What oil can you fry in without harm? Choosing oils for frying based on benefits and taste

Why sunflower and corn oils harm your health and what oil is best for cooking? Is it possible to fry in olive and coconut oil?

Why is sunflower oil harmful?

Many people believe that sunflower oil is the best option for cooking because it is available, cheap, practically odorless and does not contain . However, refined sunflower oil is one of the most harmful to human metabolism and most nutritionists recommend avoiding it.

The reason for this harm is the extremely high content of Omega-6 fats in sunflower oil. These fats, unlike Omega-3 ( fish fat) or Omega-9 ( olive oil), are necessary for the body only in extreme cases Not large quantities. At the same time, any types sunflower oil(including unrefined) are approximately 60-80% composed of Omega-6 fats.

Omega-6 Unsaturated Fatty Acids

It is not Omega-6 fats themselves that are harmful to health, but only their consumption in large quantities. Scientific research suggests that the ideal ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in the human diet is 1 to 1 - however, eating food cooked in sunflower oil turns this ratio into 1 to 10 or even 1 to 20.

The result of this imbalance is the occurrence of various microinflammations in the body and disruption of cell regeneration processes (1). The situation is significantly aggravated if there is a lack of Omega-3 in the diet (in other words, if a person does not eat salmon, or regularly) - which, in itself, is quite typical.

The most popular vegetable oil

Unfortunately, refined sunflower and corn oils are widely used not only in processed foods and fast food (they are used to fry hamburgers and French fries), but also in most regular restaurants. The reason is cheapness, long term storage, neutral taste and the ability to withstand high temperatures (about 200-250˚C) without burning.

If a person does not think about what kind of vegetable oil the food he eats is prepared in, we can say with confidence that it is prepared in highly industrially processed sunflower oil. When using healthier (and more expensive) olive or coconut oil, this is usually explicitly stated.

Can you fry in olive oil?

Olive oil most often becomes a safe alternative to harmful sunflower oil. This oil is predominantly composed of Omega-9 monosaturated fatty acids, which are neutral to health and do not affect the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3. However, the main question is whether it is possible to fry in olive oil and whether it loses its properties when heated.

The good news is that although olive oil may lose some of its antioxidant properties when heated, no harmful elements are added. In other words, olive oil is safe for both cooking and regular use in reasonable quantities.

Refined olive oil

It is also important to know that for everyday frying you do not need expensive cold-pressed olive oil - it is more suitable for adding to salads. For cooking regular food, you can easily use refined olive oil - it costs much less and is sold in any large supermarket.

However, remember that manufacturers often try to “play” with the consumer by producing sunflower oil with the addition of olive oil. Unfortunately, most often the olive oil content in such mixtures is no more than 5-10% - in other words, this is ordinary sunflower oil. Before purchasing, always carefully study the composition of the oil on the packaging.

Coconut oil for frying

Another good option for cooking is Coconut oil. It tolerates high temperatures well, possessing pleasant taste and a unique profile of fatty acids in its composition. Essentially, coconut oil is a plant-based version of saturated animal fat, but it contains no cholesterol.

FitSeven wrote in detail about how the human body is extremely reluctant to transform its calories into subcutaneous fat. The fatty acids in coconut oil are primarily used by the body as a source of daily energy and material for the synthesis of various hormones (primarily testosterone).

Ghee butter

Ghee (or ghee) is a type of clarified butter and is widely used for cooking in India and South Asian countries. Unlike regular butter, which is not suitable for frying food and burns at 150˚C, ghee can be heated to high temperatures of about 200-250˚C. In other words, it is safe to fry with.

Food cooked in ghee acquires a pleasant caramel taste and amber color, and the oil itself contains a large number of vitamin A and vitamin E. You can buy either ready-made ghee or regular unsalted butter. Separately, we note that there are practically no harmful Omega-6s in ghee oil.


The worst choices for everyday cooking are sunflower, rapeseed and corn oils, which contain large amounts of harmful Omega-6 fatty acids. The best oils for frying are olive and coconut (including refined versions of these oils), as well as ghee.

Scientific sources:

  1. The Shocking Truth About Sunflower Oil,
  2. Why it’s best not to cook with extra virgin olive oil,
  3. Debunking the common myths about palm oil,

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Fats have significant health benefits. They are part of cell membranes, participate in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), and ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Although, if you eat them in excess, it can be harmful: excessive consumption of fats leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease, diseases of the digestive system and excess weight.

Fats are not formed in the human body and get there only with food in the composition of known products: meat, lard, cheese, sour cream and others. In addition, we use butter and vegetable oil for cooking, mainly for frying.

Surely many have heard that eating fried food is harmful. But boiled, stewed and baked foods are not to everyone’s taste, and sometimes you want to treat yourself to fried potatoes, fish or pancakes. And here the question arises: what oil to choose for frying in order to minimize harm to your figure and health?

Oil selection: a scientific approach

From the point of view of physical and chemical processes, the choice of oil should be determined by several of its characteristics.

First of all, each oil has a specific smoke point. This is the temperature at which, when heated, the processes of fat breakdown begin to actively occur. In this case, peroxides, ketones And aldehydes which are very harmful to health. They negatively affect the digestive system, nervous system, can cause cancer. The beginning of the disintegration process can be seen visually by the appearance of smoke from the heated oil. It is dangerous to use such a product as food.

An oil's resistance to heat is determined by the ratio of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in it. The higher the percentage of saturated fatty acids, the more resistant the product is to temperature. All oils of animal origin (butter, ghee) are saturated.

With vegetable oils everything is more complicated. So, you can find it on store shelves. Refining is additional purification. In its process, excess moisture and some other substances are removed from the product, due to which the smoke point increases. That is, refined oil is more suitable for frying, while unrefined oil is recommended for consumption “raw” or for frying over low heat.

In general, if you make a choice between vegetable oil and butter, guided by the smoke point, then the best option There will be refined vegetable and high-quality natural butter.

There is another, more specific indicator - oxidative stability index. It reflects how long the oil does not change its properties when heated to 110 ˚C. Palm oil remains stable for up to 30 hours, while the usual sunflower oil lasts only 3-6 hours. But, on the other hand, it is difficult to imagine that any dish can be fried for 3 hours in a row. This indicator only indicates that it is better not to reuse sunflower oil.

It is better to eat foods grown in the same area as your place of residence. This also applies to vegetable oils. Although today we have access to not only sunflower and, but also much more exotic ones (, etc.), “local” ones are still more familiar to our body, they are better absorbed, and do not cause allergic reactions and other undesirable consequences.

When purchasing oil, do not forget to pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Sometimes, towards the end of this period, some oils develop a rancid taste. In addition, the label may be marked “for frying” or “for salads.” Frying in salad oil is not recommended - it will foam and smoke.

Choosing oils for frying based on benefits and taste

Butter is a well-known animal fat product. Rich in vitamins (A, D, E), macro- and microelements, phospholipids. Contains cholesterol. Despite the potential for frying butter, it is not recommended to use it for these purposes, because, Firstly , the beneficial substances contained in it are quickly destroyed when heated, and Secondly , “excessive” addition of oil to dishes disrupts lipid metabolism, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels.

An exception is the quick frying of an omelet or scrambled eggs, reheating ready-made dishes.

Sunflower oil– the most familiar and accessible in our area. Even the phrase “vegetable oil” itself is associated with sunflower oil, although the choice of vegetable oils is actually much richer. It contains vitamins (E, F), phosphatides and other beneficial substances. IN unrefined form Suitable only for quick frying, refined is recommended just for frying. However, in general unrefined oil more useful, as it contains more beneficial compounds (vitamins A and E, antioxidants).

Olive oil– rich in vitamins and oleic acid, which increases the level of “good” lipoproteins. It is useful to use it as a salad dressing. You cannot fry in unrefined oil. For this, it is better to use extra-virgin or refined olive oil.

– has a rich set of vitamins, microelements, fatty acids and is considered more useful compared to sunflower. Used in dietary and baby food. Also used for refined frying.

Linseed oil contains vitamins (A, B, E, K, F) and a large amount of very useful alpha-linoleic acid. You cannot fry it, as its specific taste can spoil any dish, but it is recommended to use it “raw”. The high saturation of this oil useful substances causes it to go rancid very quickly. Therefore, it must be stored in the refrigerator in a carefully closed container.

Oil walnut, Coconut oil- It’s not easy to find on sale, but they have valuable properties. Contains vitamins and a large amount. Ideal for dressing salads, but should not be used for frying.

The health risks of fried food can be reduced if you choose the right oil for cooking it. Perhaps, best choice There will be refined vegetable oils: sunflower, corn or olive. As for the harm to your figure, you need to be careful with fried foods. Oils are high in calories in themselves, plus the caloric content of the dishes themselves, which fried especially tasty... It makes you want to add some extra. So remember: daily use A couple of delicious fried pies will definitely threaten you with weight gain, so try to limit yourself to such food.


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There are many types of vegetable oil - exactly as many as there are oilseeds on all continents, from the components of which the oil is extracted.

Sunflower seeds and olives, coconuts, peanuts, flax and mustard seeds, grains of rice - this is an incomplete list of these components.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to fry with unrefined oil, you must first find out what kind of oil we are talking about.

The most delicious thing is unrefined, but...

Raw unrefined oil is the most delicious. It is pressed from fresh raw materials without undergoing any thermal or chemical treatment. The technology allows only a slight increase in temperature (up to +45 ° C) for greater efficiency in cleaning and filtering from unwanted impurities (small remains of sunflower husks, olive pulp or coconut cake, pieces of nut shells). It is fragrant and useful product, preserving all useful components.

Oil is also clarified the old fashioned way - through filters or in centrifuges.

It’s great for dressing salads, but it’s not intended for frying: food in a frying pan will certainly burn. Any unrefined oil cannot withstand high temperatures.

An exception

The only unrefined vegetable oil in the world that can be used for frying is olive oil.

Its structure is so resistant to high temperatures that it begins to irreversibly transform (burn) only when heated to about +180 °C. For frying food in a frying pan, the range of +100-160 °C is quite enough. The refined version of olive oil can withstand heating up to +240 °C.

In short, any type of olive oil can be safely poured into a frying pan.

Refined – heat resistant

Refining technology is invented precisely to ensure that the processed oil can withstand high temperatures. Moreover, it deprives raw oil its inherent odors, makes it neutral. This makes it much more convenient to use in cooking.

The oil is deprived of flammable impurities by treatment with acids, alkalis, and high-temperature steam. But with these impurities, not only aromatic substances disappear, but also useful microelements along with vitamins.

The result is sterilized fat. It can be stored for a long time: in fact, there is nothing to spoil in this substance.

Temperature indicators

But not all types of processed juices are suitable for frying, even in their refined form.

Here is a small list of oils intended for safe frying at maximum temperatures:

  • mustard: +255 °C;
  • rapeseed: +240 °C;
  • soybean: +230 °C;
  • sunflower: +230 °C;
  • palm: +230 °C;
  • rice: +220 °C;

Nut oil squeezes are not suitable for frying. Exceptions are peanuts (+230 °C) and hazel (+220 °C).

Critical smoke point

Poured into hot frying pan the oil is safe for frying until a harmless whitish smoke appears above the pan. This means that the oil has reached its maximum permissible heating temperature.

This line is called the smoke point.


As soon as the oil in the frying pan begins to smoke, you know that you yourself have started a dangerous high-temperature chemical reaction. At this second in the overheated structure plant product Harmful substances – carcinogens – begin to form. From medical Latin, this unpleasant word is translated even more terrible: “cancer-forming” or “cancer agents.”

Breathing fumes of carcinogens (carbon monoxide) is no less harmful and dangerous than eating them. The effect is the same - “cancer agents” will penetrate the body.

But the experiment could end even worse.

Burning frying pan nightmares

At any second, an overheated frying pan can suddenly burst into flames, sending drops of hot oil scattering throughout the kitchen.

IN best case scenario they will horribly stain anything they stick tightly to. It will take a long time to clean the kitchen after a disaster. And plastic and film surfaces (sets, linoleum) in places where the hissing drops fall will simply melt, they will resemble the surface of the Moon with its craters.

Even an artificial stone countertop will not withstand such a test.

In the worst case, you risk getting hurt yourself and starting a serious fire in your apartment.

The oil should be stored tightly sealed in a dark and cool place. In an open container, the product quickly oxidizes due to contact with air (oxygen), and the taste begins to taste bitter.

A tasteless refined product can be “ennobled” with various herbs and spices. In a frying pan or in a salad, the flavors will be transferred to the food being cooked.

Use any oil for frying or deep frying only once. At reuse it will generously saturate the food with all the accumulated carcinogens.

Eating such “fried” foods will greatly harm your health. Even one chop, cooked in overcooked deep fat, can provoke incurable pancreatitis in the eater - an inflammatory process in the pancreas.

Carcinogens are chemical substances, the impact of which on the human or animal body increases the likelihood of malignant neoplasms (tumors) or leads to them. Toxic, carcinogenic and simply harmful substances in oils are formed in two cases:

    When heating oils to the smoking point and above;

    When oils become rancid.

Smoke point of vegetable fats and oils

“Smoke point” is the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke in the frying pan, from which point reactions are started in it to form toxic and carcinogenic substances. Each type of oil has its own smoke point. In general, all oils are divided into oils with a high smoke point and with a low smoke point.

Oils with a high smoke point are recommended for frying, including deep frying. The refining process increases the smoke point. Oils with a low smoke point are strictly not recommended for frying. I will give the smoke points of some oils.

High smoke point oils:

    Peanut - 230°C

    Grape seed- 216°C

    Mustard - 254°C

    Corn refined - 232°C

    Sesame - 230°C

    Olive extra virgin-191°C

    Olive - up to 190°C

    Palm - 232°C

    Sunflower refined - 232°C

    Refined rapeseed - 240°C

    Rice - 220°C

    Soybean refined - 232°C

    Hazelnut oil - 221°C

Low smoke point oils and fats:

    Walnut oil - 150°C

    Flaxseed - 107°C

    Unrefined sunflower - 107°С

    Pork fat- 180°C

    Creamy - 160°C

Standard electric stoves usually provide a heating temperature of no more than 300°C, gas stoves - much higher. There is data confirming that gas stoves Cast-iron pan can heat up to 600°C! Now it becomes clear why it is so easy to exceed the smoke point of oil.

Toxic substances formed when oils are heated or rancid and ways to avoid their formation

Let's take a closer look at the substances that are formed when oils are overheated or become rancid.

Acrolein- acrylic acid aldehyde, belonging to the group of tear toxic substances. Due to its high reactivity, acrolein is toxic, highly irritating to the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract connection.

Acrolein is one of the products of the thermal decomposition of glycerol and glyceride fats. The process of acrolein formation begins immediately when the oil reaches its smoke point, that is, at the beginning of oil combustion. I think everyone’s eyes stung when the oil burned; they also say about such cases “there’s a crap in the kitchen” - it’s acrolein. Therefore, NEVER heat oils to a smoking state!

Acrylamide- acrylic acid amide. Toxic, affects the nervous system, liver and kidneys, irritates mucous membranes. In fried or baked foods and baked goods, acrylamide can be formed in the reaction between asparagine and sugars (fructose, glucose, etc.) at temperatures above 120°C.

Simply put, acrylamide is formed in fried crust on starch-containing products, for example, potatoes, donuts, pies, which have been subjected to long-term or high-temperature frying in vegetable oil. Acrylamide is formed especially actively during deep frying. long time.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers fried foods, in order to save money, they use the same oil several times, continuing to fry more and more new portions of products in it. In this case, poison will inevitably form. Therefore, I strongly recommend not to fry at high temperatures for a long time and avoid deep frying.

Free radicals and fatty acid polymers, as well as heterocyclic amines- are actively formed in smoke and combustion products. Amines are very toxic substances. Both inhalation of their vapors and contact with skin are dangerous.

Polycyclic substances with high content carbon (coronene, chrysene, benzpyrene, etc.) - are strong chemical carcinogens and are also formed in smoke and burning products. For example, benzopyrene is a chemical carcinogen of the first class of hazard. Formed when products burn: cereals, fats, found in smoked products, “smoky” products, present in smoke, substances obtained by burning resins.

EU Commission Regulation No. 1881/2006 of 12/19/06 determines that vegetable oils and fats must contain less than 2 mcg of benzopyrene per 1 kg; in smoked products up to 5 mcg/kg; in cereals, including baby food, up to 1 mcg/kg. Attention! In some cases, for example, overcooked meat cooked on a charcoal barbecue can contain up to 62.6 mcg/kg of benzopyrene!!!

When oils become rancid, mainly aldehydes, epoxides and ketones are formed. By interacting with oxygen in the air when exposed to light and heat, the oil changes its taste qualities and smell. For fats that are predominantly saturated fatty acid, characterized by the formation of ketones (ketone rancidity), for fats with a high content unsaturated acids- aldehyde rancidity.

Ketones are toxic. They have an irritating and local effect and penetrate the body through the skin. Some substances have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.

Aldehydes are toxic. Capable of accumulating in the body. In addition to general toxicity, they have irritant and neurotoxic effects. Some have carcinogenic properties.

Therefore, friends, if you can’t eliminate fried foods from your diet at all, please fry correctly, relying on this article and follow the simple tips below:

1. Do not bring the oil to the smoking point;

2. Avoid prolonged frying in oil, such as deep frying. If you do fry, do not use the same portion of oil more than once;

3. Don't overcook foods. Remember that burnt foods contain toxic substances and carcinogens;

4. For frying, choose only refined oils and fats with a high smoke point;

5. Store oils according to the instructions on the label and do not eat rancid oils. published

Cholesterol and carcinogens are scary words, aren’t they? And they can end up in our body due to vegetable oil. In general, a lot of fatty foods will not lead to anything good. Only to various diseases. Is it possible to choose one with which you would be able to eat fried food without fear? Let's talk about what oil you can fry with without harm to your health!

Is sunflower oil harmful to health?

You need to understand that vegetable oil is beneficial for our body if it is obtained from sunflower seeds, but not processed! In this case, you can safely forget about any harm.

It’s only when heat treatment occurs that harmful carcinogens appear. Therefore, lovers of fried food should consume it as little as possible. Rare use acceptable, but not permanent. And most importantly, if the liquid is already smoking, you should not use the product!

Another piece of advice is that re-using sunflower oil is unacceptable. Don't skimp on your health.

The benefits and harms of flaxseed oil for frying

There are a lot of rumors about how useful it is. They include it in recipes, talk about the positive opinions of nutritionists, and even recommend it to pregnant women! However, is it really about frying? This means fresh product!

Overheating for a product made from seeds is the most fierce enemy of such oil. Even the sun’s rays can harm it, so I think it’s clear that if you choose what kind of oil to fry in, it’s definitely not linseed.

If you don’t want to poison your body in order to eat deliciously, then avoid frying. And you shouldn’t give up on it yourself – feel free to add it to salads.

If you are a meat and fish lover, then feel free to buy olive oil. In fact, it is not at all a myth that there are much fewer carcinogens in such a product. But it is worth considering that the product contains 75 percent unsaturated fat. It won't smoke. Dishes made with it are very tasty. But this frying product is notable for its taste and minimal harm to the body. In general, if you want to know what oil you can really fry with Tasty food and don’t ruin your body, take this product.

In ancient times, several centuries ago, such oil was truly a standard - today it is practically not used at all? What are the reasons? The smell of the dish will be unpleasant, and the taste will be the same. Of course, this option is ideal for our health. But who wants to devote themselves only to tasteless food?

Palm oil – why you shouldn’t use it

Firstly, the product is really harmful. Secondly, if you find it in stores, you will have to shell out a good amount of money to buy it. But this product has one advantage - it is less harmful than sunflower.

The fats in the product are saturated. However, since oil is not in particular demand in our country, it is still unknown exactly what harm it causes to our body. But it is known for sure that the product produced is far from being the most best quality.

You shouldn’t give up fried foods, and hardly anyone would want to do this, but choosing your oil carefully is not only important, but necessary! We recommend olive oil for frying - both taste and minimal harm. Most importantly, watch how much fried food you consume.