Steam meat cutlets. Steamed beef cutlets.

Steam beef cutlets- very healthy food, often referred to as dietary and medicinal dishes due to low content fat and heat treatment features. This dish is also recommended for people suffering from gastritis and young children, unlike fried cutlets. Also, you should not be afraid that you will certainly need a double boiler to prepare this dish, no, everything is much simpler, just ordinary saucepan and a metal colander or sieve.

Ingredients for making steamed beef cutlets:

  1. Minced beef 1 kg
  2. Chicken eggs 2 pieces
  3. Onion 1-2 pieces (to taste)
  4. Garlic 2-4 cloves (to taste)
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Ground black pepper taste
  7. Ground red pepper taste
  8. Butter how much will it take

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Deep bowl, tablespoon, metal colander, butter knife, kitchen knife, grater, saucepan, large lid.

Cooking steamed beef cutlets:

Step 1: Prepare the onion and garlic.

Peel the onion from the husk, separate the garlic cloves from the head and remove the peel in the same way. Grind the ingredients with a fine or medium grater. You can also use a blender, if such a kitchen appliance is at your disposal.

Step 2: Prepare mince.

Defrost Ground beef. To do this, in the evening, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator or put it on the table a couple of hours before cooking and hold it for room temperature. Thawed, which has become soft and crumbly, transfer the minced meat to a deep bowl, add chopped onion, garlic and spices to taste there. Use a salted spoon or wet hands to stir the mixture until it is smooth.

Step 3: We form cutlets.

With clean, wet hands, we pinch off pieces from the meat mixture and in the palms we give them the shape of a ball. You can also flatten them slightly so that the blanks take on the classic, familiar shape of cutlets.

Step 4: Steam the meatballs.

Fill the pot with water, about half way. Put it on fire and wait until the liquid boils. Then place a metal colander on top and grease it a small amount butter, and put the cutlets on top of it in one row, so that they do not cover each other. Cover this whole simple construction with a lid and cook the cutlets for 30-35 minutes, that is, until complete readiness. Important: be careful, the bottom of the colander should not come into contact with water.
Remove the finished cutlets from the colander and serve.

Step 5: Serve steamed beef cutlets.

I usually serve steamed beef cutlets for lunch or dinner along with a side dish of buckwheat, boiled potatoes or other vegetables, boiled or steamed. Also use a variety of gravies that are combined with meat to give the dish a richer taste and beautiful appearance.
Good appetite!

Optionally, fresh or dried herbs, as well as green onions, can be added to minced meat.

If you expect your cutlets to be eaten by small children, then it is better not to add a large number of spices or avoid them altogether. It is also necessary to make the products themselves smaller in size.

When using a double boiler, cutlets can be cooked immediately with a side dish, placing them on the lower tier.

To make the cutlets more tender, the ground beef must be scrolled in a meat grinder twice or thrice. You can also use a blender.

In our today's menu, it is very popular, which means it is loved by most, meat dish. We will steam beef cutlets for you using the Redmond slow cooker. This recipe definitely deserves attention, if only because, as you know, steamed dishes without frying in oil turn out to be very healthy and dietary.

Ingredients for cooking steamed beef cutlets in a slow cooker:

  • beef pulp (chilled) - 300 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • basil (or any greens of your choice) - a bunch
  • large egg - 1 pc.
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • a mixture of peppers, salt - to taste

Steamed beef cutlets in a slow cooker - recipe with photo:

The products you need are right in front of you. Wash beef under running water cold water. Peel off the top layer of onion and garlic. Rinse the basil thoroughly in cold water.

We use a powerful electric meat grinder and grind the meat instantly. We will put it in a volumetric container, where we will knead the minced meat for our cutlets.

Finely chop the basil.

Also finely chop the onion.

Add finely chopped greens and onions to the chopped beef. Let's put an egg in there.

Squeeze garlic cloves through a garlic press, add spices and salt.

Mix vigorously with a wooden spoon.

With wet hands, let's start shaping our future beef cutlets. We decided to mold them in the form of small (about 5-6 cm in diameter) balls.

This form of cutlets allows them to be very conveniently placed in the steaming basket. They must not touch each other. Therefore, pour one and a half liters of water into the multi-pan. Set up a cart. Lay out the appropriately shaped beef cutlets.

We need a "paired" mode. We select it on the program panel of the multicooker. We will correct the time we need - 40 minutes. Close the lid and press the start button.

Steamed beef cutlets in a slow cooker are ready! They are best served with potato dishes.

Bon Appetit!

I love steaming beef patties - you don't need to fry them, stand over the pan and wait until one side of the meat patty becomes ruddy, escaping from oil splashes - the slow cooker cooks them for me. It is very convenient when this technique has a steaming tray - beef cutlets turn out juicy, even a picky child eats them with pleasure. Preparations of such cutlets can be frozen in freezer, and if necessary, without defrosting, put on a tray and cook, doubling the cooking time. Cutlets do not need to be rolled in flour, you do not need to add them egg or a large amount of fat - and this is how the "most taste" is obtained!

But still add a little fat - it will save meat products from dryness, which is inherent in beef meat. Be sure to scroll carrots and onions in a meat grinder along with meat, otherwise you will come across cutlets large pieces vegetables.

Clean the beef from blue films, veins, cartilage, from fresh or salted lard cut off the skin and cut it into small pieces along with the meat. Remember that if you cook cutlets from salted fat, then the salt rate must be slightly reduced! Peel the vegetables, rinse, cut into small pieces. Twist everything through a meat grinder into a bowl, add spices and mix the minced meat.

Shape into patties with wet hands and place on a steaming tray. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, insert the tray with cutlets into it and turn on the steam cooking mode for 40-45 minutes. If the blanks are frozen, then for 1.5 hours.

After the specified time, you will hear a beep - steamed beef cutlets can be carefully removed from the appliance, trying not to burn yourself. Serve at the table, garnished with vegetables, pasta, pasta, boiled cereals, etc.

Can apply beef cutlets with sauces or as an independent meat dish - with bread.

Happy you!