Cheese appetizer. Appetizer with grapes and cheese on skewers

Canapes are an excellent miniature appetizer that can decorate any festive table. To prepare this original delicious dish A variety of products and absolutely incredible combinations of them are used. Culinary specialists compete in the skill of interesting displays and methods of cutting ingredients. And housewives are not far behind and are using various recipes to please your guests.

How did canapés come about?

As it turns out, the familiar little sandwiches have very ancient history. Although it may seem that the tradition of serving mini sandwiches on skewers made from vegetables, different varieties cheese, ham and red fish, fruit, not so old. This light snack, which was usually served before the main courses, was always given great importance. Professional chefs create real culinary masterpieces, coming up with intricate presentations from various types of canapés.

It is not difficult to guess that the place of origin of this beloved snack is the culinary capital of the world - Paris. The word “canapé” itself translates as “miniature”. Since the seventeenth century in France, it was customary to serve small appetizers before the main courses, which only stimulated the appetite. But the history of the word “canapé” turned out to be even more interesting. Since ancient times in Greece, and then in Rome, this was the name for a small soft sofa. Some French chefs thought that small snacks on skewers looked like such furniture. Therefore, now the word “canapé” is used to describe such different concepts as furniture and food.

Features of preparing canapés

There are many varieties of canapés, and it all depends on the imagination of the cook. However, there are also basic principles for preparing this snack. Most often, the basis for these mini-sandwiches is a piece of dried bread (crouton). This way the structure itself becomes more stable, and the crunchy component only adds piquancy and taste. But you can also make hard cheese or pieces of dense vegetables as a base.

The main thing is to decide in advance in what order you will string all the prepared products. This will allow you to beautifully combine them in color and taste. The ingredients that need to be cut must be the same size. Before serving, the appetizer can be briefly refrigerated. This will allow the ingredients to bind together better and preserve the taste.

Canapé recipes

There are many options for preparing canapés. It all depends on your imagination and the products that are available. Very often, canapés with cheese and grapes are used as an appetizer. The recipe is very simple, and the taste is so harmonious that it goes perfectly with wine. This treat would be suitable for children too.

To prepare delicious and original canapés with grapes, use the following tips:

Canapés are not only a great option for preparing easy-to-eat snacks. This is also an opportunity to easily express all your culinary fantasies. You can combine a variety of products. Even the simplest options made from cheese and grapes can become a real decoration for any buffet table. Use your favorite products, or try something new. An appetizer such as a canape will always look very good on the table, and you can always make a dish with mini sandwiches the main decoration of any holiday.

These simple canapes with cheese and grapes Children usually really like them because they have a sweetish taste and you can immediately put them whole in your mouth and run on playing without being distracted from interesting activities. Chocolate cheese also has a hint of sweetness and a slight chocolate taste.

And among adults, these will be appreciated by true lovers and connoisseurs of cheese. After all, they know for sure that grapes highlight the taste of cheese, especially if it is noble cheese. These go especially well with grapes. noble cheeses, How italian cheese Gorgonzola, German Danablu cheese, English Cheddar cheese, Italian Pecorino cheese, Dutch cheese Edam, Swiss Emmental cheese, as well as any soft goat cheeses, soft cheeses Brie and Camembert.

In addition to grapes, along with cheese canapés you can serve pears, apples, fresh figs, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, walnuts and almonds. All these products perfectly complement and highlight the taste of the cheese, as well as decorate and ennoble buffet table. Let's see how to cook cheese canapés with grapes for the New Year.


  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Processed chocolate cheese - 100 g
  • Grape variety "Taifi" or any other - 32 berries
  • Skewers for canapes – 16 pcs.

Cheese canapés with grapes - recipe

Canapés should not be prepared in advance. And not because they will spoil, but the cheese may dry out a little. If you put the finished canapés in a container, place them so that they do not touch each other, and close the container with a lid, then the canapés can last a couple of days in the refrigerator. But still, it’s better to prepare canapés just before the guests arrive.

These canapés are very easy to prepare. The main rule is the same size of cheese pieces. Don’t be lazy and measure the size of the cubes exactly according to the ruler. Slice regular cheese cubes with a side of 2 cm. Cut the chocolate cheese into cylinders 2 cm high.

Prepare the grapes. Select identical grapes by color and size. Collect. First, stick a grape on a skewer, then a piece of chocolate cheese, another grape, and finally a piece of plain cheese.

Place the canapes on a flat plate, place grapes nearby, in case one of the guests wants to enhance the sweet taste of the grapes and eat a couple more berries. Canapes with grapes and cheese for the New Year ready. You can also cook

Canapes are a very convenient form of a festive table. The word canape roughly means tiny in French. That is, these are small sandwiches that you can pick up with your hands and put the whole thing in your mouth. If you have to take a bite of the canapé, that’s it. Today this is a separate section of cooking, which in terms of the complexity of cutting and laying out can sometimes compete with a pastry chef.

I think that when preparing canapés on skewers, the main thing is to see, look at the sequence of ingredients…. And the process here is usually quite simple. Although there are also secrets. And I posted 2 of them at the end of the recipe. I made a recipe on skewers for each canapé, because... I think perhaps not everyone will understand the ingredients from which a particular recipe is assembled. Most of the ideas are not mine, but “discovered” on the culinary Internet. Canapes on skewers recipes at home.

Canapes for the festive table recipes with photos

You can simply alternate sausage cubes with cucumber and the same cheese. Or you can add a cube of bread.

A simple canapé recipe on skewers - with smoked sausage. You need to buy sausage small in diameter and cut it thinly. And the top is decorated with pieces of boiled potatoes in their jackets.

From a series of simple and elegant - canapés with grapes. There is cheese and grapes strung here. Such neat and small pieces of cheese can be made using a part from a children's construction set or a lid from plastic bottle. But the cheese should be a little rubbery. Store-bought cheese has this property. She even creaks a little on her teeth or cheese.

And here there is a whole spread of small canapes and everything is simple. At the base is a piece of cheese, but each is decorated with: half a cherry tomato, fig or.... Although you can simply rinse the cherry jam and add it to the cheese. Salty hard cheese goes well with sweet cheese. A simple piece of cheese rolled in nuts or sesame seeds looks very nice. It turned out to be an almost popular cheese plate.

And here original way serving on the table. The body of a hedgehog is formed from it, and the needles are made from canapés on skewers.

Just brilliant option canapé recipes. This is a classic Russian appetizer. IN Soviet times the herring was served on the festive table in a long special glass plate with sunflower oil and onions. But today it is so banal. And here is such an original and tasty solution. I especially like the recipe on the right - herring with a piece fresh figs. Exotic. And in the photo on the left, the herring is sprinkled with coriander seeds. An amazing combination, especially with black bread. This is a real fusion: Russian herring with Russian bread in French decoration.

The next series of canapés is. In this recipe the ham is roasted. The pate is wrapped in it and the whole thing is nailed to a small piece of bun.

Thin slices of bacon, fried and stuffed with prunes.

Again, a fried slice of bacon. Then a piece of cheese is placed on it and it is fried again in a frying pan to melt the cheese. Served very effectively fresh leaves(you can take basil leaves or lettuce leaves).

Here you can get creative and put a surprise inside: half an olive, the same prunes, or sprinkle the cheese with sesame seeds….

By the way, you can very nicely sprinkle sesame seeds on all three canapés - rolls. Sesame will refresh the taste of meat and decorate canapés.

Another version of the roll: cheese in ham. The products here are very simple and it's all about the presentation. The ham should be cut thinly and into long pieces so that it wraps around the cheese several times.

A special chic is canapés with shrimp. This is a delicacy and you usually can’t have too much of it. Not everyone has the opportunity to pour a whole plate of shrimp. But it’s easy to demonstrate these beauties on skewers. In this photo, a piece of salami is stabbed into a shrimp. A delicacy within a delicacy. Then, for beauty and even more piquancy, it is rolled in grated cheese, lemon zest and very finely chopped herbs.

These are shrimp with a piece of mango inside and marinated in a sauce with red bell pepper and olive oil. It turns out very colorful on the table and appetizing.

Mango pieces are pre-fried a little in olive oil. I thought that a canape with a piece of pumpkin instead of mango could be quite interesting. There will be sweetness and bright color. Although the tropical exoticism will be lost.

Incredibly simple and delicious. A piece of apple is wrapped in a piece of ham. A very refreshing snack. Especially on, when everything is fatty and filling. And then there’s the freshness in the meat.

A very simple set: bread, butter, cheese and sausage. The main thing is a very sharp knife. Everything is cut to the shape of a boat, and sails are made from cheese. It will look unsurpassed on the table. Especially if you are celebrating a children's party.

Making such a canape is not at all difficult if you have a heart-shaped mold. All products are thinly sliced ​​and stacked one on one. You can use butter or mayonnaise as glue. Then they are squeezed out with a mold. It turns out very romantic!

Super simple idea and again fusion: combining several cuisines. very, very small pancakes, stacked and held together with a skewer. Toss with sauce. These small ones can be made by pouring a teaspoon of dough into a frying pan.

It seems like a simple canapé, but an amazing combination of flavors. 1st - olive, 2nd piece of cheese, 3rd layer of a piece of lavash, 4th - Sun-dried tomatoes. Incredibly Italian canapés. All these products are the favorite food of Italians. As for – I have a completely different story.

Another interesting combination flavors: cheese and kiwi.

I especially want to highlight this photo. Although there are no canapés or skewers visible on it, the idea is brilliant. From various products layers are made, which are connected under the gelatin mass. Then, using any cookie cutter, cut out squares and circles and connect them with a skewer. You should get a very bright canapé. Such an assortment!

Very beautiful snack. Culinary minimalism. Similar sprigs of greenery can be made from leeks by twisting them with a knife.

This is already a masterpiece of culinary skill. But still available. In any case, the products are all available in the supermarket. You just need to delicately cut out the penguin's belly from the olive and fill it with white cheese. And then also thinly slice the legs and beak from the boiled carrot. And there will be joy for children and admiration for adults.

Roll recipe. A sprig of rosemary in the form of a skewer looks very beautiful. Plus it also smells great. I wouldn’t be writing if rosemary hadn’t appeared in the greens section of supermarkets all year round. It is sold as fresh cut sprigs in plastic boxes, made in Israel. And it's not expensive at all.

A very simple canapé recipe on skewers: boiled quail egg and half a cherry tomato. You can also make an inverted version. Insert a skewer into the egg and decorate the tomato cap with small white dots of mayonnaise. If you put such beauty into puree for a hedgehog, it will be very beautiful!

The ham and filling are wrapped in cabbage leaves. The leaves must first be boiled a little. And since they become completely tasteless during the cooking process, be sure to coat them with a layer of sauce or mayonnaise.

The canapeshka layers consist of thinly sliced ​​and toasted bread. These are mini toasts. Still of course – . It is not difficult to make; in order for the minced meat to hold its shape better, add 1 additional egg. Although with everything miniature you need to tinker. But this is a holiday.

Canapes on skewers in a neat round shape. We select cucumbers and radishes of the same diameter. Well, cut the bread to the size of the vegetables

In our article we want to look at different canapé options that have gained incredible popularity. They are tasty, easy to use and at the same time capable of decorating any housewife. Housewives liked them because they are quick to prepare and the results are amazing.

Before we talk about what types of canapes can be prepared for the holiday, let's figure out what is meant by this concept. Canapes are a general name for all kinds of miniature snacks. If we talk about such an option for holding an event as a buffet, where all the guests do not sit at tables, but eat food while standing, then in this case canapés are the main course. There are all kinds of such snacks, from the simplest, consisting of several components, to entire masterpieces that you can make yourself at home.

The peculiarity of the dish is that it can have a variety of design options. Canapes are universal snack, which can be both the main course and dessert at any holiday. You can prepare such a miracle from almost any ingredients. The main thing is to use products that are combined with each other. In addition, it is worth knowing the basic principles that need to be followed to create such small masterpieces.

The main rule is that the canapé must certainly fit into the mouth; the dish must be eaten immediately and as a whole, without biting off a small piece.

Types of canapés

There are a variety of canapé options. We will provide recipes with photographs in the article. In general, all their diversity can be divided into the following types:

  1. Canapés on skewers (plastic, wooden, metal and even toothpicks can be used as the latter). Skewers are used to conveniently hold ingredients together.
  2. Canapes-sandwiches. In them, the ingredients are laid out in layers. For cooking you definitely need a solid base. This could be bread, vegetables, fruits or pastries. Sometimes such snacks are also called tartines.
  3. Tartlets are small cups or baskets made of dough in which you put different fillings. You can prepare the base for the dish yourself, or you can purchase it at any supermarket. Tartlets can be filled with a ready-made snack, or they can be baked along with the contents. There are an incredible number of recipes for such dishes. As an option, for example, at a buffet table, you can fill tartlets with salads.
  4. Canapés on spoons. Such options do not involve fastening the ingredients. Most often, all kinds of snacks with liquid sauces and caviar are served on spoons.
  5. Rolls, envelopes, rolls. These types of canapés are generally simple in the sense that during their preparation, some products are wrapped in others. For structural strength, finished canapés are pierced with skewers. But the rolls can also be tied with parsley or dill. The category of canapés includes traditional sushi rolls, and for their serving they are given disposable chopsticks resembling tongs.
  6. Soup canapés (soup canapés). These are a variety of mousses, cream soups, sorbets and any other liquid dishes that are served in small bowls or glasses. This type canapes are not always associated with more familiar options. But the principle of their presentation is the same. Soup canapés are a one-sip appetizer. They are served with small spoons or straws.

Canapes with cheese and grapes

Oddly enough, the most popular among our housewives are canapés with cheese. There are simply countless recipes for such snacks. The main condition is the presence of cheese as the main component.

The combination of cheese and grapes is considered the most delicious. To prepare such a snack, individual grapes and sliced ​​​​pieces of cheese are used. They are held together with a skewer. That's all the work. Our dish is ready, it looks amazing and tastes great. In addition to grapes, the most delicious foods go well with cheese. different vegetables and fruits.

and cheese

When considering options for canapés on skewers, you can offer an easy-to-prepare recipe using cheese. Feta should be cut into pieces and soaked for several hours in olive oil with pepper and dry basil. Next, take the bread, cut it into cubes and lightly fry, sprinkling with marinade. Now you can start assembling canapés in the following order: a piece of bell pepper, bread, cucumber, cheese, cherry.

Fried cheese skewers

For those people who love various options canapés with cheese, you might like the following recipe. To prepare it, we need 250 grams of suluguni, which should be cut into cubes. Roll the resulting pieces in flour. In a separate bowl, beat a couple of tablespoons of milk with two eggs. Dip the cubes into this mixture, and then roll them in corn flour. Suluguni should be fried in a deep saucepan, in large quantities oils The cheese should have a nice brown crust. Remove the finished pieces with a slotted spoon and be sure to dry them on a paper towel. Next, the cheese is strung on skewers in the form of a kebab.

Cheese rolls

Sometimes they truly meet unusual options canapes, the recipes of which amaze with the combination of incompatible products. But the excellent result speaks for itself. We would like to bring to your attention one of these options. To prepare canapé rolls, chop dried apricots (definitely soft). Next add 200 grams curd cheese. We will wrap the resulting filling in thin slices of rectangular-shaped cheese (you should use it). The finished roll can be pinched on the side with a skewer. This appetizer can be served with orange sauce, which is easy to prepare. You need to boil 300 milliliters orange juice with 100 grams of sugar until a viscous mass is obtained.

Cheese baskets

When thinking through options for canapés for a buffet table or a festive table, you can prepare them yourself, which you can later fill with salads or fillings. There are several cooking options. If you use an oven, you can make up to eight baskets at a time.

To prepare six servings you need to take 200 grams of Parmesan cheese. The oven should first be preheated to two hundred degrees. Cover the baking tray with baking paper. Grate the cheese on the finest grater and place it on paper in the form of circles. Next, bake for no more than five minutes. This time will be enough for the cheese to melt. Carefully remove each circle from the paper before the cheese has cooled and form it into baskets. This can be done using an inverted glass. The cheese is carefully placed on its bottom and given a cup shape. The baskets are very fragile, so they should be stored very carefully. The salad is best served just before serving, and it is better to use a filling that does not produce a lot of juice.

To make tartlets, you don’t have to grate the cheese; you can slice it thinly. Then we wrap the melted slice around the bottom of the glass. It turns out to be a very elegant mold in which you can place chicken pate or other filling. These canapé options are different taste qualities and originality, and therefore will certainly be appreciated by guests.

Canapes with herring

For a festive and everyday table, you can come up with own options canapés Recipes can be modified using more expensive products and the most simple ingredients. As a simple but excellent option You can offer to prepare canapés with herring. This snack is suitable for a male company and strong drinks. To prepare you will need a piece of herring, Borodino bread, mayonnaise, coriander, dill, apple slices, black pepper. All these ingredients come together perfectly on a small sandwich.


  1. Half an apple.
  2. Borodino bread.
  3. A tablespoon of vodka.
  4. Sugar.
  5. One herring.
  6. A quarter of a lemon.
  7. Mayonnaise.
  8. Dill.
  9. Freshly ground pepper (black).
  10. Coriander seeds.

Herring fillet is cut into pieces. In a bowl, mix sugar, vodka, black pepper. Pour the mixture over the herring, cover cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Dill should be washed, dried and finely chopped. Fry the coriander in a dry frying pan for several minutes, and then grind it in a mortar. Mix dill and coriander with mayonnaise. Next, cut into pieces, peel off the crust and divide each part into four pieces. Cut the apples into thin slices and sprinkle lemon juice so that it does not darken. Now you can start assembling the canapés. Lubricate the pieces of bread with a mixture of mayonnaise and spices, put herring on top, and decorate everything with a slice of apple. And sprinkle ground pepper on top.

Canapes with caviar

All canapé options (photos are given in the article) are good in their own way. But the most festive are those made with caviar. As a rule, sandwiches with caviar are prepared for special occasions, but with such a wonderful product you can come up with more interesting options.

You can use halves of boiled chicken and quail eggs as a boat for caviar. And decorate the canapes with herbs on top.

In addition, you can cut out shaped bases from bread using molds, and then lightly fry them. Decorate the top of the workpiece with caviar, and if desired, you can apply butter with a pastry syringe between the bread and caviar.

Caviar can also be placed on slices of cucumbers, in ready-made tartlets. Pancakes with caviar are incredibly popular. We offer a more economical version of this dish. You can make a small roll from a strip of pancake, put a piece of butter inside it, and tie the outside with a feather of green onion or chop it with a skewer. We turn the roll over vertically, like a roll, and decorate it with caviar on top. Makes an excellent canapé. There are not so many options for preparing appetizers with caviar; you should not combine such a product with many components, since it itself is worthy of special attention.

Simple options for canapés on skewers

There are many options for preparing canapés on skewers. You can organize it on the holiday table from the most simple options up to whole culinary masterpieces. Of the most simple recipes worth highlighting:

  1. Place ham, cheese and olives on a skewer.
  2. Olives can be paired with several types of cheese ( durum varieties and feta cheese).
  3. Thinly sliced ​​is very good for canapés. smoked sausage. The combination of ingredients can be as follows: sausage, cheese, pickled cucumber(You can also use fresh).
  4. On the festive table you can place a dish with different options canapes made from various ingredients. So, for example, each option can be based on cheese, and then it can be combined with pieces of cherry tomatoes, cherries, figs, and candied fruits. Salty hard cheese goes well with sweets.

Fruit canapés

Don't forget what you can cook fruit options canapés on skewers. With the photographs given in the article, it will be very easy for readers to understand the cooking recipes. original snacks. Sweet canapés can be a dessert on a festive table or the best treat for kids on holiday. children's party. Fruits are an excellent complement to wines, ice cream, cake and sweets.

Incredibly bright and colorful dish obtained by using multi-colored components. As a sweet option, you can serve canapés made from grapes, tangerines, canned pineapples and strawberries. All ingredients combine well, giving an interesting fruity taste.

Sweet desserts

To prepare the following option you will need:

  1. Bananas.
  2. Strawberry.
  3. White grapes.
  4. Air marshmallow.
  5. Toothpicks.

Grapes, banana, strawberries, and marshmallows are alternately strung onto skewers.

In the summer, canape desserts made from seasonal products are very appropriate: melon, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, peaches.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we tried to show how irreplaceable canapés can be as snacks on holiday tables. The variety of shapes and types makes them truly universal dish, which can become not only a decoration, but also the main type of food (at buffets). There are quite a few different recipes preparations, from the simplest to the expensive and gourmet. Each housewife can choose a suitable option for herself. Canapes are a real field for imagination. You can always come up with your own original version to surprise your guests.

Ingredients for salmon, cucumber and olive canapés:

  • Three slices of rye bread
  • 1 PC. - fresh cucumber
  • 6 pcs. — maslin
  • 50 gr. – salmon (other red fish)
  • 30 gr. – soft cottage cheese
  • Greens - to taste
  • skewers

Canapes with salmon, cucumber and olives - delicious, original and very beautiful appetizer on skewers, which will decorate any holiday table. These small, bright mini sandwiches Your guests will definitely love it!

Canapes on skewers with salmon and avocado

Ingredients for salmon and avocado canapes:

  • Smoked salmon
  • Avocado
  • Lemon zest
  • Sour cream
  • White bread
  • Chives
  • Ground black pepper, vegetable oil

Preparation of canapés on skewers with salmon:

Cut the bread into cubes with sides 3 cm. Fry the bread until golden crust. Cut the salmon into thin, short slices. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Remove the pulp and mash with a fork. Add sour cream to the bowl with avocado, lemon zest And ground pepper. Wash and chop the onion. Add 2/3 of it to sour cream. Stir everything well. Place the avocado pit there. Cover the bowl with the mixture with cling film. Once the bread has cooled, place 1 tsp on it. mixture, and top with a long strip of salmon. Pepper again, garnish with a piece of onion and place on a skewer.

Canapes on skewers with ham and olives

Ingredients for ham and olive canapés

  • 150 gr. – puff pastry
  • 200 gr. – smoked-boiled ham
  • 15 pcs. – pitted olives
  • One egg white
  • Half a bunch of parsley
  • Skewers or toothpicks

Appetizer on a skewer made from ham and olives original dish on your holiday table, which will delight and surprise your family and guests.

Canapés with red fish are perfect for any home or office, holiday table, or buffet table. These little sandwiches are easy to prepare and will please everyone; skewers will help your guests avoid getting their hands dirty.

Ingredients for canapés with red fish:

  • Wheat bread
  • Red fish (trout or salmon)
  • Mozzarella in balls
  • Butter
  • Dry or fresh dill


Cut the bread into squares, dry it a little in a dry frying pan, grease butter and sprinkle generously with dill.

The mozzarella for this canape should be the size of a small ball, but if you get one big one, it’s okay, just cut it into small pieces.

You can buy the fish sliced ​​or cut it yourself into thin strips that need to be rolled up. Place the fish roll on a piece of bread with butter, place a ball of mozzarella on top, and pierce all the ingredients with a skewer or toothpick. Canapes with red fish and mozzarella are ready, serve on a large plate.

Canapes with shrimp and ham

Ingredients for canapes on skewers:

  • Brown bread – 4 pieces (square)
  • Ham - 250 gr.
  • Shrimp – 8 pcs. (not small, peeled)
  • Quail egg – 8 pcs
  • Pitted olives – 8 pcs.
  • Skewers

A festive appetizer with shrimp and ham on a skewer is an original combination of meat and seafood. These canapés are very beautiful to look at and will allow you to decorate your holiday table and feed your loved ones a snack with an original taste.

Canapes with cucumber and quail eggs

Canapes with cucumber quail egg and red caviar will look very advantageous among other dishes. A tender quail egg with curd cheese combines perfectly in flavor.


  • Fresh quail eggs
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Curd cream cheese
  • Red caviar
  • Skewers for canapés or toothpicks.


To prepare canapés with cucumber and quail eggs, we first need to prepare everything necessary ingredients. The first step is to hard boil the quail eggs. First, wash them gently under cold water, place in a small saucepan, fill with cold water, the water should cover the eggs well and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the eggs for 5 minutes. Hard-boiled eggs need to be cooled; to do this, place the pan under cold water. We clean the cooled eggs, rinse them under cold water and place them on a paper towel. Cutting sharp knife in half.

Cut the fresh cucumber into thick slices, cut each one crosswise so that you can place it edge-on.

Place a little cream cheese on the cut side of each egg. To make the cheese look beautiful on the egg, you need to place it in a pastry syringe with a rosette attachment and squeeze it out. You will get a beautiful, delicious rosette of curd cheese. Next, prick the egg onto a skewer or toothpick and attach it to the cucumber. Finish the canapé with red caviar.

Canapes with tender and healthy quail egg, aromatic cucumber ready, serve.

Festive canapés with cheese, ham and olives

Ingredients for canapés with ham and olives:

  • 4 slices of bread (for toast)
  • 50 gr. - butter
  • 50 gr. — hard cheese(cut, square)
  • 50 gr. - ham
  • 2 tbsp. - mayonnaise
  • green and black olives - several pieces
  • cookie cutters
  • skewers

Canapes with cheese probably the most popular, they are quick to prepare and have incredible a large number of species. Such appetizer on skewers with cheese Perfect and will complement your holiday table.

Simple canapes of herring, potatoes with fresh cucumber

Ingredients for herring canapes:

  • Boiled potatoes in jackets
  • Lightly salted herring
  • fresh cucumber

We peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and cut them into small pieces the size of cucumbers and herring. Cut the pre-bone herring into small pieces. Wash the cucumbers and cut into slices up to 2 cm thick. String the ingredients sequentially, as in the picture, on a bamboo skewer, ready!

Canapé appetizer with herring and beets

Ingredients for canapés with beets and herring

  • boiled beets - 1-2 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove (optional without it)
  • pieces of black bread, crackers or white bread, toasted in a toaster or in a dry frying pan,
  • pieces of herring fillet,
  • dill, salt,
  • a little mayonnaise,
  • green onions.

Preparing canapés with beets and herring

Grate the beets on a fine grater, adding chopped dill, crushed garlic and mayonnaise. Cut the black bread into squares.
Place beets on the pieces, and a piece of herring on top. Sprinkle green onions. Appetizer on skewers ready.

Festive canapés with cheese and olives

Ingredients for canapés with mozzarella and olives:

  • Mozzarella cheese – 150-200g
  • Olives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Oregano leaves (oregano)

Cheese canapé with olives will please true gourmets. The combination of mozzarella cheese and olives gives the canapes a unique taste.

Canapes on skewers with grapes and cheese

Ingredients for canapes with cheese and grapes:

  • 2 pieces of ripe seedless grapes of different colors (blue, white)
  • Feta or cheese – 100 g
  • Edam cheese – 100 g
  • Maasdam cheese – 100 g
  • Camembert or brie cheese – 100 g
  • Skewers

Canapes with cheese and grapes Ideal for a light buffet or holiday table. Its taste is sour-sweet and so original. Such canapes will appeal to lovers of everything unique, and this dish, believe me, is exactly that.

Canapes with pineapple cheese and olives

Snack ingredients:

  • 250 gr. – hard cheese
  • 1 can pineapple rings or pieces
  • 1 can pitted olives
  • Skewers

Cheese, olives and pineapple perfectly complement and highlight each other’s taste. These canapés will diversify your holiday table and allow you to surprise your guests with an unusual and tasty snack.

Canapes of feta cheese, sweet peppers and olives

Ingredients for canapés:

  • 200 gr. - cheese (feta, feta cheese)
  • 200 gr. – fresh ripe tomatoes
  • 200 gr. – fresh cucumbers
  • 150 gr. - sweet bell pepper
  • 1 can of olives
  • Olive oil about one tablespoon
  • Ground black pepper
  • Skewers

Sometimes you need to do something light and unusual for a snack. Feta cheese canapes, sweet peppers and olives - this is exactly what is delicious and unusual dish. Once you cook it you will love it forever.

Fruit canapés with strawberries, kiwi and pineapple

To prepare canapés, you will need fruits: strawberries, kiwi, pineapple (fresh or canned), melon. Skewers for joining.

Peel and cut the kiwi, pineapple and melon into cubes, cut the strawberries in half. We string in the following order: melon-pineapple-melon-kiwi-strawberry.

Fruit canapé with banana, strawberry, kiwi and tangerine

To prepare fruit canapés we will need: ripe strawberries, banana, kiwi and tangerine (can be replaced with orange).

Wash the strawberries; if you have large strawberries, cut them in half. Peel the banana, cut into 1.5 cm slices. The kiwi should be ripe but not soft. Peel, cut lengthwise and cut each slice into three parts.

Peel the tangerine well. Divide into slices. If you take an orange, then you also need to peel it, divide it into slices and remove the film from each slice. You can use a whole slice or cut it in half. Take long skewers and gather all the ingredients.

Fruit and berry canapé with raspberries, tangerines, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries and grapes.

To prepare fruit canapés take fresh aromatic raspberries. It is desirable that the berries be larger and denser. Wash the berries, place them on a paper towel and let them dry.

Peel the tangerine and separate it into slices. Peel fresh pineapple and cut into cubes, not small. It is advisable for the grapes to be seedless; wash and pluck the berries. Wash the blueberries; they should be whole and firm.
Take long skewers and gather all the ingredients. Raspberry, tangerine, pineapple, kiwi, blueberry, grapes.