator guides endocrinologists in compiling a menu for a diabetic. In addition, it is important to balance the diet, more than half of the diet should be vegetables.

It is a mistake to think that dishes for diabetics are monotonous. Absolutely not, because the list of allowed products is large and many side dishes and salads can be made from them. They will be discussed in this article.

Below are the questions - what salads to cook for a diabetic, salad recipes for type 2 diabetics, dishes for the new year, light salads for snacks and seafood salads as a full meal.

Glycemic index of salad products

For patients with a "sweet" disease, regardless of the type, it is necessary to eat foods with an index of up to 50 units. Food with indicators up to 69 units may be present on the table, but as an exception, that is, a couple of times a week no more than 150 grams. At the same time, the menu should not be burdened with other harmful products. All other ingredients for salads, with an index of more than 70 units, are prohibited in type 2 and type 1 diabetes, as they have a great effect on increasing blood glucose levels.

Diabetic salad recipes exclude dressing them with ketchups and mayonnaise. In general, in addition to GI, you also need to pay attention to the calorie content of products. It turns out that GI is the first criterion for choosing products, and their calorie content is the last. It is worth considering two indicators at once.

For example, oil has an index of zero units, one it does not welcome guest in the patient's diet. The thing is that often, such products are overloaded with bad cholesterol and have a high calorie content, which provokes the formation of body fat.

For type 1 and type 2 diabetics, you can cook both vegetable and fruit, and meat, and fish salads. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients that will be combined with each other. Vegetable salads for diabetics are valuable because they contain a large amount of dietary fiber that slows down the flow of glucose into the blood.

Of the vegetables for making salads, the following will be useful:

  • celery;
  • a tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • all varieties of cabbage - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, white, red, Beijing;
  • onions and green onions;
  • bitter and sweet (bulgarian) pepper;
  • garlic;
  • squash;
  • fresh carrots;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils.

Also, salads can be prepared from any variety of mushrooms - champignons, oyster mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles. All index does not exceed 35 units.

The taste of salads for diabetes can be varied with seasonings or herbs, such as turmeric, oregano, basil, parsley or dill.

Fruit salad is a healthy breakfast for diabetics. The daily dose will be up to 250 grams. You can season cooked fruit and berry salads with kefir, curdled milk or unsweetened homemade yogurt.

From fruits and berries, you should choose the following:

  1. apples and pears;
  2. apricots, nectarines and peaches;
  3. sweet cherry and cherry;
  4. strawberries, strawberries and raspberries;
  5. gooseberry;
  6. Garnet;
  7. blueberry;
  8. mulberry;
  9. all types of citrus fruits - orange, tangerine, pomelo, grapefruit.

In a small amount, no more than 50 grams per day, you can add nuts of any kind to dishes for diabetics - walnuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios. Their index is low, but the calorie content is quite high.

Meat and fish for salads should choose low-fat varieties, removing the remnants of the skin and fat from them. You can give preference to such varieties of meat and offal:

  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken liver;
  • beef liver, tongue.

From fish it is worth choosing:

  1. perch;
  2. pollock;
  3. cod;
  4. whiting;
  5. pike;
  6. saury.

Fish offal (caviar, milk) should not be eaten. From seafood, there are no restrictions for patients.

Seafood salads

Sugar level

These salads for diabetes are especially useful, as they supply the body with proteins, vitamins and trace elements. In addition, such a dish will be low-calorie and will not complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Squid salad is a dish that has been loved by many for years. Every year there are more and more various recipes with squid. As a dressing, lemon juice and olive oil are usually used. Olive oil, in turn, can be infused with herbs, hot peppers or garlic. To do this, dried herbs are placed in a glass container with oil and infused for 12 hours in a dark and cool place.

Also, patients with type 2 diabetes are allowed to fill the salad with low-fat cream or creamy cottage cheese, for example, trademark"House in the village" with a fat content of 0.1%. If diabetic salad is served on common table, then it is allowed to use low-fat sour cream as a dressing.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of squid;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • half an onion;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • one boiled egg;
  • ten pitted olives;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon juice.

Boil the squid in salted water for a few minutes, cut into strips, cut the cucumber into strips as well. Cut the onion into half rings and soak in the marinade (vinegar and water) for half an hour to remove the bitterness. Then squeeze the onion and add to the cucumbers and squid. Cut olives in half. Mix all the ingredients, salt and sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. Fill with olive oil. Put the lettuce leaves on a dish and lay the salad on them (photo below).

If the question is - what to cook for an unusual diabetic? That salad with shrimp will decorate any New Year's or holiday table. This dish uses pineapple, but the question immediately arises - is it possible to use this fruit, because it is not on the list of products with a low index. The indicator of pineapple fluctuates in the middle range, therefore, as an exception, it may be present in the diet, but not more than 100 grams.

With type 1 and type 2 diabetes, shrimp salad is a complete dish, distinguished by its exotic and unusual taste. The fruit itself serves here both as a salad dish and as an ingredient (pulp). First, cut the pineapple in half and carefully remove the core of one half. Cut it into large cubes.

You will also need the following ingredients:

  1. one fresh cucumber;
  2. one avocado;
  3. 30 grams of cilantro;
  4. one lime;
  5. half a kilogram of peeled shrimp;
  6. salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Cut the avocado and cucumber into cubes of 2 - 3 centimeters, finely chop the cilantro. Mix pineapple, cilantro, cucumber, avocado and boiled shrimp. The number of shrimp can be increased, depending on the size of the pineapple itself. Dress the salad with lime juice, salt and pepper to your personal taste. Put the salad in half of the peeled pineapple.

These dietary seafood salads will appeal to any guest.

Meat and offal salads

Meat salads for diabetes are prepared from boiled and fried lean meat. You can also add by-products. Many years diet recipes were monotonous and unattractive palatability. However, today, salad for type 2 diabetics, the recipes of which increase annually and create real competition for the taste of healthy people's dishes.

The most delicious salads are described below, and whatever the ingredient, it has a low index, which means that the recipes are quite safe in the presence of the first and second types of diabetes.

The first recipe uses which, if desired, is boiled or fried in a small amount of refined oil. Although some diabetics prefer chicken liver, and others turkey. There are no restrictions on this choice.

You will need the following ingredients to prepare this dish for the new year or other holiday:

  • half a kilogram of chicken liver;
  • 400 grams of red cabbage;
  • two bell peppers;
  • olive oil;
  • 200 grams of boiled beans;
  • greens as desired.

Cut the pepper into strips, chop the cabbage, cut the boiled liver into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, salt to taste, season the salad with oil.

vegetable salads

Vegetable salad in type 2 diabetes is extremely important in the daily diet. It is rich in fiber, which helps convert glucose into energy, and also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lecho with the second type of diabetes can be prepared every day. The main thing is that for diabetes, recipes should include low calorie foods, low GI. New way preparation of lecho is described below.

Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the tomatoes cut into small cubes, pepper and salt. Five minutes later, add the chopped straw bell pepper and finely chopped garlic. Simmer until done. With the second and first type of diabetes, lecho will be an excellent balanced side dish.