Unusual jams. unexpected recipes

Mid-April... It's 3 degrees Celsius outside the window, gray clouds filled with moisture... And I'm already getting ready for the conservation season! Moreover, I will preserve for the first time in my life, having enlisted the recommendations and recipes of respected and beloved hostesses with experience from numerous relatives. Today I want to draw your attention to regular jam, with herbs, spices and even chocolate))).

Every recipe that will be featured in the next jam series is tried and tested and loved. I will try to give as much information as possible for each recipe. So, let's begin!

anise and peach

For 1 kg of peaches:

Peach can be taken even slightly overripe. First of all, wash the peaches well and cut into 4-6 pieces. We prepare the syrup: dissolve the sugar in water and bring to a boil, load the peaches and boil for a few seconds, turn off and set aside the jam until tomorrow. The next day, we take out the peaches and boil the empty syrup. The syrup begins to boil - we dip the peaches into it again, simmer on low heat for 1 hour, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, drown the anise deeper into the syrup, add a lemon if you feel that your taste lacks sourness. Pour hot into jars (sterilized), anise stars also into jars, wrap.

Recommendations: you can make less syrup - it's a matter of taste. It does not affect the quality of the product, it affects the density. It turns out to fill 3 jars of 0.5 liters. Sugar can also be a kilogram per kilogram of peaches - a matter of taste! They tried to boil peaches without adding water - they covered them with sugar and boiled them, but it turns out jam, for lovers of jams. Differences in the norm of products do not affect its quality.

Vanilla apricot and coffee

For 1 kg apricot (peeled):

  • 500-700 grams of sugar
  • juice of 2 lemons (for citric acid best not to change)
  • sachet vanilla sugar or half a vanilla pod
  • 5 tablespoons of coffee beans.

We puree apricots in a blender (you can literally turn a couple of seconds without turning into porridge). Break coffee beans in a mortar, or literally chop them in a coffee grinder with 2-3 clicks, place in gauze, make a bag. We load the puree into the pan, add lemon juice, sugar and vanilla, the bag goes into the saucepan to fruit syrup. Let the mixture stand for 2 hours.

Boil the infused mixture, simmer for about 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. We remove the coffee and pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, roll it up. For 10 minutes, turn the jars upside down, put on the bottom and wrap. It turns out for 3 jars of 0.5 liters.

Recommendations: coffee can be ground, but make sure that the particles still do not get into the jam. The taste of coffee is felt, but no bitterness is present. You can do without lemon juice, but it plays the role of not only an acidifier and light flavor, but also a preservative. Without lemon, the taste is even more interesting, in my opinion.

orange and strawberry

For 2 kg of ripe strawberries:

Rinse the strawberries, cut in two and sprinkle with sugar (varie the amount according to the sweetness of the berry). Give 2-3 hours to start the juice. We do not peel the orange, cut it into slices 5 mm thick, add to the strawberries and set to boil - bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for 10 minutes, turn off until tomorrow. We do this 2-3 times.

Pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

List of recipes:
1. Strawberry jam with white chocolate
2. Raspberry jam with hot pepper
3. Pomegranate jam with almonds
4. pear jam with bitter chocolate
5. Cucumber jam with mint
6. Currant jelly with coffee
7. Mint jam
8. Jam from orange peels
9. peach jam with cognac
10. Peach jam with pine nuts
11. Lingonberry jam with honey and spices
12. Jam from yellow tomatoes
13. Plum Chocolate Jam with Cinnamon
14. Rowan jam With walnut
15. Apple confiture with vanilla and thyme
16. lemon jam cinnamon
17. Rosemary Blackberry Jam
18. Quince jam with nuts
19. Jam from young pine cones
20. Blackcurrant jam with cardamom
21. Jam from watermelon rinds
22. Cherry chocolate jam with cognac
23. Dandelion jam
24. Greek squash jam
25. Pear jam with spices

1. Strawberry white chocolate jam
For 1 kg of ripe strawberries 1 kg of sugar, 1 packet of jam thickener, juice of ½ lemon, 1 bar of white chocolate.
Sort the strawberries, rinse in running water, remove the sepals, dry on a towel. Cut strawberries into halves, put in a saucepan, cover with sugar, leave for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice and thickener, bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for 15 minutes, remove from heat. Grate chocolate on coarse grater, add to jam, mix. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
2. Raspberry jam with hot pepper
For 1 kg of raspberries 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 hot pepper.
Sort raspberries, but do not wash. Put the raspberries with sugar in a saucepan in layers, leave for 3 hours in a cool place. Rinse hot pepper thoroughly, scald. Raspberries with sugar two hundred to a boil, add hot peppers, cool to room temperature. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove the pepper. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
3. Pomegranate jam with almonds
For 1 kg of pomegranate seeds 3 kg of sugar, 3 liters of pomegranate juice, juice of ½ lemon, ½ tbsp. almonds.
Pomegranate juice pour into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes, remove and cool to room temperature. Repeat 2 more times. Sort almonds, wash 2 times cold water, pour boiling water for 5 minutes, drain in a colander. Add pomegranate seeds and lemon juice to a saucepan, bring to a boil, add almonds, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
4. Pear jam with dark chocolate
For 1 kg of pears 1 kg of sugar, 2 oranges, 100 g of dark chocolate
Wash the pears, remove the core, cut into thin slices. wash oranges hot water brush, soak for 5 minutes in cold water, dry, remove the zest, squeeze the juice. Put pears, sugar, orange peel and juice, bring to a boil, add chopped chocolate, reduce heat to a minimum, cook until chocolate is completely dissolved, remove from heat, cool completely. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
5. Cucumber jam with mint
For 1 kg of cucumbers 1 kg of sugar, 3-5 sprigs of mint.
Rinse the cucumbers, remove the tips, cut into slices 3-5 mm thick, cover with sugar and leave for 3 hours. Bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, leave to infuse for 12 hours. Bring to a boil, add a bunch of mint, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, leave to cool to room temperature. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, remove the mint. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
6. Currant jelly with coffee
Per 1 liter fresh juice red or blackcurrant, 500 g sugar, 1 packet of jam thickener, 5 tsp. coffee beans.
Roast the coffee beans in a clean, dry frying pan until fragrant. Add coffee beans to currant juice. Mix the thickener with 2 tablespoons of sugar and add to the juice. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Add the remaining sugar to it, stir the sugar thoroughly until completely dissolved and cook for 1-2 minutes at a low boil. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
7. Mint jam
For 1 kg of mint (leaves with stems!) 2.5 kg of sugar, ¼ tsp. citric acid or juice of ½ lemon, 200 ml of water.
Rinse the mint, remove the damaged parts, dry it on a towel, add 2 kg of sugar in layers, leave for 6 hours without stirring. Prepare syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and water. Pour mint with hot syrup and leave for 6 hours. Bring the mint mass to a boil over medium heat, cook for 5 minutes, strain, bring to a boil. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
8. Orange Peel Jam
For 1 kg of orange peels, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water (+ water for boiling and water for soaking), juice of 1 lemon, 1 tsp. ground ginger
Wash the oranges with hot water with a brush, cut into 16 parts lengthwise, remove the pulp (it will go to the usual orange jam), put the peels in a container, pour water and leave to soak for 3 days in a cool place, changing the water twice a day. With a knife, remove the albedo (the white part on the inside of the peel) from each piece of peel, roll each strip into a spiral and string them on a thread of 5-7 pieces. Tie the thread into a ring. Transfer the peels to a saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15 minutes, drain the water, transfer the peels to a colander and pour over with cold water. Repeat 2 more times. Carefully remove the threads. Place the peels in a saucepan, cover with water, add half of the sugar, bring to a boil, add the rest of the sugar and leave to cool to room temperature. Bring the jam to a boil, add ginger, mix thoroughly, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, add lemon juice, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
9. Peach jam with cognac
For 1 kg of peaches, 800 g of sugar, 100 g of cognac, 1 g of ground cinnamon, cardamom and cloves.
Cut the peaches into slices, remove the pits and cover with sugar for an hour until the juice appears. Bring to a boil, skimming regularly. Add spices and cognac. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
10. Peach jam with pine nuts
For 1 kg of peaches 500 g of sugar, 100 g of nuts, 200 ml of water, 2 tbsp. honey.
Sort the nuts, rinse 2 times with cold water, pour boiling water for 5 minutes, drain the water, pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes, drain in a colander. Scald the peaches, remove the skin, remove the stones, cut into 4 parts. Prepare syrup. Add peaches to the syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove the peaches. Bring the syrup to a boil, reduce by half over medium heat. Add peaches and nuts to the syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
11. Cowberry jam with honey and spices
For 1 kg of cranberries 0.5 kg of honey, 250 ml of water (+ water for the first boil), 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, ½ tsp cardamom, 1 tsp lemon peel, 3 pcs. whole cloves.
Sort the lingonberries, rinse in running water, pour boiling water for 5 minutes to remove the bitter aftertaste, put in a colander. Transfer lingonberries to a saucepan, pour water, add spices in a bag, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat, remove the bag with spices. Cool the jam to a temperature of 45 ° C, add honey, mix thoroughly. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
12. Yellow Tomato Jam
For 1 kg tomato (only small ones are needed!) 1 kg of sugar, 3 oranges, zest of ½ lemon, 1 package of jam thickener, 300 ml of water.
Wash the tomatoes, blanch, remove the skin, cut into 4 pieces. Wash the oranges with hot water with a brush, soak for 5 minutes in cold water, dry, remove the zest, squeeze the juice. Put the tomatoes, orange and lemon zest in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes over medium heat, remove, cool to room temperature. Mix the thickener with 2 tablespoons of sugar and add to the jam. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
13. Plum Chocolate Jam with Cinnamon
For 1 kg plums (pitted) 700 g sugar, 1 cinnamon stick per liter jar(0.5 to 0.5!), 1 packet jam thickener, 100 g dark chocolate
Wash the plums, cut into halves, remove the stones, pass through a meat grinder. Put the mass in a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat. Cool to a tolerable temperature, grind through a sieve. Bring to a boil, add chocolate, cinnamon, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, put cinnamon and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
14. Rowan jam with walnuts
For 1 kg of red rowan 1.5 kg of sugar, 250 g of chopped nuts, 500 ml of water.
Disassemble the mountain ash, remove the spoiled berries, rinse 2 times in cold water with your hands, rinse under running water, put in a colander. Crush completely dry mountain ash with your hands, but do not crush! Pour boiling water over the rowan, leave for 5 minutes, drain in a colander. Prepare syrup. Put the rowan in syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Add nuts, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
15. Apple jam with vanilla and thyme
for 1 kg of apples 350 g of sugar, juice of one lemon, 2 vanilla pods, 2 tbsp. thyme.
Wash the apples, cut into four parts, remove the core, transfer to a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat, cook until completely softened, remove from heat. Cool to a tolerable temperature, grind through a sieve. Finely chop the vanilla and add to the puree. Bring to a boil, add sugar, lemon juice, thyme, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, put cinnamon and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
16. Lemon Cinnamon Jam
For 1 kg of lemons 1 kg of sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 250 ml of water (+ water for boiling the peel).
Wash the lemons with hot water with a brush, remove the peel, cut into circles, remove the seeds. Peel from 3 lemons, carefully cut into strips, put in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, drain the water. Repeat 2 times! Add lemons, sugar, water to the peel, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15 minutes. Add a cinnamon stick to the jam, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove the cinnamon stick. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
17. Rosemary Blackberry Jam
For 1 kg of blackberries 500 g of sugar, juice of ½ lemon, ½ tsp. rosemary, 1 packet of jam thickener.
Rinse the blackberries, peel the stalks, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and cook for 3 hours. Add lemon juice, chopped rosemary, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cool, refrigerate overnight. Mix the thickener with 2 tablespoons of sugar and add to the jam. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Cool to a tolerable temperature, grind through a sieve. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.

18. Quince jam with nuts
For 1 kg of quince 1 lemon, 500 g of sugar, 200 g of nuts, 250 ml of water.
Wash the quince, cut into 4 parts, remove the core. Prepare syrup. Add quince to the syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes over medium heat, remove from heat, leave to cool for 12 hours. Repeat 2 times! Wash the lemon with hot water with a brush, cut into 16 pieces lengthwise. Sort the nuts, chop. Bring the jam to a boil, add lemon, nuts, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
19. Jam from young pine cones
For 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar.
Collect the cones (May-beginning of June), sort, rinse 2 times, soak for 1 hour, rinse again, pour water so that it covers the cones by 2-3 cm, leave for 12 hours. Bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, remove from heat, leave for 12 hours. Repeat 2 times! Cool the jam to room temperature, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.
20. Blackcurrant jam with cardamom
For 1 kg of currants 550 g of sugar, juice of ½ lemon, zest of one orange, 5 boxes of cardamom.
Sort the currants, rinse, cover with sugar and leave for 6 hours in a cool place. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Cool to a tolerable temperature, grind through a sieve. Add all ingredients, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook for 30 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
21. Watermelon peel jam
For 1 kg of watermelon peels 1 kg of sugar, zest and juice from ½ lemon, zest from ½ orange, vanilla 1 pod, 250 ml of water.
Watermelon peels cut into cubes 1.5x1.5 cm, put in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, drain the water into another saucepan, discard the peels in a colander. Prepare syrup in drained water. Pour the crusts into the syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 45 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon and orange zest, crushed vanilla and lemon juice. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up, wrap until completely cool.
22. Cherry chocolate jam with cognac
For 1 kg of cherries 550 g of sugar, 100 g of dark chocolate, 50 ml of cognac.
Wash the cherries, sort them out, remove the pits, pour cognac for 3 hours. Pour the cherry with sugar, mix, leave for 1 hour. Bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes on low heat, remove from heat, leave for 12 hours. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, add finely chopped chocolate, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
23. Dandelion jam
For 1 kg of dandelion inflorescences (May-beginning of June!) 1 kg of sugar, 2 lemons, 500 ml of water.
Rinse the inflorescences 2 times with running water, add water and leave for a day in a cool place. Squeeze the inflorescences with your hands, transfer to a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Chop the lemons in a blender into a pulp. Add all ingredients to a saucepan, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, cool, strain, bring to a boil, leave to cool completely. Pour the completely cooled jam into sterilized jars and roll up.
24. Greek squash jam
For 1 kg of zucchini 2.5 kg of apples, 3 oranges, 1 kg of sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 2 cardamom pods, 1 star anise.
Wash the zucchini, remove the peel, cut into 2x2 cm cubes. Wash the oranges with hot water with a brush, soak for 5 minutes in cold water, dry, remove the zest, squeeze the juice. Wash apples, peel and core, cut into cubes. Put everything in a saucepan, add juice, mix, add sugar, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook for 5 minutes, add spices, cook for 45 minutes, remove spices. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.
25. Pear jam with spices
For 1 kg of pear 750 g of sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 clove buds, 1 star anise, 0.5 l of water.
Wash the pears, remove the stems. Prepare syrup. Put the pears in syrup, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and leave in a cool place. Bring to a boil again over low heat, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave in a cool place. Repeat twice a day for 5 days! Bring to a boil, add spices, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave in a cool place. Repeat 2 times! Pour the jam into sterilized jars, cool and roll up.

What can you make unusual jam from? Recipes inherited from mothers and grandmothers are not always the most original, but you want something unexpected. Well, in fact, you won’t surprise anyone with a jar of currant or you will not be proud to put such a treat on the table.

And then what to prepare for the winter, so that it would be interesting to cook it yourself, and it’s not a shame to show guests? In this article, we have collected the most amazing recipes. To be honest, not all types of unusual jam are listed here: after some thought, I had to abandon the famous onion confiture - after all, it is better not to prepare this delicacy in the winter, but to cook in small portions, the famous sweet dish from unripe walnuts- it is difficult to cook due to lack of the right ingredients in most regions of Russia. Also, assorted fruit jams were removed from the list - unusual and surprisingly tasty, but inaccessible to most people because of the high cost of the necessary components even in season.

Oh jam

"Preserve" is an old Russian term for boiled food made from berries, nuts, fruits or flowers based on honey and molasses - there was no sugar then. Our ancestors were very good at stocking up for the winter, including sweets. In the absence of honey or molasses, the berries were simply boiled down heavily, and then used as a filling for pancakes and pies, or drinks were prepared - fruit drinks, broths and compotes. And when sugar appeared in Russia, they began to make jam from everything - carrots, radishes, pumpkins, green tomatoes, dandelions, etc. Candied fruits were served at the table only in rich houses, ordinary people such products were not available. Although noble gentlemen often used unusual jam - from cucumbers, nuts or hot red pepper. So those types of jam that seem original to us were actually well known to our ancestors.

What to roll in jars in spring

It is generally accepted that preparations for the winter should be done in the fall, when in stores and on own plots full of berries, fruits and vegetables. But in fact, you can cook a sweet delicacy in early spring, for example, from sorrel, mint or dandelions.

Unusual jam from mint and lemon

List of ingredients:

500 g fresh mint leaves without stems;

1 kg of sugar;

1.5 lemons;

1 liter of water.

Recipe. Chop the mint, cut the lemons along with the peel. Add water and boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat to avoid reducing the volume of the broth. Then cool, filter and add sugar. The resulting syrup should be simmered over low heat for about two hours.

The taste of this delicacy will turn out to be mint-lemon, while without cloying sweetness, since this recipe used half the recommended amount of sugar. The color will also be pale, so you can add a drop food coloring- green or yellow.

Assorted jam unusual

When hostesses reflect on the topic original blanks in winter, they most often come up with the idea of ​​​​making a platter. And not just an ordinary mixture, but something absolutely incredible. There are actually a lot of options: cherries stuffed with pine nuts, eggplant with walnuts and cinnamon, a mixture of peaches, apples and lemon, blackcurrant with rhubarb, etc. But the most original of all this is not a small list currant jam with almonds and hot peppers.

List of ingredients :

3 kg of ripe red currants;

400 g almonds;

1 kg of sugar;

2 large or 3-4 medium chili peppers

Recipe. We sort out and wash the berry. Pass through a sieve to get homogeneous mass. Mix the berries and sugar and set to cook over low heat. Add peeled unroasted almonds and chopped dry or fresh hot pepper. Cook for 1.5 hours, after which the delicacy is ready.

List of ingredients:

1/2 kg of green tomatoes;

650 g of sugar;

1-2 grains of cardamom;

3-4 g cinnamon.

Recipe. Rinse small green tomatoes and boil for 12-15 minutes, then drain the water. Prepare sugar syrup and dip vegetables into it, let it brew for at least 3 hours - the tomatoes should be saturated with sugar. Then cook on low heat for 20 minutes, cool and let it brew for another 2-3 hours. These steps must be repeated 3 more times: impregnation, boiling, cooling, impregnation again, etc. At the last stage, cook until tender, and lower the bag of spices into the syrup (it is thrown out later).

How to surprise with ordinary strawberries

It seems that there is nothing more banal than But with this berry you can cook a lot original dishes with interesting flavor combinations. For example, you can weld sweet strawberries with vanilla and black pepper.

List of ingredients:

0.5 kg of strawberries;

0.5 kg of sugar;

1 st. l. lemon juice;

1.5 g vanillin (fresh vanilla is better, but this is a rather expensive component, so we use a substitute);

1/8 tsp ground black pepper.

Recipe. Sort the berries, wash and sprinkle with sugar and vanilla. Let it brew until the strawberries begin to release juice. Add the rest of the ingredients, while it is better to grind the pepper yourself from the peas or take it from a new pack (fragrant, not exhausted). Then cook as usual: either a “five-minute” for those who love liquid jam, or about an hour - for those who prefer a thick mass.

Unusual currant jam

Currant - best berry for the preparation of "raw" jam, that is, the product is obtained as natural as possible, fortified and very fragrant. But this recipe is too simple and obvious, so we will tell you how to make blackcurrant ginger jam. And it is unusual because an unusually large amount of ginger is used here, about 1/5 of the weight of the berries.

List of ingredients:

500 g of blackcurrant;

100 g of ginger;

300 g sugar.

Recipe. Boil like regular jam, but add thin slices of ginger at the beginning of the process. This is a very unusual jam for the winter - sweet and tart, not for everybody. But such a delicacy is a wonderful tool for the prevention of colds and flu.

Flower jam

From flowers you can make unusual delicious jam. Here, no one limits the imagination: in the East, a sweet delicacy is prepared from rose petals, in Asian countries - from lotus and chrysanthemums, and in Russia - from spring dandelions. But in this list, we left a place for interesting and unusual, but at the same time available recipes. So let's get to know original jam from lilac and grapefruit flowers.

List of ingredients:

300 ml of lilac flowers;

350 ml of lilac for infusion;

250 ml of boiling water;

1 cup of sugar;

1 st. l. pectin;

Juice of one grapefruit.

Recipe. Collect lilac flowers - only buds, without green parts. Divide into two parts, pour one with boiling water and let it brew for at least 7-10 hours. Then separate the liquid from the petals and, based on it, prepare a syrup with the addition of pectin. The syrup should be boiled for 15 minutes, after which grapefruit juice and the remaining lilac flowers are added to it.

It turns out surprisingly fragrant pink jam, sweet-sour and very tasty. This unusual jam for the winter will remind you of summer even in the most severe frosts.

delicious plum

According to most housewives, plum is very good on its own - in jams, compotes, salads, and adjika. In general, hundreds of delicious and useful blanks for the winter. But you can also make unusual plum jam.

List of ingredients:

0.5 kg plums;

5 g pectin;

1 st. Sahara;

1 st. l. Roma;

10 g fresh ginger;

- ½ bar of dark chocolate;

30 ml of water.

Recipe. Cook as usual, but when the mass boils, you need to add rum and grated ginger, and then stir in the melted dark chocolate. Boil over low heat until thickened.

This unusual taste and a light note of ginger will cheer up the whole family for a long time. winter evenings. Fans of chocolate and fruit combinations will be delighted with such a filling for pancakes or pancakes.

amazing apples

Unusual apple jam is very easy to prepare. It's just that these fruits are versatile, and they can be combined with anything, for example, with kiwi.

List of ingredients:

4 things. kiwi;

5 pieces. medium apples;

600 g of sugar;

Juice of one lemon;

15 ml of water.

Recipe. We clean the apples, cut them into cubes and pour over the lemon juice so that they do not darken. We remove the skin from the kiwi and cut the fruit into cubes, add to the apples. Add water and sugar and let it brew for 2 hours. Then bring to a boil and cook for another 40 minutes.

The finished product smells very good, and the taste is just delicious!

original pears

Unusual pear jam with ginger is becoming more and more popular - the delicacy has a sweet and spicy taste and goes well with both meat and desserts.

List of ingredients:

4 things. dense pears;

0.5 kg of dense grapes;

Juice of one lemon;

- ½ st. l. fresh ginger;

1 star anise;

3-4 carnation flowers;

250 ml of water.

Recipe. Pears wash, peel, cut into halves or 4 parts. Seeds and tails can not be removed - with them the jam will look more interesting. Drizzle half of the lemon juice over the pears. Grapes and pears put in a container with thick walls, pour water and put on medium heat. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, after which the fruits are removed from the water, and the liquid is filtered so that there are no seeds, fallen tails, etc.

On the basis of pure fruit water, make a syrup with the addition of all seasonings, pour fruit into it and add the second half of lemon juice. Cook on the lowest heat for 20 minutes, then put to rest for 6-7 hours. Repeat these procedures 3-4 times: it takes 2-3 days to prepare an unusual pear jam, then the pears will become glassy, ​​and the syrup will acquire a rich, beautiful color.

Pine cone jam

Although this is a healing delicacy, we still included it in the top of the most original recipes.

List of ingredients:

200 g of a young pine cone (collect in May);

1 liter of water;

0.5 kg of sugar.

Recipe. We boil the cones for 15-20 minutes. We prepare sugar syrup and dip the boiled cones into it. Then cook on low heat for half an hour, and the jam is ready. Sometimes this dish is prepared without cones, on the basis of one coniferous decoction.

The resulting delicacy is used to prevent colds, treat asthma, fatigue syndrome and a number of other diseases.

The most unusual jam

Who could have come up with the idea of ​​making garlic jam? After all, this vegetable has such a specific aroma and taste that it cannot be imagined as a dessert! But nevertheless, such jam exists, moreover, there are many recipes for its preparation and recommendations on what exactly to eat it with. Here we will not write about medicinal garlic jam, which you need to eat a spoonful a day to prevent colds, but we will talk about a real sweet treat with original taste, which can be used as a sauce for meat dishes or as a regular jam for sandwiches.

List of ingredients:

300 g of baked garlic;

- ¾ cup sugar;

300 ml of water;

ground nutmeg;

Recipe. Peel and cut the garlic in half, and then bake in the oven at 180-200 ° C. Cooking time - 18-20 min. Then make syrup from water and sugar, add spices to it and lower the baked pieces. You need to cook until the syrup begins to thicken, but not until caramelized.

Harm and benefit

Is it good to eat jam? Everything is not so clear here. On the one hand, in jam, even boiled many times, some vitamins (groups B and E) are preserved, there is fiber, so such food is useful for the body as a whole and for the stomach in particular. But on the other hand - extra calories, damage to teeth and, in some cases, increased acidity. So you can and should eat, but not liters.

But jam improves mood - this is noted by all doctors. Raspberry is the most useful: it treats colds, contains useful folic acid, cleanses the circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines after stormy feasts, improves complexion and helps maintain skin elasticity. This is how it happened raspberry jam- unusual, although it seems that it does not happen easier.

UNUSUAL JAM. Unexpected recipes. Citrus Jam

Jam "Citrus" from oranges is very fragrant, tasty, beautiful, besides, this jam can be prepared at any time of the year. We invite you to prepare Citrus Jam according to our delicious and quick culinary recipe.

Products for "Citrus" jam: 10 oranges, 0.5 cups of water, 650 g of sugar.

To prepare the Citrus Jam, peel the oranges, divide into slices. Boil sugar syrup for jam until foamy. Dip each orange wedge in syrup and arrange nicely in jars. Pour the remaining syrup into jars with orange slices and seal the jars with lids.

Royal jam

Products for royal jam: 1 kg of strong cherries, 1 kg of ripe raspberries, 2 kg of sugar.
To make royal jam, boil the sugar syrup and 2 cups of water.
Dip pitted cherries into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
After that, every half hour in 5 steps, bring the jam to a boil.
In the last dose, 5 minutes before readiness, add 1 kg of raspberries, let it boil and immediately remove from heat.
Arrange the jam in sterilized jars hot. Seal jars of jam.

carrot jam

The original recipe for homemade carrot jam is prepared quickly, and the resulting jam has a beautiful color and unusual taste.

Choose bright orange carrots. Wash, peel, wash again and cut into slices, about a centimeter thick. Cook until soft, cool and cut out diamonds, stars, wheels, etc. from boiled carrots to make the jam beautiful.

For 1 kg of carrots prepared in this way, prepare a syrup of 1 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water. Pour carrots with boiling syrup and cook in it for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.

After 8 hours, bring the jam back to a boil, adding another 200 grams of sugar to it. Then, boil the jam until the carrots become transparent and the syrup thick enough.

A few minutes before removing from heat, put a teaspoon of citric acid in the jam. When the jam has cooled, flavor it with vanilla.

Carrot jam has a beautiful orange color. They can decorate cakes, cookies.

White cherry jam

white cherry 1 kg
sugar1 kg
peeled small hazelnuts 500 g
Vanilla 1 pod
thick-skinned lemon 1 pc.

1. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan or oven, rub them between your palms to remove the skins.

2. Remove pits from cherries using a special machine, hairpin or paper clip. Put a nut in each berry.

3. Boil the syrup from sugar and 1/2 cup of water, cool slightly, put the stuffed berries in it, add the vanilla pod cut in half and bring to a boil. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon. After boiling, remove from heat and let cool, about 2 hours. Repeat this process (bring to a boil, cool) three times.

4. Cut the lemon into thin semicircles. After the third boil, put in jam
lemon slices.

5. Pour the jam into prepared jars, close them and store in a dark place.

Rhubarb jam with oranges

Rhubarb - 2 cups
- sugar - 13 cups
- zest - 2 oranges
- oranges - 2 pcs.
Grind the stems of young sweet and sour rhubarb, add the zest of 2 oranges, chopped 2 oranges. Cook like regular jam.

rowan jam

mountain ash (harvested after the first frost or frozen) 1 kg
honey500 g
sugar1 kg
boiled water 2 cups
sour apples(better antonovka) 500 g
lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
vanilla sugar 0.25 tsp

1. Release the rowan berries from the stalks, rinse thoroughly in running water and soak for 2 hours in cold water. If you use fresh-frozen rowan for jam, defrost it. Apples
wash, dry with a towel, cut in half, remove the core and cut into thin slices.
2. Throw the rowan in a colander and let the water drain. Pour the berries into a large metal saucepan (not aluminum). In a separate bowl, boil the syrup - pour in water, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour the hot syrup into the pan with rowanberries, mix well and place over medium heat.
3. Honey, if it is too thick, heat, stirring constantly, over low heat until it becomes liquid. Bring the rowan to a boil, remove the foam, boil, stirring, for 10 minutes, then remove from heat.
Blanch apples in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, discard, combine with mountain ash and mix. Bring the jam back to a boil and cook, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes.
4. Add honey, vanilla sugar and lemon juice to the jam, mix well and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Pour the still hot jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids.

Cowberry jam with apples.

1,300 chopped peeled apples
1,300 pure cranberries
2 glasses of water, I have a glass of 250 ml
2,700 sugar

Cooking method:
Pour boiling water over lingonberries for 3 minutes, this will remove bitterness, I cut apples into slices, I had Antonovka, in enamel saucepan make the syrup sweet, then pour the apples and lingonberries into it, add the remaining sugar, cook until the apples are ready, 30 minutes, remove the foam, put the jam in clean dry jars, the jam is thick, the sweetness can be adjusted to your liking, I like it sweeter, you can add vanilla sugar

Watermelon rind jam

watermelon peels1 kg
sugar1.2 kg
soda 1.5 tsp
water9 glasses

Remove the hard green layer from the watermelon rinds.
Cut the pulp into small cubes. Pierce each cube with a wooden toothpick. Place in a bowl.
Dissolve baking soda in 1 cup hot water, add 5 cups cold. Fill with crust solution. Leave for 4 hours. Drain in a colander and rinse. From 600 g of sugar and 3 glasses of water, boil the syrup. Put peels, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside for 12 hours. Return the jam to the fire, add the remaining sugar, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly.

Royal gooseberry jam

You will need:

1 kg large gooseberry
1 kg sugar
100 g cherry leaves
50 ml vodka
1 tsp citric acid
0.5 tsp vanilla


Wash the gooseberries, cut off the ends. Cut each berry on the side and remove the seeds. Put the gooseberries in a large bowl, pour over ice water and put in a cool place for 5-6 hours, then drain the water.

Rinse the cherry leaves, put in a saucepan, pour in 5 cups of water, add citric acid and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat, let simmer for 5 minutes. Strain the broth into a saucepan.

Add sugar to the broth, put on fire and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil, add vodka and vanilla, mix.

Pour gooseberry berries with boiling syrup, let it brew for 15 minutes. Return the berries and syrup to the saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour boiling jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly.

Melon and strawberry jam

1 kg melon
600 g strawberries
500 g sugar
5 st. l. honey
200 ml water
Peel the melon from the peel and seeds, cut the pulp into cubes. Wash strawberries, remove stems. Cut each berry in half.
Mix sugar and water in a saucepan. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring, until sugar is completely dissolved.
Add honey to the syrup and bring to a boil over high heat.
Put fruit in boiling syrup, bring to a boil again.
Reduce heat to low and simmer, skimming off foam, 30 minutes.
Pour the jam into sterilized jars, close and store.

Orange jam

You will need for a 0.5 liter jar:

3 oranges
4 kumquats
1 carom
0.5 kg sugar
1 st. l. lemon juice


Wash oranges, kumquats, wipe thoroughly with towels. Without peeling, cut the fruit into circles about 0.5 cm thick. Cut the orange circles into 4 parts. Remove bones. Put oranges and kumquats in a bowl, pour in 1 liter of water, cover with a small plate and put under oppression for 10-12 hours.
The next day, pour the oranges and kumquats along with the juice into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, add sugar, lemon juice and carom cut into stars. Cook uncovered for 30-40 minutes until the zest is quite soft.
Transfer the hot jam to a sterilized jar.

Zucchini jam

1 kg zucchini
2 lemons
1 kg sugar
Wash the zucchini, peel and cut into small pieces. Seeds must be removed from large zucchini. Wash the lemons and cut into small pieces.
Put the chopped zucchini and lemons in a wide saucepan, cover with sugar and leave for 1 hour.
Place the pot of zucchini over medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Return to heat, bring to a boil, then let cool. Repeat this operation again. Pour boiling jam into sterile jars. Close with lids.

Ranetok jam

For cooking jam, the fruits are removed in full removable maturity. You can cook with stalks, which are cut off, leaving a length of 1-1.5 centimeters, or without stalks.

The fruits are sorted out, selecting sick, small and ugly.

Selected fruits are thoroughly washed and pricked. It is necessary to prick to a depth of at least 1/4 of the diameter of the fetus. They are pierced with special "hedgehogs" or ordinary
needles or pins. When pricked, the fruits are placed in water to avoid browning.

For 1 kilogram of fruit take 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 1-1.5 cups of water.

The chopped fruits are blanched in 25% sugar syrup(same as berries)
currants), after which they are allowed to stand for 18 - 24 hours.

After aging, the syrup is drained from the fruits, the rest of the sugar is added, the syrup is allowed to boil, carefully removing the foam, and the fruits are lowered.

When the syrup boils again and the apples are covered with foam, the basin is removed from the stove, the foam is removed and left to stand for 24 hours.

After aging, the syrup is drained from the berries and boiled for 10-15 minutes, all the while carefully removing the foam, after which the berries are added to it and finally boiled down.

If it turns out that the fruits begin to boil soft, the cooking is stopped, they are allowed to stand for another day, after which they are finally cooked.

If all the rules are followed, marmalade of excellent quality is obtained from ranetki with transparent fruits and a beautiful syrup.

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables not all are solved. But it is very simple, tasty and original. That's why we decided to give you...

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But not everyone decides to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables.

But it is very simple, tasty and original. Therefore, we decided to choose for you not quite regular recipes. Try and be surprised!

You will need:

  • 7 medium sized onions
  • 600 g granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. white wine and 5% vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry vegetable oil until golden.
  2. Pour in sugar, pour in 100 ml of water and heat over low heat with stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Simmer on low for about 30 minutes. Pour in wine and vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Let cool and put into jars.

You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1.3 kg sugar
  • 500 g carrots
  • 1 lemon


  1. Wash the cherries, put them in a colander, let the water drain. Remove the bones, add 700 g of sugar. Drain the juice, add another 600 g of sugar to it and boil the syrup.
  2. Peel carrots. Cut carrots and lemon into slices. Put cherries, carrots and lemon into syrup. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cool.
  3. For the next 3 days, bring the jam to a boil, remove the foam and turn it off after 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

You will need:

For 4 persons

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 melon (1.2 kg)
  • 400 g raspberries
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 200 ml water


  1. Wash the lemon and lime thoroughly and dry well. Remove the zest with a sharp knife and squeeze out the juice. Zest pour 200 g of granulated sugar and pour lemon juice and lime juice. Leave for 1 hour.
  2. Wash the melon, dry it, cut it in half, remove the seeds. Cut into slices and cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes. Sort the raspberries, wash and dry on a paper towel.
  3. Transfer the zest with sugar to a saucepan, add the remaining sugar, pour in 200 ml of water and bring to a boil. Put the melon and cook for 5 minutes. Add raspberries, cook for 5 minutes, skimming occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Put it on the fire again and cook over low heat until a test for a thick thread. Let cool. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

You will need:

  • 1 kg watermelon rinds
  • 1.2 kg of granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 pinch of vanilla


  1. Cut off the hard green part completely from the crusts. Cut the pulp into pieces (diamonds, squares, strips) 3 cm in size and pierce with a fork in several places.
  2. Dissolve soda in 250 ml of hot water and mix with 1.25 ml cold water. Put the pieces of crusts, cover and leave for 4 hours. Then put in a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Pour 600 g of sugar into 750 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. Put the crusts and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours. Then add the remaining sugar and cook for 3 hours. Add vanillin, cook for 3 minutes. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal tightly.

5. Kiwi and lemon jam

You will need:

  • 900 g sugar
  • 500 ml apple juice
  • 1-2 lemons
  • 8-10 kiwi


  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with a brush and cut into thin slices. Put in a saucepan along with 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the kiwi, cut into circles and put in a saucepan along with a lemon. Add Apple juice and the rest of the sugar. Boil. Pour into ceramic dishes and leave at room temperature for the night.
  3. The next day, return the jam to the pan, bring to a boil again and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, let cool. Then close and store in a dark, cool place.

You will need:

  • 1 kg carrots
  • 1 kg lemons
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar


  1. Wash and peel carrots. Peel the lemons. Scroll carrots and lemons through a meat grinder. Choose lemon pips.
  2. Transfer the carrot-lemon mass to a saucepan, cover with sugar, cook, removing the foam, for about 1 hour.
  3. Transfer to clean jars. Keep refrigerated.

You will need:

For 3 liter jars

  • 1.5 kg zucchini
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar


  1. Wash the zucchini, pat dry with paper towels and thinly peel sharp knife. Cut each fruit in half, remove the seeds, cut the flesh into small cubes.
  2. Wash oranges and lemons thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Without peeling, cut the fruit first into thin circles, removing the stones at the same time, and then cut each of them into quarters.
  3. To prepare the syrup, granulated sugar, pour 250 ml of water, stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. In the resulting boiling syrup, put the chopped zucchini and cook for 5 minutes after boiling again. Then add sliced ​​oranges and lemon, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Readiness is best determined by a drop released onto a cold saucer: if it does not spread, the jam is ready.
  5. When the jam has completely cooled, pour it into clean, dry jars and close with ordinary lids, laying tracing paper circles. Store in a dark cool place.

You will need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 cloves


  1. Cut the pulp of the pumpkin into equal cubes, cover with sugar and leave for 3 hours. Wash the lemons, scald, cut together with the peel, select the seeds.
  2. Combine pumpkin with sugar, put on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire, put the cloves and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. From ready jam remove the clove. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close the lids. Cool down. Store in a cool place.

You will need:

Per can 0.5 l

  • 5–6 oranges
  • 75 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g ginger root

For syrup:

  • 400 ml water
  • 400 g sugar


  1. Wash the oranges, pour over with boiling water and cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Then cut each piece in half again. Remove the pulp, and cut the peel from each slice in half again.
  2. If orange peel thin, roll each strip into a tight roll and put on a thread, like beads. Place the "beads" in a deep bowl and fill with water so that it completely covers the peel. Leave for 3 days, changing the water regularly (about 4-5 times a day) to remove the bitterness. If the oranges have a thick peel, it should first be soaked, then the white part on the inside of the peel should be removed from each strip with a knife, and only then the strips should be rolled into spirals.
  3. After soaking the spiral from the zest, boil 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, draining the water each time. After each boiling, “beads” are poured over with cold water.
  4. In a wide saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar, dip the prepared “beads” into it, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20–30 minutes. Let cool.
  5. Add finely chopped ginger root to the zest in a saucepan, bring everything together to a boil, pour in lemon juice and cook for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the jam from the fire, cool.
  6. Remove the “beads” from the jam and remove the threads. Pour the jam into a clean, dry jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

10. Persimmon jam

You will need:

  • 4 cups diced persimmons
  • 3 cups sugar
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • grated zest of 1 orange
  • 4 tbsp. l. vodka


  1. Combine persimmon, sugar, juice and zest and cook over medium heat, stirring often, for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  2. Put it back on the stove, slightly knead the persimmon with a wooden spatula, pour in the vodka and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Pour into sterilized jars. Keep refrigerated. published