What to cook for dinner from turkey fillet. Oven-roasted turkey stuffed with vegetables

Turkey... Delicious. Terribly helpful. Easy to cook. And, yes, the wallet empties well. But against the background of its other advantages, the issue of price fades into the background. Because from this dietary meat can be incredible great amount cook dishes. And, most likely, there will not be any of their species, where white turkey meat would not be appropriate. It is prepared in different variations and in the most different combinations with other products.

In what and how is a turkey cooked?

In addition to the fact that turkey meat is calmly eaten even at night, many are satisfied with the situation with salt.

  • Firstly , sodium, contained in excess in meat, will carefully and imperceptibly replenish stocks in our body.
  • Secondly , the lack of salt in turkey meat dishes is oil for the soul, more precisely, the heart, blood vessels, joints of those who have problems with them.
  • And in general , minuscule cholesterol, the maximum content of vitamins E and A - this is such a plus in the direction of choosing this meat ...

They cook in everything that only knows how to bake, cook, fry, steam, stew, etc. Cooking methods, as you can see, are very diverse. Well, the tool is a frying pan, an oven and a stove (gas and electric), an oven, a microwave, a double boiler, a slow cooker. And don't forget the bonfire, grill, and miniature camping stoves!

What can be cooked? No, I will not offer now a list of everything that is possible and other parts of the turkey. I will name only the most-most known to everyone. So, lean product perfect not only in the form of chops, dumplings, soups and salads, but also luxurious sausages and sausages. Well, it's both tasty and healthy, especially if you put different cereals in sausage with minced meat, aromatic additives etc.

And now I propose to cook white turkey meat. seasoned delicious marinade and an original combination of vegetables and mango, this dish will appeal to everyone. Especially if you follow the figure and choose a healthy diet.

White turkey meat with mango and vegetables - step by step recipe with photo

First, fast. Secondly, it's delicious. Thirdly, such a dish will decorate any holiday table.


  • Turkey fillet - 500 g
  • Mango - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs
  • Olive oil for frying

For marinade:

  • Spices - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • Olive oil - 0.5 tsp

How to cook delicious white turkey meat with mango and vegetables - juicy fillet recipe

The first thing to do is cut the meat properly. I usually like to hold a fillet in cold water from a quarter of an hour. Then, slightly squeezing, I cut it in the format of beef stroganoff.

Step 1. Turkey fillet, cut into strips

The meat must be marinated. Why take the spices you like. I had an interesting mix palette Italian herbs with whole cardamom fruits. I also added some coconut flakes for softness. Mix spices thoroughly.

Step 2. Mix the spices for the marinade

Drip lemon juice and a serving of olive oil here. We don't salt! And send the pieces of turkey to the marinade.

Step 3. Meat in the marinade

What is turkey meat served with? Oh, it's such a stretch. And I used to always serve it with vegetables and even with exotic fruits. This time, the role of the exotic was given to mango. Cut it into strips without peeling!

Step 4. Mango slices

Now you can already put the pan on a gas or electric stove, in a word, prepare for cooking vegetables. By the way, I had a multicooker. So, in this delicious vegetable garden, I decided to chop the bell pepper.

Step 5. Bulgarian pepper slices

I don’t know how anyone, but I can’t imagine a vegetable side dish without a tomato. Their sourness, and a bright accent makes the dish so spicy ... Cut into slices.

Step 6. Tomato slices

Well, the oil is hot. What to put first? I cooked first golden brown meat (fry so that there is space between the pieces). Fried? I put the vegetables here too. Literally for a few minutes, stirring them all the time and not letting the tomato become gruel. 5 minutes and you're done!

Step 6. The dish is ready. Bon appetit!

How to cook juicy bacon-wrapped turkey skewers - my favorite recipe

Cut 400 g of fillet, peeled from films, into portioned pieces. Unfold the bacon slices (according to the number of skewers). Let's send the meat to the marinade, prepared from the same portions (1 tsp each) of spices, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, olive oil. Literally after 15 minutes of languishing in the marinade, wrap each piece of turkey in bacon (but so that it does not become a thick wrapper - you can fasten it with something). Putting on wooden skewers, I fried turkey skewers in a very small amount of oil (lard “let the juice go”). Turned over only once!

How easy it is to make a turkey with mushrooms and vegetables - we cook tasty and healthy!

Boil a good piece of turkey (you can take white meat, you can take other meat parts as well). You can add 100 grams of slices of stem celery, zucchini, tomato (put at the very end) and the same number of leek rings in the same broth for 10 minutes. Or fry in a pan - to taste. We chop the mushrooms with plates or another format, and also lightly fry in a frying pan in butter. Cool everything to a warm state and, adding greens, season. How? The juice that was left in the pan after the mushrooms!

Turkey cutlets juicy inside with a crispy crust

We will scroll half a kilogram of meat in a meat grinder or in a way convenient for you. Soak a piece of bread in water. Finely chop an onion. Let's combine all this beauty. Lightly salt and pepper. You can finish this and fry, but we will do otherwise. You will not regret! Finely chop your favorite vegetables. Mix with minced meat. Roll up the meatballs. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Dip the cutlets in breading, fry them until cooked. You can put them in a bowl with a small amount butter and, pouring sour cream or something else, and bake in the oven.

Turkey cutlets

Delicious Turkey Dumpling Soup Recipe - My Grandmother's Recipe

Let's boil the turkey meat broth (the wings, the thigh, and other parts are good here - it all depends on what you like best in the soup). While the meat is cooking, make the dough for dumplings. There are many ways to prepare them. And I like mine, which I always use. I take an egg. I beat him up. Lightly salt and add ground black pepper to taste. Then I sprinkle a little flour. I knead the dough so that it is not thick and not liquid. In the finished broth, chop some carrots and potatoes with onions. After 5 minutes, spoon the dough into the boiling broth. When all the dough comes out, the soup can be turned off. Add greens - beauty will turn out!

How to cook minced turkey in a vegetable pie tastier - we share the secrets of cooking

This is an incredibly tasty dish that I call vegetable pie with minced meat, we start by grinding the meat. Then we cut the vegetables (we take each in the amount, according to the degree of how you like them). I chopped half a kilogram of minced turkey into slices of 2 eggplants, tomatoes and Bulgarian peppercorns. I also cut up a stalk of celery for flavor. Immediately, by the way, we heat the oven (up to 180 degrees) and put our cake in a baking dish, well greased with butter. Minced meat goes first (do not forget to flavor it with something that you like), leeks, peppers, tomatoes on top, sprinkle everything with celery. Flavor all this with grated cheese (one hundred grams) and, covering with foil, send to bake. Let this thing stand for half an hour. Take out and let the cake cool slightly. Oh, and yummy!

Other turkey recipes

Experiment on your health by making turkey medallions in lemon sauce, turkey boiled ham in the oven in foil, baked turkey in the sleeve, jelly or turkey pastrami, delicious diet salads with turkey delicious pâtés and turkey soufflé, stew with vegetables, stuffed with prunes or a turkey stewed in wine with fragrant spices, cutlets and rolls, basturma, turkey thigh rolls, barbecue, beef stroganoff, goulash, salad and much more.

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Turkey, without which not a single Christmas table and Thanksgiving is complete in America, is becoming popular with us, but not all housewives know how to cook this meat so that it turns out tasty, soft and juicy. Since this product is considered light, low-calorie and hypoallergenic, it should definitely be included in the diet, especially when it comes to children's and clinical nutrition. The fact is that turkey contains the least cholesterol compared to other types of animal products, and from one serving of poultry you can get 60% daily dose vitamins and microelements. Although turkey meat is not the easiest to cook, there are a few tricks that will help turn it into favorite dish home menu.

Choosing a good turkey

If you are going at home and hoping to get a delicious dish, you should choose only fresh young meat. good quality. Make sure that the skin of the bird is light and smooth (not slippery), and the meat is dense and elastic.

The belly of a fresh turkey is usually moist and shiny, the carcass and scallop are light pink, the legs are smooth and gray, and the eyes are bulging and transparent, without cloudy spots. The tastiest meat is from a turkey, which is 16 weeks old and weighs 5–10 kg. You should not chase large carcasses weighing 35 kg - as a rule, these are “older” birds, the meat of which remains tough and dry even after several hours of cooking.

Ways to cook a turkey

Stew in pieces, boil, fry in a pan, bake in the oven, on a spit, in foil - stuffed or without stuffing. You can cook minced meat for cutlets, pies, meatballs or make pate, boiled pork, roll, schnitzels, goulash, stew and azu.

Fruits, mushrooms, chestnuts, liver, dried fruits, nuts, rice, potatoes and other vegetables are popular as fillings for turkey. The turkey is very tasty in fruit glaze or with various sauces, often this bird is stewed in wine or champagne.

Turkey has one unusual feature- the white flesh of a bird easily “adjusts” to the taste of other types of meat, and if you mix a turkey with chicken, beef or pork, it will be difficult to guess that there is a turkey in the dish.

Turkey Cooking Secrets

  • Buy a turkey no earlier than two days before cooking - at the same time, the carcass of a fresh bird should be thoroughly washed under water, wiped dry inside and out, covered with foil and refrigerated. A frozen turkey needs to be thawed slowly, either indoors or in cold water that needs to be changed periodically. Remember that a bird weighing 9 kg can be thawed for two days.
  • Never cook a cold turkey, as only meat at room temperature will be tender and juicy. Take the bird out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking.
  • Before roasting, it is better to pre-marinate the turkey so that it turns out to be more tender and tasty. As a marinade, water, wine, champagne, cognac with sugar, honey, spices, herbs, lemon and garlic. The turkey should be in the marinade for up to three days.
  • Instead of marinating, you can rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of garlic, salt, olive oil and rosemary, leaving it for several hours to soak.
  • Stuff the turkey with stuffing (not too tight) and sew up the opening.
  • How to cook a turkey in the oven so that the meat is juicy? Place the bird breast down on a baking sheet, in a sleeve or in foil, set the temperature to 170-190 degrees and bake, pouring the resulting juice on the carcass.
  • The roasting time is calculated by the weight of the meat (including the filling) - add 18 minutes for every 450 grams.

Roasted turkey was a favorite dish of the Indian tribes, which is why, in fact, it got its name. Learning how to properly cook a turkey is easy if you practice more often. In addition, this bird is combined with all products, is highly nutritious and inexpensive. And most importantly, it is quite possible to feed 10-15 people with it, which means you don’t have to worry about holiday menu. However, you don't have to wait until Christmas to eat. delicious meat- cook it at least every week, try various recipes, toppings, sauces and let your imagination run wild!

Turkey is considered one of the most popular varieties of meat for preparing healthy and tasty dishes. This dietary meat with a rich microelement composition - turkey meat has a balanced content of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and therefore is well absorbed by the body. Also, meat practically does not contain harmful cholesterol and does not cause allergic reactions.

Choosing a turkey: how not to make a mistake

It is important to choose the right turkey when buying - only then will you be able to enjoy it. delicate taste and get from her maximum benefit. By appearance the bird should be reddish in color. Shades range from white-pink to dark red, depending on the ratio of protein and fat. The pink shade of meat is recognized as the best: it has the optimal ratio of both components. When pressing on the surface of the carcass, there should be no dents - only fresh meat is elastic. The skin of the turkey should be smooth, the presence of mucus on its surface indicates a long storage period.

You should pay attention to the legs of the turkey should have a smooth grayish tint. Mandatory absence of spots on the carcass and bad smell meat. A turkey's weight can be used to determine its approximate age. An average of 5-10 kg will be optimal. Heavy birds tend to be old and their meat is overkill dry and hard. In contrast, turkey meat is tender but poor in nutritional content.

You can find fresh meat on the shelves in the fall. It is better to buy a bird grown not in a poultry farm, but in the wild. The taste of meat is affected by the quality of the feed, the abundance of sun, movement and fresh air. A bird grown in such conditions, even in old age, retains most of its own nutrients, and its meat is much less coarse in comparison with birds grown in factory conditions.
As for frozen semi-finished products, one should remember to be extremely careful when buying such products - it is impossible to determine for sure whether all the technological details were observed during the freezing process, and also to check the quality of the meat. Frozen poultry is good when it is not possible to obtain a fresh sample. At the same time, you need to monitor the expiration date and prefer the more expensive option of frozen meat when choosing in the store.

Features of cooking turkey dishes

Almost any part of the turkey is suitable for cooking a particular dish.

Hips, for example, are ideal for baking in foil, stuffing and stewing.

Turkey fillet versatile: goes well with any side dishes, is exposed to any cooking and is used even for baby food.

bird stomachs ideal for filling

liver most often used in the preparation of turkey pâtés.

From dorsal part especially strong broths are obtained.

Turkey, cooked in any way, goes well with cereals, vegetables and pasta ( pasta). Often turkey meat is used in cooking broth.

Turkey meat is not easy to cook. The frozen version must first be thawed slowly. Gentle defrosting in the refrigerator or in cold water is best suited for these purposes. Insufficiently thawed turkey should not be immediately subjected to heat treatment: such meat will not become juicy and tender in the end.

Add softness, and marinade will help the taste of the bird. Typically used for this alcoholic drinks or water. Such a base is mixed with spices, spices, sugar or lemon. In the mixture, the meat should be no more than 3 days. You can replace the marinade by simply rubbing the meat with garlic, spices and salt.

Best Recipes:

Baked turkey with honey

The most popular way to prepare such a bird for holiday tables is baking. For example, you can cook a turkey with honey.

For this you will need:

  • turkey carcass,
  • 150-200 g of honey (it is desirable that it be liquid, otherwise it will have to be melted),
  • a tablespoon of spicy greens (this can be marjoram, rosemary or barberry),
  • a little nutmeg
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

The dish is very simple to prepare: just cut the bird into separate pieces, add spices and salt. Fragments of the carcass should be coated with honey on all sides.

The turkey is baked in the oven at a temperature of 175-190 degrees Celsius until tender. The approximate cooking time is taken from the calculation of an additional 20 minutes for every 450-480 grams of meat.

Turkey turns out juicy, crispy, with interesting spicy-sweet taste.

Turkey fillet cutlets with vegetables

turkey meat cutlets

For those who are into diets and proper nutrition, poultry cutlets cooked in a double boiler are perfect.

For cooking, you will need vegetables and minced turkey:

  • 450 g turkey fillet,
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • greens, pepper and salt to taste.

It would also be nice to add olive oil.


Carrots rubbed on coarse grater, and the rest of the vegetables are finely chopped with a knife. After that, the turkey fillet is passed through a meat grinder to form minced meat.

The meat is mixed with vegetables, spices and beaten off: for this, it is enough to throw the minced meat on a cutting board or bowl several times to remove excess air. Then cutlets are formed from the mixture, which are placed in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes under the lid.

This meat pairs well with light vegetable side dishes.

Burgers with turkey fillet

For fast food lovers good analogue restaurant food will be a homemade turkey fillet burger.

To fill it you will need:

  • about 500 grams of meat,
  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 garlic cloves,
  • 1 medium potato
  • 80 g butter,
  • as well as spices and herbs to taste.

For registration you will need:

  • a few burger buns
  • sauce to taste (ready-made basil pesto goes well),
  • fresh greens,
  • tomatoes,


At the first stage, onions and garlic are fried until golden brown in oil, then puree is prepared from freshly fried vegetables in a blender. Potatoes need to be grated on a coarse grater, and minced meat is prepared from the turkey fillet using a meat grinder.

All ingredients are mixed, and cutlets are formed from the resulting mass. The meat must be refrigerated for an hour. In random order, a burger is assembled from the ingredients: the rolls are cut in half, lightly fried, smeared with sauce, then all the ingredients are laid out layer by layer on the bottom.

On coals, burgers are fried for 8-10 minutes, during which they will need to be turned over a couple of times.

Turkey roll with prunes

Can cook meatloaf with stuffing.

This will require:

  • 500 g turkey fillet,
  • 3-4 tablespoons of prunes,
  • about 50-60 g,
  • cheese (preferably hard varieties),
  • spices to taste.

Prepare the turkey roll like this:

For softness, the turkey fillet is beaten with a hammer. Prepared meat is sprinkled with spices. Then prunes are laid out on the surface, sprinkled with cheese on top. The meat is rolled up and secured with threads or skewers.

The turkey is baked in foil at 180 degrees Celsius. 30 minutes after the start of cooking, open the foil to allow the roll to brown. After that, bake until done.

Light soup with turkey fillet

Many people's lunch is unimaginable without soup. The first course can also be prepared from turkey meat - the soup is light and dietary.

Required products:

  • about 350 grams of turkey fillet,
  • 5 medium potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • spices to taste.

Soup preparation:

The fillet is finely chopped and fried in a pan until half cooked. After that, frying is prepared: the carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, the onion is cut into small cubes, and their mixture is fried in butter.

Peeled and chopped potatoes, along with fillet, fried and spices, are immersed in a pan with hot water. The soup is cooked until the potatoes are ready - it will take about 12 minutes.

Turkey is a truly versatile poultry meat that works well on almost any table. It is considered beneficial, non-allergenic and dietary product. There is an interesting holiday - which is hard to imagine without a cooked turkey.

Turkey meat is a very tasty dietary product. lovers American cinema It is well known that roast turkey is traditionally cooked in the States for Thanksgiving. Today, this meat is admired by an increasing number of Russian gourmets. When they talk about turkey fillet, they mean, first of all, its most juicy part - the breast. How to cook delicious turkeys? Some of the recipes can be found in this article.

About the reasons for the popularity of the product

Dietary Properties turkey meat is widely known. It is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, the amount of cholesterol in it is minimal. Turkey meat provides long-term saturation, is quickly absorbed and enriches the body with iron, calcium and potassium, so it is recommended for anemia and joint diseases. In addition, turkey is valued for its hypoallergenicity, making it ideal for children. Turkey meat is also rich in sodium, which makes it possible to use less salt in its preparation. This is especially important for dieters and hypertensive patients.

How to cook turkey breast fillet? Recipes (overview)

Breast fillet is one of the most delicious and popular parts of poultry. As a rule, it weighs much more than chicken - about 1-4.5 kg. This should be taken into account when deciding how much meat to purchase in preparation for festive feast. On average, the size of one serving of turkey breast is about 150-200 g. It is used to prepare a dish that can feed from 2 to 4 people. Two breasts will be enough to feed 6-8 eaters.

Tender turkey meat can be prepared in many ways: it is fried, stewed, baked, sandwiches and salads are made from it. Most suitable for diet food is cooking turkey breast in the oven (you can choose a recipe to your liking from those presented in the article).

As a side dish, vegetables, rice, and potatoes are best suited for fillets. Meat is in perfect harmony with herbs and dry wine. White tender fillet turkeys are a great base for almost any combination of seasonings (thyme, oregano, sage or basil complement it wonderfully). If fresh herbs are used, they should be coarsely chopped and inserted directly under the skin of the turkey carcass. The cooked turkey is stored in the refrigerator, the leftovers are used to make hamburgers or variety of salads.

The recipe for this wonderful meat, in addition to the list of ingredients used, it usually contains instructions, thanks to which you can easily create a delicious delicacy. Experienced housewives they also recommend that those who decide to treat their guests or homemade turkey meat to adhere to certain rules regarding the selection and preparation of the product.

  1. About choice. When buying a fresh turkey, you should pay attention to the color of the meat - it should be tender and pink, without any stains.
  2. On the use of frozen meat. Frozen turkey fillets are selected without signs of freeze burn. The meat is kept in freezer no more than nine months. Make sure it is completely defrosted before cooking. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time baking the breast. It is best to thaw a turkey on slow thaw in the refrigerator (this will take about a day). You can also defrost fillets in the microwave or in a large bowl of water.
  3. On the features of preparation. Oven-baked turkey breast (recipes are offered in the article) is not only very tasty, but also very healthy dish, perfectly suitable for those who monitor their figure and health. One of the most common problems that housewives have to face is the relative dryness of the prepared product.

How to cook delicious breast turkeys? Recipes to avoid dryness of turkey, as well as recommendations for them, are offered by home cooks:

  • The breast can be baked in foil, in a sleeve or with vegetables and fruits.
  • You can not overdo the meat in the oven - depending on the size of the fillet, it is enough to bake it for 20-60 minutes.
  • When baking a turkey breast in the oven, according to the recipe, onions and potatoes cut into thick slices can be added to it. This makes an excellent side dish, for the preparation of which you do not need to spend extra time.
  • In accordance with the recipe for cooking turkey breast, marinade is used during baking, due to which the meat becomes fragrant and tender. Marinade is recommended to be done at least an hour before cooking. For every 0.5 kg of turkey, it is recommended to use up to 60 ml of marinade. Meat should be marinated 1 to 3 hours before cooking.
  • Let the cooked turkey rest for about 20 minutes. at room temperature so that the meat is saturated with juices. Otherwise, it may be dry.

Properly cooked according to the recipe, the turkey breast is very tender and juicy. Delicious dishes from this bird can significantly diversify the diet. What can you cook with turkey breast? Recipes, photos are offered in the article.

Roasted Turkey Breast Pastrami: Ingredients

One of popular recipes cooking turkey breast is pastrami. For cooking use:

  • water for marinade - 2 l;
  • one teaspoon ground coriander;
  • one tablespoon each: coriander beans; mustard; oregano; dried basil; red paprika;
  • one teaspoon red hot pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • three tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

How to cook?

Water is poured into the pan, salt is diluted in it, washed and skinned turkey breast is lowered there and left to marinate for 2 hours. Then the turkey fillet is removed from the brine, slightly blotted with napkins. Then it should be stuffed with chopped garlic cloves. Next, prepare a homogeneous mixture of seasonings and oil (vegetable). The fillet should be smeared with this mixture on all sides.

The oven is heated to 250°C. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet, put in a preheated oven and kept for 15 minutes. Then the oven is turned off and the fillet is kept in it for about two hours (the door must not be opened in any case, otherwise the temperature regime!). In the cooling oven, the turkey should reach readiness. On top of the fillet there will be a baked crust, inside the meat turns out to be very juicy, pale pink. Many people call the taste of the dish truly delicious.

For lovers of spicy food

One of the turkey breast recipes recommended for lovers spicy dishes, is a fillet of turkey breast (spicy), baked in foil. This method cooking is simpler than the previous one, it characteristic feature is the generous use of adjika, red pepper, garlic. spicy recipe turkey breasts in the oven with a photo are offered later in the article.

For those who don't like it too much spicy food, instead of red pepper, culinary experts recommend using black, while reducing its amount, adjika can be replaced with mild ketchup or tomato paste. You don’t need to save on garlic, the turkey should be stuffed very generously with them. To do this, it is necessary to make deep cuts on the carcass with a knife and push the pieces of garlic deeper inside.

Composition of products

For cooking use:

  • turkey breast fillet - one and a half kilograms;
  • two tablespoons of adjika;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of red hot pepper;
  • two teaspoons of salt;
  • water for soaking fillets.


Water is poured into the pan, salt is diluted in it, the turkey breast is marinated in this brine for two hours. Then the meat is removed, blotted with a paper towel, stuffed with garlic. Next, a mixture of hot pepper (red), adjika, vegetable oil is prepared, which is diligently spread on the meat. After that, the fillet is wrapped in foil and put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for half an hour. Then the oven is turned off, the meat is left inside for an hour and a half (it is not recommended to open the oven door!).

Turkey fillet in the oven with potatoes

What other dishes can be prepared from turkey breasts? Recipes that have been approved by gourmets, hostesses are happy to share with each other. Thanks to the instructions, the dishes are easy to prepare. One of the excellent, simple and very tasty turkey breast recipes is oven-baked fillet with potatoes. The method involves the use of a minimum of ingredients. The dish is recommended to be cooked in a special sealed bag for baking.

What products are used?

Among the ingredients:

  • one kilogram of turkey breast fillet;
  • six potatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • champignons (whole) - 300 g.

About the cooking method

Turkey fillet should be washed and cut into small cubes. Potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into pieces. Next, chop the onion, grate the carrots. Mushrooms are washed, but not cut. Then meat, carrots with onions, potatoes, vegetable oil are mixed in a saucepan, the mixture is salted and peppered.

After that, it is laid out in a cauldron or a baking bag, water is added (a couple of tablespoons) and placed in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 50 minutes. The baking dish should be hermetically sealed, the cauldron should be tightly covered with a lid so that water does not evaporate and the dish is not fried, but stewed in own juice. According to reviews, the treat is soft and very juicy.

Turkey breast baked with vegetables: composition

To prepare this dish, you should use:

  • 1 kg turkey breast fillet;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • 200 grams of chopped white cabbage;
  • 150 grams (handful) sauerkraut;
  • one small zucchini;
  • one small eggplant;
  • a handful of green beans;
  • one sweet pepper (preferably colored - red, yellow);
  • three tablespoons of adjika or delicious Georgian tomato sauce;
  • salt;
  • black ground pepper;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • herbs: dill and parsley.

How to cook?

Turkey fillet is washed, cut into small cubes (2x3 cm). Potatoes are peeled, washed and cut large pieces. Cabbage is chopped, carrots are rubbed on a grater, onions are chopped, eggplant and zucchini are chopped, removing the skin, Bell pepper shredded with straw. Meat and all vegetables, adding green beans, mixed in a large saucepan, salt, pepper to taste, add sauce (tomato), oil (vegetable), knead the dough.

The mixture is transferred to a large cauldron or a baking bag, covered with a lid. Bake in the oven for two hours at 180°C. It should languish and stew until cooked. During this time, the vegetables will give the meat all their flavors and juices.

Turkey breast baked with mushrooms

To prepare this delicious dish will need:

  • 900 grams of fillet;
  • one teaspoon spicy ketchup;
  • 9 potatoes;
  • 2-3 table. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 240 grams of broth;
  • five table. spoons of sour cream;
  • spices (used to taste);
  • 15 grams of cheese;
  • 20 grams of garlic;
  • 260 grams of mushrooms.


The meat is washed, dried, cut into portioned slices, fried in a pan with spices and oil. Mushrooms are boiled, chopped with plates, browned in oil (vegetable). Garlic is added to the mushrooms, poured with mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, sprinkled with grated cheese and all components are mixed. Next, cut the potatoes into quarters. Put all the ingredients into the form, add the broth, sauce. Bake for approximately 70-80 minutes. at t=200˚С.

"Accordion": turkey breast baked with cheese, tomatoes and soy sauce

“Accordion” is meat cut into slices along the entire length. In this case, the cuts should be incomplete: the fillet retains its integrity, but is repeatedly cut along. Slices of cheese and tomato are put into each of the cuts (pockets). The result is a beautiful meat "accordion", the folds of which are filled with red pieces of tomato and bright pieces of browned cheese.


The dish is prepared from:

  • turkey breast fillet (one kilogram);
  • two medium tomatoes;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • salt;
  • black ground pepper;
  • all kinds of seasonings to taste (hops-suneli, coriander, basil, red sweet paprika, etc.).


The turkey fillet is washed, the skin is removed. Dip the meat in the brine for one hour (4 tablespoons of salt will be enough for 2 liters of water). Turkey in brine can be marinated in the refrigerator. After an hour, the meat is taken out, dried with a napkin. Then it should be sprinkled soy sauce and season with spices. After that, the meat is repeatedly cut, but not cut to the end. Slices of cheese and tomato are put into the cuts. The accordion meat is wrapped in foil and baked in an oven heated to 200 ° C for half an hour. According to reviews, the dish turns out so tasty that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it.

Turkey fillet in the oven can be baked in several ways. For example, use foil or a baking sleeve. Even more juicy fillet will turn out in butter or sour cream sauce. As well as potatoes, tomatoes and cheese.

This meat is considered dietary and very useful. The calorie content of a turkey is on average 276 kcal. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of the breast and, say, the thigh will be different. Therefore, if you are on a diet, choose for low calorie lunch less fatty parts of the carcass.

Those who often visit my blog know that we love birds and often cook interesting ones. Today we will analyze step by step the most delicious recipes roasting turkey fillet in the oven. These dishes are suitable for holiday table and for every day. Choose what you like best and cook with pleasure.

In the article:

Oven baked in foil in the oven fillet of turkey breast - lick your fingers

This recipe works for both turkey breasts and thighs. We get amazing, juicy meat thanks to kefir marinade, cheese and tomatoes.

2. I pour kefir into a deep bowl and squeeze it there lemon juice. Salt, pepper and seasoning Provencal herbs» You can add curry, but I ran out) Stir so that the salt dissolves. I soak all the pieces of meat in this marinade. Marinated for an hour and a half.

3. The meat is marinated. I spread each piece of fillet in the middle of a sheet of foil. I also add a tablespoon of marinade. And I turn the corners up. I twist the foil a little on top like a candy wrapper and put it in the brazier. I send it to a warmed up to 200 deg. oven.

4. After 40 min. She took out a brazier and unwrapped the foil. For each piece of meat I laid out 2-3 circles of tomatoes and a pinch of grated cheese.

5. And so, in an open form, I bake for another ten minutes.

This is such a tasty treat. A lot of juice has formed in the foil. Serve on plates and drizzle with juice. Treat family and friends!

Turkey in the oven in tomato sauce with potatoes and vegetables

The longer the meat marinates, the juicier and more tender it will be. ready meal. Keep this in mind when you are about to cook. I forgot to include garlic in the recipe. Take as much as you like.

How to cook:

1. My breast and dry it with a towel. Peel the garlic, cut into halves. And I stuff the meat with garlic, making cuts with the tip of a knife.

2. Mixed mustard, vinegar, oil, all spices and salt in a bowl. Prepared the marinade. I thoroughly coat the piece of meat with this marinade. I cover and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. If you can’t marinate for a long time, then at least at least two hours.

3. The meat is marinated. I spread the whole piece in a brazier and put it in heated to 200 degrees. oven.

4. Such a large piece will be fried for about an hour. Three or four times during frying, I pour the carcass with the released juice. After an hour I take it out, cool and you can eat. It's so simple, delicious and festive!

The next recipe for turkey with potatoes, onions and tomatoes from the Natali Li channel

Turkey meat in the oven with tomato sauce, potatoes and vegetables - video recipe

A very quick and easy recipe for a gorgeous roast turkey in the oven with vegetables.

Natalie showed and told everything so deliciously, and even served it wonderfully!

Turkey fillet baked in a sleeve with sour cream; fragrant and juicy

The following recipe is my favorite. In the sleeve, the meat is wonderfully saturated with juice and spices. I cook any turkey in my sleeve. It always turns out great!

I have a turkey thigh fillet. This meat itself is juicier than the breast. And when cooked in a sleeve, it just melts in your mouth. In addition, I added a little butter and sour cream.

This recipe can no longer be called low-calorie.

If you do not want extra fat, you can exclude and butter and sour cream. It will still taste - overeating

How to cook:

I cut the washed and dried meat in several places. I rub salt and pepper on all sides. On a fine grater, I rub the zest of an orange and squeeze out the juice. I mix orange juice, spices, mustard and olive oil in a glass. Leave the zest aside for now.

Now let's use the baking sleeve. I fasten one end of the sleeve. I put the meat there and pour the marinade right in the sleeve. I distribute the marinade over the entire surface of the meat. I tightly tie the second end of the sleeve.

I leave the meat to marinate. Once again, the longer the meat is marinated, the better the result. Got it after 2-3 hours. I open one side of the sleeve. Carefully, so that the marinade does not leak out, I take out the meat. Now, in those cuts that I made at the beginning, I put in a small piece of butter.

I coat with sour cream on all sides and put it back in a bag with marinade. Now I pour finely chopped garlic cloves and orange zest into it. I seal the bag again. I put it in the roaster and put it in the oven for 200 degrees. for half an hour. After half an hour, cut the bag and remove it, and let the turkey bake for another half an hour. Reduce the temperature to 160 deg.

The yummy is indescribable! Be sure to give this recipe a try.

Turkey fillet with apples and oranges in honey sauce

Like these ones delicious recipes we could offer you today. That's all for now.

Thank you very much for visiting my site! Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today. And who ate - Bon appetit!

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