How to make smoothies at home. Strawberry smoothie with yogurt

Recently, a drink called smoothie has been gaining popularity. This is a thick mixture of ground fresh fruit/berries with the addition of honey, milk, oatmeal, ice cream and other ingredients. The cocktail is filled with vitamins and useful substances. At home, you can easily prepare this drink either with or without a blender.

How to make smoothies at home

Unlike juices, cocktails have a very thick consistency. Due to the addition of several types of healthy ingredients, the drink contains a high amount of fiber and vitamins. This fact makes smoothies almost an essential element of any healthy breakfast. Making a fruit cocktail is very simple, the main thing is to follow some basic rules:

  1. Use only ripe, unspoiled fruits and berries.
  2. Before preparing the juice, it is better to cut all the ingredients into small pieces.
  3. If frozen berries are used, they must be thawed before chopping.
  4. If you plan to drink the drink while losing weight, then use low-fat dairy products (it is better to prepare it with water or green tea).
  5. Grind the products separately from the liquid, then the juice will be thicker.
  6. Add ice at the very end of cooking.

You can often find recipes for smoothies made from vegetables on the Internet. This cocktail is perfect for weight loss as an afternoon snack or lunch. If you choose low-calorie vegetables, and also arrange them correctly, you will be able to cook full meal, not inferior in nutritional value to a standard meal. Traditionally, you need a blender for cooking, but there are recipes that will allow you to create a cocktail without the use of auxiliary equipment.

How to make smoothies in a blender

In order to get the cocktail right, a useful device is often used - a blender. He will be able to grind any food to the desired consistency in a matter of seconds. How to make a smoothie in a blender using one example:

  1. Select essential fruits to taste (strawberry, banana, orange, kiwi, raspberry).
  2. Wash the ingredients well, peel and cut into small pieces.
  3. Place all ingredients in a bowl and whisk thoroughly.
  4. After the procedure, pour in milk, ice cream or yogurt (low-fat) to taste, bring to a state homogeneous mass.
  5. If desired, grate the chocolate and add ice.
  6. Last time work as a blender until education thick drink.
  7. If there is no ice, then the resulting cocktail should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  8. Pour into glasses and enjoy a fresh cocktail.

How to make a smoothie without a blender

If you don’t have an appliance like a blender in your kitchen, don’t be upset – there is an alternative. The treasured smoothie can be prepared without the use of household appliances. A little creativity, just a little ingenuity - and your favorite cocktail will be ready. Making smoothies at home without a blender:

  1. Take a very ordinary grater and grate the necessary ingredients (you can simply chop the berries with a knife).
  2. If the fruit is too juicy, then a sieve will come to the rescue - you need to grind the pulp through it.
  3. In the absence of everyday life technique, grind the ingredients in a meat grinder - this is an excellent solution.
  4. Add all ingredients to a regular glass jar and shake thoroughly.
  5. After this, add milk, kefir or ice cream, mix with a spoon, and shake again.
  6. Serve a fresh, cool drink.

Smoothie Recipes

Despite the fact that smoothies are a modern drink, you can find a large number of recipes for making them on the Internet. The cocktail can be either sweet (berry and fruit with the addition of ice cream or honey), or vegetable - low-calorie for weight loss. Knowing certain secrets, making smoothies at home can be easy and simple. It is better to select ingredients according to famous recipes, since in some cases the incompatibility of certain products can play a cruel joke - ruin the desired drink.

Berry smoothie

In order to prepare a smoothie from berries, you need to select the following components:

  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • cherries – 150 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • vanillin – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ice - 4 standard cubes.

How to make a smoothie at home:

  1. Wash all the berries and let the water drain.
  2. Remove the stems from the strawberries and the seeds/tails from the cherries.
  3. Cut all ingredients into medium cubes.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add chilled milk, and beat.
  5. Add vanilla, ice; spin the blender one more time.
  6. Pour into tall glasses and serve.

Fruit smoothie

Fruits can make an excellent cooling cocktail containing vitamins and nutrients. To prepare you will need:

  • bananas – 1 pc.;
  • honey (preferably flower) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi – 2 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts – 5 pcs.;
  • ice - optional.

How to make smoothies in a blender from fruits:

  1. First, grind the hazelnuts separately to fine crumbs.
  2. Wash all the fruits and peel them.
  3. Cut into large pieces.
  4. Beat until smooth with a blender.
  5. Pour chopped hazelnuts, honey, and ice into a bowl of juice.
  6. Grind again.
  7. Pour into containers and drink a delicious cocktail.

Smoothie for breakfast

There are often drink recipes that can replace a full, low-calorie, but very nutritious breakfast. It is especially recommended to prepare a cocktail for those who have decided to lose weight. The main ingredient will be oatmeal - an element that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates metabolic processes. Prepare the ingredients:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt (natural, low-fat, dietary) – 200 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.

How to make a smoothie for breakfast:

  1. Peel the banana and apple and cut into pieces.
  2. Pre-soak the oatmeal in milk for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour yogurt into a blender bowl, add oatmeal and blend.
  4. It’s the fruit’s turn - pour them into the bowl and repeat the chopping process (1-2 minutes).
  5. Pour the thick mixture into a wide glass and drink (or eat with a teaspoon).

Vegetable smoothie

An incredibly popular cocktail is the vegetable one. It is low-calorie, nutritious, tasty and very healthy. Those who want to make their figure perfect are recommended to consume this cocktail. Vegetable juice normalizes intestinal function and improves digestion. Before making a smoothie, select the ingredients:

  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • basil – 70 g;
  • spinach – 100 g;
  • broccoli – 150 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • water – 200 g.

How to make a smoothie from vegetables:

  1. Pre-boil the broccoli, cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the cucumber and carrots and cut into slices.
  3. Mix all ingredients, add fresh spinach.
  4. Place everything in a bowl, add water, whisk thoroughly.
  5. Refrigerate for an hour, then consume.

A huge number of people have repeatedly drunk smoothies, not suspecting that this is the name of the drink they are drinking. It is often called mousse, juice, fresh juice, and they are deeply mistaken. Not knowing the difference between a smoothie and others also causes mistakes in its preparation. And this is very sad, since preparing a smoothie at home is not at all difficult, and the benefits from its use are much greater than from the use of other derivatives of nature.

What are the benefits of smoothies?

This drink is made from all parts of vegetables and fruits that are included in its composition. Everything is squeezed out: the peel, the seeds, and the pulp itself. In this regard, the smoothie is saturated with fiber, all the vitamins and microelements that were in original products- and at the same time, useful substances are in a state most favorable for absorption. Therefore, smoothies are much healthier than juices, even freshly squeezed ones.

This drink is also good because it is cheap, since you can make a smoothie at home from high-quality, but not entirely presentable products. They have already lost their appearance, but the beneficial substances remain. At the same time, they are sold much cheaper than beautiful looking ones.

The way to make a smoothie is also attractive: grind the ingredients and you can consume it. The drink does not require any complex culinary skills and does not require additional or lengthy manipulations.


Considering that the structure of a smoothie is very close to a puree, it can be consumed instead of food. Especially if it contains milk and nuts - it’s quick and quite satisfying. Many ladies who take care of their figure replace smoothies with breakfast and dinner. True, for dietary use, cream and nuts are considered too high in calories.

What harm can a smoothie do?

The drink cannot cause any harm to health, unless, of course, you eat only it. Still, there is not enough fiber in it for the normal functioning of the stomach, so in the absence of other food, digestive problems (in particular, constipation) may begin. And you still need to chew something on your teeth if you don’t want to become a regular client of the dentist. Another drawback of the drink is the partial loss of vitamins. Since the easiest way to prepare a smoothie at home is in a blender or mixer, fruits, vegetables and berries are forced to be crushed with knives, which is why the beneficial substances are partially lost. But such a loss is not too significant - it is much less than during heat treatment. The main thing is not to prepare a smoothie, but to drink it right away. Otherwise, vitamin losses will become much more noticeable.

Well, the last possible damage is if you are allergic to some components of the drink. However, the problem can be easily avoided if you make delicious smoothies from other foods that you do not have a negative reaction to.

Cooking Basics

Naturally, before preparing a smoothie at home, all fruits must be carefully washed. Remember that there is no heat treatment, which means that washing must be especially thorough to avoid stomach upset. If you add non-juicy fruits to your smoothie, dilute it with cream, yogurt, milk, water or juice (it is better to use your own squeezed juice). It would be wise to chop hard vegetables (for example, beets or carrots) before adding them to the blender. The most successful smoothies at home are made from a combination of vegetables and fruits with dense pulp and especially juicy fruits and berries.

Varieties of smoothies

The first of these is refreshing drinks. They are always made without sugar, and to prevent the drink from becoming too sour, they combine sweet ingredients with sour ones. For example, banana with juicy black currants. It makes a very light smoothie. How to make it less sweet if you come across very sugary currants? Add orange or lemon juice.

The next type is saturating. Such smoothies should be extremely thick, almost reaching the consistency of puree. You can add eggs and some hearty ingredients to them - the same nuts or muesli.

Dessert smoothies are naturally sweet. To increase sweetness, chocolate, sugar, honey, and peanut butter are added to them.

The next subspecies is vegetable. They are especially in demand among vegetarians and supporters of a raw food diet. These are unsweetened smoothies similar to regular cuisine. How to make them? An example is gazpacho, a famous Spanish soup.

Smoothie for breakfast

If you have something substantial in mind, at least for lunch, a puree drink can easily replace the first meal. The question remains of how to make a smoothie that is nutritionally suitable for breakfast. As an option, you can consider “pureeshka” with rolled oats and mango. For it you need to take 150 ml of yogurt (necessarily natural, but choose the fat content and taste yourself), 1 mango and 2 large spoons of rolled oats (or other oatmeal instant cooking). Then everything is simple: pour yogurt over the flakes, leave for about half an hour until softened and beat in a blender along with mango, cut into pieces and pitted. If the weather is hot, you can add ice.

Not bad for breakfast and a smoothie with muesli. The latter, in fact, are eaten by many in the morning. We simply offer more tasty option. Preparing the smoothie is similar to the previous recipe: a glass of yogurt (low-fat for this dish) is whipped with half a glass of strawberries and the same volume of milk. Muesli, preferably with nuts and raisins, is poured into the mixture - and please eat.

Green smoothie

You will need: half a banana, one peach, one mango, a handful of spinach, half a glass of water. Remove the seeds from the peach and mango, peel the banana, and wash the spinach. Place all ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly.

With milk

Smoothies with milk have a unique taste! They can be made both sweet and neutral, both filling and light. With milk, this beneficial drink used as a base, you can truly work wonders. Also, yoghurts of all types, matsoni, and other dairy products can be used to make smoothies. The only thing to consider when making drinks with a milk base is that milk usually curdles when combined with acidic ingredients. Therefore, sweet or neutral ingredients should be used.

Invigorating coffee-chocolate

We will need: one banana, a cup strong coffee, 50 grams of dark chocolate, a teaspoon of sugar, half a glass of milk, cardamom and nutmeg- taste. Grate the chocolate, peel and cut the banana. Place everything in a blender, add the remaining ingredients, and blend.

With egg, apple and carrots

Raw eggs - good source energy for the whole day. The main thing is to keep them fresh. It is also recommended to thoroughly wash the top of the shell before breaking the egg into the blender. This will protect against pathogenic microbes that may be on fresh eggs. Some people use quail. They are even healthier and tastier. But you need more of them to prepare the drink. We will need: two apples, one chicken or three quail eggs, three carrots, 0.5 cups of unsalted mineral water, two oranges. We peel the oranges and cut the apples. We clean the carrots and cut them as small as possible. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and add the eggs. If necessary (to liquefy), add mineral water. Whisk. Wonderful and healthy drink ready!

What foods can be healthier than vegetables and fruits? Only their competent combination. It is for the ease of preparation and benefits for the body that its fans fell in love with this “drink.” And its name is smoothie - lunch in one glass.

Bananas main ingredient many cocktails. They go well not only with milk, but also with cocoa. Excellent taste and benefits can be achieved by mixing bananas with cottage cheese or natural yoghurt. In any case, such a cocktail will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Melt honey (1 tablespoon) until liquid consistency. Peel banana (1 pc.) and cut into 5-6 pieces. Put them in a blender. Add liquid honey and pour milk (1 glass). Mix the ingredients until the mass becomes thick and homogeneous.

Banana smoothie with milk and ice cream

Another banana smoothie that your kids will love can be made by blending it with vanilla ice cream and milk in a blender. This cocktail is served in a tall glass with a straw. In this recipe, milk can be replaced with orange juice. It will also turn out very tasty and healthy.

Smoothie with banana, strawberries and milk

A mixture of bananas and strawberries is called a classic. That's probably true. But no matter what you call this cocktail, it always turns out very tasty and appetizing. To prepare it you need to take one banana, strawberries (100 g) and milk (1 glass). And if you add a little vanilla to such a cocktail, it will give it a piquant twist.

Smoothie with banana, kiwi and milk

A banana and kiwi cocktail can be prepared without adding sugar. But for this you need to choose very ripe fruits. Especially kiwi. If you are not satisfied with the stage of ripeness of this fruit, simply add a little honey to the drink.

To prepare a kiwi-banana smoothie, you need to take one banana and one kiwi. Peel them, cut them into small pieces and place in a blender bowl. You also need to pour milk (200 g) there and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Orange and blueberry smoothie cocktails with sugar or honey

An excellent smoothie can be made from orange and blueberries. These products have great benefit. They hold the record for vitamin C content. Therefore, this cocktail is perfect for preventing viral diseases during a flu epidemic.

To prepare such a smoothie, you need to take freshly squeezed orange juice (4 pcs.) and mix them with blueberries (250 g). If the cocktail turns out to be too sour, you can add sugar or honey.

Fruit smoothie on water with avocado, pears and herbs

Smoothies can also be made with water. But, here you need to know one nuance. The drinks discussed in this article should be thick. And if you overdo it with water, all the thickness will go away. And then comes the aesthetics of consuming such a cocktail. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this ingredient. Especially if you plan to use frozen fruits and berries.

Peel the avocado (1 pc.) and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into large pieces. We clean the pears (2 pcs.) from skins and seeds. Cut into slices. Place the ingredients in a blender and add chopped herbs (to taste). Mix the ingredients until pureed. Pour in water (1-2 cups) and stir until smooth.

Cherry smoothie with pear and apple

Great summer cocktail can be made with cherries. It must be said right away that this drink may seem sour. So add a little powdered sugar to it.

Peel the apple (1 pc.) and pear (1 pc.) from skins and seeds. Cut into large pieces. Remove pits from cherries (50 g). Place the ingredients in a blender bowl and add 3-4 ice cubes. Stir and pour the cocktail into tumbler and decorate with a sprig of mint.

Green smoothie with apple and vegetables

Many nutritionists consider green smoothies a panacea for many ills and recommend consuming them at least once a week. Such cocktails will not only fill the body with the beneficial substances and vitamins it needs, but will also be able to cleanse it of toxins.

Wash lettuce leaves (50 g) and cabbage (100 g). After the water has drained, chop them and put them in a blender. Peel the apple (1 pc.) from the skin and core. Divide into 4 parts. Cut from bell pepper(1 pc.) core and divide it into several parts. Place the ingredients in a blender and mix. Pour the resulting drink into a glass and sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Strawberry smoothie with melon and cranberries

The following smoothie recipe is called “Pink Panther” for its pleasant color. To prepare it, you need to peel the melon (500 g) from seeds and skin. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Strawberries (150 g) need to be sorted and washed. Load the above ingredients into a blender and add cranberries (100 g). Stir and serve.

Coconut smoothie with mango, banana and pineapple

Another popular smoothie ingredient is coconut milk. Cocktails prepared on its basis have an original taste. The drink below can be called “Caribbean Dream”.

To prepare it, you need to peel bananas (2 pieces) and cut each into 4 parts. Mango (1 pc.) needs to be cut into two halves and the seed removed from the fruit. Peel the skin of pineapple (1 piece) and cut into small pieces. You need to squeeze the juice out of mango and pineapple. Pour it into a blender. Place banana slices there and pour in coconut milk (200 ml). Beat until smooth and enjoy.

Raspberry smoothie with strawberries, blueberries and apple juice

The benefits of raspberries are endless. And if you mix it with other berries, you can provide support to your immunity for several days in advance.

To prepare this cocktail you need to take strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Berries (total amount 200 g) need to be sorted and washed. Place the berries in a blender (leave a few strawberries or raspberries for decoration). Pour into the bowl Apple juice(150 ml) and stir. Crush the ice and put it in glasses. Pour in the prepared smoothie and stir. Decorate with the remaining berries.

Tangerine smoothie with apples, banana and kiwi

A tangerine cocktail is prepared in winter to support the body’s protective functions. But this one citrus fruit can not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve mood. Scientists have long figured out the nature of the interactions of phytocompounds of this delicious fruit with the hormonal background of our body.

Peel tangerines (500 g). Divide into slices and remove the seeds. Peel the apples (3-4 pcs.) and cut them into small slices. Peel a banana (1 piece) and divide it into 4 parts. Peel kiwi (1 pc.) and cut into pieces.

Grind the tangerines separately from the other ingredients. After receiving the puree, put the remaining ingredients into the blender and mix them until smooth. For sweetness, you can add honey (1 tablespoon). And for a more liquid consistency, pour a little water (150 ml) into the bowl. Mix again and serve.

Apple smoothie with kiwi and green tea

To prepare a refreshing apple cocktail You need to peel and core one fruit. Squeeze the juice out of it. Peel the skins of kiwis (2 pcs.). If the fruit is ripe, then there is no need to cut it into pieces. Place the kiwi pulp in a blender and blend until pureed. Add apple juice and chilled green tea(200 ml). Stir until smooth.

Berry smoothie made from banana, blueberry, lemon, celery on water

You can use almost any berries to make healthy smoothies. For example, blueberries. This berry makes a tasty and healthy cocktail. The version of this drink proposed below will appeal to every child for its pleasant pink-purple hue.

To prepare it, you need to mix bananas (2 pieces), blueberries (3 tablespoons), juice of a third of a lemon, celery (1-2 stalks) and water (1 glass).

Orange, lime and passion fruit smoothie

Fruits were the first ingredients from which smoothies were made. It was only later that vegetables, herbs and other products began to be used in the preparation of these drinks. There are a lot of fruit smoothie recipes. But, if you want to surprise your guests, prepare for them a passion fruit and citrus cocktail.

Peel the orange. Divide into slices and separate the seeds. Peel the lime and divide it into two parts. Divide the passion fruit into two parts and extract the pulp. Grind the ice until crumbly. Squeeze the juice from orange and lime. Beat the passion fruit pulp in a blender. Pour the juice into the bowl and mix everything again until smooth. Pour crushed ice into glasses and fill with the contents of the blender.

Currant smoothie with milk

Black currant is a storehouse of useful substances. But not only children, but also adults do not like its sour skin. In order to minimize the discomfort from eating this berry, you can prepare a delicious cocktail.

Prepare such a smoothie in the traditional way. In a blender, mix black currant berries (300 g), milk (100 ml), fermented baked milk (250 ml), honey (80 g) and walnuts(a handful of). It is better to grind the last ingredient before loading the remaining products.

Persimmon smoothie with pumpkin and cinnamon

Persimmon smoothie is a very healthy and bright drink. This vitamin dessert can saturate the body with useful substances and fiber. Persimmon contains substances that can remove radionuclides from the body. Everyone should take advantage of such a miracle of nature.

Persimmons need to be washed, dried and cut into small pieces. If there are bones, they need to be removed. Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut the pulp into cubes. Place the ingredients in a blender container. Add cinnamon and beat at low speed, gradually increasing it.

Orange smoothie with yogurt

You can prepare a fortified refreshing drink from oranges and low-fat yogurt. To do this, peel the oranges (2 pieces) from the skins and seeds. Add yogurt (2 tablespoons), a few ice cubes and a pinch of vanilla to the blender. Stir until smooth and pour into tall glasses.

Pear smoothie with orange, mint and milk

An excellent cocktail can be prepared by mixing pears (2 pcs.), peeled and sliced ​​orange, mint leaves (to taste) and milk (1 glass) in a blender. If you like citrus fruits, you can increase the number of oranges or add the appropriate syrup to the cocktail. The pear can be used either fresh or frozen. If selected fresh pear, then you need to add a couple of ice cubes to the blender.

Frozen berry smoothie

Many of us freeze berries for the winter. Such “reserves” allow us to replenish our body’s needs for vitamins during the cold season. You can make delicious cocktails from frozen berries.

To prepare this recipe, you can take any frozen berries (100 g). They need to be thawed before blending with other ingredients. Add banana (1 piece) to them and beat in a blender until smooth. If the drink is too thick, you can add a little mineral water.

Kiwi smoothie with lemon juice, parsley, mint, honey

Kiwi is one of the record holders for vitamin C content. Eating this fruit (berry) can help survive an exacerbation of respiratory infections. But not everyone loves kiwi in its pure form. For such people, smoothies made from this fruit will be useful.

Peel the kiwi, cut into small cubes and place in a blender bowl. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 piece), parsley (7 sprigs), mint (7 leaves), honey (to taste) and water (100 ml). Mix all the ingredients and enjoy the healthy drink.

Mango smoothie with pear and banana

Fresh mango is sweet fruit With unusual taste. It is very useful for vision and protection genitourinary system from infections. In addition, mango is an excellent immune activator. To prepare a smoothie from this fruit, you need to peel it. Wash the pear, divide into several parts and remove the seeds.

Place mango (1 pc.), pear (1 pc.), banana (1 pc.) and ice cubes cut into pieces into a blender. Pour in coconut milk (1/2 cup) and stir until smooth.

Pineapple smoothie with apricots or peaches and yogurt

A very tasty and healthy drink can be made from pineapple. To do this, it (1 piece) needs to be peeled and cut into small pieces. Then peel the apricots (2 pcs.) and remove the pits. Place the ingredients in a blender and mix at low speed. Add to the bowl Pineapple juice(125 ml) and peach or apricot yogurt (50 g). Mix everything again.

Smoothie with grapefruit, blueberries and carrot juice

Very interesting combination has a smoothie with grapefruit and blueberries. Blueberries can be used either fresh or frozen. First you need to squeeze the juice from grapefruit (3 pcs.) and carrots (300 g). Then the resulting juice should be poured into a blender and mixed with blueberries (1/2 cup).

Pineapple and banana smoothie with ginger

Ginger has a beneficial effect on the entire body. If you have problems with digestive systems oh, then with the help of this spicy root this problem can be significantly corrected. Ginger is useful in vitamin drinks.

Peel the banana and pineapple. Cut the fruit into small pieces. Place them in a blender. Let's pour it there almond milk(175 ml), candied ginger (small piece) and a few drops of almond extract.

Smoothie with cranberries, dates and orange juice

If you want to cook energy drink using your blender, then mix in it Orange juice(175 ml), pitted dates (50 g), cranberries (50 g) and chopped apple.

Smoothie with lemon and tangerine

Lemon is considered one of the healthiest fruits. And although its primacy among the leaders in vitamin C content today is disputed by many products, lemon also has other beneficial qualities. And like many citrus fruits, it can be used to prepare vitamin smoothies.

We clean tangerines (2 pcs.) from skins and seeds. Remove the seeds from the grapes (250 g) and place the ingredients in a blender. Pour lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and tangerine juice (125 g). Stir and enjoy the pleasant taste.

Smoothie with berries and honey

Honey is added to fruit smoothies for more than just making them sweet. But also to increase useful qualities. Honey has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it will be very useful in the cocktail below.

Peel the banana and cut into four parts. Place black currants (125 g), pineapple juice (125 ml), raspberries (125 g), blueberries (125 g) and banana pieces into a blender. Add honey (2 tablespoons) and mix.

Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie

Children really like blueberry cocktails. And if these blueberries are also crispy, it will add a special piquancy to this smoothie recipe.

Place frozen blueberries (1/3 cup), chopped peaches (1 cup), chopped nuts (1/4 cup), milk (1/2 cup) and vanilla yogurt (3/4 cup) into a blender bowl. For taste, add sugar, salt and vanilla. Mix everything and serve in transparent cups.

Raspberry and melon smoothie

You can make a very tasty cocktail with a bright, beautiful shade from raspberries. To prepare it, peel the melon (1/4 part) from the skin and seeds. Cut its pulp into small pieces. Place frozen raspberries (50 g), melon pieces, cranberry puree (50 g) and grapefruit juice (175 ml) into a blender. Mix and serve in tall glasses with a straw.

Peach, tofu and condensed milk smoothie

Children really like peaches. Therefore, this cocktail can be served during children's parties, birthday celebrations and other similar events.

Drain the liquid from canned peaches (400 g). Mix the contents of the jar into a blender bowl. We put it there soft cheese tofu (50 g), a few frozen peaches (125 g), condensed milk (125 ml) and add a quarter cup of almond extract. Mix the ingredients and enjoy the cocktail.

Children's fruit smoothies: recipe with ice cream, cocoa, chocolate

Children love fruit smoothies very much. Especially if you add ice cream, cocoa or chocolate to them. When preparing such children's smoothies, not only the taste of the cocktails is important, but also the benefits they bring.

Smoothie with ice cream

The simplest ice cream cocktail is prepared as follows. Place bananas (2 pcs.), ice cream (half a pack) and milk (1/2 cup) into the blender bowl. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, you get a very tasty drink. To prepare it, you can use either regular vanilla ice cream or ice cream.

Cocoa in the smoothie adds notes of chocolate to this cocktail. You can mix cocoa with various ingredients. A classic is a mixture of cocoa and nuts.

Peel and core pineapple (1 piece). Chop it and put it in a blender. Pour almond milk (175 ml), frozen peach (125 g) and cocoa powder (1 tbsp) into it. You can add a few ice cubes. Mix and serve.

Chocolate smoothie

This chocolate cocktail will appeal to all children without exception. To prepare it you need to mix chocolate milk(250 ml), cocoa powder (1 tbsp), honey (1 tbsp) and frozen chocolate yogurt (250 g). The last ingredient can be replaced with chocolate ice cream.

Milk smoothies with fruits for breakfast

This fruit and apple smoothie recipe is perfect for breakfast. To prepare it, you need to mix milk (1 glass), banana (1 piece), blueberries (1 glass), honey (1 teaspoon) and muesli (1 tablespoon).

Oatmeal smoothie with fruits

Oatmeal is an essential ingredient in cocktails that are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Main secret Such drinks involve soaking oatmeal before placing it in a blender. Before cooking, pour boiling water over the oatmeal for a few minutes.

In a blender bowl, mix bananas (1 pc.), kiwi (1 pc.), honey (1 teaspoon), apple (half), kefir (100 ml), ground cinnamon (pinch) and steamed cereals(2 tbsp. spoons).

Coffee smoothie with yogurt, banana and cocoa

Caffeine has many beneficial properties. And the most important thing is, of course, increasing efficiency. That is why this cocktail can be prepared when you need to accumulate the body’s resources and finish the work you have started, for which you no longer have the strength.

To prepare a coffee smoothie, you need to blend chilled espresso (250 ml), low-fat yogurt (250 ml), a small banana and cocoa powder (1/2 tablespoon) in a blender. As additional ingredients You can add a small handful of berries to the cocktail or season it with cinnamon.

Dairy-free smoothie with grapes, watermelon, melon and fruits

Many fruit smoothies are made without milk. They are based on fruit juices mixed in a blender. You can prepare such a delicious smoothie without milk by mixing grapes (2 cups) without seeds, watermelon (1 cup), melon (1/2 cup) peeled, half a banana, frozen strawberries (1/2 cup), papaya (half a fruit) and a few ice cubes.

Allah. Do not mix ingredients of contrasting colors. For example, a mixture of strawberries and spinach will not make the smoothie very attractive. No one will want to drink the grey-brown-crimson mass. It is better to use one product color range. Experiment to make the smoothie not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Ksenia.For the perfect taste, smoothies need to be made from 2-3 ingredients. And don’t mix ones you’re not sure of the taste. The strength of this dish is in its simplicity.

Video: Well, very tasty - Fruit and Berry Smoothie!

It's hot summer, time for delicious, aromatic berries and fruits. It's time to prepare delicious and vitamin-rich fruit and berry cocktails.

These are delicious natural drinks will help you gain strength, energy and health, stock up on vitamins and strengthen your immune system.

Today we will talk to you about the benefits of smoothies for the body and how to make smoothies at home.

Smoothie, what is it?

Smoothie - from the English smooth, translated as pleasant, homogeneous, soft, smooth. The fashion for drinking this cocktail came to us from Western countries. The thick, natural liqueur is used in healthy and vegetarian diets, as it contains the maximum amount of healthy vitamins and microelements.

How to make smoothies at home

To easily prepare a natural cocktail - smoothie at home and get a tasty and maximally healthy drink, you need to know some rules and subtleties of its preparation.

  • Smoothies are prepared from fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, mixing the ingredients using a blender into a homogeneous mass - puree;
  • The cocktail should be prepared immediately before consumption, especially if it contains dairy products;
  • To prepare the cocktail, use fresh fragrant berries, fruits, but if you are cooking in winter, you can use frozen berries. Fresh berries can be mixed with frozen ones;
  • Can be mixed various varieties fruits and berries, sour and sweet, show culinary fantasy By changing the set of products you can get great vitamin drinks with excellent taste;
  • It is recommended to prepare smoothies without sugar, it is better to sweeten it with natural honey and enjoy healthy taste fruit and honey cocktail;
  • If desired, add yogurt, milk, kefir, cream, natural freshly squeezed juice to the smoothie, and you can decorate the finished cocktail with a berry, a slice of orange, or a handful of your favorite nuts. It will be tasty, healthy and beautiful.

Benefits of smoothies for the body

A smoothie is a delicious, delicate and soft cocktail that you can simply drink through a straw or eat with a small dessert spoon.

What are the benefits of smoothies for our body?

A properly prepared drink is rightfully considered a healthy and healthy food.

  • Drinking this cocktail saturates the body useful vitamins and microelements, strengthens the immune system and increases the body’s resistance to various diseases;
  • The high fiber content in the drink helps cleanse the stomach and removes accumulated toxins and waste from the body;
  • Smoothies are consumed to maintain energy, vitality, and strengthen nervous system, as an anti-stress remedy;
  • The drink is a natural healthy food with high content fiber. Drinking smoothies instead of your regular dinner or as a snack will help you lose weight and get rid of excess weight.

Note to moms!

Children are recommended to prepare fruit and berry cocktails with the addition of milk, kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt, since the child’s growing body is in great need of vitamin support. It is not necessary to make diet smoothies for children; you can add cream, chocolate, nuts, but it is better to replace sugar with honey.

Smoothies are harmful, in what cases is it possible?


If you are allergic to the components of the drink, then the smoothie can be harmful to the body. Therefore, select ingredients for cooking that suit you and do not cause allergic reactions.

Smoothies are prepared without heat treatment, this is precisely its benefit, since the maximum amount of vitamins is retained in the drink. Therefore, fruits, berries and vegetables should be washed well before preparing a cocktail to avoid stomach upset.

Even if you are on a diet, you should not eat only smoothies and replace all your meals with them. Solid food is necessary and beneficial for our intestines. Therefore, when drinking cocktails, remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation!

Homemade smoothie recipes

I propose to move from words to action and prepare delicious fruit smoothies for weight loss and healthy body.

Kiwi smoothie


  • Freshly squeezed juice from one large orange;
  • Yogurt without various additives- 250 grams;
  • Kiwi - 4 pieces;
  • Natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Crushed ice - 1 glass.


  1. First, we will crush the ice using a blender. This can also be done using an ice pick.
  2. Peel the kiwi and cut it into two parts. Cooking from orange Fresh Juice.
  3. Place kiwi pieces, yogurt, orange juice in a blender bowl and add a spoonful of honey. Beat everything until smooth.
  4. Pour the resulting drink into glasses over ice, stir and serve immediately.

Fruit smoothies for weight loss without dairy products that you can use as a snack or dinner.

Strawberry-banana smoothie


  • Fresh strawberries or you can take frozen berries - 150 grams;
  • One ripe banana.


Peel the banana and remove the stems from the strawberries. Grind in a blender to a smooth puree and pour into a glass. You can add some nuts or honey to taste.

Fruit smoothie with raspberries


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 1 piece;
  • Fresh or frozen raspberries - 100 grams.


Peel the kiwi and banana, cut into pieces, add raspberries and grind everything with a blender. Pour the finished cocktail into a glass. Add a little honey to taste. It should be drunk as soon as it is prepared.

Tangerine smoothie


  • Frozen banana - 1 piece;
  • Tangerines - 2 pieces;
  • Yogurt - 1/3 cup;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon and vanilla to taste.


  1. Peel the banana, cut it into small pieces and put it in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  2. Peel the tangerines and separate them into slices.
  3. Place frozen banana pieces, tangerines into a blender bowl, add yogurt, milk, vanilla and a spoonful of honey.
  4. Beat everything with a blender at maximum speed for 30 seconds.
  5. Pour the finished tangerine smoothie into glasses.

if you love creamy taste, then you can add two tablespoons of ice cream to the cocktail while churning.

Apple smoothie with grapes


  • Light grapes - 70 grams;
  • Apple - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Green tea - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Brew green tea and cool it. For the cocktail we need one glass of green tea.
  2. Peel the fruits and cut them coarsely into pieces, and remove the seeds from the grapes.
  3. Place chopped apple, kiwi, banana and grapes into a blender. Add a glass of prepared green tea.
  4. Beat everything well until smooth, pour into glasses and serve immediately, since banana and apple can oxidize and change color after 20 minutes.

Smoothie with banana and avocado


  • Avocado - 1/2 piece;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 150 milliliters;
  • Natural honey - 1 teaspoon and a pinch of cinnamon.


  1. Peel the banana and avocado. The avocado must be ripe. You can simply check this by lightly pressing on the peel; if the fruit presses down a little, it means it is suitable for us.
  2. Cut the banana and avocado into pieces and place them in a blender bowl.
  3. Add oatmeal, milk, cinnamon and honey. Beat the cocktail with a blender for 30 seconds.

Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve immediately.

Anti-flu smoothie


  • Ripe kiwis - 3 pieces;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Ripe and large bananas - 3 pieces.


  1. Peel the bananas and kiwis and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Cut the lemon into pieces and remove the seeds. Place the lemon in a blender bowl and grind it, then add kiwi and banana and puree everything well with a blender.
  3. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses. Use immediately as prepared.

Banana smoothie with oatmeal


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Oatmeal (raw) - 1/4 cup;
  • Milk - half a glass;
  • Yogurt - half a glass;
  • Honey - half a teaspoon, add honey as desired. if the yogurt is not sweet.


  1. Peel and cut the banana into pieces.
  2. Place banana slices in a blender bowl, add oatmeal, milk, yogurt and a little honey.
  3. Blend the cocktail at high speed with a blender for 30 seconds until smooth.

Pour the finished drink into glasses and drink immediately.

Bananovo - blueberry smoothie


  • Fresh or frozen blueberries - 100 grams;
  • Ripe banana - 1 piece;
  • Yogurt or milk - 1/2 cup;


  1. Peel and cut the banana, wash the blueberries.
  2. Add banana pieces, blueberries, and yogurt to the blender.
  3. Beat - mix everything until smooth puree. Pour into glasses and enjoy the great taste of the cocktail.

Raspberry-banana smoothie


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Fresh or frozen raspberries - 150 grams:
  • Milk - 100 grams;
  • Ground cinnamon - add spice to taste.


  1. Peel and cut the banana into pieces.
  2. Place banana, raspberries, milk into a blender and beat everything until smooth.
  3. Pour the cocktail into a glass and sprinkle cinnamon on top or decorate with raspberries.

Banana smoothie with kefir

If you are watching your figure, then kefir should be taken with low fat content.


  • Kefir fat content 1% - 2 cups;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Peel and finely chop the banana.
  2. Place banana slices in a blender bowl, add lemon juice, kefir and honey.
  3. Beat all ingredients for three minutes.

Pour the finished drink into glasses and decorate to your liking. You can drink the smoothie through a straw or simply eat it with a teaspoon.

Banana-curd smoothie with kiwi


  • Cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • Kiwi - 3 pieces;
  • Bananas - 3 pieces;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Peel the kiwi, cut into pieces and place in a blender bowl. Add honey and make puree. Place the kiwi puree into bowls or glasses.
  2. I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants In my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

    The word “smoothie” is being used more and more often these days. What is it really - a new foreign fashion, or something really useful and worthy of attention?

    Have you never made smoothies before, want to start making them and need more information, or are they already part of your menu and want to learn more about them? Here you will find complete guide for making smoothies and you will make stunning, tasty and truly healthy drinks.

    A smoothie is a thick, homogeneous cocktail from fresh fruits, berries, herbs, vegetables in water, juice, kefir, cow's or vegetable milk with enriching additives, prepared in a blender.

    These drinks came to us from the West, where they have deserved popularity. The word "smoothie" ( English smoothie) comes from the adjective smooth - uniform, smooth, even. This is not just a sweet cocktail. If you prepare a smoothie correctly, it will be a healthy, rich in nutrients we need, a healthy, energy-giving and very tasty drink.

    It is often believed that the main ingredients for cocktails and still obscure smoothies are milk, ice cream and banana. Some recipes add sugar and jam. This drink will taste sweet, but not at all healthy. It is overloaded with sugars, unhealthy fats and calories, acidifies the internal environment and takes away energy, and, when drunk after a meal, it also disorganizes digestion. This give children something to drink.

    What are the benefits of smoothies?

    The essence of a proper, healthy smoothie is that it should improve digestion and speed up metabolism, give us vitamins and microelements, fiber and healthy fats. Benefit smoothie also in the fact that it is - energy cocktail with alkalizing and cleansing effects. It allows you to use many ingredients at once that you won’t eat just like that, and create a huge variety of combinations and recipes. Smoothies sold in stores contain sugar and other additives. This is a processed product. The best and healthiest smoothies are homemade, prepared in a blender.

    Smoothies are diet drinks for everyone. They come with a predominance of fruits, berries, vegetables, green smoothies, nutritious, restorative, detox smoothies, for weight loss, in consistency - more liquid or thick, smoothie purees. These cocktails will help you get rid of your sweet tooth. This is an excellent snack and fast food. They are very useful to give to children. It’s these healthy smoothies that we’ll talk about.

    What's healthier, smoothie or juice?

    Smoothies are healthier than juices.

    A lot of valuable substances and fiber remain in the squeezes. Because of this, the concentration of sugars in juices increases. Juices are quickly absorbed and increase blood glucose levels. This applies to juices made from semi-sweet fruits, such as orange, and especially to factory-made juices that are additionally “enriched” with white sugar. Those who are overweight should exclude packaged juices and limit sweet, freshly squeezed ones. Vegetable juices provide a much lower sugar load.

    Juices – concentrated, rich foods. They should not be used for chronic gastritis.

    Smoothies are made from whole fruits and all the components of fruits and vegetables remain in them. Plant fiber, as well as proteins and healthy fats added to smoothies (nuts, seeds, avocado, nut milk, protein) make the smoothie nutritious and slow down the absorption of sugars, stabilizing blood glucose levels. This is especially important during detoxification, when smoothies or juice must be drunk on an empty stomach and sugar levels may rise sharply. This matters to those who have excess weight, prediabetes and diabetes.

    How to prepare a homemade smoothie correctly to make it truly healthy?

    Anyone can make such a smoothie at home, you just need to follow some cooking rules.

    Rules for making smoothies

    Correct smoothie consists of a liquid base, main ingredients and enriching natural supplements . Beat all ingredients in a blender at high speed until smooth.

    It is better to take natural ingredients for smoothies, if possible, grown without pesticides and large quantity fertilizers, organic products. This is especially important if you consume smoothies regularly, which is what you should do. Make the most of seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables. It is better to peel apples purchased in a store, especially imported ones, since they are covered with preservatives that are not completely washed off.

    Fruit smoothies properly done with the addition of vegetables and/or berries and leafy greens. If you make a smoothie with only fruit, it will cause your blood sugar levels to rise, which is not desirable for everyone. Berries, vegetables and leafy greens “dilute” sweet fruits and slow down the absorption of glucose. This doesn't make the drink any worse. The taste of leafy vegetables begins to be felt when their composition is more than 40%.

    IN berry and vegetable smoothies It's good to add fruit. This will give the drink more bright taste. For vegetable cocktails, 70% vegetables and 30% fruits are usually taken. Leafy greens are also added.

    IN green smoothies the share of leafy vegetables and greens is 70-80%. They are usually combined with sweet fruits, berries, or vegetables.

    Advice: If your blender is low power, blend the liquid base with the leafy greens first, then add the rest of the ingredients and blend again.

    Berries and pre-cut fruits can be frozen and made into smoothies. These cocktails are especially delicious in hot weather.

    Smoothie composition

    Smoothie base

    The liquid base for a healthy smoothie is:

    • water;
    • green or herbal tea;
    • plant milk: nut, oatmeal, rice;
    • fruit or vegetable juices, preferably freshly squeezed;
    • kefir from cow's or coconut milk;
    • half and half water and juice green tea, vegetable milk, or with kefir.

    Cow's milk kefir and especially milk are not the best base for healthy drinks. You can read about the effect of milk on the body. If you like dairy, it is better to take kefir half and half with water. Kefir contains beneficial microflora, and milk sugar already processed by bacteria. A much healthier choice would be plant milk or kefir made from it.

    You shouldn't take soy milk either. Soybeans are now a GMO product. It contains a lot of phytates, which interfere with the absorption of minerals and phytoestrogens (substances close in structure to female sex hormones), which are especially unhelpful for men. Soy contains substances that disrupt normal hormone synthesis thyroid gland and thereby lowers the metabolic rate.

    Don’t think that smoothies made with water aren’t tasty. If the recipe contains sweet fruits or dates, the cocktail will turn out quite sweet and tasty. And for vegetable, green and low-calorie smoothies, water is a good base.

    The amount of liquid smoothie base is taken so that it covers 2/3 of the chopped ingredients in the blender bowl. If you need a more liquid drink, then the components are completely filled with water.

    Smoothie ingredients

    The ingredients for smoothies are taken according to their main types: fruit, berry, vegetable, green, chocolate.

    Any are suitable fruits and berries. Banana is one of the best ingredients. It is included in many recipes and gives the drink a creamy consistency. Apples and strawberries are often used. Good taste produce pears and peaches, pineapple and mango, oranges and tangerines, black currants.

    Lemon, lime and their juice are added in small quantities to vegetable, green and detox smoothies.

    It turns out delicious. It, like watermelon, has a cleansing effect.

    A very healthy ingredient is avocado and you should eat it more often. This is a fatty fruit. It is easily digestible, provides healthy fats, fiber and has a strong alkalizing effect. Avocado smoothies are rich and have a delicate consistency. Avocado should be added to fruit smoothies. small quantities: Excess fat in fruits can cause increased gas.

    Avocados straight from the store will be hard and not tasty. He needs to mature. Keep it in a paper bag in a warm, dark place for 4-7 days, and the avocado will become soft and have its inherent nutty flavor.

    Dates are the best dried fruit. It provides sweetness, fiber and does not acidify our internal environment. Take 1-2 dates per serving of smoothie. Dried figs gives a specific taste that not everyone will like. Not every blender will break raisins, and they acidify the body.

    Examples good combinations Ingredients in fruit smoothies:

    • classic: banana – apple – strawberry
    • banana – peach – cucumber – salad
    • apple – kiwi – strawberry
    • apple – strawberry – blackcurrant
    • apple – apricot – carrot – spinach
    • banana – pineapple – apple – spinach
    • gourmet chocolate smoothie: banana – dates – avocado – cocoa powder – salad – almond milk – cinnamon

    From vegetables most often carrots and cucumber are used, although almost all vegetables are suitable for smoothies: tomatoes, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, celery, Bell pepper and others. Beets can be taken either raw or boiled.

    Interesting, spicy vegetable smoothies are made with the addition of sauerkraut, Korean carrots and beets in Korean. These cocktails are good in winter.

    Examples of vegetable smoothies:

    • carrots – celery – apple
    • carrots – beets – cucumber – apple – lettuce – parsley
    • carrots – apple – cucumber – avocado – spinach
    • apple – bell pepper – salad – pumpkin seeds
    • cucumber – cabbage – pineapple

    Leafy vegetables– an important ingredient for smoothies. These are all types leaf salads, chard, spinach, green leaves white cabbage. Vegetable and green smoothies include greens: parsley, dill, cilantro, mint.

    Examples of green smoothies:

    • banana - green apple- leaf salad
    • banana – pineapple – spinach – avocado
    • mango – cucumber – salad
    • sweet apple – celery – lettuce – spinach – parsley – almond milk

    Used as sweeteners natural honey, stevia, maple syrup, agave syrup.

    How to absorb the maximum of valuable substances from green and vegetable smoothies?

    Vitamins A, D, E, K are fat soluble. They and some minerals, especially calcium, are fully absorbed only in the presence of fats. Therefore, you should add some healthy fats to vegetable and green smoothies, or eat something containing fat before drinking the smoothie.

    What to add to smoothies to make them healthier and more nutritious?

    A smoothie will not be real without enriching additives and so-called superfoods. They are added in small quantities, up to 5% by volume, but significantly increase the value of the drink. These are flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds (peeled), ginger, lemon zest, cocoa powder, bee pollen, goji berries, spirulina, Peruvian poppy and others.

    It is very good to add complex “greens”, chlorella and other active substances.

    To enrich with protein, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, grated coconut pulp, protein and protein mixtures are added.

    The most commonly used spice is cinnamon, pods natural vanilla. They go well with chocolate smoothies, dates, and cashews.

    You can make smoothies with big amount ingredients, but the taste of the ingredients will be lost. Many flavors kill the taste. It is better to take 3-5 main ingredients and 1-2 additives.

    All that remains is to mix everything properly! Blend in a blender, increasing speed to maximum. This usually takes 30-60 seconds.

    What should you not add to healthy smoothies?

    To make truly healthy smoothies, avoid ice cream, sugar, jam, cow's milk. Instead of a beneficial alkalizing effect, the result will be an acidifying effect, and sweets can cause fermentation.

    Instead of adding ice cream, on the contrary, you can make delicious and healthy smoothie ice cream by freezing it in different molds.

    When and how to consume smoothies?

    Smoothies are not desserts. The drink will bring real benefits if consumed as an independent meal. Light smoothies, without protein additives, are good to drink half an hour to an hour before meals so that they are completely absorbed. Smoothies can be a great snack. And enriched with protein, primarily nuts, in nut milk, it will be healthy light breakfast, or dinner.

    Vegetable smoothies with greens, without fruit in the composition, can be drunk during and after meals. Vegetables and herbs go well with any food.

    Green smoothies are best drunk in the morning or after. physical activity. They will charge you with vitamins, microelements, energy and vigor.

    If you consume smoothies correctly and regularly, you will not only get valuable nutrients, but also improve your health.

    How to store smoothies?

    Smoothies and juices, of course, are best drunk freshly prepared. But often you need to make several servings to save time so that the drink remains for tomorrow. Smoothies last longer than juices. While juices are best used within 12 hours, smoothies can be stored for up to a day.

    Store the smoothie in the refrigerator, tightly closed. glass jar. It's better if the jar is filled to the top. Air in an incomplete can will oxidize nutrients, reducing the value of the drink. If the top layer of the smoothie has darkened, remove it with a spoon.

    You can add a little to smoothies lemon juice, or include a couple of lemon slices without peel. The vitamin C contained in lemon will slow down oxidation.

    Frozen smoothies can be stored for up to three months.

    Still, it will be much healthier to snack on yesterday's smoothie than a sandwich with sweet tea.

    Smoothie diet?

    I am against smoothie diets, like other diets. These shakes are very healthy and help you lose weight, but such a diet will not be balanced and will not provide all the necessary nutrients. The daily caloric intake will be too low. For short-term relief, you can replace one, and sometimes two meals with a smoothie.

    Smoothies deserve to be an important part healthy eating. You need to adhere not to diets, but to rational nutrition as a system, understand its basic principles and wisely plan your diet. This will allow you not to exhaust yourself with restrictions, be healthy and reach your normal weight, getting not a short-term, but a stable result.

    Are smoothies good for weight loss?

    Yes, sure! Smoothies are good aids in weight loss. They are low-calorie and nutritious at the same time, tonic, rich in vitamins, microelements, fiber and other beneficial substances. Smoothies increase your metabolic rate and reduce your addiction to sweets.

    If you haven't included smoothies in your diet, don't overdo it right away.. They improve digestion and should not cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. If, however, bloating appears, do not rush to give up these healthy smoothies. Different people have different reactions to the same food combinations. Your diet may be poor vegetable fiber, and suddenly its number increased. Take a break, start with simple smoothies of 2-3 ingredients, listen to yourself, find your own recipes from all the variety. Consume fruit smoothies separately from other foods.

    The daily intake of dietary fiber (fiber) is 25-30 g.

    Knowing the rules for making smoothies, you will make not just banal cocktails with banana and milk, but truly healthy and very delicious drinks for adults and children. Smoothies provide great opportunities for experimentation. Children are happy to help prepare them.

    Discover these amazing drinks! However, there is one danger: it is easy to get hooked on them. But it is better to be “addicted” to smoothies than to sweets and starchy foods. Have fun and be healthy!

    Sergey Rubanov