The most delicious turkey recipe. Bake spicy breast in foil

Tender turkey meat requires attention and strict adherence to the recipe, especially in terms of cooking time. The fact is that this meat is easy to dry out, which will not allow you to fully appreciate the taste and aroma of the finished dish. This recipe block describes how to prepare stuffed turkey baked in the oven. For the filling, you can choose any products that you think are suitable: rice, nuts, fruits, chestnuts. Choose and try.

There are 186 recipes in the "Turkey Dishes" section

Turkey paprikash

Traveling around Hungary and tasting National dishes In local restaurants, you will definitely get acquainted with a tasty, satisfying dish called paprikash. This dish is easy to recreate at home. Take, for example, this recipe for Hungarian turkey paprikash. ...

Turkey with cranberry sauce

Turkey with cranberry sauce - delicious and satisfying popular dish, which is often prepared during the winter holidays. The ease of preparation and incredible taste have made this dish one of our favorites among the many holiday treats. Intact...

Baked turkey drumstick with garlic, lemon and rosemary (in a slow cooker)

The best way to cook turkey drumsticks is by roasting. You can simplify the task by using a multicooker. To somehow dilute the bland taste of turkey, we suggest pre-marinating the meat in the mixture lemon zest with garlic and rosemary. Shin...

Meat in the oven, in wine sauce with pears and plums

This recipe turns out equally well on pork and turkey. In my opinion, it turns out more tender and tastier with turkey fillet, especially if it has a little fat on it. It's easy to experiment with sauce ingredients. Depending on what kind of fruit...

Grilled turkey thigh in pomegranate sauce marinade

To prepare grilled meat, the turkey thigh is first cut into steaks about 2 cm thick. For the marinade, enough onions and tart, with sourness pomegranate sauce"Nashrab." Turkey cooks quickly, so in about 20 minutes...

Turkey liver in sour cream with onions and porcini mushrooms

If you don’t know how to deliciously cook turkey liver, then this recipe will definitely come in handy. Everything is very simple. Onions and porcini mushrooms are added to the fried liver, and sour cream is added at the very end. The result is juicy turkey liver...

Turkey stewed with peaches in orange sauce

Recipe stewed turkey will appeal to everyone who loves a combination of meat and fruit or fruit juice. Orange sauce to the meat it turns out moderately spicy due to the addition nutmeg and black pepper. By the way, you can add less vinegar. If instead of f...

Turkey legs in the oven with vegetables

To cook turkey legs in the oven, you will need a roasting bag. The meat will be baked in it along with vegetables. Thanks to the abundance of beets vegetable side dish turns out bright. Everything regarding the proportions of vegetables in the recipe, select them according to your own...

Grilled turkey

Turkey meat is lean, so you need to cook it carefully so as not to dry it out and get a sole instead of juicy piece meat. This grilled turkey recipe is perfect if you want a slice for dinner. juicy turkey. Before cooking turkey fillet...

Grilled turkey with avocado and corn salsa

Grilled turkey needs a decent side dish to complement the flavor tender meat. Avocado corn salsa is perfect for this. The salsa recipe is very simple: all vegetables, except, of course, corn, are finely chopped and seasoned with sauce...

Stewed turkey with apricots, tomatoes and apples

The recipe for turkey stewed with apricots, tomatoes and apples in a cast iron pot will pleasantly surprise you. If you don’t have a cast iron pot, then a casserole dish or any dish with a thick bottom will do. But you can vary the products so that it turns out differently each time. There are more apples...

Turkey gizzards stewed with pumpkin

Inexpensive recipe, but hearty dish, designed to diversify the everyday table. After all, offal such as the stomachs and hearts of birds can be used not only when cooking jellied meat and soup. Well-cooked muscles, which are essentially Indian stomachs...

Turkey in the oven, baked in berry-mustard marinade

Turkey meat is incredibly tender, especially if it is marinated before cooking. Any meat turns out softer if it is briefly left in a marinade made from frozen or fresh berries that taste sour. In this recipe, turkey steak is not only...

Turkey fillet baked in a slow cooker

To prepare this snack meat, turkey fillet (breast) or chicken breast. The recipe is very simple to follow, and the result exceeds expectations. Anyone who is on a diet and who is already tired of breast meat will eat it with pleasure. After multi...

Turkey breast stewed with apple

To cook turkey breast with apples, you will need a cast iron Dutch oven or other dish with a thick bottom and walls. Everything will take a little more than 30 minutes. Turkey according to this recipe turns out tender, tasty and quite dietary. Garnish - l...

The basis of correct healthy eating can be stewed or baked different ways turkey breast. There are known recipes for preparing such a dish. great amount. The most successful and delicious of them are presented below.

It is enough to add potatoes to the dish to save yourself from the need to come up with a suitable side dish for the bird. Ingredients: 650 g fillet, 760 g potatoes, a pinch of basil, special seasoning for poultry and sweet paprika, a sprig of rosemary, salt, vegetable oil.

  1. Potatoes without skin are cut into slices. They are salted and sprinkled with suitable seasonings. Pour a little oil into a bowl and mix the ingredients well.
  2. The fillet is coarsely chopped, salted and sprinkled with special spices.
  3. The two masses are combined and laid out in a mold. A sprig of rosemary is placed on top.
  4. First, the treat will be cooked for an hour under thick foil, and then another 25 minutes without it.

The dish is decorated with greens.

In tomato cheese sauce

The treat is prepared in just half an hour. And its taste will amaze even the pickiest gourmet. Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, 90 g hard cheese, carrot, large onion, red bell pepper, 3 large spoons of tomato paste and the same amount vegetable oil, small a spoonful of sugar, salt, a mixture of Provençal herbs.

  1. Meat is cut small cubes. All vegetables are chopped in any way.
  2. First, the turkey is fried in hot oil until crisp. Next, pieces of vegetables are laid out there. Together, the ingredients cook for 7-8 minutes.
  3. All that remains is to salt the mass, add dry herbs and add about a glass of hot water.
  4. When the mixture boils, add grated cheese to the pan. As soon as it melts, leave the container on the stove for another couple of minutes.

The resulting gravy goes well with a variety of pasta.

Turkey fillet salad with cucumber

This is a simple salad for the period of weight loss. Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, fresh cucumber, 2 chicken eggs, a couple of green onions, salt, mayonnaise or oil for dressing.

  1. The turkey is boiled in salted water until fully cooked, after which it is cut into large cubes.
  2. Cucumber and hard-boiled chicken eggs are also chopped.
  3. The onion feathers are finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  4. After mixing the ingredients, the salad is salted and dressed with sauce.

With mushrooms

When stewing poultry with champignons, you cannot do without a large amount of rich sour cream. In addition to mushrooms (200 g) and this dairy product(180 g), take: half a kilo of poultry fillet, granulated garlic, ground paprika, basil, 1 tbsp. boiling water, salt.

  1. The fillet is cut into small cubes, salted and sprinkled with all seasonings. Next, the pieces are fried on all sides until golden brown.
  2. In a separate bowl, thin slices of mushrooms are fried until tender. Champignons and sour cream are added to the meat.
  3. The components are poured with boiling water and simmered for 15-20 minutes.

Instead of granulated garlic, you can use chopped fresh garlic. In this case, it goes into the frying pan 5-7 minutes before the dish is completely ready.

Turkey breast in soy-honey sauce

This recipe is worth trying for those who love a sweetish taste in meat dishes. Special spicy sauce This will make your turkey breast tender and juicy. Ingredients: half a kilo of breast, 2 onions, salt, 2 large spoons of liquid honey, 4 spoons of soy sauce, 1 small. spoon balsamic vinegar, chopped ginger, powdered garlic and sweet paprika, large carrots, 2 sweet bell peppers.

  1. The sauce, honey, vinegar and all bulk ingredients, except salt, are mixed.
  2. The resulting marinade is poured over small pieces of turkey.
  3. Vegetables are cut into strips.
  4. The turkey is fried in hot oil until a crust appears, after which it is cooked over low heat with all the vegetables for 7-8 minutes.
  5. The remaining marinade is poured into the frying pan.
  6. All that remains is to heat the dish for a couple of minutes and let it brew.

Boiled white rice is served as a side dish.

Juicy and soft fillet in a slow cooker

Special temperature regime in the “Stewing” program will allow the multicooker to cook the meat most tender and juicy. Ingredients: 780 g fillet, large onion, salt, 3 juicy tomatoes, carrots, a mixture of peppers.

  1. First, the turkey fillet is washed, dried, cut into pieces and placed in the bowl of the device.
  2. A carrot is rubbed on top, onion rings are laid out and large pieces tomatoes.
  3. The ingredients are salted and peppered.
  4. In this mode, the treat will simmer for 45 minutes.

If you use a universal pressure cooker, you can reduce the cooking time by 2 times.

Bake spicy breast in foil

Ready meat is delicious served as an addition to sandwiches or as an appetizer. alcoholic drinks. Ingredients: 1.5 kg of poultry fillet, 5-6 garlic cloves, 2 large spoons of adjika and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a hot red pepper, 2 small. spoons of rock salt.

  1. Skinless fillets are soaked in salt water for 2 hours.
  2. Next, the meat is stuffed with garlic.
  3. Prepared from butter, crushed pepper and adjika flavorful sauce, which is used to rub dried poultry.
  4. The turkey is wrapped in foil and placed in a hot oven for half an hour.

The finished dish is left in the cooling oven for another 1.5 hours.

Turkey fillet stew with vegetables

You can use your imagination when choosing vegetables for such a dish. Almost any option will do. Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, 2 large tomatoes, an onion, a small zucchini, sweet bell pepper, salt, garlic to taste.

  1. Place the fillet, cut into small cubes, into a baking dish.
  2. Vegetables chopped in any convenient way are laid out on top. If you plan to serve a treat at the table, you can, for example, cut carrots into shapes.
  3. The last thing to add is finely chopped garlic to all the ingredients.
  4. A little water is added to the container (about half a glass), and the dish is sent to a well-heated oven for 25 minutes.

You can replace water with any vegetable broth.


This dish turns out delicious even without unnecessary seasonings. Just cook the chops with salt and pepper. Ingredients: half a kilo of turkey fillet, 2-3 large eggs, half a glass of water and the same amount of sunflower oil, ¾ tbsp. breadcrumbs.

  1. The fillet is washed, dried with a paper towel and cut thinly. The resulting pieces are well beaten with a special hammer.
  2. The meat is salted and peppered to taste.
  3. The eggs are beaten with water. The prepared meat is immersed in the resulting liquid and then rolled in breadcrumbs.
  4. The chops are fried in well-heated oil.

The meat is served with ketchup or any other sauce.

Turkey breast roulade with garlic

To make the rolls soft and tender, you need to beat the meat thoroughly. Ingredients: 2 large breasts, 60 g hard cheese, 120 g low-fat sour cream, 3-4 garlic cloves, salt, soy sauce.

  1. Turkey breasts, after washing and drying, are cut into strips across the grain. They need to be generously coated with soy sauce.
  2. The cheese is grated on a medium-mesh grater, mixed with sour cream and garlic cloves passed through a press.
  3. The resulting cheese and garlic filling is laid out over the meat preparations. The fillet is tightly rolled into rolls, each of which must be fried in well-heated fat.

If desired ready dish You can put it in a heat-resistant form, pour in salted sour cream and simmer for another 12-15 minutes in the oven.

Under the cheese crust

This great option meat dish For festive table. It is prepared easily and quickly. Ingredients: poultry breast, a large spoon of mayonnaise, a clove of garlic, 90 g of hard cheese, salt.

  1. The breast is cut into thin small portions. It is very important to beat it thoroughly first to soften the meat.
  2. In a separate cup, mayonnaise is mixed with chopped garlic. If desired, you can complicate the sauce a little and add various seasonings to it to taste. For example, ground basil, which goes well with poultry, rosemary or sage.
  3. Meat preparations are greased with the resulting mixture and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  4. The treat is baked in the oven until the meat is cooked.

This dish is delicious served with any vegetable salads.

Steak cooked in a frying pan

A real masculine dish that goes well with any side dishes and sauces. You can use the resulting meat instead of sausage for sandwiches. Ingredients: 360 g poultry fillet, small. a spoonful of strong mustard, a large spoonful of soy sauce without unnecessary additives, a pinch of marjoram and a mixture of peppers, salt.

  1. Turkey meat is cut into fairly large slices. Their thickness should be about 2 cm. The meat must be cut across the grain.
  2. The pieces are lightly beaten with a hammer. This will help them marinate better.
  3. The steaks are well salted on both sides, peppered and sprinkled with marjoram. You can also take ready-made mixtures seasoning for poultry.
  4. Enriches the taste of meat special marinade. It is mixed from mustard and soy sauce.
  5. The resulting mixture meat preparations coat both sides and leave for 40 minutes.
  6. Next, the steaks are quickly fried in hot oil. This will retain the juices inside the meat. This way the pieces are cooked on both sides.
  7. After reducing the heat to low, the meat is fried for another 7-8 minutes until the juice runs clear under the lid.

It is delicious to serve steaks with assorted pickled vegetables.

Turkey is a low-calorie meat, but only if it is cooked correctly.

For many, boiled foods seem tasteless and banal.

But, most likely, someone just doesn’t know the secrets of preparing excellent boiled turkey.

Boiled turkey - general cooking principles

Turkey takes longer to cook than chicken. It usually takes 1.5 hours for dark meat to be fully cooked, for small pieces and white meat slightly less. Never cook a carcass for soup frozen. The broth will turn out cloudy and will not have a very beautiful color. The bird needs to be thawed, washed well, defects removed, and only then sent to the pan. The foam that forms during cooking must be removed, even if you do not plan to use the broth further.

For cooking, you can take any pieces of turkey: fillet and bone-in. For a dietary product, the skin and fat must be removed immediately. It is better to put meat in boiling water so that more nutrients are preserved and the taste is richer. There should not be a lot of liquid in the pan; ideally, it should barely cover the pieces. Cook the meat at a low simmer over low heat.

The following additives are used when cooking turkey: onions, celery, carrots, roots, different types pepper, garlic and other spices. You should not put tomatoes, lemon and other acidic foods into the broth, which prevent the softening of meat fibers.

Recipe 1: Easy Boiled Turkey

Basic recipe for boiled turkey with vegetables and spices. Meat prepared in this way can be eaten with any side dishes, sauces, and can also be cooked using it. various dishes. Can be used for cold and hot salads. You can cook both dark meat and brisket.


Turkey meat 1 kg;

Onion and carrot each;

Bay leaf;

A spoon without a slide of salt;

2 cloves of garlic;

3 peppercorns.


1. Boil 1.5 liters of clean water in a saucepan.

2. Wash the meat, if used. large piece fillet, then cut into 3-5 parts, lower into boiling water.

3. Peel the onion and carrot, cut into 4-6 parts and place in a saucepan.

4. Cook for 50 minutes, add garlic cloves (whole), peppercorns and Bay leaf, salt.

5. Cook for 15 minutes, turn off the stove, remove boiled turkey from the broth and use it for its intended purpose.

Recipe 2: Boiled turkey in a steamer

Steaming allows you to get the most delicious boiled turkey, juicy and healthy, since no substances go into the broth. And to give the meat a special flavor, you can marinate it in advance. All ingredients are taken in arbitrary quantities, to suit your taste.


Turkey pieces;

Salt, black pepper.


1. Peel the garlic cloves, mix black pepper and salt. You can use any mixture of spices to suit your taste, for example, chicken seasoning.

2. Make cuts in washed and dried pieces of meat and insert garlic cloves, rolled in a salt mixture. The cloves can be cut into several parts.

3. Place the stuffed turkey in a bowl, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and pepper, seasonings and leave to marinate for at least an hour.

4. Place the turkey in a steamer and cook for 1-1.5 hours. The cooking time for meat depends on the size of the pieces and the quality of the pieces.

Recipe 3: Boiled turkey with mushroom sauce

This dish proves that a regular boiled turkey can be incredibly tasty and flavorful, especially when served with a mushroom and white wine sauce. This gravy goes well with both dark meat and breast meat, and goes great with vegetables, pasta, and cereals. Therefore, it can be prepared in large quantities.


Turkey 1 kg;

2 onions;

Salt, pepper;

1 carrot;

0.15 kg any fresh mushrooms;

70 ml white wine.


1. Place random pieces of turkey into a pan, add one coarsely chopped onion, carrot rings, bay leaf, pour boiling water, cook for an hour.

2. Peel the second onion and chop it into half rings. Cut the mushrooms into strips. Place everything in a separate pan.

3. Remove the boiled turkey and set it aside. Measure out 400 ml of broth, pour it into the onions and mushrooms and cook for an hour, at the end add salt and wine.

4. Cool the future mushroom sauce a little, then grind it in a blender and add to taste ground pepper.

5. Pour the turkey pieces with still hot sauce (you can warm it up further if desired) and the dish is ready.

Recipe 4: Boiled turkey “Zolotse” in onion skins

A method of preparing unusually beautiful and aromatic boiled turkey. Onion peels are used; the more of them, the brighter the meat. Add for smoky flavor liquid smoke, which can be purchased in the spice department. This boiled turkey can be served hot, but chilled fillet for slicing is especially tasty.


Onion peel;

Liquid smoke;

Seasoning for chicken.


1. Place a large handful in a saucepan onion peel, pour water, add salt at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per liter. We put it on the stove.

2. As soon as the water boils, add the prepared fillet and boil for an hour. Remove the meat from the broth and cool.

3. Mix liquid smoke with chicken seasoning. Coat the boiled turkey with the resulting mixture, wrap it in a piece of foil and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

4. Take it out, cut it and you can serve it.

Recipe 5: Boiled turkey pork in a bag

Recipe homemade boiled pork from boiled turkey, in which all the juices are preserved. Another advantage of this method is the small percentage of loss; the piece does not decrease much in weight, unlike cooking in the oven.


A piece of turkey fillet approximately 0.8 kg;

A little bit of salt;

Garlic cloves;

Pepper, spices.


1. Stuff the turkey with garlic, rub it with salt and spices, put it in plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for a couple of hours, you can forget about it for the whole day or night, it will be even better.

2. We take out the bag, let out all the air and tie it as tightly as possible so that the cellophane fits tightly around the meat.

3. Take the second bag and put the meat in it again, also tie it tightly.

4. Lower the workpiece into the pan. It is desirable that it is not very large in volume. Fill the bag with water and cook for about 90 minutes.

5. Take out the bag, put it on a plate and cut it. Inside it will be rich meat juice, which was released during the cooking process.

6. Cool the meat; if desired, you can rub the boiled pork on top with pepper or liquid smoke.

Recipe 6: Spicy Boiled Turkey in a Slow Cooker

It would seem that cooking boiled turkey meat in a slow cooker is very simple; there is a corresponding program for this. But in fact, meat turns out tastier and more tender if it is cooked in the “stew” mode. And if you add spices to the turkey, it will turn out much better.


0.8 kg of meat, pieces with bones can be used;

5 peppercorns;

1 clove;

2 bay leaves;

A spoon of fresh or dry adjika.


1. If fillet is used, it must be cut into slices 2 cm thick.

2. Place all the spices in the multicooker bowl, pieces of turkey on top and pour enough water so that it evenly reaches the meat.

3. Turn on the stewing mode for 2 hours, the fillet can be cooked for less than 40 minutes.

4. We take out the finished boiled turkey and use it for its intended purpose. The aromatic and rich broth can be strained, poured over meat or added to other dishes.

Recipe 7: Boiled Turkey with Cheese Sauce

Extraordinary delicate dish from boiled turkey, which can be served on its own or with any side dish. If desired, you can add ready-made mustard to the sauce and make the gravy spicy. Ground turmeric is used to give the sauce a beautiful color.


0.7 kg fillet;


Bay leaf;

3 peppercorns.

For the sauce:

500 ml of broth in which the turkey was cooked;

Spoon of flour;

100 gr. cheese;

30 gr. drain oils;

A pinch of turmeric.


Place the turkey in a pan, add boiling water to the level of the meat, add the onion cut into 4 pieces, pepper, bay leaf and cook until tender. 10 minutes before the end, add salt.

Place butter in a frying pan, heat it up, add flour and fry until golden brown.

Pour the broth into the pan, add spices and cook for 5 minutes.

Grind the yolk until white, add it to the sauce, stir continuously.

Add grated cheese and turmeric. The sauce can be turned off or boiled until the cheese is completely dissolved, depending on your preference.

Cut the turkey into pieces and pour the sauce over it.

Recipe 8: Boiled turkey in beer

For this boiled turkey recipe, it is better to use dark beer, but if you don’t have one, you can use light beer.


1 kg turkey;

0.1 kg olives;

0.4 liters of beer;

Spoon of flour;

A little oil;

Salt, pepper, dill.


1. Place the turkey in a pan, boil until cooked, add any spices if desired, as in previous recipes.

2. Place the frying pan, turn on the stove, fry the flour in oil and add beer. Cook the sauce for 5 minutes.

3. Cut the olives into slices, pour into the sauce, add salt and pepper. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. At the end, add chopped dill.

4. Cut the boiled turkey into neat strips, place it on a dish and pour the sauce over it.

Recipe 9: Boiled Turkey with Leeks

The special feature of this boiled turkey dish is the sauce made from leeks and boiled eggs, which is poured over the finished dish. It includes enough a large number of mayonnaise, which can be replaced if necessary natural yogurt or make it entirely with sour cream.


1 kg turkey meat;


2 cloves of garlic;

0.2 kg sour cream;

Pickled cucumber;

spoon of apple or wine vinegar;

Oil, salt.


1. Boil the turkey meat with the onion and remove from the broth.

2. Finely chop the leek, add sour cream, mayonnaise, chopped garlic, pour in vinegar. Mix.

3. Boil the eggs, take out the yolks, knead and add to the sauce. Finely chop the whites or grate them and also add them to the sauce.

4. Place the boiled turkey and pour the sauce over it.

If you don’t need the broth after cooking the meat now, you can pour it into containers and freeze it. It is useful for sauces, fillings and even cooking soup. a quick fix.

To cook turkey, you can use any spices for chicken, pork, or beef. The bird goes well with them.

If you are not sure about the quality of the turkey, then it is better to cook it using the drain method. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, drain the broth. Pour fresh boiling water over the meat and cook according to the recipe.

Onions can be added to the broth without removing the skins. It will have a beneficial effect on the taste and color of the broth.

After finishing cooking, there is no need to immediately remove the meat from the broth. If it stands for half an hour, it will be juicier.

Turkey... Delicious. Terribly useful. Easy to cook. And, yes, it empties your wallet well. But against the background of its other advantages, the issue of price fades into the background. After all, from this dietary meat You can prepare an incredibly huge number of dishes. And, most likely, there is not a single species where white turkey meat would not be appropriate. It is prepared in different variations and in the most different combinations with other products.

What and how is turkey cooked?

In addition to the fact that turkey meat is easily eaten even at night, many are also satisfied with the situation with salt.

  • Firstly , sodium, contained in excess in meat, will carefully and quietly replenish reserves in our body.
  • Secondly , the lack of salt in turkey meat dishes is oil for the soul, more precisely, the heart, blood vessels, joints of those who have problems with them.
  • And in general , minimal cholesterol, maximum content of vitamins E and A - this is such a plus in choosing this meat...

They cook in everything they can bake, boil, fry, steam, stew, etc. Cooking methods, as we see, are very diverse. Well, the tools are a frying pan, oven and stove (gas and electric), oven, microwave, steamer, multicooker. And don’t forget the fire, the grill, and miniature camping stoves!

What can you cook? No, I will not offer a list of everything you can and other parts of the turkey now. I will name only the most famous ones. So, lean product wonderful not only in the form of chops, dumplings, soups and salads, but also luxurious sausages and sausages. It’s so tasty and healthy, especially if you put different cereals in the sausage and minced meat, flavor additives etc.

And now I propose to cook white turkey meat. Seasoned delicious marinade and the original combination of vegetables and mango, this dish will please everyone. Especially if you watch your figure and choose a healthy diet.

White turkey meat with mango and vegetables - step-by-step recipe with photos

First of all, quickly. Secondly, it's delicious. Thirdly, such a dish will decorate any holiday table.


  • Turkey fillet – 500 g
  • Mango - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Olive oil for frying

For the marinade:

  • Spices - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 0.5 tsp.

How to deliciously cook white turkey meat with mango and vegetables - a recipe for juicy fillet

The first thing to do is cut the meat correctly. I usually like to hold the fillet in cold water about a quarter of an hour. Then, after squeezing it lightly, I cut it into beef stroganoff format.

Step 1. Turkey fillet, cut into strips

The meat must be marinated. Why take the spices you like. I had an interesting palette of mixtures Italian herbs with whole cardamom fruits. I also added a little coconut flakes for softness. Mix the spices thoroughly.

Step 2. Mix spices for marinade

Add some lemon juice and a splash of olive oil here. We don't add salt! And add pieces of turkey meat to the marinade.

Step 3. Meat in marinade

What is turkey served with? Oh, there's such freedom here. And I’m used to always serving it with vegetables and even exotic fruits. This time the role of exotic was given to mango. Let's cut it into strips without peeling it!

Step 4. Mango slices

Now you can put the frying pan on gas or an electric stove, in a word, get ready to cook vegetables. By the way, I had a slow cooker. So, I decided to chop some bell pepper into this delicious garden.

Step 5. Bell pepper pieces

I don’t know about anyone, but I can’t imagine a vegetable side dish without tomatoes. Their sourness and bright accent make the dish so piquant... Let's cut it into slices.

Step 6. Tomato slices

Well, the oil is hot. What to put first? I first cooked before golden brown crust meat (fry so that there is space between the pieces). Is it cooked? We also put vegetables here. Literally for a few minutes, stirring them all the time and not allowing the tomato to become mush. 5 minutes and you're done!

Step 6. The dish is ready. Bon appetit!

How to cook juicy turkey skewers in bacon - my favorite recipe

Cut 400 g of fillet, peeled from films, into portioned pieces. Unroll the bacon slices (according to the number of kebabs). Place the meat in a marinade prepared from equal portions (1 tsp) of spices, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and olive oil. Literally after 15 minutes of simmering in the marinade, wrap each piece of turkey in bacon (but so that it does not become a thick wrap - you can fasten it with something). Putting it on wooden skewers, I fried turkey kebabs in just a small amount of oil (the lard “released the juice”). I only turned it over once!

How easy it is to make turkey with mushrooms and vegetables - it’s delicious and healthy!

Boil a good piece of turkey (white meat is fine, but you can also use other meat parts). You can simmer 100 grams each of celery, zucchini, tomato (at the very end) and the same number of leek rings in the same broth for about 10 minutes. Or fry in a frying pan - to taste. Chop the mushrooms into slices or another format, and lightly fry them in a frying pan in butter. Let's cool everything until warm and, adding herbs, season. How? The juice that remained in the pan after the mushrooms!

Turkey cutlets are juicy inside with a crispy crust

Grind half a kilogram of meat in a meat grinder or in a way convenient for you. Soak a piece of bread in water. Finely chop the onion. Let's combine all this beauty. Lightly salt and pepper. We can finish here and fry, but we will do it differently. You will not regret! Chop your favorite vegetables finely. Mix with minced meat. Roll the cutlets. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Roll the cutlets in breading and fry them until done. You can put them in a bowl with a small amount butter and pour sour cream or something else, and bake in the oven.

Turkey cutlets

Recipe for delicious turkey soup with dumplings - my grandmother's recipe

Boil broth from turkey meat (wings, thigh, and other parts are good here - it all depends on what you like best in the soup). While the meat is cooking, make the dough for the dumplings. There are many ways to prepare them. And I like mine, which I always use. I take an egg. I whip it up. Lightly add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Then I sprinkle in a little flour. I knead the dough so that it is neither thick nor liquid. Chop some carrots and potatoes with onions into the finished broth. After 5 minutes, spoon the dough into the boiling broth. When all the dough comes out, you can turn off the soup. Add some greenery and it will be beautiful!

How to cook tastier ground turkey in a vegetable pie - we share cooking secrets

This is incredible tasty dish which I call vegetable pie with minced meat, we start by grinding the meat. Then we will cut the vegetables (take each one in the quantity according to the degree to which you like them). I chopped half a kilogram of minced turkey into slices of 2 eggplants, tomatoes and bell peppers. I also chopped a stalk of celery for taste. By the way, immediately heat the oven (to 180 degrees) and put our pie in a baking dish, well greased butter. First comes the minced meat (don’t forget to season it with something you like), top with leeks, peppers, tomatoes, sprinkle everything with celery. Season it all with grated cheese (about a hundred grams) and cover with foil and bake. Let this thing sit for half an hour. Once removed, let the pie cool slightly. Oh, and yummy!

Other turkey recipes

Experiment for your health by making turkey medallions in lemon sauce, turkey boiled pork in the oven in foil, baked turkey in a sleeve, jellied meat or turkey pastrami, delicious diet salads with turkey, delicious pates and turkey soufflé, meat stewed with vegetables, stuffed with prunes or turkey stewed in wine with aromatic spices, cutlets and rolls, basturma, turkey thigh rolls, kebab, beef stroganoff, goulash, salad and much more.

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It is believed that turkey fillet is a meat that contains many vitamins and is suitable for many people. culinary recipes. Compared to chicken, turkey has more delicate taste and has a strong aroma. If you marinate the turkey before cooking, the finished dish will be very juicy.

There are many legends that turkey meat is very healthy. It refers to dietary product– 100 g of turkey pulp contains about 194 kcal – this is not enough. The fillet contains a fairly large amount of phosphorus, its volume is the same as that of rare red fish. Besides chemical composition meat is also rich in other components: sodium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, sulfur and others. This bird is considered the record holder for the amount of zinc.

If you constantly eat turkey, your immunity against cancer will increase, there will be more iron in the body, and metabolic processes will stabilize. Children are highly recommended to eat turkey meat more often. It is also recommended to eat it if you are anemic. So

Recipes for delicious turkey fillet

Video recipe for turkey in the oven

This turkey meat dish looks good at family celebrations; watch the video for the recipe. You don’t always have to wait for a holiday; you can pamper your family with a tasty treat just on the weekend. What do you need for baked turkey with fruit:

  • poultry meat up to 2 kg;
  • honey 100 g;
  • orange 1-2 pcs.;
  • small apples 3-4 pcs.;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • garlic granules 1 tsp;
  • black pepper.


  1. Take ready fillet, rinse it and dry it a little with paper or a paper towel.
  2. Take the washed fillet and rub it with garlic granules and pepper. There is no need to add salt; you will still need soy sauce ahead. Wait for the meat to marinate, this will take a couple of hours, but the longer, the tastier it will be.
  3. Divide the oranges into slices, cut the apples a little larger, removing the core and seeds.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with any oil, place the marinated fillet, and place the chopped fruit around it.
  5. Pour soy sauce over everything, you can add a little honey if desired.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200°C and place the dish for about 50 minutes. Check the doneness occasionally to ensure the meat does not become dry. In many cases, the meat cooks faster than indicated in the recipe; it is better to take the dish out a little earlier and pack it in foil for 15 minutes so that it “cooks.”
  7. Cut the turkey nicely into slices, take large dish and place meat and fruit on it. Treat your family and friends with your dish!

Turkey in a slow cooker - step-by-step recipe

The slow cooker will make a wonderful “goulash” out of tender turkey; the dish will harmonize well with the side dish. Turkey fillet looks similar to pork, but taste quality- This is a more pleasant-tasting and soft meat. We will need:

  • turkey fillet 600-700 g;
  • medium bulbs 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • flour 2 tbsp;
  • water 1 tbsp.;
  • oil (preferably vegetable) 3-4 tbsp;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Take an onion, peel it and cut it into small pieces. After this, turn on the multicooker, pour oil and set the frying mode.
  2. Cut the turkey fillet into medium pieces.
  3. Fry the fillet with onions for up to 20 minutes until it acquires a golden color. Then add flour and tomato, mix everything. Add a bay leaf and sprinkle with salt to your taste.
  4. Wait for the finished mixture to fry for about 5 minutes, then add water and turn on the simmer mode. If your slow cooker doesn't have one, continue using broil.
  5. The turkey should be simmered for about an hour. Once the dish is ready, it needs to sit, and then it can be served with a side dish; turkey will look good with buckwheat.

Baked fillet

If you want to cook turkey in the oven and make it juicy, then here is a tip: this meat is tender, so it is recommended to cook it as quickly as possible, covering it with vegetables on top or making a fur coat of cheese for it.


  • fillet 0.5 kg;
  • red tomato 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese up to 200 g;
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


  1. Divide the turkey fillet into 5 thick pieces, beat them a little to reduce the thickness.
  2. Spread each piece with spices and salt, then place the meat on a baking sheet and pre-grease it.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices and arrange among the turkey pieces.
  4. Crush everything with hard cheese, preferably small shavings.
  5. Send ready-made semi-finished product into the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. Do not overcook the meat inside, otherwise you may forget about juiciness.

Turkey fillet in a frying pan

Stroganoff-style meat can be easily prepared with just a frying pan and turkey fillet. This dish is very similar in its ingredients to classic beef stroganoff.

We will need:

  • fillet 200-300 g;
  • mushrooms 100 g;
  • large onion 1 pc.;
  • mustard 1 tbsp;
  • high fat sour cream 100-150 g;
  • refined oil;
  • pepper and spices.


  1. Divide the fillet into small pieces and fry until golden brown, adding a little oil.
  2. Finely chop the onions, then wash the mushrooms and chop as desired. Porcini mushrooms are better; a backup option is oyster mushrooms or champignons.
  3. Pour the chopped vegetables and mushrooms into the frying pan; when liquid appears, wait until it disappears. Do everything on low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Add mustard and sour cream, then add salt to your taste and let the dish simmer for another minute.
  5. Place on the table with potatoes or rice.

How to cook delicious poultry - the best recipe

Most best taste Turkey will be cooked if the meat is baked whole. Prunes will add a special piquancy to the dish; they will become a certain highlight.

What we need:

  • turkey meat 1 -1.2 kg;
  • pitted prunes 100 g;
  • medium onion 2 pcs.;
  • half a lemon;
  • garlic cloves 5 pcs.;
  • rosemary, basil;
  • salt and red pepper to taste;
  • refined oil 40 g;
  • paprika;
  • dry white wine 100 – 150 gr.


  1. Take all the spices and mix them with herbs in a separate bowl.
  2. Rinse the fillet and let it dry. Brush the meat with oil and coat it in spices, then wait about an hour or an hour and a half for it to marinate.
  3. Divide the prunes into 4 parts, cut the onion into large rings, try to cut the garlic thinly. Place everything in a bowl, add lemon juice and mix thoroughly.
  4. Place the fillet on the form, grease it before vegetable oil. Place prunes evenly over turkey.
  5. At a temperature of 200°C, bake the meat for about half an hour.
  6. Turn the meat over and pour in the wine. Reduce the temperature by 20 degrees and wait another 30 minutes.
  7. Turn over last time pour the sauce over the meat, if not ready, bake for another 15 minutes.

Turkey in gravy

When you prepare a turkey fillet dish, be sure to use sauce, otherwise the meat may be dry. This is the secret of this unusually tasty dish.


  • turkey meat 650 g;
  • olive oil 250 ml;
  • lemon juice 1 – 2 tbsp;
  • medium onion 1 pc.;
  • garlic clove 3 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, oregano, bay leaf.


  1. First you need to make the sauce. Take lemon juice, spices and olive oil, then mix this mixture in a separate bowl.
  2. Cut the onion into very thin rings and mix with the sauce.
  3. Place the finished fillet in a pan and pour over the sauce. Leave in the refrigerator for 10 hours to marinate.
  4. Take a deep baking tray and place the meat in it, pour over the sauce if there is any left. Upper part Cover with foil and bake for half an hour at 200°C.
  5. If you like the crust fried, remove the foil and leave the meat in the oven for another 10 minutes.

How to cook juicy and soft turkey fillet

Roasted turkey, cut into slices, is perfect for sandwiches. It will be very tasty, satisfying, and most importantly healthy breakfast. To make the meat on the sandwich very juicy, you need to follow the recipe, which includes:

  • meat 1.3 kg;
  • low-fat kefir 300 ml;
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp;
  • seasonings, salt to taste.


  1. You need to make even cuts throughout the meat so that the marinating goes faster.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix kefir with lemon, add spices. Soak turkey in gravy, wrap cling film. Wait 3-4 hours.
  3. Methods for roasting fillets:
  • Place the meat in foil and bake in the oven at 200°C for about half an hour;
  • Place the meat on the grill, place a baking sheet underneath, wait about 20 minutes until the dish is ready. Cook at 200°C.

Delicious and healthy turkey recipe in foil

The recipe is very simple, but the dish is very tasty and easy to prepare. The turkey will go well with the side dish; its cold appearance is suitable for sandwiches. For the recipe you need:

  • turkey meat 1 kg;
  • garlic cloves 4-5 pcs.;
  • mustard with grains 100 g;
  • spices, salt.


  1. Wash the meat, then make slits in it to accommodate the garlic cloves.
  2. Sprinkle with pepper, coat with mustard. If you only have regular mustard, then add a little sour cream.
  3. Place the semi-cooked meat in foil so that all the juice remains in the turkey;
  4. Place in the oven for 50 minutes, set the temperature to 200°C;
  5. Remove the finished meat from the oven, let it sit in foil for a while to absorb the juices.

How to cook a turkey in the sleeve

Turkey meat in the sleeve will be especially delicious, have spicy taste. The method is very easy, but your fillet will always have a special juiciness and there will be no burnt meat when frying.


  • meat 1.5 kg;
  • soy sauce 2 tbsp;
  • red bell pepper 1 pc.;
  • vinegar 1 tbsp.
  • garlic clove 3 pcs.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • hot pepper 1 pc.


  1. To begin, grate the ginger root, finely chop the onion, and grind the pepper in a blender. Add soy sauce and a little vinegar to the finished mixture.
  2. Take the meat and brush it with the resulting sauce, leave the meat in a separate bowl and wait until it marinates.
  3. Make a sleeve of the required length, tie one end. Place the turkey inside and pour the sauce over it. After this, tie the second edge of the sleeve.
  4. Bake the turkey for about an hour at an average temperature of 200°C. Once the meat is almost done, rip the sleeve slightly to create a nice crispy skin on the fillet.

Recipe with vegetables

You don't know what to put on the table for your family so that everyone is full? Turkey meat with vegetables will help you with this.

Required ingredients:

  • meat 0.5 kg;
  • medium sized zucchini;
  • potatoes 3-4 pcs.;
  • carrots 2 pcs.;
  • onion 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomato juice 0.5 l;
  • salt and pepper to your taste.


  1. Vegetables need to be cut small pieces, a little smaller carrot.
  2. Also cut the meat into small pieces; fillet is good; alternatively, you can take the flesh from the thigh.
  3. Tomato juice Not everyone has it, it can be replaced with regular red tomatoes, if you need more concentration, then add tomato paste.
  4. You can continue cooking using any of the following methods:
  • Fry the meat and vegetables separately, then combine everything. Then salt the dish to taste and add spices. Tomato juice needs to be heated, then pour it over the meat and vegetables. Simmer after boiling for about 10 minutes.
  • Place the ingredients raw in a saucepan, add pepper and salt to taste, pour cold juice and place on the stove, turning on high heat. After boiling, simmer the fried meat for about half an hour.
  • You can place all the ingredients one by one on a baking sheet, placing the meat on top and the vegetables on the bottom. For this method, it is better to cut the fillet into thin slices. Add pepper and salt to the tomato, then pour the prepared mixture onto the meat. You can sprinkle the dish with hard cheese for beauty. Bake the turkey at 180°C for about an hour.