Varieties of green salads. About taste and combinations with other products

What should be the perfect salad? Let's talk about the rules for making salads.

Salad - the perfect dish for lazy people. Everything is very simple and fast - we cut vegetables, add greens, season with butter or sour cream - and that's it, the food is ready. But this is a variant of the salad on hastily. If you cook a salad according to all the rules, then you also need to apply imagination so that it turns out not only tasty and beautiful, but also well balanced.

Nutritionists and culinary specialists have long sought to post the formula perfect combination products in a salad, but everyone has their own point of view on this issue. Therefore, there are so many "ideal" salads - for weight loss, for festive feast, for beauty and health, for men and women ... We will give only the main recommendations for compiling salads, and you can choose what is right for you - this will be your ideal salad.

  • Salad can be made from almost any product, the main thing is that the products are compatible in taste.
  • If the salad is prepared as an appetizer, then in addition to vegetables, it may include meat, fish, poultry and other “solid” ingredients.
  • Each salad has its own dressing. If it is chosen poorly, it can ruin a salad of the most delicious products. If you want to experiment - set aside some salad, season it and try it. I liked it - feel free to fill the entire portion.
  • When composing a salad, consider whether it will go well with other dishes on the table. The rule is that the salad should not repeat the composition of the main dish or contradict it. For example, you should not offer cabbage salad before borscht, and before milk soup - green salad with vinegar dressing.
  • If the salad is served with the second course, then its task is to increase the appetite, refresh. The best thing to do with it is a vegetable salad with large quantity greens and light dressing.
  • To heavy meat dish(steak or pilaf, chops) salads with the addition of garlic, apples, onions, tomatoes, dill and other greens are suitable.
  • To fish dishes a salad of boiled vegetables with a spicy dressing of horseradish, lemon juice, pepper is ideal.
  • Any salad, especially green, should be salted right before serving. The exception is a salad of delicate leafy and spicy greens - it is not salted at all, but seasoned with lemon juice and a little pepper is added to sharpen and enhance the taste.

Rules for compiling salads - food compatibility

Don't forget about product compatibility! If the salad is saturated with protein foods (mushrooms, eggs, ham, chicken meat) and seasoned with mayonnaise, it cannot be an appetizer and be considered healthy and light. It's quite independent dish, hearty and high-calorie, and should not be served with meat, potatoes or fried poultry. Mix in salads meat products with legumes, cheese and nuts is also not worth it - the dish will turn out to be heavy. Protein components should not take up more than a quarter or a third of the total volume of the salad - then it will be considered balanced and light enough. Add more vegetables - they will add lightness to the salad, and go well with all the products that you choose for the salad.

Tastes, as you know, do not argue. You can follow a proven recipe exactly, or you can mix seemingly incompatible products. The main thing is that the salad is tasty, healthy and fresh.

Salad "No Extra Calories"

A beautiful salad with an interesting combination... A combination of chicken and bell pepper seems so simple, yet perfect at the same time. These two ingredients perfectly complement and emphasize the taste of each other in any dish. This version of the salad has enough advantages for you to pay attention to it. First of all, it is very tasty, secondly, all the ingredients are nutritious and very useful. The recipe does not include anything very high-calorie, which is very important for those who constantly monitor their diet and figure. Counting calories should also not pass by such a salad. Simplicity and sophistication from which saliva flows is a salad of bell peppers and chicken.

  • 4 chicken breasts (2 fillets)
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 chicken leg(quarter)
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1 medium red onion
  • greens
  • 2 large red sweet peppers
  • 3 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/2 st. olive or sunflower oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. We put water on fire. Adding there Bay leaf. When it boils, put it in water chicken fillet and ham. After boiling, cook for 30 minutes.
  2. At this time, we are preparing vegetables. Pepper wash and put in a hot frying pan without oil. Hold for a couple of minutes on each side. Then peel off the skin and cut into strips.
  3. We press the garlic in the garlic press. Finely chop the almonds or grind them in a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion. We cut the greens.
  4. Cut the cooked and cooled fillet small cubes. We disassemble the ham by hand.
  5. Mix meat and vegetables, season with olive oil, vinegar and spices.

Salad "Chamomile field"

  • ½ cup long grain rice.
  • 1 can of canned pink salmon.
  • 2 carrots.
  • 2 cucumbers.
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 15% sour cream.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Dill.

Boil rice in salted water until tender. It should be loose. Boil the eggs and peel. Rub the carrots on coarse grater, fry it in vegetable oil. Mix in a separate container until homogeneous mass sour cream vegetable oil, salt to taste.
Lettuce is laid out in layers:
1st - lettuce leaves, torn into pieces.
2nd - fig. Top with sauce.
3rd - pink salmon (it must be separated from the liquid and knead well with a fork). We smear sauce.
4th - finely chopped onion, brush with sauce.
5th - fried carrots, grease with sauce.
6th - fresh finely chopped cucumber, grease with sauce.
From above we make chamomiles in this way: petals - from egg whites, cut with straw. The middle of the flower is the yolk, grated. Decorate the salad with dill

Summer French Salad

  • 2 apples
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 2 fresh carrots
  • mayonnaise

1 layer - scalded onions (I do without onions), mayonnaise
2 layer - 1 apple, grate on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise
3 layer - 2 eggs, grate on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise
4 layer - 1 carrot, grate, mayonnaise
5 layer - cheese, grate on a fine grater.

Repeat layers: 1 apple, 2 eggs, 1 carrot, cheese.

Salad "Tiffany"

  • 0.5 kg smoked chicken,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 150 g cheese
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons grated nuts
  • bunch of grapes,
  • parsley and mayonnaise.


  1. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  2. We will divide each ingredient in half so that we can make thin layers and repeat them. The first layer is chicken, smeared with mayonnaise.
  3. We cut the eggs finely with a knife or with the help of an egg cutter - cubes. Half of the eggs go to the second layer, also smeared with mayonnaise.
  4. You can take any nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts. I took the mixture in general and rubbed it on a fine grater. Those who like a more pronounced taste can chop the nuts so that the particles are larger.
  5. Sprinkle a layer of eggs on top with nut chips.
  6. We rub the cheese on a fine grater. We lay the cheese layer and smear with mayonnaise, after which we repeat everything from the beginning.
  7. You can take grapes of any color, I preferred a sweeter one - red, but you can take sourer ones - as you like. We cut the grapes into two parts, remove the seeds and, starting from the center of the salad, lay them tightly over the entire surface. We decorate the edge of the salad bowl with parsley sprigs.

Puff salads require impregnation, so we send it to stand in the refrigerator, and then enjoy it. Fruity notes really decorate the delicious taste of this salad.

Salad "Don Juan"

Highly unusual salad! Suitable for romantic dinner or holiday.

  • 2-3 chicken fillets,
  • 4-6 plums,
  • 2 red onions
  • cherry tomato packaging,
  • arugula,
  • pomegranate,
  • about 150 gr. parmesan,
  • orange,
  • olive oil,
  • salt and pepper.


Cut plums into slices

and fry

fry the chicken fillet and cut into slices (drain the juice from frying into a bowl)

onion cut into half rings

halved tomatoes

finely grated parmesan

mix chicken, onion, tomatoes, cheese, arugula, pomegranate seeds, add orange peel, salt and pepper

for dressing in juice from roasting chicken, squeeze orange juice, add olive oil, salt, pepper and beat well

mix salad with dressing

when serving, put fried plums on top, garnish with parmesan slices, pomegranate seeds and tomatoes

Can be served as a meal or as a platter.

Enjoy your meal.

Everyone loves good food. But for some, "delicious" is traditional borscht, porridge, fried potatoes... Someone prefers sandwiches with caviar. Someone prefers deer or fallow deer cutlets. Some people love mussels. And some cannot live without cucumbers with honey: they cut the cucumber lengthwise, smear each slice with honey and eat. For them it the best treat. As they say, we all have different tastes: one likes watermelon, and the other - pork cartilage. You, too, must have met originals in life, eating herring with sweets or drinking salted cucumbers milk? It turns out that there are a dime a dozen such entertainers around. But this is how it should be - each of us is unique and unique in his own way. How boring it would be to live in the world if everyone around us used only the right products compatible with each other, did only what was needed, within strict limits, and did not commit crazy acts. Indeed, in fact, only a craving for something unusual and unique pushes people to discoveries, forcing them to connect the incompatible and combine the incompatible. This is how masterpieces are born not only in art, music, science, but also in cooking.

The idea to cook something like this probably occurred to everyone who independently composes a menu for themselves, relatives and friends, likes to gather guests or just pamper loved ones with culinary delights. And not always for unusual dishes exotic products are required. Sometimes an original combination is enough, for example, the usual fish and meat. Yes, and this or that seasoning can give the dish a completely new shade. Have you ever wondered how many joys we deprive ourselves of, relying on stereotypes and being afraid to deviate from them? This applies to absolutely everything, whatever you touch. But today we will talk about food.

There are well-established combinations of products, certain recipes with a standard set of ingredients, and we strictly follow them, strictly according to the course, without deviations. But if suddenly this happens, and we do not have this or that component, we either refuse it or replace it with something else. And, lo and behold, it turns out to be delicious. And most importantly, unusual. And the dish turns out to be original, and not boring, boring and mundane.

Of course, to create something extraordinary, you need to know the features different vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, herbs. And don't be afraid to experiment! Fried and stuffed cucumbers, marinated and pickled eggplant, stuffed onion, chicken with honey or meat with cherries, fish with fruits - this is not a complete list of dishes, even the names of which are surprising. And the taste... Believe me, once you try it, you will want to experience this pleasure again.

But even in the most daring experiments, be careful with spices and seasonings. Add them in microscopic doses. It is better to add a little bit several times than to hopelessly spoil, for example, luxurious fresh meat with an excess of seasonings. They can not only give an amazing aroma and piquancy, but also give the dish bitterness and harshness, excessive spiciness. So in this case, one should rely not only on helpful tips from the outside, but also on your intuition.

Here is just a small list of recipes that will allow you to create something extraordinary and feel like an inventor to the fullest. Away with all doubts and forward, in wonderful world original cooking! We bring to your attention dissimilar to each other, original salads with prunes. You may not be used to combining sweet prunes with chicken, nuts, mushrooms, beets or garlic in a recipe, but we advise you to cook and try prunes salads - very tasty!

500 g chicken breast,
200 g hard cheese
5-6 walnuts,
500 g champignons,
6-8 prunes,
1 onion,
salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.

Boil chicken breast. Cool, then cut into cubes. (In another version of the same salad, it is proposed to lightly fry the breast until golden brown). Cut mushrooms and onions, then fry in one pan. Cut the cheese into cubes, prunes into strips, chop the nuts. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Avocados are often used as an ingredient in variety of salads: fruit, vegetable, fish, meat. Vegetable salads in combination with avocados acquire a special zest. Let's try and cook something unusual from this exotic fruit!

150 g salmon fillet,
1 orange
1 avocado
1 small bunch of green onions
60 g of spinach and watercress,
4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
2 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar
1 teaspoon cumin
salt and pepper - to taste.

Pre-fry the fish (2-3 minutes) and disassemble into pieces. Cut the peel from an orange, rub it on a fine grater, and divide the pulp into slices, removing the films. Also peel the avocado and cut into slices, finely chop the onion. Arrange orange slices, scallions, avocado slices, watercress and spinach leaves on a serving platter, then fish pieces. Mix oil, vinegar and cumin, salt and pepper to taste. Pour this dressing over the salad and garnish with chives. The taste is completely exotic.

If you are puzzling over what else to surprise your guests with, or just looking for original recipe tasty, but not quite usual for Everyday life salad, try making a pineapple salad. exotic fruit pineapple can be used as fresh, and canned. Pineapple like most exotic fruits, is not only pleasant with its unusual sweet taste, but also has an excellent set of vitamins.

1 fresh pineapple
100 grams of shrimp,
1 mango or mango juice
mayonnaise and herbs - to taste.

Carefully cut off the top of the pineapple, then cut out the flesh and cut into small cubes. Mix the resulting mass with chopped shrimp, with mashed mango or with its juice and herbs. Season with mayonnaise. Put the lettuce back into the pineapple skin and cover with the top.

1 can of canned pineapple
2 sweet beets,
0.5 st. fat cream,
3 art. spoons of chopped walnuts.

Boil the beets, peel and cut into small cubes, mix with pineapple slices. Dress the salad with whipped cream and mix gently. Garnish your creation with walnuts before serving.

But this, so to speak, is exotic, but if we combine products that are closer to us, native, but seemingly incompatible products. What do you think will work? Yes, the deliciousness will be extraordinary, you can be sure. Even the names of the dishes sound somehow unusual, and at the same time extremely tasty.


5 fresh cucumbers
4 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat porridge,
4 cloves of garlic
1 onion
4 tbsp. tablespoons salad dressing or mayonnaise
2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped celery greens
the black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Cut cucumbers into strips, mix them with crumbly buckwheat porridge, add chopped onion and garlic, salt and pepper to taste, pour dressing or mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs. Everything is unusually simple, but somehow in Russian, with a soul!

2-4 fresh cucumber average size,
150 g minced meat or 500 g finely chopped stewed mushrooms,
50 g white bread or 1-2 tbsp. spoons of boiled rice
1 large onion
optionally, you can add 1-2 raw or hard-boiled and chopped
parsley, salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
1-2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, sour cream or yogurt,
dill, lemon juice, frying fat, a little flour.

Peel the cucumbers, cut them crosswise and take out the seeds. Peeled halves
fill with stuffing. Prepare minced meat as follows: minced meat or mushrooms
mix with onions, rice or softened white bread, add raw or
chopped hard-boiled eggs, parsley, salt, pepper. Filled halves of cucumbers cover with empty halves, tie with a thread and place in a greased refractory dish. Mix a few tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt with tomato paste. Pour the resulting sauce onto the prepared cucumbers, sprinkle them with lemon juice and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes (if desired, you can add a little flour to the sauce). Ready cucumbers sprinkle with dill and serve without fail with white bread.

And here is a recipe for an extremely useful and delicious salad, from which you are unlikely to refuse, having tried it even once.

100 g dandelion leaves,
40 g white cabbage,
40 g sorrel
5 pieces. radish,
5 st. tablespoons of grated nuts
1 st. spoon of honey
vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Soak dandelion leaves in salted water for 30 minutes, then squeeze and chop. Chop cabbage and sorrel, cut radish into cubes, mix everything, add nuts, season with honey and vegetable oil.

1 potato tuber
2 carrots
1-2 apples
2 oranges
1-2 fresh cucumbers
100g mayonnaise,
a little sugar, citric acid.

Boil potatoes and carrots, peel, cut into thin slices. Peel the apples from the skin and seeds, cut into thin slices. Peel the oranges, disassemble into slices, remove the seeds. Cucumbers cut into thin slices. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise mixture, citric acid and sugar and stir.

Please yourself and your loved ones in the season of fresh vegetables and berries with an unusually refreshing and light summer soup. We have a recipe for this as well.

250 g strawberries
250 g red, ripe tomatoes,
1 g salt
1 g sugar
1 st. a spoonful of balsamic vinegar
1 st. a spoonful of olive oil
1 g lemon peel.
5 stalks fresh purple basil
1 g pepper mixture
half a chili pepper.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop. Wash the strawberries and cut them too. Using a blender, puree strawberries, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a few basil leaves, chili, a little lemon zest, salt and sugar (to taste). Decorate a bowl of soup with strawberries and lemon balm. Instead of strawberries, you can use the pulp of watermelon - it will be tasty, although unusual.

And here is another recipe for lovers of unusual flavor combinations. And again strawberries, but not in a tender soup, but in combination with meat. Unusual, but spectacular, spicy and, again, delicious!

beef or pork tenderloin,
hard cheese,
vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper.

Wash the meat, dry it and cut across the fibers into pieces 1 cm thick. Beat each piece of meat, salt and pepper to taste. Cut strawberries, grate cheese. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Put the meat on a greased baking sheet, lightly grease with garlic mayonnaise, put strawberries on top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven until done. Serve warm.

And finally, a recipe designed for real extreme people who are attracted by everything extremely exotic. (It is not necessary to experience this recipe for yourself, it is, as they say, for general development).

There is such a thing! This is one of the most popular desserts in Mexico. It is prepared very simply: balls are made from ice cream, frozen, rolled in flour, then in eggs and breading, and put back in the freezer. And just before serving, they are quickly fried in a deep fryer in odorless vegetable oil.

If you have already decided to cook some of the proposed dishes, limit yourself to small portions. Many people are very conservative in food and perceive novelties with difficulty. And do not rush to reveal the composition of the dish: sometimes we do not like products “by ear”. Having tried it, we often change our minds, but first you still need to try, and it can be difficult to overcome yourself. Cooking is an art. The one who can create something special, unique, original is a creator.

Good luck in your work, new culinary discoveries and, of course, bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Delicious and juicy salad with chicken, mushrooms, cheese and tomatoes has a very bright and rich taste.

chicken fillet, marinated mushrooms, tomatoes, hard cheese, garlic, onion, vinegar, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper

The unusualness of this recipe is that the salad contains an apple, which at first glance does not quite fit with Chinese cabbage, chicken meat and eggs. The dressing is no less original dressing of sour cream, mustard, honey and garlic. But, I can assure you, you will be satisfied with the result. Personally, this salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and apple surprised and conquered me!

Chinese cabbage, chicken fillet, apple, eggs, onion, lemon juice, green onion, salt, sour cream, mustard, honey, garlic, sunflower oil, lemon juice, salt

Light salad with corn and cucumbers with spicy garlic dressing has a pleasant fresh taste. It can be served on its own or before the main course. Delicious and beautiful salad with cucumbers, corn and eggs will certainly decorate your dinner.

fresh cucumbers, eggs, canned corn, green onions, hard cheese, salt, sour cream, garlic, ground black pepper, Chinese cabbage

This light and very tasty salad of radish, sweet onion and boiled chicken ventricles good for dinner. I want to advise such a salad to those who monitor their weight, a salad with chicken stomachs does not overload the body and at the same time perfectly relieves hunger.

chicken stomachs, green radish, onion, onion, black peppercorns, bay leaf, apple cider vinegar, salt, sunflower oil

Smoked perch salad with eggs and onions is suitable as an appetizer for holiday table. The salad has a pleasant fresh taste, but not bright appearance. Therefore, for a beautiful presentation, you can use tartlets.

sea ​​bass, purple onion, boiled eggs, dill, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, tartlet

Bright and light salad Chinese cabbage with salted herring, sweet peppers, beans and onions will surprise you with an unbroken combination of ingredients and, as a result, a new and very original taste! This salad is perfect for holiday menu as well as for a regular lunch.

Chinese cabbage, red onion, red bell pepper, salted herring, boiled beans, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper

Easy to cook appetizing salad from carrots and canned corn! Great combination and great taste!

canned corn, carrots, mayonnaise, dill, salt, ground black pepper, turmeric, asafoetida

Bright, light and juicy beetroot salad with oranges is perfect for a fasting day, because the salad is prepared without mayonnaise! Due to the sweetness of beets, the sharpness of onions and citrus notes orange slices salad has a pleasant, balanced and rather extraordinary taste that is worth a try!

beetroot, orange, onion, parsley, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

Salad "Minsky" will help you out when only at hand simple products, but you need to cook hearty and delicious salad. Combination of mushrooms, potatoes and sauerkraut tested and loved by many, so this homemade salad the whole family will appreciate.

potatoes, fresh mushrooms, onion, sauerkraut, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, herbs

A simple salad with cabbage, cucumbers and eggs can be served with fish, poultry, meat or as an independent dish.

white cabbage, fresh cucumbers, eggs, sour cream, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper

The choice of food is the basis of the right and healthy eating. But it is important not only to choose the right products, you must be able to combine them correctly. If you follow some principles, then soon you will feel the difference in your well-being and in the perception of food in general.

It is especially important to know how to properly combine products in a salad. Indeed, if you combine products that are not very friendly with each other, this can cause unpleasant consequences for everyone who will absorb such an unsuccessful salad.

With the rapid absorption of food digestive system, the amount of toxins in the body is minimized. The same applies to excess weight, with the right combination of ingredients, the problem extra pounds just won't stand in front of a person. Although, it is not always possible to combine products in salads in such a way that they are quickly digested. The fact is that there are a huge number of combinations that are useful in themselves, but take longer to digest than others. For example, a piece of avocado on toast will be digested by the stomach for three hours. But an avocado with an egg will be digested for eight hours. However, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, these indicators do not mean at all that one combination is more useful than the second.

To understand what the right combination products in a salad, you need to know that, roughly speaking, all products can be divided into the following categories:

Starches (pumpkin, buckwheat, boiled corn, avocado, pasta, etc.);
Animal proteins (cheese, fish and seafood, eggs, meat, etc.);
Fresh vegetables and herbs;
processed vegetables;

Representatives of each group are combined with others, but you need to know what specifically suits them.

Starches. All vegetables go well with them. That is, a salad with avocado and strawberries, for example, classic combinations of products in a salad. These ingredients can be added boiled corn.

Animal squirrels. They work great with many vegetables. The exception is starchy vegetables that have already been cooked. We are talking, for example, about potatoes and corn.

This food group also goes well with raw vegetables, but with cooked vegetables nuts are better And don't add dry fruits.

Fruit. Often in dessert salads or in salads that are served as a main appetizer, a lot of fruit is added. You need to know that these foods should be eaten some time after a meal. If you eat fruits immediately after eating, they will cause a fermentation process in the body. Fruits are digested in the stomach for about twenty minutes. Only after this time can you start taking other food.

These fruits pair best with avocados and dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits.
Dairy. Excellent taste unity can be achieved if dairy products are combined with animal proteins in salads.

neutral products. They are great for all other products, so they can be safely added to any salad (with the exception of fresh fruits). The neutral products are raw vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, soy sauce, olives, mustard, honey, lemon and dark chocolate (the proportion of cocoa should be at least 70%).

If your family cannot refuse the wrong combinations in salads at all, then it is best to take liberties during dinner. After dinner, the body will have enough time to digest food and prepare for breakfast. Wrong combinations during lunch can deprive you of energy for the rest of the day.

After salad with any category of combined products great dessert will be chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.
Now you know the basics of how to properly combine foods in salads. This does not mean at all that now you have to give up your beloved. Just treat yourself and your loved ones fasting days fully proper nutrition. This will give you energy and keep you healthy.

  • Fresh products are the key to a delicious salad, or How to prolong the freshness of products?
Posted by: mayusik89


* Code from the picture:

25.01.2015 / 23:18


Salad is such a special dish in which you can combine anything with anything. Food combinations, of course, primarily depend on the taste preferences of a particular person. Personally, I like absolutely any vegetable salads, I think that all vegetables are very harmoniously combined with each other. As a dressing for vegetable salads, I like to add extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It is also good to use instead of vinegar. lemon juice. The main thing is that in vegetable salad there was this fresh and natural sourness, which will emphasize the taste of vegetables.

30.01.2015 / 15:15


I am very picky in this regard with the selection of ingredients. Most of all I love salads, consisting exclusively of fresh vegetables and herbs, seasoned with sunflower, olive or linseed oil. This is how a salad should be in my understanding. I can according to my mood fresh vegetables add one starch or protein ingredient, but no more. Great option for snacks or as an addition to meat or fish dishes. And feeling great afterwards.
The exception is the traditional "holiday" salads - Olivier, herring under a fur coat, salad from crab sticks. They just have a killer combination of animal protein with starches, plus mayonnaise. I rarely cook and I try to eat less like this myself, but I love such salads like manly.

02.12.2015 / 09:15


I have developed a rule - if I cook something experimental (for example, salads with unusual combination ingredients), then I do it on the weekend, namely on Saturday. My husband has a very "sensitive" stomach, especially for non-standard products and combinations. If suddenly the body does not like my culinary experiments, then it has time to recover. For example, I recently prepared one of our favorite salads - tangerines, chicken, prunes, walnuts, mayonnaise. It is very tasty, but this salad invariably causes heaviness in the stomach and "grumble" for my husband. But he loves such a salad very much, so he puts up with the consequences.