How to properly cook chicken in a frying pan. How to deliciously fry chicken with potatoes in a frying pan

Fried chicken - universal dish which can decorate festive table, and serve as an everyday lunch or dinner. Almost everyone knows how to fry chicken, but in order for the meat to turn out tender and tasty, it is necessary to take into account a number of points when preparing it.

How to marinate chicken for frying?

For chicken to be tasty and juicy, you need to know how to marinate it properly. Garlic, all types of peppers and herbs are excellent as spices for poultry meat. Moreover, for the marinade, the greens are usually cut coarsely and are usually removed from the meat before frying.

If the chicken will subsequently be cooked in the oven or on the grill, marinades based on sour cream or mayonnaise are well suited for soaking it.

For frying chicken in a frying pan, a marinade based on vegetable oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, hot and spicy spices is best suited.

For barbecue, chicken is usually marinated in wine, vinegar, beer, kefir or lemon juice with the addition of regular onions. In this case, the prepared marinade is usually supplemented with black pepper and barbecue seasonings.

Examples of marinade recipes for each case will be given below.

How to cook fried chicken in a frying pan?

You can fry chicken in a frying pan without pre-marinating, and after aging in the marinade. If time permits, housewives advise using the marinade.

Marinating the chicken will require a very short amount of time (1-2 hours), but in the end it will turn out more tasty, juicy and satisfying than without the use of marinade.

Ingredients for cooking chicken in a frying pan:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • onions - 2 medium heads;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • sunflower oil.

Marinade recipe:

  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce- 4 tablespoons;
  • ginger root 3 cm long;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons.

To prepare the marinade, mix sunflower oil, soy sauce and lemon juice in a deep bowl. Then grate the peeled garlic and ginger on a fine grater and also add to the marinade. The mixture can be seasoned if desired. hot pepper, coriander or curry. The marinade is ready!

Dip the meat into the prepared marinade and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Wash the greens and chop finely.

Once the meat is marinated, you can start frying. Additionally, before cooking, it is recommended to rub the chicken with butter or sunflower oil, so that the resulting dish will have an appetizing crust.

Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it thoroughly. Then place the marinated chicken pieces on it and lightly fry on each side over moderate heat.

After this, the chicken pieces must be turned over in the pan again and fry each side until golden brown. Then add chopped onion to the meat, stir, reduce heat and cover with a lid.

After 3 minutes, pour the marinade in which the chicken was in the pan, close the lid and simmer until cooked. As soon as the sauce in the pan evaporates, the chicken is ready!

If you want to surprise guests or treat yourself with a special dish, make tobacco chicken with vegetables in a frying pan. The following video will help you quickly and deliciously fry chicken this way:

Chicken baked in the oven with potatoes

Whole fried chicken with a golden crust always looks beautiful and festive, so this dish often becomes a companion to the Christmas and New Year's table.

To prepare this holiday dish required:

  • young chicken weighing no more than 2 kg;
  • potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;

For the marinade you need:

  • mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons (instead of mayonnaise you can also use sour cream or any oil);
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • a pinch of curry, ground pepper and paprika.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Rub the chicken with the marinade, place it in a baking bag (or a plastic bag) and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

  1. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes in half. It is better to take even, medium-sized tubers.

  1. All that remains is to fry the chicken in the oven. The marinated carcass should be placed back down on a baking sheet with a small amount sunflower oil. Place potato pieces around it, add salt and grease it with the remaining marinade.
  2. Then place the baking sheet in a preheated oven, adding a little water (50 grams) to it so that the meat does not burn.

Baking time depends on the size of the chicken and ranges for medium-sized specimens, on average from 35 to 45 minutes. You can check readiness by piercing the thick part of the carcass with a sharp knife - properly cooked chicken will release clear juice.

The surface ready-made dish should have a shiny, crispy crust.

You will learn another interesting recipe for cooking a whole chicken in the oven by watching the following video:

How to fry chicken in a slow cooker?

To cook in a slow cooker, the carcass or parts of the chicken must be washed, dried and cut into portions. Then rub each of them with salt and spices.

If you decide to use chicken legs or wings for the dish, then it is better to leave the wings whole and divide the legs into parts.

Before you start frying meat, you need to grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Then place the poultry pieces in it and set the “frying” mode for 30 minutes.

After 15 minutes, the chicken pieces need to be turned over to the other side, and then continue cooking. The multicooker beeps when the dish is ready.

If the “frying” mode is not available in the multicooker model you are using, then as an alternative, you can use the “baking” mode.

Due to the fact that the multicooker allows you to cook two dishes at the same time, it is possible to cook chicken in parallel with a vegetable side dish.

To do this, vegetables (carrots, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes) should be cut into cubes and placed in a tray for steaming. Then place it in a slow cooker and cook along with the meat.

The result is a complete, very appetizing and at the same time healthy dish.

If you want to cook whole fried chicken in a slow cooker, the following video recipe will help you:

Fried chicken is one of our most popular and deservedly loved dishes.

To deliciously fry chicken, it is enough to know a few secrets, but to cook it correctly, according to the laws healthy eating, - some skill will be required.

You can fry chicken in the oven, in a frying pan, in a slow cooker, with potatoes. You can fry a whole chicken, or you can fry fillets, pieces, thighs, wings. And it must be done deliciously, so that it turns out with a real crust and a minimum of calories and cholesterol. How to achieve this?

*Suggested recipe fried chicken also includes preparing chicken sauce and marinade.

How to fry chicken in the oven with crust

What you will need: 1 chicken, butter, onion, celery, carrots, salt and pepper. Cooking twine, baking tray, oven mesh, foil, paper towels.

The required cooking time for fried chicken in the oven is up to 1 ½ hours (depending on size), baking temperature is 210 degrees Celsius.

Cooking procedure:

1 If you bought an uneviscerated chicken at the market, start by removing the neck and giblets (heart, stomach, liver). Then wash it thoroughly inside and out and dry it with paper towels.

2 Brush the chicken inside and out with butter, then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, both inside and out.

3 For good health! Prepare kitchen twine. Main secret Proper frying of chicken in the oven involves using twine. Doing this, it would seem, is not necessary, but it is tying the bird that allows it to be baked evenly, and makes it possible internal fat turn into a healthy “own juice” that contains less bad cholesterol.

4 Roughly chop about half an onion, one stalk of celery and one carrot. Place a baking sheet with a mesh (or just the mesh) in the oven. Place the chopped vegetables on the oven rack and place the chicken breast side up on them.

5 Roast the chicken for 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes (depending on size), or until a thermometer placed in chicken thigh, will not read 75°C. (But don't make too many holes with the thermometer if you don't want the juices to leak out of the bird).

6 Remove the mesh pan from the oven and transfer the fried chicken to a clean cutting board. Cover it with foil and leave for 10 minutes.

7 Remove excess fat paper towels. You will see that the crust turned out very beautiful and golden brown. You can discard it by simply cutting it carefully with a knife.

8 You can stuff the bird with fresh herbs or dry aromatics. Thyme, rosemary and marjoram are good choice, but even parsley and basil will give the chicken a unique flavor.

9 Cut a couple of lemons or oranges into slices, mix them with dill and stuff the chicken with them (or fry it on them). But remember that no matter what you do with them, you shouldn't eat them, they're only good for adding flavor.

10 To make the chicken very juicy, add a little butter under her skin before placing in the oven.

11 V vegetable mixture(carrot-celery-onion) you can add a few peeled cloves of garlic.

12 Don't worry about hydrating the chicken. Some housewives are sure that they should sprinkle the chicken with water from time to time, and to do this they periodically open the oven. On the contrary, in this way you will achieve the opposite effect - drying out the chicken. Better leave your roast alone.

13 Another idea is to place pieces of bread on the bottom shelf - they will drip the fat from the bird, and this way you will get delicious fried slices - chicken bread.

14 For health! If you want to make healthy fried chicken, try marinating it for at least an hour before placing it in the oven. Marinades will minimize carcinogens that are inevitable during frying.

Chicken fried in the oven with mustard

Original delicious recipe fried chicken under mustard crust- a win-win option New Year's table. Can be submitted as independent dish, or can be combined with any side dish.


  • chicken carcass weighing about 1.5 kg
  • mustard – 3 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise 67% fat - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cumin – 0.5 tsp.
  • vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper, salt

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180° C. Wash and dry the chicken carcass. In a deep plate, mix mustard, mayonnaise, ground black pepper and cumin. Rub the chicken with salt and coat the outside and inside with the mustard mixture. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil and place the chicken on it. Sprinkle a small amount of vegetable oil on top.

Bake the chicken in the oven for approximately 2 hours until golden brown.

Easy marinade for fried chicken

This is a brine without vinegar. You will need salt, sugar and a couple of simple spices. And a pot that will hold your chicken.

For a small chicken 1.5 - 1.8 kg, 1 liter is enough cold water, 3-4 tbsp. l. salt and half a glass of sugar. Stir until dissolved, then add a tablespoon of allspice (whole) and a tablespoon of black peppercorns.

Heat the liquid to a boil, remove from heat and let cool completely. Once the brine has cooled, add four cups of ice cubes to cool the liquid completely.

Now you can add meat. You may need to press the bird down with something heavy to keep it under the marinade at all times. Cover the pan and refrigerate for 8-24 hours.

Before frying the chicken, rinse it of brine under cold water and wipe dry with a paper towel. Do not use brine in any way.

And here are more recipes for marinades in an assortment:

To make fried chicken even tastier, you can top it with chicken sauce when it’s already cooked.

Read more about how to cook chicken sauce, + several signature recipes, - read.

Another chicken sauce recipe

Cook it in a deep frying pan over medium heat. Drain off any remaining fat from the chicken, add two cups of chicken broth and simmer until the amount is reduced by about a third. To thicken the sauce, dissolve 2 tablespoons corn starch in 2 tbsp. l. cold water (you have just made the so-called sludge) and add to the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for a minute until it thickens. Then strain it through cheesecloth, add salt and pepper. The sauce is ready.

How to fry chicken with potatoes

This is very tasty to make in the oven. There is one principle, there are a lot of recipes, here is a magnificent Greek one.

Cooking fried chicken with potatoes: Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the chicken into pieces (if you are frying the drumsticks, you can whole) and rub with salt and pepper to taste. Place them on a baking sheet. Place coarsely chopped potatoes around. Fill everything lemon juice And olive oil, but not much (only to grease the baking sheet), since there will be enough of its fat. Sprinkle with dried oregano, basil and garlic. Roast the chicken and potatoes in the oven for 1.2 hours: 40 minutes on each side. The potatoes also need to be turned over.

How to fry chicken in a frying pan

Frying chicken in a frying pan takes less time than in the oven. It can also be marinated in advance. In general, the principles are the same as when frying in the oven. The peculiarity is that:
  • No need! close the lid of the pan

Perfect for cooking in a frying pan- chicken pieces in a delicious crust (pieces fall out in various mixtures).

But we must remember that even very tasty fried chicken in a frying pan will never be as juicy and crispy as cooked in the oven.

And here's another one - to complete the picture.

To prevent fried chicken from turning out dry

Experienced housewives recommend dipping chicken pieces in a mixture of egg and milk, then rolling in breadcrumbs. Another way is to bake in the oven in a sleeve or foil, the fire is high (but you don’t need to open the oven door). Then the chicken will be hydrated own juice, who will have nowhere to go. Agree, the latter is especially true if you fry the whole chicken. For other recommendations, see above, in Secrets and Tricks on how to fry chicken deliciously.

How? Don't know how to fry chicken in a frying pan yet? Urgently! Just in mandatory start restoring this unforgivable omission! And we will kindly help you with this.

Fried chicken is one of those dishes that can be classified as “you want something tasty, but you don’t have the strength or desire to stand at the stove.” Unfortunately, such thoughts often awaken in the minds of many women, especially those who sit at work all day long and exhaust themselves completely here. But there is also a family, a husband, children, who also urgently need attention. Many people find a way out in preparing semi-finished products - dumplings, sausages. But all these products will soon leave an indelible mark on digestive system. The solution is to buy a chicken and fry it in a frying pan.

Before you start frying, you need to purchase meat. Most recipes call for chicken legs, drumsticks and thighs. You can also try frying wings, fillets, legs - this option is for those who like a crispy crust. While chicken breast has always been in demand among chefs, when fried, the white meat becomes dry.

Food preparation

So, to enjoy the crispy crust of fried meat, you must first prepare it properly. If it is defrosted meat, it should be defrosted. Next, season the meat with salt and pepper. It is important to note here that you need to salt the meat at this initial stage. Many people salt chicken at the last stage of frying. But this can lead to the formation of a salted skin, and the carcass itself will be under-salted. Leave the seasoned meat to soak for 15 minutes.

Many people prefer to keep the meat in the marinade for 10-15 minutes. Everyone has their own secrets for preparing the marinade, for example, sunflower oil and soy sauce, to which you can add sour cream and mayonnaise. Original marinade, giving the dish a subtle aroma - wine combined with adjika.

Pan fried chicken recipes

Recipe 1. Chicken fillet in a frying pan

Not everyone likes fatty, overcooked meat. For this category of citizens we offer dietary recipe preparations chicken fillet in a frying pan.

Required ingredients:

Fillet – 300 – 500 g;

Garlic – 3 cloves;

Green onions;

Olive oil;


Salt and black pepper.

Cooking method:

Let's start cooking the meat. If the fillet is thick, then you need to carefully cut it into two plates. Place the pieces in a food bag and carefully go over them with a kitchen hammer.

Heat a frying pan with oil and lay out the fillet - immediately press the garlic on top and sprinkle black pepper and paprika.

Never close the lid of the frying pan, the heat is above medium

Fry the fillet on both sides.

After 5 minutes, squeeze lemon juice onto the meat.

Place the meat on a plate, sprinkle with green onions and parsley.

All that remains is to prepare a side dish for such a tasty and aromatic meat.

Recipe 2. Chicken legs in a frying pan

This recipe will appeal to those who are used to watching their figure.

Required ingredients:

Chicken legs – 4 pcs.;


Special seasoning for chicken, salt;

Garlic – 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

As you can see, even with minimum quantity ingredients you can cook something delicious! Let's start cooking.

1. First you need to beat the cooked meat a little. Place it on a food bag and tap it a little with a kitchen hammer.

2. Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise, pepper, crushed garlic, seasoning, salt. Rub the mixture onto the thighs. A small note - you shouldn’t skimp on mayonnaise. Thanks to this impregnation, the meat will not be fried in vegetable oil.

4. So, heat up the frying pan and lay out the legs. It is recommended to put them under pressure.

5. After 15 minutes, remove the press and turn the thigh over. If the meat burns, reduce the heat slightly.

6. After 10 minutes, the fried leg is ready!

Recipe 3. Chicken in a frying pan in tomato and vegetable sauce

We would like to note that fried chicken meat is suitable not only for instant cooking everyday dish. At the right combination products, even such a simple dish can be decorated festively and deliciously!

Required ingredients:

Chicken leg – 1 kg;

Bulgarian pepper – 200 g;

Tomatoes – 500 g;

Onion – 2 pcs.;

Garlic – a small head;

Carrots – 1 – 2 pcs.;

Tomato juice – 100 ml;

Salt, seasoning;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Clean thoroughly chicken legs- remove the fat, chop - separate the thighs from the drumsticks. Let's start peeling vegetables. It is better to cut the carrots into cubes, chop the onion into half rings. Cut the pepper into strips. Garlic - here at the discretion of the housewives, you can chop it with a knife, or you can grate it on a fine grater. Tomatoes are poured with boiling water, this will allow you to remove the peel faster. Then we also chop them into medium pieces.

Let's start cooking.

Place onions and carrots in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil. Then we send peppers, tomatoes and meat to them. After 5 minutes, add to the pan tomato juice. Salt, pepper, close the lid tightly. Leave on low heat. After 30 minutes, the delicious dish is ready. All that remains is to add chopped garlic and herbs.

Recipe 4. Chicken in a frying pan in Tatar style

The cuisine of all nations has its own secrets for cooking chicken. Tatar cuisine, like no one else, knows how to bring out the flavors of meat, especially if it was marinated in a noble sauce - wine and adjika.

Required ingredients:

Chicken – 500 – 700 g;

Wine 50 g;

Adjika – st. l.;

Garlic - 3 cloves;

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare the meat - it’s better to immediately divide it into portioned pieces. Next, all the pieces are slightly beaten off.

Prepare the marinade. In a vessel, mix adjika with wine, add a little salt and seasoning.

Immerse the meat in the resulting marinade and leave for a couple of hours. It is worth noting if meat is used old chicken, then you should increase the marinating time of the meat.

After a certain time, heat the frying pan with oil and carefully lay out the pieces of meat. Fry them on both sides. Before removing the meat from the heat, grate the garlic and chopped parsley.

Of course, this recipe loses a little in terms of cooking time, but it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy the aromatic and delicate taste meat marinated in wine sauce!

  • Golden crispy chicken - this is what attracts many lovers fried meat. If you want to achieve this result, do not cover the pan with a lid during cooking.
  • For better roasting, turn the meat three times. The first time - after 5 minutes, then reduce the heat, the second time - after 15 minutes, and after the same amount of time in last time turn the meat over. This will ensure the chicken cooks evenly.
  • For chicken cooked in a frying pan, you can use French fries, mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge. Discover new culinary horizons - please your loved ones with delicious meat!

Ask a professional chef how he prepares any meat. Believe me, he will definitely tell you that the meat for frying should be marinated. This is necessary to get a more pronounced, bright and original taste. In addition, after marinating, the fibers become softer, making the dish more tender and juicier.

Secrets to marinating a whole chicken

There are several rules for marinating chicken in the oven. By following them, you will always receive wonderful dish as a result.

  • The duration of marinating depends on the weight of the homemade carcass. The main question is always how long to marinate meat. If you plan to bake the whole carcass, take the time to soak it in the marinade the night before. If you have wings or breasts for dinner, you can leave them in the sauce for an hour. Thighs require more time - from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Stop marinating oven-baked chicken in mayonnaise! With this simple and seemingly successful ingredient, you completely kill its individual taste, which turns out to be the same every time. Moreover, mayonnaise contains acetic acid, which when baked makes the fibers hard and they begin to taste bitter.
  • Keep meat in the refrigerator if marinating time is longer than 2 hours. At room temperature the carcass marinates quickly, but this only applies to the breast or wings. Often the meat is left in the marinade overnight to save time.
  • The easiest way to marinate a whole chicken or leg for the oven is to mix 1 or several types of spices with vegetable oil, bathe the meat in this mixture and leave for a couple of hours. Depending on the seasonings you choose, choose your oil. For example, olive oil goes well with basil and paprika, sunflower oil goes well with hot spices, and corn oil goes well with all types of marinating.
  • Avoid salt! Every marinade recipe for oven-fried chicken requires the presence of salt. You just need to add it correctly. Do not salt the meat before long-term marinating; it is better to add salt 10 minutes before you plan to put the carcass in the oven. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and dry.

Choosing spices

How is meat marinated? What spices should we use for chicken in the oven, and which ones will give us a wealth of flavors? Remember!

  • Peppers - black and chili. The first is universal, we put it in every dish, but chili adds spiciness to the dish, so it is used “in doses” and often in dishes with a Mexican accent.
  • Herbs - for chicken in the oven, the marinade may contain marjoram, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, sage. Only one can be used bright taste, or maybe their original mix. By the way, all these herbs go well with ginger and coriander, which will also enrich the taste of your dish.
  • Curry is the perfect solution for marinated chicken in the oven, especially if you plan to grill it. Curry is not a simple herb, but a rich combination of spices: cumin, nutmeg, mustard, hot pepper, coriander.
  • Nutmeg - opt for it if you plan to cook chicken with cheese and mushrooms. This spice brightly saturates the taste of dishes with dairy components; not a single dish can do without it. haute cuisine, if it contains cream and potatoes.
  • Turmeric - this spice has a special taste that is highly valued in India. It’s more than unusual for us, so it’s worth adding turmeric to the marinade. small quantity. But for chicken in the oven it will be an ideal solution, as it will give the dish not only interesting taste, but also a bright golden crust.

5 types of marinade. This is delicious

And now we offer you a choice of several recipes for universal marinades for chicken meat. And you choose The best way for myself.

  1. Soy-honey. Mix a spoonful of soy sauce with two tablespoons of melted honey and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add half a teaspoon each of coriander and basil, a little black pepper to the marinade, stir. Marinate the meat in the mixture, and if you bake it in a mold and with potatoes, pour it over it before putting it in the oven. Thanks to honey, the chicken will acquire a golden color and a sweetish taste.
  2. Asian spicy. Mix a spoonful of olive oil and salt, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Pass 5 cloves of garlic through a press and add to the marinade. Peel a 4 cm long ginger root, cut it and add it to the sauce. Pour in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and lime juice, add half a spoon of black pepper. The dish will turn out exquisitely spicy!
  3. Wine mustard. Mix by spoon apple cider vinegar and mustard, dilute with a glass of dry white wine. Add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of olive oil, and half a spoonful of black pepper. Wine and vinegar will make the meat incredibly tender and soft, and mustard will add an original taste.
  4. Lemon spicy. For this simple marinade use the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add to it half a spoonful of ground pepper and dried rosemary, and a pinch of salt. Lemon and rosemary will create a stunning aroma in the finished dish.
  5. Original kefir. Use 2 cups of low-fat kefir, 4 cloves of garlic, and the juice of half a lemon. Add a spoon hot sauce Tabasco, half a spoon each of thyme and black pepper, chop half an onion. At the end add 2 tablespoons of salt.

Thanks to the marinade, the taste of your baked chicken will always be original and unusual.

There are probably no people who would not try chicken cooked in a frying pan. And many prepared it themselves. If you haven't had that experience yet, you'll enjoy this article and learn a few things. simple recipes. Even if you have experience, it's always good to have a few different recipes in your culinary notes.

Fried chicken is a simple but very tasty dish that doesn’t take much time to prepare. First, you need to choose the right chicken; it must be of high quality and fresh. You can cook fillets, wings, thighs, but the brisket may turn out a little dry.

It is recommended to salt the poultry immediately after defrosting; if this is done during the cooking process, then only the skin will be salted, but the meat may remain bland. In some cases, it is recommended to marinate the product for some time.

How to fry chicken with vegetables in a frying pan - step by step recipe with photos

So let's get started reviewing a few interesting options cooking chicken in a frying pan.


1. Delicious chicken fried in a pan

First, let's look at universal recipe frying chicken, which even an inexperienced housewife can handle. For cooking you will need simple and affordable products, but the composition of herbs and spices can be changed, taking into account your taste preferences.


  • 1.5 kg chopped chicken.
  • 2 tbsp table vinegar.
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice.
  • 1 tsp mayonnaise.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 tbsp olive oil.
  • Spices, herbs, table salt.


1. To make the chicken juicy and very tasty, it is recommended to marinate it. Therefore on initial stage preparation, we will start preparing the marinade. To do this, mix pressed garlic in a separate container, table vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, mayonnaise, as well as spices and herbs as desired.

2. If you have whole chicken, then we first defrost it, rinse it under running water, and then dry it with paper napkins. After which, we cut the carcass into large pieces. Using a silicone brush, coat the pieces of meat with the prepared marinade and put them in a bag, which we must tie tightly. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for about five hours.

3. Now we need to heat the frying pan well. Pour oil into it, heat it, then lay out the pieces of chicken and add the rest of the marinade. Cover the pan with a lid and fry on both sides for 3 minutes at maximum heat. After that, turn on medium mode and fry for another 5 minutes.

4. After this, simmer the chicken under the lid over low heat until it is completely cooked. Do not forget to periodically turn the meat, otherwise it may burn.

You can serve the dish with your favorite side dish, salad and fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

2. Merchant style chicken

To prepare a complete hearty dish from chicken fillet, use the following recipe. Such a dish can even be placed on a festive table, and the cooking process itself is simple.


  • 1 chicken fillet.
  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 glasses of water.
  • Salt, seasoning for pilaf.


1. To prepare buckwheat with chicken according to this recipe, we do not need any household appliances. All you need is to prepare the necessary ingredients.

2. It is very important to prepare all the products immediately, since it will only take a few minutes to prepare buckwheat. We sort the grains, then rinse them several times with cold water and dry them.

3. After this, peel the onion, if necessary, rinse it with running water and chop it into small pieces. To prevent onions from getting into your eyes, you need to use a sharp knife, pre-moistened with cold water.

4. Remove the top layer from the carrots, wash them, and then chop them on a coarse or medium grater.

5. For the dish we need clean fillet, so if necessary, we get rid of the bones. Then cut the chicken into small pieces, as shown in the photo above.

6. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, peel it, and then cut it into two parts. so that it imparts flavor to the entire dish.

7. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan over high heat. Then add the garlic and fry it until golden brown so that it transfers its aroma to the entire dish, one minute will be enough. Remove the garlic from the pan and place in a separate plate. Do not leave the stove, as all the ingredients will fry within a few minutes.

8. At the next stage of cooking, add the onion to the frying pan and fry it.

9. Now let's start cooking the breast. Fry the pieces for no more than 5 minutes on each side. To make the fillet juicy, it does not need to be brought to a state of complete readiness. The chicken should be a little raw inside.

10. Add chopped carrots to the frying pan and fry with onions and fillets.

11. Now add spices, seasonings and a little salt to the ingredients if necessary. We also add the garlic, which we previously fried, into the frying pan.

12. Mix all ingredients, carefully leveling along the bottom.

13. Now add the dried buckwheat. We level it, but do not mix it, this is very important.

14. The next step is to pour in water immediately after adding buckwheat, otherwise it may burn. The liquid should cover all products.

15. Wait for the water to boil, after which we reduce the heat to low. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer all ingredients for 20 minutes. By this time, the liquid should be absorbed into the cereal.

As a result, we will need about half an hour to prepare. A hearty and tasty dish is ready, serve hot.

Bon appetit!

3. Delicious roast chicken

One of the simple, but satisfying and delicious dishes, is a chicken roast with potatoes. After completing the cooking steps, the chicken turns out tender and flavorful, and the potatoes are an excellent addition to the meat.


  • 1200g chicken, preferably thighs.
  • 2 kg of potatoes.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste.
  • 150 ml sunflower oil.
  • Salt and spices to taste.


1. As you have already noticed, we will need accessible and inexpensive products. Let's start with onions. We clean it of husks, then use sharp knife cut into half rings.

2. Grind a medium-sized carrot on a coarse or medium grater.

4. Fresh potatoes clean, rinse well, and then cut into medium-sized cubes. If you cut the potatoes into small pieces, they will simply boil, resulting in the dish turning into real porridge.

5. You can use a thick-walled frying pan, but cooking in a cauldron is much easier and more convenient. Pour sunflower oil into the bowl, and when it warms up well, add chopped onion. Fry it until golden brown. This will take no more than 10 minutes.

6. Add spices and herbs to the onion. So that the onion absorbs all the aromas, heat it for a few more minutes, not forgetting to constantly stir.

7. Now add the carrots and cook for ten minutes over low heat.

8. After defrosting, wash the chicken, dry it with paper towels, then pepper, salt and add to the rest of the products. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, don’t forget to stir.

9. After that we add tomato paste, mix thoroughly and leave to cook for another five minutes. The paste can be replaced with ketchup.

10. Then add 1 glass of water and wait for the liquid to boil.

11. When the water starts to boil, add the chopped potatoes to the cauldron and mix everything well.

12. Cook the dish for about 30 minutes with the lid closed. During this time, the potatoes should be completely cooked. Then add pressed garlic, and after a couple of minutes remove the dishes from the heat.

13. The roast should sit for about 20 minutes before serving.

Bon appetit!

4. Delicious chicken with vegetables

The composition of this recipe can be changed according to your preferences. Try experimenting with spices. To prepare the dish, we will need a maximum of thirty minutes.


  • 400 g chicken.
  • 100 g tomato.
  • 100 g zucchini.
  • 5 g curry.
  • 100 ml chicken broth.
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.
  • Salt, cilantro and pepper to taste.


1. We will immediately prepare all the products. Wash the chicken and cut into cubes, remove the skin from the tomatoes (you can first make a cross-shaped cut in the top of the tomato and pour boiling water over it to make the skin easier to remove), and chop it together with the zucchini into medium-sized pieces.

2. Add black pepper and table salt to the chicken pieces. It is very important to do this before frying.

3. Mix the chicken fillet by hand.

4. Add a small amount of sunflower oil. If you wish, you can use olive oil, there is no fundamental difference.

5. Place the frying pan on the stove, add vegetable oil, and when it heats up, add pieces of chicken fillet to the bowl.

6. When the chicken appears appetizing golden crust, then add to the pan chicken bouillon and some curry.

7. After about 10 minutes, add the tomato cubes to the chicken.

8. At the next stage, add the zucchini and continue to simmer until the vegetables are fully cooked.

9. Appetizing dish ready, now all that remains is to sprinkle it with cilantro, add fresh parsley or dill if desired, and you can serve.

Bon appetit!

5. Chicken legs in dough

Do you want to surprise your loved ones and guests? unusual dish, then you should use the following recipe. Legs in bags are not only satisfying, but also very tasty, so they will not be on the table in a couple of minutes.


  • 10 pieces of chicken legs.
  • 700 g puff pastry.
  • 350 g champignons.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 onion.
  • Sunflower oil, pepper and table salt to taste.


1. First of all, let's deal with vegetables. Onion finely chop and place it in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.

2. The next step is to add grated carrots to the onion.

3. Now we need to add the mushrooms that we previously chopped. Add pepper if desired, as well table salt. Cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

4. We will need a second frying pan. Place the chicken legs into it and cook for a few minutes until golden brown.

5. Roll out the finished product puff pastry, after which we cut it into equal squares. On each piece of dough, first place mushrooms and vegetables, and then chicken leg. Now wrap the food in dough and tie it with green onions so that the dish does not fall apart.

6. Place the chicken on the surface of the mold and place it in the oven, which should be heated to 180 degrees. Cook for 30 minutes.

The full second course is ready, serve hot.

6. Chicken rump steak

Exists great amount chicken dishes. Most of them may have become boring, so sometimes you should diversify your diet. I suggest cooking rump steak in breadcrumbs.


  • 3 chicken breasts.
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce.
  • 3 tbsp breadcrumbs.
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • Hard cheese.
  • 1 egg.
  • Pepper and salt.


1. Chicken breasts defrost if necessary, after which they must be washed with cold water and dried with paper napkins. Cut into several equal pieces and beat them well.

2. Everyone chicken piece sprinkle with pepper and salt. Break the egg into a separate plate, beat it and dip the chicken in this mixture. Then we dip them in soy sauce, after which we roll them in a small amount of breadcrumbs.

3. Now fry the chicken in a preheated frying pan on both sides. The dish is considered ready when a brown crust appears on it.

4. When the rump steaks are ready, sprinkle them with grated cheese and cover with a lid so that the cheese melts.

Serve chicken with any side dish.

Bon appetit!

7. Video - delicious chagyrtma

I suggest you take a look at one more interesting recipe cooking chicken dishes. If you follow step by step instructions, then you will definitely cope with the task. Watch the recipe video below:

Of course, there are still a huge number of options for cooking chicken in a frying pan. If you are not afraid to experiment, then try changing the composition already existing recipes, perhaps you will come up with an original idea.

Bon appetit!