Stuffed zucchini boats with minced meat in the oven. How to cook stuffed zucchini - boats with minced meat - in the oven

If you want to pamper your family delicious pastries, then this recipe for pies-boats is just what you need. Baking is incredibly fragrant and delicious. The main secret the perfection of this treat lies in the cooking good test. The basis of the pies must be made with yeast.

And the filling for good baking is created only from excellent minced meat. When all the products are selected correctly, then you can start cooking.

The result will definitely not disappoint. All close relatives will be delighted with this culinary creation!

  • After cooking you will get: 6 servings
  • Cooking time: 1 hour


  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butter- 100g;
  • fat milk - 50 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams;
  • food salt - a teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - a teaspoon;
  • wheat flour - 600 grams;
  • processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • minced meat mixed - 450 grams;
  • egg yolk - for lubrication.

Cooking method

    Step 1. raw eggs beat with a kitchen whisk.

    Step 2. Butter cut small pieces. Put a little in a bowl with an egg mass.

    Step 3. Pour warm milk into a common bowl.

    Step 4. Crumble the pressed yeast with your hands into a bowl. Mix everything.

    Step 5. Pour in salt and sugar. Thoroughly stir the mass.

    Step 6. Sift the flour. Slowly knead the dough. Leave the dough warm for 20 minutes. The dough should not increase much in size. The main task is to ensure that the products in the dough are well distributed among themselves.

    Step 7. Tear the dough into pieces. The approximate weight of the pieces is 40-50 grams.

    Step 8 Roll out each piece of dough thinly. The thickness of the cake is 0.3 cm.

    Step 9. On both sides of the cake, twist the edges of the dough inward. Connect the ends. Form boats.

    Step 10. Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle of the boat. Sprinkle everything with grated, melted cheese.

    Step 11 Lubricate the edges of the boats with egg yolk. Bake products for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Pies-boats with minced meat can be eaten.

Enjoy your meal!

Summer is coming to an end and leaving us with mountains of fresh and vitamin-rich pumpkins, zucchini and cabbages. But what about such huge amount usefulness to do? Not so long ago we wrote about interesting option cooking zucchini - with mayonnaise and garlic, but how to make them with meat?

Especially for you, we have selected several cooking options. stuffed zucchini in the oven. it great option both for a large and for a family feast, because the look of this dish is very appetizing, and the taste will not make any hostess blush! Well, it is also important, of course, that they are prepared surprisingly quickly! You can bake several servings at once, and while they are in the oven, read your favorite book or, for example, plan a salad. Another undoubted advantage of this dish is that you do not need to prepare a separate side dish for it - everything you need is already inside. Due to the rice that we add to minced meat, we have both meat and carbohydrates, and even the vegetables themselves - zucchini. Well, shall we get started?

Stuffed zucchini with minced meat halves in the oven


Homemade minced meat - 250 grams;
tomato paste - 4 teaspoons;
onion- 2 large onions;
tomato - 1 medium size;
garlic - 2 cloves;
carrot - 1 piece of medium size;
medium-sized zucchini or zucchini - 4 pieces;
salt, spices or spices to taste;
round-grain white rice (preferably) - 70 grams (a quarter cup).

How to cook?

Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare the products. Wash and peel the carrots, peel the onion, rinse the tomato. If the zucchini has too thick, tough skin, it is better to peel them. However, they will be cooked in sauce, so this is not a mandatory step, you can simply wash them thoroughly with a brush. Wash the tomato and cut off the stem.

You will also need to rinse the rice. To do this fill it cold water for 5-10 minutes, then drain and rinse under running water. You need to rinse until the water after the rice becomes clear.

Step 2. Cut vegetables. The onion will need to be cut into small cubes. To do this, cut the onion across and then cut each half into thin half rings along the onion and then across the lattice. Grate the carrots coarse grater. The tomato should be cut into thin circles. The garlic must be crushed with the side of a large, heavy knife and then finely chopped - this is the method used by all professional chefs because it allows you to extract from the garlic best taste and keep precious garlic juice in it, which he then gratefully gives to the dish, filling it with a magnificent aroma and rich taste!

Zucchini needs to be cut only into two halves. Of course, if they are too long, you can divide them into three or four parts, but two would be optimal, and here's why - you will need to clean the core from each half with a spoon to remove the seeds and fill the space with minced meat. But you need to clean it up a little before reaching the bottom, so that in the place where the zucchini narrows, there is a barrier that would hold our minced meat. If you are not afraid of the rings falling apart a little downwards, then you can ignore this step.

Step 3. Prepare minced meat. For this you need to post chopped meat into a deep bowl. Add one chopped onion to it, a couple of teaspoons tomato paste, washed rice, salt and spices. Stir the mixture thoroughly so that all the flavors blend evenly.

Step 4. While the mixture is infused a little, we will prepare the frying. To do this, heat a frying pan over high heat, heat vegetable or butter on it. Then, add the remaining onion to the pan and fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and soft texture. When the onion is golden, lay out the grated carrots and the rest of the tomato paste. Fry for 5 more minutes. lightly salt the sauce and pour it into a glass hot water, stir well. The sauce is ready!

Step 5. Now take a deep bowl in which our zucchini will be baked. It might be big cast iron skillet or even a saucepan. Lubricate it lightly with oil and start filling our zucchini. Take one half in your hand and with a tablespoon fill it about three-quarters with minced meat. During the baking process, the rice will begin to boil and swell, so you need to leave room for the filling to “grow”. Put each half in a baking dish with the narrowed part down and with a circle of tomato close each of the halves on top like a lid. Top the zucchini with the prepared sauce and cover with foil or a lid.

Step 6. While all this is being prepared, heat the oven to 175 degrees. In already hot oven put the closed form and bake for about an hour and a half.
If you want an effect golden brown, you can remove the lid from the zucchini half an hour before being ready, lift them to the top of the oven with a light sprinkle of hard cheese or lightly grease with mayonnaise. During these half an hour top part browned and zucchini will turn out much prettier and tastier.

Serve hot, bon appetit!

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat boats with cheese and surprise

Perhaps the most festive way to cook zucchini is to cook them in boats. If not used too much large zucchini, you can take out one such ruddy, baked half in portions for each guest and feed him to his full, and if the zucchini is too big, it doesn’t matter. Like roasted pig or chicken, big platter you can take out several of these huge boats and decorate them with herbs and vegetables. These great masterpieces can be cut like a cake and served to each guest. You are guaranteed a squeak of delight!

It is precisely because this dish is preferable to cook for a holiday that we will not use rice, since the meat still saturates and opens up better in taste. If desired, you can simply replace part of the minced meat with half a gram of white rice


Minced pork (you can use minced turkey as a diet option) - 300 grams;
onion - 1 large onion;
hard cheese - 200 grams;
mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons;
carrot - 1 small;
garlic - 2 cloves;
2 large zucchini or 4 small, you can use zucchini;
salt and spices, pepper - to taste;
1/2 teaspoon of sugar;
15-20 small cherry tomatoes;
egg- 1 piece.

How to cook?

Step 1. As always, the first step is to clean all the vegetables. Remember that washing everything thoroughly is very important, since now excess dirt and chemicals can bring the most unpleasant consequences. Cut off the peel, rinse with a brush under running water, and only then proceed to cutting.

Step 2. As in the previous recipe, chop the onion into small cubes. If this process makes you cry crocodile tears, don't be discouraged - you can simply grind it in a blender along with garlic. If there is no blender, you can try to use such a tricky move - moisten the knife with very cold water, you can even rub it with an ice cube. You will stop crying and the process will go much easier and more pleasant. Crush the garlic with the flat side of a large knife and finely chop.
Grate carrots on a fine grater. Zucchini, if necessary, peel and cut lengthwise. Take out the seeds and some of the pulp with a spoon to create the shape of the "boats" that we have to fill.

Step 3. Mix the meat mixture. Put the onion, garlic, carrots in a deep bowl, put the minced meat there. Beat in an egg, salt, add spices and sugar. We use sugar here as a flavor enhancer, you need to add quite a bit. This, again, is not necessary and the step can be skipped. However, then you will miss a useful experience - everything is good in cooking, but in the right proportions. Thoroughly mix the mince mixture.

STEP 4 Now it's time to prepare our surprise. And the surprise will be cherry tomatoes, which we will spread along the zucchini so that they are a few centimeters apart from each other. First, lay a thin layer of minced meat in each boat so that it covers the entire inside of it. Then press the cherry tomatoes into the minced meat at the required distance from each other. And put the rest of the stuffing on top. Tomatoes must be completely hidden under the minced meat and, preferably, under a thick layer. In this recipe, we do not have rice and the minced meat will only slightly decrease in volume, so fill the boats immediately to the top.

Step 5. When all the boats are filled, grease the baking sheet with oil or cover it with baking paper so that the boats do not stick to the surface. Lay the boats tightly with barrels to each other so that they do not fall apart during the baking process. Cover them with foil on top and send them to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes so that the minced meat is cooked.

Step 6. While the zucchini is baking, we will prepare the cheese glaze. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix it with mayonnaise, if desired, you can add a finely chopped clove of garlic. Stir the mixture until it becomes a cheese paste and prepare to brush it on the hot boats.

Step 7 Remove the zucchini from the oven, remove the foil. Switch the oven to the top heating element so that the heat comes only from above. Lubricate each zucchini generously with cheese paste so that it covers its middle along the entire boat. Because of the mayonnaise, the pasta will begin to spread slightly, so you don’t need to grease the sides with pasta, it’s better to put a little more in the middle. When all the zucchini are decorated, put them back in the oven on the top racks and bake for another 15 minutes.

When the zucchini are ready, take them out of the oven, arrange them on beautiful dishes and garnish with fresh herbs. Real jam!

Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat and baked whole

We have already tried boats and rings, but what happens if you bake WHOLE zucchini? We can safely say that it will be very good! The dish will turn out incredibly juicy, as it will be completely saturated with the pulp of the zucchini, and the pulp will be saturated with meat juices and in general you will succeed great dish full of tenderness and bliss. Are you ready for this experiment? Then let's get started, this option is just perfect for a warm family dinner!


Rice round-grain white - 50 grams;
whole large zucchini - 1 piece;
onion - 1 medium onion;
a couple of cloves of garlic;
1 large tomato;
1 small carrot;
minced meat (any will do) - 250 grams;
salt, spices, pepper.

How to cook?

Step 1. So, wash and clean all the vegetables. We will not peel the zucchini in this recipe, as it will languish for a long time in own juice. Therefore, you can simply go over the surface with a stiff brush to soften the peel slightly. But if your zucchini is very fresh, this is not necessary at all. Rinse the rice very thoroughly.

By the way, if you don’t have such a large zucchini so that for the whole family, you can replace it with 2 medium or 4 small ones, this is not a problem at all.

Step 2 small cubes cut the tomato, onion. Grate the carrots and finely chop the garlic. Mix all this with minced meat, remembering to salt it first and add your favorite spices, spices and herbs. Add rice. It's a family dinner, don't forget it!

Step 3 Gently clean all the seeds and core from the zucchini so as not to damage it. It is desirable to cut off only one side and do not need to throw it away!
Fill the zucchini or zucchini with the mixture, making sure to leave some space empty as we are using rice. Using toothpicks, pin the edge back to the zucchini so that it is completely closed.

Step 4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While it is heating, brush the stuffed zucchini with butter on top and wrap it as tightly as possible in foil. So that it doesn't leak. Once the oven is hot enough, place the zucchini or zucchini “chrysalis” on the rack and bake for one and a half to two hours.

When the zucchini is ready, you do not need to immediately open it. Let it cool a little, grab and soak. Put it directly with foil on a dish and already remove the top layers on it. Carefully cut the zucchini and serve in portions, you can lightly decorate it with mayonnaise and herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Secrets of cooking delicious zucchini

Secret 1. Try to use only fresh, young vegetables. Then the peel will not be too hard and retain as many vitamins as possible.
Secret 2. Choose high quality zucchini from trusted sources. The fact is that zucchini is a type of vegetable that absorbs harmful substances very quickly. This is a huge plus for us, but if the vegetable itself contains rot or chemicals, it has already absorbed them completely and will pass them on to you. It's not worth the risk.
Secret 3. Sometimes there are too many toppings. However, this is not a problem at all - fill in the rest bell peppers and bake it all together, bay tomato sauce. These veggies pair perfectly and, when mixed together, will create a great taste.

Secret 4. If you have vegetarian guests, this is not a problem at all. In the same way, zucchini boats can be filled with the most different vegetables if they are finely chopped. It will turn out no less tasty, do not forget to add mushrooms!
Secret 5. Never salt the zucchini itself, only the filling. The vegetable will quickly be saturated with the juices of the filling and salted, but if you rub it with salt, the dish will turn out to be too watery and “mushy”.
Secret 6. If there are a lot of dieters among the guests, use minced poultry. Minced meat has a minimum fat content, but its taste is very mild and no less saturated. Try it!

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If you want to please your family and guests not only with delicious, but also beautiful dish, it is worth cooking oven-baked zucchini, stuffed with minced meat. Such a treat looks very impressive on festive table. In addition, it turns out surprisingly satisfying and juicy.

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat baked in the oven - a simple recipe

Ingredients: 3 large zucchini, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat mayonnaise, large onion, kilo mixed minced meat(pork with beef), 3 tbsp. spoons of ketchup without additives, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream, granulated garlic, fine salt.

  1. Zucchini is well washed and cut into low cups - about the size of a matchbox. The core of them goes in such a way that the bottom remains.
  2. The onion and the extracted pulp are crushed.
  3. Minced meat is fried until golden. K already cooked meat vegetables from the second step are added. The mass is salted, sprinkled with garlic.
  4. Sour cream, ketchup are added to the filling for "cups". The blanks are filled with the resulting mass.
  5. Stuffed zucchini are placed on an oiled baking sheet.
  6. For each "glass" a little mayonnaise is laid out.

The dish is baked for about half an hour in a well-heated oven.

How to cook "Boats" from zucchini?

Ingredients: 430 g of minced meat, 3 zucchini, 130 g of cheese and fat mayonnaise, sweet bell pepper, onion, fine salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Young zucchini do not peel. Vegetables are cut in half, and the pulp is selected from them with a teaspoon. Quite thick walls are left in the boats - about 1 cm.
  2. Minced meat is fried in oil. Salted, peppered. Pieces of sweet pepper and onion passed through a meat grinder are added to it. Together, the ingredients languish on fire for 5-6 minutes.
  3. The filling is laid out in the resulting "boats". Sprinkle with chopped cheese on top of the workpiece, smear with mayonnaise.

Stuffed zucchini-“boats” are being prepared for a little less than half an hour in a well-heated oven.

Zucchini casserole with minced meat and tomatoes

Ingredients: 1.2-1.4 kg of zucchini, half a kilo ground beef, 2 onions, 8 large fleshy tomatoes, 140 g hard cheese and the same amount of fatty sour cream, 4 table eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, a bunch of dill and parsley, salt, a mixture of colored ground peppers.

3 young small zucchini
300 grams of minced meat (from any type of meat, chicken is also perfect)
150 grams of cheese
1 carrot
3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
0.1 liters of water

Stuffed zucchini boats with minced meat in the oven

1. Zucchini should be washed well and carefully cut lengthwise into 2 equal parts. We get 6 servings-boats.
2. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon, leaving walls 1 cm thick. Grind the pulp on a grater.
3. Peel the carrots and finely grate them. Saute in a pan a little, so that it only becomes a little softer.
4. We combine grated zucchini with minced meat, salt and stuff our boats.
5. Three cheese, add to the carrots, season with mayonnaise, mix everything well and spread the mixture in a layer on the minced meat.
6. If you cook in a pressure cooker or slow cooker, then pour 0.1 liters of water on the bottom, lay the first layer of 3 boats, then put a stand and 3 more boats on top. Set the program for vegetables at a pressure of 0.7 to cook for 5 minutes, after the signal, wait until the pressure drops and you can serve it. If we cook in conventional oven, then we put the boats on a baking sheet or in a mold, bake at a temperature of 200 ° C for 30 minutes.

How best to cook zucchini with minced meat in the oven or slow cooker is a matter of taste. If you do not add mayonnaise, then the dish will turn out to be less high-calorie, but drier. If you don't like zucchini, try this dish, maybe it will change your attitude.

Zucchini boats with minced meat - original and simple dish which can be served for lunch or dinner. For boats, it is advisable to use young vegetables - then the "boats" will turn out to be more tender and soft. Part of the zucchini pulp, which you need to get from the zucchini to create "boats", can be added to the minced meat, making the filling more juicy. You can also add cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, spices, spices, dried herbs to the filling.


  • 2 zucchini
  • 300 g minced chicken
  • 1 tsp salt
  • spices to taste
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • greens before serving


1. Take a couple of fresh young zucchini, wash and dry them, cut off the stalks and tips. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into two equal parts.

2. Using a teaspoon, remove the pulp from the zucchini halves, leaving only a thin shell with a peel. Be careful not to make a hole in the "boat".

3. For the filling, you can take minced chicken. It is best to make it yourself by twisting the pieces into a meat grinder chicken meat with onion, slice white bread. Can already be used minced meat, also made by yourself and frozen or store-bought. Finely chop part of the zucchini pulp and transfer it to the minced meat, mix - the filling is ready.

4. Lightly salt the zucchini molds, put the filling inside each. Send them to a greased baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes, then sprinkle each "boat" with grated hard cheese. Leave for another 5 minutes. The type of cheese does not matter, it can be salty, unleavened, with spices, herbs or nuts.