The spiciest dish in the world. The spiciest food in the world

Today we invite everyone who is bored with bland cuisine to the table. The current top ten includes the world's hottest dishes.

Hot seasonings are traditional for the cuisine of Eastern countries. In hot climates, spices help preserve food longer and also help fight some intestinal pathogens. There are many fans of spicy food among Europeans and Americans. By the way, it was the American Wilbur Scoville who proposed a scale for measuring the spiciness of dishes.

For comparison, classic sauce Tabasco is estimated at 600-800 scovilles, and Tabasco Abanero, which is included in our top ten, is already 5,000-7,000 scovilles.

Among Koreans, this dish is considered one of the indispensable attributes of any meal. It is believed that its moderate consumption promotes fat burning. Kimchi is made from pickled vegetables, mainly made from Chinese cabbage, seasoned with red pepper, ginger, garlic and red pepper. This dish is also used as a cold remedy.

9. Mama Africa

These South African sauces are made from chilli peppers, onions, garlic, carrots and green peppers with the addition of a variety of spices: coriander, basil, oregano, ginger and mint. Compared to Mama Africa, the famous Tabasco sauce will seem unusually bland. Experienced lovers of spicy foods do not recommend even sniffing African sauce at close range without preparation.

8. Couscous

A traditional dish North Africa and the Middle East are prepared differently, so in addition to the spicy varieties, there are regular and even sweet options. However, for example, couscous with lamb is traditionally prepared with the addition of many spices. A properly prepared dish should burn the palate and tongue.

7. Phaal

This type of curry is very popular among fans of spicy food. The phaal includes 10 types of pepper, the main one of which is Bhut Yolokiya, listed in the Guinness Book of Records for its spiciness. By the way, phaal is often ordered by Europeans and Americans who want to taste truly spicy oriental cuisine.

6. Tabasco Habanero sauce

This sauce is popular in Caribbean, Mexican and African cuisines. This variety differs from classic Tabasco in the presence of the hottest abanero pepper. By the way, our compatriots who tried the sauce quickly came up with a recipe for warming pepper - a drop of Tabasco Habanero per glass of vodka.

5. The Infamous Hot Pot

This Chinese dish You can try it in some restaurants. It is believed that it was once an attribute of one of the sadistic rituals in medieval China. As a rule, a tiny portion of a “pot” is enough to cause stomach cramps.

4. Bollywood Burner

This dish is served in one of the British restaurants. On the menu cooking masterpiece is not listed - it is prepared exclusively on special order. The dish includes lamb, rice and 20 hot chili peppers of the Naga Infinity variety.

3. Australian chilli

In his attempts to surpass the sharpness oriental cuisine Australians have reached almost the point of absurdity. A teaspoon of Australian chili will make even a huge bowl of boiled rice unbearably hot. However, this fact did not stop two desperate Australians who tried the sauce in pure form. The experiment ended with hallucinations and gastric lavage.

2. Mexican watermelon

Mexicans love watermelon and in its original form, but after some simple preparation the sweet fruit turns into an incredibly savory dish. The pulp is sprinkled with salt, poured with lime juice and generously seasoned with pepper. Not every tourist finds the strength to taste such a delicacy.

1. Chicken wings “Hot Suicide”

The name of this original dish can be translated as “Burning suicide.” This delicacy is served in one of the Chicago restaurants. Before tasting the delicacy, visitors sign a document stating that they have no claims against the establishment due to possible health complications. The sharpest in the world chicken wings served with white bread and sour cream, which are considered a good “antidote” to all kinds of seasonings.

Hot Suicide Wings- literally translated means hot suicidal wings. Robin Rosenberg, a cook at one of the Chicago taverns, is also a wit. Few people dare try his chicken wings. The fact is that Rosenberg's signature wings are the hottest chicken wings in the world!

The dish is so spicy that before trying it, the guest will have to sign a document stating that he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications. Chicken wings are prepared with one of the hottest peppers in the world - Red Savina Habanero. A person who wishes to try this dish will be provided with ambulance: waiters always have an “antidote” ready - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

Robin had been nurturing the idea of ​​serving one of the spiciest dishes in the world for many years. “Of course, for many this is an unacceptable dish, but perhaps there will be someone who will truly enjoy it,” says the chef.

2. Bollywood Burner

A London Indian restaurant is claiming a place in the Guinness Book of Records for the “spiciest dish on the planet”. According to restaurant chefs, their dish is made from lamb, with curry sauce and a generous sprinkling of... hot pepper in the world - by far the hottest dish on our planet.

This masterpiece is called “Bollywood Burner”. It's not on the main menu. This infernal dish is served exclusively upon special order. Anyone who wants to try this dish must give a receipt in the presence of restaurant workers, confirming that by ordering the dish, in the event of an unforeseen result of a dangerous tasting, he takes full responsibility upon himself.

It is known that in the southern Indian province of Hyderabad, the cuisine is especially spicy and, according to experts, the English curry is unlike any other spicy sauce, which they have ever tried. This curry uses nature's hottest plant, the Naga pepper. According to the Scoville scale (the scale of “hotness of peppers”), its heat exceeds 850,000 units. For comparison, Tabasco pepper, widely used in Mexican cuisine, has a heat of only 800 units, and “pepper spray” - a tear agent used by US police - has a heat of 2,000,000 units.

3. Phaal

Phaal is an Indian dish. It is considered the hottest curry in the country. Phaal is a sauce that is prepared from 10 types of pepper, the main one of which is the so-called (Bhut Jolokia) Bhut Jolokiya - in the Guinness Book of Records it is listed as the hottest spice on earth!

Huge popularity phaal acquired in New York when the owner of one of the restaurants included it in his menu. As a result, restaurant visitors, having once tasted phaal, then began to bring their friends there so that they too could try such a spicy dish.

4. The Infamous Hot Pot

“Shameful hot pot” is a very spicy dish that is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in the Middle Kingdom itself. History is silent about why this dish received this particular name. True, there are legends in China that this dish was once an attribute of some kind of sadomasochistic ritual in this country.

The owner of the restaurant says that despite strict warnings about the spiciness of the dish, he continues to watch customers clutch their stomachs after the first spoon.

5. Australian chilli

Nobody knows how to cook truly spicy dishes like the Australians, writes The specific chili sauce, which is prepared in Australia, is considered one of the hottest dishes in the world.

Those who wanted to try this “slightly” spicy dish never lined up. Adding a drop to some large dish is possible, but taking and eating “pure” sauce is not.

When preparing this chili, a hot pepper called “naga jolokia” is used, the same one that is used in the London Indian restaurant discussed above.

In Australia, there are finally those who want to become famous and inhale not even the chili itself, but its fiery component. The characters' names are Ryan Duke and Alex Fenning. Fortunately, the guys survived. The heroes' impressions are approximately the same: they are not going to try THIS a second time, but they are terribly proud of themselves!

6. Tabasco

Mexican Tabasco sauce is known throughout the world. However, the lightest version is the most popular - Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce (only 600-1200 scoville).

The hottest of the sauces is Tabasco Habanero Sauce. Its strength is 5000-7000 scoville, which is 10 times the strength of Tabasco Green. In addition to the spiciness that is prohibitive for the average person, this sauce also has complex recipe, taking its roots from Jamaican cuisine. Tabasco Habanero consists of vinegar, Abanero peppers (one of the hottest varieties in the world), cane sugar, regular Tabasco sauce, salt, mango pulp, tamarind, banana, papaya, tomatoes, dried onions, garlic, spices and aged in oak barrels Tabasco pepper.

Tabasco Habanero is simply perfect for drinking with vodka (no pepper can compare with a drop of habanero in a glass) and is designed to serve as a seasoning for exotic cuisines such as African, Caribbean and Mexican.

7. Couscous with lamb and vegetables

Couscous is a staple food in the Maghreb, particularly in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Also common in other parts of Africa, France, the Sicilian province of Trapani in Italy, and some regions of the Middle East.

Couscous comes in many varieties, and not all of them are spicy. There is fish couscous, sweet couscous and even vegetarian couscous. A lot of pepper is added to couscous with lamb. Based on the combination of ingredients, this couscous is the most fiery dish. It is not surprising that the Maghrebians and Africans who adore him are much more active and cheerful than their northern neighbors.

As a rule, couscous is prepared using durum wheat semolina. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but since preparing couscous is a very labor-intensive process.

8. Mexican watermelon

A watermelon can start a fire in your mouth and turn a person into a dragon. But not a simple watermelon, but a watermelon prepared in a special way - Mexican style. In Mexico, where most dishes smell like hot peppers, they don’t forget about watermelon.

Here it is generously seasoned with pepper, sprinkled with salt and sprinkled with lime juice. The taste of this dish is very specific and to many it seems simply incredibly disgusting: if the preparation of salted watermelons is practiced in some places in Russia, then peppered watermelon looks simply a perversion. However, there are also lovers of spicy food for this dish.

9. Mama Africa

Mama Africa are South African sauces. Tabasco lovers versus Mama Africa lovers; just angelic sweet tooths. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most diehard fans cry pungent taste. Which is not surprising - it contains 22 thousand Scovilles! Gourmets who are especially sympathetic to ordinary people advise even sniffing this sauce from afar!

Mama Africa sauces contain fruits, fresh pepper chili, carrots, onions, garlic, Green pepper, lemon juice. And to give spicy taste fresh and dried seasonings are added: coriander, basil, oregano, ginger, black pepper and mint.

The hottest ones are “Mama Africa Habanero”, “Mama Africa with red chili pepper”, “Mama Africa Chili with mint”.

10. Kimchi

This dish comes from Korea. Kimchi is a strongly seasoned fermented vegetable and primarily Chinese cabbage. Pickled heads of cabbage season with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

In Korea, kimchi is considered the main dish, without which no meal is complete. Koreans believe that moderate consumption of kimchi promotes the resorption of fat deposits. So for some, this spicy dish looks like a dietary dish. It is also believed that spicy kimchi is a good cold remedy.

1. Republic of Korea
This country rightfully takes 1st place on the pedestal among the hottest cuisines in the world. Korean dishes even have a characteristic red-orange color, they are so generously flavored hot pepper. It is worth noting that the classic korean cuisine, as we know it now, was formed only in the 18th century, when red peppers were brought to this region by the Portuguese. One of the most popular dishes on Korean tables there is kimchi (kimchi). This spicy salad from Chinese cabbage or pickled vegetables. Local residents consider kimchi a symbol of their culture; they devote poems and songs to it, and there is even a museum of this dish in Seoul. In Korean, the words “spicy” and “tasty” are synonymous, and in addition to pepper, garlic and coriander are always added to dishes when cooking.

2. India
Indian cuisine varies greatly in different regions of the country, and seasonings were originally used not so much taste qualities, how many in order to prevent intestinal diseases, since due to the hot and humid tropical climate, food quickly spoiled, and infections spread at incredible speed
Indian cuisine is associated primarily with aromatic seasonings and exotic sauces, and curry powder can be found in almost every kitchen. To give the dish a unique taste and aroma, Indians also use masala - a mixture of various spices.

3. Mexico
Typical representatives of Mexican cuisine - quesadillas, nachos, tacos, burritos and salsa, are ready to “light up” any feast. Local residents have been familiar with pepper since the times of the Aztecs and Mayans, and they are accustomed to adding it to all dishes. Therefore, the cuisine of this country is bright, spicy, always seasoned with spices, herbs and unique sauces of all possible shades of color, taste and smell.

4. Thailand
The basis of Thai cuisine is a skillfully selected combination of sour (lemongrass), sweet (coconut milk), salty (nam pla fish sauce), bitter (fresh herbs) and hot (chili peppers). In Thailand, a cult of food is developed, and the number of spices needed to prepare a typical dinner can reach up to 40. Thai cuisine- one of the richest in taste, which has earned the love of residents around the globe.

5. Caucasus
The cuisine of the peoples inhabiting the Caucasus and Transcaucasia is characterized by an abundance of meat, herbs and spices. The main component is undoubtedly adjika; it is based on red capsicum, and each family carefully keeps its secret of the proportions and technology of its preparation. It is impossible to confuse the spicy-spicy kharcho soup with anything else. And in Adygea, even some fermented milk dishes are served with spicy additives.

6. Peru
Peruvian cuisine has developed under the influence of two cultures - Spanish and Andean. The most famous dish- ceviche, which citizens of the country consider a national symbol. Pieces of fresh fish, marinated in lime juice, chili peppers, corn, avocado and salt, were originally fishermen's food, and now ceviche can be found in the most sophisticated restaurants. In addition, Peruvian cuisine has a whole section, including roasts and soups, which are prepared on the basis of the very hot ahi pepper, which the locals love and revere. If the cook has overdone it, the best way to put out the fire in your mouth is with a corn tortilla.

7. Sri Lanka
And although many consider Sri Lankan cuisine to be part of Indian cuisine, it is nevertheless significantly different from it. If in India vegetables are stewed for a long time, bringing them to a creamy state, then Sri Lankans, for the sake of preserving everyone useful properties They try to expose products to heat treatment as little as possible. Besides National cuisine based on the principles of Ayurveda, and is more focused on vegetarians. The basic dish here is rice, complemented by numerous curry sauces. You shouldn’t expect classical heat from Sri Lankan cuisine, as, for example, in Thailand or India, but an explosion of taste and exquisite aromas are guaranteed.

8. China
Chinese cuisine varies greatly from province to province, but overall it is delicious and savory. Sichuan cuisine (and in Chinese this concept sounds like “Chuan Tsai”) is the hottest and most spiced of all regions. The climate here is very humid and the local population actively uses red chili, garlic and ginger to protect themselves from the dampness. And some residents of the southern provinces consider mildly spicy dishes tasteless and poorly prepared.

A few days ago, I visited a Mexican restaurant for the first time. It almost cost me my life. Considering myself a lover of spicy food, I asked the waiter to bring me the spiciest dish from their menu. It turned out to be Chili Con Carne. Flaunting the fact that I was in the Caucasus and ate very, very spicy adjika, without hesitation, ate an impressive piece of the dish. That's when it all started... a volcano erupted in my mouth.

Everything worked out fine. Having been taught a lesson by chili pepper for my arrogance, I hasten to tell you:

  • how to tame the fire in your mouth,
  • what foods are really dangerous for life,
  • what you need to prepare a spicy dish at home.

1. Fire in the mouth can be tamed like this:

  • Don't drink the water! It only activates the burning effect of capsaicin even more.
  • It is better to drink dairy products containing casein, it fights best against pepper capsaicin.
  • If you don’t have milk or sour cream on hand, eat bread. It contains gluten, which neutralizes the heat
  • Hold a slice of lemon in your mouth; its acid will ease the burning sensation.
  • Banana, not surprisingly, is also an excellent remedy fighting fire in your mouth. The starch it contains also helps treat burns.
  • Alcohol, unlike water, breaks down capsaicin.
  • Apply lipstick to your lips. It will protect their delicate skin from spicy food. There will be no burning sensation on the lips. After eating spicy food, simply rinse or wipe off the lipstick from your lips.

If you are a lover of gastronomic tourism, or if you happen to find yourself in a restaurant that specializes in preparing devilishly spicy dishes,

2. Think carefully before ordering anything from this list:

Hot suicide wings

Yes, that’s right – “Hot Suicidal Wings.” As the name suggests, this is a hell of a spicy dish! Chef Robin Rosenberg began preparing them in one of the Chicago restaurants. Few people dare try his chicken wings. The fact is that Rosenberg's signature wings are the hottest chicken wings in the world!

The dish is so spicy that before trying it, the guest will have to sign a document according to which he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications.

Chicken wings are prepared with one of the hottest peppers in the world - Red Savina Habanero. A person who wishes to try this dish will be provided with emergency assistance as soon as necessary: ​​the waiters always keep the “antidote” ready - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

bollywood burger

A dish claiming to be the “spiciest dish on the planet” is being prepared in a London Indian restaurant. According to the Scoville scale (the scale of “hotness of peppers”), its heat exceeds 850,000 units. For comparison, Tabasco pepper, widely used in Mexican cuisine, has a heat of only 800 units, and “pepper spray”, a tear agent used by US police, has a heat of 2,000,000 units.

"Shameful Hot Pot"

“Shameful hot pot” is a very spicy dish that is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in the Middle Kingdom itself. History is silent about why this dish received this particular name. True, there are legends in China that this dish was once an attribute of some kind of sadomasochistic ritual in this country. The restaurant owner says that despite strict warnings about the spiciness of the dish, he continues to see customers clutching their stomachs after the first spoon.

Mexican style watermelon

The strangest dish on my list. Mexicans, it turns out, are great inventors. This ability helped them turn an ordinary watermelon into a fiery blast. The dish probably tastes disgusting, but despite this it is considered very spicy. It is generously seasoned with pepper, sprinkled with salt and sprinkled with lime juice.


This dish comes from Korea. Kimchi is a strongly seasoned fermented vegetable, primarily Chinese cabbage. Pickled heads of cabbage are seasoned with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

3. What you need to cook a hellishly spicy dish

If, despite my warnings, you are still determined to not only taste, but also cook a hellishly spicy dish, then go to your nearest supermarket and try to buy the following ingredients:

Sauces Mama Africa

These are South African sauces. Tabasco lovers, compared to “Mama Africa” lovers, are simply angelic sweet tooths. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most die-hard fans of the spicy taste cry. Which is not surprising - it contains 22 thousand Scovilles! Gourmets who are especially sympathetic to ordinary people advise even sniffing this sauce from afar. The hottest ones are “Mama Africa Habanero”, “Mama Africa with red chili pepper”, “Mama Africa Chili with mint”.

Sauces Tabasco

Tabasco sauce is, of course, familiar to many spicy lovers. However, in our stores they mainly sell the lightest version, Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce (only 600-1200 scoville). The hottest of the sauces is Tabasco Habanero Sauce. Its strength is 5000-7000 scoville, which is 10 times the strength of Tabasco Green. In addition to the spiciness that is prohibitive for the average person, this sauce also has a complex recipe that takes its roots from Jamaican cuisine.

Red Habanero Pepper

The habanero pepper is rightfully recognized as the hottest among its fellows, as evidenced by the world-famous Scoville pepper heat scale. The incredibly hot habanero pepper is especially good in recipes that contain tropical fruits or tomatoes. This fiery pepper is traditionally used to add nuance to Caribbean barbecue, salsas, marinades and seasonings.


People have an ambivalent attitude towards spicy food - they either love it very much or try to avoid it. But the debate about its usefulness or harmfulness for the body does not stop. Historically and climatically, people in some countries cannot imagine food without hot pepper and seasonings based on it. The food here, as a rule, is not only spicy, but also piquant, with a bright and rich taste. Today Arrivo will tell you where to go for the most thrilling sensations.

The Republic of Korea

Korea rightfully holds the palm among the hottest cuisines in the world. Korean dishes are so generously flavored with hot pepper that they have a characteristic red-orange color.

It is worth noting that the cuisine of this country was not always like this - Koreans learned about red pepper only in the 18th century, when the Portuguese brought it to this region from South America. That's when classic Korean cuisine that we know now was formed. One of the most popular dishes on Korean tables is kimchi (kimchi) - a spicy salad of pickled vegetables or Chinese cabbage. Local residents consider kimchi a symbol of their culture - a museum of this dish has been opened in Seoul; poems and songs are dedicated to it.

In Korean, the words “spicy” and “delicious” are synonymous, and in addition to pepper, coriander and garlic are always used in cooking.


Food in this country is not for those with a delicate stomach, because the brightest representatives of Mexican cuisine - quesadillas, tacos, nachos, burritos and salsa sauce - will light up any feast.

Pepper grew in the country of the Aztecs and Mayans from time immemorial, and local residents were accustomed to adding it to all dishes. Accordingly, the cuisine of this country is bright, spicy, richly seasoned with spices, herbs and unique sauces of all possible shades of taste, color and smell.

To complement the thrill, you should eat Mexican dishes with a glass of tequila, if your health allows, of course.


Indian cuisine abounds spicy seasonings due to the hot and humid tropical climate, in which food spoils quickly and infections spread at an incredible rate. Therefore, the use of pepper and garlic is a kind of protection, prevention against infection, and many spices are grown in this country and are cheap.

Indian cuisine is associated primarily with aromatic seasonings and exotic sauces, and curry powder can be found in every kitchen. In order to give a dish a unique taste and aroma, Indians sometimes use up to a dozen different spices, a mixture of which is called masala.

Indian cuisine differs greatly in different parts of the country, and the value of seasonings was originally not so much taste as healing.


Thai cuisine is one of the richest in taste, which has won love in all corners of the globe. Its basis is a skillfully selected combination of sour - lemongrass, sweet - coconut milk, salty - fish sauce nam pla, bitter - fresh herbs - and hot - chili pepper.

In Thailand, the cult of food is very developed, and the number of spices needed to prepare a typical lunch can reach up to 40. In many cafes, there are already sets of spices on the tables. soy sauce, seasonings, various types pepper, which allows you to change the taste of the dish yourself. If the experiment fails, the most The best way To kill the spiciness of a dish is to eat it with plain rice.

To ask for something to be cooked without pepper, you can say “no spice” in English, or show off your knowledge of Thai by saying “mai phet” (not spicy) or “mai phet lay” (not at all spicy).


The cuisine of the peoples inhabiting the Caucasus and Transcaucasia is characterized by an abundance of meat, herbs, spices and the spiciness of dishes. The most important component of Caucasian cuisine, undoubtedly, is adjika, which is based on red capsicum, and each family has its own secret of the proportions and technology of its preparation.

It is believed that the secret of the longevity of the highlanders lies precisely in this fragrant and fiery snack. It is also impossible to confuse the spicy-spicy kharcho soup with anything else. And in Adygea, even some fermented milk dishes are served with spicy additives.

Spicy, bright and never boring Caucasian cuisine, “burning the tongue, warms the soul,” as the mountaineers themselves joke.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan cuisine is quite hot and spicy, and although many consider it part of Indian cuisine, it still has significant differences. So, if in India, vegetables, as a rule, are stewed for a long time, bringing them to a creamy state, then Sri Lankans try to heat the products as little as possible in order to preserve all useful substances and aroma.

In addition, the national cuisine is based on the principles of Ayurveda, and is more focused on vegetarians. As in all of Southeast Asia, the basic dish here is rice, which is complemented by numerous curry sauces. You should not expect classical heat from Sri Lankan cuisine, as in Thailand or India, but there will definitely be a mixture of spice and heat, an explosion of taste and exquisite aromas on the plate.


Chinese cuisine varies greatly from province to province, but is generally delicious and savory. Of all the regions, the hottest and most spiced is Sichuan cuisine. The climate here is very humid, and therefore, in an effort to protect themselves from dampness, the local population actively uses red chili, garlic and ginger. Some residents of the southern provinces consider mild dishes tasteless and poorly prepared.

Local chefs combine everything so skillfully that, after visiting China and tasting local spices, you can completely change your taste in food and fall in love with spicy food.


Almost unknown in Russia, Peruvian cuisine developed under the influence of two cultures - Spanish and Andean. Food for the inhabitants of Peru was initially not only nutritious, but also medicinal, which led to its use in cooking large quantity seasonings and dozens of types of peppers. The most famous Peruvian dish is ceviche, which the country's citizens consider a national symbol. Pieces of fresh fish marinated in lime juice with the addition of chili pepper, salt, corn and avocado were originally fishermen's food, but now ceviche can be found in the most sophisticated restaurants.

In addition, Peruvian cuisine has a whole section that includes soups and stews, which are prepared using the very hot ahi pepper, which the locals love and revere. If the cook has overdone it, then it is better to extinguish the fire in the mouth by eating a corn tortilla.

Fans of thrills, literally and figuratively, can try stewed or baked guinea pig.
