Pork tongue salad. Salads with tongue on the festive table

If someone has a desire to count the number of salad recipes from the tongue, looking for them on different sites and in paper magazines, then he will probably get tired of a figure within a hundred)) In other words, there are many options for preparing this dish, each of which differs in its own way. composition, method of heat treatment of some products, final design and serving.

The five most commonly used ingredients in tongue salad recipes are:

Whatever salad recipe with tongue is chosen, it is recommended to start its preparation by boiling the tongue itself. To do this, the product must be cleaned, then poured with cold water for at least half an hour. Clean it again, more thoroughly, scraping off everything superfluous from it. Then pour water and cook until boiling, periodically removing the foam. As it boils, hold for 10-15 minutes, drain the water, repeat the process. As a result, until ready, it needs to be cooked for about two hours over low or medium heat. It should be borne in mind that, unlike meat, which consists of fibers, the tongue increases in size during cooking. Therefore, for him you need to take a spacious pan.

To make the meat more fragrant and tender, it is also recommended to put in boiling water half an hour before the end of cooking: bay leaf, peppercorns, a whole onion, a whole peeled carrot. Salt to taste, but already when the stove is turned off. In this case, we will get not only a delicious boiled tongue for a salad, but also a broth for a rich soup.

After the tongue must be cooled by holding in cold water. This will make the skin come off easier. By the way, its readiness is checked like this: if after piercing with a fork clear juice stands out, then everything is fine. The tongue is cut into slices of the desired thickness, then into cubes or straws - depending on what is recommended in the recipe.


  • Pork tongue - 0.5 kg.
  • Mushrooms - 200 grams.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100-150 grams.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Both taste and benefit

Among offal there are real delicacies, in particular, they include the language. Pork tongue salad is a dish that will not leave anyone indifferent. In ancient times, dishes with pork tongue and heart were often served at feasts, but today their recipes are forgotten.

Despite this, there are a huge number of options for preparing snacks from pork tongue, or rather, delicious salads. Recipes with photos will help to prepare such dishes without problems.

The tongue in many ways surpasses the meat both in taste and in useful properties. But some housewives do not like to use it because of the difficulties in cooking. In fact, it is not so troublesome to cook the tongue correctly, the main thing is to follow a number of rules: carefully remove all dirt and films, change the water several times during cooking, which should last at least one and a half hours. If there is no time, then you can buy a ready-made language, for example, smoked.

Pork tongue contains a lot of protein, vitamins - especially group B - and minerals (zinc, sodium and phosphorus). Thanks to this, the product is easily digested and may well become the basis of dietary nutrition.

With pork tongue, you can cook almost any meat salad, following the recipe with a photo. Try replacing sausage with boiled tongue in Olivier and the dish will take on a completely different taste.

A variety of ingredients can be added to a pork tongue salad: fresh or boiled vegetables, other meat products, dried fruits, greens, nuts. Pork tongue is especially good in combination with mushrooms, such a salad should definitely be made for the holiday.

Salad with pork tongue is prepared quickly according to any recipe, except for the time spent on cooking. If desired, the boiled tongue can be lightly fried before adding it to the dish.


Very tasty and refined is a salad of pork tongue with pickles. For its preparation, you can take both boiled and smoked tongue. If you cook the tongue yourself, then be sure to add spices to the water: bay leaf, peppercorns.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the mushrooms. In a salad with pork tongue and pickled cucumber, it is better to add not champignons, but any forest mushrooms - the taste of the dish will be more expressive. They should be cut in a convenient way and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, not forgetting to salt. Finely chop the onion and add the mushrooms to fry for 5 minutes until they are ready.
  2. Boiled or smoked tongue cut into strips or cubes and put in a deep bowl, add fried mushrooms there.
  3. Hard-boil the eggs in advance and chop the whites and yolks separately with a knife or on a grater. Add the whites to the salad bowl, set aside the yolks for now.
  4. Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes.
  5. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Send everything to the rest of the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
  6. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, then sprinkle with egg yolks.
  7. Olives or olives can be used as a decoration.

The pork tongue salad recipe can be slightly modified. If you still want to add champignons (fried or pickled), then instead of a pickled cucumber, it is better to take a fresh one.


In a salad, pork tongue goes well with cucumber, so recipes often contain these two ingredients. Among the simple snacks, one can note a similar salad with green peas. For him, you will need a pork tongue, pickles, peas and sweet peppers.

Cut the ingredients in any convenient way and combine in a salad bowl, seasoned with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with grated cheese and toasted wheat bread on top.

A delicious salad with pork tongue will turn out if you add tomatoes and dill. You can put fresh cucumber, green onions and cheese in it. For dressing, it is better to use vegetable oil.

Ideas for decorating pork tongue salads can be taken from the photo. Before serving, the appetizer can be laid out on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with roasted nuts, sesame seeds or caraway seeds on top. Often, to decorate and improve the taste, such snacks are sprinkled with dried herbs: dill, basil, celery.

You can season the pork tongue salad with sour cream, mayonnaise or other sauce, which you can cook yourself using the recipe with a photo.

Good health to you, dear readers! How would it be more solemn to present today's recipe for the dish. It definitely deserved it. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford to include pork tongue salad in our daily diet, but we would like to. But such an appetizer will become a real mega-hit on the festive table. And even an environment consisting entirely of culinary reputable delights will not cause significant damage to the reputation of the salad.

Although there is something special to present! So, it is clear that the salad is not a bastard. You can, of course, just boil, chop, mix all the products and you’re ready, who knows what an appetizer. But we want to cook a very tasty salad -! That's why I offer a recipe for tricks. There are some important features of its preparation.

For example, knowing how to properly and tasty boil a pork tongue, you will always be one step ahead of your friends and girlfriends. They will burn with envy, but they will not be able to understand why your salad with pork tongue and pickles is many times superior to their counterpart. It seems that the ingredients are the same - bell pepper, pickled cucumber, carrot, greens, but something is still missing in the salad. Now let's deal with the recipe - what exactly? What and how to cook to triple the taste of pork tongue.

Keep your mouth shut - I share the recipe in secret with you


  • 300 grams of pig tongue;
  • 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 sweet peppers of different colors;
  • a bunch of dill and green onions;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of sour cream;

Fundamental moment, on which depends how well the presentation of the salad will be in front of your “competitors” - this is the preparation of the pork tongue. And so that you don’t have any unnecessary questions and the snack turned out to be “global”, I have prepared a recipe for you with a photo.

How to cook the most delicious pork tongue

Food preparation and cutting

  1. I boil the carrots and rub on the large side of the grater.
  2. Pickled cucumbers cut into cubes. If their skin is too coarse, it should be peeled. In any case, it is best to use homemade pickles, but if they are not available, store-bought pickles will do. Well, in order to avoid such an opportunity in the future, I will show you one amazing one. Then the problems associated with harvesting cucumbers for the winter will no longer arise.
  3. Next, I cut the pork tongue into strips.
  4. I chop up the greens.

Not the last role of sweet pepper in a salad

I want to eat more and more, no, I can endure urinals, if for a minute longer, I could rot like a piece of coal. But the time spent makes up for the taste. I'll relieve the burden of hunger, I'll start a snack. Lettuce falls on the tongue, pickled cucumber in the mouth. There is no need to rush here, this is not a sandwich for you. To act like a pig with a dish is beyond my strength, you need to enjoy a miracle, the subject is the one who tasted the grub.

Your desires are unlimited, and the preferences of friends are always a priority. If you just want, you can cook a salad recipe with pork tongue and pickled mushrooms or fresh cucumber, replacing it with salt. No matter what I advise you there, in any case, only your will rules. I just showed the direction, but where to turn is up to you.

Here I tell you! Congratulations on your pleasant appetite! It is time to end the solemn speech with which I tire you today.

Today we will look at several options for how to cook a classic pork tongue salad, recipes with photos will help you make a choice for your holiday table.

Pork tongue has a very interesting and refined taste, it is often used to make salads. It goes well with vegetables, beans and cheeses. Light mayonnaise or natural yogurt is suitable as a dressing for such salads.

Lithuanian-style pork tongue salad with fresh cucumber


  • pork tongue - 500 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp
Preparation time for Lithuanian pork tongue salad: 2 hours
Number of servings of Lithuanian Pork Tongue Salad: 6


1. Wash the pork tongue, send it to salted boiling water for 1.5 hours. After that, let the tongue cool, remove the top film from it.
2. Cut the tongue into strips.
3. Boiled chicken eggs and cucumber are cut into cubes.
4. Grate hard cheese.
5. Mix all the ingredients for the salad, season with mayonnaise.

Tip: This salad can be served in batches. In this case, it is recommended to lay out the ingredients in layers, the top layer is cucumbers. Decorate the finished salad with any greens.

Pork tongue salad with peas and pickles

Canned green peas go well with meat, as well as pork tongue. Salad of green peas and pork tongue turns out to be quite satisfying.


  • pork tongue - 400 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • canned peas - 1 can;
  • pickled cucumbers - 150 g;
  • loaf - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.
Cooking time for pork tongue salad with peas: 2 hours
Servings of Pork Tongue Salad with Peas: 6


1. Boil the pork tongue, cool and cut into cubes.
2. Cut the loaf into cubes, fry in vegetable oil until a crust appears.
3. Cut pickles into thin strips, boiled eggs into cubes.
4. Mix the pork tongue, eggs, cucumbers, canned green peas and croutons, season the ingredients with mayonnaise.

This wonderful salad is best served in portions, and pre-garnish the dish with lettuce or Chinese cabbage.

Pork tongue salad with walnuts and prunes

Meat in combination with prunes has an interesting sweetish taste. Preparing a salad with prunes is easy. There are prunes with the smell of smoke, smoked. You can take this, the salad will turn out very tasty.


  • pork tongue - 500 g;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • natural yogurt - 100 g.
Cooking time for pork tongue salad with walnuts and prunes: 2 hours
Number of servings of pork tongue salad with walnuts and prunes: 6


1. Boiled pork tongue cut into thin strips.
2. It is advisable to soak prunes in advance for 1-2 hours in warm water or milk. Prunes are also finely chopped into strips.
3. Walnuts do not need to be crushed, we will use them whole.
4. Mix all the ingredients for the salad and season with natural yogurt, you can use mayonnaise.

The salad is delicious, but you need to serve it in small portions, it is quite nutritious and has a pronounced taste.


  • pork tongue - 500 g;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp.
Cooking time for pork tongue salad with ham and mushrooms: 2 hours
Servings of Pork Tongue Salad with Ham and Mushrooms: 6


1. Boiled pork tongue must be cut into cubes.
2. Cut boiled eggs into cubes, and grate hard cheese.
3. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in a pan with the addition of 1 tbsp. butter. It is recommended to fry the mushrooms in butter, as it gives the mushrooms a bright aroma and taste.
4. We will put the salad in layers on a dish, each spreading with mayonnaise. The first layer is boiled eggs, the second layer is mushrooms, the third layer is pork tongue, the fourth layer is hard cheese.

Choose the cooking option you like, now you can cook a pork tongue salad, a recipe with a photo will help you with this.