How to make hamburger patties recipe. Burger cutlets - the world of homemade fast food! Recipes for healthy, tasty and safe burger patties

A real burger is far from fast food. This is a dish with its own canons, where there is considerable scope for culinary fantasy. Follow these guidelines and your burgers will be perfect.

  1. Cook only from fresh meat. Best for burger marble beef but you can use other types of meat. It is only important to maintain the ratio: 80% meat to 20% fat (800 grams of meat - 200 grams of fat).
  2. Do not buy ready minced meat. It is not known who, how and from what it was made. Grind the meat yourself, but not too much: minced meat for burgers should be textured.
  3. Knead the minced meat with your hands. You can even throw it on a board or table. So fat, herbs, spices and other ingredients added to the meat will be evenly distributed, and the mixture will become more airy. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, moisten them in cold water.
  4. To ensure that all burger patties are the same shape and weight, form them with a culinary ring or use the lid from a large jar. Shallow plastic containers will also work. The main thing is that the cutlet should be no thicker than one and a half centimeters and weigh about 200 grams. And don't forget to make a hole in the center!
  5. Try to keep the burger patties slightly larger than the buns. Then the meat is fried to the desired size.
  6. Keep the patties in the refrigerator while you prepare the sauce and cut the rest of the ingredients. When warm, the fat in the minced meat will begin to melt faster than it will be on the grill, which means that the burger will turn out dry.
  7. Salt the burger patties just before frying. If you add salt directly to the minced meat, the sodium chloride will begin to break down protein bonds, and the meat will acquire a dense texture similar to sausage. The burger will not be juicy.
  8. Don't turn the patties too often. The less you touch them, the juicier they get. Brown the meat first in the direct heat zone and then move it to the edge of the grill. Lightly press the patty down with a spatula while frying. For medium-roasting, six minutes is enough. Readiness can be determined with a special thermometer: the temperature inside the patty must be at least 70 ° C.
  9. Collect correctly. First the sauce (for both halves of the roll), then the lettuce (for the lower, smaller half) and finally the cutlet. This way the bread won't get soggy.
  10. Put down your knife and fork - eat the burger with your hands! Both hands. Press it down well, turn it upside down (so the contents do not fall out) and enjoy the yummy with a juicy cutlet.

Below you will find burger recipes for every taste: both traditional ones with beef, and various variations with pork, turkey, fish and seafood.

With chimichurri sauce


For burger:

  • 1 kg of ground beef;
  • 6 buns with sesame;
  • 6 slices smoked cheese gouda;
  • 1 red onion;
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

For sauce:

  • fresh parsley;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons crushed oregano leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar;
  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper;
  • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes.


Chop a few bunches of parsley and garlic and mix them with the rest of the sauce ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Shape into patties, season with salt and pepper and grill. A few seconds before the readiness, put the cheese on the cutlets so that it melts.

Place the patty on the lightly toasted buns, drizzle with the chimichurri sauce and add the red onion rings.

With salmon, lemon and dill


  • 1 kg salmon fillet;
  • ½ cup breadcrumbs;
  • 4 buns with sesame;
  • 4 radishes;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill;
  • 2 tablespoons of Veracha sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon peel;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • arugula;
  • tzatziki sauce.


This is a burger fish cake- fishburger. Pass three quarters of the salmon fillet (without bones and skin) through a meat grinder, cut the rest into small cubes. Mix with egg whites, mustard, breadcrumbs, lemon zest, salt, dill and Veracha sauce. If the latter is not at hand, use any other hot tomato sauce.

Shape into patties and grill (about 5 minutes per side). Also cutlets can be fried in a pan on olive oil.

Warm the buns on the grill and put the finished cutlets on them. Top with sliced ​​radishes, arugula and drizzle with tzatziki sauce.

Three cheeses

Kirk K/


  • 200 g ground beef;
  • 1 bun with sesame;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 1 slice each of mozzarella, cheddar and emmental;
  • romaine lettuce;
  • onion fries;
  • salt to taste.


The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for one burger.

After shaping and salting the cutlet, fry it on the grill. When it's almost done, place a slice of mozzarella, cheddar and emmental on top until the cheese is melted. Get the patties off the heat before the cheese starts bubbling and dripping.

Assemble the burger: brush grilled buns with homemade mayonnaise, top with romaine lettuce, sliced ​​tomato, and then patty. At the end, garnish with French fries.

(Onion fries are the same as french fries, only in this case deep fried onion.)

With pork and mango


  • 1 kg of minced pork;
  • burger buns;
  • 2 jalapeno peppers;
  • 1 small shallot;
  • 1 small red onion;
  • 1 small mango;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of lime juice;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro;
  • 1 tablespoon of cane sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce;
  • 1 ½ teaspoons ground cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme;
  • ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • lettuce leaves.


Add chopped peppers (remember to remove the seeds), shallots and garlic to the minced pork, and cane sugar, soy sauce, lime juice, cloves, thyme, red pepper and cinnamon. Mix thoroughly. Shape into patties (make about 6 pieces). Fry them in olive oil in a pan or on the grill.

Cut mango pulp and red onion into cubes, add chopped cilantro and salt. Mix thoroughly.

Assemble the burger: bun - lettuce - patty - spoonful of mango salsa - bun.

With blueberry sauce and brie cheese


For burger:

  • 500 g ground beef;
  • 4 burger buns;
  • 4 slices of bacon;
  • 4 slices of brie cheese;
  • 1 plate of chopped arugula;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of onion powder;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped herbs (such as sage and thyme)
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For sauce:

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • 1 ½ tablespoons ketchup;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dash of Worcestershire sauce.


Let's start with the sauce. To prepare it, combine the indicated ingredients (wash the blueberries, peel and chop the garlic) in a small saucepan and place on slow fire. After boiling, simmer for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens.

Mix minced meat with minced garlic, onion powder and herbs. Shape into patties and grill them, peppering and salting each just before. Also grill the bacon.

Buns can be either store-bought or homemade. Read how to bake universal burger buns.

Half a minute before cooking, place a slice of brie cheese on each cutlet. Put the finished cutlets and bacon slices on buns, pour blueberry sauce and garnish with arugula.

With turkey and vegetables

Isabelle Boucher/


  • 1 ½ kg minced turkey;
  • ¼ cup breadcrumbs;
  • ¼ cup chopped onion;
  • ¼ cup fresh chopped parsley;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon black ground pepper;
  • baked vegetables (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes);
  • pesto sauce;
  • burger buns.


Combine minced meat, breadcrumbs, onion, parsley, salt, pepper, chopped garlic and egg whites. With this amount of ingredients, you will get about 12 cutlets. They and vegetables need to be grilled (about 7 minutes on each side, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes - less).

Brush the buns with pesto and place the burgers and roasted vegetables on them.


  • 1.4 kg of ground beef;
  • 8 burger buns;
  • 8 slices of cheddar cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano;
  • corn chips;
  • guacamole;
  • salsa sauce;
  • sour cream;
  • lettuce leaves (optional)


Mix the minced meat with salt, chili, cumin, oregano and immediately fry the cutlets (if you are doing this in the oven, set the temperature sensor to 150 ° C and cook for 15–20 minutes).

Guacamole is a Mexican appetizer made from the pulp of an avocado. It can be bought at the store or cooked. Lubricate the buns with it, put the cutlets and cheese on top. You can add lettuce if you like.

Drizzle with salsa and sour cream, sprinkle with lightly crushed corn (if not, potato) chips. Burger is ready.

With shrimp and aioli sauce



  • 300 g shrimp;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 burger buns;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon mustard;
  • lettuce and parsley;
  • salt to taste.


Aioli is a popular sauce made from garlic and olive oil in the Mediterranean. To prepare it, mix egg yolk, minced garlic, salt and mustard. Pound until smooth and, without ceasing to stir, pour in a little bit of olive oil. When the consistency of the sauce becomes similar to mayonnaise, add lemon juice. Mix thoroughly again.

Brush the aioli sauce over the grilled buns, then top each with a lettuce leaf, a slice of tomato, a cucumber, and a couple onion rings. The final layer should be shelled and grilled shrimp.

With dried apricots

California Bakery/


  • 450 g ground beef;
  • 80 g dried apricots;
  • 4 burger buns;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro;
  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander;
  • lettuce;
  • salt to taste.


Cut half of the onion into rings, and finely chop the other half. Also chop garlic and dried apricots. Combine these ingredients with minced meat, soy sauce, cilantro, coriander, salt and pepper. Shape into patties and fry them in olive oil.

Place lettuce leaves, cutlets and onion rings on the buns.


Chew Out Loud/


  • 1 kg of ground beef;
  • buns with sesame;
  • mushrooms (champignons or porcini);
  • 1 pineapple;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ½ cup teriyaki sauce;
  • romaine lettuce;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Rinse, cut into thin slices, salt, pepper and fry for butter mushrooms.

Shape and grill cutlets. Don't forget to salt and pepper them first.

Peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Grill it so that characteristic stripes remain. Also lightly toast the buns on the grill.

Pour the teriyaki sauce over the buns (read how to cook it), put cutlets, mushrooms and pineapple slices on them. Drizzle again generously with sauce and garnish with romaine lettuce.

Our collection has come to an end. But you can continue it in the comments. Share your favorite burger recipes.

Over the past decade american cuisine became so popular that almost everyone knows about it. She is loved all over the world. And let more and more people talk about the dangers of fast food, lovers delicious hamburgers, french fries and crispy chicken wings doesn't get smaller. Fortunately, all this can be done at home. Then the dishes will be much healthier, and the taste will be no worse than in a fast food chain.

A hamburger is much more than just a sandwich. It differs from ordinary meat buns by the presence of a special sauce, vegetables, as well as in a special way made cutlet. It is the cutlet that is the main component of this dish, and the taste of the hamburger depends on how it is cooked. You can make it at home, but you need to take into account some points.

First of all, the cutlet does not consist of twisted, but of minced meat. And before you give it a shape, the minced meat must be beaten well so that the fibers soften. Then the meat will be juicy and soft.

It's also important to remember that you don't need to add eggs, milk, or bread crumbs to your hamburger mince, as you would to regular patties.

In order to cook beef cutlets, you will need the following ingredients: 500 g minced beef, 1 pc. onion, 2 garlic cloves, salt, pepper to taste.

Before direct cooking, minced meat must be beaten off well. Then chop the garlic and onion (ideally - pass through a meat grinder), mix with meat. Next, you need to divide the entire mixture into equal portions - these will be future cutlets. They need to be rolled into balls, then, flattened with palms, give them the necessary shape.

Cutlets should be put on a baking sheet or plate and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then they should be salted and peppered on both sides. The skillet or grill needs to be heated. To make the cutlets have a spectacular glossy shine, they can be lubricated with a special barbecue sauce. This must be done every time the cutlet is turned over to the other side.

Cutlets can also be made from chicken meat. And they, unlike beef, are prepared in a completely different way. You will need the following ingredients: 500 g chicken fillet, 200 g long loaf, salt to taste, a pinch of ground black pepper.

In a meat grinder with large holes, it is necessary to scroll the chicken meat, cut into small pieces. Then also chop the loaf, add to the skipped fillet, salt, pepper, mix the whole mass thoroughly. In this meat, as well as in beef, you can not put any flour or eggs. The first ingredient will make the cutlet too rubbery and hard to chew, and the second ingredient will make it too sticky, making it difficult to create the desired shape.

Next, you need to take a little of the resulting mass, form a flat cake with a diameter of 13-15 cm. Thus, make cutlets from all the minced meat. Put in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry for five minutes. Exactly after this time, the cutlets need to be turned over to the other side. In total, they should fry for 15-20 minutes. The readiness of the tunic is checked with a toothpick. If, after the meat is pierced, it does not release juice, then it can already be transferred to a cooked plate.

Make perfect burger not so easy. In this dish, the order of laying out the ingredients is equally important, and the quality of each component is the softness of the bun, the tenderness of the sauce, the piquancy of vegetables and, of course, the juiciness of the burger patty. Just about it and will be discussed below. There are many recipes, but there is only one secret to success.

For the most juicy and delicious meatballs on traditional recipe fresh Ground beef low fat. Components such as pepper and salt are added solely to taste and are optional.


  1. Mince to cool.
  2. Form from it rather wide, flat cutlets with a thickness of at least 1 cm, with a diameter slightly wider than the diameter of the bun.
  3. Just before frying, the products can be lightly salted and peppered.
  4. Heat up a frying pan and add some vegetable oil.
  5. Fry the patties quickly and at maximum heat to achieve a good crust that will keep the patty juicy.
  6. It is very important to press the product with a spatula so that the shape remains flat.
  7. On the ready cutlet lay out the cheese and start assembling the burger itself.

Note! Minced meat does not need to be marinated first, otherwise, when frying, it will quickly lose moisture, and the meat will be dry.

Cooking from chicken meat in a pan

To make a chicken burger patty, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Minced chicken - 0.5 kg;
  • Egg;
  • Wheat crackers;
  • Salt pepper.

The most magnificent and juicy minced meat it turns out if you cook it from the whole chicken - breast meat, legs, etc.


  1. Stir in minced meat 1 egg and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  2. Since the minced meat is very tender, you need to form cutlets with your hands moistened with water. Height no more than 1 cm and a diameter of a bun (since chicken cutlets are not fried).
  3. You can additionally sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  4. The fire should be medium, add a little vegetable oil to the pan.
  5. Fry by analogy with beef cutlets - in a hot frying pan, slightly flattening.
  6. 3-4 minutes is enough on both sides.

Vegetarian mushroom cutlets

Delicious vegetarian recipe cutlets may well serve as an excellent alternative to meat products. Unusual and original taste have mushroom cutlets with the addition of pearl barley. They turn out fluffy and juicy.

For cooking you will need:

  • white mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves (medium size);
  • wheat flour - 200 grams (for breading);
  • sunflower oil - 15-20 ml;
  • tomato puree or paste - 25 ml;
  • fresh herbs (parsley);
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Boil pearl barley, after salting it.
  2. Boil until tender, drain the water completely and twist the mushrooms in a blender.
  3. Grind the barley with garlic in a food processor until smooth.
  4. Put meat and cereals in a deep bowl.
  5. Add chopped parsley, tomato paste.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Mix thoroughly. The better you do this, the juicier the cooked cutlets will be.
  8. Shape into flat cakes.
  9. Roll them on both sides in flour.
  10. Fry vegetarian cutlets for burgers in a pan with vegetable oil, until golden and golden brown.

Burger with turkey cutlet

Chopped turkey cutlets have a delicate texture, and if you cook them according to this recipe, you can achieve simply delicious taste sensations.

Ingredients (for 0.5 kg of minced turkey):

  • 2 small onions;
  • 1 roll white bread, it can be replaced with a glass of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. milk.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream (to taste).

Prepare as follows:

  1. Fillet, preferably slightly frozen, cut into small pieces.
  2. Bread pulp (or flour), finely chopped or grated onion, milk, egg are added to it. All ingredients are mixed until smooth.
  3. Form cakes by analogy with previous recipes.
  4. Bread cutlets as desired, but they keep their shape well.
  5. Products are fried in a well-heated pan.

Best of all reveal their taste, flavored sweet and sour sauces such as cranberries. A burger with such a cutlet is perfect for children's menu, since the beef cutlet is more "heavy" for digestion.

How to make from shrimp?

Seafood lovers will surely appreciate fish cutlet burgers, but it will be even more unusual, healthy and tasty if you choose minced meat chopped fillet shrimp.


  • Fresh shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • Brisket or bacon - 200 g;
  • Chicken egg;
  • Greens for the season (parsley, dill, onion);
  • Milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • Soy sauce - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • Breadcrumbs - half a cup;
  • Sesame seeds - a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly boil and peel the shrimp from the shell.
  2. Finely chop the bacon.
  3. Chop up the greens.
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then grind in a blender, but do not turn into a puree.
  5. Beat the egg, add soy sauce. Then the rest of the components (crackers, milk).
  6. Form thin and flat cutlets and roll them in sesame seeds.
  7. Fry in a hot pan, about 5-7 minutes. from each side.

Cooking with minced lamb

Lamb cutlets are healthy, original and unusual in their taste for those who rarely eat lamb. The recipe is for 4 servings.

You will need:

  • low-fat minced lamb (400 grams);
  • small bulb;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • spices (thyme, ground nutmeg);
  • egg.


  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Soak bread in water or milk.
  3. Mix onion, bread and minced meat, season.
  4. Mix in the egg.
  5. Shape into patties, slightly larger than a bun.
  6. Fry products well regular frying pan or grill.

Lamb goes well with vegetables: onions, sweet peppers, all kinds of herbs.

By choosing the meat of a young lamb, you will receive great dish kosher cuisine.

Try and Bon appetit!

Hamburgers are still considered the most popular variety of fast food. It is easy to guess what the merit fluffy bun with a cutlet and vegetables inside, because such a “sandwich” can be carried with you to work or have a bite to eat on the way.

Where to get a press for cutlets

Sticking cutlets is easy, but shaping a beautiful and even cutlet, but only for a hamburger, is much more difficult. In this case, an interesting device called a press comes to the rescue.

The press is a rounded metal mold into which required amount minced meat and with the help of a lid press down on top. The result is a flat and even cutlet with a corrugated surface.

You can buy a hamburger press in online stores or in shopping centers in the kitchen (bar) department.

How to make beef burger patties

In most cases, top-notch meat is used as the meat filling for hamburgers. minced beef. For example, rump or fillet. However, minced meat made at home is the tastiest.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the veins from the washed meat and clean from the films. Dry with kitchen paper towels and cut into small pieces. Pass the meat ingredient through a meat grinder at least three times. As a result, the minced meat will acquire the desired consistency: homogeneous and soft. With such a filling it will be easier to form beautiful cutlets;
  2. Next, the minced meat must be squeezed out with your hands, add salt and pepper to taste. Divide into 4 parts equal in weight and form cutlets from each using a press;
  3. Fry over moderate heat on each side for 3 minutes.

In the process of frying, in no case should you press on the cutlets. Otherwise, juice will flow out of them and they will become dry.

Recipe for pork chop with cheese

The recipe below is for 12 cutlets. Therefore, it is ideal for preparing hamburgers for a party.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • non-greasy minced pork- 0.5 kg;
  • bulb;
  • oil - how much is needed for frying;
  • crumb of white bread - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • ground coriander to taste;
  • egg;
  • flour for roasting;
  • salt and pepper is added to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Amount of calories: 255 kcal.

Cooking steps:

Cutlets like in McDonald's at home

Everyone loves McDonald's, especially kids. The food in the establishment is certainly tasty, but it is difficult to call it healthy, since we do not know what ingredients our favorite fast foods are prepared from. Let's try to cook a cutlet similar in taste to McDonald's, but without flavorings.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • ground black pepper with salt;
  • breadcrumbs - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano, cumin, coriander - 1 tsp each;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • egg.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Amount of calories: 205 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pass the beef cut across the fibers several times through a large nozzle of a meat grinder;
  2. Add the breadcrumbs to the minced meat and beat in the egg. Stir, then salt and sprinkle with all seasonings;
  3. Moisten your hands in cold water and divide the minced meat into equal parts weighing 50-100 g each;
  4. Form balls and pass each through a cutlet press so that they acquire the same thickness and size;
  5. Fry the cutlets in a thick-bottomed pan in a small amount of vegetable oil for 8 to 10 minutes on each side.

How to fry minced fish cutlet

Fish cutlets are molded from cod, salmon or trout and must be breaded before frying. ground breadcrumbs. In the case of salmon, it is crushed sharp knife, then mixed with herbs, onions, grated lemon zest, and pour lemon juice on top.

At the very end of the process, salt, pepper and add a little starch. The mixture is stirred until completely homogeneous, and put in the refrigerator for about a quarter of an hour.

Fish cutlets are formed in the same way as beef cutlets, but their thickness must be at least two centimeters, otherwise they will fall apart during the frying process. It is recommended to fry them in olive oil on each side for up to three minutes.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • cod - 0.6 kg;
  • bulb;
  • ground pepper with salt;
  • egg;
  • pulp of white bread - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • ground ginger - ½ tsp;
  • dried basil - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 100 g.

Cooking time: 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Amount of calories: 124 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut off the fins of the fish, remove the skin and remove the central bone. Grind the fillet in a blender;
  2. Chop the onion;
  3. Soak the pulp in milk;
  4. Put all the prepared ingredients in one container, beat in the egg and mix;
  5. Put in the refrigerator;
  6. After an hour, drain the water and form cutlets with a press;
  7. Fry on each side.

Hamburger by Jamie Oliver

There is no need to introduce this famous British chef whose dishes are renowned for their simplicity but incredible taste.

Jamie Oliver, based on a few light details, is able to radically change the taste of familiar food, thereby bringing it to a new higher level.

Once, fighting stereotypes, he proved that fast food can be not only tasty, but also healthy. Let's check?

Recipe Ingredients:

  • lean ground beef - 0.5 kg;
  • granular mustard - 1 tsp;
  • beer - 10 ml;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Amount of calories: 249 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Salt and pepper minced meat, enter the indicated amount of mustard and pour in beer, which will make the cutlets juicy;
  2. Mix well and separate meat stuffing into 4 equal parts;
  3. Roll each into a ball, and use a press or palm to flatten;
  4. Fry in well-heated olive oil for no more than 4 minutes.

Many people think that making the perfect hamburger patty at home is easy. However, it is not. Even the usual fast food in our understanding requires a serious approach to cooking.

Therefore, in order not to spoil a dish that is easy at first glance, take into account the following valuable tips, which of you are an expert in cooking hamburger patties.

  1. Despite the temptation to buy ready-made minced meat at the nearest supermarket, so that when you come home you don’t waste time on own cooking. In this case, it is better to immediately abandon homemade hamburgers, because in 9 cases out of 10 the cutlet will turn out dry. For a perfect-tasting cutlet, do not be too lazy to make minced meat yourself. The main secret juiciness lies in slicing semi-finished meat. The ingredient is cut exclusively across the fibers, but it is scrolled only through a large nozzle;
  2. A hamburger does not belong to dietary dishes, so there is no need to regret the amount of fat. The ideal mince to fat ratio is 80% to 20% or 75% to 25%. For example, a delicious cutlet will turn out if you mix the shoulder part of the beef (2/3) and the flank (1/3). If your goal is to make the cutlets less greasy, then add a small amount of cold water for juiciness;
  3. Ideally, a hamburger patty does not need additional ingredients in the form of onions, garlic, eggs, and even more so bread crumb. The classic set of spices is salt and pepper. Chefs recommend peppering minced meat almost immediately after scrolling, but you need to salt it before or during frying. The secret is based on the fact that the early addition of salt will make the consistency of the cutlet elastic and dense;
  4. Despite the tautology perfect cutlet This is a perfectly shaped cutlet. For those who prepare hamburgers every week, it is advisable to acquire a very convenient device - a press. In other cases, the device can be replaced with an ordinary kitchen ring. But do not forget, during frying, the cutlet tends to fry, which means it becomes smaller in size. Therefore, you need to make it a centimeter larger than the diameter of the roll. If there is not a ring in the kitchen, and even more so a press, then you can use a cut plastic bottle or canned food jar;
  5. Before shaping, be sure to refrigerate the minced meat so that the fat does not stick to your hands and the work surface during the process. However, not only should it be cold meat ingredient, but also the table, hands and remaining fixtures. Therefore, be sure to keep the culinary ring or press in the freezer, and wipe your hands with an ice cube from time to time. As for the cutlets themselves, they should also be kept in the freezer until frying, and in order for them not to stick together, lay baking paper between them.

Enjoy your meal!

The hamburger is deservedly considered one of the most popular dishes in a fast food cafe. The classic American burger consists of a fluffy bun, a serving of vegetables and a delicious patty. You can use it as a snack at lunchtime, take it with you on the road or for a country walk. The secret to the success of the hamburger lies in juicy cutlet prepared according to certain rules. All other components give the sandwich individual taste qualities and piquancy.

How to choose meat for cutlets?

By default, the correct hamburger patty is made from beef, although some housewives use lean pork, chicken or turkey breast for this, or prefer to "blend" minced meat, getting the desired fat content and taste. Depending on personal preferences, beef is replaced with fatty lamb or veal. Beef should be chosen carefully. In addition to the fact that the meat should be fresh, it should not have veins and films, it should have a bright red color.

Suitable for minced meat top part legs, beef tenderloin, shoulder blade or flank. Meat intended for making hamburger patties should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. When choosing beef, it should be taken into account that more fatty meat is used for grilled burgers, lean beef patties are fried in a pan with a thick bottom.

How to cook minced meat?

To obtain minced meat, the meat is passed through a meat grinder with a grate with a maximum hole diameter or finely chopped with a knife by hand. Hamburger doesn't count diet dish, therefore, to make the minced meat for cutlets not so lean and dry, a little beef interior fat is added to it. AT ideal minced meat should be 80% meat and 20% fat. For those who prefer less fatty cutlets, a little cold water is added to give juiciness.

The peculiarity of hamburger patty recipes is that the minced meat should come into less contact with hands, so it is kneaded with a spoon or fork, otherwise it will turn out dry and not so tender.

What seasonings are used?

There should be nothing in a beef cutlet except meat, so the addition of a bun soaked in milk, eggs, garlic and onions is completely excluded. As seasonings, you can not use anything other than ground pepper and salt. Pepper can be added to ground beef immediately. With regard to salt, it must be remembered that it has the ability to dissolve animal proteins and absorb moisture, so you need to salt the cutlets during cooking, sprinkling salt on top separately on each burger. Numerous hamburger patty recipes recommend the use of kosher salt, as it lacks various food additives.

How to form the correct cutlet?

In order for the cutlets to turn out beautiful and even during formation, you need to divide the minced meat into balls of the same size and weight. This makes it easier to give them the desired shape and determine the time required for frying. To prepare one cutlet, you need about 150-200 grams of minced meat. Using a special plastic or metal hamburger patty mold, you can quickly and easily form round, square or oval burgers. To do this, a ball of minced meat is placed inside the mold, with the help of a lid it is leveled and pressed down, resulting in a smooth cutlet with a corrugated surface.

The thickness of the semi-finished product depends on the amount of minced meat and is selected based on your own preferences. A standard beef hamburger patty has a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 2 cm.

In the absence of a press, you can use a culinary ring or cut a ring of the desired height from a regular plastic bottle, and instead of a lid, use a canned food jar.

minced meat cooling

Chill the hamburger patty before cooking. To do this, the formed cutlets are shifted with baking paper or wrapped in polyethylene film and placed in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes so that during the frying of the hamburger patty there is no excessive release of moisture and fat. Keep the patties in the refrigerator until the burger is ready.

If the prepared semi-finished products will not be used immediately, you can put the cutlets in the freezer, but it should be noted that when completely frozen, the product will partially lose its taste. When frying frozen cutlets, they should be laid out on a grill or a frying pan immediately without prior defrosting. This way they stay juicier.

How to fry hamburger patties the right way?

Roast ready-made semi-finished products on the cast iron pan with a thick ribbed bottom or on a special hamburger patty grill. Grill and pan should be well heated. So that the cutlets do not burn and do not stick to the grate, you can grease it with lard, and pour a little vegetable oil into the pan. To get an appetizing crust, burgers should be fried over high heat. The resulting crust allows you to keep the meat juice inside the cutlet.

When grilling, the cutlet should first be grilled in the direct heat zone, then moved to the edge of the grate. To get a medium-rare burger, 6 minutes is enough on the grill, and the cutlet is fried in a pan for 8 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the edge of the side edge. At finished product it will be slightly charred if the patty has been grilled, and brown if it has been pan fried.

Jamie Oliver hamburger patty

The fact that Jamie Oliver's recipes are easy to prepare is known to many housewives. Through minor changes to the components, he manages to transform habitual taste familiar foods. For the burger, Jamie Oliver suggests cutting the bun in half and toasting the inside on a pan or grill to keep the sauce in the center and prevent the bun from getting wet.

There are some peculiarities in the preparation of hamburger patties. The recipe calls for adding to ground beef a small amount beer. It is poured in a little, carefully mixing the minced meat with a spoon. Minced meat should be chilled, juicy, but not wet, salt and pepper are added to taste. When forming beef cutlets for a hamburger, you need to take into account that when frying, they will decrease slightly in size, so they need to be made 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the bun. Grill the cutlets for 4 minutes on each side, after sprinkling with oil. The resulting golden brown won't let the juice run out. Shortly before the end of frying, you need to put a small piece of cheese on the cutlet. It will melt and hold the rest of the burger ingredients together.

How to make a homemade hamburger patty?

To prepare the classic recipe for a hamburger with a cutlet at home, you will need:

  • chopped beef or minced meat - 600 g;
  • onion powder - one and a half teaspoons;
  • ground black pepper - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste.

Add onion powder and black pepper to the prepared minced meat and mix well with a spoon or fork. If desired, you can add one tablespoon of burger spices, which are sold in supermarkets. Using a culinary scale, the resulting mass must be divided into balls, depending on how many cutlets you need to cook. For diet cutlets balls weighing 60-100 g are formed, for ordinary minced meat they are divided into 3-4 parts to get portions of 150-200 g.

Using a press, semi-finished products are formed, after which they are wrapped in plastic wrap. On the one hand, cutlets make small indentations in the center so that large-diameter cakes do not become convex during frying. Prepared for frying meat preparations should be put in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. Before frying cutlets, they are salted, for cooking they use a hot frying pan with a thick bottom, after sprinkling it with oil. 30-40 seconds before the end of frying, a piece is placed on the cutlet processed cheese and cover the pan with a lid to melt it.

Hamburger cooking options

It is known that each housewife has her own recipes and secrets for cooking borscht, pastries and other dishes, therefore, the recipes for hamburger cutlets in each family are different. Given the fact that the burger has become an international dish, you can use different ingredients, varying the taste of the finished product, without changing the principle of its preparation. The classic hamburger consists of a bun, cutlets, fresh tomatoes and pickled cucumbers. Mayonnaise and ketchup are used as sauce, lettuce leaves and hard cheese.

In the Italian version, the cutlet is fried in olive oil, pesto sauce is used instead of mayonnaise, and hard cheese is replaced with mozzarella. In the Mexican hamburger, the patty is laid out on a tortilla and poured over it with spicy salsa sauce, adding pickled chili peppers and homemade cheese. The French prefer to put olives, tarragon and blue cheese in a hamburger instead of pickles, and instead of a traditional bun, use a brioche bun cooked according to special recipe. AT vegetable stuffing many prefer to add capers, use fresh cucumbers Instead of salty, add a few drops of Tabasco, made from cayenne pepper, vinegar, and salt, to the sauce.

There are many other ingredients that can be used to change the taste of a sandwich. Only remains unchanged right cutlet for a hamburger.