How to choose real butter. The best butter according to Roskachestvo

Now the opinion is spreading that animal fats are absolutely harmful, they must be discarded and only vegetable fats should be eaten. Opponents of such a position prove the groundlessness of these statements. Let's try to figure out what quality should be butter Peasant or Vologda to meet the requirements of GOST.

What is Butter

The product is made from the milk of large and small cattle. In Russia, it is produced by the method of separation or churning of natural pasteurized cow's fresh cream. because of high content do not consume fat on their own. It is used for making sandwiches, added to cereals, in mashed potatoes, in dough, it improves the taste of food. From raw materials heavy cream– the product has a high fat content: from 50 to 99%.


In addition to fat, the dairy product consists of milk proteins, carbohydrates, and water. Butter contains cholesterol, lecithin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acid:

  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • linoleic;
  • lauric;
  • oil;
  • nylon;
  • capric;
  • caprylic.

The product contains vitamins: A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), group B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), carotene, calciferols, and minerals:

  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.


Requirements for the manufacture of the product are contained in GOST 32261-2013. Such figures, and not others, should be indicated in the labeling on the packaging of a quality product. The standard allows the content of preservatives, food coloring carotene, acidity regulators. The inclusion of vegetable fats in the composition of the product: palm, coconut and other GOST is prohibited. For production as raw materials, the manufacturer can use:

  • cow's milk;
  • cream;
  • buttermilk;
  • table salt.


The dairy product is high-energy due to the high fat content - from 50 to 99 percent. Due to the low melting point - 32 degrees - fat is easily absorbed by the body. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is:

  • 552 kcal - for 60% fat;
  • 610 kcal - for 67%;
  • 626 kcal - for 72.5%;
  • 748 kcal - for 82.8%;
  • 892 kcal - for 99%.


According to the standard, the product must be made from pasteurized cream with or without sourdough, so there are types:

  • sweet creamy;
  • sour cream.

Within the listed groups, the production of cow fat can be carried out with or without the addition of salt, so there are types:

  • salty;
  • unsalted.

The product is distinguished by the fat content, the consumer is offered the following fat content of butter:

  • Tea - 50% mass fraction;
  • Sandwich - 61%;
  • Peasant - 72.5%;
  • Amateur - 80%;
  • Vologda - 82.5%;
  • Traditional - 82.5%.

The best varieties

The requirements for Tea and Sandwich oils are not provided for by the terms of the standard, due to low content fat, it is not necessary to consider them a product of animal origin of high quality. They may include harmful vegetable and hydrogenated impurities. Melted cow fat is obtained after evaporation of moisture by thermal processing, so it contains almost no useful bioactive substances and trace elements, but has harmful carcinogenic free radicals.

good qualities Peasant oil has a fat content of 72.5%. It is characterized by a special sour-cream taste, because it is made according to a technology different from other types - from unpasteurized cream. With a fat content of 80-82.5% (Amateur, Traditional brands), the manufacturer does not need to use emulsifiers to achieve a uniform consistency.

It is necessary to highlight the Vologda oil. It is produced according to a special recipe, according to special specifications by three manufacturers: the plant named after. Vereshchagin, ZAO Vologda Dairy Plant, OAO Sheksninsky Dairy Plant. Produced from the milk of grass-fed cows, it is characterized by a special sweet creamy smell with a nutty flavor. Among domestic brands, the quality rating of butter can be arranged in the following sequence:

  • Vologda with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • Traditional and Amateur fat content 80-82.5%;
  • Peasant.

Useful properties of butter

Cow solid fat is indispensable for the human body due to chemical composition:

  1. Selenium has anticarcinogenic properties.
  2. Cholesterol does not contribute to the appearance of atherosclerosis and heart disease due to the presence of oleic acid and lecithin, which regulate lipid metabolism and prevent the accumulation of plaques.
  3. Oleic acid has anti-cancer properties.
  4. Cholesterol promotes the production of bile acids necessary for the digestion process, the dairy product is included in the diet for cholecystitis.
  5. Vitamin A inhibits the secretion of gastric juice, this component is recommended by medicine in diet food for healing ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
  6. Vitamins A and E are good for vision.
  7. Vitamin C helps boost immunity.
  8. Lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, so the dairy product is recommended to be consumed in medicinal purposes with colds and tuberculosis.

For the female body

The benefits of butter for a woman's body are provided by the content of the following substances:

  1. cholesterol. The presence of this component helps to maintain the balance of female hormones at the required level, and the lack of it leads to the disappearance of menstruation and infertility.
  2. Folic acid, lecithin. Contribute to the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  3. lipids. The fats accumulated in the cells help protect the skin from wind and frost, and ensure skin health.
  4. calcium. Actual for pregnant women and during lactation.

For men

food product necessary for quick energy replenishment. Animal fat can be easily absorbed by the body and contribute to the restoration of strength after large physical activity. It is a valuable source of cholesterol, which men need to produce healthy spermatozoa. A lack of a substance can lead to a decrease or loss of reproductive function.

For kids

Replenishment of calcium by the body is important in childhood. The product has a valuable property - the fat-soluble tocopherols contained in it ensure the complete absorption of this element from milk fat. Cholesterol plays a special role in the development of the child: it is necessary for the renewal of nerve tissues and the normal functioning of the child's brain. Exclusion from the diet of cow fat entails a lack of nutrients, cholesterol, which can cause:

  • decreased concentration;
  • poor assimilation of the material;
  • mental decline.

How much butter can you eat per day

Because the product contains a large percentage fats and has a high calorie content, it is necessary to observe the norms of its consumption. Children are recommended to eat no more than 7 grams daily. Adult consumption can be increased to 30 grams. You should not give up cow fat in diseases of the liver and pancreas, but only reduce consumption to 20 grams.

Harm of butter

Currently, the benefits and harms of butter are a topic that is the subject of discussion. At proper nutrition, moderate use fatty varieties product cow fat can not be harmful. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Do not use the product for frying and baking and use ghee, because at heat treatment carcinogens are produced.
  2. Cow fat contains a small amount of protein, so allergic reactions are possible. Such cases are less common than with the use of milk.
  3. Excessive use of cow fat can lead to overweight, obesity.

How to choose butter

Which butter is better to buy so as not to harm your health? The first information can be obtained from the packaging:

  1. The presence of vegetable fats in the animal product is harmful human body.
  2. A large implementation term - over 30 days - indicates the presence of a preservative.
  3. For the consumer, the best packaging is a metallized film - it prevents the destruction of vitamins.

Signs of good butter

Checking butter for quality is carried out in accordance with GOST. The standard forbids the implementation of the product:

  • with extraneous taste and smell (rancid, greasy, musty, moldy, chemicals);
  • heterogeneous, crumbling, sticky, loose consistency;
  • non-uniform color.

To be released to the consumer, the product must meet the requirements for organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, texture, color) and labeling. There is a rating scale according to which each of the indicators is given a score. After summing them up, the grade of oil is determined:

  • the highest grade - 17-20 points;
  • first grade - 11-16 points.

If the score is below 11 points, the goods are not allowed to be sold. When buying a dairy product, remember the following:

  1. You need to try its consistency - if the product is pressed through when you click on the package - you can’t buy it, because. this is the result of the addition of vegetable fats.
  2. After the refrigerator, high-quality cow fat should be solid, cut into a piece and not crumble.
  3. It is not a piece of cow fat that has a natural creamy smell, but a product that melts in your mouth.
  4. The color should not be bright yellow - this is a sign of the presence of a dye.
  5. A long shelf life indicates the use of preservatives by the manufacturer.
  6. A quality product should melt in your mouth, not stick to your teeth, and evenly dissolve in warm water.

Poor quality oil

To produce a kilogram of product, 20 to 30 kilograms of milk is needed, so the low price of the product indicates the presence of ingredients that are not of animal origin. You can identify a defective product by:

  • the presence of a pronounced odor - it is possessed by counterfeit products containing flavorings;
  • bright yellow;
  • soft, friable, non-uniform interspersed with consistency (indicates the presence of milk fat substitutes);
  • fission into particles in warm water rather than dissolution.


You won't believe how many of our store shelves contain products labeled "Oil" that actually aren't! What tricks do unscrupulous manufacturers go to to lure the buyer. The law prohibits calling the spread butter. But that doesn't stop anyone. Appear such names as "Maslice", "Maselko" and the like.

More fakes on the market. We go for farm butter, and we bring home what we don't know. And it would be nice if there was water in the cream. But it often happens that the product contains Palm oil. And it, according to nutritionists, can provoke the development of cancer.

This article is devoted to how to determine the quality of butter. We will tell you how to choose it correctly in the store, on the market and how to check at home whether we really bought a real creamy product.

How to make the right butter

The number of cows is now reduced. It's hard to imagine what it is great amount milk, sour cream, cream, cheese and butter does not contain at least some impurities designed to increase the volume of production and reduce its high cost. And even the GOST mark does not guarantee the quality of the product. It should at least contain stabilizers to extend the shelf life of perishable goods.

Well, we are going to the market to buy homemade butter. How to determine the quality of a product, how not to be deceived by a fake? Real butter is made only from heavy cream and nothing else. They are collected in a cylindrical container and churned with a spatula with holes. This process is long, but the oil turns out to be excellent in taste and healthy. The milk fats are separated and the butter is collected with a wooden spatula. This product contains useful material: calcium, vitamins. But it doesn't last long. Therefore, even stabilizers are added to the oil according to GOST. But how to distinguish a quality product?

GOST, TU and myths about quality butter

This product must contain only milk fat. They have a specific freezing and melting point. But vegetable fats (palm, rapeseed and peanut) have different physical characteristics. Various temperatures freezing and melting will be the main clues in how to determine the quality of butter. Some people believe that the better the product, the yellower the color. But this is a myth.

Even GOST allows manufacturers to add beta-carotene to butter - harmless food coloring which gives the product a sunny color. In fact, milk fats come out light cream, almost white, when churned. GOST also allows a reduction energy value oils. The so-called sandwich oil has a fat content of only 61-63 percent due to the admixture of whey. But this product is also approved by GOST. However, there is an even worse option. This is TU - "technical conditions". If you see these two letters on the packaging, it is better to put the product back on the shelf. Ninety-nine percent of the time it's spread or margarine.

Choosing oil in the store

It is best to go to the supermarket for the product, where you can examine the product without any hassle and read all the inscriptions on the packaging of interest. But the bars are already packed in opaque foil. You will not be allowed to taste, open and examine the color of the product. How to determine the quality of butter in this case?

First of all, read the packaging. We have already said above that GOST is not a guarantee quality oil. But there are other markers as well. For example, composition. The product must contain cow's milk and cream. Nothing else! Look at the shelf life of the product. The longer it is, the more preservatives in the butter and the less healthy it is.

In the Russian Federation, the requirements for this food product are regulated by GOST R52969-2008. These are the numbers that should appear on the package. In supermarkets, dairy products are kept refrigerated. Press your finger on the packed bar. Real oil is solid. And on the surface of the spread, even at a temperature of + 5 0 C, a dent is formed.

How to determine the quality of butter when buying on the market

In this case, we are given the opportunity to evaluate the color and smell of the product, and even taste it. Let's start with a tasting. First, high-quality butter is odorless. Put a small piece on your tongue. Good butter will melt in your mouth without leaving a trace. The vegetable fats of the spread will be smeared across the palate for some time. At good oil taste of cream with a slight hint of sour cream. Please note the color of the product. Bright yellow should alert the buyer. The fat content of the oil should start at seventy-two percent. The highest quality product has 82.5%. If the seller cuts butter from a large piece, look at the cut. A good product It has homogeneous consistency, without stains and veins. On the cut, it is slightly shiny. The spread is more matte.

Is price an indicator of quality?

Of course, in the modern market, everything can be expected from manufacturers, as well as from unscrupulous sellers. They can also set a high price on the spread. But is it the other way around - high-quality, but cheap butter? In order to answer this question, you need to know at least superficially the production technology of the product. How to determine the quality of butter, based on its price? Yes, very simple. To churn a kilogram of butter, you need about fifteen liters of milk. It is unlikely that any manufacturer will work at a loss. So consider for yourself what the cost of natural oil is. In this matter, it is better not to save.

Let's say we bought a pack in a store or a bar in the market. But we are not entirely sure about the quality of the oil. How can we check if this is a spread? To determine the fat content of butter, as well as the presence of vegetable fats in its composition, is possible only in the laboratory. But even at home, we can carry out several tests to find out if it is a true product or a fake.

If the butter has not yet melted, transfer it immediately to a plate. Are there any greasy marks left on the wrapper? Real oil can get stuck in the folds of the packaging foil or paper. But the flat surface of the wrapper must remain clean. The spread, due to the penetrating ability of vegetable fats, will smear the packaging. Now cut off two small pieces from the bar. By the way, chilled natural oil almost does not stain the knife.

Temperature test

We have already said that the physical parameters of freezing and melting of vegetable and milk fats differ. Temperature is what will help us determine the quality of butter at home. Have you already cut two pieces? Let's leave one of them on a saucer room temperature. Let's put the second one in freezer refrigerator. We'll wait for about an hour. Milk fats retain their structure. A piece of butter at room temperature will soften, but will not lose its shape. And the spread will spread over the saucer like melted ice cream. We take out the second piece from the refrigerator. He practically does not stain his fingers. Let's try to cut it. Natural butter crumbles, while margarine spread can be separated almost without chipping.

Water test

The ability to dissolve is another criterion for milk fats. Let's cut off another piece from our bar and throw it this time into a glass of boiling water. How to determine the quality of butter in water? If the product is natural, it will immediately dissolve in boiling water. And then golden grains will play on the surface of the water, as in a broth. The spread will melt gradually, and when we try to stir it with a spoon, it will be divided into pieces. Let's follow the water. If natural oil is dissolved in it, it will turn slightly white. And herbal supplements will sink to the bottom of the glass with a slightly darkish sediment.

A few more secrets

Spread has only one advantage over butter. When cold, it is easily spread on bread. The butter should contain from seventy-two to eighty-three percent milk fat. The rest is scoli, a by-product of buttermilk. And if you put a piece of natural butter in a hot frying pan, it will splash and foam. The spread will behave differently. There is another way to check the quality of butter. Spread a thin layer of the test sample on the cardboard. Let's hit the surface. If we have high-quality butter in front of us, then droplets of liquid will come out. If they are not observed, then the manufacturer has added emulsifiers to the product. They make the consistency of the oil more plastic.

Many are sure that the best butter is rustic. But even in farm food stores there is a danger of running into a fake, and even in stores you even come across butter, which can hardly be called butter.

The best butter, what is it?

First of all, pay attention to how it is made and what it is called, whether it really says “butter” on the label, or whether the inscription “oil-containing product” or the like is hidden somewhere.

Choosing Butter, do not forget that it is not always worth believing large inscriptions like: “natural”, “dietary”, “light”: they are needed, first of all, in order to attract attention.

Experts consider the best butter made according to GOST, and not according to technical specifications (TU).

Carefully study the composition of the product, written in small print. Quality butter made only from cream and whole cow's milk. It should not contain vegetable fats (palm, peanut, coconut oil, hydrogenated oils, or simply an ingredient called "milk fat substitute").

The shelf life of butter according to GOST is no more than a month. If the expiration date exceeds several months, the manufacturer has added preservatives, it is better not to choose such butter.

It is better to buy butter in foil. wrapped in parchment paper, as is often the case with farmer's, quickly loses its vitamins and deteriorates, since parchment lets light through - and oil does not like it.

Which butter to choose?

Butter comes in two varieties: higher(he is considered the best) and first and two categories of fat content: classic (mass fraction fat 80-85%) and low fat(mass fraction of fat 50 -79%). In the second, respectively, there are fewer calories, but for many it seems not so tasty.

In addition to the fact that butter is divided into salty and unsalted, depending on the production technology, the oil can be sweet creamy and sour cream. The first is made from pasteurized cream, almost all domestic butter is made using this technology. The second is made from fermented cream, it tastes slightly sour, such butter is in use in European countries.

Which butter is better: determined by appearance

Good butter dense, dry, shiny on the cut, although single droplets of moisture are allowed to appear. It spreads easily on bread and melts quickly.

If the oil crumbles and crumbles, this should alert. On the cut of good butter, there should not be a crumbled layered consistency, it is typical for creamy-vegetable combined oils (spreads) or margarine.

by color best butter- slightly yellowish if it is bright yellow or snow white - or it is with added vegetable fats, or tinted.

How to test butter?

Pour into a clear glass or half liter jar hot water, then add a spoonful of butter to this water. Stir the oil in water until completely dissolved. If the butter has completely dissolved in the water and the water has acquired a white tint, close to the color of milk, the butter is really butter. If sediment has fallen on the walls and at the bottom, most likely, vegetable fat or other extra components have been added to the oil.

Larisa Abdullaeva

Head of the Standardization Group of the Dairy Union of Russia

Unfortunately, there are manufacturers who call the product very close to butter words. Before buying butter, carefully read the name of the product. For example, “butter” and “butter” can be written in large print on the package, and the word “vegetable” is added in small print. Thus, the manufacturer is trying to mislead the buyer. As a result, a person who is not very attentive will buy such a product, thinking that it is butter, but in fact he will get practically margarine. Therefore, when you buy a product, first pay attention to whether it says “butter” or “butter from cow's milk” on the package. Look, of course, at the documents. If “GOST 32261” is written, then you should have classic butter in front of you, with a fat content of 72% or more.

What is inside?

The second stage - pay attention to the composition of the product. Classic butter should contain nothing but cream - this is a premium version of butter. By the way, the word "composition" may not be on the packaging. This should not confuse you. On the pack it can be written like this: “made from cream” or “made from pasteurized cream”.


Throughout the world, butter is a product in which there is more than 80% fat. Of these we have classic products there is sweet cream butter, now according to GOST it is called “traditional butter” or “traditional sweet cream butter”. In Russia, this oil is produced with a fat content of 82.5%. In addition, there is Vologda butter. It is produced not according to GOST, but according to the standard of the Vologda region, and only enterprises in this region produce it.

Permissible Additives

If this oil is salty, then, naturally, it may contain salt. In the composition of sour cream butter, in addition to cream, there is a ferment of lactic acid organisms.

Additives are also allowed in Krestyansky oil, the most common product in Russia. Unlike the traditional one, there is 72.5% fat in the "Peasant" oil. For example, dyes of natural origin are allowed: carotene (from carrot extract) and annatto.


Annatto (additive E160b) - dye of vegetable origin, from yellow to dark orange; receive the E160b supplement from the seeds of the Bixa orellana tree, which grows in tropical forests

These additives are used in cases where they want to give the oil a slightly yellowish tint, because the oil cooked in winter period, may be almost white due to the fact that at this time of the year the cows do not graze in the meadow; accordingly, milk does not have that yellowness that occurs in summer.

In butter, the fat content of which is less than 72.5%, even nutritional supplements, such types of oil are called, for example, "sandwich", "tea".


The pack must not show any damage and must be stored on the store shelf at the temperature specified by the manufacturer on the label.

If the pack is damaged, then under the influence of light, photooxidation of fat will begin in the product - as a result, the process of rancidity and the formation of a transparent bright yellow film on the surface of the oil - staff will “turn on”. This oil should not be smeared on a sandwich. Use it in cooking (in baking), but be sure to remove the staff layer first.

Who did it?

Sometimes on packs of butter it is written that it is made by one enterprise and packaged by another. In other words, the manufacturer makes butter, packs it in 20-kilogram boxes. Then another company buys these boxes, packs the product in packs and sells the oil.


In this story, it is important that the second enterprise (the packer) indicates the true manufacturer of the monolith itself, the date of packaging and the expiration date within the period set by the first enterprise.

It's a long and sometimes complicated story. In addition, anything can happen with butter on the way to packaging: for example, it will melt on the way, and then it will be frozen, which is not very good, or non-dairy ingredients or nutritional supplements will be added to it.

Therefore, I would advise giving preference to the oil that is both manufactured and packaged by one company. This is a kind of guarantee that the manufacturer observes microbiology, does not defrost and freeze the oil several times and is fully responsible for the quality of the product.

Price matters

Don't go for cheap oil. The manufacturer will not sell oil for nothing, that is, cheaper than its cost. Therefore, a pack of butter cannot cost 30 or 50 rubles, this is unrealistic. Most likely, it will be either a fake or a product removed from long-term storage.


The oil can be stored for up to three years at a temperature of -18 degrees. As a rule, this is how oil is stored in Rosrezerv. Two years later, such oil is withdrawn from the reserve and can be sent for industrial processing, and, of course, the cost of such a product will be lower.

How good can a morning be if for breakfast you have delicious sandwich. But are you sure that all its components have really passed all the checks in accordance with GOST? For example, how to distinguish real butter from a fake, what should be the fat content and why is Vologda considered natural? Learn all the secrets of how to distinguish a quality product from a wide range in Russian stores.

What is butter made from

There is only one recipe that does not change over time. The composition of butter according to GOST has nothing but cream. No dairy fats, vegetable components (palm fat), as in coconut oil. If on the pack in the column "composition" you observe additional ingredients, then you have an unnatural product. It can be eaten, but you will not receive any beneficial nutrients for the body. In addition, the taste is significantly different from natural.

Production technology

From ancient times, good butter was obtained by whipping cream. Today, the technology remains unchanged, but other tools have been used for this: whipping factories have special machines that can handle large production volumes. To prepare at home, you will need cow's milk fat or, in other words, cream and a teaspoon of yogurt. The components are mixed. The mixture is infused for 12 hours, and then whipped with a mixer. The liquid is separated, and a product is obtained that can be eaten immediately.

GOST for butter

The quality of butter in Russia can be determined according to GOST R 52969-2008. However, do not think that this criterion alone can be a guarantee of quality. Margarine or spread is also made according to GOST, so take a closer look at the numbers. R 52253-2004 indicates that you have a Vologda product in your hands, which is produced by only 3 factories in the Vologda region. How to distinguish real butter from fakes? Learn GOSTs and navigate them.

GOST margarine - R 52178-2003. Some types are not made according to GOST, but according to TU - technical conditions, so you should pay attention to the composition, which was written above. In addition, the package should not say “sandwich product”, “spread” and so on. Otherwise, you run the risk of acquiring a fake, the price of which is not always lower than a quality product.

The best varieties

When buying, it is not necessary to focus only on the packaging that was advertised, however, such products are not always bad. Take the pack in your hands and familiarize yourself with the composition: it should not contain anything other than milk and cream. It can't be cheap, so look for varieties that are above average. One of the best is Vologda, but dishonest manufacturers can safely call their product the same, producing, for example, in Moscow.

How to check the quality of butter

There are several criteria by which you can quickly navigate and understand what is in front of you and whether it is worth buying. Even if you made a mistake and bought a low-quality one, feel free to use it for baking, and for the future, just remember which manufacturer did not justify itself. You can determine the quality by color, taste, fat content, as well as the expiration dates that are stated on the package. However, there are other criteria:

  • Should not crumble while cutting.
  • A quality product has a pleasant milky smell.
  • Authenticity cream product confirmed by a homogeneous, dense spread on bread.
  • Delicate milky color, without pronounced yellowness.


If you come to the market where the product is sold by weight, then you have the opportunity to see it without packaging. By color, you can easily understand what you are offered. Natural product there is no strongly yellow color, as well as, conversely, intense white. High-quality butter should be of a delicate milky hue without plaque or yellowed windy edges, otherwise it may be spoiled.


Traditional butter made using natural cream does not have a strong taste, rather a pleasant milky aftertaste. It should melt evenly in the mouth, and not break into pieces. small pieces otherwise you are eating margarine. After consuming an unnatural product, the mouth seems to envelop from the inside vegetable fat. This shouldn't happen with a good product.

fat content

When choosing an oil, be sure to pay attention to the indicated fat content. A good product should be 82.5% fat, sometimes found from 78%, but extremely rare. All other options indicating a fat content of 72.5% can be safely skipped, because natural oil cannot be like that. It is either margarine or a spread, and both will differ in taste and nutrition. A product with a low fat content will melt faster and droplets will appear on the surface.

Best before date

When choosing butter from the range presented, do not forget to look at the expiration date. Although many people are used to storing this product in the freezer and rarely pay attention to the date of manufacture, there is still a risk of purchasing an expired product. It is stored from 10 to 20 days, depending on the packaging (paper or foil), and it can lie in the freezer as much as you like.

How to choose butter

Knowing these criteria, you will no longer think about which butter is better to buy, and therefore you will not confuse a quality product with a fake. That's all important properties, by which you can understand how to distinguish real butter from low-quality:

  • Price. natural butter cannot be very cheap, often the price starts from 80 rubles. and higher.
  • Fat content. Must be 78% or more. On the shelves in stores they sell a product with a fat content of 72.5% and 82.5%. The second option is yours.
  • Color. Should be mildly milky.
  • Smell. The natural product has a pleasant creamy aroma.
  • Best before date. No more than 20 days.
