Pear jam with lemon quick recipe. Delicious pear jam with citric acid for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Limonka is a pear variety that Ukrainian breeders bred many years ago. Due to their high endurance, such trees easily endure harsh winters and, after a maximum of 8 years, they begin to regularly produce abundant crops in the form of small fruits with fairly dense pulp. They can be eaten raw or used to prepare other food products. Lemonka pear jam is very tasty. And you can cook it in different ways.

Multiple brewing

Any hostess knows that pear jam, as a rule, turns out to be quite sweet. To make the taste not so cloying, many cook it together with other fruits or use various additional ingredients. So, Limonki will be really tasty if taken for work. following products: per kilogram fresh fruits- half a liter of water, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

The cooking process in this case will be quite long:

  1. First, wash the pears well, cut each into four parts and carefully remove the seeds from them.
  2. Boil water in a basin, dip the prepared fruits into it and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Then the products must be thrown into a colander and wait until the excess liquid drains.
  4. At this time, on the water in which the pears were boiled, it is necessary to prepare the syrup. To do this, add sugar to it and cook the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour fruit with hot syrup and leave for 4 hours.
  6. Boil the mixture for 6 minutes and leave again, but for 12 hours.
  7. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. As a result, the pulp of the fruit should become transparent.
  8. Citric acid is added at the very end of cooking.

finished product can be used immediately or, rolled up in jars, put in long-term storage.

Simple and fast

You can make lemonade pear jam much faster. To do this, you will also need a basin, a wooden spatula and the following components: 2 kilograms of pears, 2 glasses of water and 2.5 kilograms of sugar.

This jam is prepared in three stages:

  1. Clean pears must first be reviewed, removing rotten places, and then cut into thin slices. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
  2. Put the products in a basin, cover with sugar and leave for a couple of hours until they are covered with juice. True, Lemons have a fairly firm and slightly dry flesh. Therefore, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. If there is not enough liquid, then you can add a little water.
  3. Put the basin on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, and then cook for an hour over low heat. Then with the finished product, you can do whatever you want.

If you want the pieces to remain intact at the end, then it is better to do this in three steps. Every 20 minutes, the mixture should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool slightly.

Jam in jelly

For gourmets with a sweet tooth, you can offer not quite regular jam from pear Limonka. The fruits acquire original taste if cooked in apple jelly. To do this, you need to take: for 0.5 kilograms of pears - 1 kilogram of apples, 0.7 kilograms of regular and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

In principle, everything is not so difficult:

  1. The first step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 400 grams of sugar with a glass of water, boil, and then cook with constant stirring until a clear solution is obtained.
  2. Wash the pears, and then, freeing them from seeds, cut them into pieces arbitrarily.
  3. Pour the products with the prepared syrup and leave in this position for 10-12 hours.
  4. Rinse the apples, remove the seeds from them and carefully cut the peel. After that, they must be filled with three-quarters of water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. Pass the products through a sieve, and then pour the remaining sugar (regular and vanilla) into the resulting puree and cook it for the same amount.
  6. Put the pears into the prepared jelly and boil them over low heat for 30 minutes.

If you do not allow a strong boil during cooking, then such a jam will turn out to be almost transparent and will have a pleasant amber color.

Lemon jam

If the fruit harvest turned out to be great, then you can try different variants preparing a popular dessert. To do interesting jam from pear Limonka, the recipe should be supplemented with citrus fruits. This will require: per kilogram of juicy pears - 1 large lemon, a glass of water and a kilogram of sugar.

The cooking method partially resembles the previous version:

  1. Washed lemon must first be poured over with boiling water to get rid of bitterness.
  2. Cut it into rings, each of which is then divided into 4 parts.
  3. Extract all seeds.
  4. Put the products in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the lemon slices with a slotted spoon, and prepare the syrup on the broth.
  6. Peel the pears, freeing them from the skin and seeds.
  7. Cut the pulp into slices and put them in a deep pan. Cover the products with slices of boiled lemon on top, pour over everything with syrup and let stand for 60 minutes.
  8. After that, they should be boiled for an hour over low heat, not forgetting to constantly stir and remove the resulting foam.
  9. After a thirty-minute break, cook the food for another 1 hour.

The cooled sweet mass will great addition for pastries, hot tea or ice cream.

fragrant slices

Everyone has their own idea of ​​dessert. Many, for example, prefer to cook Limonka pear jam in slices. As a result, they retain not only their shape, but also their natural aroma. For such a recipe, you need to take: a glass of water, as well as 4 kilograms of sugar and pear slices.

It is easy to repeat this method:

  1. First, sugar and water must be made thick syrup. The flame must be relatively small to prevent burning.
  2. Add pre-prepared fruit slices to the syrup and cook them for an hour on low heat after boiling. It cannot be allowed to pear pulp collapsed. Otherwise, it will turn out not jam, but jam.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the food cool down until the next day.
  4. The next day, repeat the cooking process for 40 minutes.

After this, the jam should stand for a while so that the taste is more balanced. It can then be used either as a dessert or as a filling for open or closed pies.

Whole fruits

Dessert looks very impressive when whole Limonok pear jam is prepared. True, eating them will not be so easy. Nevertheless, this option is worthy of attention. For work you will need the following ingredients: for one and a half kilograms of sugar - 2.5 kilograms of pears, half a teaspoon of citric acid and 650 milliliters of water.

The recipe seems complicated only at first glance:

  1. First, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, and then each of them should be pricked with a needle in several places.
  2. Place the prepared fruit in a bowl.
  3. From sugar and water with constant stirring, prepare a syrup.
  4. Pour them over the pears and put the pan aside for 5 hours.
  5. After that, boil the mixture for 15 minutes, and then leave it alone again for the same time.
  6. Repeat these steps three times.
  7. At the last stage, you need to add citric acid.

The finished dessert must cool well before you can start tasting it. Such a “creation” can be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Technique to help

What else goes with Lemonka pear? Winter jam will be tastier if oranges are added to the recipe. The aroma of these citruses will pleasantly transform the dessert. Moreover, a minimum set of products is required: 0.5 kilograms of pears and oranges and 1 kilogram of sugar.

To simplify your work, you can use a slow cooker for cooking:

  1. First of all, the products need to be chopped: cut the pears into slices, and the oranges into semicircles.
  2. Put them in the multicooker bowl, set the "Extinguishing" mode and set the timer for 90 minutes. In this case, it is better to remove the steam valve.

The beauty of this method is that the hostess practically does not need to do anything. The cooking process takes over the machine. In this case, you can absolutely not be afraid of burning products. The multicooker bowl guarantees that this will never happen. Ready jam can be immediately laid out in jars and rolled up. The container must first be sterilized.

original combination

Those who like to experiment can be advised to try making another interesting Lemonka pear jam. A simple recipe allows you to get a very unusual result. It will take only four components: for 800 grams of pears - 150 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar and 2 drops of vanilla essence.

The process takes place in several stages:

  1. First, the fruits must be washed, and then, after removing the tails, seeds and core, cut the pulp into fairly large squares.
  2. Put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for two hours. There will be enough time for the juice to stand out. In this case, the sugar should completely melt.
  3. Add honey and boil 4 times for 15 minutes, allowing the mixture to cool completely in between.
  4. Vanilla is added at the very end.

If the product is planned for long-term storage, then it should be laid out in jars and rolled up. The jam should cool down gradually. To do this, it is better to cover it with a blanket. It will take at least 4 hours.

Option for small pears

How else can you make Limonka pear jam? Whole usually use small and unripe fruits. After heat treatment, they completely retain their shape. Alternatively, a method is suitable that requires the following ratio of products: for every 400 grams of pears - a glass of water, 5 clove inflorescences and 2 glasses of sugar.

The essence of the method is quite simple:

  1. First of all, the pears must be washed well.
  2. After that, they should be folded into a basin and boiled until they become soft. You will have to boil several times. Only then can the peel be removed.
  3. Drain the broth, and then measure right amount, mix it with sugar and, adding cloves, prepare a fragrant syrup. The solution should not be too thick, otherwise the fruits will turn out hard and wrinkle badly.
  4. Combine pears with syrup and cook until they become transparent.
  5. Let the food stand for a few days and then repeat the heating.

As a result, the syrup should thicken well. soft and transparent pears will look very nice in it.

Minimum control

Experienced housewives say that it is easiest to make jam from Limonka pears. There is one unique way to do this. The biggest problem here is to prepare the fruit. The rest of the process goes by itself. In this case, the set of ingredients is minimal: products (pears and sugar) must be taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

Work begins with the preparation of fruits:

  1. Washed pears should be cut so that the slices are almost transparent.
  2. Transfer them to a deep saucepan. Better if it is aluminum. This will avoid possible burning.
  3. Sprinkle the products with sugar, constantly shaking the container.
  4. Put the pan on the stove and make a small fire. First you need a spoon to properly mix the fruit. Later it will no longer be needed.
  5. Cook food under the lid for 3.5 to 5 hours, without bothering with constant stirring.

This method is very convenient if making jam is not the only thing the hostess is currently doing.

For every taste

Everyone chooses for himself, Limonki. Someone may doubt, but very delicious dessert it turns out if you take as initial components: for a bucket of fruits - 3 kilograms of sugar, half a liter of table vinegar, a little cinnamon, 4 bay leaves and 10 pieces of peppercorns.

This jam is prepared according to the following technology:

  1. Pears must first be washed and dried, and then pricked with a regular fork or needle.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and vinegar.
  3. Put the fruits in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients.
  4. Pour syrup over everything and let cool.
  5. Boil three times for 30 minutes, constantly making a twelve-hour break.

The process must be continued until the syrup reaches the desired consistency. The taste of these pears is simply amazing. And all this thanks to the use of not quite familiar ingredients in the recipe. Such a product will definitely be appreciated by those who love zest and individuality in desserts.

Pear jam recipe many housewives have, but we want to offer you some original and very delicious options which are sure to please you. If you are preparing a treat for the first time, then our tips will also come in handy. Let's just start with them.

How to make pear jam

We choose fruits.

For the preparation of sweet delicacies, it is necessary to choose fruits with dense pulp. The most popular varieties are Duchesse and Lemon. However, you can take other varieties, as long as the fruit is not overripe. Pick pears with tough skins. Rinse them thoroughly, remove the stalks and core, crumble into cubes or slices. Cut off all rotted places and dark spots.

Utensils for cooking.

For cooking jam, it is better to choose an aluminum or copper basin. In such containers, it does not burn and does not stick. Wash the jars for harvesting thoroughly and scald with boiling water. You can also warm them up microwave oven or warm over steam. For cooking, also prepare a plate for foam and a wooden spatula.

Pear jam for the winter


Water - 2 glasses
- sugar - 2.4 kg
- pear - 2 kilograms


Prepare the fruits, cut them, put them in a bowl for cooking. Pour sugar, smooth over the surface. Prick fruit in several places with a fork. Leave for a few hours for the juice to appear. If the variety of fruit was not very juicy, then pour water into them. Put the basin on the stove, bring to a boil. Reduce the fire, boil the mass for an hour. During this time, stir it several times.

Pear jam with lemon


Pears - 2 kilograms
- granulated sugar - 2.5 kg
- lemon - 3 pieces


Wash the fruits thoroughly, clean from dark places, stalks, cut into large cubes, put in a container. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder, send it there too. Pour the fruit mixture with sugar, let it brew for 3 hours. Be sure to poke the fruits with a fork so that they release the juice. After soaking sugar with juice, stir the mixture, put the mass on the stove, bring to a boil, leave for an hour on low heat. Stir the mass, pour it still hot into prepared containers, tightly seal with lids, put under the covers until cool. ready!

Delicious pear jam

Required products:

Water - 1.5 liters
- almond nuts - 120 g
- vanilla - ? teaspoon
- sugar, pears - 2 kg each

Cooking steps:

Prepare the fruits, peel, cut into slices. Pour water into the cooking container, lower the prepared foods there. Boil for 3 minutes, drain the water into another container, add sugar, boil the syrup. Pour the pieces of pears with ready-made syrup, leave for several hours in this form. Put the jam on the fire, boil, reduce the heat, boil the workpiece for 10 minutes, let it brew again for 4 hours. Next time, boil the mass for 20 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped almonds and vanilla. Wrap the workpiece until cool.

Pear and apple jam

You will need:

Apples, pears - 1 kg each
- granulated sugar - 2 kg
- sprigs of mint - 3 pieces
- citric acid - a teaspoon

How to cook:
Wash the fruits, free from rotten places, middle and stalks, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. Poke the fruits with a fork, leave for one night. If the fruit turned out to be dry and did not give required amount juice, you can add a little water. Stir the mass, put on the stove. Boil the delicacy, boil over low heat with regular stirring. Boil for an hour and a half. Twenty minutes before the end, dip citric acid into the mixture, stir well. Put the washed sprigs of mint, but make sure that they do not drown in the total mass. Before spilling the workpiece, they must be removed. Pack the blank in jars, cork, cool, transfer to a cool place.

Try this option too.

Pear jam with orange.

You will need:

Sugar - 2.2 kg
- pears - 2.2 kg
- oranges - 3 pieces


Wash the pears, clean from the middle, crumble into slices, put in a container. Peel the orange, cut into cubes. Cover the fruit mass with sugar, poke with a fork, leave the workpiece overnight. Put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for an hour and a half on fire, stir regularly, while removing the foam. Pour the finished delicacy into hot jars, tightly close the lid. Fragrant preparation ready!

And how do you like that?

How to make pear jam.

You will need:

Light grapes - 520 g
- pears - 1.5 kg
- white dry wine– 220 ml
- granulated sugar - 155 g
- cinnamon - coffee spoon
- sprig of lavender


Cut the peel from clean fruits, remove the middle. Chop the pulp into slices. Mix sugar with wine, let it boil, stir until sugar dissolves. Add cinnamon and fruit, cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled down, put the pan back on the fire, bring the contents to a boil, put a lavender sprig, boil for 5 minutes. And the final approach. As soon as the workpiece has cooled, remove the lavender sprig, boil the mass, pack it in sterile jars.

Try to cook the same

Cowberry jam with pears.


Hard pears - 2.8 kg
- granulated sugar - 2 kg
- lemons (juice and zest) - one and a half kilograms
- cranberries - 1.5 kg


Wash lingonberries, discard on a sieve. From clean, peeled pears, cut the middle. Do this in such a way that the "tails" remain intact. Don't throw away the pear skin. Chop the pulp into slices. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze the juice, sprinkle the fruits, transfer to a deep vat or bowl, cover with a film, let it "rest". Place in a separate bowl lemon peel, cranberries, pear peels, fill with water (600 ml). As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat, cover the dishes with a lid, cook with regular stirring for about 20 minutes. Make sure that the lingonberries turn into gruel. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a small strainer, put in a container with pears, put sugar, put on the stove. Stir all this until the sugar is completely dissolved, boil for half an hour, remove the foam until the jam thickens. Pour the finished workpiece into the prepared container, seal tightly.

You will also like it.

Whole pear jam.

Required products:

Sugar - 2.4 kg
- pears - 4 kg
- citric acid - 1/3 coffee spoon
- water - 800 ml
- clove buds - 3 pcs.


Wash the fruits, make punctures in several places, put them in a saucepan with thick walls. Boil the syrup in a separate bowl, pour over the pears, let stand. Once the fruit mixture has cooled, put it on the stove, setting a low heat, cook for 10 minutes. Once the jam has cooled, boil it again. For this, 10 minutes will be enough for you. Do this several times. Add cloves and citric acid at the very end, lay the workpiece in a sterilized glass containers. Jam from whole pear ready!

Lemon pear jam.


Sugar - 1.3 kg
- water - 520 ml
- pears - 1 kilogram
- a pinch of citric acid

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruit thoroughly, free from seeds, cut into quarters. Boil water, dip pear quarters into it, boil for five minutes. Cool the fruits in boiled cold water. Transfer to a colander, let the water drain. Prepare the syrup: Pour the sugar with water, cook with stirring until the sugar dissolves. Pour the prepared fruits with hot syrup, leave for 3 hours. Put on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 10 hours. Repeat the cooking function 3 times until the pears become transparent. At the end, put a pinch of citric acid. Pack the finished workpiece and seal it hermetically.

How about you?

Pear jam in a slow cooker.

Rinse the fruits, cut out the middle, cut, put in a multicooker bowl, add sugar, citric acid. Cook the workpiece for one hour by setting the "Extinguishing" mode. If you took a not too juicy pear, add some water. As soon as you hear the multicooker signal, leave the delicacy in the “Heating” mode for another half an hour, then boil for ten minutes. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, roll up, turn the jars over, wrap, hold in this form until completely cooled.

Pear jam slices.

You will need:

Light liquid honey - 4 tablespoons
- pears - 2 kilograms
- poppy - 2 teaspoons
- vanilla
- boxes of cardamom - 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and crush them in a mortar. Wash the fruits, peel and core, transfer to a saucepan with a thick bottom, add honey, crushed cardamom seeds, put on low heat, cook with constant stirring for three hours. Check the readiness of the goodies in the old proven way: drip Not a large number of on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then the jam is ready. At the end, put vanilla, add poppy seeds, boil for a couple of minutes. Poppy can also be replaced with chopped nuts and sesame seeds.

It turns out very tasty.

Recipe with rowan and apples.

Required products:

Pear - 300 g
- apple - 300 g
- rowan - 1 kg
- sugar - 1.55 kg

How to cook:

Prepare rowan fruits. Sort pears and apples, wash, peel, cut into slices, remove the stalks and seed nest. In order to prevent darkening, dip them first in salted water, and then in hot water. After heat treatment, cool the slices, remove excess moisture. Pack hot jam in heated dry jars, sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees.

If your family loves jam pies and cakes, then your notebook probably already has a recipe for pear jam with lemon for the winter. It's no secret that pear jam with lemon, you can make it so thick that its syrup will resemble honey in its consistency. And do not be afraid of the presence of water in the ingredients of this preservation. It is water that will make the syrup viscous and homogeneous, as well as help the sugar dissolve faster.
Remember what jam is, as it can be stored both in the form for the winter, and simply in a jar with a plastic lid. But at the same time, it is still necessary to prepare and sterilize the dishes.

Ingredients for Pear Jam with Lemon:

  • Pears - 1 kg.;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.;
  • Vanillin - 1/3 tsp;
  • Table water - 200 ml;
  • Lemon - 1/2 fruit or citric acid (1/2 tsp).

How to cook pear jam slices:

1. For this dessert, it is not necessary to peel the pears from the skin, but you need to remove the seeds. So, we remove the core, tail and place of flowering. We cut the pear itself into thin appetizing slices. We put the cut in a non-enameled bowl.

2. Now pour water into the bottom of the pan. So when cooking pear jam, the fruit slices will soften from the evaporation of water and begin to release juice.

3. Pour all the sugar on top and put on fire. Just smooth the sugar over the surface first. Wait until the water begins to boil, and mix the pear jam with slices without lemon for the first time. You will see that in hot water sugar will begin to melt instantly and a liquid will form clear syrup. Until it has neither the color nor the taste of pears. Therefore, boil the jam for 20 minutes and set aside to cool.
You will see that the pear slices in the jam are still white, as if fresh. Wait for the jam to cool completely. Put the pot back on the stove, bring pear slices in syrup to a boil and boil for another 15 minutes over low heat.

4. Peel the lemon with a special grater. It should be a full tablespoon. Squeeze lemon juice about the same for this amount of pears. You can also use citric acid if you accidentally forgot to buy a lemon, but then the taste will not be so exotic. Lemon juice will add sourness, and the zest will give a delicious aroma.

5. Now it's almost the finale. When the pear jam has cooled for the second time, the fruit slices will become transparent, and the syrup will be amber in color. According to the old principle, bring the mass to a boil and add lemon juice and lemon zest. Stir with a spoon, and boil the dessert for another 12 minutes.

We have already described how to sterilize jars in an article for the winter. Also, in sterile jars, arrange delicious pear jam with lemon with amber-colored slices. Tomorrow, when the jars have cooled down, you will see how thick the contents are in them. Bon appetit!

My first memories of pear jam go back to my distant childhood. For all summer holidays, my parents sent me to my grandmother in the village. It was unforgettable and, as I now understand, the happiest time. Vegetables straight from the garden, smelling of earth and something else extraordinarily tasty, apples and pears just from the tree...

Harvesting pears for the winter was unpretentious and simple, although it took time. From a part of pears, grandmother cooked a simple and very delicious jam, and the bulk was cut into slices and laid out in the sun to dry. From dried pears, apples, apricots and cherries were boiled in winter rich compotes. And pear jam was like a treat. It was especially tasty to spread it on bread and drink fresh milk. Unforgettable taste!

And today, pear jam has not lost its attractiveness for me, but has only slightly changed.

I suggest making pear jam with lemon. Bright aroma And sour taste overseas guest will give the usual pear jam a touch of exoticism.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Pears - 0.7 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.45-0.5 kg;
  • Lemon - one piece;
  • Water - 100 ml.

From the available ingredients, I got a half-liter jar and a little more pear jam for immediate enjoyment.

How to make pear jam with lemon for the winter

Just want to clarify about the choice of pears for jam. There are practically no restrictions, but ... there are options. If you like pear jam more uniform consistency then you can use any fruit that does not have a dense pulp.

Even if fruits with wormholes come across, this is not so scary, but rather the opposite, the worm eats only organic fruits, you can’t deceive him.

Well, if at the output you want to get expressive slices floating in amber syrup, then here you need to take varieties only with dense pulp, but not green, but mature, of which proper cooking you can get the perfect kind of pear jam.

I make my today's jam from ripe and very juicy pears, so it will not be possible to preserve the ideal shape of the slices, but I assure you, it will taste excellent.

Speeding up the cooking process, I will not fill the pears with sugar and wait until they release the juice, although this option is quite acceptable. We'll go the other way!

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar. Boil and in the end we get a thick sweet syrup.

While preparing the syrup, let's take care of the lemon. Wash it thoroughly hot water(preferably with a sponge). Then cut into half rings.

Dip in syrup and boil for about 10 minutes. Lemon will saturate the syrup with its aroma and give it a slight sourness. Then take out the lemon slices and leave for a while.

Let's take pears. In the recipe, I indicated the true number of pears obtained after cleaning, consider this point.

With the help of a housekeeper's knife, remove the skin from the pears (without it, the jam will be more tender). Let's cut it into pieces.

Then put them in hot syrup and bring to a boil over low heat.

Remove from stove and let cool. Then again continue the cooking process over low heat for about 30 minutes. Let's chill again.

Then we will do the final steps: we set the pear jam to boil until a density that is pleasant for you is obtained. About 10 minutes before the end, add the lemon wedges.

Delicious pear jam with lemon for the winter is ready. Pour hot into jars (necessarily sterile and hot). There is no need to turn over and cover.

Many of us love ripe, juicy and fragrant pears. However, these fruits cannot be stored for too long, so many housewives prepare them for the winter in the form of compotes, jams and other canned sweets. Today's post will feature a few interesting recipes amber jam from pear slices.

To prepare such a delicacy, it is advisable to use ripe, but not overripe fruits of any variety and size. However, experts advise giving preference to juicy and sweet fruits with a slight honey aroma. To give the finished product a pleasant sourness, shortly before the end of the heat treatment, a little lemon zest is added to it.

Before starting the process, the selected fruits are washed, freed from everything superfluous and cut into the right pieces. The duration of preparation of amber pear jam with slices depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit. But usually this time does not exceed one and a half hours. As a rule, the process is carried out in two stages, in between which the product is subjected to complete cooling.

To make jam, it is advisable to use an aluminum or copper wide container. Thanks to this, the product will retain all its valuable properties and will not burn to the bottom of the dishes.

Classic variant

We offer you to pay special attention to one of the simplest recipes. transparent jam pear slices. For the preparation of such a delicacy, it is recommended to use fruits durum varieties. Otherwise, you will get a boiled product that looks more like gruel. Before starting the process, be sure to double-check whether you have at hand:

  • 2-2.5 kilograms of ripe pears.
  • 50-60 milliliters of lemon juice.
  • 500 grams of sugar.
  • A couple of tablespoons of natural honey.
  • A pinch of vanilla.

To prepare amber jam from pears, washed and cut fruits are immersed in a soda solution for a quarter of an hour (a teaspoon per liter of water), and then rinsed and put in a suitable bowl. Vanilla, sugar and honey are added to it. All this is poured with lemon juice, covered with food polyethylene and left for several hours, or better - for the whole night.

Immediately after this, the future jam is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and simmered on the smallest fire for five minutes. hot product laid out in clean glass jars, sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, rolled up, cooled and sent for further storage.

Variant with almonds

This original recipe of amber pear jam with slices will surely interest many housewives who are trying to surprise their loved ones with unusual homemade preparations. This delicacy is very pleasant taste and a light almond flavor. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of pears.
  • 1.5 liters of drinking water.
  • 1.5 kilos of sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla.
  • 100 grams of almonds.

First of all, you need to deal with syrup. To obtain it, washed and peeled pear slices are lowered into boiling water and boiled for three minutes. Immediately after this, the liquid is poured into another bowl, sweetened and boiled until a syrup is formed. Then it is again combined with fruits and left for a couple of hours at room temperature.

After this time, the future jam is brought to a boil and kept on the smallest fire for ten minutes, not forgetting to add vanilla and chopped almonds. The finished product is laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for subsequent storage.

Variant with lemon

The delicacy obtained by the method described below has a beautiful color and a well-defined citrus aroma. And in his taste it is well felt pleasant sourness. Therefore, this recipe for pear jam with lemon, with step by step description which can be found a little later, will probably be on the pages of your personal cookbook. This time you will need:

  • A couple of kilos of pears.
  • Whole lemon.
  • A couple of kilos of sugar.

Step 1. Whole unpeeled lemon is poured with boiling water and left for five minutes. Then it is cooled and cut into cubes.

Step 2 Washed and peeled pear slices are put in a suitable bowl and covered with sugar. Chopped lemon is also added there and all this is left for six hours.

Step 3 After this time, the future jam is sent to the stove and boiled over the smallest fire for at least thirty minutes.

Step 4 After half an hour, the resulting mass is removed from the burner, cooled and boiled again. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up and put away for further storage.

Variant in syrup

This dessert is good because it retains almost all the valuable substances contained in ripe fruits. To make pear jam with slices of lemon in syrup, you need a little free time and a bit of patience. In addition, you should have on hand:

  • Kilo pears.
  • 800 grams of sugar.
  • 150 milliliters of drinking water.
  • Whole lemon.

Washed and peeled pears are cut into neat slices and transferred to a large dry bowl. The fruits prepared by this method are poured with syrup, boiled from water and granulated sugar, and then left for twelve hours.

At the end of this time, the future delicacy is sent to the fire, brought to a boil and after a couple of minutes removed from the burner. Almost ready jam is kept at room temperature for seven hours and again sent to the fire. Ten minutes after the syrup boils, lemon juice is squeezed into it. All this is once again left for seven hours, boiled, laid out in dry, clean jars, sterilized, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Option with spices

This fragrant amber pear jam with slices has miraculous healing properties. It is recommended to use it to boost immunity and to fight colds. To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 multi-cups chopped pears.
  • A teaspoon of soft butter.
  • 3 cups of sugar.
  • Tea spoon natural juice lemon.
  • ¾ cup brown sugar.
  • A teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Star anise.
  • 3 tablespoons of grated ginger.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • 50 grams of pectin.
  • A pinch of salt.

Pear slices are sprinkled with grated ginger and brown sugar. All this is left for half an hour, and then sent to the stove, combined with spices and boiled for seven minutes. Then they add there butter, white sugar and cinnamon stick. All this is cooked for another three minutes, removed from the burner, laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Variant with cardamom

This simple recipe for pear jam with lemon for the winter is interesting in that it involves the use of a frying pan. To prepare such a treat, you will need:

  • 700 grams of ripe and juicy pears.
  • ½ lemon.
  • 250 grams of sugar.
  • Cardamom (2 pcs.).

To make amber pear jam with lemon slices, you need to select ripe but firm fruits. They are washed, freed from everything superfluous, cut into slices and sent to a heated frying pan, in which lemon juice with sugar and grated zest is already boiling. All this is stewed for five minutes, then cooled and the heating procedure is repeated three times. At the final stage, cardamom is added to the almost ready-made jam and all this is laid out in sterilized jars.

Variant with oranges

Using the technology described below, it turns out incredible fragrant jam with a delightful sweet and sour taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • A couple of kilograms of ripe pears.
  • 3 oranges.
  • A couple of kilos of sugar.

Pre-sorted, washed and peeled pears are cut into equal slices and transferred to a suitable bowl. Sugar and slices of oranges are also added to it. All this is left until the fruit begins to give juice, and then placed on the stove and boiled over low heat for about two hours, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Hot jam is transferred to sterilized glass jars, rolled up, cooled and sent for storage in a cellar or pantry.


All of the above recipes allow you to quickly and profitably process a large amount of fruit. And this is especially important for those who have their own orchard. To diversify the taste ready jam it is allowed to add spices, apples, lemons, oranges and other ripe juicy fruits to it.

So that the delicious aroma of fruits is not added bad smell burning, during heat treatment you need to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan. And in order for the jam to turn out homogeneous, pears of the same degree of ripeness should be used for its preparation. So that the fruits do not darken, they can be briefly immersed in acidified water.